Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sons of Heaven

Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple – Way of Being Subjectively Sensitive and be in the World

Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple –  Being Subjectively Sensitive and be in the World

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general and promote likewise the science of the soul. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


[Source: Divine Soul (as each one’s Master)]

Sensitivity to 1st Ray Ashram: (6)

  1. It would be wise to see yourself as succeeding in this process.
  2. See yourself as becoming able to achieve buddhic consciousness.
  3. See your knowledge base increase in terms of devas.
  4. Increase your understanding of the plan.
  5. Receive regular impressions from the 1st Ray ashram.
  6. Integrate into the sub-ashram.


Sensitivity to the Etheric – Energize: (6)

  1. During the day it is useful to see yourself as being within the sun.
  2. When you get home at night always take a shower in dark violet water.
  3. To increase your energy of etheric body, follow these suggestions:
    1. Do not let yourself be touched.
    2. Do not touch anybody.
    3. Wash clothes every day.
  4. Carry these uncut gemstones: 3 emeralds and wash them every day.
  5. Take a walk in the woods every day.
  6. Resist talking to anyone unless you have to.


All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Special Technique for Probationary Disciple to Increase Higher Sensitivity

Short Exercise to Enhance Subjective Hearing of the Group

Meditation Alignment Processes – Sheath Awareness Exercise – For an Aspirant

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Kanchenjunga

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple from a Sub-Ashram

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general and promote likewise the science of the soul. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


(Source: Probationary Disciple Group Sub-ashram 1st and 5th)


Lesson of the day is to become one with us all day.

Relax more throughout the day.

Be in charge of your life and yourself.

Settle for perfection in all that you do.

Rise up your heart to the Lord at all times (imagine the Lord as warrior at your back with you and above you).

Seize the moment whatever it is –spiritual tension—be in the now.

Follow no one.

Give knowledge to all according to their real needs.


Follow these commandments (6):

Let your right hand bless all.

Let your mind be at one with the Lord, the ashram and us.

Let your abdomen be placed within a silver shield.

Let your etheric head wear a multicolored halo.

Let your voice speak of the lord

Let your quest be to serve


Let go of your sorrow for the planet and make it anew.

Send your thoughts as an arrow to the assistance of others.

Love yourself and others as yourself.


All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple from a Sub-Ashram

Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple – 12 Commandments and Other

12 Powers of the Soul Needing to Demonstrate Now – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Nicholas Roerich Museum - The-Tablets-of-the-Commandments

Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple – 12 Commandments and Other

 Source: Soul (40)


Slave to all vanquish yourself now and repeat the 12 Commandments:

  1. I shall be holy before others depending not upon my creed, nor justice served, nor wrongs righted, nor things said against me, nor truth forsaken, nor lies told about me, nor judgements made against me.


  1. I shall be holy before others preventing them to see me with a sword in my hand, nor a frown upon my face, nor torn asunder by laughter at me, nor seen justified before me, or fed poisons to torment me, nor to barren me in a pit of defilement.


  1. I shall be holy before others seeing them partake of their fruit I have provided for them to eat and wish them well in this process.


  1. I shall be holy before all calling upon the Lord for me to serve them in His stead.


  1. I shall be holy before all treating them as myself regardless.


  1. I shall be holy before others and see them as myself pretending to know them as myself and treating them fairly as people I know; and seeing them before me judge them not for where they stand nor prevent them for seeing who they are except that of being holy.


  1. I shall be holy before others see them as justified in all their actions not preventing them their decisions in their name.


  1. I shall be holy before others by not preventing them from worshiping who they wish to worship nor prevent them from being as they be or want to be.


  1. I shall be holy before others see them not as creatures from another planet or exiled from the race but becoming always by who they are now.


  1. I shall be holy before others that crucify others and see them but lost and afraid.


  1. I shall be holy before those upon me preventing me from justifying my examples in life and preventing me from hurtling stones to protect myself.


  1. I shall be holy before all as god, and see other no differently.



Lessons you need to learn by tonight for tomorrow: (4)

  1. Seek vengeance before those preventing you from curtailing your life for others sake, preventing you from believing in yourself as a god.
  2. Seek justice for those you serve and see them finding justice in their lives around you.
  3. Seek transparency from those around you not letting them see you.
  4. Storm the kingdom of heaven with those around you preventing them to go backwards but forcing them to excel.


Aflame and afire you are and could be warmth to many once you settle in on believing this about yourself and seeing thus evolve as a sun around the many and believing you are the source of light and heat for their survival and believing thus revolve and tread these ways of men ad know you are god and believe in thus likewise as it will come to pass.

There are many opportunities to consort with those of a greater notoriety and expect rewards or doing so, expect this to happen soon believing in yourself as they do.

It would be good to analyze your fate now that the market is turning towards you and seeing you become prosperous to our cause and willing to do what it takes to make it so. Believe you are being tailored for a fit that we support and willing it so for your good.

It would be good to see yourself arising in the might of social causes and see this grow in fortune for all. Be willing to see this as an opportunity for fame and fortune bending to the winds of change; thus, you are becoming to the forefront of heaven’s demand. Thus also, seeking justice for all and believing in all selves as exhibiting rightly faced values upon their beingness or faces.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple from a Sub-Ashram

Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple – 12 Commandments and Other

12 Powers of the Soul Needing to Demonstrate Now – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Nicholas Roerich Museum

12 Powers of the Soul Needing to Demonstrate Now – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Unfold these powers of the soul and all will be well as your service will flourish and come to fruition as well as come to naught if you do not. Rest not, nor sleep, as the hour is short and the working time short; do not despair but forward move into the future.

The 1st power of the soul is to see yourself as a master somewhat in the art of interpretation of images and this will not come easy as you have karma here.

The 2nd power of the soul is the taking the life of their personalities from others and in return giving them back themselves as they will be grateful.

The 3rd power of the soul is for you to develop your ability to do radiatory healing and this will come again once you change certain physical habits and exercise as it is waiting for you to be strong enough to handle it.

The 4th power of the soul is the development of the ability to harness your energies in an effort to fly. This means you need to be able to have astral continuity of consciousness as this will provide you with a vehicle to get information on the physical plane as well as on the etheric as opposed to using the Holy Ones.

The 5th power of the soul to develop is the ability to see yourself as a master of sort in the art of healing and this will come through developing your ability to radiation healing and deva related healing.

The 6th power to develop is that of registering with your heart exactly what people need to hear in the moment and this will come once you receive information on how to do this from me and in am not yet welling to give this to you for two reasons first you are not yet pure enough and second you are not serving others regularly.

The 7th power of the soul to develop is one of chasing rainbows and this means you need to develop the antahkarana and to do this requires you to achieve total integration between the soul and personality.

The 8th power of the soul to develop means you will be capable of registering from any source you want, and this is contingent upon being accepted into this ashram as now you are yet probationary.

