Nicholas Roerich Museum - Stronghold of the Spirit

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate

Group responsible for karmic initiation of events in real time.

These groups are comprised of advanced initiates working out of the ashrams in several different sub-groups and are responsible for conditioning time and substance with abstract thought-forms. These thoughtforms are sent down into concrete mental plane and thereby being picked up by those whose karma is aligned with those sending them out and working alone ray lines as well as ashramic lines. It is these disciples on the outer planes responsible for receiving these and providing vehicles of concrete substance to send them out on and thereby forcing the plan in two ways. First by descending the into kama-manasic plane; and secondly, by working on them themselves to establish an inner grouping to manifest these and thereby establishing on earth a representative of sorts to forward these. Thereby establishing a base camp to work from. It would be good to have the idea of you being one of these on the mental plane establishing relationships with those on kama-manasic plane and extending this information into lower planes and thereby providing for many to register it. Useful to look at this as a reminder of who you are and not get caught up in physical identification. Also good to realize you are the best at doing this in many instances and thereby establishing a body of workers relaying your information to others and thereby establishing on earth the speeding up of peoples’ roles karmically and realize to you are not alone in this as faster assimilation is the reward for all this way achieving a right relationship among workers and this is one of the goals and one reward of your work.


Group responsible for registering impressions from the Masters of Wisdom.

The master’s let these groups speak to the masses per their concerns along ray lines. Thereby establishing a base relationship with the masses in this way and thus being able to relate to them whenever to prevent some wrong from happening. This relationship can be seen as a distinction of sorts and gives the masters a required voice in the three worlds setting the stage for the descent of the spiritual Hierarchy. And in this way achieve relative relationship with the personality and soul aspects of Humanity in mass.

Realize also, it is about you receiving from ashrams as a whole; and this process requires the raising of your vibration to the buddhic plane receiving impressions from the group mind of the ashram as well as the hierarchical group in total. This you have done many times with many ray lines establishing a base camp or outpost upon the concrete mind letting go of the intent in bringing it further down except for reference.

It would be instructive to look at this as a means for establishing relationships with those responsible in each of the ashrams to do this likewise as there are several appointed from time to time to distribute this and useful to register just what are the messages content and whether or not it is required on the physical planes at any specific time. If so, it needs to be brought in and therefore establish related karma of doing so. Thus, white magic works upon the outer plane, and this is in reference to the ongoing work of the masters.

Look out upon the world and see it as composed of a pattern of established relationships which are happening all the time and in this way get in the motion or the invocation of a pattern coming from the heavens in such a way as to create a plan related archetypical thoughtform and in this way see this as a conditioning pattern manifesting simultaneously across the globe and throughout the inner planes and establishing a set of rules for which people might live and develop.

It would be good to look upon this thoughtform image as challenging mankind to worship that image made per its own reflection and thereby establish within mankind its own god and there by worship it together as a whole and establish relationships with their god as a whole or themselves.

This is a means to potentially enlighten mankind as to their role in life and prevent mistaken identity as to who god is or is not in their eyes and establish relationships as best they can with those parts of themselves that are the most spiritual. In this way it is better to see what is trying to come about and realize it is not about them as a whole but about the plan they play a part in. It is also about them as a set of nations working side by side to create their destiny as a group and working towards that which they believe in as a spiritual purpose for their lives. And not letting go of this vision for others sake and realize too it is about them registering without impunity the mistakes they make and adjusting these in the light of reason and expected movement into the future. Realizing that they are the ones controlling god’s destiny here on earth as it is their destiny. It is about them finding a way to travel together into the future leaving behind all false gods making up their past. It is about them establishing on earth a way to travel everywhere taking with them who they are or not and realizing it is who they are that makes a difference in the world and not really what they do. It is about establishing a base camp of sorts as an outpost in which to radiate to the world its conditioning influences. And realizing that these conditioning influences makes an impact over time especially to those around them and realize to it is about them establishing relationships among themselves that work for all of them and not by the choices of others but by choice of the gods which they are representative of and realize too it is about them understanding what they are in time and space prevents them from becoming another or something else. It is about refusing to see themselves in the light of the past or present but only in the light of the future and this to be the light behind their motivating impulse. Realizing it is about them becoming what they choose to be that will reward them with the future they desire and not the past. It would be good to look at this another time as much there.


Group responsible for establishing relationships with the Council or Group of 12.

These groups work upon the inner planes upon the mind level and being composed of all of those with buddhic consciousness waiting upon the Lord and in this regard you are an apprentice to this inner mental group.

It is your destiny to partake of their wisdom as a whole and to follow it blindly for a while and discover yourself in relationship with this group and in this process to establish relationship with those upon the Council of 12 determining your destiny.

There are those among this group enjoying a destiny away from the daily human affairs and establishing relationships with the devas of the Lord preventing many unwanted events from happening on the globe.  Realize this, as they pass upwards into the circles of hierarchy they are composed of fewer and fewer members which are thereby restricted in access to the higher buddhic worlds and realize also they are composed of members of a band of workers known as planetary Hierarchy and are thereby treated with great respect. They are re-composed each year by only a few members. Gaining access is getting harder and harder and thereby behooves you to try harder to attain this status.

It would be good to look at this as a means to discover just who you are in regard to this group and realize your position needed by you so to attain this group status and to work with this group in establishing relationships with certain devas. You are prone to work with individual devas not really understanding who they are nor their purpose in working with you in general and this needs to be corrected.

It would be good to look upon this as a means to service many that come before you. This group is about salvaging souls and about trying to prevent others from making wrong choices and ruining their lives. It is also about you treating them as gods preventing them from becoming established in the world as mere physical bodies but working with them as souls and this everyday preventing them from falling backwards in to the pit of despair and quitting on you.

It would be good to look at this group of being composed of those members believing in themselves as emissaries of the Lord working with souls to enhance their ability to work with their personalities and in this way achieve peace on earth and preventing another world war from spreading in the future to all continents and working with those on the planet as minds to do this.

It would be good to look upon this as rewarding work as it entails understanding and working with devas in large groups and works with the idea of accomplishing something good and realize to it is about you wishing you could do something to make the world a place to live in righteousness and wellbeing and prevent people from destroying each other or their potential plan related future.

It would be instructive to see this group also as a means to establish relationships among yourselves in training each other to see or to work with devas and in this way achieve your dreams faster.  It is about the Lord awaiting upon you to accomplish this as a means to carry forth the plan and purpose he brought forth to this planet and thereby establish on earth a new dispensation by working with devas and there by seeing this as a great task in the working out of human karma along right lines preventing war

It would be good to extend this understanding sometime.  This group has been training you for a while see to it you learn.


Group responsible for working with the devas on several levels to harness the resources of human beings and bring to enlightenment human souls and minds. 

This is about you being a part of this group to work off karma and thereby establish a base camp on earth in which to train others. It would be good to look at this group composed of all those souls presently working with the Lord to establish on earth the first two initiations and eventually the third to establish the Hierarchy on Earth.

It would be good to establish within your mind a way to understand the challenge of this group.

It would be good to understand that you are working with this group to enhance your understanding of the ways the group needs to go as well as curriculum needs. Members of this group need to establish on earth a series of hierarchical schools mandated by the lodge only and not to establish theses based upon some individual or group’s intent.

It would be good to realize too that this hierarchical school process is currently opposed by the Hierarchy and no undertaking can occur as long as world is at risk of war. It would be good to look at Christ as an example of the will to good in motion creating upon the physical planes the necessary authority and power to rise above prevailing authority to establish these bases on earth once the Christ has arisen in the hearts of men everywhere teaching this as a means towards enlightenment of their souls.

