Nicholas Roerich Museum - Steps-to-the-Himalayas

Some Workshop Training and Group Integration Parameters for Aspirants

(HZ: The intent here in sharing this is to highlight that most training undertaken for probationary disciples takes place subjectively and not so much on the outer plane. Training for probationary disciples or aspirants does take place on the other planes as a general observation.)


Below are workshop related lessons per a belief system and training plan the participants were intending to adhere to as an integrating group of Aspirants who knew each other on the physical plane.


Unique to our purpose as a group is to establish relationship to:

The One Soul.

The One Body.

The One Hierarchy.

The One Christ as Lord.


A set of values it is important to hold and work with per the group’s present purpose (8).

Value of the One Humanity working with Hierarchy to orchestrate the Plan.

Value of making decisions incorporating ones Soul as well as the souls of those involved. It would be wise to see this as the major value of this group as well as the value being held out for humanity by the Christ.

Value of Ideas wanting to come in to alter humanity’s future along the lines of the Plan as well as humanity’s karmic necessity.

Values that bring one another closer together: (7)

  • Value of seeing one another as souls.
  • Value of witnessing another’s soul purpose.
  • Value of assisting another to maximize their true happiness through unique contribution.
  • Value of assessing and demonstrating one’s abilities and gifts.
  • Value of asserting one’s believe in themselves as spiritual beings.
  • Value of perceiving a vision or plan for one’s life.
  • Value of knowing oneself to control oneself.


Value of creating one’s spiritual path based upon the art and science of the path.

Value of liberating others from themselves.

Value of maximizing ones health and well-being on all levels.

Value of Being descending to manifest the One Life.


Have them demonstrate also a working relationship with the group soul as well as: (4)

  • This means they need to decide based upon the group soul of this group how to move forward in everyone’s highest good
  • As well as acknowledge the individual of this group soul as spiritual beings are not different then themselves except in their karma.
  • To adequately move forward they need to decide that everything they do while in the group effects the group soul,
  • as well as all of its members.


In respect to the group: (4)

  • You need to decide to let me guide you (by way of yourselves) and trust in the guidance coming through enough to experiment with it.
  • As well as let me bring through information through for you.
  • As well as permitting me to point out issues I believe in the long run are significant.
  • As well as permit me to rescue or save you from yourself at times.


It is further important to establish set boundaries when you will interpret information for them. (6)

  • I will interpret your guidance once you give it to me in a form I can respond to, and this is by email.
  • I will interpret your guidance if I am guided to do so for your highest good.
  • I will interpret your guidance if I am asked, but you must write it down and hand it to me stating I want more info on this if possible.
  • I will interpret your guidance if it comes through me and will send it to you
  • I will not interpret your guidance if I get you need to do it yourself
  • I will not interpret it if I believe you do not want to know the truth or will block it.
  • As well as bringing in information—they need to know when not asked – as well as when asked.


You would be wise to see this group as adequate in these four areas:

  • In the area of believing in themselves as teachers of the race.
  • In the area of scheduling their work for the teachers and students.
  • In the area of demonstrating their knowledge of the teachings.
  • Although there are four teachers highly qualified not teaching for some reason, we would like them to. Go in Peace my Brothers.


You must see yourself as adequate in the following four areas outside of the classroom.

  • In the area of demonstrating patience and virtue to others around you.
  • In the area of demonstrating your extreme knowledge to the masses before you at night.
  • In the area of demonstrating your true humility before the masses at night.
  • In the area of demonstrating to other your belief in yourself as teachers of the race for God’s sake and not your own. Go in Peace my Brothers.


Furthermore, you would be wise to see yourselves as adequate in these six areas although there are more, but time is short.

You are adequate in your beliefs in yourself and others concerning the teaching of the Lord who is to come forward to demonstrate to the masses His readiness to accept them in His Heart, but you are not adequate in your desires in learning His teachings at night in your dreams and while awake in your heart of demonstrating His various teachings already given out.

You are adequate in the fruits of the Lord by day and night but not adequate in that you are keeping the Lord “up worrying” about the ways you are causing dissonance to your fellow companions upon the way (At night you need to keep HZ in your heart also as a companion upon the way as a group of students learning his way home).

You are adequate in your enjoyment of the fruits of HZ’s labor but not adequate in your reproduction of them in your own consciousness.


We would be wise to see ourselves coming each day before the Lord of Life to extend your wishes for His good heath in the Ways of Being upon this Earth mentally: (4)

  • It would be wise to recognize His pain of endurance in a world not ready to yet receive Him and in this way for us to assist Him in His goals – be adequate.
  • It would be wise to see Him coming into the mental planet at night to teach us – be adequate.
  • It would be wise to see Him as the world’s salvation through us now – be adequate.
  • It would be wise to see His coming as a means for us to lighten others on his behalf – be adequate.


It would be wise to see yourselves in training for the Olympics of a sorts in respect to your higher mental psychic abilities:

Gift of higher Manasic Telepathy or Soul Communion or Telepathy.