The 9th power of the soul to develop is that of registering with your brain exactly what is in the brain of others this requires you to succeed in developing other’s ability to contact the soul of all things as it will be one of them that will assist you in developing etheric brain telepathy.

The 10th power of the soul to develop will be that of witnessing with your mind all possible future events and this will be developed once you can accept the fact that you are fully human and also a soul.

The 11th power of the soul is the witnessing in one’s heart the cause of suffering for another and be able to assist them in positive ways in the moment and this will be developed once you can assure yourself that you can never harm another.

The 12th power of the soul to be developed is that of witnessing the past lives of others mentally recognizing instantly their karma and being able to explain it to them in a way they can understand. This will happen once you can lessen your group karma through teaching and healing.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple from a Sub-Ashram

Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple – 12 Commandments and Other

12 Powers of the Soul Needing to Demonstrate Now – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Microsoft AI Image Creation

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

(Source: A 4th ray sub ashram grouping of the seven ashrams. Approach us by ascending seven (7) times around your sheaths and in this way can achieve a correct alignment and preventing others from being there.)

Subjective Guidance Suggestion:

It would be good to re-awaken your head center and to realize how to do this relies upon our life motto—living life sacredly. Realize those around you are depending upon you for guidance and realizing it is spirit guiding you towards becoming aware of the significance of altitude as being the most important advantage you have to do good work/service and realizing one’s place in the scheme of things regarding being in the flow and seeing yourself as a brother or sister under one father and realizing you are not alone; thus, concern yourself with the needs of others working with similar objectives.


Coherence of an Atom: (140)

Organization of the Physical Plane Atom in terms of you being able to achieve faster rotation on its axis 400,000/time (Deva).

There are those that believe you can achieve enlightenment if you could speed up rotation of the atoms velocity and realize thus things faster as opposed to slower.

It would be good to see this as an exercise in relative consciousness and relative activity. Realize it amounts to really wanting to change; as well as really wanting to see yourself as something different and this in a way which is positive.

Useful to see this as an exercise in adjusting one’s sheath karma as well as one’s life karma and believing it is so. It is a belief that one can do better and believe in themselves as doing better in ways not ordinary to them and believing they can be an actual different person. Believing it is so, does not make it so; but believing god can make it so does, and in a way they are correct as you know.

It would be good to see yourself as altering your paradigm and adjusting your karma thereby and thus re-organizing your perceptions as a form of adjustments and seeing things around you differently and therefore altering potentially the permanent atoms.

It is instructive at times to see yourself as a master and see this in particular ways and altering in general your abilities to reflect this. This requires the  altering of your methods for achieving this; and overlooking things not over looked before and thus seeing yourself in a world completely different.

It is necessary to look at ways to accomplish this with what abilities you have now and expand on these abilities and reality as well. See yourself as altering your future and past and seeing yourself as a being of light and goodness instead of a worker in the light.

It would be good to have an idea of receiving information around altering the permanent atoms through the process of altering awareness and seeing the link between the two and seeing the connection within yourself as this is the goal here.

It would be wise to realize it is just a matter of endeavoring to see as we see and change the patterns before they form and realize it is possible to do this mentally as well as causally.

It would be wise to see this as an example of you pretending to be what is intended for you to be and in this process speed up time and opportunity and realize it is in your ultimate good. Realize also it is not impossible as it is just a matter of attempting a few exercises as well as healings from us instead of from your soul so see it differently.

It would be redeeming to see yourselves lying on the floor and taking the time to project yourselves into your soul’s eye and here repeat what is said and in doing this realize you are attempting to fly into the face of probability. It is about you achieving grace as well as long distance training; and realize too it is about you achieving grace from God; and realize it is about us trying as we might to achieve the impossible. It is also about you receiving grace from Sanat Kumara and the Lord of Karma as well as your friends and neighbors as well as you friends from past lives

It would be good to see yourself flying high into the stratosphere doing this and there remaining for the rest of this life and be willing to be taken on a journey into another land and be willing to leave the past there and see these aspects of yourself there for an eternity; thus, in this place leave behind everything you were and come back free. It would be good to see this as a onetime adventure and not possible to repeat as all the remaining time in the world will not make you more ready for this, nor will any master of the wisdom alter your perspective for this or anything  else; just be prepared to have an adventure—do you see you are an experiment. Who will take our place when we leave for this unknown world? You will be as a soul and not as a personality but will be reaping your karma in this other place and beware it is ungainly.

[HZ: Note: The intent here is to have a follow up incarnation in a mental or kama-manasic world focussed on increasing the coherence of the disciple’s permanent atoms through the speeding up of the releasing of karma. One of many processes for the bestowing of grace.]


Some Results Achieved through Altering the Characteristics of a Permanent Atom

There are those that believe you can achieve a greater relationship with spirit if your rotation was faster to align with spirit.

There are those who believe it is possible to achieve levitation if you speed up your velocity relative to that of matter.

There are those who believe you can achieve relationship with the masters if you change inter-dimensional rotation of the atom’s relationship.

There are those who believe you can achieve enlightenment if you can increase inter-dimensional rotation of the atom as well as chakras.

There are those who believe you can influence others out of time if you achieve inter-dimensional rotation.

There are those who believe you can fool the masses if you can increase inter-dimensional rotation believing you are something you are not.

There are those who believe you can increase your speed of unfoldment if you achieve inter-dimensional rotation speed and balance.

There are those who believe you can achieve enlightenment mentally if you speed up inter-dimensional rotation of all the atoms of your bodies.

There are those who believe you can fly if you speed up your atoms of the physical body through increasing rotation of the atom.

There are those who believe you can fly in all the bodies if you speed up atoms of the sheaths involved through increasing rotation.

There are those who believe (and believe me) one can change their destiny if they sped up their interdimensional rotation.

There are those that believe one can change their importance/influence in the world by increasing interbody alignment through speeding up their body’s rotation on their axis.

There are those who believe (believe me) they can alter their place in hierarchy by changing their relative mass in the world bodies and thereby effect change in the world.

There are those who believe one can fly away to the cosmic etheric if they could alter their relationship to cosmic physical atom relative to their own.

There are those who believe it is possible to achieve buddhic enlightenment if they altered their astral permanent atom to increase its rotation.

There are those who believe you can change the world around you by shifting out of your existing rotation and implementing a different one relative to those around you.

There are those who believe you can change the world around you by reflecting the change internally through altering permanent atoms.

There are those who believe you can change the way you look at the stars by shifting their atomic rotation.

There are those who believe they can change the patterns coming in by altering the way the permanent atoms work in relation to the planets and they do.

They can change matter coming in as streams and alter it according to a new formula preventing world wars or whatever event. It would be goods to understand how this is accomplished and soon; well as see one altering the matter stream coming into our little lives preventing our inner wars.

As well as seeing others believe they can alter history by themselves as they change their perspectives on the way they and others perceive the world around them.

There are others that believe they can change the way the world is made up over night by meditation on it in group format. They believe it is just a matter of organization of atomic spirilla threads which make up the atom itself and alter one alters the other.