It would be good to look upon this as a means to share among the brethren of humanity your christening and this in two ways: first to establish a school curriculum that emphasizes the work of the Christ in two ways insuring His grace among you. Second, to extinguish the flame of separatism and to establish a relation of humanhood in class rooms and to establish a way to enhance comprehension through the interacting of all members of the group and this in terms of souls likewise. It would be good to realize you are not the only one working on this in two ways there has been established on earth a secondary school of training in the east and this school has been in existence for several centuries and is composed of those members of the human race who will become extinct shortly (Arhats) and therefore needs to be reincarnated in the east again in another lifetime by your group. It would be god to look at this as an evolution and a means to re-qualify it. It would be good to look at its curriculum and understand it is a means towards enlightenment. There is more here to investigate.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Group Destiny – A Discussion

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Stronghold-of-the-Spirit

The Nature of your Divine Qualities, Gifts, and Abilities Determine your Dharmic Way into the Unknown

Know yourself and know who is in control are the watchwords of the aspirant.

From the beginning of your lives as aspirants you have set examples for others, and it is these examples which have defined you as well as given you your birth right. Since the beginning of your time spent on this earth this life you have succeeded in developing your many qualified energies and forces, gifts, abilities, talents, and skills. This is just a beginning and is where you have always been as well – always just beginning. Overall, you have succeeded in developing yourself to where you are now as well as to the nature of your karma in getting yourself to this junction. It would be wise to prevent yourself from accepting gifts and abilities you have not developed unless you make the time to develop them as opportunity is always short while in body and the difficulty of being here on earth promotes this argument. Overall, you have succeeded in creating yourself as you now are and besides what else was there to do here.  You are conditioned by your past, demonstrated in the present, and predictive of the future.


The Makers of Joy rebound with the development of perfect reasoning as it justifies their eternal life objective.

The Makers of Joy (One Soul groupings) express themselves by reaching for the reason for the stars and likewise the seasons for all. It is the Makers that contribute to our development as soul and personality. It is the Makers of Joy that our many gifts are derived from as well as spiritual qualities. They are responsible for deciding our fates. Overall, it is these Makers of Joy that caress and nurture us. These beings are a fragment of the larger Christ that dwellest within all of us. These makers worship the sacred Body of God as it everything for the lives that indwell it. It is this Body that makes up Its Reality, Its Orientation, and Its Home.


It is a statement of fact when it is said that God manifests a fragment of itself in all things and yet remains.

This is proven when the brahmic head center opens and kundalini flows light a stream of electrical fire from base center to head center through all dimensions of our three periodic vehicles—monad, soul and personality.  It is this head center that rests back on its creators and represents those greater beings or qualified energies included in its existence as indicated by the number of petals contained within it.


Even though “God-Self” appears to be finite it is a synthesis of these many lives making up our identity.

This identity is not understood unless we, over time, can isolate these individual beings within our Selves. It is understood that the great Science of Esoteric Astrology is the symbol of this for us and our relationship to all of these unknown gods (Energies) that dwell within us hide a greater Being that synthesizes them all.

Our daily lives are replete with many potential experiences that verify this reality although there are few who have developed either the sensitivity or discrimination or god-consciousness unfoldment to verify this. It is upon the shoulders of these giants that we stand to testify for ourselves to the veracity of this truth. It is upon these that have gone before us and has led the way that we can speak with authority of our subjective experiences and to this I verify and am grateful for as reality is the Heart of all existence and the goal of all endeavor. It is this reality that guides us daily into the unknown future as well as making sense of the past and proffers us an amazing journey to the One Life.

Without this pathway we would be lost and confounded. In anguish, our minds tortured by no reason for our existence would fail to live or reproduce any meaning. It is an uncertainty that we can explain and predict the causes for all lives but over time, with each truth verified, we will and as it is said all things will be known.

The very truth that sways us now in the morning with give way to a greater truth more inclusive and more convincing than the day before and if we are awakening in the light than it is so. When we arise each day questing for the cause of our existence in all of its forms then our hearts are aligned with gods. And it is this ageless goal that will lead us to the very heart of it all.

In the morning when I awake my heart directs me to silence myself to its truth and every morning I awaken to the sounds of the One Heart in mind pointing the way sacrificing the noise of the day to its knowingness and in this way the path is more visible and lighted for my footsteps to locate and not easily lose my way. At times I let the noise of the world drown out this silence and thus the Way is lost for only the Voices in the Silence know the Way.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Qualified Energies, like Spiritual Gifts can likewise be Shared among Disciples.

Higher Psychic Gift Development – Some Introductory Theory & Exercises Revised (06.20.24)


Nicholas Roerich Museum

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

A Subjective Message from the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).

Impressions have been coming in formally to Humanity since Leo new moon 2002 from the Hierarchy and its associated ashrams through the NGWS. The intent of this information is to train disciples and humanity in brain, mind soul reception.

The type of information is endless and varied. It is composed of impressions from many types of subjective groupings. One of its purposes is to depict the relative inclusiveness of Humanity within the whole.

All of us as members of the NGWS have a contribution to make not only to themselves but to Humanity and the planet. All of us are questing for the reasons for our lives. We are giving of our time and resources to spiritual development so as to discover our life purposes and to make these contributions.


Source: Manasic Group on First Subplane (Teachers of Other Souls):

Need you to grasp the fact that we on this level are responsive to energies being received by all the group members involved in the teachings of disciples in manifestation. (18)

You will need to begin your search for the right motives for the presentations of the teachings you are given.

You will see to it that all human units get special treatment.

You have noticed that we on the inner side behave as if you have time on your hands this is so the teachings get out to all who receive them according to their due.

You must decide on how to move forward with the teachings given and this is included by your interpretation at reception.

You are not to give any teachings to others given this above statement.

You need to remember each see according to their Dharma/karma.

You are not alone in receiving the teachings many are called to respond.

It is apparent that you have received a greater calling among the many do not be surprised if others are included in your calling.

It is to our advantage that these teachings do become a part of the fabric of your conscious mind.

It is not for us to decipher your intent in application of these teachings this is known by all included.

It is not in our power to deny you these teachings for in are according to the One Life to choose.

It has come to our attention you will be receiving these teachings for many years to come

It is important you receive these teachings in a livingness way.

It is also important that you receive these teachings accurately for your sake.

Take some time to examine teachings to make the biggest impact on consciousness understanding.

It is important to examine your response two times before action taken.

You need to understand that these teachings are a part of the one mind today.

You are mistaken in your belief that we teach you differently than the One Life.


(Note: I have posted the following earlier but thought it would add further context to this post.)


The Christ has said:

Establish right relationships between yourselves (all peoples).

Visualize or know your planet as one with Life.

Visualize or know the Lord as with you at all times.

Visualize or know you are with Me.

Seek the answers to your questions from the divine Soul

Let your life provide for others a way to see themselves truly.


Listen to what the Christ has to say concerning the fifth Ray contributions. (6)

Always in the beginning of a new century there is given to Humanity from Hierarchy a set of new teachings.

These teachings are designed to implement my Plan for the lower kingdoms.

After the year 2025 there will be given out by way of the souls of disciples’ new protocols for working with Shamballa.

This will consist of cultural and/or scientific technologies and methods to be used by nations to serve each other.

It will also include several new scientific ideas to better cope with ecological realities.

Another scientific one will be to enhance our communication with the astral plane.

Another one will be to advance the scientific community’s concepts of occult psychology.

Another one will be dedicated to insuring peace in the world by making telepathy a recognizable aspect of spiritual development.

Another one will awaken humanity to the concept of space being an entity.

Another one will give humanity in general an aversion to eating animals.

Another one will advance human thinking in the field of medicine whereas it will be understood that human units have a soul.

Another one will be the advancement of human knowledge in the areas of art through technology.

Another one will be in the area of surgery that will automate many of the processes.

Another one will be in the area of growing vegetables and grains using devic knowledge.

Another one will be in the area of music technology.

Another one will be in the area of registering information from concrete mental plane.

There will be many more ideas being given out as humanity recognizes its unity with life and each other.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective (Revised 03/05/24)

Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

The Future of Humanity – Some Adjunct Information – Part III

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

Visions of Potential Future Events Unfolding for Humanity

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

The 12 Major Causes for the Suffering of Humanity

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Viewpoint on Humanity

A Reflection on Humanity

Struggle to Direct Humanity

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

A Present Moment for Humanity

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Planetary Guiding Angels – A Covenant between Humanity and God (12)

Esoteric Cosmology – Aquarius Constellation Alignments & The Future


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Tent-Mountain

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

How strange that work is composed as the world struggles again to see itself clear of dark forces.  This awakens within us a balancing need to avert our eyes away from such to avoid an inadvertent acquiescence with our very attention.