Gift of higher Egoic Resonance: A gift used by Sons of Mind to demonstrate control over their understanding around the galaxy so-to speak. A gift like no other on the planet is the gift of egoic communication among the stars so-to-speak as it can take one many places not yet been if worked correctly and these are happening now within the group on many levels – let me show you:

First you need to realize that this group of peers in not like other groups in that it chooses to limit itself to the task in hand and this is worthy and considerate of others likewise. It is also considerate of the Lord’s wishes.  It is also likened to your understanding of what needs to be done in respect to the plan.  You would be wise to see this new adventure as an opportunity to curtail your expansion into the unknown until you are qualified by others to do so.  Likewise, it will take a while to accomplish what you set out to accomplish with brilliance.

It is okay to witness from others their experiences and thus beliefs in the unknown but much more satisfying to witness it yourselves per the knowledge gained thereof.

You would also be wise to consider making plans to enjoin with me at some juncture if a location makes itself known to begin training in basic body type of exercise. Although, I could give these out electronically but not as useful for feedback.

It would be wise to consider making plans to individually confront me soon, but I need time to prepare for the visit given my present propensities.

You would also be wise to see me at night upon the mental plane 3rd subplane down would be the easiest for most although not that significant.

You would also be wise to see me in your dreams on the astral planes as a way to introduce yourselves if you put your mind to it as I will be there for a while waiting if you so choose.

You can also visit me at home on the soul planes as always there so-to-speak. Go in Peace Brothers – all is Well.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance – Exercises to Bring in Spiritual Guidance – Working with a Group of Students or Clients

Spiritual Guidance II – Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop – Lessons & Exercises

Some Workshop Training and Group Integration Parameters for Aspirants

Special Guidance and Exercise for an Aspirant

Spiritual Guidance for an Aspirant – A Soul Centered Awareness versus a Personality Centered Awareness Plus

Spiritual Guidance – For an Aspirant – Life Purpose Intent Pattern & Exercises

A Subjective Communication from a Group of Students for a Workshop


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Escatsy

Special Guidance and Exercise for an Aspirant

Increase soul alignment and address real needs.


 Alignment Suggestions:

Vibration of soul seat can be discovered at the bridge of the nose thus focus energy presence there.

Balance prana at nose between the right and left side.

Be sure rear of brain energized as this implies right tension.


Some Real Needs:

Soul wants sexual enlivenment.

Soul wants personality vehicles enlivened.

Soul wants personality as a whole to be motivated to be itself – a real person on earth.

Personality forces and energies give place to invocation in the man who knows he is divine.

When one loses awareness of self in a relaxed space then soul energy can sweep in and take control.


Your Ideals:

That life will give you whatever you want.

That life is geared to bring out the best in people.

That life is worthy of sacrificing the lessor for the greater.

That life, to be known and shared, must come through the penetration of the Heart.


We all attempt to organize events to include our prioritized ideals. The more ideals represented in such events the more we identify with an event to justify our happiness.


All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Some Workshop Training and Group Integration Parameters for Aspirants

Spiritual Guidance for an Aspirant – A Soul Centered Awareness versus a Personality Centered Awareness Plus

Spiritual Guidance – For an Aspirant – Life Purpose Intent Pattern & Exercises

A Short Life Path Evaluation for an Aspirant from Various Sources within the Aspirant – An Example

Communications from Various Aspects of the Author to an Aspirant.

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Messengers from the Himalayas

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Assisting Aspirants per their initiation training (12).




Angel of the Presence


Sanat Kumara


Next, take some time to practice alignment. Be sure to include any subjective advice per results of the above alignment for things you need to be aware of.

Next, align with Soul of Venus. Try to gauge its quality.

Next, permit yourself to achieve a deep inner silence, vibrate.

Next, permit yourself to breath down into third eye area alignment.

Next, permit yourself to receive further healing or integrating related guidance.

Next, allow yourself to do guided energy work; take some time here to get it right – no hurry.

Next, allow your mind’s eye to direct you to where you need to go on Aspirant’s body.

Next permit yourself to say to them what is necessary to move the energies.

Next, permit yourself to see them as complete in their objectives or not.

Next, permit yourself to extend your vision into the future to see what type of work they will be doing.

Next, permit yourself to speculate as to the nature of their needed ray alignment of vehicles to make initiatory related work—evaluate.

Together permit yourselves to review any information that is relevant.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - We are Waiting

Meditation Alignment Processes – Sheath Awareness Exercise – For an Aspirant

First one needs to be sensitive to the registering their existing mental state of mind in these three ways.

This is basically the registering of where your mind is at or asking yourself: what is my mental state of being?

  1. First, its content: Any preexisting thought forms currently in your minds. Anything that is grounding needs to be written down, cleaned out, put aside.  These thoughts also act as resonant frequencies.  The content creates a resonant alignment.  You will attract what resonates with your content.  Before meditation, a more useful content is that which opens you up to an inspirational image or a prayer.  Something that makes one more expansive.  The more space you can create the better you are, such as universal or infinity content.


