Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Command

Rules for Making some Significant Life Decision

First rule is to stop thinking about (introversion/extroversion) whatever the life circumstance you need a decision on.

Second rule is permit yourself the necessary solitude to find your whole Self.  Seek your subjective/objective alignment.

Third rule wait in the silence until the energy moves you in some direction or you feel good about some aspect that was revealed to you.

Fourth rule is to take whatever comes and reflect upon it in these six ways (to ground it in a way that works):

  • First, reflect upon it in terms of causation; we mean here the cause for whatever you received.
  • Second, reflect upon it in terms of life direction-how/where will this take you & why in to the future.
  • Third, reflect upon a way to achieve happiness per this whatever.
  • Forth, sense a relationship with this whatever that leads you to believe that whatever by following this that comes to you in the silence will still bring value to your life.  Generate the idea that you will be okay with this if you do not let it go.
  • Fifth, you need to reflect upon the idea of you achieving some sense of purpose towards your life objectives.
  • Sixth, you need to reflect upon a way to resolve within yourself any potential conflict between your feelings and whatever comes.

Fifth rule, take some time now to relax and go back into your body presence and hold this decision in your heart and note what comes to you; then follow it where it takes. Write down what comes to you in this process, and take that back into your body presence and do the same thing until nothing comes.

Sixth rule, once you have completed the above process go back into your body presence one more time but this time hold the essence of your awareness in your third eye and allow soul to impress on you its intention in relationship to the overall group objective in you doing this whatever.  Now takes some time to get a sense of your purpose for this life and see how this fits in or not.

It is important now to realize that you have made a decision based upon the above criteria; now you need to reflect upon the karmic considerations of this decision:

Seventh rule, register in your mind’s eye a sense of relationship you have to the form you are about to create. To do this requires you to achieve a sense of harmony in your body presence with this form. To do this requires you to allow your feelings to become involved.  To do this requires you to sit back and observe how you really feel about this and get a sense of the level of expectation you have in creating this form.

If your level of expectation is high then you are required to know why (note group soul: we recommend that you release yourself from identification with this form at this point to see how this feeling will work out once you do this)and ask (or hold this intention) in your body presence for the answer and observe what comes.

If your expectation is low, then you need to do the same thing as above or release identification. If you have no feeling reaction go into the next rule.

Eighth rule, create for yourself an imaginary situation that permits you to create the form in your mind and test out different scenarios. Register your sense of arrogance in being able to know beyond a shadow of doubt that the form you create is in the highest good for everyone involved. It is here that requires from yourself a sense of presence in your heart to know this.

Ninth rule, achieve recognition of your relationship to your environment that this form will play out within.  We need you to have a perfect understanding of the variables & elements within this model to sense their ultimate relationships; need you to do this to establish a continuity of relationship from beginning to end to be completely comfortable with being in control of the results of the creative process so responsibility can be shouldered realistically.

Tenth rule, achieve an understanding that this form you create will bring certain rewards; you need to know what they are in essence.  You also need to know how these rewards will benefit the others involved.

Eleventh rule, you will need to have a contingency plan to compensate for influences you don’t really have control of.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Seeing Clearer the Soul and the Personality – An Essay

Soul Centered Relationships (Guidance for a Friend)

Demonstrating the Truth of your Soul Connection

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Divine Mother

Experimental Directional Antahkarana Training Meditation

It is impossible to establish relationship directly with Hierarchy until you storm this Kingdom of God; to accomplish this requires you to ascend daily in your prayers.

The following is a new meditation form to experiment with to enhance your understanding of the power you have in invoking subjective sources.

It is valuable to use to prepare yourself to receive revelation from Spirit; to do this requires you to ascend to the Spiritual Triad on a regular basis; this meditation will assist in this process.

You have been given many examples of ways to choose subjectively paths that one may take into the Unknown. it is here that your path must take a particular direction along your unique route back to the source of your Being. This route is different for everyone and has different signposts along the way that you need to identify. We present these following example signposts for experimentation and are sixty in number and each must determine for themselves what signposts and sequence are more significant to them to move in the correct direction in the inner space of deity. Alter the following as you are guided to do so.

Recognition of the vibration of one’s own soul.