The gathering forces entering unto the world are ready for battle.  But a battle focused on salvation, freedom, synthesis, and truth.  The glories of the world, apart from a few victories of national souls, go unnoticed by these forces for their Hearts are at-one in the Lord and the Hierarchy.

For every human group or nation there is a way they must go and it is this way these forces are guiding.  The guiding is both within and without, it is not  without individual interest that this guidance is given.

All these forces who enter upon the physical plane carry within themselves the wisdom and knowledge needed and also the path to travel.

We who are descending know one truth and that is the truth of our hopes for we see the world as one that has forgotten its way. Our time has forgotten humanity and humanity has forsaken its oneness.

We all do what we can do. No matter what the cost, humanity’s life is worthy of all we have to give.


Ashramic Group:

Exceedingly simple are those that guide humanity, the  Way is clear of footsteps trodden by the many for the One alone travels thus in the light of the many, returning from whence they came.

Forever and a day the road is trodden questing for the question needing asked.

Alone we must quest for the central great mystery.

Carrying all along within us to find our way.


The Christ’s work is about to change as he is developing an understanding that humanity has particular needs which require him to reframe from pushing forward with his immediate Plan. These real needs of Humanity need to be addressed in a different way at this time. It is important that you understand that humanity has come a long way and is tired as well as dismayed with existing world conditions but do not know how to change them as they feel powerless to do so.

The Christ will initiate a solution based upon humanities cry for assistance as well as their belief that it will come in some form. It would be good if humanity made the realization on their own of what needed to be done to prevent a forced crisis from taking place as well as more hardship, but humanity’s lessons are yet incomplete as they do not yet perceive the Oversoul context of the One Humanity and the One Life working together to solve all of the world problems together.

It is important at this juncture to believe that the One Humanity will supply the needed solutions as it becomes more invocative as well as developing an open heart available to receive. It is also important that the One Humanity can be more available to receive grace as it is somewhat creating along the lines of the intended Plan.  Humanity’s institutional forms should reflect somewhat the desired goal of Shamballa which is for the gradual integration of these three major centers (head, heart, and throat centers) permitting an easier alignment for guidance that wants to come through.

The opportunities represented by Age of Aquarius are upon us and now is the opportunity to find oneself alert and outgoing as to the properties they wish to incorporate within their life.  It is a time when all humankind can rule themselves with dignity and forbearance as well as just or correct intentions. It thus, in time when all humankind can battle within themselves to solve their own problems and thus the world’s problems. It is a time when justice can rule the earth as well as the will to good. It is a time when people will rise up to their truer self and say I am here and here I will make my stand. It is a time when all humankind will gladly say I am loved and also love itself.  They will know they are free to be themselves in all spiritual ways and available to assist others upon their paths. It is a time when all people can say they are free to pursue just causes with understanding of real needs. It is a time when all people can say with massed intent I will never again permit my life to be separated from another and will no more stand not side by side with by brethren for the sake of the whole. I will not again permit myself to organize against another nor will I permit another to organize against another. I will lead all those who come to me Home.


New Group of World Servers (NGWS): (6)

Humanity is about to venture on a journey or search inwardly to know themselves a little better and this will come about through a process of crisis as it is crisis that awakens the soul. It is important to ad here that this crisis is about them cooperating to survive as well as to inherit the earth in its new format. You would be wise to prepare yourself for this  as it will be soon.

Humanity should also be prepared to see itself as finding the One Soul as well as finding their place in it.

It is all of humanity requiring to see itself as a part of a vaster network of lives.

It is through this process that the new age will unravel.

It is likewise through this process that humanity will forgive its neighbor and move forward.

It is not too late to prevent this crisis although improbable.


Review of some national values and rights for humanity what need to be understood now. (77-7)

Each nation upon this planet has the right to determine its own future but this right is overshadowed by the greater needs of the planet.

Each group of people also has the right to be left alone to move into the future as it sees fit but this right is overshadowed by the greater needs of the planet.

There are many nations forfeiting their future rights along these lines through ignoring these values and the day will come when all will be balanced.

There are many nations organizing economically to better assist their peoples and fellow nations, but this isolates those nations who are not a part of this grouping. It is these nations that will be karmically in the future by pass their prosperity for other nations.

There are also many nations overseeing the needs of lessor nations and these nations will be given more to accomplish this.

Some nations are particularly active in caretaking others and these nations are likewise discovering their growth in this process.

As well as some nations are becoming greater and greater in their abilities to rule wisely, and it is these nations that will succeed in developing a greater role in governing the world.


A set of values it is important to inculcate to move into the New Age consciously.

Value of the One humanity as nations and groups of peoples working with Hierarchy to orchestrate the Plan.

Value of Making decisions incorporating a nation’s soul as well as the souls of those involved.

Value of Ideas wanting to come in to alter humanity’s or a nation’s future along the lines of the Plan and as well as in line with humanity’s or a nation’s or group of nations karmic necessity.

Values that bring nations closer together: (7)

  • Value of seeing one another as souls.
  • Value of witnessing another nation’s soul related purpose.
  • Value of assisting another nation to maximize their true happiness through their unique contributions.
  • Value of assessing and demonstrating a nation’s abilities and gifts.
  • Value of asserting a nation’s belief in themselves as spiritual beings.
  • Value of perceiving a vision or plan for a nation’s life.
  • Value of nation knowing themselves to control themselves.


Value of creating a nation’s spiritual path based upon the art and science of the One Path.

Value of liberating a nation from themselves.

Value of maximizing a nation’s health and well-being on all levels.

Value of Being descending to manifest the One Life through Humanity’s or a nation’s culture and civilizations.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


 The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Guardian-of-the-Chalice

Excalibur Legend Explained

Based upon a legend Excalibur was a magical sword making those undefeatable who possessed it as it was given by the Spirit of the Earth (physical elemental life force of the planet which the planetary Personality aspect works through) to him that guided the race. This is the essence of the legend whereby Merlin was the guardian of the sword while alive and was a disciple of such Spirit. This came to pass in the time of the founding of the fifth sub race of the fifth root race which took place in Europe when England was being founded. It was during this time that a Master of Wisdom whose statue was not known by those around him, delivered this sword to him destined to be ruler of a united England with the expressed desire that it be used to ceremoniously crown followers into the burgeoning Knights of Templar. This ruler, although understanding the master’s wishes never used the sword as was desired, instead used it to instill power over others by his possession of it and thus became more of a symbol of power more than a magical instrument for initiation.  This sword had no power of itself but was a talisman if used as was intended.

During this time the sword ended up in the possession of a historical figure. As this figure organized the new inclusive government the sword was stolen from him and destroyed. To this day the master that gave the sword to the Knights of Templar is not recognized but the legend is.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

12 Relics of the Buddha – 12 Lessons

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Atlantean Culture Revisited



Nicholas Roerich Museum - White-Stone

Be on Guard to Honor Those that are Working in the World

Honor the 6th Ray ashram for their dedication to making the work of Jesus accessible to millions.

Honor the 7th Ray ashrams for educating us in the work of the deva kingdoms as well as the healing technicalities.

Honor the 5th Ray ashram for its intensive educational projects to train us in developing our higher inner psychic senses.

Honor the 3rd Ray ashrams for their purposeful endeavors to bring us a greater understanding of the One Plan and Purpose by which we find our solace.

Honor the Masters of Wisdom for their endless perseverance in guiding us home.

Honor all of those Initiates working in the inner planes for their undying and faithful service to humanity and ourselves.

Honor all of those Souls encompassing the planet who provided dedicated service to us.

Honor all of those many lower kingdoms’ lives who have sacrificed themselves to serve us and our real needs.

Honor all of those many great esoteric Beings who are looking over our planet and securing our group destiny.

Honor those many more creative hierarchical unseen and unknown for their sacrifice and service in the creation of those forms we serve in and through.

Honor all of those human beings in my life who have assisted me in my life.