  1. Second, its polarization, such as the outer world, abstractly, focused, finding work. Observe how polarization is influencing your state of alignment.  Where is the ideal polarization?  On the intent.


  1. Third, its alertness: Is it sluggish, sleepy, or vital?


Next, one needs to be sensitive to their astral state: (6)

It’s degree of agitation.

Its degree of clarity.

Its contents.

It’s overall quality.

Its overall identification.

Its overall presence.


Next, one needs to be sensitive to their vital etheric state: (3)

Its degree of being energized (eventually one determines the ideal level and state to reach Samadhi (not overly energized or under energized).

Its overall resonant vibration qualitatively.

Its overall presence.


Next, one needs to be sensitive to their external environment: (6)

Its overall ambience.

It’s overall psychic content.

Its overall vitalness in terms of compatibility (such as beautify or organize).

It’s overall harmony of relationship to yourself.

It’s overall feeling and emotive content if any.

Its overall quality and quantity of space.


Next, one needs to be sensitive to their subjective environment: (6)

Its overall vibration.

Its overall resonance.

Its overall clarity.

Its overall content.

Its overall extension.

Its overall presence.


Next, one needs to be sensitive to their alignment: (8)

Its overall relationship to your auric space.

It’s overall to its direction in space.

Its overall energy content.

It’s overall part of your auric field it is effecting.

It’s overall quality.

Its overall impact it makes on your feelings.

Its overall impact it makes on your mind         .

Is overall awareness it creates within you.


Finally, you would be wise to organize your time during the alignment process by becoming aware of the purpose and objective of why you are really sitting for meditation.

In other words, stay focused.

Be at peace with yourself.

Be aware of your internal energy shifts.

Be alert as to your changes in personality states.

Be alert as to your changes in feelings overall.

Be Alert as to changes in the environment subjectively.

Be alert as to changes in presence.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple – Way of Being Subjectively Sensitive and be in the World

Special Technique for Probationary Disciple to Increase Higher Sensitivity

Some Workshop Training and Group Integration Parameters for Aspirants

Special Guidance and Exercise for an Aspirant

Spiritual Guidance for an Aspirant – A Soul Centered Awareness versus a Personality Centered Awareness Plus

Spiritual Guidance – For an Aspirant – Life Purpose Intent Pattern & Exercises

A Short Life Path Evaluation for an Aspirant from Various Sources within the Aspirant – An Example

Communications from Various Aspects of the Author to an Aspirant.

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Divine Mother

Spiritual Guidance for an Aspirant – A Soul Centered Awareness versus a Personality Centered Awareness Plus

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Some Personality-Soul Integration Priorities:

Useful to reflect on knowing how to create a relationship within yourself to exhibit personality identification or soul identification: What does it mean—personality identification? The following evaluation attempts to provide useful means to gather this insight.


How does one know when one is identified with the personality?

Sense of losing or gaining something that brings emotional satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Appears with a sense of willfulness in seeking above.

The personality mind is preoccupied with introverted thinking and feeling, and this being extroverted towards its environment of desire choice. This introversion – extroversion process prevents connection to subjective guidance whose alignment process is subjective – objective. These four words capture the arms of the dharmic cross.


How does your life work if not identified with the personality?

Sense of flow.

Sense of joy with connection.

Vital power for creating as a soul.

Continued communion with life and others

Sense of trust in life and the Self.

Sense of self-esteem.

Sense of peace that comes from understanding those relationships needing to unfold in a certain way that produces inevitability of outcome.

Sense of inclusiveness in the workings of the group life in each event.

Sense of freedom/liberation from imprisoned in the lower self of created desire forms.

Sense of understanding that leads to acceptance of the way things are.

Sense of happiness and love of self.


What manner of person does “B” want to be and why?

“Wants to be whole and complete such as shining and radiant as the Full Moon. More vitality. Laugh more, less serious, play more, a free spirit.”


Soul to Personality:

Soul: you would be wise to consider a way of achieving grace with each action at your disposal.

Soul: you would be wise to consider a way of being that incorporated a better sense of personal composure in those events that created disturbance in your life so to be opened for guidance to move through them in equable and useful ways quickly.

Soul: you would be wise to express yourself in ways that contribute your knowledge base to others in such a way that you are confident in the outcome of what ever it is you are talking about; your ability to do this will increase your ability to register from various sources that understanding needed to do this—invocative.

Soul: your ability to see yourself as successful in the world will contribute to that success in ways you have not contemplated.  Your ability to see this happening now will contribute to your resource base—time is of the essence.

Soul says: your ability to understand the ancient wisdom teachings is paramount to you being able to achieve life success.

Soul: your ability to sense the unknown ways of being yourself in each situation will bring confidence to others to be in a similar way.

Soul: your ability to enhance your understanding of soul centered beingness will contribute to your ultimate success.

Soul: you have been given many people in your life to assist you and in understanding what each has to contribute at each turn will bring you peace and contentment in following your guidance from these sources in relationship to yourself.

