Humanity and the One Life – Some Adjunct Information
You have been given the idea that humanity has released their concepts of a world where they can live as One Humanity. It is this idea of the One Humanity that will permit them to discover an even greater idea of being part of the One Life. It is this One Life that will dawn upon their consciousness as a whole when the e Christ returns in actuality. It is this that the whole world waits.
The life that we are now living is in no comparison to the life we could be living.
In the fork of the road, we are. And when we finally make the correct turn the world will be turned upside down in all ways.
The world is on the verge of a complete shift. This shift will come as an answer to the question of what the purpose of the soul is. This question is now being asked in all departments of human living.
Humanity will be receiving information from a variety of sources in lieu of this question. These sources are all part of the plan to answer this question satisfactory for the human race and there are many minds at work on it. Presently as of this writing over 14000 consciously focused on it.
The real problem that faces humanity at this time is whether or not they will rise above their bickering to challenge themselves to meet real needs for the greatest number and the greatest good.
You would be wise to see yourself as one person but yet with the One Life behind you whenever you see the world through the eyes of the one Humanity. Please note you will be able to accomplish anything if the perspective you hold is that of the One Life. If you promote this value then you will be able to quickly evolve.
You need to know that all individuals who participate constructively in this transition are having their evolutions quickened. It is wise of you to take advantage of this temporary opportunity to make a difference in your life and the world.
Please note each of you that participate fully will have many resources at your disposal as the Lord has given a reprieve of group karma to better carry out this transition and inner into the New Age.
You also will be given gifts and abilities you have developed to enhance your field of service and your individual evolution. We want you to know that the Lord is looking for many individuals to serve humanity in all fields—ask and it will be given in whatever capacity you have to serve.
Please note that disciples will be given the preference of immediately returning to the body at this time and for another 150 years.
Also, probationary disciples are being asked to take initiation to better enhance their service potential.
You would be wise to see this as an opportunity of the greatest moment and make every effort to achieve your heartfelt desires for the good of your world.
Salvation of Substance & Humanity
The world as we know it is rapidly changing all the time and this change is perceived universally as an improvement upon existing conditions by those producing the changes.
Humanity sees itself as having a need to destroy and create the needed forms to feel it is accomplishing life.
We have given you several ideas which indicate the transparent creation comprised of four planes of hierarchical existence. This creation of form inherent within the Hierarchy is an attempt to alter the history of the race to reflect propose behind which the forms were created. Century after century the outer form more closely reflects the inner and in this way unfoldment proceeds. Salvation comes when the outer form reflects the needs of the inner life originating in the soul of mankind.
You would be wise to see this process of salvation as a process whereby consciousness or substance depicted as a form continuously unfolds to reflect its subjective creator or the self.
We advise each of you to contemplate the simplicity of creation with this in mind. All forms or consciousness is nothing more than the efforts of the self to reflect itself in form and this is called salvation. It is not the Christian concept of salvation whereby the person is salvaged from the world to be taken up into the heaven world for eternity.
We have given you the idea of resonance and it is this concept that reflects this process of salvation. The resonance of the form reflects the existence of the higher formless worlds of the cosmic etheric planes. It is no more than that. All Glamour is the reflected difference between the inner formless (or abstract forms) world and outer form world.
The Plan and the Earth as a Place of Evolutionary Opportunity for the Aspirant: (12)
It is significant that each of you sees yourself as somebody willing to believe in yourself enough to see that this is your world, and you are responsible for it.
We would like you to have the idea that each of you is responsible as souls but yet as personalities are yet imprisoned in form.
You have been given the idea of registering your actions needed to advance upon your spiritual path.
These actions are many and varied but never-the-less is inevitable and without the needed sacrifices to your time you may never advance.
The importance of your life is subject to the perspectives you hold, the beliefs you cherish and the freedom of choice you experience.
We have given you the idea of registering your soul’s plan for reach of you and this may achieve for you a growing sense of accomplishment and participation in the world plan.
We have given you the idea of securing within your will the importance of dawning New Age values. And it is in this capacity you will be ready to travel.
You have been given the idea of needing knowledge that the soul possesses and in this way travel with assurance.
You have been given idea of respecting all those souls who have traveled a little further on the way and taking advantage of their experiences; seek out the truth through allowing your heart to guide you. Be not afraid of being misunderstood.
You have the right to all knowledge needed to carry forth the Plan into the world.
It is important you see yourselves as members of the one Life pervading all forms and from this perspective rejoice in the knowledge that your will be done.
The First Steps in Unfolding of the New Age Plan Conception for the Aspirant (4)
- All aspirants are required to receive guidance from their soul in discovering their part in the plan.