Honor the Lord for His eternal Sacrifice on behalf of all lives on this planet as well as according to me the many opportunity to meet my real needs.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


A Sacred Teaching of Master R.

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

My Secret Verse

An Ancient Apothegm

A Very Old Apothegm

The One Ashram following the Path of Those who came before Them – An Apothegm

The Joining with the Lord

Mastery of Time

A Call to Battle On

450,000-Year-Old Treatise from 7th Ray Ashram

The Tides of Life

Advice from a Fellow Traveler upon the Subjective Way

Honor One’s Elders – Guidance for an Aspirant

An Honoring

A Viewpoint on Humanity

The Connection to the One Who waits upon the Shore of Infinite Love

The Long-Forgotten Son

The Lord Serves

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

The Lord Waits Patiently to Assist You

The Lord Waits

Planetary Son of Mind through Son of Mind for World Related Soul-Personalities

My Hour Comest

Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)

Daring to be Great

An Atmic Mind Realization  

We Climb Seeking our Reason for Existence

The Truth Lost

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The Circle of Creation

The Awakening Ones

Ode to the Flowers

Following the Cosmic Sound

Essence of the Aquarian Goal

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits



Nicholas Roerich Museum - Warrior of Light

One Ashram – Some Adjunct Information for Probationary Disciples (Revised 03/06/24)

(HZ: An Impression received from a Subjective Source during Meditation.)


The time has come when the Lord rises in His Light and seeks all to know the nature of the universe and their part in the play, and it is each of your destinies as Disciples to bring that which they wait to them, for they wait with open arms to receive the Lord’s blessings from you.  And all will be well.

The time has come when people of good will must seek the presence of the Lord in their hearts and in those times each of you will be there guiding them, upon the upward journey home. And in those times, you must be replete to know that the Lord seeks them to be unto themselves and ready to receive through His Disciples the Lord’s blessing.

This blessing will come in four ways:

  • It will come through your eyes.
  • It will come through your heart.
  • It will come through your touch.
  • It will come through your auric field.


Be wise and schedule events near the full moon, for the hour has now come when the fullness of the Lord is yet present in the world at all times.

The time has come when the present moment has begun to impart the truth of the ages, and the daring great has to seek recourse from the star that twinkles in the east.

The time has come when each disciple must arise in the Lord’s might and seek ever to know the Presence of the Angel that overshadows your destiny and all will be well. Focus on the dual life of the disciple to prepare for the next expansion of consciousness.

The time has come when each of you, standing in the Lord’s presence will seek to know two things:  What manner of a person you must become.  What hats are you to wear.

Be alert as to processes within yourselves that need to be changed, for we have come to you with lightning speed and expect lightening results and no resistance upon the road. For the time has come to make haste in your developmental objectives and be who you essentially are.

The importance of the work now is that it requires you to be more alert as to opportunities and to schedule events wisely and be on the lookout for those who can assist in the process of meeting your real service needs.

The time has come when each of you needs to resolve your relationship to others around you in terms of issues and processes; and be alert as to how to increase your mode of operating with others in effective and useful ways that bring you closer to the One Heart.

In this we make suggestions:

  • Be alert as to ways to support each other’s process in a spiritual sense.
  • Be alert so as to increase your time together to formulate your worldly integration plan and extricate yourself from your outer world work.


Once you are given an opportunity to collaborate with the Lord directly in meeting His objectives at this time. Dedicate yourselves to these tasks:

  • To be with the Lord, moment to moment.
  • To hold His hand at all times (guidance, energy, healing, receiving – for reconstruction)
  • To be alert at all times to find ways to bring others into His Plan (move into the soul’s purpose).


Those who have sacrificed their knowledge, love, and will for the fruits of the Plan are admired from above in their dedication and truth they have oriented their lives around.  We would like you to continue this process into the night of time working together.

Develop yet a greater willingness to work together (see, voice and will) on planetary areas of life or concern to develop your mental sensitivity to better receive impressions from Hierarchy in terms of the pattern of ideas needed to address existing areas of concern.


We have gathered all of our resources for the training of members of the One Ashram.  This training is comprised of the following 700 contingency demonstrations.

We have shown you many star charts.

We have gathered together a set of concepts that comprise the basics of ashram teachings: (2550)

We have included several writings for study and review.

We give 47 years of training to members.

We demonstrate to the outer world 460 propositions.



Subjective Life of the Ashram. (18-6)

The ashram itself is composed of various energies four of which are major and 16 less major ones.

All ashrams are constructed also of those particular heavenly Men related to the Ray of ashram.

Each ashram is also composed of gigantic chakras or wheels comprised of cosmic etheric substances where each wheel is composed only of universal energy.

Each ashram is comprised of two or three kingdoms deepening on how you count them.

The purpose of each ashram is inherent within its energy configuration.

All ashrams have six things in common.


How we, the Hierarchy is to be in the World. (15)

Need you to know that the world is changing in ways that contribute to a sense of human welfare for all.  We need you to grasp the fact that the Hierarchy does not plan to externalize as before.  Their plans have changed somewhat.  It is important for you to get a sense of this change. It has become apparent to most members that the world has and is turning away from materialistic values and perceives social good more and more.  It is for this reason that Hierarchy has been put on alert in terms of creating a new society and for the planet to represent these new societal values. We want to say that we on the inner side have dedicated certain new resources to this process.  They are right judgment of the races for each other, right outlook on those around you, right actions to secure human freedoms…..


How we, the Hierarchy are to contribute to the Planet. (97)

Through the agency of developing goodwill in all departments.

Through the hope of the world turning to the emphasis of mankind in solving the world’s problems together.

Through the interactions of many groups manifesting various aspects of the plan. (14)

Through others such as yourself initiating projects, programs, and organizations and such to address real needs.

Through the Glory of the One shining through onto the physical plane slowly over time.

Through the many various groups recognizing each other and cooperating together.

Through many people jumping on the wagon once they see the direction being taken.

Through people like me taking expansions of consciousness.

Through agencies’ now existing revamping their mandates to work more humanistic.

Through agencies of the United Nations as they take on more power.

Through partnerships between governments to address real human concerns.



How the world is to be recreated. 3,900,000 (300)

There will be those on the inside that recognize those external forces that need to be played out.

There will be those external forces that imply a directional change in some area of life.

There will be somewhat of a choice of how people will decide their own individual fate.

There will be a group of men that expect certain changes to be made and this will slowly unfold.

There will be a new group of world servers dedicated to making all happen from the inside.

There will be a growing number of disciples initiating new ways of thinking on the planet.

There will be a group of us with like minds that create a sense of mystical calling to discover the inner domain.

There will be men of high mind that will get together to foresee into the future and make predictions.

There will be a group of angels responsible for assisting mankind to reorientation in inner world through demonstration.

There will be a group of like hearts and minds that will establish various new Age schools for training.



The way We, the Hierarchy, will make these changes. (118)

People will see the error of their ways and change their values to reflect that change.

People will ascertain the truth now through a different set of discriminating eyes.

People will play out their desires for material satisfaction and be more satiated.



The way people will respond to these changes. (249)

People respond to each other in these times, more and more, as members of the One Humanity.



What is happening now. (224)

People are preparing a way for themselves to move into a future that is uncertain.

People are not now deciding to carry forward their old mandates.

People are not aware consciously of why they are doing what they are doing but doing it.

People will someday be prepared to take these lessons.