(Note: This following impression came in from Mother Teresa invoked by “B’s” guidance it appears “I want to be a loving person and be loved by many (Mother Teresa).”

Soul: Important here that you find a way to enhance your understanding of the ways people express themselves as personalities and to help them express themselves in ways that contribute their special gifts/abilities.

Soul: Important here to generate the idea of receiving for others their sense of self and to mirror this for them—acceptance of what is real—allows others to be more themselves—connection.

Soul: you are able to connect to others now in ways that support your personal makeup but soon this makeup will alter to achieve a greater harmony within yourself and thus others. Your ability to achieve this will ultimately contribute to your success.

Soul: you have been given many friends in life who support your process on many levels; these levels indicate the same levels where you are required to support others at a later time. Feel free to balance this at any time opportunity permits of this will bring you also into balance.

Soul: you will be receiving from others soon a way to enhance your ability to register a way of working in the world that brings you success in achieving your goals. Suggest you take advantage of this by localizing in your consciousness each day those people you can serve and follow through and see what happens. We know you do this, but your effort still has personality coloring that interferes with correct reception—be alert here we warn you.

You have been given opportunity to suggest to others recently your beliefs on soul centered education. It is these same people who hear you that need to hear you and respect what you are doing; it is these people who you can count on to support your real needs.  We would like you to be the type of person who can be counted on to meet real needs when observed.


How does B’s life reflect her failures as a soul centered personality? Vice to virtue

  • Energy in different aspects of life does not circulate adequately—finances.
  • Intimate relationships: All relationships are not soul-centered (takes two).
  • Not joyful and happy—my ability to love successfully as a person or a soul is adequate.
  • Do not honor myself by not making the changes I want in my world around me.
  • Have not made my desired significant impact in the world I want.
  • I have been the type of guiding influence in those people’s lives I love as much as I want to be now.
  • I do not like being alone doing things.
  • What manner of person do I need to be, to be soul centered on a day-to-day basis?
  • More disciplined in being able to associate personal expression in such a way as to know its source and value for the highest good of all.
  • Less emotive and less mentally preoccupied with dramas so I can remain clear to receive guidance.
  • Need to be attentive to energy changes in body awareness.
  • Need to be more consistent with focusing on positive aspects of myself and not beat myself up (despair/depression).
  • See the inevitable of life working out in the highest good for all—my job is to work with it to make it happen now.
  • Need to be in a meditative flow more often—all the time.
  • More balance in caring for nourishing personality (real needs).
  • Remembering God in every moment and also remember I am an important member of the group soul.
  • Living in accordance with the Laws of Life.


Soul: Important to have the idea that your willingness alone, each day/moment, to be soul centered is half the battle won.

Soul: you must suffer through the idea of being alone until you are never alone; each day filled with the wonderful Voices of Us ringing in your ears – the music of the spheres.

Soul: you have been given the opportunity to register me each day.

Soul: you have been given the opportunity (your life has been arranged) to adjust your karma with several people.

Soul: the importance of your life now is to create a path from where you are at in terms of your personal expression that leads to my source of inspiration that will enlighten your mind and heart in such a way that you will receive constant blessings in your life.  Important you reflect upon this path you must create out of your own substance to enhance this blessing.

Soul: your life has been arranged so that you could climb skyward on a daily basis at this time—the opportunity to make quick progress is within your grasp but the willingness needs to go hand in hand with opportunity.

Soul: your life has been arranged to succeed in the world of soul-centered education.  All that it takes at this point is to do two things: first is to finish organizing your mindset as to your dissertation requirements and absorb what you and HZ are doing together.

Soul: It is important to take the last train (group instinct) out (nowhere else to go) to the unknown place (next job in the world) waiting for you. It is there you will find me (present-not present now) there waiting for you.


Soul is Present When. (6)

  • You have achieved brain, mind, and soul link.
  • You have failed to achieve relationship identification with subpersonalities.
  • You have achieved a relationship with guiding angels of planetary causal body (The One Soul works through this body of causation—planetary service according to kingdom one has karma with as well as subgroup/individuals (this relates to a Jewish context likewise.)
  • You have aligned to Divine Soul constructively each day.
  • When you have orientated your life breath to carrying out the will of the Lord
  • When you have captured within your beingness the essence of relationship to the One Humanity in beingness and doingness.


Soul: you have been given the opportunity to enhance yourself in ways that achieve a greater sense of relationship with others that contain within it a certain series of potential unfoldment for each of you—psycho-synthesis. You will be given an opportunity soon to experience this with a man you do not know intimately yet.

Soul: Important you enhance yourself in ways that achieve satisfaction in your daily life in whatever you do.  Important you find ways of working that permit this every moment—follow the energy.

Soul: you must endeavor to see yourself as someone capable of making great breakthroughs in understanding in general.