They believe they can alter the world in terms of it being a better place to live by altering consciousness of only one person thus changing its effects on the rest of the world one by one.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Ways the Soul Sees its Reflection in the Lower Planes – Some Simple Theory & Exercises

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Nicholas Roerich Museum - From Beyond

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Source – Group Soul:

Focus: Physical body losing its vitality.

I (evaluator) am with you now and am reviewing the first part of the information that wants to come through for you.  I have my own style of working and work deductively from the most prioritized to the least in general.  I also have various sources I am able to work with and the source represented below I call your Group Soul which I define as those karmic classifications and individuals you are presently vibrating with as a soul for service or creative reasons. The makeup of this group soul is composed of many smaller groupings which I could name if you wanted but not important at this juncture of introduction to my methods.

As with all guidance it needs to be understood from many points of view and this is not possible to do while writing it down.  It would be good to brood over it as it will not be understandable unless you have the bigger picture and only you can discover this over time. Each concept I include here is meant to lead you to this “bigger picture” of your Life. It does not represent the truth but only points in its direction.  Feel free to disregard anything that does not touch your heart and mind as well as does not strike you as being true for you. My only hope is that it assists you in some way useful; and my past experiences over the years I suggest it may come from yourself or your own knowingness.

Over the years that I have been doing this I am amazed at the wisdom of those souls I have touched, as with your soul there is much wisdom.  And also, over the years it has been a privilege to communicate to others what I believe the soul wants to be communicated. It is important to add that with each individual I am permitted to touch I am able to unfold myself as each becomes a part of my own soul understanding. Every day there are lessons coming in for each of us and your lessons reflect our potential. Regardless of the reasons I choose to state a concept the way that I do in writing them there are many other ways of stating the same concept and to fully understand them require sometimes a rephrasing applicable for you for one reason or another.


I am not asked to provide you with any more information then the four categories below at this juncture but I am open to future work and clarification if you desire it. (4)

  1. It would be good if you took the time to tell her about her past work and its relationship to her health & well-being:
  2. It would be good if you took the time to explain to her that her body issues are caused by the following:
  3. It would be good if you took the time to explain to her that her condition s will not go away unless she lets herself be guided by the Christ in certain ways: 18
  4. It would be good to explain that her propensity is to hold tight to herself her thought-forms. 16 priority thought forms.



I. It would be good if you took the time to tell her about her previous work and its relationship to her health—one prioritized case only:

Many lives ago you promised life these following things:

    1. You promised that you would never harm somebody you were responsible for.
    2. You promised you would never talk bad about another’s belief.
    3. You promised you would warn others in case they skirted with evil forces.
    4. You promised you would never sin.
    5. You promised you had given up gossiping about others.
    6. You promised you would never again disbelieve in god.
    7. As well as promised you would never again allow yourself to become identified with your body sexually.


These promises were made in lives where you did not believe in god as you do now. It was a life orientated towards learning and notoriety. During this life you exposed many people to themselves as people through being a teacher of prophecy or insight informally. People would come to you seeking advice about the future and these people are with you today.

During this time, they would find you waiting in the temple of Apollo performing services as well as seeing followers.

During this time, you were treated as royalty as well as sometimes as god’s servant. Most people who came to you would lower on their knees to greet you as well as bless you.

For everyone saw you as useful to them and thus you were well favored. It is important to know that during this time inwardly you were not a believer of Apollo.

You held that it was god’s gift that you had the abilities you had although these gifts were yours and others also.

Each of these former lives (before this one) saw you incapable of helping others as their spiritual guide although you did help them in other ways and they were grateful.

Each of these lives caused you to become more and more aligned to your sense of correctness as well as your sense of power as a person.

Every one of these lives referred to provided for you a good living as well as followers.

In time you have gained a belief in yourself as someone who knows god.

It has also given you a particular type of dweller that you must grapple with as it is this dweller confronting you now.

It will be the first of four dweller parts needing to become understood to continue your integration cycle destined for you.

It will also be a most challenging task. This alone will cause your health to improve as several body systems are affected by this.


These systems are eight (8) in number and each of them is interrelated to the pattern referred to above.

(Note: Will provide you more detailed information here if you request it—this dweller pattern is lodged in different parts of your field and can also be isolated this way—this is a highly detailed process of isolating and associating consciousness patterns to ones behaviors as well as indicating physiological relationships to body systems).

Each of these systems can be compensated for but the healing will come from your causal recognition (thus Grace) of this part of the dweller you embody.


II. It would be good if you took the time to explain to her that her body issue is caused by the following—prioritized as usual.

Your beauty as a spiritual being honors us (group soul) and serves to assist others towards this beauty as well as provides for them a sample demonstration of this path. It would be good to look at just what are those causes of your inner beauty as well as their effects on your personality bodies.

Many lives ago you promised yourself you would always be one with “god” and never get married or identify with your physical body in a sexual way again.

There have been many partners in this life body and all of them have contributed to you in positive ways as well as have restricted you in some way.

Every one of these relationships has benefited you also in some way according to your real needs at the time.

It was with each passing relationship you were able to unfold your potential to love as well as understand others this gave you what you needed for all your abilities and gifts you now share with others were developed in your family setting. (note: it is important to add here that you learned from your relationships as well as reflected on them before you moved on.)


At this point in your life intimate relationships carry with them little interest as well as little value to you.  This is caused by your desire to create your vision as well as your health.

  • With each passing minute you wonder about death in relationship to yourself as well as for others.
  • Your heart is adjusted to death as well as looking forward to it.
  • Unfortunate you believe you are in that death interferes with your vision.


As well as with your influence over others.

You believe in yourself, and this is important for others to see, and it is this belief that pushes you into the future determined, directed, and grounded.

You are able to prevent others from seeing anything else except close friends.

You give little thought to your needs but hold tight to your will. In the balance of Libra, you find solace.


You see a door way and light coming in and it is this light that your attention is fixed upon. Electrically it is your body preventing you from moving towards the door.

Your Heart knows the outcome of each decision and yet wonders where the path is.


It would also be good to look at one of your virtues and its effects on your personality sheaths as well—only have the time now for a few examples.


Our form of history of the race prevents us from perceiving ourselves along its continuum and likewise keeps us wondering about life as it is told by those without continuity of vision.

  1. It is important to add here that this commonality of history also refers to history of other life forms.
  2. As well as to the commonality of other humanities.
  3. As well as to the commonality of other systems.


You understand this and can sense your continuity as well as your beginning and end.

  1. This includes your own past lives.
  2. As well as that of humanity as a whole.
  3. As well as that of people close to you.


It is this virtue particularly preventing you from connecting to your body. It is finite as well as rooted in time.

  1. It is important to add here that this means that your inner bodies are aware of these things but on the outer plane you are not in important ways.
  2. It also means that you have not created an adequate alignment between brain, mind, and soul as fully as need be.
  3. It also means you have not been permitted to react to various patterns of energy trying to circulate through your etheric body.