Disciples, be prepared to receive information from several sources not normally receive. (14)

  1. Arch Angel Gabriel (5th Creative Hierarchy Lipika Lord)
  2. Arch Angel Michael (5th Creative Hierarchy Lipika Lord)
  3. Lord (Arch Angel) Metatron (ensouls Cosmic Etheric)
  4. Arch Angel Shronz: Ensouls 5 lower sub-planes of cosmic Astral
  5. “Cupid”-3rd Sub-plane of Atma
  6. Be prepared to receive information from the following 1st Ashram sources: (14)
  • One responsible for teaching others about Race relationships necessary to move into the new age.
  • One responsible for reeducating the public on a way to go to create a world political body that works.
  • One responsible for creating upon this planet all creative esoteric schools.
  • One responsible for creating in the world a political platform which to base all political movement.
  • One responsible for educating masses on their relationship to the other kingdoms.
  • One responsible for reeducating the general public on a way to move forward out of their karmic necessity.
  • This initiate is able to achieve a set of experimental teachings and to give them out to see how disciples will respond.
  • This initiate receives new members into the ashram.
  • This initiate trains new members.
  • This initiate establishes liaison connections with other ashrams for transference of workload.
  • This initiate registers information coming in from other ashrams in lieu of joint responsibilities.
  • This initiate registers from S.K. the necessary set of purposes needed to be included in Plan.
  • This initiate registers from Nirmanykas necessary information related to Plan contingents needing implemented.
  • This initiate registers information from the Chohan


  1. Be prepared to receive information coming in from the 2nd Ashram. (14)
  • This person is responsible for reeducating the general public in a way to move forward in creating New World Religion.
  • This person is responsible for creating a way to link various ashrams/sub-ashrams in terms of externalization.
  • This person registers public response to extant ideas.
  • This person creates……………..14


  1. Be prepared to receive information form 3rd ray ashram: (14)
  2. Be prepared to receive information form 5th Ray Ashram: (14)
  3. Be prepared to receive information form 7th Ray ashram: (14)


Work Now Being Done in the Ashrams. (18-5)

The ashrams responsible in preparation for the reappearance of the Christ and externalization of His ashram are presently composed of the 1,2,3,5,7 (the 6th Ray ashram is abstracting). Each of these ashrams is now externalized to one degree or another and are making plans to consolidate their ashrams by the year 2050. At this time, they will be in a position to assist the Christ in meeting the real needs of Humanity.

Four of these ashrams are consolidated to the point of its members having communication between the inner ashram on buddhic levels and the outer physical plane. The fifth ashram is just now externalizing.

Each of these ashrams have an important part to play in this preparation for the Christ: (8)

Each of these ashrams is preparing to externalize along with its members the following 86-things.

Each of these ashrams have members all around the world at this time. And each of these members is conscious of their role.


Below are a few of the endless ashram related topics that requires unfolding – an outline for an introductory context on the One Ashram.

  1. Alice A. Bailey’s Teachings on the Ashram—Nature of.
  2. Nature of the One Ashram of SK.
  3. The Seven Ashrams
  4. The Sub-Ashrams
  5. The Externalization
  6. The Beginning of the Ashrams
  7. The Importance of the Ashrams
  8. The One Work
  9. Deva’s—Helpers of the Race
  10. The Will of Sanat Kumara
  11. Ashramic Organization
  12. Subjective Life of the Ashram
  13. Saving Humanity
  14. Work Now Being Done in the Ashrams
  15. The World Plan
  16. The Plan into the New Age
  17. The Nature of the Masters
  18. The Heart of the One Life
  19. The Nature of Sirius
  20. The Nature of the Solar Logos
  21. The Nature of the Galaxy
  22. Humanity in the Future
  23. The Glory of the One
  24. The Rites of Passage
  25. Ashramic Responsibilities
  26. Service in the Ashrams
  27. Heart of the Ashram
  28. The Enclaves
  29. What has not been decided.
  30. Hierarchy in the Far Future
  31. Hierarchies in the Solar System
  32. Ashramic Resources & Training
  33. Ashramic Guides & Training
  34. Ashrams in the World
  35. Ashrams on other Planets
  36. Hierarchy in the Solar System
  37. The Purpose for which the worlds were created.
  38. The Evolution & Salvation of Matter
  39. The Evolution of Our Local Galaxy
  40. The Evolution of the Milky Way


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Ordinary, Fortified, and Enlightened Disciples – Some Adjunct Information (edited Feb. 5, 2024)

Creating a Working Disciple – A Summation

Discipleship Training – Some Further Adjunct Information

Entering Disciples – Some Basic Responsibilities

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

Aspirants – Some Adjunct Information on Real Needs

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Path to Kailas

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Some examples of its significance in the order of their  importance:

It is the first Ray which completes the nature and timing of the One Ashram unfoldment process.

It is the first Ray which permits the exclusivity of its existence and allows the One Ashram to exist as a separate body.

It is the first Ray that orders the Lives within the One Ashram to work as a whole.

It is the first Ray that exhibits the greatest amount dynamic magnetism, not the second Ray.

It is the first Ray that expresses the goal for the whole Ashram.

It is the first Ray which permits its members to express their love for the One Life. The ability of each ashram to function cooperatively within the whole is engendered by the first Ray’s identification with Shamballa.

It is the first Ray ashram which permits the extension or influence of Sanat Kumara to be identified within the other ashrams.

It is the first Ray ashram which permits the group as a whole to approach the solar Logos and the cosmic Logos.

It is the first Ray ashram that carries the burden of the Plan for it is that ashram which must interrupt the Purpose of the Will of God.

It is the first Ray ashram which permits the carrying forth of all the ashrams into the future.

It is the first Ray ashram that prepares the members of all the ashrams through training.

It is the first Ray ashram that coordinates all of the sub ashrams through permitting their unfoldment in terms of directing the timing of training to carry out Purpose.

It is the first Ray ashram which substantiates the entire One Ashram with the energy of Love.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Nicholas Roerich Museum - From-Beyond

Ten Sub-Hierarchies & Six Ashrams – The One Hierarchy & The Externalization Plan Participation Now

What is the relationship between the ten sub-hierarchies and the six ashrams in respect to the externalization Plan now? There are several ways of understanding this. (6)

  • You can look at it from the perspective of knowing the degree of organization of the One Hierarchy as a whole in this regard.
  • You can look at it from the perspective of the organization of each ashram and those of the sub ashrams.
  • You can look at it from the perspective of which ashrams are interfacing with each other.
  • You can look at it from perspective of which programs each ashram is a part requiring interfacing with other ashrams.
  • You can look at from perspective of which projects each of the sub ashram is a part of.
  • You can look at from the perspective of what personnel are doing in respect to sub-ashram projects and programs.

Each of these can be addressed here somewhat to give you an indication of degree of understanding so others can be better informed.

Hierarchical Ashrams and sub ashrams presently participating in the externalization activities of the One Ashram – Indian Hierarchy, Oriental Hierarchy, Himalayan Hierarchy, and the South American Hierarchy.

The listed ashrams and sub-ashrams below represent a possible inter-action configuration at a point in time depicting an aspect of the inner-organization of the One Hierarchy’s sub-hierarchies.

It is provided as an example of participation in the externalization Plan.

Indian Hierarchy

7th ray sub ashram of 1st

5th ray (5 sub ray sets)

  • 2nd
  • 4th
  • 5th
  • 7th
  • 2nd, 7th

1st ray ashram (5 sub ray ashrams)

  • 2nd
  • 6th
  • 5th
  • 7th, 3rd
  • 2,3, 4,5,7

7th ray ashram as a whole (12 sub ray ashram sets)

6th ray ashram as a whole (6 sub ray ashram sets)

  • 2nd
  • 4th
  • 4, 2,
  • 2, 7
  • 7
  • 5, 1

Oriental Hierarchy.

1st ray ashram as a whole (6 sub ray ashram sets)

  • 3rd
  • 3, 5
  • 7,5
  • 2, 5,7
  • 7
  • 2,3,5,7

7th ray as a whole (6 sub ray ashram sets)

  • 5th
  • 5,7
  • 7
  • 7, 1
  • 7, 4,
  • 7, 1, 4, 5, 2,3,6

3rd ray as a whole

2nd ray as a whole

4th ray as a whole

5th ray as a whole

Himalayan Hierarchy

1st ray as a whole

2nd  ray as a whole

7th  ray as a whole

5th  ray as a whole

South American Hierarchy

1st ray (5 sub ray ashram sets)

  • 5th
  • 7th
  • 5,7
  • 7,1
  • 1

3rd ray (5 sub ray ashram sets)

  • 3 bunch of places in upper right
  • 5,7 bunch of places on upper right
  • 7,2
  • 3,1, 5, 7
  • 7,

5th ray (5 sub ray ashram sets)

  • 3 three places upper left
  • 7
  • 2 three places in upper left
  • 7,2 three places in upper left
  • 5 many places in upper right

7th ray (3 sub ray ashram sets)

  • 7 many places in upper left
  • 5 6 places in upper right
  • 3 many places in upper right

Although you have guessed that there are many sub hierarchies on this planet (but the author does not yet fully understand them organizationally and therefore cannot finish the organization chart in its entirety or accurately so this chart will be postponed for another time.)