(Note: B’s – a source: You have been given this instruction to better enhance your perception of causation on a more exact level or more exacting in your search for truth. We would like you to be patient with yourself and try to define the causative elements of each pattern needing understanding.  Your attempt to do this will require you to be at peace in the process and allow insights to filter down. Do not rush to conclusions so-to-speak.  Important you spend some time studying scientific methodology in ways that permit a better definition of causative model and possible types and levels of generalizations. Keep everything out of the big basket.  This primarily applies on an individual level and secondarily on a group level—psychological bend.)


Divine Soul:

Divine Soul: you have been given a relationship with HZ that determines for you a set of examples that delineate your possible direction of movement into the future under certain conditions which he has stated as prioritized. These conditions, which reflect a point of view not necessarily in accordance with your soul’s but never the less is responsible for helping you achieve your independence in the world as soul in body. We believe you have adequate guidance to effectively move forward in discovering yourself and your particular path. We have concluded that HZ is not yet suited to bringing those people who do not have any soul potential into a relationship with themselves and this is the reason he works only with those he can be of service with. It is up to you to find for him as you go through your daily life those he can assist effectively, and he will know.

Divine Soul: you have been given an opportunity to work with 6th ray ashram in ways that will contribute to their objectives or should I say the Lord’s. It is these objectives that will be the forefront of your future life’s work in training others in capacities indicated. It will be apparent that you have much to do to save the world from itself. It is important you find time to reflect on how to integrate these 6th ray messages/objectives into your work set.  We would like you to achieve a simplistic overview of these objectives soon to better enhance your workability in the world. We have given these to you tonight. Take some time to ground these over the next few months. (46)

Divine Soul: we have given you L… to be of assistance in you meeting others on the physical plane to assist in your integration socially.  We expect you to take advantage of this opportunity when time permits you to experiment with different choices and options in your spare time.  Please be advised that it is not critical you act upon her suggestions, but it would be in your highest good to consider each in respect to their potential for your life success.

Divine Soul: we have given you (SF) to assist you in developing your preferences in how you want your spiritual life to unfold in terms of Jewish context—still on a psychic level.

Divine Soul: we have given you a woman (MJ) who is to come into your life who can assist you in developing your political position in your educational related work to better integrate you into the political establishment.

Divine Soul: we have given you a woman locally you do not know who will be your guiding Angel, so to speak, in the field of Jewish Reconstruction Processes.

Divine Soul: We have given you woman you do not know to assist you in developing your practice as a soul-centered educator down the road.

Divine Soul: We have given you a woman who can be of aid in finding aid for research for you and HZ down the road.

Divine Soul: We have given you a man who can assist you in developing your femininity once you have become soul centered.

Divine Soul: We have given you two men to help you achieve independence in the area of subjective guidance from soul plane. These are on the mental plane. Mentor Group as long as you are working with HZ.

Divine Soul: We have given you somebody to assist you in developing your raison d’ etre to expand into the unknown in ways not yet comprehensible. This person is a part of ashram Group on the egoic level. This soul will work with both the soul and personality to achieve a sympathetic relationship to your divine Soul. This person will work with you as long as you are working with HZ-now.

Divine Soul: This soul (HZ) is from ashram group will assist you in developing your powers of reasoning as a soul. This being is adept at locating causative elements in the cosmos (influences effecting the planet) for proper reflection.

Divine Soul: This soul (HZ) is about a way to achieve a certain point of attachment to the divine prerogative. This prerogative relates to your ability to see in the future to determine your part within the play of the Lord in terms of the Plan.


You have been given much information above to process to create a working understanding of soul-centered personality expression. To carry this to the next stage of integration requires you to achieve a greater understanding and thus response to worldly ways of being that captures your potential not only as a woman but also as a person capable of achieving her heart’s intent. We would like you to believe that you are now capable of achieving this in the world the only things you need to accomplish are the following 14 things:

It is important you rely upon your inner strength as a woman to bear the pains of labor in giving birth to a set of ideas that will explain and predict the future outcome of the world’s formal educational system as taught in the West in about 14 years hence.  It is this growing realization of the need to change the existing system that will catapult the system from bankruptcy into an enlivened establishment of possibility.  (It has come to our attention GD: you will need to define this in a way that permits a better understanding. For this to happen you need to relax into the process of accepting guidance form the point of view of DS along the group Antahkarana instead of receiving it telepathically. You need to forgo experiment at this juncture. We would like you to exceed in developing yourself to extend your senses into buddhic dimension. To do this requires you to achieve first a direct alignment with the group mind. You have been given an opportunity to practice this with HZ.  Need to consider doing the following 14-exercises:

You have been given the possibility of registering for the first time directly from the following 80-sources. To do this requires you to do the following 60 exercises:

This priority will help you isolate your sub-personality values for identification purposes.

Each one of these questions need to be honestly answered from the point of view of Self-acceptance in terms of being able to achieve surety in your belief in your particular self-hood that permits you to mobilize your inner resources and sense of belief in yourself as someone able and capable to receive guidance from your soul.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Lake-of-the-Nagas.-Kashmir

Spiritual Guidance – For an Aspirant – Life Purpose Intent Pattern & Exercises

[Sources: Souls and Golden White Deva (4)]


Introduction to Life Purpose and/or Intent Pattern

Life would be better for you if you sacrificed working relationship with four peoples now in your life:

These four people should not be in your life at this juncture. Two of these are relatives and two are so-called friends. Each of them needs to be examined as to their relationship to you spiritually and economically and realize two things: these friends are using you for a variety of different reasons. Lo and behold you would be free to pursue your spiritual life and leave these realities be.