Your body has limitations caused by failure to adapt to your consciousness.

  1. For you it has failed to vibrate to group soul pattern of consciousness.
  2. As well as failed to vibrate to ashramic pattern of the Plan.
  3. As well as to what pattern your Spirit requires.


It has also failed because in the West the etheric environment is inadequate to the mysteries of spirit.

  1. Our environments are cluttered with all sorts of geopathic nonsense preventing us from clearing ourselves each moment to dwell in the silence.
  2. They are also filled to the brim with our own subjective processes we are circulating not originating from the soul but from the personality mind.
  3. They are filled with other people’s psychic processes we harmonize with throughout the days.
  4. As well as filled with subjective plan contacts.
  5. There is no silence etherically unless we make it, and this requires much focus for the healing energies to circulate from One Soul.


It has also failed because you have endeavored to see yourself as a teacher or guide to others along old ways not keeping with the Plan of the Christ.

  1. In the past, you have many times been responsible for the lives of others and this life reflects that as well as reflects your present understanding of life. As with all of us, we do the best we can, given what we know.


  1. On many occasions these were successful and benefited others as with this life and this is not in question. What is in question is your responsibility to the Christ as this represents your next step forward and I do not means this in terms of your own evolution but in terms of His overall Plan for humanity as this is where your soul is focused but your personality, working through a set of sub-personalities orientated towards spiritual occultism, prevents you from understanding this Plan in ways that prevent you from moving forward in ways more integrated to the larger Plan.


  1. Your real reluctance to trust this Plan and gather together an ashram based upon His objectives now in human history addressing likewise the real needs of the times.


  1. What are these real needs you are responsible for assisting with karmically? I will give five of these:
    1. For identifying the real nature of the One Path
    2. For identifying the real nature of the One Soul
    3. For identifying the needed vision humanity needs to hold to move into the future.
    4. For identifying the real nature of the Christ within each
    5. For identifying the ways humanity can heal its heart


For all of us working in the Ashram of the Christ it is imperative we demonstrate our relationship to the One Plan through relinquishing our gains for future gains.

These gains are many in your case that are required to be relinquished. Let us look at some of them:

  • The gain of many lifetimes gaining notoriety teaching others.
  • The gain of many lifetimes leading others
  • The gain of many lifetimes instructing others in ways that that honored them.
  • The gain of many lifetimes preventing yourself to become active in ways your group soul desired in respect to the above successes.
  • The gain of many lifetimes preventing spirit from carrying out its real needs for the planet.


Each of these gains were a product of choosing to do what worked at the time in respect to the world and not what worked in respect to possible greater wisdom available.

For all of us the Path is really an unknown and it is because of this we must constantly relinquish our present gains for future unfoldment. It is this process the Christ requires from His disciples as well as making anew each moment.


You also have failed to follow your guidance in these eight (8) areas.

You have failed to register your perfection as a soul and these in terms of the spiritual gifts and abilities you have previously developed wanting to come through to be demonstrated. Will identify four of these for you:

  1. Gift of seeing others gain awareness of themselves as souls.
  2. Gift of seeing people placed upon a throne honoring them as a soul.
  3. Gift of allowing souls to guide their personalities.
  4. Gift of allowing the group soul to train the souls of others.


You have failed to understand your true calling for this stage of your life.

To re-orientate yourself to assist others in identifying with the One Plan.

  1. It is suggested you relieve yourself of all teaching work unless you can consciously work with your soul to assist others in discovering themselves.
  2. Validate your sources of guidance.
  3. To re-orientate yourself to assist others in unfolding their life purposes.
  4. As well as your particular life purpose related to both your group soul and group karma.
  5. For you it is about you retreating into your soul and discovering the love you have for those around you
  6. As well as retreating into your spirit to locate your particular planetary dharma.
  7. As well as re-discovering life’s purpose based upon guiding disciples’ recommendations.


Also, you have failed to accomplish your mission laid out by spirit in communicating with it as is your destiny.

  1. Under the circumstances HZ cannot go here for you until you grant him permission to do so as it is difficult to find ways to describe this without mutual paradigms as well as understanding of the Plan and your related group karma.
  2. It would be wise to do this sometime as it will put everything else into perspective.
  3. There will be a time not long from now when you will be able to understand this for soon you will be in touch with your soul more consciously and all will be eventually known.


Next, you have failed to register the importance of this life in organizing your heart along ashramic lines.

Your gifts are many and wondrous to others but in your heart you realize that these gifts are inadequate to lead others into their soul destiny.

You offer AWT and have much value to the ancient wisdom teachings as well as to the lives of those you teach—this is not in question.

Nor in question is your loyalty to the teachings as your record and heart indicates.

What is in question is your belief in the protocol of the Hierarchy and as it stands this protocol is not taught by you or those you choose to be around.

Nor is it really understood by your group.

It is common knowledge that spiritual occult students upon the outer planes observe what you are doing and ask ourselves why.

Those on the inner planes suggest to you that your way of teaching is not in line with their suggestions or in line with your Divine Soul’s.


It would be wise to follow these suggestions:

  • Re-organize your understanding of both the Path and the Ashram and unite these two concepts.
  • Take some time to understand the path of discipleship in its various stages.
  • As well as understand the different stages of the Path.
  • As well as understand the relationship of the sub-ashrams to the path of discipleship.
  • As well as the place you are at on the One Path


Next, you have failed to understand what is required of you as a disciple working in the world in these ways.


You have been provided with many people to train and these people have been sent to you for one reason or another as you are available to them.

  • It would be wise to reevaluate each one to determine what is required from you in their particular cases.
  • As well what you need to get in return.


It would also be wise to see yourself as a very outspoken person and this has prevented you from servicing as well as you might have.

Your future service in the world is contingent upon you accepting our advice and we say this not to threaten you or to admonish you but to suggest to you that people are offended by your style at times, and this prevents you from connecting with them.

It would further be wise to organize your life to only teach those subjects in line with the present Plan and this will guarantee you the inner ashram support.

It will also provide you with a different group of people to work with.

Next, you need to decide your plan in compliance with the One Plan.


These suggestions we will make and no more as it is for you to decide what to create.

  1. It is suggested that you reframe from creating workshops related to old systems of spirituality.
  2. It is suggested you concentrate your energies upon assisting aspirants to heal their hearts.
  3. It is suggested you respect the ancient wisdom teachings and prevent it from becoming misrepresented.
  4. It is suggested you organize workshops on helping people discover their:
    • sources of guidance
    • relationship to spirit
    • healing abilities
    • creating of a life plan
    • knowing themselves


Lastly, you need to make a decision as to how to work with the Christ in the future.