- To accomplish this, they must first of all receive guidance on correctly aligning their brain with mind and the mind with the soul.
- It is important you receive from your soul the following information. (6)
- It is important you receive from the group the following information. (12)
The New Age Plan Conception Process for the Aspirant (60)
- Please perceive the planning process in these ways: (18)
- Please understand that the plan is composed of these values. (36)
- Please see yourself in these ways. (19)
- Please integrate soul and personality.
- Please integrate soul and group soul.
- Please integrate group soul and spirit.
- Please integrate into the world.
- Please find the time for the above.
- Please express all those characteristics needed to be successful.
- Please become convinced of your mandate.
- Please succeed in demonstrating your soul’s persona.
- Please align your will with the will of the group
- Please succeed in developing your various abilities to be successful
- Please succeed in being able to register the sources required to succeed.
- Please obtain from the group all necessary requirements to carry out your group plan.
- Please obtain from the group all required personal developmental needs.
- Please obtain from the group all necessary elements of the plan to have a larger whole.
- Please receive from the group all important information about the plan you will need to balance your karma in context to the group.
- Please receive all information related to the time sequencing of the plan.
- Please receive all necessary elements that relate your plan to other associated plans.
- Please receive from the group all necessary elements of the plan that register’s the Will of the Christ.
- Please receive from the group all necessary elements that relate your plan to will of Humanity.
- Please register all elements of your plan which stimulate your needed knowledge base.
- Please register from the group all those elements of your plan which stimulate you to master yourself.
- Please receive all of those elements which isolate your plan from the whole—need to see how it fits into the whole and is not isolated.
- Please know that your plan has contingencies.
- Please be prepared to receive alterations at any time.
- Please be able to adjust to vicissitudes.
- Please be able to achieve a daily rhythm in preparing yourself.
- Please be totally free to carry out your tasks.
- Please isolate those variables preventing you from carrying out your tasks.
- Please be able to find your destiny through your plan.
- Please isolate those variables that prevent you from moving.
- Please prevent your plan form falling into those hands that will cause you problems.
- Please isolate your fears.
- Please integrate your heart and mind.
- Please isolate those people which can either aid in some way or hinder in some way.
- Please know when to act.
- Please address yourself every day as to whether you are performing or not.
- Please know that your plan is significant for the well-being of others.
- Please know that your plan interfaces with many souls counting on your efforts.
- Please know that your plan is likewise responsible for other’s plan successes.
- Please know you can be given the boot at any time if it is not for everyone’s highest good.
- Please know that the workability of your plan must be approved by the Christ.
- Please know that your plan is not absolute but relative.
- Please know your plan is reviewed by the Hierarchy.
- Please know your personal beliefs are unimportant.
- Please know that your values are most important.
- Please know that your virtues are required to be successful in carrying gout of plan.
- Please know that your personal happiness is guaranteed.
- Please know that your joy is guaranteed.
- Please know the joy of the group to be successful.
- Please know the gifts of spirit to be successful.
- Please know that the Master responsible for your ashram is always present.
- Please know that the life of the group is based in the Will of Sanat Kumara.
- Please know that your plan is like the wind and can take you into places unplanned.
- Please know that your plan is the best that can be created now.
- Please know that your plan is all there is for you to do.
- Please know that your plan is inevitably your salvation.
- Please know that your plan is all that is ever expected of you to accomplish.
Plan Responsibilities for Aspirants (12)
Your first requirement needed to be responsible is that of reaching your set developmental goals for yourself.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of demonstrating your gifts and abilities in the world.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of completing your initial training.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering consciously your soul content.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is in good faith being obedient & responsible for what guidance you receive.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering the group needs for your development.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of demonstrating these group needs above,
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering & demonstrating from the group its requirements for the organization of your outer life.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering and demonstrating from the group your personal integration requirements.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of registering the group’s and/or your plan requirements.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of demonstrating these plan requirements.
Your next requirement needed to be responsible is that of carrying out the plan.
A Generic Participants Plan Outline (6)
The Plan consists of several different interdependent elements that are composed of thousands of individual group plans and these group plans are composed of all individual plans. (26)
The plan consists of all those elements derived from and for those which we give the name of Beings of all types.
The plan consists of those elements which contributed from the will of all Self-conscious Beings.
The plan consists of solar systems manifested or not.
The plan consists of even greater beings which we give the name of cosmic beings.
The plan consists of beings embodying whole galaxies or cluster of galaxies.
The plan consists of that rogue element which we call cosmic evil.
Time Segments of the Plan (4)
Each time segment is a complete related demonstration. Each time segment is also related to the accomplishment of one goal for Sanat Kumara. (6)
These time segments represent within certain boundaries all of those lives karmically available to assist. (16)
These time segments act as a guarantee of response needed to move forward. 12
These time segments prevent falling backwards and confusion due to complexity of the larger plan. 4
Time Segment Now (8)
This time segment is comprised of lesser time segments each representing certain accomplishments by smaller groupings.
The present time segment now rests with humanity in terms of it needing to become aware of the soul as existing and representing the driving force behind existence in the three worlds.
Hierarchy also must organize effectively to prevent the world from pushing ahead too quickly before desired established values are rooted in its demonstrations.
The 5th kingdom must react to changed taking place in the cosmos and become more sensitive to abstract mental existence.
The human kingdom must also recognize that its personality will need to be aligned to the sacrificial will of the soul.
The deva world must train individuals to recognize themselves.
Please note that each of these time segments are interdependent but yet represent a common objective if properly perceived.
Please also note that each of these time segments also presents great opportunity to the human race on many fronts.
Next Time Segment (14)
There have been two potential wars averted up to this point; you would be wise to see the degree of free will involved in human affairs and resist trying to make absolute predictions. The way humanity will go is always undecided but at any one point the trend is there.
The aspirant’s response to the presence of the Christ today has been overwhelming. The amount of potential movement produced by the re-organizing of the lodge to accommodate the training requirements needed.
The aspirant’s response in the future will grow producing external schools of training to deal with the load.
All aspirants are required to register the soul consciously for all training programs implemented by the Hierarchy.
Aspirants will also be required to have taken the third Initiation to be permitted probationary status in the greater Lodge (as of 2010) and this will cause or produce considerable changes in their training styles. Aspirants will also be required to relinquish all ideas of advancing individually.
Aspirants will be receiving training from specialized groups created subjectively to handle this. These groups will be made up of graduates of the program and will represent 90 percent of all training given. Each aspirant will receive training teachers chosen to represent the lodge on the outer planes. These teachers will be trained to work with the inner groups also.
Important to note that training will take place in the field of daily living while performing their service.
Initiates will receive training within the ashram and in the field also.
Aspirants will receive all necessary occult training from the group soul and if necessary from the ashram.
Disciples will receive all necessary occult training from a variety of sources both inner and outer.
Aspirants, disciples, and initiates will receive guidance from one of these sources or a combination of, first of all from their group souls, secondly from One Soul, from devas, from planetary causal body, from ashram, from Angel of the Presence, from specialized groups, esoteric beings, and from spirit and/or Master.
Each individual member of the Hierarchy is now of a caliber where they can take their own evolution into their own hands and less responsibility placed upon the master.
Each individual master has relinquished all training except to certain individuals which are receiving specialized training.
Each master likewise will only accept those disciples working in the field in some way for Humanity for initiation.
Next Time Segment 3
The hierarchy during this time will accept aspirants for training once they have demonstrated their ability to work as an integral part of an exterior group. This means that all aspirants are required to integrate their personality vehicles with the vehicles of the group basically before they are recognized.
Humanity during this time is required to have integrated political, societal, economic structures in respect to the acknowledging of the one Humanity.
The Devic world is required to have in place structures designed for treating each of the lower kingdoms in an effort to produce a more varied integration within themselves.
Next time segment (8)
Hierarchy will require aspirants for initiation to demonstrate a complete knowledge of all past lives and learned to perceive this as one life. And at this time, they will be presented for initiation in a group of equal status initiates.
Humanity will be required to receive impressions from Hierarchy directly and in this way prevent mis-understanding that comes through normal speech.
Hierarchy will regulate entering disciples by first testing them in the outer world under the leadership of externalized masters. It is in this way they will become fully conscious of their needed position in the ashram before they are accepted.
Please note here that each individual disciple will be trained for various openings in the lodge, and this is well known long before the post is opened.
Please note that each individual disciple will likewise be permitted to consciously know their monadic purpose likewise.
Please note that all entering disciples will be of two types. Those initiating an ashram and those not.
The Hierarchy, given its resources, will ask that that all disciples take two other probationary disciples for training and in this way assure manpower of the large demand.
It is deemed important that each disciple also provide an ashram in the outer world to service the plan contingents.
Remaining time segments in respect to New Age (22)
It will also be required by each disciple that they permit probationary disciples to have complete freedom in all matters except one and this is the right to ask from probationary disciple to present them for initiation.
It will also be required from probationary disciple the necessity to act as one unit in the service of the Plan.
Humanity needs to know that each of these time segments are required before the completion of the Aquarian Age to be on schedule.
Hierarchy asks that each of its members likewise assist humanity in all ways.
The World Plan (40)
The Plan into the New Age (39)
Plan for the Devic World (18)
Plan for Humanity (6)
Plan for Hierarchy (14)
Plan for the 5th subrace (22)
Plan for the 6th sub-race (18)
Please note that each race and sub-race has its requirements. The requirements for the 6th subrace are many on different levels.
- In the area of mental development there are 57:
- In the area of soul development there are 60.
- In the area of causal body development there are 160.
- In the area of triadal development there are several million
Plan for the eastern Populations (in terms of civilizations) 82
Plan for the more Undeveloped Populations 64
Plan for the Western Populations (36)
The western populations are adept in creating form. They must balance this with the ability to abstract.
They must also present themselves to the one Soul to better carry out their mandate in the world.
It is important that they recognize their importance in the creating of a world where all people have the required resources to meet real needs.
They need to continue to recognize that all people in the world are likewise able to create forms and be integrated into the western model
They need to recognize that their function in life is to relate the soul to the personality in practical ways but preserving the essential nature of compassion and love.
The west needs to see themselves as a group ready to do battle with tyranny in any form.
The west needs to see themselves as adjudicators of a peaceful way of life.
The west needs to see themselves as members of the one Humanity none better than the other.
The west needs to see themselves as in training for the first initiation as a group.
The west needs to see themselves as entering into a new era where responsibly will be their keynote.
The west needs to see themselves as beginning a new culture based upon the following values:
- The value of Brother/Sisterhood. It is important to note that each of us on the planet has the right to see ourselves in any way we like but the value that will correct these other ways of seeing ourselves is that of Brotherhood/Sisterhood or fraternity of Humanhood. We want you to know that this value will initiate the New Age.
- It is this value that the truth of a situation can be known by the human heart that will also initiate the New Age. The importance of knowing the truth of a situation will prevent all misunderstandings.
- This value that the spiritual path exists needs to be universalized. It is true that each of us, on a regular basis, finds the time to pursue our spiritual paths in life.
- The next value will condition the way we as a world perceive ourselves, it is a value that organizes our planet into a planet where economic sharing is commonplace and based upon a correct appreciation of the concept of the fraternity of humanhood. We would like to suggest that this value is being promoted by the European Union even though their intent is for a bigger share of the market.
- This next value relates to the idea of securing international cooperation in releasing prisoners or activists who have been jailed for speaking out for the rights of the people. This value could be called the value of outcry for the good of the people.
- The value of spiritual Hierarchy is a value that will revolutionize the way the world perceives government by the people.
- This next value sees the world as a place where hope and justice are the mainspring of democracy. It is the value of compassion rightly interpreted.
- This next value instills in mankind a greater sense of direction in the way they plan for the future. It is a direction that comes from knowing your life purpose as an individual or as a group. Value of purposefulness of existence.
- This next value relates to the idea of securing right human relations through the practice of harmlessness.
- This next value relates to the idea of ruling governments making sure the youth of the day be placed high on their priority list in terms of caretaking, preventing abuse, and bringing out their gifts. This will change the world faster than anything else.
- This next value stipulates that the youth of the world need to be trained to receive guidance from their souls formally. This needs to begin early in their 14th
- The next value is that of relating to youth as being more evolved than their parents that gave birth to them and to encourage them to be responsible by giving them decision-making powers in society.
- The next value states that the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the existence of Spirit as the ruling force on the planet.
- The next value states the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the fact that this world is a product of our collective decision making.
Contingent Planning. (5)
Evolution of the Plan. (18)
Creation of the Plan. (42)
Orientating the Plan. (16)
Structuring the plan so it can benefit every live form. (27)
Educating yourself on the plan. (8)
You need to know what the plan contains & does not contain. (4)
You need to know that the plan is inevitable in essence but not particulars. (8)
You need to know that the plan is always changing but eternal. (6)
You need to know that the plan today is different than the plane tomorrow.
How to know the truth of the plan structure. (10)
How to relate to the plan personally. (4)
How to envision your role in the plan. (6)
How to divide your time up to serve the plan. (12)
How to orientate yourself to the plan. (14)
How to engender responsibility to play your part in the plan. (8)
How to organize your life to participate in the plan. (32)
How to orchestrate with others in terms of the plan. (18)
How to orientate yourself to the future. (62)
How to engender resources for playing your part in the plan. (2)
How to register the plan on a daily basis. (4)
What to expect as your reward for participating. (6)
What do you want to do with your life. (8)
How is it you are alone with your plan. (12)
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Seven Subraces of 6th Rootrace – An Outline of Basic Characteristics
Atlantean Culture Revisited
Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective
An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the Planet