It would be good to examine just what is your spiritual life you need to pursue, and this can be composed of four different categories as well as in initial six directions you can begin to get a sense of to move into its progressive pattern.

First let us take your polarity healing work and look at this from the juncture of you being safe to pursue this economically:

Second, let us see you isolated in your type of studies pursuing religious studies.

Third, let us see you training in providing pedicures particularly foot care or beatification.

Fourth, see you working in a saloon doing both.



Six Directions: Four of which you can pursue more studies; and two of which you need to research. Each of these are important for your progression into the future planned out for you this life and others.


These following guided meditations are done using the body presence exercise to bring guidance in for yourself:

It would be good to see yourself standing in a crowd of people walking up to those that you notice and see what they have to tell you about you.

Also good to have visited a place in the world you want to go and find there someone to go up to ask why I am here.

Good to see yourself standing in a crowded room with other people around you and questioning them or yourself why you are there.

Also good to see yourself overlooking a great ocean of beingness and sense the direction where an object is coming towards you; and get on this object and notice where it takes you.

It would be good to look at yourself standing in front of a mirror and notice how you look to yourself? What do you see or notice?

It would be good to see yourself standing in a hallway looking down the hall and seeing a door and once entering it look around and notice what you see. Also good to notice who is there with you doing what. Investigate by dialoging if necessary. Also, it is good to notice what is on the wall and around you in all directions.

Your life as you know is about to change. Take to heart what we have suggested to you and exchange your work for the work assigned and all will be better. It would be good to see yourself making these changes within one year from this time and preparing yourself to receive the Holy Ghost more often in your life. Furthermore, see yourself standing with M in doing healing work and preparing others. It would be good to practice alongside of him and encourage you to do so.


An Exercise:

Take off your shoes and lie down comfortable; see yourself facing East or head to the East: (4)

Lay on back and visualize in your mind’s eye these things (ways of moving forward in these areas spiritually):

Your parents—get a sense of them and tell them what you always wanted to say to them each. Spend some time doing this and get it all out and not worry about anything. Tell your parents exactly how you felt when they …. (forgiveness required).

Saying I love you softly to your first love and recollecting the feelings you had at that time seeing it in perspective to what you feel now when in relationship and wondering if it will ever again be a part of your life. It would be good to look at this from the angle of you receiving the love you expected based upon what you gave and wondering if it is possible to love again in this way (unforgiving of others who looked upon you not seeing the love you wanted to having placed upon you). It would be good to envision yourself loving others and not receiving the love you expect and knowing they are not capable of doing so and realizing too that they are at your mercy as you see what they cannot. It would be good to see them as you lead them in discovering what their love is and is not and witnessing for them the love they share with you in terms of relationships with them.

Organizing your time to spend studying these topics {500). See yourself studying each evening going to bed with a book in hand and turning off the light and going to sleep. In this way see yourself doing this the rest of this life and more. It would be good to have in hand at all times a book of choice and see yourself reading at all opportunities and be aware of its importance to your spiritual path. Work towards absolute knowledge as the key to success. It would be good to see yourself doing this best by going back to school and taking lessons in geology or sciences of all types and math. Also good to see yourself standing upon a pinnacle upon the road in life witnessing before you the vast knowledge available to you knowing it is your destiny to discover it all treasuring each as your source of strength and wisdom (evolution).



Worshiping God:

Sense a relationship among your various sub-personality selves and witness each as being a product of your involvement in this life. See these as capable of accomplishing certain things accredited to you. It is these things you have shared with us and witness them exceeding in demonstrating your love and in this way cherish yourself.

It is you succeeding in demonstrating the love you believe we all need or want and in this way accomplishing our dreams of seeing yourself responsible and relating in this way in life. Seeing this dream as an inevitable way of accomplishing our love we have for ourselves and others. It would be good to look at this as way of achievement we have discovered in worshiping god. Realize too, it is about you discovering what it is god wants through you to be manifested and in this way achieve relationships with god and with others and achieve karmic grace in this way. It would be good to understand you are afraid of certain things and these fears arise do to past life challenges you have received triumph through awareness somehow and realize too it is necessary to release these fears knowing why they are born or their sources.