  1. Re organize your heart, mind and life along your group soul lines
  2. As well as discovering your master’s plan for you with the group.
  3. It would be good if you took some time to investigate your life karma left.
  4. As well as investigate what it is this life.
  5. As well as investigate what you can balance or relinquish now.
  6. It would also be good to shoulder more of the responsibilities of the sub-ashram you are related with.
  7. As well as discuss with others their relationship with you as a spiritual person to better understand each other.
  8. It would be good to see yourself as a soul expanding into the unknown and rely upon your nose (extension of head centers) more.
  9. It would be useful to perceive your group’s destiny not as you might now think but be open to other destinies.
  10. You are not what you think you are and this needs to be discovered by you soon.
  11. You would be wise to perceive yourself as a product of the times.
  12. As well as a product of your past.
  13. It would be good for you to get together with others to take training in developing your inner psychic or spiritual occult gifts.
  14. It would be wonderful if you decided to entertain the concept of the one Soul and discover a way to use it to retrieve information.
  15. It would also be good to use the resources of the 5th kingdom to serve others.
  16. It would also be useful to work with people to assist them in discovering others that could help them instead of yourself if that is the real need.


You, as of yet, have failed to make peace with those around you have offended in the past. There are four people this refers to on psychic levels.

It would be good if you took the time to meditate on these above failures as well as find a solution to them. 2

    1. Your solution is the gaining of awareness of the causative constructs as well as karmic constructs. This means to understand them in respect to your physical body as well as to your life meaning.
    2. Your solution also requires you to develop a rapport with your soul.


It would also be good to bring in from meditation what is it your master requires of you as well as your Soul. These are comprised of approximately 2600 topics as well as concepts related to these topics.

It is of value to me to assist you with some of these if you so request otherwise I will not bring them in as they are personal.

Also, it would be good to look at the ideas you are holding as a personality and their effects on your personality sheaths. 12

  • In your past you have chosen to perceive yourself as a spiritual being comprised of the following qualities and characteristics:
  • In this life now you have chosen to perceive yourself as a spiritual being comprised of these following qualities and characteristics.
  • You perceive yourself as upon a throne and from this place you go out.
  • It is upon this throne you should be but never leaving it to go out for this prevents you from being at the center or as the Self.
  • You perceive yourself being unsure of those around you whether or not you are admired by them, and this is good to be connected in the heart but not the mind as this causes them to become overly identified with you.
  • You perceive others as extensions of your teachings and not as a guide for them to find themselves. This causes your soul to triumph (3rd aspect) and causes your ego to triumph, and this produces separation in yourself as the One Life.
  • You perceive yourself as a party of people trying to serve the “community” and this is good but not wise as it is the real needs of the planet that needs to be served and this causes separation in the soul of humanity. (Community is symbolic of planet)
  • You perceive others as merely objects to be confronted and also as personalities to be educated this causes separation between their souls and their personalities.
  • You perceive others as needing to become students of yours when their souls want them to become students of theirs.
  • You perceive yourself as wanting to serve others’ real needs but end up controlling their real needs.
  • You perceive others as extensions of your understanding and likewise your spirituality.
  • And this produces karma of many sorts as well as preventing others from finding themselves.


Your point in evolution and its effects upon your personality bodies.

For each of us there is that previous development of our causal body that produces our present potential now.

Group Soul wants to inform you of your present point in soul body development.


One way of doing this relates to the number of gifts and abilities you have developed and demonstrated; the average for humanity at this juncture in the West is around 18,000 and these includes skills, talents, abilities & gifts.

You have around 26,000 of these by our enumeration.

As well as succeeded in unfolding fully six petals.

Another way of expressing this unfoldment is to identify the number of sub-planes the soul has mastered in some way and for you it is 18 counting form below upwards but not necessary in that order.

Another way refers to the type of lotus you have and for you it is called a flowering forth of beauty in one classification.

In another classification it is called a radiant son of light.


For each of us there are soul characteristics previous developed form a human point of view and for you the following plus many others are demonstrated this life: 

  • Organized Son of Mind
  • Perpetual sharing of gifts
  • Organized Bright being
  • Dancer among devas
  • Resonant to god
  • Promulgates values.
  • Expresses will to good
  • Educator of souls
  • Giver of secrets
  • Seeker of the waters of life
  • Dominates others.


Forever and a day each of us will be a product of our particular circumstances surrounding our individualization and for you these are some of the characteristics:

More restrictions in your case than others in the areas of:

    1. Caring for people.
    2. Responsibility in the creation of forms enabling you to understand people.
    3. Sizing up situations around other people’s relationships.
    4. More later if time permits.


For each of us there is a particular motto we believe in and use as our archetype life to life based upon both our ray make up and our life experience; for you the following captures it:

    1. I enslave others for their ultimate good.
    2. I reign over the lives of others.
    3. I imprison those I love.


For each of us there is a way to destroy our causal bodies and for you it is thus:

  1. Through endeavoring to isolate those mysteries for which you were created.
  2. Also, though acknowledgement of those forces impinging upon your soul body.
  3. Also, through analyzing groups of beings you recognize them as apart of yourself.


For each of us there is a process of unfolding our spiritual gifts and abilities:

  1. Isolate your values one at a time and demonstrate it.
  2. Spare controlling others.
  3. Organize and demand from life.


For each of us there is a way for us to align to our Spirits.

  1. Forfeit your control in these ways:
  2. Over the personality lives of others.
  3. Through negating your relationship to your past.
  4. Through educating others in themselves as souls.
  5. Through demonstrating a reluctance to seduce others.


For each of us there are spiritual opportunities to become a master of wisdom.

  1. You have eight life theses to create and demonstrate in this regard.
  2. As well as demonstrating control over your personality dwellers.
  3. You are predisposed to honor those who provide for you entertainment as well as opportunities to heal others and this will be your reward.


For each of us there are spiritual opportunities to become a member of the Hierarchy in good standing.

Success for you rides upon following the Wind as well as the Waves.


For each of us there is a next revelation.

  1. For you there are several hints
  2. See yourself as needing to become Blind.
  3. See yourself as also becoming uninformed.


Re organize your mind along these paths.

  1. Study nature of true psychology.
  2. Organize mind, heart, life along group soul lines and pray to the One Heart.
  3. Study the purpose for Life.
  4. Connect to these beings:
      1. Devas
      2. Members of the Core Group of the NGWS.
      3. Isolate group of Intuitives.

5, Also, an investigation into the nature of suffering.



It would also be good to look at those group karmic variables you have accepted responsibility for and their effects on your personality sheaths-in short.


For each one of us there are group karmic forms we co-created in the past requiring us to balance:

  1. Procreation group karma
  2. Spirituality/religious group karma
  3. Educating others group karma
  4. For each of us there are those personality karmic forms.
  • Provide others with a way to know themselves related.
  • Intimate relationships related.
  • Betterment of human conditions emotionally related


For each of us there are those thought-forms.

  1. Organized control over situations & others involved.
  2. Controlling thought creation of others
  3. Negative thoughts with spiritual/religious fundamentalism


It would be good to look at altering your understanding of your life path in these six ways.