Recognition of the vibration of one’s initiatory group

Recognition of the vibration of planetary mind

Recognition of the vibration of planetary causal body

Recognition of the vibration of Son of Mind—Solar Pitris (Place of residence is triadal but reflected in Egoic Lotus/causal body)

Recognition of the vibration of mental unit permanent atom on 4th sub plane of mental (personality mind at highest point)

Recognition of the vibration of Abstract Mental Permanent Atom

Recognition of the vibration of the Plan (our part of/in it; knowledge leads to)

Recognition of the vibration of the One Life

Recognition of the vibration of One Planet

Recognition of the vibration of One Purposefulness (sense of realness animating all towards this all-encompassing purpose–intently)

Recognition of the vibration of Relentless Struggle for Freedom of all Lives from Form

Recognition of the vibration of One Beauty All Forms are moving into (through greater light, clarity, sensitivity).

Recognition of the vibration of exorbitant Pressure to Touch the One Heart within All

Recognition of the vibration of un-estimated Virtue within the One

Recognition of the vibration of true Spiritual-Souls within their own realm (can experience it on any level but they dwell on Cosmic Astral Plane—Go through the Christ vibration)

Recognition of the vibration of Buddhic Plane

Recognition of the vibration of Atmic Plane

Recognition of the vibration of Ashram

Recognition of the vibration of Master

Recognition of the vibration of Master’s Group

Recognition of the vibration of Spirit

Recognition of the vibration of Monadic Group

Recognition of the vibration of Angel of Presence

Recognition of the vibration of Shamballa

Recognition of the vibration of Particular Buddha of Activity (Identification)

Recognition of the vibration of Venus

Recognition of the vibration of Solar Logos

Recognition of the vibration of Unknown Planet (one of five)

Recognition of the vibration of Particular Buddha of Activity

Recognition of the vibration of Nirmanykas

Recognition of the vibration of NGWS

Recognition of the vibration of Soul of Humanity

Recognition of the vibration of Soul of Animal Kingdom

Recognition of the vibration of Soul of Vegetable Kingdom

Recognition of the vibration of Soul of Mineral Kingdom

Recognition of the vibration of one’s Egoic Group

Recognition a state of mind of Master of Sub Ashram

Recognition of a state of Mind of Ashram

Recognition of vibration of Individualized Devas

Recognition of three Cosmic Logoi

Recognition of Solar Hierarchy

Recognition of Avatar of Reconstruction

Recognition of Sirius

Recognition of Lipika Lords

Recognition of Five Liberated Creative Hierarchies

Recognition of 5 Mind-Born Sons of Brahma

Recognition of Adi-Buddha

Recognition of 7 Spirits Before the Throne

Recognition of Great Bear

Recognition of Metatron

Recognition of Akasha

Recognition of Planetary Head Centers (lower four; these sources are actually different divisions of Shamballa)

Recognition of cosmic meridians (12—Shakti flows through them—related to creative form aspect of Creative Hierarchies—cosmic Love types)

Recognition of Etheric Brain of Planet

Recognition of Planetary Spirit of the Earth

Recognition of Soul of Lower Kingdoms

Recognition of Root Races (7)

Recognition of (etheric/astral) Regional (Continents) Groups (Polar regions, Europe, Far East Asia, Soviet Union, North America, South America, Islands, Oceans—salt/fresh, Ocean floor, (astral-etheric regions)

Recognition of Planet as a Whole

It is important you find ways of achieving an estimated position at first with each suggestion. It will be your creative ability to see within the mists of your own inner space the correct vibration to hold at any one point within the journey.  We will give you the necessary signposts which to look for in this journey and with this knowledge you will be eventually able to succeed.

You have been given this as an opportunity to participant in a great experiment in training disciples on the physical plane using new methods of working differing from those used previously especially in respect to the developing of the Antahkarana.  It will take some time to define this process as it is new and involves many conceptualizations as of yet unfamiliar.  We would like each of you who wish to experiment to choose now whether or not to move forward in this. It is important to add here that if you persist and make progress in your daily ascensions assistance from the inner side will help guide you.

We would like you at this juncture to find a way to enhance your understanding of a way to move forward in your daily meditations to include this meditation: 40 minutes.

We have given you the idea that you will need to formulate a particular process for establishing a repository of written experiences after each meditation to secure an increasing understanding of your processes (during center solitude).  These processes (movement upwards) are inherently subtle and require a close discriminatory and discerning observation of little qualitative changes in your energy-force fields.