These energies and forces have been and are being harnessed by you and in this way you will achieve a progressive enlightenment by investigating and investing in multi-dimensional energies and awareness. This process produces development approaching god in His vastness and in this way love yourself and qualify yourself as god. In this way heal yourself of limitations and in this way let others sere you and you them. It would be good to see yourselves as enlightened in many ways and in serving these ways you provide service for god. It would be good to see yourself as inventing new ways of investing in gods world each time you meditate upon His vastness with in you and realize too it is about you seeing yourself for what you are  and making this your worship of god and realizing too its inevitable gift to everyone.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance II – Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop – Lessons & Exercises

Some Workshop Training and Group Integration Parameters for Aspirants

Special Guidance and Exercise for an Aspirant

Spiritual Guidance for an Aspirant – A Soul Centered Awareness versus a Personality Centered Awareness Plus

A Short Life Path Evaluation for an Aspirant from Various Sources within the Aspirant – An Example

Communications from Various Aspects of the Author to an Aspirant.

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Nicholas Roerich Museum - From Beyond

A Short Life Path Evaluation for an Aspirant from Various Sources within the Aspirant – An Example

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Six Subjective Sources of Guidance:

Soul (Guided Angels) of Humanity

  1. Carefully restore balance to the lives of others that they can move forward to discover happiness as well as beauty and wisdom.
  2. Disregard your parents’ will for you as well as others. Spend time studying all cultures and ethnic groups.
  3. Over the head of your soul body imagine a great triangle turned upwards painted emerald-green and in this triangle imagine a four folded cross.



  1. Wisdom is needed by you to contain yourself spend time discovering the purpose for everyone on the planet with will develop wisdom.
  2. Your daily life is a maddening maze of activity; slow down and let yourself imagine you control the outcome of everything or all events.
  3. Isolate your fears, one at a time, and establish an understanding of its cause.

Group Soul

  1. Witness Oy’s dedication to silence and imitate it.
  2. Establish relationships with others based upon purpose instead of righteousness.
  3. Caretaking of others’ souls is needed by you to exert your healing self.


Manasic Divine Soul

  1. Sensitivity development in the ways of talking to strangers would develop within you a relationship with their souls as opposed to their personalities or subs; It would be wise to just observe more; to speak to others requires first to be relaxed.
  2. Realize this, your coming out spiritually in the world is determined by you first accepting the divinity of all including yourself.
  3. People mistake you for a sexy woman as well as a woman needing to be rescued.
  4. It would be better to see yourself as a woman in charge of their life assisting others.


Son of Mind

  1. Looking back upon past lives there is indicated a growing balance relating to others and not so much of self-interest.
  2. Fortune has followed you for several lives, notwithstanding your present debt, securing grace is easy for you.
  3. Over the hill looks good for you although once there it is not.


Personality Mind

  1. I see victory soon, to escape from the past.
  2. I am a soldier of the Lord as well as His advanced guard.
  3. A prophesize the future as I am the Lord’s favorite.
  4. I witness the burning of my mistakes drawing me into a hell.
  5. I carry the torch for others like myself.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Communications from Various Aspects of the Author to an Aspirant.

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Special you are but how special is yet to be told.


Let your light shine upon those around you.

See yourself as I see you as a brilliant soul.

Worry not, play not, rest not as you take flight into the Darkness.

See yourself as at one with all, with yourself, and with life.

Assure your Self that you are Coming.

Joyful, beleaguered, unafraid, and determined you need to be.

Take the Heart with you wherever you are or go.

Blended with Soul you will always be with Us.

Your footsteps certain and straight you will be.

Gathered around the fire, a warmth in the starry night I sit.

Alone without your heart in mine.


I gather stones for you to throw.

Upon my back I place them.

Adored I am when my burden is lifted by you.

Every stone thrown lesson’s my burden.


Kama-Manasic Mind:

A pile of dirt you provide to me lovingly.

Dirt after dirt of the sacred earth you provide.

Adored I have become with every pile given and received.

A bright jewel is being transfigured from these piles.

A jewel to wear embattled and triumphant.



Atop a wall I look out each day.

Searching the landscape for your presence.

My body to be nourished by your sightings.

My feeling heart enjoyed.

My mind bathed in your presence.

Each day I search relentlessly.

Until life loosens it hold upon my body.

Until eternity is no more.



Forever holding your hand.

Forever bathing in your light.

I journey afar with you into the night of time.


Concrete Mind:

When I am without you I am with you more.

As I am drawn towards you by your absence.

When I am alone I miss you toughing my physical presence.

Happiness I have because of you, your caring, and nurturing.

When I am alone with you I am content and at peace in my knowingness.

When we are in the world I am protected.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction



Nicholas Roerich Museum - White Cloud

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

I. Letter of forgiveness to those soul-personalities whose paths  over the many past lives I crossed along the way:

II. Letter representing what I hope to achieve this life spiritually:

III. Letter representing a vision of myself as a perfecting adept of service and wisdom:

Letter of forgiveness to those soul-personalities whose paths over the many past lives I crossed along the way:

I hope to be forgiven for not trusting God to make decisions for me, my happiness, and well-being on all levels of my beingness.

I hope to be forgiven for harming all those souls whose life I have touched and have disappointed them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I trashed others and God.

I hope to be forgiven for all my improprieties in working with advanced beings.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I did not trust my guidance and failed to act on its behalf.

I hope to be forgiven for the many times I came into life and did not take full advantage of the opportunities it tried to provide for me.