  1. Your destiny is afoot, and nothing can prevent it from unfolding at your stage in life.
  2. It is a destiny created by you and others to cause yourselves from having to live out your lives bored.
  3. It is a destiny created by your sub-personalities as well as other people’s response to this over time.
  4. It is your responsibility to help people understand their spirituality as well.
  5. As assist them to balance their karma.  It would be good to have an understanding of all of this in relationship to the plan your soul had in mind for you.
  6. And also understand the effects of this on your physical body.


It would also be good to look at those unwanted karmic forms you have created.

  1. Unwanted in the sense of your personality desires as well as your group soul’s.
  2. It would be good to name some of these, the first three anyway, to have an idea of what this refers to.
  3. Form of relationship you created with other people whom you believe will support your creative goals for writing as these have caused you discomfort.
  4. Form of your books you published or want published.
  5. Form of relationship you created with other teachers you want to work with.


Each of these forms depict a pathway into the world that has proved to be the wrong one.

The reason being is that the group soul did not support this.


As well as look at your abilities to be brain, mind, soul conscious.

  1. You in particular have decided that you have not yet connected to your Divine Soul.
  2. You do believe you are connected to your causal body.
  3. As well as the causal bodies of others.
  4. From our point of view, we want you to understand that you have these sources of guidance that you use regularly in this order:
  5. Kama-manasic group related to shamanism.
  6. Spiritual Occult sub-personality you confuse with your personality.
  7. Kama-manasic body elemental.
  8. Planetary astral plane in general (ideas floating through in resonance).
  9. Planetary kama-manasic plane particular groups related to spiritual movements.
  10. Personality related forms of others.


Yes, it is true that you at times connect to your soul (3rd aspect) as well as spirit, but these are not used by you as a form of guidance yet.

It would be good to brood over what we are telling you and develop a better model of discrimination to move forward.



III. It would be good if you took the time to explain to her that her condition will not go away unless she lets herself be guided by the Christ: 18

This is a sensitive area to explain and explore as well as discuss and be heard. Our lives, as we see ourselves, govern the many elements of our beingness. These include our spiritual gifts and abilities we share with others, our causative model of our world, our potential beingness’s, our relationship to the one, our demonstrated qualities and characteristics, the many forms we create, our standing in our community, and also our health and well-being. These things are all a causative expression of how we hold ourselves in relationship to our environment.

    1. All in all, eventually expresses our relationship to Life.
    2. It is this relationship we are endeavoring to understand.
    3. And it is this understanding that is the cause of our unfoldment in a nutshell.


For each of us there exists that pattern of form which represents our personality bodies according to our particular life purpose and thus implies karma.

    1. For each of us there is those responsibilities we have inherited or been given through the existence of our substance.
    2. Over time we free our self from this substance as it is dis-identified with and enlightened.
    3. Our understanding of the relationship between substance, knowledge, wisdom, matter symbolizes our future freedoms.


It is also the essence of our karmic, our life, our creative processes, our spiritual paths as each of these are interrelated.

    1. Dharma and karma are interrelated in the respect to karma being an imperfect reflection of Dharma over time.
    2. They become closer and closer as we perfect our Self expression.
    3. And eventually they are united.


For you there is a strong relationship you have developed to the idea of your life for karmic reasons being shortened and this is true in this regard:

    1. It is true in the sense that you look forward to letting go of your body in exchange for a better one.
    2. It is true you need to look at your dying as a type of retribution of some karmic origin.
    3. It is true that you expect others to see it as some form of failure.
    4. It is true that you hide the truth from others.
    5. It is true your ideas of causation to not understand this pattern.
    6. It is true you are disguising it as something else.


Lessons we all need to learn is that our life belongs to the group soul as well as belongs to others.

Our particular belief that if different along these lines has no merit as we experience this every day.

We, as disciples, are soldiers of the Lord whether we recognize it or not or choose to identify with this phrase in its existing form.

Neither are we totally free to choose our own path as we are limited by our baggage.

You and I and everyone else believe that we are free, especially in America, to have the life we desire if only we had the time and resources to create the future.

Everywhere around us is proof of our group life little is added to this acknowledgement.

This is backward reasoning as the future has created the opportunities we have now as it is the reason we exist if you would permit me this line of reasoning for a moment.  The cosmic purpose initiated our local universe as well as initiated our world and us being part of this purpose fail safes our potential choices this we know in a detailed way if we have meditated on it from the point of view of the life forms that exist we can use to express ourselves through.

Is this not true for you as your decisions to create were based on your vision—I think so but what we have to create with or from was also a vision coming into being from a greater Being was it not.

It is important to understand this as we trace our existence back to our origins both as a soul and a personality based upon the purpose for which we were created.  It is important to add that our existence is forever linked to this creator of ours.


For each of us there are karmic relationships we have engendered over time related to all life forms on this planet and elsewhere:

    1. Over time you have interfaced with the spirit of the earth and this entity is easily recognized by you and later still this karma will need to be balanced
    2. Over time you have succeeded in demonstrating a relationship to the “Holy Ones” and this to at a later time be balanced by you.
    3. For the past 17 lives you have discovered a way to communicate with devas ensouling the astral plane and this in the future will need to be balanced
    4. In an effort to shorten this evaluation and make it still useful I am not going to give any more examples along this line but be assured there are many.


For you there is future karma with the following life forms related to you:

    1. Ordinarily I would never mention this to anyone but considering your understanding I believe it will help you understand the bigger picture.
    2. In the future once you succeed in healing yourself you will be given an invitation to communicate with devas of a certain order and for the purpose of gathering information concerning the Plan.
    3. Also, in the future Individualized devas will assist you in creating your field of service.


Particular groups of souls you have karma with related to this issue you need to reflect on:

    1. There are esoteric groupings you have karma with.
    2. There are religious groupings you have karma with.
    3. There are future occult schools you have created karma with.
    4. There is the immediate group you have co-created.
    5. There is no more karma for you at the TS Grouping
    6. There is no more karma with New Age Groupings unless you create it.
    7. There is karma with Alice Bailey groupings.


Every one of us has many categories of karma the following are a few related to your issue you need to reflect on:

    1. You have been given this life form of abundance in many areas. These abundances were particularly related to your ability to communicate with others.
    2. You have been given many occult gifts karmically related to your personality mind to create thought forms of influence.
    3. Already used by you is your negative karma with men and this has been an area of your live necessary to assist others.
    4. Nurtured and cultured was your positive karma and this has not been fully balanced by you and it is this karma that you will use to be successful in the future.
    5. Relationship karma you have balanced.
    6. Family karma is yet to be balanced but will be this life.
    7. Organizational karma was created this life and will need to be balanced along with its effects on its members.
    8. Future lives will provide you an opportunity to create karma related to occult schools as this life you are preparing for this—do you understand this?