The organizational plan of Hierarchy is composed of the 10 major sub hierarchies as well as these major ashrams as a whole. Please note that their are other hierarchies on the planet that are not a part of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

These ashrams are in order of present importance related to inner-organization of sub hierarchies provided above.

  • 7th
  • 5th
  • 3rd
  • 1st
  • 6th
  • 2nd

Names of 7 of the 10 Hierarchies:

  • South American
  • Himalayan (Northern Indian which is responsible for western disciples in general.)
  • Indian
  • Oriental or Asian
  • Southern Indian
  • Lemurian/Early Atlantis 1,2,3,4
  • Later Atlantis/early Aryan 1,2,3

You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to really understand their existence and for what set of purposes (but it is not part of the teachings given out for good reasons).

It is important that you have a trail to follow in the evolutionary unfoldment of the many races and this will provide you with one significant insight although a slippery one at that.

You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to merge your existing ashram data into a more useful paradigm. (5)

You would further your education if you treated this as unimportant in understanding the Plan although useful as well as easy to teach, which you cannot as of yet although can hint at its broad implications.

You would be wise to see the One Ashram as arranging a time to come together each full moon to take notes on matters of the Ashram and present whatever findings you have made to substantiate ongoing organization.

You would be wise to see organization as a way of holding reality but not really true although it appears true from cosmic physical plane perspective.

The necessary attitude is one that needs to be taught to others so they can understand but in terms of organization they need to get it for themselves.

In terms of the One Hierarchy being composed of these ashrams and hierarchies it is important to understand that this is so because of the racial unfoldment historically considered which created these thought forms and thus all souls that now enter them are caught and cannot escape it appears. It is therefore important to keep this fundamental illusion as it is useful and for our purposes.

It is also possible that we can leave behind this concept of separated hierarchies as this separation will not be felt as much over time. It is also advantageous to point out to other ancient wisdom races that they also have entry likewise into this One Hierarchy to better overcome the sense of separation among these various racial groupings.

It would be wise to see this model as useful for explaining what is happening in terms of races and sub-races as well as duties and responsibilities although not really true either. But does never-the-less indicate racial contribution to the overall process as well.

It is important that you understand that the model we are using is composed of these variables: (140)

First Variable

It is important that you see the first variable as being composed of all of those individual masters who have taken the 5th initiation as well as all of those masters who are training for such as well as all of those lessor disciples in training for such as this is the initiation of completion in doing the Lords work here on His scheme.

Second Variable

The second variable is that of sub ashrams being composed of all of those masters and fourth degree initiates who have taken responsibility of the goals of the solar Logos and to unfold His Presence here on Earth as well as other humanities related to the Earth as a place of opportunity.

[Note: It is important to understand that these masters are of the opinion that those requiring this information qualify yourself to be taught this information in the expressed hope of serving the Lord by putting out this information in due form to those that qualify and therefore have earned the right to bring to the world this understanding not with worth but later once an appropriate notoriety has been created.  There are those of these masters who appreciate the neutral mind as well as the open heart and they believe one can be responsible for this truth without personal glory given or required.  It is important that you spend several years gathering this information from the subjective sources before you present it as it is difficult to understand with the mind. It is therefore impossible to understand it from a 5th dimensional mental or symbolic perspective but needs the intuition to grasp it in its fullness or completeness – as well as its livingness.  It would be good if one spent time on it regularly to deliver the facts although there is little that can be gotten by one until their vision is adequate as well as their intuition; which comes into a close second in terms of needing development. Although, intuition will come easier once one purifies their feelings more and let go of their past and guilt held as well as letting go of not being a real human being for it is this that holds most back.  It would be well if you took a well-deserved respite from yourself. ]

Third Variable

The third variable is composed of all of those devas who are responsible for the third Logos for the substance aspect of the Ashram. As well as for the training of those masters and disciples in how to work with the substance aspects. It is important to add here that these devas are not more knowledgeable but only that they have access to the knowledge of the universal mind and therefore can receive anything that is available to do their work. Some devas who have been around for a very long time have much knowledge and these devas who have also been working with humanity.

Fourth Variable

The fourth variable is that these devas who have passed through the human kingdom at one point and have entered the devic kingdom as well and they are few but extremely knowledgeable of many areas more than one could even imagine. It is well worth your time to invoke such a god as will assist those in whom Spirit calls as well in whom the Lord calls as the two are one.

Fifth Variable

The fifth variable is that of seeing or witnessing those groupings responsible for the creation of all triadal forms as well as all triadal related vehicles This aspect of the teachings has never been given out and refers to those devic Lives which are sub divided into sub-plane substance. It is important to add here that these devic Lords who control the cosmic etheric planes are in themselves very advanced Beings created billions of years ago and have experienced everything to receive this position as well as been everything as this position represents the ability to retain all the possible degrees of consciousness as well as states of being.  It is possible to perceive this as being the ultimate high if you know what I mean in terms of the One Life upon the cosmic planes.

Sixth Variable

This is on the 12 Creative Hierarchies which can not be given out as of yet.

There are 135 more variables to this model that needs to be concretized to better clarify this model for those that have the grace.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Tidings of the Eagle

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

Humanity and the One Life – Some Adjunct Information

You have been given the idea that humanity has released their concepts of a world where they can live as One Humanity. It is this idea of the One Humanity that will permit them to discover an even greater idea of being part of the One Life. It is this One Life that will dawn upon their consciousness as a whole when the e Christ returns in actuality. It is this that the whole world waits.

The life that we are now living is in no comparison to the life we could be living.

In the fork of the road, we are. And when we finally make the correct turn the world will be turned upside down in all ways.

The world is on the verge of a complete shift. This shift will come as an answer to the question of what the purpose of the soul is. This question is now being asked in all departments of human living.

Humanity will be receiving information from a variety of sources in lieu of this question. These sources are all part of the plan to answer this question satisfactory for the human race and there are many minds at work on it. Presently as of this writing over 14000 consciously focused on it.

The real problem that faces humanity at this time is whether or not they will rise above their bickering to challenge themselves to meet real needs for the greatest number and the greatest good.

You would be wise to see yourself as one person but yet with the One Life behind you whenever you see the world through the eyes of the one Humanity.  Please note you will be able to accomplish anything if the perspective you hold is that of the One Life. If you promote this value then you will be able to quickly evolve.

You need to know that all individuals who participate constructively in this transition are having their evolutions quickened.  It is wise of you to take advantage of this temporary opportunity to make a difference in your life and the world.

Please note each of you that participate fully will have many resources at your disposal as the Lord has given a reprieve of group karma to better carry out this transition and inner into the New Age.

You also will be given gifts and abilities you have developed to enhance your field of service and your individual evolution.  We want you to know that the Lord is looking for many individuals to serve humanity in all fields—ask and it will be given in whatever capacity you have to serve.

Please note that disciples will be given the preference of immediately returning to the body at this time and for another 150 years.

Also, probationary disciples are being asked to take initiation to better enhance their service potential.

You would be wise to see this as an opportunity of the greatest moment and make every effort to achieve your heartfelt desires for the good of your world.


Salvation of Substance & Humanity

The world as we know it is rapidly changing all the time and this change is perceived universally as an improvement upon existing conditions by those producing the changes.

Humanity sees itself as having a need to destroy and create the needed forms to feel it is accomplishing life.

We have given you several ideas which indicate the transparent creation comprised of four planes of hierarchical existence. This creation of form inherent within the Hierarchy is an attempt to alter the history of the race to reflect propose behind which the forms were created. Century after century the outer form more closely reflects the inner and in this way unfoldment proceeds. Salvation comes when the outer form reflects the needs of the inner life originating in the soul of mankind.

You would be wise to see this process of salvation as a process whereby consciousness or substance depicted as a form continuously unfolds to reflect its subjective creator or the self.

We advise each of you to contemplate the simplicity of creation with this in mind.  All forms or consciousness is nothing more than the efforts of the self to reflect itself in form and this is called salvation. It is not the Christian concept of salvation whereby the person is salvaged from the world to be taken up into the heaven world for eternity.

We have given you the idea of resonance and it is this concept that reflects this process of salvation. The resonance of the form reflects the existence of the higher formless worlds of the cosmic etheric planes. It is no more than that. All Glamour is the reflected difference between the inner formless (or abstract forms) world and outer form world.


The Plan and the Earth as a Place of Evolutionary Opportunity for the Aspirant: (12)

It is significant that each of you sees yourself as somebody willing to believe in yourself enough to see that this is your world, and you are responsible for it.

We would like you to have the idea that each of you is responsible as souls but yet as personalities are yet imprisoned in form.

You have been given the idea of registering your actions needed to advance upon your spiritual path.

These actions are many and varied but never-the-less is inevitable and without the needed sacrifices to your time you may never advance.

The importance of your life is subject to the perspectives you hold, the beliefs you cherish and the freedom of choice you experience.

We have given you the idea of registering your soul’s plan for reach of you and this may achieve for you a growing sense of accomplishment and participation in the world plan.

We have given you the idea of securing within your will the importance of dawning New Age values. And it is in this capacity you will be ready to travel.

You have been given the idea of needing knowledge that the soul possesses and in this way travel with assurance.

You have been given idea of respecting all those souls who have traveled a little further on the way and taking advantage of their experiences; seek out the truth through allowing your heart to guide you.  Be not afraid of being misunderstood.

You have the right to all knowledge needed to carry forth the Plan into the world.

It is important you see yourselves as members of the one Life pervading all forms and from this perspective rejoice in the knowledge that your will be done.



The First Steps in Unfolding of the New Age Plan Conception for the Aspirant (4)

  • All aspirants are required to receive guidance from their soul in discovering their part in the plan.
  • To accomplish this, they must first of all receive guidance on correctly aligning their brain with mind and the mind with the soul.
  • It is important you receive from your soul the following information. (6)
  • It is important you receive from the group the following information. (12)



The New Age Plan Conception Process for the Aspirant (60)

  1. Please perceive the planning process in these ways: (18)
  2. Please understand that the plan is composed of these values. (36)
  3. Please see yourself in these ways. (19)
  4. Please integrate soul and personality.
  5. Please integrate soul and group soul.
  6. Please integrate group soul and spirit.
  7. Please integrate into the world.
  8. Please find the time for the above.
  9. Please express all those characteristics needed to be successful.
  10. Please become convinced of your mandate.
  11. Please succeed in demonstrating your soul’s persona.
  12. Please align your will with the will of the group
  13. Please succeed in developing your various abilities to be successful
  14. Please succeed in being able to register the sources required to succeed.
  15. Please obtain from the group all necessary requirements to carry out your group plan.
  16. Please obtain from the group all required personal developmental needs.
  17. Please obtain from the group all necessary elements of the plan to have a larger whole.
  18. Please receive from the group all important information about the plan you will need to balance your karma in context to the group.
  19. Please receive all information related to the time sequencing of the plan.
  20. Please receive all necessary elements that relate your plan to other associated plans.
  21. Please receive from the group all necessary elements of the plan that register’s the Will of the Christ.
  22. Please receive from the group all necessary elements that relate your plan to will of Humanity.
  23. Please register all elements of your plan which stimulate your needed knowledge base.
  24. Please register from the group all those elements of your plan which stimulate you to master yourself.
  25. Please receive all of those elements which isolate your plan from the whole—need to see how it fits into the whole and is not isolated.
  26. Please know that your plan has contingencies.
  27. Please be prepared to receive alterations at any time.
  28. Please be able to adjust to vicissitudes.
  29. Please be able to achieve a daily rhythm in preparing yourself.
  30. Please be totally free to carry out your tasks.
  31. Please isolate those variables preventing you from carrying out your tasks.
  32. Please be able to find your destiny through your plan.
  33. Please isolate those variables that prevent you from moving.
  34. Please prevent your plan form falling into those hands that will cause you problems.
  35. Please isolate your fears.
  36. Please integrate your heart and mind.
  37. Please isolate those people which can either aid in some way or hinder in some way.
  38. Please know when to act.
  39. Please address yourself every day as to whether you are performing or not.
  40. Please know that your plan is significant for the well-being of others.
  41. Please know that your plan interfaces with many souls counting on your efforts.
  42. Please know that your plan is likewise responsible for other’s plan successes.
  43. Please know you can be given the boot at any time if it is not for everyone’s highest good.
  44. Please know that the workability of your plan must be approved by the Christ.
  45. Please know that your plan is not absolute but relative.
  46. Please know your plan is reviewed by the Hierarchy.
  47. Please know your personal beliefs are unimportant.
  48. Please know that your values are most important.
  49. Please know that your virtues are required to be successful in carrying gout of plan.
  50. Please know that your personal happiness is guaranteed.
  51. Please know that your joy is guaranteed.
  52. Please know the joy of the group to be successful.
  53. Please know the gifts of spirit to be successful.
  54. Please know that the Master responsible for your ashram is always present.
  55. Please know that the life of the group is based in the Will of Sanat Kumara.
  56. Please know that your plan is like the wind and can take you into places unplanned.
  57. Please know that your plan is the best that can be created now.
  58. Please know that your plan is all there is for you to do.
  59. Please know that your plan is inevitably your salvation.
  60. Please know that your plan is all that is ever expected of you to accomplish.



Plan Responsibilities for Aspirants (12)

Your first requirement needed to be responsible is that of reaching your set developmental goals for yourself.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of demonstrating your gifts and abilities in the world.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of completing your initial training.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering consciously your soul content.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is in good faith being obedient & responsible for what guidance you receive.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering the group needs for your development.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of demonstrating these group needs above,

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering & demonstrating from the group its requirements for the organization of your outer life.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering and demonstrating from the group your personal integration requirements.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering the group’s and/or your plan requirements.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of demonstrating these plan requirements.

Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of carrying out the plan.



A Generic Participants Plan Outline (6)

The Plan consists of several different interdependent elements that are composed of thousands of individual group plans and these group plans are composed of all individual plans. (26)

The plan consists of all those elements derived from and for those which we give the name of Beings of all types.

The plan consists of those elements which contributed from the will of all Self-conscious Beings.

The plan consists of solar systems manifested or not.

The plan consists of even greater beings which we give the name of cosmic beings.

The plan consists of beings embodying whole galaxies or cluster of galaxies.

The plan consists of that rogue element which we call cosmic evil.



Time Segments of the Plan (4)

Each time segment is a complete related demonstration. Each time segment is also related to the accomplishment of one goal for Sanat Kumara. (6)

These time segments represent within certain boundaries all of those lives karmically available to assist. (16)

These time segments act as a guarantee of response needed to move forward. 12

These time segments prevent falling backwards and confusion due to complexity of the larger plan. 4



Time Segment Now (8)

This time segment is comprised of lesser time segments each representing certain accomplishments by smaller groupings.

The present time segment now rests with humanity in terms of it needing to become aware of the soul as existing and representing the driving force behind existence in the three worlds.

Hierarchy also must organize effectively to prevent the world from pushing ahead too quickly before desired established values are rooted in its demonstrations.

The 5th kingdom must react to changed taking place in the cosmos and become more sensitive to abstract mental existence.

The human kingdom must also recognize that its personality will need to be aligned to the sacrificial will of the soul.

The deva world must train individuals to recognize themselves.

Please note that each of these time segments are interdependent but yet represent a common objective if properly perceived.

Please also note that each of these time segments also presents great opportunity to the human race on many fronts.



Next Time Segment (14)

There have been two potential wars averted up to this point; you would be wise to see the degree of free will involved in human affairs and resist trying to make absolute predictions. The way humanity will go is always undecided but at any one point the trend is there.

The aspirant’s response to the presence of the Christ today has been overwhelming. The amount of potential movement produced by the re-organizing of the lodge to accommodate the training requirements needed.

The aspirant’s response in the future will grow producing external schools of training to deal with the load.

All aspirants are required to register the soul consciously for all training programs implemented by the Hierarchy.

Aspirants will also be required to have taken the third Initiation to be permitted probationary status in the greater Lodge (as of 2010) and this will cause or produce considerable changes in their training styles. Aspirants will also be required to relinquish all ideas of advancing individually.

Aspirants will be receiving training from specialized groups created subjectively to handle this. These groups will be made up of graduates of the program and will represent 90 percent of all training given. Each aspirant will receive training teachers chosen to represent the lodge on the outer planes. These teachers will be trained to work with the inner groups also.

Important to note that training will take place in the field of daily living while performing their service.

Initiates will receive training within the ashram and in the field also.

Aspirants will receive all necessary occult training from the group soul and if necessary from the ashram.

Disciples will receive all necessary occult training from a variety of sources both inner and outer.

Aspirants, disciples, and initiates will receive guidance from one of these sources or a combination of, first of all from their group souls, secondly from One Soul, from devas, from planetary causal body, from ashram, from Angel of the Presence, from specialized groups, esoteric beings, and from spirit and/or Master.

Each individual member of the Hierarchy is now of a caliber where they can take their own evolution into their own hands and less responsibility placed upon the master.

Each individual master has relinquished all training except to certain individuals which are receiving specialized training.

Each master likewise will only accept those disciples working in the field in some way for Humanity for initiation.



Next Time Segment 3

The hierarchy during this time will accept aspirants for training once they have demonstrated their ability to work as an integral part of an exterior group. This means that all aspirants are required to integrate their personality vehicles with the vehicles of the group basically before they are recognized.

Humanity during this time is required to have integrated political, societal, economic structures in respect to the acknowledging of the one Humanity.

The Devic world is required to have in place structures designed for treating each of the lower kingdoms in an effort to produce a more varied integration within themselves.



Next time segment (8)

Hierarchy will require aspirants for initiation to demonstrate a complete knowledge of all past lives and learned to perceive this as one life. And at this time, they will be presented for initiation in a group of equal status initiates.

Humanity will be required to receive impressions from Hierarchy directly and in this way prevent mis-understanding that comes through normal speech.

Hierarchy will regulate entering disciples by first testing them in the outer world under the leadership of externalized masters.   It is in this way they will become fully conscious of their needed position in the ashram before they are accepted.

Please note here that each individual disciple will be trained for various openings in the lodge, and this is well known long before the post is opened.

Please note that each individual disciple will likewise be permitted to consciously know their monadic purpose likewise.

Please note that all entering disciples will be of two types. Those initiating an ashram and those not.

The Hierarchy, given its resources, will ask that that all disciples take two other probationary disciples for training and in this way assure manpower of the large demand.

It is deemed important that each disciple also provide an ashram in the outer world to service the plan contingents.



Remaining time segments in respect to New Age (22)

It will also be required by each disciple that they permit probationary disciples to have complete freedom in all matters except one and this is the right to ask from probationary disciple to present them for initiation.

It will also be required from probationary disciple the necessity to act as one unit in the service of the Plan.

Humanity needs to know that each of these time segments are required before the completion of the Aquarian Age to be on schedule.

Hierarchy asks that each of its members likewise assist humanity in all ways.


The World Plan (40)

The Plan into the New Age (39)

Plan for the Devic World (18)

Plan for Humanity (6)

Plan for Hierarchy (14)

Plan for the 5th subrace (22)



Plan for the 6th sub-race (18)

Please note that each race and sub-race has its requirements. The requirements for the 6th subrace are many on different levels.

  • In the area of mental development there are 57:
  • In the area of soul development there are 60.
  • In the area of causal body development there are 160.
  • In the area of triadal development there are several million


Plan for the eastern Populations (in terms of civilizations) 82

Plan for the more Undeveloped Populations 64


Plan for the Western Populations (36)

The western populations are adept in creating form. They must balance this with the ability to abstract.

They must also present themselves to the one Soul to better carry out their mandate in the world.

It is important that they recognize their importance in the creating of a world where all people have the required resources to meet real needs.

They need to continue to recognize that all people in the world are likewise able to create forms and be integrated into the western model

They need to recognize that their function in life is to relate the soul to the personality in practical ways but preserving the essential nature of compassion and love.

The west needs to see themselves as a group ready to do battle with tyranny in any form.

The west needs to see themselves as adjudicators of a peaceful way of life.

The west needs to see themselves as members of the one Humanity none better than the other.

The west needs to see themselves as in training for the first initiation as a group.

The west needs to see themselves as entering into a new era where responsibly will be their keynote.

The west needs to see themselves as beginning a new culture based upon the following values:

  • The value of Brother/Sisterhood. It is important to note that each of us on the planet has the right to see ourselves in any way we like but the value that will correct these other ways of seeing ourselves is that of Brotherhood/Sisterhood or fraternity of Humanhood. We want you to know that this value will initiate the New Age.
  • It is this value that the truth of a situation can be known by the human heart that will also initiate the New Age. The importance of knowing the truth of a situation will prevent all misunderstandings.
  • This value that the spiritual path exists needs to be universalized. It is true that each of us, on a regular basis, finds the time to pursue our spiritual paths in life.
  • The next value will condition the way we as a world perceive ourselves, it is a value that organizes our planet into a planet where economic sharing is commonplace and based upon a correct appreciation of the concept of the fraternity of humanhood. We would like to suggest that this value is being promoted by the European Union even though their intent is for a bigger share of the market.
  • This next value relates to the idea of securing international cooperation in releasing prisoners or activists who have been jailed for speaking out for the rights of the people. This value could be called the value of outcry for the good of the people.
  • The value of spiritual Hierarchy is a value that will revolutionize the way the world perceives government by the people.
  • This next value sees the world as a place where hope and justice are the mainspring of democracy. It is the value of compassion rightly interpreted.
  • This next value instills in mankind a greater sense of direction in the way they plan for the future. It is a direction that comes from knowing your life purpose as an individual or as a group.  Value of purposefulness of existence.
  • This next value relates to the idea of securing right human relations through the practice of harmlessness.
  • This next value relates to the idea of ruling governments making sure the youth of the day be placed high on their priority list in terms of caretaking, preventing abuse, and bringing out their gifts. This will change the world faster than anything else.
  • This next value stipulates that the youth of the world need to be trained to receive guidance from their souls formally. This needs to begin early in their 14th
  • The next value is that of relating to youth as being more evolved than their parents that gave birth to them and to encourage them to be responsible by giving them decision-making powers in society.
  • The next value states that the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the existence of Spirit as the ruling force on the planet.
  • The next value states the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the fact that this world is a product of our collective decision making.


Contingent Planning.  (5)

Evolution of the Plan. (18)

Creation of the Plan.  (42)

Orientating the Plan. (16)

Structuring the plan so it can benefit every live form. (27)

Educating yourself on the plan. (8)

You need to know what the plan contains & does not contain. (4)

You need to know that the plan is inevitable in essence but not particulars. (8)

You need to know that the plan is always changing but eternal. (6)

You need to know that the plan today is different than the plane tomorrow.


How to know the truth of the plan structure. (10)

How to relate to the plan personally. (4)

How to envision your role in the plan. (6)

How to divide your time up to serve the plan. (12)

How to orientate yourself to the plan. (14)

How to engender responsibility to play your part in the plan. (8)

How to organize your life to participate in the plan. (32)

How to orchestrate with others in terms of the plan. (18)

How to orientate yourself to the future. (62)

How to engender resources for playing your part in the plan. (2)

How to register the plan on a daily basis.  (4)

What to expect as your reward for participating. (6)

What do you want to do with your life. (8)

How is it you are alone with your plan. (12)


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Seven Subraces of 6th Rootrace – An Outline of Basic Characteristics

Atlantean Culture Revisited

Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the Planet