We need you to extend your consciousness at each stage into the unknown in such a way you build up your energy reserve through correct alignment.

We also need you to experience subjectively each vibration and acknowledge it in your field in some location—this needs to be written down.

You are required to receive subjective guidance during this process—from the inner group and in doing this to take into consideration the reason for such guidance at that juncture.

You are also required to relieve yourself at exactly 40-minutes to prevent problems. We would like you to time yourself every day to have a better sense of the flow you will need to accomplish this in time span.

We have given you an example of a way to circumvent the disparities in your reception by receiving into your brain awareness all necessary contexts at each stage – please make a record these acknowledgements.

All guidance concerns one’s future path as a soul—once grounded it is always grounded. This is a process of discovering the future and bringing it into the present and basically altering the past.

You have been given the idea that you will received data from several sources within and outside of the planet. This information comes through your usual historical channels particularly if Devic origin but the importance here is that this information that comes through has a way of coming through that will be consistent.

There has been information given out about the way the world needs to go into the future to meet the real needs of planetary life and this process will insure that this unfolds in a timely way. It is through his process of alignment that the necessary energies come into play that permits correct energies of purpose to come into the planetary fields. We are giving you this information so as to show the importance of this work.

We are giving you some hints now as a way to move forward in being successful in this endeavor of aligning to each vibration:

First hint is about a way to proceed that develops your capacity to vibrate at some particular like vibration. You should seek to be successful in demonstrating this to make the alignment and open the door into that area of space.  We would like you to have the idea any particular area of space has its own resonance geometry and the likeness to this will slowly orientate your mind to this.  We have given you this information to be on the lookout for another way to hold this—experiment slowly.

Second hint is about a way to cross the boundaries of different dimensions with your mind vibration; you must accept the fact that your overall responses will be responded to by your soul energetically.  We have given you the idea that this energetic change will correlate with yours once vibration is accurate.

The goal here is to discern a way to move forward in developing your capacity to see inner plane happenings. This will come about through the process of increasing your vibratory energy field along the lines indicated above once you have developed the required patience and stillness to see in the dark.  We advise you to stop trying and just do it.

You have been given the opportunity now to procure a working model of the universe; I present to you below such a working model you will need to unfold:

The first item is the seven schemes circling the Sun but the sixth or Mercury is one with the Sun–etheric.

The second item is the appearance of several rings around the sun that collects dust for the future solar system. These rings are highly organized life forces that circle the son as planets. These planets are too numerous to count and represent Beings in training. These Beings are regarded as on being on the solar cosmic path. This path is straight to the Heart of the Universe (on egoic level) Heart of Universe Triadal level. You must endeavor to see these planets as having future form within the body of Cosmic Logos. We must endeavor to see that this arrangement must be seen as a way to enhance one’s participation in the drama of life—lines coming and going.

This next item comes from the realization that each component of your working model must have some relevancy to the life form that makes up the Milky Way; it is apparent that these forms are countless but never the less need to be organized in relationship to planet and Solar System.  This process of organizing these relationships will unfold as one approach the Three Buddha’s of Activity that regulate this One Eye. The One Eyes is an extension of the Antahkarana and its completion at Venus is important.

This next item relates to the idea that people, places and things held together as one entity determines meaningfulness for its existence.  This is so on the earth as long as you believe there is an inherent relationship between all matter of like vibration or quality; it is quality that is the keynote here. How does one distinguish quality within oneself—in two ways.

First, quality is likened to a vessel filled with water and then colored or textured in some way;

Second quality is absorbed by matter to release a portion of itself recognized by entity as a new aspect within itself.

This second way represents the fruit of evolution whereas the first is indicative of separate existence. The first leads you to water and the second permits you to drink of its essence. You are required on this meditation to be aware that you must first acknowledge and then become to achieve ascension.  We require you to accept this hypothesis for all advancements into the Christ Body

At this juncture you are required to accept from others within you their guidance as to how to orientate yourself to this group process as everything is strung such. We require you to achieve at all times a group awareness.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

The Antahkarana – Some Rules for Triadal Alignment

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

Raja Yoga & Exterior and Interior Mind-Etheric Brain Map Models
Raja Yoga & Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain Alignment & Rule No. 20 – A Review