I hope to be forgiven for all those wasted lives I took without giving back.

I hope to be forgiven for all those times I succumbed to material energies and identified with them for self-centered reasons.

I hope to be forgiven for all those lives I tried to assist others but failed.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many lives I have lived and not for one moment believe it had any purpose other than to forward my own interests.

I hope to be forgiven for misleading others for my well-being and not theirs.

I hope to be forgiven for not developing the gifts I was given.

I hope to be forgiven for not alleviating others’ pain when I have the opportunity.

I hope to be forgiven for not taking into consideration the feelings of others and thus hurting them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many wrong ways of understanding life.

I hope to be forgiven for sharing with others those things they did not need to know that harmed them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many virtues I could have shared with others but did not.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many times I let people die and did not assist them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I did not suffer but allowed others to suffer for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many times I prevented others from following their life path.

I hope to be forgiven for those reckless acts that endangered the well-being of others who lost their lives.

I hope to be forgiven for all those times I prevented people from doing the right thing for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for telling lies for my sake as well as misleading people for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for the lack of courage I displayed instead of trusting in god to help me.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many times I cheated others.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many times I prevented others from helping me as I did not believe I needed help.

I hope to be forgiven for all those lives I lost my life due to harming others for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all the sinful things I did for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all the resources I consumed unnecessarily.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many lives I forfeited my knowledge for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many lives I sacrificed the greater for the lessor.

Letter representing what I hope to achieve this life spiritually:

I hope to master spiritual psychology.

I hope to master receiving spiritual guidance in terms of hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling in respect to impressions coming in from universe.

I hope to master capturing of concepts to bring in anything related to the works I was asked to write.

I hope to master public speaking for inspiriting others and doing this channeling any source.

I hope to master my understanding of Sanskrit, and two other languages.

I hope to master spiritual energy healing and working with the devas to heal myself and thus others.

I hope to master writing in foreign languages telepathically.

I hope to master talking to devas in their languages.

I hope to work with the Christ to assist in the carrying out of His Plan for humanity and the planet.

I hope to be at one with the Sanat Kumara in carrying out His Purpose.

I hope to integrate the personality, soul, and spirit vehicles.

I hope to organize my time to achieve all the things I wish to achieve each day and still have time to be joyful and at peace.

I hope to master demonstrating all of my spiritual gifts given to me from those souls assisting me and any of earlier ones I have developed I need to demonstrate to assist others now.

Letter representing a vision of myself as a perfecting adept of service and wisdom:

I hope to envision myself as being one with the One Heart of solar Logos.

I hope to envision myself as perfecting myself in all ways human and as a soul.

I hope to envision myself cooperating with Hierarchy in all ways.

I hope to envision myself being able to achieve complete control over my soul body as well as over my spiritual triadal bodies.

I hope to envision myself as always one with the Christ well as one with Sanat Kumara.

I hope to envision myself as able to understand what monadic Ray group wants each moment from me and my service group.

I hope to envision myself as being in control of those planetary processes I karmically can assist with.

I hope to envision myself as one with all life forms and understand their real needs at any time.

I hope to envision myself as being able to achieve any feat of defense against humanity, hierarchy or the planet from evil sources.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Aspirations Captured

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


HZ Note: Reasonable advice for sensitive aspirants.

There are other people in your auric field all the time. You need to clear these out when you get home from work each day when in shower. To do this spend some time visualizing white light washing over you and then emerald-green light and then gold light washing through your auric field and after this meditate or just make an alignment before you do anything else.

You would be wise to see yourself as a person who is psychic and in this respect naturally picks up psychic energies from others and these linger in your field until you understand them. Each day when you get home get a piece of paper and write on it the following words. (6)

I am free of all psychic forms from others.

I am free of all other people ‘s thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am free of everyone’s perceptions of themselves and me.

I am free of my own thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am a soul and a being of light and sound.

I exist and yet I am free.


Note from your soul:

I gather up in my arms your essence.

I hold and secure you.

I give you my strength.

I give you my courage.

I provide you with the love you need.

I nurture your being with great understanding and patience.

I expect nothing from you except your happiness.

I forgive you for everything.

I am pleased with you.


My soul to you:

I strengthen and nurture you.

I give up my life for you.

I know and honor you by my love.

I expect nothing from you.

I encourage you to be great.

I strengthen you with my gifts.

I contend with you no matter the reasons.

I dream with you of our future.

I forgive you of your past.

I see great promise in you.

Let us come together in union and be one.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – The Auric Field – General Created Form Impact Areas and Their Qualification

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

Clearing and Protecting your Living Space – A Set of Occult Related Objects – An Example     

Ritual for Cleansing a Retreat Space: (14)

Chakra Lines & Soul Body Activation of the Fold-Fold Personality Bodies

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Controlling the Personality & Integrating the Three Periodic Vehicles Summarized

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format

Etheric Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Astral & Mental Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Subplane Demonstrable Characteristics – Atmic through Etheric (Revised 04/10/24)