Nicholas Roerich Museum - Saintly Guests

Various Subjective Communications from the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).

Nature of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS)

The NGWS is responsible for all new ideas coming into Humanity and is composed of both members of Hierarchy as well as Humanity.  It is of some interest to know that the NGWS’s is now extremely organized and has members with all areas of expertise. It is dedicated to the founding of the fifth kingdom on Earth as well as precipitating the Plan. There are those members of the NGWS who have initiate status and together they make up the core (values) directing group as they are still members of Humanity. There is also a leader or executive group focusing on the ideals of the group, as well as a resource group assisting in locating around the world those resources required for its members to carrying out its agreed to objectives. Impressions have been coming in to Humanity since Leo new moon 2002 from Hierarchy through the NGWS mostly through the Ideal Group and at times from the Core (values) Group. The following are some various messages sent out to all members of the NGWS and thus in general to Humanity at large through them received telepathically in contemplation.


NGWS Ideal Group to its Members

You, as people of goodwill, have been given the task of seeing for Humanity a way to go into the future and inculcate upon this in many ways as we and Humanity unfold our tendency to grasp and grapple with these truths more things will be known and likewise revealed as to Humanity’s ultimate destiny. Humanity and ourselves must see our self in the light of the ages and respect the decisions made on our behalf by Humanity as a soul-personality.  We must believe in ourselves and in this way achieve the very greatness that is expected from us as individuals and as a group.  We enlighten you as a group to take this stance. Those disciples working intimately with the Plan of the Christ has at their disposal devas of the gold and gold-white order ready to enlighten and assist in the part in this plan-all we have to do is to receive them in our hearts and all will be well.  We have given you the idea of the coming into expression, in the three worlds of the livingness of the Christ and His Hierarchy of Light Workers and/or individual disciples and in this way the world of form and substance will both be redeemed and salvaged. On our behalf does the Christ work and throughout the ages has he done so benefiting all lives upon this planet and three other known planets (and a hidden one) related to the evolution of the Earth.    The first value that needs to be fully demonstrated by us which we are at this very moment attempting to demonstrate is the value of the One Humanity.  This is a value fully capable of ushering us into the New Age.  This is an age full of promise for Humanity in several ways four of which I would like to comment on.


NGWS Ideal Group to its Members (One Soul of Humanity & The Plan)

The idea that Humanity being overshadowed by the One Soul of Humanity, its truer Self, can now take conscious control of its own destiny and mandates as well as those for the lower kingdoms in lieu of its conscious connection, awareness, and life direction embodied in the One Soul of Humanity. The second idea full of import here is that Humanity now as an incipient unity functioning as a group will begin to solve its many problems based upon the highest good for the greatest number bringing light and wisdom down onto the physical daily life of the planet.  You would be wise to see this as a momentous happening preventing those things that now plague us—war, correct justice issues in amazing numbers on a daily basis, correct contributions required by the many types of operational groups on this planet—national, regional, ethnic, racial and the many ideal logical groupings now existing in all departments of human affairs.  We have come to a time when this is a necessity if the world is to realistically survive and correctly move into the future that benefits us all in terms of happiness of people and joy as souls. We would like for you to think a minute of the two most significant problems that now need to be solved in the world today:

1) Ideological freedom for all individuals and groups based upon right human relations.

2) Freedom to choose one’s destiny in life whether a nation or an individual.

These freedoms need to be based upon a soul perspective – what does this mean? First, it means that for a region or nation they must be willing to consider the societal order and evolution implications of their decisions, the human well-being and health concerns of such decision, the incurred Karma of their decisions, the individual and national justice concerns, implicated by their decisions, the ideological ramifications, opportunity costs, and the spiritual development needs. And all of these decisions needed to be made in the Light of the Soul of Humanity.


NGWS Ideal Group Letter to its Members:

Welcome one and all to the jubilee of a quickly integrating Humanity. There are only four decades left to accomplish this as needed.  We want each of you to be responsible for helping to play your part in this One Work.  For each of us there is work to do, not only upon ourselves but upon the planet—each according to their own designs.  We want you each to know that your part in the One Work of creating the planet along truer lines reflected by our ultimate values must be accomplished before the year 2050. It is at that time a decision will be made as to whether or not Humanity can go forward or not in greater life without first removing some of its “baggage” so-to-speak.  We want each of you to understand that it is Humanity as a whole, a commonwealth of potential that is the cause or curse of the Lords focus at this time.  Believe it or not, when the Lord says that all men have a common birthright, each or which cannot be ignored or resolved into the whole until each care for the other and in this way the world will create a basic foundation upon which to move forward upon its destined path into the future or not move forward at all.  We would like each to believe that this possibility of moving is not without due restraints for the common good of mankind not is it without forlorn hope as schedules and values are updated to reflect a more real scenario.

The more realized we become, the more responsible understanding we acquire as to our role in the world as people.  We might like the thought that each of us are moving into a greater responsible understanding, without which, we would not have any hope for our future as a people. But, nevertheless, we will achieve a truce among ourselves and move forward regardless.  We have given you.


NGWS Ideal Group Letter to its Members

Humanity is about to venture on a journey or search inwardly to know themselves a little better and this will come about through a process of crisis as it is crisis that awakens the soul.  It is important to add here that this crisis is about them cooperating to survive as well as to inherit the Earth in its new format. You would be wise to prepare yourself for this as it will be soon.  Humanity should also be prepared to see itself as finding the One Soul as well as finding their place in it. It is all of Humanity requiring seeing itself as a part of a vaster network of Lives. It is through this process that the new age will unravel. It is likewise through this process that Humanity will forgive its neighbor and move forward. It is not too late to prevent this crisis although improbable.

It would be wise to perceive your relationship to Humanity as not different than anyone else who might read this; in fact, you are in the same boat as Humanity as well as in the same point of evolution as each person in general and on average all training for the second initiation as well as the remainder of the initiations all at once. It is important to realize that there is little difference between the average person and each of you as all are being trained together. It would be wise to see this group process as necessary to provide each a resource base to develop from—some move ahead and some fall behind. It would also be wise to see this as unusual in that Humanity is not aware of this and perceives everyone as on different levels for one reason or another.


NGWS Letter to its Members

The NGWS plays an important part in adapting the One Plan of the Christ—tune in on this in terms of your own karma and group destiny. Third ray ashram has come up with the idea that it would be better if all subjective groups working with Hierarchy in any fashion work directly through the NGWS to better coordinate resources. Also, on account of expectations in the goal of creating a new heaven and earth in a roundabout way it has been decided that the work being done now by the Christ to be taken over by the Soul of Humanity and the NGWS leaving the Christ free to serve other more important needs as well as overseeing the little ones.

The world is ready to receive the idea that each of us on the path of life has established a certain resonance with the idea of reaching into the reservoir of energies available for reconstruction on the astral plane placed there by the Christ to construct those forms necessary for the unfoldment of the new age.  Would like to add here the idea that this reservoir is quickly depleting as those external forces are taking advantage of this and in this way the demand is becoming more invocative.

Like you to know also that each of us creates a demand by their willingness to receive into our lives help to reconstruct our own personality substance to better reflect the souls’ needs; and in this way we achieve a more correct more. The world is also ready to receive the idea that each of us are caught upon a ladder of ascension at some point and at this point we stand either in fear or hope that our ladder is stable and perched upon the correct place for ascension to occur.

It is of value to find a way to generate a more hopeful acknowledgement of opportunity for all through that of achieving grace in our lives. This grace is such now that the masses can go forward in peace once they see that the past can be put behind them with no doubts as to coming back to haunt them; we respect your ability to find a way of saying this that touches the hearts of those who read your words.


NGWS Core Group to its Members

  • Listen to the Hierarchy for they have much you need to understand.
  • Listen to yourselves for you have much that needs to be heard and understood as souls.
  • Listen with your heart.
  • Listen to the Voice of the Silence as it whispers in your ears.
  • Listen to the Devas as they are here to assist you and heal you.
  • Listen to the Lord as He is forever with you.


NGWS Core Group to its Members

  • The dawning of a newer age is upon us let us take it into our hands and bring it into manifestation.
  • Let us sow the future with our visions.
  • The Christ has impressed every one of their desired participations and is with you all at all times.
  • The Lord serves each of us for many millennia until this time and gives us His support.
  • The solar Logos pushes forward into the night of time and has requested the Lord to speed up evolution through initiation.
  • The cosmic Logos has made great progress and cannot be hindered by Humanity’s lack of integration.


NGWS Core Group to its Members

You have been given information as to present needs of NGWS. This group relies upon members such as yourself to get out the information in a timely way to achieve its goals. We want you to respect this process in any way you can.  They have a division that tracks information about terrorist activity worldwide and we see this as problematic due to its planning stage when they receive it. And the probability of it being able to be manifested or not.  They also pass on information coming from groups linked to the Hierarchy and Shamballa such as been given information from the Lord of the World received by way of the Planetary Spirit through the Nirmanakayas.

This information received in this fashion is useful as it describes the policy making material used to determine direction. You would be wise to use this information in creating your platforms.  You would also be wise to register yourself information coming from the Lodge in respect to this process as to have an idea of its real import upon the Plan. And your individual plans and service activities.

The happenings of the moment in the world of politics is if interest to us and we need you (its members) to develop your own individual group political platforms based upon your set of ideals aligned with the One Plan contingents.  These platforms should try to include in principle the following idealized positions from the NGWS’s idealized platform, and also from the karmic related Hierarchical idealized positions. These are composed together of twelve and sixteen positions respectfully held by both the members of the NGWS and the Lodge at the time of recording this (2008).


NGWS: Twelve Positions:

The importance of the NGWS‘s platform is that it incorporates all souls on the planet. The NGWS wants you to know that the world as we know it will change not for the better based upon existing karma.  To offset this karma the world needs to align to the basic principle of harmlessness.  For this to happen soon it must accept responsibility nation by nation, person by person. The NGWS’s wants Humanity to know:

  • That the people of the world look to their governments for leadership in making correct decisions for them; this is a mistake.
  • That the people of the world must unitedly act to curb the growing power of the international governments to make decisions for them.
  • That the people of the world need to unite in a common bond of Humanity.
  • That unless the people of the world perceive this as their world then governments will perceive it as their world.
  • That each person is a defense against corrupt governments.
  • That each person is either a cause or a cure for the world’s problems.
  • That each person’s government is only their government for that time period that person agrees with their government.
  • That each person has the right to challenge their leaders on behalf of the people.
  • That each person has the right to expect their government to the peoples’ problems through resolution.
  • That each person’s party line is a composite of the best aspects of the people represented.
  • That each person’s party line is also a composite of many people’s hopes and wishes for all other party lines.
  • That the importance of political parties is not to represent your security but your freedom.


Lodge: Sixteen Positions:

You have been given the idea of receiving on a daily basis certain teaching from the Lodge this section represents those teachings going out since the war began in Iraq. The purpose of the lodge’s positions is that they represent a culminating perspective of all the members of the Hierarchy including the Lord.  These positions represent their perspective on the hopes and dreams of Humanity in Toto. You must ask yourself this one question. Is there One Humanity or not this must be decided before May full moon 2025.

  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world has need to remember that it is the first time in human history that the world is challenged to hold goodwill for all of its citizens no matter the differences.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that it is not the task of individual nations or groups to manage the world, but it is the task of world leaders to allow the voices of the people to be heard.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the many nations on this Earth have only one prize and that is the resources represented by the goodwill of its peoples.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world leaders have incurred grave responsibilities for the first time in the history of Humanity.  This responsibility is the cause of great opportunities awaiting Humanity if they resist using unilateral force to resolve issues.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the people need to find a way to have their voices heard through an international forum of some type.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world now exhibiting symptoms of delusions depicting a world separated by appearances and not by causes.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world itself is a better place to live, develop and find yourself as an individual but as a whole is dedicated to the self.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world itself has opened the door where evil dwells do to its use of military forces to resolve evil.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world itself is responsible for the unrest and present danger not any one group.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world sees through the glass with eyes colored by a menacing fear.
  • The Hierarchy asks that the world to know that each of you are responsible for the condition in the world and your collective action is required to make it what it is.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that each of you co-created your world by action or by default.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that each of you decides each moment whose side you are on.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the Lord of the World awaits your decision to choose prosperity or chaos.
  • The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the Lord of this world awaits to see if your hearts can be challenged to bear the burden of necessary universalism.

The Christ has set aside many plans for the externalization until other plans have been realized.  One of these plans is the exposure of the populations to the existence of the soul. It is this Plan related project which requires completion before other plans can be started. His first plan once this is completed is the organizing of think-tanks of disciples in government to act as liaison between NGWS and the people; this project is being planned first in Canada and next in Russia.

Many people who read this are working at night going to many locations engaging minds and souls on the development needs of the planet.  They are concerned with the many, of all types, but focus their work for Humanity as members of the NGWS. Many people are perceived on the inner planes as in the know and that they do have the reasonable answers to difficult problems. Want each of you, who read this, to consider yourself as likewise assisting in solving the world’s difficult problems through working out of the formulated plans to address these with other self-identified members.  It is important to add these plans worked out can be implemented around the globe by various groups working together at night on the inner planes.  Some of you are a part of an internal think-tank of a prestigious group.


NGWS Ideal Group & Seven Values being promoted (At this time):

  • Sharing of international concepts for recreating a governmental body that registers the voice of the world’s citizens.
    • A world governing body that represents not only the personality aspect of the people but the soul aspect.
    • A set of governments that acknowledges other virtues and not their issues.
    • A program of discovering what it is that the people of the world want along this line.
    • Representatives from all western nations to conference on this set of ideas.
    • An initial committee to be formed from higher up in the ruling bodies of nations to create this agenda.
    • A viable set of individuals to get it off the ground.

Under the present circumstances the free world is indisposed to want to change the status quo, and it is for this reason pressure is being put on Humanity by way of future persuasion in the form of Earth altering natural events causing a greater planetary realization of their mutual survival. It is according to the Lord that this is being done and all present means to carry this out has been instituted. What does this mean for us?  It means we are caught up in the group karma process and our lives will reflect this. It means we will not be able to carry out our existing plans after such events. It means we will not be able to achieve an economic freedom we now enjoy.


NGWS to World Groups – Decision Making

There are several ways these decisions can be analyzed and made outside of the present political platform:

  • First through developing think tanks just for this purpose on a national level where each member is not only individually soul conscious but also conscious of the soul of their particular nation.
  • Secondly: you might well ask how we can be sure that this is the case; first they are able to perceive the life or soul purpose of every member of the nation and likewise the nation itself.
  • Thirdly, through the development of a resource base of some sort that will distribute, in a multitude of forms, to each member of the nation what they require to make their necessary contribution to the larger group within the nation.  This means there needs to be a recognition of the contributive value that the groups and individuals can make to the nation, which is their right as a soul.
  • Lastly, it is important to be reminded that for every outer contribution there are a multitude of inner contributions on the subjective levels.

For a perspective: The NGWS now have think-tanks addressing human problems but as yet the majority of their members are not soul conscious, and none truly work under the inspiration of the One Soul of Humanity in …..…because of its personality focus. As of writing this (2002), there are two in …… working in think-tanks who are so connected to national Soul within the one Soul of Humanity.  In ……., as a point of reference, there are many thousand. The numbers have risen steadily since 2002 along with the number of think-tanks.   There are now functional think-tanks in the majority of nations around in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

The amazing amount of goodwill now needed on this planet by various nations to succeed in developing a realistic plan of redemption for its correct role in the world is tremendous but not something which cannot be done in a short time given grace.  We would like for all of you to believe that the world is ready for a major change or shift in values as presented by the soul but these first need to be contemplated in the homes in terms of perceived benefits and for this to happen requires each and all of us to perceive our world in terms of soul and for this to happen it requires a sort of blind vision or trust in ourselves and for this to happen we are required to questions ourselves according to whom we think we are. And for this to happen we need to be confronted by life at every turn so life can mirror us and, in this way, see ourselves for what we are.

(Note from a disciple a part of first and fifth Ray group): the world as we see it is fast approaching annihilation and requires all forces be opposed that are not for righteous sake and this means each of you need to get out your message to the masses. We all need to reflect on and register:

Potential setbacks in Humanity ideologically causing related events.

Karmic changes in the co-creative forms of Humanity’s personality.

Humanity’s soul’s real concerns related to Humanity’s future.

World events based upon the above facts.


NGWS & Hierarchy Liaison (Contact Representative):

Humanity needs to ask themselves these eight questions:

  • What is the source of my major guidance at this time?
  • What manner of personality do I want to create?
  • What is the nature of a home to I want to create?
  • What do I want to see when I look at myself in the mirror?
  • What are my responsibilities to the planet?
  • What homeland have I now created?
  • What will the history books tell those who come after me about this time in Humanity’s expression?
  • What God or major Ideology set do I presently have?


NGWS & Hierarchy Liaison (Contact Representative):

The value of what I have to tell you is significant and you need to contend with it in terms of your plans; first of all, you need to know the world is scheduled for a hearing before the Lords of Karma soon in terms of its future; second this meeting is not likely to be positive. Thirdly you must be prepared to receive information that you need to get out. Fourthly, you need to be aware that we on the inner side think you have yet time to do this and in other words want you to be our spoke persons (note: implying all who have this capacity and ability)—you have a choice in this and yet this is an opportunity at this juncture to bring it forward to test the waters. You will be liable for all information.

You have been given the idea of reaching you major hour, as if a race, and this is it whether or not it is apparent to each of you (in this room)—the world is here and regrettably so not well placed in the birth canal. This we would like to remedy and, in these regards, —first you need to adjust yourselves for the adjustments and hold tight and feel the karmic breeze of spirit as it picks up tempo. You have been given the idea that for the birth of the human soul to take place it needs to follow the Waters of Life into physical daily existence.

The process of the soul being properly aligned in the birth canal consists of two important factors: first the use of certain suggestions to be used by the soul coming from Hierarchy in this case. Value of organizing Humanity’s life in such a way that it exhibits a basis awareness of all nations and their contributions they need to make for the coming year. Although Humanity has endeavored to complete its lesson on religious separation it has yet to complete it in fundamental ways.  It is suggested that Humanity alter its vision of future possibilities to include the following four things:

  1. It has yet to complete its awareness of why they all exist.
  2. They have yet to acknowledge their different contributions.
  3. They have yet to acknowledge the energies that created them.
  4. They have yet to understand their original purpose.

All religious wars have started because one believed it was called by God to do so. There are factors beginning to be created upon the inner planes that deny certain groups the right to create forms to embody their collective ideals.  This process is being initiated by those who do not want Middle Eastern Radical Muslims to either control oil reserves or be in a position to control them.  The countries behind this are …….  Upon the mental plane a set of decisions are being constructed to instigate this.


NGWS’s Letter Describing Position of ………… Decision making in the World and What Changes are Needed

Only an Act of God can undo what ……….. has co-created in the world.

Throughout all planetary history it was the hope of Hierarchy that the leading countries of any existing period would see to it they were orientated towards everyone’s highest good as other countries or nations. ……….. was originally conceived historically by the Hierarchy. It was the Hierarchy that founded ……….. in the direction of their intents. It was …….. that became the Hierarchy’s ace in the hole for the creation of a free country needed to carry forth the manifestation of the fifth kingdom on Earth . The original intent was for ………. to become opened to all peoples from around the world to come and be educated in correct socio-political institutional creation. Furthermore ……….. was to become a superior nation of spiritual education. ……… was the hope of the Hierarchy towards world integration. Where does this lead us today? It leads us to an educational system that neither promotes correct socio-political institutions nor spiritual education for the masses. Particularly egregious is the overuse of its military to solve world problems.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective (Revised 03/05/24)

Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

The Future of Humanity – Some Adjunct Information – Part III

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

The 12 Major Causes for the Suffering of Humanity

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Viewpoint on Humanity

A Reflection on Humanity

Struggle to Direct Humanity

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

A Present Moment for Humanity

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Planetary Guiding Angels – A Covenant between Humanity and God (12)

New Group World Servers – A Message


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Stronghold of the Spirit

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate

Group responsible for karmic initiation of events in real time.

These groups are comprised of advanced initiates working out of the ashrams in several different sub-groups and are responsible for conditioning time and substance with abstract thought-forms. These thoughtforms are sent down into concrete mental plane and thereby being picked up by those whose karma is aligned with those sending them out and working alone ray lines as well as ashramic lines. It is these disciples on the outer planes responsible for receiving these and providing vehicles of concrete substance to send them out on and thereby forcing the plan in two ways. First by descending the into kama-manasic plane; and secondly, by working on them themselves to establish an inner grouping to manifest these and thereby establishing on earth a representative of sorts to forward these. Thereby establishing a base camp to work from. It would be good to have the idea of you being one of these on the mental plane establishing relationships with those on kama-manasic plane and extending this information into lower planes and thereby providing for many to register it. Useful to look at this as a reminder of who you are and not get caught up in physical identification. Also good to realize you are the best at doing this in many instances and thereby establishing a body of workers relaying your information to others and thereby establishing on earth the speeding up of peoples’ roles karmically and realize to you are not alone in this as faster assimilation is the reward for all this way achieving a right relationship among workers and this is one of the goals and one reward of your work.


Group responsible for registering impressions from the Masters of Wisdom.

The master’s let these groups speak to the masses per their concerns along ray lines. Thereby establishing a base relationship with the masses in this way and thus being able to relate to them whenever to prevent some wrong from happening. This relationship can be seen as a distinction of sorts and gives the masters a required voice in the three worlds setting the stage for the descent of the spiritual Hierarchy. And in this way achieve relative relationship with the personality and soul aspects of Humanity in mass.

Realize also, it is about you receiving from ashrams as a whole; and this process requires the raising of your vibration to the buddhic plane receiving impressions from the group mind of the ashram as well as the hierarchical group in total. This you have done many times with many ray lines establishing a base camp or outpost upon the concrete mind letting go of the intent in bringing it further down except for reference.

It would be instructive to look at this as a means for establishing relationships with those responsible in each of the ashrams to do this likewise as there are several appointed from time to time to distribute this and useful to register just what are the messages content and whether or not it is required on the physical planes at any specific time. If so, it needs to be brought in and therefore establish related karma of doing so. Thus, white magic works upon the outer plane, and this is in reference to the ongoing work of the masters.

Look out upon the world and see it as composed of a pattern of established relationships which are happening all the time and in this way get in the motion or the invocation of a pattern coming from the heavens in such a way as to create a plan related archetypical thoughtform and in this way see this as a conditioning pattern manifesting simultaneously across the globe and throughout the inner planes and establishing a set of rules for which people might live and develop.

It would be good to look upon this thoughtform image as challenging mankind to worship that image made per its own reflection and thereby establish within mankind its own god and there by worship it together as a whole and establish relationships with their god as a whole or themselves.

This is a means to potentially enlighten mankind as to their role in life and prevent mistaken identity as to who god is or is not in their eyes and establish relationships as best they can with those parts of themselves that are the most spiritual. In this way it is better to see what is trying to come about and realize it is not about them as a whole but about the plan they play a part in. It is also about them as a set of nations working side by side to create their destiny as a group and working towards that which they believe in as a spiritual purpose for their lives. And not letting go of this vision for others sake and realize too it is about them registering without impunity the mistakes they make and adjusting these in the light of reason and expected movement into the future. Realizing that they are the ones controlling god’s destiny here on earth as it is their destiny. It is about them finding a way to travel together into the future leaving behind all false gods making up their past. It is about them establishing on earth a way to travel everywhere taking with them who they are or not and realizing it is who they are that makes a difference in the world and not really what they do. It is about establishing a base camp of sorts as an outpost in which to radiate to the world its conditioning influences. And realizing that these conditioning influences makes an impact over time especially to those around them and realize to it is about them establishing relationships among themselves that work for all of them and not by the choices of others but by choice of the gods which they are representative of and realize too it is about them understanding what they are in time and space prevents them from becoming another or something else. It is about refusing to see themselves in the light of the past or present but only in the light of the future and this to be the light behind their motivating impulse. Realizing it is about them becoming what they choose to be that will reward them with the future they desire and not the past. It would be good to look at this another time as much there.


Group responsible for establishing relationships with the Council or Group of 12.

These groups work upon the inner planes upon the mind level and being composed of all of those with buddhic consciousness waiting upon the Lord and in this regard you are an apprentice to this inner mental group.

It is your destiny to partake of their wisdom as a whole and to follow it blindly for a while and discover yourself in relationship with this group and in this process to establish relationship with those upon the Council of 12 determining your destiny.

There are those among this group enjoying a destiny away from the daily human affairs and establishing relationships with the devas of the Lord preventing many unwanted events from happening on the globe.  Realize this, as they pass upwards into the circles of hierarchy they are composed of fewer and fewer members which are thereby restricted in access to the higher buddhic worlds and realize also they are composed of members of a band of workers known as planetary Hierarchy and are thereby treated with great respect. They are re-composed each year by only a few members. Gaining access is getting harder and harder and thereby behooves you to try harder to attain this status.

It would be good to look at this as a means to discover just who you are in regard to this group and realize your position needed by you so to attain this group status and to work with this group in establishing relationships with certain devas. You are prone to work with individual devas not really understanding who they are nor their purpose in working with you in general and this needs to be corrected.

It would be good to look upon this as a means to service many that come before you. This group is about salvaging souls and about trying to prevent others from making wrong choices and ruining their lives. It is also about you treating them as gods preventing them from becoming established in the world as mere physical bodies but working with them as souls and this everyday preventing them from falling backwards in to the pit of despair and quitting on you.

It would be good to look at this group of being composed of those members believing in themselves as emissaries of the Lord working with souls to enhance their ability to work with their personalities and in this way achieve peace on earth and preventing another world war from spreading in the future to all continents and working with those on the planet as minds to do this.

It would be good to look upon this as rewarding work as it entails understanding and working with devas in large groups and works with the idea of accomplishing something good and realize to it is about you wishing you could do something to make the world a place to live in righteousness and wellbeing and prevent people from destroying each other or their potential plan related future.

It would be instructive to see this group also as a means to establish relationships among yourselves in training each other to see or to work with devas and in this way achieve your dreams faster.  It is about the Lord awaiting upon you to accomplish this as a means to carry forth the plan and purpose he brought forth to this planet and thereby establish on earth a new dispensation by working with devas and there by seeing this as a great task in the working out of human karma along right lines preventing war

It would be good to extend this understanding sometime.  This group has been training you for a while see to it you learn.


Group responsible for working with the devas on several levels to harness the resources of human beings and bring to enlightenment human souls and minds. 

This is about you being a part of this group to work off karma and thereby establish a base camp on earth in which to train others. It would be good to look at this group composed of all those souls presently working with the Lord to establish on earth the first two initiations and eventually the third to establish the Hierarchy on Earth.

It would be good to establish within your mind a way to understand the challenge of this group.

It would be good to understand that you are working with this group to enhance your understanding of the ways the group needs to go as well as curriculum needs. Members of this group need to establish on earth a series of hierarchical schools mandated by the lodge only and not to establish theses based upon some individual or group’s intent.

It would be good to realize too that this hierarchical school process is currently opposed by the Hierarchy and no undertaking can occur as long as world is at risk of war. It would be good to look at Christ as an example of the will to good in motion creating upon the physical planes the necessary authority and power to rise above prevailing authority to establish these bases on earth once the Christ has arisen in the hearts of men everywhere teaching this as a means towards enlightenment of their souls.

It would be good to look upon this as a means to share among the brethren of humanity your christening and this in two ways: first to establish a school curriculum that emphasizes the work of the Christ in two ways insuring His grace among you. Second, to extinguish the flame of separatism and to establish a relation of humanhood in class rooms and to establish a way to enhance comprehension through the interacting of all members of the group and this in terms of souls likewise. It would be good to realize you are not the only one working on this in two ways there has been established on earth a secondary school of training in the east and this school has been in existence for several centuries and is composed of those members of the human race who will become extinct shortly (Arhats) and therefore needs to be reincarnated in the east again in another lifetime by your group. It would be god to look at this as an evolution and a means to re-qualify it. It would be good to look at its curriculum and understand it is a means towards enlightenment. There is more here to investigate.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Group Destiny – A Discussion

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received


Nicholas Roerich Museum

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

A Subjective Message from the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).

Impressions have been coming in formally to Humanity since Leo new moon 2002 from the Hierarchy and its associated ashrams through the NGWS. The intent of this information is to train disciples and humanity in brain, mind soul reception.

The type of information is endless and varied. It is composed of impressions from many types of subjective groupings. One of its purposes is to depict the relative inclusiveness of Humanity within the whole.

All of us as members of the NGWS have a contribution to make not only to themselves but to Humanity and the planet. All of us are questing for the reasons for our lives. We are giving of our time and resources to spiritual development so as to discover our life purposes and to make these contributions.


Source: Manasic Group on First Subplane (Teachers of Other Souls):

Need you to grasp the fact that we on this level are responsive to energies being received by all the group members involved in the teachings of disciples in manifestation. (18)

You will need to begin your search for the right motives for the presentations of the teachings you are given.

You will see to it that all human units get special treatment.

You have noticed that we on the inner side behave as if you have time on your hands this is so the teachings get out to all who receive them according to their due.

You must decide on how to move forward with the teachings given and this is included by your interpretation at reception.

You are not to give any teachings to others given this above statement.

You need to remember each see according to their Dharma/karma.

You are not alone in receiving the teachings many are called to respond.

It is apparent that you have received a greater calling among the many do not be surprised if others are included in your calling.

It is to our advantage that these teachings do become a part of the fabric of your conscious mind.

It is not for us to decipher your intent in application of these teachings this is known by all included.

It is not in our power to deny you these teachings for in are according to the One Life to choose.

It has come to our attention you will be receiving these teachings for many years to come

It is important you receive these teachings in a livingness way.

It is also important that you receive these teachings accurately for your sake.

Take some time to examine teachings to make the biggest impact on consciousness understanding.

It is important to examine your response two times before action taken.

You need to understand that these teachings are a part of the one mind today.

You are mistaken in your belief that we teach you differently than the One Life.


(Note: I have posted the following earlier but thought it would add further context to this post.)


The Christ has said:

Establish right relationships between yourselves (all peoples).

Visualize or know your planet as one with Life.

Visualize or know the Lord as with you at all times.

Visualize or know you are with Me.

Seek the answers to your questions from the divine Soul

Let your life provide for others a way to see themselves truly.


Listen to what the Christ has to say concerning the fifth Ray contributions. (6)

Always in the beginning of a new century there is given to Humanity from Hierarchy a set of new teachings.

These teachings are designed to implement my Plan for the lower kingdoms.

After the year 2025 there will be given out by way of the souls of disciples’ new protocols for working with Shamballa.

This will consist of cultural and/or scientific technologies and methods to be used by nations to serve each other.

It will also include several new scientific ideas to better cope with ecological realities.

Another scientific one will be to enhance our communication with the astral plane.

Another one will be to advance the scientific community’s concepts of occult psychology.

Another one will be dedicated to insuring peace in the world by making telepathy a recognizable aspect of spiritual development.

Another one will awaken humanity to the concept of space being an entity.

Another one will give humanity in general an aversion to eating animals.

Another one will advance human thinking in the field of medicine whereas it will be understood that human units have a soul.

Another one will be the advancement of human knowledge in the areas of art through technology.

Another one will be in the area of surgery that will automate many of the processes.

Another one will be in the area of growing vegetables and grains using devic knowledge.

Another one will be in the area of music technology.

Another one will be in the area of registering information from concrete mental plane.

There will be many more ideas being given out as humanity recognizes its unity with life and each other.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective (Revised 03/05/24)

Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

The Future of Humanity – Some Adjunct Information – Part III

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

Visions of Potential Future Events Unfolding for Humanity

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

The 12 Major Causes for the Suffering of Humanity

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Viewpoint on Humanity

A Reflection on Humanity

Struggle to Direct Humanity

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

A Present Moment for Humanity

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Planetary Guiding Angels – A Covenant between Humanity and God (12)

Esoteric Cosmology – Aquarius Constellation Alignments & The Future


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Tent-Mountain

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

How strange that work is composed as the world struggles again to see itself clear of dark forces.  This awakens within us a balancing need to avert our eyes away from such to avoid an inadvertent acquiescence with our very attention.

The gathering forces entering unto the world are ready for battle.  But a battle focused on salvation, freedom, synthesis, and truth.  The glories of the world, apart from a few victories of national souls, go unnoticed by these forces for their Hearts are at-one in the Lord and the Hierarchy.

For every human group or nation there is a way they must go and it is this way these forces are guiding.  The guiding is both within and without, it is not  without individual interest that this guidance is given.

All these forces who enter upon the physical plane carry within themselves the wisdom and knowledge needed and also the path to travel.

We who are descending know one truth and that is the truth of our hopes for we see the world as one that has forgotten its way. Our time has forgotten humanity and humanity has forsaken its oneness.

We all do what we can do. No matter what the cost, humanity’s life is worthy of all we have to give.


Ashramic Group:

Exceedingly simple are those that guide humanity, the  Way is clear of footsteps trodden by the many for the One alone travels thus in the light of the many, returning from whence they came.

Forever and a day the road is trodden questing for the question needing asked.

Alone we must quest for the central great mystery.

Carrying all along within us to find our way.


The Christ’s work is about to change as he is developing an understanding that humanity has particular needs which require him to reframe from pushing forward with his immediate Plan. These real needs of Humanity need to be addressed in a different way at this time. It is important that you understand that humanity has come a long way and is tired as well as dismayed with existing world conditions but do not know how to change them as they feel powerless to do so.

The Christ will initiate a solution based upon humanities cry for assistance as well as their belief that it will come in some form. It would be good if humanity made the realization on their own of what needed to be done to prevent a forced crisis from taking place as well as more hardship, but humanity’s lessons are yet incomplete as they do not yet perceive the Oversoul context of the One Humanity and the One Life working together to solve all of the world problems together.

It is important at this juncture to believe that the One Humanity will supply the needed solutions as it becomes more invocative as well as developing an open heart available to receive. It is also important that the One Humanity can be more available to receive grace as it is somewhat creating along the lines of the intended Plan.  Humanity’s institutional forms should reflect somewhat the desired goal of Shamballa which is for the gradual integration of these three major centers (head, heart, and throat centers) permitting an easier alignment for guidance that wants to come through.

The opportunities represented by Age of Aquarius are upon us and now is the opportunity to find oneself alert and outgoing as to the properties they wish to incorporate within their life.  It is a time when all humankind can rule themselves with dignity and forbearance as well as just or correct intentions. It thus, in time when all humankind can battle within themselves to solve their own problems and thus the world’s problems. It is a time when justice can rule the earth as well as the will to good. It is a time when people will rise up to their truer self and say I am here and here I will make my stand. It is a time when all humankind will gladly say I am loved and also love itself.  They will know they are free to be themselves in all spiritual ways and available to assist others upon their paths. It is a time when all people can say they are free to pursue just causes with understanding of real needs. It is a time when all people can say with massed intent I will never again permit my life to be separated from another and will no more stand not side by side with by brethren for the sake of the whole. I will not again permit myself to organize against another nor will I permit another to organize against another. I will lead all those who come to me Home.


New Group of World Servers (NGWS): (6)

Humanity is about to venture on a journey or search inwardly to know themselves a little better and this will come about through a process of crisis as it is crisis that awakens the soul. It is important to ad here that this crisis is about them cooperating to survive as well as to inherit the earth in its new format. You would be wise to prepare yourself for this  as it will be soon.

Humanity should also be prepared to see itself as finding the One Soul as well as finding their place in it.

It is all of humanity requiring to see itself as a part of a vaster network of lives.

It is through this process that the new age will unravel.

It is likewise through this process that humanity will forgive its neighbor and move forward.

It is not too late to prevent this crisis although improbable.


Review of some national values and rights for humanity what need to be understood now. (77-7)

Each nation upon this planet has the right to determine its own future but this right is overshadowed by the greater needs of the planet.

Each group of people also has the right to be left alone to move into the future as it sees fit but this right is overshadowed by the greater needs of the planet.

There are many nations forfeiting their future rights along these lines through ignoring these values and the day will come when all will be balanced.

There are many nations organizing economically to better assist their peoples and fellow nations, but this isolates those nations who are not a part of this grouping. It is these nations that will be karmically in the future by pass their prosperity for other nations.

There are also many nations overseeing the needs of lessor nations and these nations will be given more to accomplish this.

Some nations are particularly active in caretaking others and these nations are likewise discovering their growth in this process.

As well as some nations are becoming greater and greater in their abilities to rule wisely, and it is these nations that will succeed in developing a greater role in governing the world.


A set of values it is important to inculcate to move into the New Age consciously.

Value of the One humanity as nations and groups of peoples working with Hierarchy to orchestrate the Plan.

Value of Making decisions incorporating a nation’s soul as well as the souls of those involved.

Value of Ideas wanting to come in to alter humanity’s or a nation’s future along the lines of the Plan and as well as in line with humanity’s or a nation’s or group of nations karmic necessity.

Values that bring nations closer together: (7)

  • Value of seeing one another as souls.
  • Value of witnessing another nation’s soul related purpose.
  • Value of assisting another nation to maximize their true happiness through their unique contributions.
  • Value of assessing and demonstrating a nation’s abilities and gifts.
  • Value of asserting a nation’s belief in themselves as spiritual beings.
  • Value of perceiving a vision or plan for a nation’s life.
  • Value of nation knowing themselves to control themselves.


Value of creating a nation’s spiritual path based upon the art and science of the One Path.

Value of liberating a nation from themselves.

Value of maximizing a nation’s health and well-being on all levels.

Value of Being descending to manifest the One Life through Humanity’s or a nation’s culture and civilizations.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


 The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Study for a Painting

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

[Subjective Source: Alice Bailey’s related Group Soul.]

Libra concerns: Libra deals with balance as well as Karmic balance. (14)


[HZ Note: This information was reified in the early part of the 21st century and thus a little outdated – date wise (assuming is was correctly captured as intended originally). Useful to analysis it based upon what is happening now in the world as a comparison. Predictions that mention times are all at best educated guested given the free will of all concern. ]


Group Source:

There is a miracle happening in humanity at this time and it refers to them coming around to seeing the mistakes of its present situation in the Middle East. An uproar is taking place on soul levels (affecting the intended soul purposes of those involved) as to dire straits in this part of the world. The hope is to address this area with workable solutions for all involved.

There will be those coming into manifestation soon that will support this new possible resolution perspective, and these are already in power as personalities. It is too soon to know the timing, but it is coming down.

There will also soon be those coming into manifestation that will attempt to adjust past mistakes and these are the Masters of Wisdom.  It is too early to tell when this will be but soon as these entities are already overshadowing various people.

There are those coming into power in the U.S. that will do nothing as they are fearful of revenge against them politically at home as well as overseas. There will be no more war in Iraq as it will be taken over by its own politically minded citizens to manage as this is the growing consciences around the world.

There will not be those who are in power now having anything to do with it although some remnants will remain.

There are those coming into power that will advise the international community as to the best course of action and these can be looked for in the coming 24-months.

There will be those coming into body in the next 100 years that will provide integration to the human race and all of its many splits.  These entitles are all advanced initiates and have been trained along the lines of cultural development.

There will soon be in body those disciples who will generate a tremendous amount of propaganda as to the needs of humanity and you are one of them if take advantage of opportunities.

There will be those coming into manifestation soon to deliver to the various national groupings their real concerns for their development into the future you can expect to see this next year.

There will be soon a growing response to the voice of the Christ as he overshadows humanity.

There will come a time in the near future when he will again be active in guiding the race more directly as he has left it up to masters to do so in the past as well as presently.

He will provide directions to his servants from the astral plane, and this will be the real beginning of the new age.

This is looked for in the next 6-14 years.


We suggest you link with us again to bring in more information at this time as to other things need bringing in. (14)

There are those among you now, that can neither solve the world’s problems nor see a way out of present difficulties and these are in their millions. We would like to add here that these people have all been brain washed by historical events and have no sense of future goals. It is up to those that understand to teach them the future and to reassure them of a positive faith needed to move forward. It is advised that they be permitted to know of the Christ’s real plans as well as the masters (it would be good if they were given training by you in this regard).

There are many disciples now in incarnation who are endeavoring to work off their karma or the group karma in some area of justice. It is these disciples who have the most difficult job as the world is not yet concerned with justice but only retribution.

There are other disciples coming into incarnation to try to work off group karma in terms of pollution and environmental balance. These disciples are all from the 5th ray ashram and many of them are even now in power.

There are many disciples coming into incarnation that will respond to the world condition of poverty and address instinctual needs of the third world countries as this is the bases of Christ’s symbol.

There are other disciples who are coming in to incarnation that will address the real needs of the masses in terms of spiritual training (such as your work if successful is part of the vanguard of such work).

There are other disciples who are coming into incarnation who are addressing those in sociopolitical power as to how to organize their governments to take advantage of those trained in soul, mind brain telepathy for the good of its citizens and your work is important in helping to popularize this.

There are other disciples that are coming into incarnation that will address national concerns as to movement of populations across national borders as this is becoming more difficult as well as more dangerous. It is this that will prevent advanced beings from freely traveling to meet real needs in the immediate future.

There are many disciples along the 7th ray who are in training with the deva kingdom to reintroduce these beings to humanity and in the near future they will begin doing this again.

There are also many disciples permitted to work with devas at this time in terms of healing and the devas are training souls in this regard. You need to do this also.

There are many disciples permitted to carry forth into manifestation certain of the mysteries to be re-introduced to humanity these are taking place now (Myself – six of these).

  • The process of being accepted into the Hierarchy and what it entails.
  • Perspective on Masters and their duties and responsibilities.
  • The way the soul trains the personality.
  • The process of forming relationships on subjective levels to benefit everyone.
  • How egoic groups work.
  • Ways of registering triadal sources through the antahkarana.


There are many disciples permitted to explain to humanity the nature of Hierarchy as it is important for humanity to have an accurate depiction of this group.

There are also many disciples having to put aside their own development to assist in the externalization of the Hierarchy (as this is what you are doing in respect to your writings’ goals).


Other avenues of research will open up once the new age is upon us, and these are as follows: (14)

Each of these are taken by disciples since training for initiation as well as groups of disciples along some specific line of the plan.  Over all there are over 1,400,000 different undertakings. Each of these are a product of real need for this planet as well as for the various kingdoms.

The most prominent one is the proving of the existence of the soul and this along many lines.  It is this that is taking the most effort at this time and until the externalization.

After that it will be the restoration of the mysteries as this will include the history of the Hierarchy as well as Humanity.

After that will include the further externalization of the 5th kingdom in terms of the devas.

After that the science of Shamballa or the way Home in terms of the cosmic antahkarana.

Once there is some recognition of the way Home the Christ will leave this planet and move forward in his service to planetary Logos and solar Logos.

This will not be for some time, and He will delay this until he is assured of humanities fate.

At this time a new Christ will emerge and replace him as throughout all history as this is the fifth Christ in the Aryan race.

There will always be a Christ at the head of the integration process of Humanity and Hierarchy.

It has come to pass that the next Christ will not be as before thought but will be D.K. as in all likelihood.

Sooner than later is the hope of this taking place as Maitreya has completed His initiation training and now is ready to serve the solar Hierarchy.

It is to His credit we can hopefully say that humanity was saved as it was He throughout the ages that brought us the necessary teachings in its many formats that have brought us to where we are at.

Each of these was approved by the Christ as head of the planetary Hierarchy as well as those who brought them forth based upon their original intent although these are lost to humanity but is preserved for those whose hearts are opened to receive the true archives’ messages.


Never again in human history will separation be in existence as this is the turning point for humanity during this period.

Never again will humanity destroy each other in this round.


Let us now look at what is in store for those disciples of the Christ as the externalization unfolds:

Each of the working disciples on the planet is supported by the entire Hierarchy as always and each of them has at their request all possible assistance karmically limited. There are over 3000 working disciples presently in some body or another working at the behest of the Christ. And in a very short time the number will increase to 10,000 by the year 2008. The reason being that it is now possible to train disciples on the physical plane due to their advanced sensitivity as well as the organized effort now under way. There are many workers in Europe and America who will soon come into public view as well as in many parts of the world.


It is important to change your source at this time as A.A.B. has other things to do but thanks you for your assistance and asks you to please press forward in your work as she believes it is of great value and likewise thanks you for your assistance of her work in the spreading the Ancient Wisdom Teachings as she hoped they would be spread.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the Planet

Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective (Revised 03/05/24)

Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

The Future of Humanity – Some Adjunct Information – Part III

Visions of Potential Future Events Unfolding for Humanity

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

The 12 Major Causes for the Suffering of Humanity

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Viewpoint on Humanity

A Reflection on Humanity

Struggle to Direct Humanity

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

A Present Moment for Humanity

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Planetary Guiding Angels – A Covenant between Humanity and God (12)

Esoteric Cosmology – Aquarius Constellation Alignments & The Future

Fourteen Values Useful to Promote in the World Now


Command of Rigden Djapo
Nicholas Roerich Museum - Command of Rigden Djapo

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

It was given out that Christ speaking to His disciples would be able to receive guidance from the Buddha on the Cosmic Etheric plane and not the Cosmic Physical.

It was also important that Hierarchy and Humanity keep the appointed time for the Christ to pass on this information.

The Christ has changed certain parts of the ceremony.  The Hierarchy has been using this new arrangement for a while now. (6)

  • Altered the overall geometric configuration of the ceremony –now U-shaped with Him in the center and two Chohans in front for triangle.
  • The full three-part Great Invocation for the distribution of the energy is said.
  • Has gathered around him on causal levels all the souls related to Hierarchy in the shape of a five-pointed star with a triangle in the center.
  • This star relates to the five root races two of which are yet uncreated. It also relates to the five centers of humanity.
  • Secrecy has prevented me from receiving other changes.


The reality is that the Christ as foreseen the physical threat of gathering in the Cosmic Physical. It is also realized that they cannot hide in any place given the powers that be.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Aspirations Captured

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Some Available Esoteric Information Given Out Subjectively that Can be Reified.


Padma Sambhava
Nicholas Roerich Museum - Padma Sambhava

A Blessing for the Working Disciple

Source: 3rd Ray Ashram

May the Light, wisdom, encouragement, and personal presence of the Hierarchy protect you and shield you from self-harm as well as prevent your feet from wandering down the byroads of the three worlds.

May the One virtue instill in you the necessary creative imagination, spiritual sight, and development of the third eye to understand the magical world you live in.

May the coming One strengthen your will with increased resolve, dedication, right direction, understanding, perseverance, security, protection, as well as increased organization.

May the lives of the many find solace in your words, heart, mind, and soul and provide you a path Home.

May the One Work and Plan and Purpose be understood by you and protected by you for those who have the understanding and have earned the right to pursue it

May the rainbow bridge be seen to ascend to assist the Masters.

Go in Peace in the One Work.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

 The Working Disciple – Real Needs & Integration into The Hierarchy

Creating a Working Disciple – A Summation

Seven Questions for a Working Disciple




Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mohammed the Prophet

New Group World Servers – A Message

New Group World Servers – A Subjective Source Message From its Security Sub-Group


You would be pleased to know that each of us determines our path through life by our willingness to concede to great ideas and in this way we pattern ourselves after the great ones. Would like you to know your life has always been patterned such and in this way you have achieved.

We endeavor to find within each of us here a new rhythm that sets the stage for the coming year and during this time of year and in this way we achieve even greater opportunities. This year we have planned two things a little differently:

First: you must ask yourself how I can serve with distinction this year:

Second: ask yourself how we can believe more in others for them to better achieve this greatness or distinction?


In this regard it would be wise to promote the following NGWS principles. (16)

  • Principle of receiving information from NGWS subjectively for the common welfare of all life forms on the planet.
  • Principle of receiving and generating information from NGWS subjectively as to the nature of the Plan now unfolding for the benefit of the planet.
  • Principle of isolating those members of the human race who are members and bring this awareness to their conscious mind.
  • Principle of receiving and generating a similar massed intent as to how we would like this planet to unfold into the future.
  • Principle of receiving and generating a socio-political platform expressing ultimate values of all concerned.
  • Principle of debating a general solution to world issues based upon the greatest good for the greatest number.
  • Principle of generating and receiving for the world’s best interest that information which will safeguard the security of all.
  • Principle of expressing the truths that need to be expressed to better make this world one we want to live in.
  • Principle of sharing with others world resources for the benefit of all.
  • Principle of altering our existing resource base to include the idea of including the lower kingdom real needs in this regard.
  • Principle of expressing those truths which will change the face of this planet to assist us in preparing for a world governing body that includes the voices of all members of humanity.
  • Principle of sharing with each other our real concerns in such a way that human dignity is recognized as a common force for the betterment of the planet.
  • Principle of altering of our life style to include the welfare of each.
  • Principle of altering of our life style to create more free time to increase the quality of our life through education of our minds to better increase the common good.
  • Principle of sharing with others certain gifts and abilities as nations for the welfare of all.
  • Principle accepting into our live a greater degree of respect as to the value of the heart in making decisions.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

Various Subjective Communications from the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).

The Christ & New Group World Servers

Fourteen Values Useful to Promote in the World Now

The Christ and Some Full Moon Values

The Age of Aquarius – Some Values to be Promoted and Expressed


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Lotus

Full Moon Meditations – A Way Forward

Source: A Subjective Group Impression:

If you decide to pursue your dreams of a better world.  It is important to us that you follow them in the guise of the One Life to be assured of happiness and success for all.  We predict that you will stumble and will fall at times such is natural in the process of learning the path of the great ones that have gone before you.  But what is not assured is your ability to hold your consciousness steady in the light of the One Life for long periods of times under great temptations and distress.  We will assist you when those times find you. Be always aware of the wisdom of the ages with an open ear a silent tongue and an open heart and all will be well.  Go forth and conquer your past and fears and know the One.

You need to know which path to follow to get there on your own.  It is not our goal to tell you the path you should follow.  Believe in your destiny young master of the ancient wisdom teachings and trust your guides you have invoked.

Source: A Different Subjective Group Impression:

We are gathered here today to extend our greetings to those workers on the outer planes abiding the Plan.  We wish to congratulate those whom the Lord has chosen to assist in His work.  We on the inside can be of great assistance to those who labor.  You my brother we give assistance in formulation your thoughts on various subjects.  We on the inner side can assist those who labor for the Lord. It is time to proceed with the task we have chosen to address. This is the time for the grounding of the heart center within mankind.  Let those who have an ear listen to the new beating of the Heart. It is our concern that the world will not take to this process quickly but slowly assume great dominance over the next 100 years.  It is possible now to proceed in this externalization. We suggest those workers whose task it is to demonstrate the truth come to us for assistance of any kind and it will be given.  It is to our advantage that this be so to save time and complete the task with more sagacious support.

We have gathered here to invite you to achieve union with us, to be a part of us, to seek with us the fruits of the Vine. Welcome, and may your love be always shed abroad.

We are gathered here before the shining of the Lord to partake in the treasures of the heavens. We seek that greater wisdom than our own upon the weary journey Home.  Be with us this night as we sing our praise to the Lord.

You are responsible in your own way for drinking of the cup of god’s Desire. To accomplish this, you need to perceive yourself in the following way. You need to adjust your time schedule to participate in the hierarchical events that satisfy your cravings for the Great Mysteries.


First adjust your time schedule to participate in next full moon ceremony.

  • Sit by a body water each full moon and sing a song of love for the universe that craves your being.
  • Raise your hands and arms to salute the life Force that sends you Its very Breath.
  • Dedicate yourself to Its Path of Sacredness.
  • Honor those that have gone before you.
  • Be a witness to the One Life working through you.


You would be wise to demonstrate a belief in yourself as one who can climb a mountain barefooted in the snow. This means you will not be bothered by surroundings when overshadowed. This means you will sense the beginning of energetic changes manifesting around you.  This means you will depend upon no one to tell you the facts of life.

Your ability to be present in the future is assured by your absorption of the opportunities proffered by the constellations.

Your ability to know others as yourself is contingent upon you perceiving yourself as one with the Divine Mother.

Your ability to know truth is contingent upon your atonement with the One Divine Soul nature.

Your ability to be on the Vine is to present yourself to the One Initiator.

Your ability to see others as yourself is contingent upon knowing the Divine Mother but this is contingent on being at-one with Spirit.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Full Moon Requirements for Aspirates

A Cancer Full Moon

A Full Moon Message

A Sirian Full Moon Ritual

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sons of Heaven

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Some of the groups below are given a generic description of intent. This short listing does not in any way indicate the full extent of the hierarchical planning to date in respect to the externalization. It is just a reminder and an example of the degree of organization put forth by the Lodge to carry out the Lord’s Plan only in respect to the externalization intent.   All hierarchical plans are flexible and based upon Humanity’s response at any given time.


  1. Lord Christ/Maitreya – Hierarchy in Total

  2. Master DK – Second Ray Ashram

  3. Master HK – First Ray Ashram

  4. Master R – Third Ray Ashram

  5. Fourth Ray Ashram Group

  6. Master Hilarion – Fifth Ray Ashram

  7. Master (Saint Paul) – Sixth Ray Ashram

  8. Second Ray – (Was a Political Leader in England 17th Century)

  9. First Ray – Leader of Esoteric Schools


  1. Third Ray – Group of 4

Each of these members are participating in working with Master D.K. to establish right human relations between all religions around the world.

A second function of this group is to relate each of these religions to each other in such a way that they teach and promote each other’s mandates in ways demonstrable to relax tensions.

A third reason this group exists is that it brings into incarnation several of the old leaders among these groups to promote their original mandates and this will assist in this harmonization.

A final reason for this grouping is that it pertains to the development of a new religious order creating a new world religion that will go unchallenged by traditional religions.


  1. Fourth Ray Group of 11

This group is about establishing on earth a foundation of sorts to establish on earth a working relationship among all groups moving into the new age and this group is the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and in total being promoted by the fourth ray ashram in general. They are a group of like minded individuals seeking justice everywhere in the world on all planes of existence in the three worlds presently active and working. All are included in this grouping.

  1. Fifth Ray Group of 11

This group is like no other group in that it pertains to the teaching of the new age ancient religions into the future from the inner planes and is working hard to establish many classes at night in these dimensions.

There is a group of nine among them and this group which is working on establishing right relationships between these groupings towards taking initiation while on the planet. Each of these groupings work together to establish a sort of hierarchy in miniature on the outer three planes and working together to secure grace of all working on the hierarchy’s behalf.


  1. Seven Ray Group of 4

This group is working on behalf of the lodge to establish on earth a sort of parting of the ways for many leaving the earth with a means to telepathically stay in touch with those left behind.

Another task is that they are achieving grace for many passing over by establishing a working base of transitioning souls to work with in some way or another voluntarily and in this way server others more of their kind.

This group is working hard to establish on earth a way station of sorts to transmit back to others the nature of their survival in form and working to establish a way station of advice for those passing over.


  1. Second Ray Group of 4

This group is about working together on the planet to establish rules of the road to speak their minds about the new age culture that can and will be built to progress into the future. This culture is one of necessity in disturbing of the necessary peace in the present.


  1. Second Ray Group

  2. Third Ray Group

  3. Fourth Ray Group

  4. Fourth Ray Group

  5. Sixth Ray Group

  6. Seventh Ray Group

  7. Seventh Ray Group

  8. Seventh Ray Group

  9. Second Ray Group

  10. First Ray Group

  11. First Ray Group

  12. Second Ray Group

  13. Third Ray Group

  14. Fourth Ray Group

  15. Fifth Ray Group

  16. Third, Fifth, and Seventh Ray Group

  17. Fifth Ray Group

  18. Second Ray Group

  19. Fourth and Sixth Ray Group

  20. Fifth Ray Group of 3

  21. Second Ray Group of 6

  22. Fourth and Sixth Ray Group of 12

  23. Third Ray Group of 4

  24. Third, Fifth, and Seventh Ray Group of 12

  25. Second Ray

  26. Second and Seventh Ray Group of 22

  1. First Ray Group of 14

The use of this group in the externalization is two-fold, first it is used to assess working directives agreed to by Hierarchy and secondly to hold or contain within the Hierarchy Shamballic dynamic livingness in respect to these directives.

This group monitors livingness of Hierarchy and adjusts supply according to demand.

This group also every 1000 years re-establishes direct access to such Livingness.

The importance of this group to the externalization is that it is capable of enhancing it or retarding it according to available supply.

The purpose of this group, other than above, is to generate within Hierarchy a protective wall. The reason for this is that there are constant bombardments of forces from within the cosmos that are not constructive to existing mandates.


  1. Third Ray Group of Six

The everlasting Voice of God symbolizes the mandate of this group.

Each of the group’s members is responsible for educating and training of initiates to use the Voice.

All members of this group also work together to replace Hierarchy in special circumstances.

These circumstances are few and yet in the last 4400 years, such did occur on three occasions, the most recent was in the year 768 AD. At this time, the Hierarchy made up of mostly by the Mahachohan related Ashrams, it was stated by Solar Logos in terms of the Solar Hierarchy, that our Hierarchy participate in a certain event, leading to the absorption of it as a body into alignment with the Solar Hierarchy thus leaving this Group of Six responsible for planetary operations.

This event, having duration of only two months, relied upon this Group of Six to respond to planetary work.  It seems remarkable that such could be the case and signifies the degree of training needed by these members.


  1. Third and Seventh Ray Group of Nine:

This group’s essential mandate is to relay from Hierarchy, as a whole, information to appropriate individuals participating in the externalization process.

Each one of these members is specially trained to be impressed by Hierarchy as a group and also to accurately transmit this.

The registering of this information, normally coming in externally from extra-planetary sources, is done in two ways: It is registered by way of Shamballa, or it is registered directly.

All the members participating in this service are trained in the Art of Registering Cosmic Intents It is this training which is given in the fifth ray ashram.

Also, all members of this group are required to be initiates of at least 5th degree.

For each one of the initiates involved there is one in training to replace them as this service is reverently called “Quietly before the Lord”.

These members who are grouped according to soul status form an interesting configuration.

These members also study the Science of Cosmic Rhythm.

The bulk of its graduates so-to-speak become isolating energy patterns for specialized cosmic events.


  1. Third, Fifth, and Seventh Ray Group of 12

This group relates to the idea that all humanity is on alert as to progress needing to be made as human souls.

This group’s mandate is particularly interesting to those of occult backgrounds as it relates to the concept of resonant or vibrational intent registered from Solar Logos. It is this group’s responsibility to compile such information.

It is also this group’s responsibility to register from appropriate Sources per information from third solar system triangulating with ours.

This groups mandates relates to the externalization by providing background material useful and appropriate in terms of forces within the solar system that can either aid or retard the Plan.

It will also provide appropriate information to disciples working in sub-ashrams who participate in Plan development.

Neither this group nor any other group here is directly able to contact the solar Logos.


  1. Third Ray Group composed of Five Sub-Ashrams

The amount of time necessary to demonstrate present and immediate future contingencies of the Plan originates with this group; even though they provide this evaluation it is used by Hierarchy as a place to begin.

This group also provides a long list of existing and immediate projects devised by Hierarchy.

[Please note that these distinct projects planned or operating in the outer world as a rule cannot be given out to the public.]

The order in which these projects are resourced is one of their considerations.

The personnel of these projects are sought for and a description of abilities made.

All personnel participating in these projects are then scheduled for training.


  1. Third Ray Service Oversight

The importance of each individual member of the Hierarchy is inestimable.

This individual evaluates the correct impact which could be made by those members in incarnation.

They likewise decide on how to alter such impact.

They provide reviews on a regular basis to the appropriate group.

They provide counseling to those concerned.

They estimate whether-or-not changes need to be made in areas of concern.


  1. Third Ray – 2nd, 5th, 7th Sub-rays: Group Responsible for Organized Mind Training

Responsibility for those souls which have initially organized their minds along desired soul lines is the mandate of this group.  Once this training is complete this group helps develop group integration.

A further service is that of providing activation of various centers.

The organization of this group is very advanced, and each participates who receives training is required to accomplish the following six things:

  1. To demonstrate conscious group soul energy patterns and content within brain awareness and this is to further this ability along their group destiny and to further organize their mind to also include the group mind.
  2. To extend their knowledge of Ancient Wisdom Teachings.
  3. To embrace the concept of true group integration in terms of their personality and physical life and to adopt such as their own. The group’s responsibility is for training others along this above line.
  4. To enhance training along spiritual occult lines needed for service.
  5. To educate participates on the right use of the Antahkarana: This to develop an art and science of energy control used for creation of thought-forms; as well as, to develop a set of procedures to control personality forms; and to enhance requirement fulfillment’s for initiation.
  6. And other areas of a more exacting and specialized nature such as to provide specialized training:

  • In the field coded thought-forms.
  • In the field of developed mind control.
  • In the field of rigorous mental expansion.
  • In the field of developed brain mind connection.
  • In the field of organized brain matter as needed to bring in detailed visuals.
  • In the field of organized mental control over astral body.


The overall effect of this group’s work will advance once the present generation passes on.

The likelihood of the group’s success is inevitable as it was an experimental group.

The reality is that this group being organized among the hard rays has little available need to compensate its students with feeling related concerns.


  1. Second, Fourth, and Sixth Ray Initiation Training Group

The nature and mandate of this group is that of simplifying, organizing, planning, and grounding training for those people preparing for initiation.

It is also specialized instruction to train people in incarnation to develop certain abilities to fulfill the Plan requirements.

The order of importance is that candidates receive direction or training in the short run:

  • From candidates who are required to adjust karma of a human cultural nature,
  • From candidates who need to adjust form karma in a large group sense,
  • From candidates who need to adjust educational karma.
  • From candidates who need to adjust money karma.

All of these karmas are needed in the world today to forward the One Activity.


The order of prioritized importance for hierarchical assistance in the intermediate run is as follows:

  • Dedication to the ashram’s projects.
  • Values being promoted by Hierarchy.
  • Future civilization and cultural constructs identified with.
  • Present problems of the planet needing to be solved.
  • Past forms which require regeneration.
  • Future training which is needed by the race in terms of the masses.

Education of values for those involved provides all the training that is needed by this group.

Men and women alike, scattered across varying borders, are brought together in this group upon the inner and outer planes.


  1. Second, Fourth, and Sixth Ray Personality/Soul Integration Group

This group has 12 mandates:

  • It has been reorganized recently to permit the entering of large numbers of disciples.
  • It is training disciples.
  • It is organized for helping various aspirants, which will receive subjectively on mental levels individual set of guides to promote mind-soul integration.
  • It assists disciples to organize their minds.
  • It is adjusting disciples’ group destinies in such a way as to provide for each individual disciple a way to travel to better administer to the Plan.
  • Pertaining to initiation, certain group members are experimenting with various tools to train disciples for 2nd
  • It has always been said that for each aspirant that tries to succeed—they are playing the odds.
  • Pertaining to organizing for externalization, this group has no responsibility.
  • August training is arranged with Ray 5 for those that require it.
  • Suggestions are given, personalities are enhanced, alignments created, and healing preformed.
  • Education is given, lives salvaged, and lives organized.


Useful here to generate the idea that the Plan as now constituted will change radically at any time any of these twelve events below happen:

  1. First event is if if some reason the world accepts the existence of the soul.
  2. If the world sees to it that it is responsible for the evolution of the lower kingdoms.
  3. If the world agrees in mass that it is on a path together into the unknown in some spiritual way.
  4. If the world enhances its teaching of virtues in a way that comments people for their understanding.
  5. If the world accepts the Christ as head of a spiritual body of advanced souls leading humanity with ideas.
  6. If the world happens to acknowledge that the world was created for a reason and this reason includes them in an important useful way.
  7. If the world accepts that god is waiting for them to get it together to be of service to the purpose for which it and you were created.
  8. If the world accepts the fact that each of you on it is there for a very particular reason known by the soul.
  9. If the world accepts the idea that you as a person was brought there to teach them the way of the truth and of the light as a representative of the Christ.
  10. If the world believes in the miracle of Life.
  11. If the world accepts you as one of the many servants of god here to create a better place to live.
  12. If the world accepts you as (the representative of) the Creator in person.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Subjective Guidance Sources –  Group & Individual – Some Examples – Part II

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate


The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Ten Sub-Hierarchies & Six Ashrams – The One Hierarchy & The Externalization Plan Participation Now