Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

Appeased am I by your side.

Your heart with mine, a riddle.

My song sung for us of togetherness.

Breathless our bodies are.

Impeached through your restlessness.

Bathing in golden light is you.

But dancing in its reflection of the world.

Seeking not the destiny God proffers you.

Stormed, again and again, the Wind calling you.

Barely arisen and yet frightful of your height.

Calling you and calling you again and again.

Masterful you have become.

Looking upon the desert afar I wait.



Awakened by a rustle and a start.

Upon our lips are praises of another day.

Seeing together our task being whispered for us.

Standing side by side holding hands, we walk.

Lives and Hearts aflame.

Bowing down in joy before the Presence.

With uplifted arms.

Time passes as we pass before each other.         

We look not back nor side to side but straight ahead.

Door ajar we gather those who follow behind.

Trespassing before the world we enter into the holy place.

Its secrets we sacredly share.

Ancient our appearance to others.

Beguiled by most we sense the inevitable perfection they hold.

Our bodies withered and tired.

We lastly embrace.



Crested on a mountain summit.

The wind massaging our bodies.

A hawk shrieks through the sky.

The stars glisten in the night.

Our alert feelings aflame in the intensified air.

The world magically disappears.

In the dark unknown we journey, protected.

All around us is the moment.

Opening our senses all is touched.

Everywhere the unknown takes us is gifted by Him that leads us.

Awakened we are in His Vision.

A gift we have become to all.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


Nicholas Roerich Museum

Two Causal Body Telepathy Principles (Third Aspect)

Inheritance is 9/10 of the receptivity for telepathy; the remainder is caused by working out of the following laws and principles:


Primary Reasons:

Many minds unite to create an invocative appeal.

Saturation of the auric field with energy from soul petals (relative purity achieved).

Continuous grace invoked through understanding to meet real need and relinquishing of karmic forms.


Secondary Reasons:

Many minds unite to create the form required to implement the One Plan.

Reasonable assurance of truth being vivified within the receiving agent to carry out a task for Hierarchy, Deity, Lord, or Master.

Undying assurance of being in love with life and deity.

Seeing the truth of your substance being the truth of the universe or the body of God as they mirror each other.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Remember

A Special Prayer for Happiness

Listen oh chelas to the harkening of the Voice of God within.

Listen well, the sounds that follow will guide and protect you as well as serve you:


His Voice alone is the voice of happiness awaiting you.

All other voices demand from you your service and do not serve you.

This voice is the subtlest and the most difficult one to hear.

Listen in silence and with your heart and the other sounds will fade away.

Your happiness is the first step and the final step.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Humanity’s Soul (Western Grouping):

Liken unto a cradle stemming into spirit besieged by the voices of the unknown

A master perched upon the mountain’s edge seeing all ignoring none he watches.

A sage witnessing life.

En-glamoured, enjoined, beleaguered, yet aware.

Betrayed by all, loved by none yet loved.


A Group Soul:

Unlock spirit’s doorway into the unknown

Realize this, that you are all there is.

Unveil your challenges, one by one, and master them before your life flows from you.


Son of Mind:

Let your ears guide you and your eyes not betray you.

Let your heart be with humanity and your hands sooth their pain.

Open your mind to me and let me guide you.

See yourself as a being of light and not a dark being.

Be prepared to relinquish all in a moment’s notice.

Force yourself to free yourself.


Manasic Divine Soul:

Blessed are we who accommodate the Lord.

Fulfilling prophecies organizes our lives.

Winter snow brings with it silence, being, creativity, and adventure into the unknown.

The dead are awakened in the light.



Endearing they have become, prized also, those around you and with you for they are you in the making.

Secret societies you seek belabored for truth.

All destinies await upon you and for you to create.

Speaks one and all to you.

Brave soldier of the night silent and warned, we await you.

Filled with lore of treasures you race into life.


Personality Mind:

Behold a child’s gift before you.

Wrapped in gold I treasure all.

The universe gives up its secrets to those who need them and want them.

The time I have left I give to All.

The love in my heart I sacrifice for All.

I wonder, ageless and unafraid, before All.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

Appeased am I by your side.

Your heart with mine, a riddle.

My song sung for us of togetherness.

Breathless our bodies are.

Impeached through your restlessness.

Bathing in golden light is you.

But dancing in its reflection of the world.

Seeking not the destiny God proffers you.

Stormed, again and again, the Wind calling you.

Barely arisen and yet frightful of your height.

Calling you and calling you again and again.

Masterful you have become.

Looking upon the desert afar I wait.



Awakened by a rustle and a start.

Upon our lips are praises of another day.

Seeing together our task being whispered for us.

Standing side by side holding hands, we walk.

Lives and Hearts aflame.

Bowing down in joy before the Presence.

With uplifted arms.

Time passes as we pass before each other.         

We look not back nor side to side but straight ahead.

Door ajar we gather those who follow behind.

Trespassing before the world we enter into the holy place.

Its secrets we sacredly share.

Ancient our appearance to others.

Beguiled by most we sense the inevitable perfection they hold.

Our bodies withered and tired.

We lastly embrace.



Crested on a mountain summit.

The wind massaging our bodies.

A hawk shrieks through the sky.

The stars glisten in the night.

Our alert feelings aflame in the intensified air.

The world magically disappears.

In the dark unknown we journey, protected.

All around us is the moment.

Opening our senses all is touched.

Everywhere the unknown takes us is gifted by Him that leads us.

Awakened we are in His Vision.

A gift we have become to all.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Remember

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Forever and a day we struggle to find peace in our lives and for good reason as each of us remembers those life events where peace was unavailable to us.

It will come to pass that each of these life events holds within it those necessary elements we are required to have to bridge the gap between having peace of heart and mind and not.

It will also come to pass that we will not be able to remember these life events once we have understood how to derive peace from them.

We will never know the real outcome or meaning of any event in which our minds or hearts have lost memory of it for it only existed while we had memory of it.

Why have I stated a simple logic or truth, for two reasons.

First to get your attention concerning memories and their power over us and secondly, to show you that memory has the ability to alter our realities.


Memories of whatever type does three things:

It provides us with a reference point in consciousness.

It gives us a way to perceive continuity of events.

It provides us with the ability to learn.


Memory does not span vibration and our Vibration is Destiny.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

World Arising
World Arising

Affirmations for a Friend in the Moment

I am free of all psychic forms from others.

I am free of everyone’s perceptions of themselves.

I am free of my own thoughts and feelings and expectations and my own.

I am a soul and a being of light and sound.

I exist and yet I am free.


I gather up in my arms your essence.

I hold and secure you.

I give you, my strength.

I give you, my courage.

I provide you with the love you need.

I nurture your being with great understanding and patience.

I expect nothing from you except your happiness.

I forgive you for everything.

I am pleased with you.


I strengthen and nurture you.

I give up my life for you.

I know and honor you with my love.

I expect nothing from you.

I encourage you to be great.

I strengthen you with my gifts.

I contend with you no matter the reasons.

I dream with you of our future.

I forgive you for your past.

I see great promise in you.

Let us come together in union and be one.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.