Individual karma related to this issue need to reflect on:

    1. You are considered a woman of wisdom to many, and this is your positive karma from past lives.
    2. You accomplish almost everything you want, and this again is related to your good karma.
    3. You have been given many abilities in this life and each of them relate to previous lives of positive use.
    4. Never have you had to suffer from the hands of others as your past karma helped relieve the suffering of people.
    5. Never again, and we mean this, will you have to be in intimate relationship with those not at your own level.
    6. You would be surprised to know every person whom you have educated this life was served in some way but not always as they needed to be.
    7. It is also true that everyone you served believed you were able to see them in some useful way.



IV. It would be good to explain that her propensity is to hold tight to herself her thought-forms. 16 priorities or thought forms.

The first thought form is that of your service work in the world; how can you service others if you will not let others shape it as well as let others contribute to it as it is for them.

The second major thought form is that around your body death as it is not allowed others to offer you services on relieving this problem as it could. Your fear of letting it out prevents it from doing its necessary work as well as causing unnecessary life abstraction.

The third major thought form is that of your life failure you hold, and it is this thought form that is causing your body to weaken. It is this process of internalizing this thought-form that causes various systems to falter and these are several.  It is important that I give you more information on this so you will have a good understanding of what I mean.

  1. First of all, your devic ensoulment system of your organ systems takes its cue from available colors veiling your communication systems (DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE SYMBOLISM HERE?)
  2. Secondly, each of the systems involved draw life form the 3rd Logos and this life is being restricted according to your perspectives held.
  3. Along with this above is the electrical system that interpenetrates your physical mass on a cellular level. It is this system which determines your body’s ability to digest incoming information as well as harmonize it according to historical data. It would be good to look at this from the point of view as representing the source of your guidance and in this case it is coming from a sub-personality which I will call grandmother sub.
  4. Another system affected is that of your energy production system and this refers to blood sugar production.
  5. Yet another system is that referred to as your chemical assimilation system and this is prevented form absorbing certain three amino acids (their names do not matter as they are not absorbed if you took more unless consciousness changes).
  6. Yet another system is your biological clock system; it is this system that determines your reproduction of various cells as well as hormones. It would be good to talk more about this one as it will assist you to understand what is happening.


Your soul’s relationship with those elemental lives that make up your body are comprised of understandings: Each of these understandings is a feedback mechanism.

  1. All of your mechanisms are being asked to speed up the death process as you believe your live has no real purpose as it is.
  2. There are other systems affected but these depict the worst of it as well as a better understanding. All of these systems are responsive to awareness.
  3. We can investigate all of the above systems as well as all the implications and ramifications of the prioritized concepts listed above upon the body systems as well as the chakra system in great detail but remember these are effects, not causes but for compensation purposes can be useful.


The fourth thought form concerns your sexuality and its desires to be free from these ways of interacting. It is important you understand that sexuality is responsible for virtually all of our creative abilities and if it is dysfunctional our creative ability suffers. Need to release the idea of wanting to rid yourself of this part of yourself and discover a way to elevate this creative force.  It is suggested you do this immediately as it is this energy required to transfigure the mind.

The fifth thought form concerns your ability to be successful in the world and holding this tightly prevents others from assisting you.

The next thought form is related to what you believe are your sources of guidance (based upon your existing paradigm); it is of concern to us you cherish those sources that you believe are from yourself and advanced beings as these as said earlier are form planetary kama-manasic fields and astral fields.

The next thought form preventing you from circulating truth through your body is that of your established community; this community thought form causes your body to improperly be energized as it prevents age old soul energies from circulating from petals as this thought form created by the sub personalities involved prevents correct energy and concepts to flow.


The remaining thought forms are not as important, but they add to the problem.

In the Light of the Christ & the Love of the Lord



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction


Nicholas Roerich Museum

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

Your soul body, as is everyone’s, is made up of the following six basic potential energy expressions.


The energy of understanding or comprehension.

For you this life means the following:

The comprehension of the way humanity needs to go to heal itself.

The comprehension of the causes of human suffering.

The comprehension of the types of people on the planet and their potential.

The comprehension of the various types of people in politics and their potential.

The comprehension of the types of people in the field of economics and their potential.

The comprehension of the various organizations in the world and their mandates as Group Souls.



The energy of love:

For you this life means the following:

The love of people who are related to you by blood.

The love of people who you perceive as being like yourself.

The love of people who you believe are capable of loving you.

The love of people who you believe are virtuous.

The love of people who you believe are capable of being a friend to the world (materialistically identified).

The love of people whom you believe are victims of circumstances.



The energy of purposeful activity:

For you this life means the following:

Activity whose purpose justifies you being able to see its value to you.

Activity whose purpose justifies its relationship to you as it organizes either your life or your understanding of how the world needs to be.

Activity whose purpose justifies your context of what life is for.

Activity whose purpose justifies your wanton desires.

Activity whose purpose justifies in some way your sense of connection to humanity.

Activity whose purpose justifies in some way your sense of manhood in terms of gender.



The energy of exactitude in the creation of forms:

For you this life means the following:

Need for exactitude in the creation of racial harmony.

Need for exactitude in the creation of perspective in respect to peoples overall understanding of who you are as a person.

Need for exactitude in you becoming a leader in your fields of endeavor.

Need for exactitude in you organizing your mind.

Need for exactitude in you organizing your life to work for you.

Need for exactitude in you organizing your abilities to survive in the world from your perspective.



The energy of selflessness

For you this life means the following:

Selfless in the preparation of others to assist you.

Selfless in the dealings with others who can help you in some way.

Selfless in your preparation for connecting to others for the purpose of generating a living.

Selfless in your acknowledgement of the benefit of others in your life.

Selfless in your activities that benefit you and those engaged in such.

Selfless in your reactions to those whom you perceive as being identified to your cause for existence.



The energy of discrimination, discernment, group identification, group communication, pattern recognition, recognition of real needs for service expression.

For you this life means the following:

This energy gives you the ability to see others with detachment and makes you the observer.

This energy gives you the ability to make others see you as an enlightened spiritual being.

This energy gives you the ability to organize your thoughts and expressions to make others aware of causative patterns.

This energy gives you the ability to organize your perspectives on causative life in such a way as to engender others’ beliefs in themselves.

This energy gives you the ability to see yourself and others as people who are in control of their destinies.

This energy gives you the ability to see others as connected to you.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mohammed the Prophet

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]



Humanity Soul:

Group Soul

Son of Mind

Manasic Divine Soul


Personality Mind



Humanity Soul:

  1. Liken unto a cradle stemming into spirit besieged by the voices of the unknown.
  2. A master perched upon the mountain’s edge seeing all ignoring none he watches.
  3. A sage witnessing life.
  4. En-glamoured, enjoined, beleaguered, yet aware.
  5. Betrayed by all, loved by none yet loved.


Group Soul:

  1. Unlock spirit’s doorway into the unknown.
  2. Realize this that you are all there is.
  3. Unveil your challenges one by one and master them before your life flows from you.


Son of Mind: 6

  1. Let your ears guide you and your eyes not betray you.
  2. Let your heart be with humanity and your hands sooth their pain.
  3. Open your mind to me and let me guide you.
  4. See yourself as a being of light and not a dark being.
  5. Be prepared to relinquish all in a moment’s notice.
  6. Force yourself to free yourself.


Manasic Divine Soul: 4

  1. Blessed are we who accommodate the Lord.
  2. Fulfilling prophesies organizes our lives.
  3. Winter snow brings with it silence, being, creativity, and adventure into the unknown.
  4. The dead are awakened in the light.


Oversoul: 6

  1. Endearing they have become, prized also, those around you and with you for they are you in the making.
  2. Secret societies you seek belabored for truth.
  3. All destinies await upon you and for you to create.
  4. Speaks one and all to you.
  5. Brave soldier of the night silent and warned, we await you.
  6. Filled with lore of treasures you race into life.


Personality Mind: 6

  1. Behold a child’s gift before you.
  2. Wrapped in gold I treasure all.
  3. The universe gives up its secrets to those who need them and want them.
  4. The time I have left I give to all.
  5. The love in my heart I sacrifice for all.
  6. I wonder, ageless and unafraid, before all.


Planet – Future Events: 4

  1. Witness in the night propeller airplane crash.
  2. Witness stars losing their life.
  3. Witness a star violating sexually her marriage—women.
  4. Witness schedules being changed in peace deals at the U.N.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation for an Aspirant from Various Sources within the Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

Five of His Own Related Internal Sources as Guidance:


Personality Mind (in this case the combination of his Occult Sub-personality and his Personality): (4)

Sing a song of victory as to all the chores accomplished.

All The days ahead means freedom to create yourself.

All the days ahead means freedom to be who you are and wither not before your time.

All the days ahead means freedom to love.


Group Soul: (4)

Freedom at any cost now stands before you–seek it.

Your light fades fast. Ignore all before you and trammel the vineyards of the Lord.

Record Winds are blowing in from the East – seek to master your Self.

Record Opportunities awaits all who record these Winds.


Soul: (3)

Harbor none in your aura.

For 40 days and nights seek Son of Mind.

Be especially pleasant to be with (guard yourself well).


Ray Group Soul (4)

Past Visions we see all around you.

You are now empty of visions.

Before you seek our Vision.

Regain these visions.

Guiding Angles of Karmic Group Soul:

Reckless you have become.

Regardless of all the rest.

Please not yourselves this day.

Or your karma will not be spared.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction




Nicholas Roerich Museum - Drops of Life

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Source: Son of Mind:

Speak no more until I come to you to speak.

See no more the world outside of my world.

Register no more except from me.

Bow low to god before you and keep still in Its Presence and all will be well.

See no longer your love of home nor your possessions nor your cape which hides you from the world. See no more your love for women as this too is past and realize you are not in control anymore and realize you were never in control.

Expect only greatness to follow in our footsteps. Expect no one to follow except those we send you. Comment not upon those around you to be in step with you as they have chosen another path. Nor practice speaking with them without our consent. Nor witness before you others command but by your own soul you shall speak. Be brief with others by only telling them our truth with justification based upon law.

Seek the guidance of That that sent you and witness before others Its grace upon you and spill Its “Blood” upon you.

And witness for Its sake your true affection for others seeing them in your imagination. Recognize them as your own brother/sister and recognize them as following you in your footsteps treating them with respect and honor.

And witness for them your concern and courage to be like you witnessing for them their pasts as well as their futures giving them advice and solitude to reflect on within that advice.

And witness upon them a cross of the heavens which they walk and worship and therefore go out in to heaven and tell them of their futures right and timely as all things in the domain of our Lord God.

And witness before them your concern for them as souls and brethren of the One path teaching them your way and truth and light beholding to them your cross to bear.

And witness before them your greatness as it stands before them and cherish each one of them as your own that witnesses you. See them before you as gathered dust in a storm blowing in spirit and all will be well. See them as participating in your decisions to make themselves great witnessing before their eyes your soul as it stands before the One.

And witness before them your kind way with words bowing before them eternity.

And witness before them our way of truth and righteousness and bow before them in this.

Witness before them your turn upon the cross baring all of them towards the Christ and baring all of them towards the One God, Lord of the World, and baring all towards the One Creator and baring all of them toward the cosmic Logos and baring all toward the cosmic Christ and baring all towards the One Spirit and baring all towards the one Breath and all before the One.


Source: Spirit and Son of Mind to the Probationary Disciple:

As in this way I am in that way and together I move with all standing before Me.

Prying and staying together we move towards Substance Great and praying together we move towards that great Unknown we cherish.

Praying together we seek justice at the feet of Him who knows.

Praying together we seek justice for our sins upon each other and stay together until the Wind blows us apart scattered in all directions back to Him we left.

Praying together we send back in time our healing energy to heal the present and witness before us His Good forever.

Praying together we seek justice for all the sins of our forefathers that they be wiped clean as/so our sons and daughters rise up to greet the Morning Star and rejoice in our baptismal waters.

We pray together that we may be twice blessed from Who that has sent us out and return with many gifts baring gratitude. We pray together to garner our strength to move forward upon the path of true Enlightenment and gather strength from each other’s arms.

We pray together to heal the wounds deep within your individualized womb and gather strength from its healing. We gather strength also form the womb of time and garnish it with our particular flavor of time.

We speak no truth except our own upon our lips and garnish no truth except for ours alone.

We separate ourselves from the battle field of life and leave behind those who have followed after to witness before them the coming of the true time forgotten ages ago.

We come to a time in our lives when all we have known or cared about is left behind in forgotten glory of an old world gone past and remember only the treasures received upon the battlefield of the gotten past.  All other pasts we see not their worth and remembering only the gotten treasures upon the battlefield of life in the early morning cherished as the bird a worm. And working backwards in time we now travel to a forgotten shore ripe with virtue, and reward, and with treasure shore above all else; and treasure shore above all doing and beingness; and thus, treasure more our Being.

And witness before you the ever-widening path to distant shores lost in expansive measures; and witness before you the ever-widening shore line upon which the Great Ones walk. And witness beyond the widening shore line the ghosts of distant pasts walking among you. And witness more the coming of the Wise One as His steps get closer to yours. And witness more the ever-widening path that leads to a distant shoreline awaiting transport to another Shore. And witness more the ever-widening I -Eye.

It would be good to share with R these thoughts as they unfold for you over time to give him a sense of accomplishment and realize he too is upon the battlefield of life walking forward in battles all around him and not seeing them anymore but witnessing instead what lies ahead so speak no more of past, present, and future of the living now before your hearts aflame with reason and good intent and witness before you the everlasting glory befallen each and all who travel spirits path. And journey beyond the narrow gates of heaven’s lore and witness before you the ever-widening path that takes you beyond the treasure as it is before you even now.

[Son of Mind: It would be educational to rewrite these with initiation in mind and cherish the thought of graduation.]


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction