Nicholas Roerich Museum - Glory to the Hero

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Legend of St. George the Dragon Slayer

There is a belief that the master St George, known as the dragon slayer, did not exist but his name lives on for good reason. It was this future master who was apparently initiated three times in a single body the only person in hierarchical record to do so I was told up to that time.

This is story of a particular master that is referenced in the history books as St. George the Dragon Slayer.  There was a time in his life when he was going to be ordained into the Catholic priesthood.  It was during this time, he also committed to his objective training detailing certain aspects details from the deva kingdom.  It was during this time when he established a group of likeminded students to better achieve his. During this investigative process he discovered six things:

Each class of deva distributed a certain type of energy,

and this energy could be used for certain objectives.

Each deva pertained to a certain dimension or area of space within the Body of God.

He also discovered that each class of deva had its own particular way of working with the human soul.

He later achieved a better working knowledge through these various classes and orders of devas,

which permitted him to rapidly advance on his spiritual path, also advancing those around him with him.

During this time, he also achieved the second initiation.

This particular individual was known in history books as St. John the Baptist.  This is a story that took place in John the Baptist’s following life (please note that he was only an aspirant before this life). It was during this time that John organized a group of disciples to experiment with the idea of registering subjectively certain forms of guidance which might be called cherub angels.  It was these angels or group of angels that provided for John’s group a way of working to develop their relationship with the ashram of the Christ, and it was through their efforts that John’s group became a discipleship group of the Christ.  Furthermore, this angelic group provided the following types of understandings or knowledge to John’s group:

  • They assisted in the construction of the antahkarana.
  • They assisted in the organization of the mind of the group with the soul mind.
  • They helped prevent individual disciples from getting caught up in astral plane phenomena.
  • Also assisted him in special subjective events undertaken by Hierarchy.
  • They organized the use of time of the group in terms of service activities.
  • All in all, they helped the group achieve integration with each other and the soul.

It was through this process that John was able to later culminate the third initiation.


The importance of this story is to give you a foundation in my beliefs about the way the world works:

First, this is a story of a man who became godlike in a very short time:

It is about a man who risked everything for that one prize—the Purpose of His existence.

This is a story of a man determined, beyond our imagination, to seek this purpose in ways normally un-thought-of.

This is a man who, with daring, determination, and skill rose above his generation of truth seekers to establish a direct relationship with Sanat Kumara (normally through the master). He was the first to do so and opened the way for this possibility.

This was a time when the priests had power over life and death because the church was strong.  This was a time when all church goers prayed at the door before they entered that they be blessed with the presence of the Christ as it was still believed that the Presence could be everywhere.  This was a time when all candidates for priesthood were baptized together in groups.  It was in this group of priests being baptized that the story begins.

The future master was present intending to be baptized in the established way.  But once the proceedings started, he received a Voice asking him to leave the group.  As you might expect he was caught in a dilemma; if he left, he would not be able to be baptized as he agreed to; if he stayed, he would be disobedient to his inner Voice.  The future master planned to leave and from that time forward was never baptized in the church.

After the future master left, he arrived at a quiet place to collect his thoughts and again a Voice came and congratulated him on his choice.  The Voice when on to say. How is it you have come this far and yet have not found your way.  The future master listened and replied: the way that leads me back to the Father I have found.  The Voice replied—the Father be-loves all and all that comes to Him will know Him—the Voice left.

The master found out later that the Voice was that of his guiding disciple.  This experience left the future master in a quandary; he was unsure of what to do next.  He stayed in this area for several years doing what he could for others and one day the Voice said—have you found your way, have you found the Father?  The master answered after making the sign of the cross; the way I have found, the Father I have not.  The Voice answered: the way you seek is not the way that was chosen for you.

The future master asked himself what my way is.  He reflected on this for some time, searching his heart for the answer.  He decided to give up pursuing the priesthood since this was the way he had chosen.  The day when he decided to do this the Voice returned and said: why do you give up the calling? You said I had not found my way.  The Voice answered: the way must come as a result of finding the Father it is for Christ’s sake your life be redeemed.  The future master said, how can I find the Father? The guiding disciple answered: leave this place and go find this ……..disciple of the Christ.

The future master left this place in search of this particular disciple as he was given a description of his psychic ambience and characteristics.  After many years of searching for the future master one day entered a church where he located the person who he thought was this person.  The person turned towards him and spoke: the way you have found. The future master asked him; how do you know I have found the way: he also asked him? How do you know me?  The man answered the second question first: I do not know you; the Father told me what to say.

The man addressed him as Saint George the Dragon Slyer and also told him a story about how it was, he had been given that name.  The future master stayed with the man for 10-months assisting him with his duties and listening to what he had to say.  The future master then left on the advice of the man suggesting he go to find a certain saint to serve.  It was this saint who was given to be the reincarnation of Jesus in his final incarnation as a fifth-degree master. The master studied with the former Jesus for many years until was asked to depart by Jesus in an effort to have the future master gain experience in teaching others what he had learned. It was at this time the future master was given certain secrets on developing himself and also given certain meditations to do he was also given certain responsibilities related to the ashram and one of these was to revive several of disciplines developing the inner bodies.  It was this task that proved his ability to consciously achieve alignment with the inner ashram but what is particular about this is that he first was able to align with the Father through his monadic presence before aligning with the master.


Would like to make some story related comments here:

This was the life for which the master was permitted to take the first three initiations in one life. It was a triumph of determination. It was a life in which he rose above all odds to accomplish the necessary alignments and requirements in a short period of time after he left the reincarnated Jesus. Nobody has accomplished this since then. Meant to be an inspiration to us as aspirants to the mysteries.

The former master Jesus was instrumental in him being able to accomplish his tasks as his occult knowledge was great.  You would be surprised at how much was known in those times (same as now).

You have been given the idea that the future master rested during the time before he left to seek the man. But his days and nights were full of study, service and prayer.  The master was not given to sitting around. You would be surprised at the amount of knowledge that he had collected, much more than the author. You would also be surprised at the amount of information that came through to him every day after he left the presence of the reincarnated Jesus—received whole thoughts. You would be surprised at what manner of man he was cunning, genus, and manipulative.

You would also be surprised at his wickedness for in those times it was impossible to be straight forward—deception was intelligent and wise. You would be surprised that his mercy was great. He was exceptional with a sword and a bow. He was always armed. He was highly compassionate. He was dedicated to the truth. He was instrumental in training many priests to find themselves. He was also concerned about the way society had hampered the freedom to make choices for yourself. He was concerned that the world was on the verge of destroying itself with its ignorance. He believed he could make a difference if he persevered then He could save the world from its own ignorance.

So, this legend goes?

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Excalibur Legend Explained

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Atlantean Culture Revisited

The Three-fold Sun as Nurturer of All

In all experiential things new and old there is a hope that all enrichment of ourselves and of others will be understood as dew drops of life created by the sun condensing the Waters of Life to quench our thirst.  It is in this way that all of us are nurtured by the three-fold sun symbolizing the One Threefold Life of the Sun which can be seen as the systemic Soul giving of Itself to all.

We have given you this symbol, because it symbolizes to us the growing realization of the Soul of Humanity that all nurturing comes from the divine Soul.  Just as all objective and subjective resources come from the three-fold Sun.  And if one allows oneself to be nurtured in this way, then all necessary resources will be given likewise in the same way.  To put it more plainly all likelihood of success in life comes from honoring the Soul.  And all resources received or available are symbolized as coming from this Source on whatever level of beingness and being.

(HZ Note: The three-fold sun is known in the esoteric teachings as the physical sun, as the form aspect, the heart of the Sun as the Soul aspect, and the central Spiritual Sun as its Spirit aspect. The Sun is the source of life and Light which gives rise to the Waters of Life (systemic Soul reflected) upon the cosmic etheric  plane.)


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)

Our Esoteric Sense – Lives Underlying the Basis for the World of Meaning

The Three-fold Sun as Nurturer of All

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)

Raja Yoga & Exterior and Interior Mind-Etheric Brain Map Models

Spiritual Guidance & Logoic and Human Mind-Brain Functionality – An Unfolding Theory & Exercises

The Developing and Organization of the Brain and the Way of Agni

Two Causal Body Telepathy Principles (Third Aspect)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Remember

A Letter to an Intimate Soul Mate whose Purpose has Pasted

A Reflection and Psychic Thought-form Projection:

I wish to explain a few things witnessed by me and in this way explain my decisions through which came before me.

It was good, you and I, and will be good again, you and I upon the shores of another life.  Upon this shore the tide has ebbed, and the flow is a part at this juncture. For all you have done has persuaded me to turn my back upon what once was and continue my journey with you carrying you within my deepest Heart and in this way continue our existence of what was and is.

It would be releasing to see you in this light of the soul which I carry you but carry you no more in the light of my personal heart nor carry you in physical dominion as I have done.

It would be releasing to witness the vexations of our hearts as we stand before the light of the day and witness a long journey ended, and ended also through the night, and in this way precede to develop our understanding of each other’s decision.

It would be instructive to understand the purpose for the wants we have had that came to fruition in the past, and witness before us their fulfillment, and if in any way they are not fulfilled means they never will.  We now ride the West Wind carrying all unto the ways of the Wind of knowledge and experience.

It would be hopeful to have an example of our fulfillment and a word or two about our fulfillment. You once said of me that I was good for you in that I expected nothing from you only the sureness that you follow in the footsteps of your soul; and this too you of me. What was once, now is gone and it has been replaced with endless others requesting our presence.  And now gone to is our simple existence by the seashore of our hearts, the mighty roar of the unfathomed depth of our love not forgotten nor not cherished but gone.

It is impertinent of you to gather dust while I vision in my room our destinies shared but not with you its extent; nor coming to you as my love envisioned by you; nor caring about your enquiries as if they were my own.  It is gone also those nights of passion lived as a soul upon the twilight of Heavens Vault. It is gone, those discussions of fate and human existence played out upon the Lord’s landscape.  It is gone those varied ideations of loves’ lost wisdom. It is gone, the forever-ness of a dream once shared of we-decidedness.

It would be ridicule for you to share this fate about us; nor do I care as too late is the mercifulness of us.  Nor do I care about your fate as I once did as it is contained within your bosom and not for me. Nor do I care for the trickster among you and wish it dead as it has played it ‘s last trick.

It is upon me to do you this harm of letting you know how I feel, and it is surety I feel and in this way precede to disintegrate our vision of us; and in this way know I will be doing no future harm.

It would be correct to write to you of the love I once had and witness before you its embrace and secured before you its evermore.

Once upon the shore line I witnessed you baring the Christ-child and before you my back turning away not to harm you. Before I left I became present upon you, and you listened for a while my voices of full harmony with you. And listened you did well and before you knew it I was in your arms and before you each moment in harmony we were.  It would be good to have this as a memory of old to cherish as a life that once was and cherish it well as it will not be again, nor will it be again but only a whisper in your consciousness.

I cherish you but bravely from afar and willingly so for the depth of your passion is yet enkindled and waiting for another’s in escaping.

It would be accepting to look at this as an episode in one’s life that looked upon the “waters of joy escaping” lost but not totally, and in doing this closing the “lost” door.

It would be wise to see this as a means to curtail karma and in this way love another as it be-fits the One and I. It would be good to know you are in Good Hands and away I go.

I see the scars now forming upon our brow and realize their reward but witnessing this I despise and onward move.

I witness you singing in the bathroom once again witnessing from afar and realize too I gave you this and memory not this is.

It would be comforting to pray and meditate on the thought of me as there I am, with you, and wishing I could be; and in a way always will be and fortunes told in a way.

My dear, always, always, always you are near.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Soul Centered Relationships (Guidance for a Friend)

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Seeing Clearer the Soul and the Personality – An Essay

The Soul in an Initial Communication with Its Reflection

Ways the Soul Sees its Reflection in the Lower Planes – Some Simple Theory & Exercises

Demonstrating the Truth of your Soul Connection

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Messengers from the Himalayas

God, Religion, Philosophy, Science and The One Ashram – An Essay

The ability to work together as souls on this planet increase with a more inclusive philosophy of religion, science and psychology on our doorstep and it has been science and related education which has improved the physical quality of life and the spirituality of our lives as we have time now to reflect on causation and life.  I share this with you as prelude to this short discussion on working with the ashram and the word ashram implies to most a physical plane religious retreat space composed of a group of disciples. But in the One Spiritual Hierarchy sense, it is a state of consciousness more related to the reflection on scientific truth that is innate and inherent within the multi-dimensional and multi-Sources innate per the Body of God or deity as opposed to some religious institutional idea and/or ideal.  All philosophies of religion, science, or psychology are really just an accumulation of denotations and connotations upon some language to describe an event or sets of events or things, places and entities. If God can be approached at all it will be through Its vehicles of expression which can be understood and defined and measured as qualified energies in circulation similar to our intelligence quotient measurement processes.

It will be religion in a new garment as defined by the science of religion that will someday lead us to a greater truth of ourselves as it was intended to do but not for a while yet until science carries it out of its dark past into a lighted future once the soul (and eventually spirit) of humanity are more of a proven fact.  This knowingness will foster a relationship between philosophy, god, science, religion, the ashram and their related institutions. It will be this discovery happening right now in all departments of human living that will be the potential salvaging of our religious institutional groupings and it will be a propitious new beginning for humanity if this gets accomplished. Our educational institutions once separated from religion have given us the opportunity to take the next step away from a strictly authoritarian and dialectical learning processes towards an expanded development of our abstract, deductive and inductive minds. But ultimate knowledge and direction will come from the development of the spiritual intuitive type of discovery (not lower or higher psychic discoveries) which is only related to the larger group life processes of the planet and universe.

The ongoing development of our intuitive minds is necessary to discover the higher nature of the soul and its frames of reference and once that has taken place in large numbers the One Soul will be seen as the guiding influence in the directions of our lives. The intuitive mind  once aligned with our abstract, deductive, dialectical, and inductive minds and brains will register the knowledge content of the divine and spiritual Soul and the causation of all things and it is to this end we are moving.  The abstract mind works analogically in demonstrating its truth where the concrete mind uses deduction and the feeling nature or self uses the dialectical where the brain uses intuition to process experiences.  Given the diversity of reasoning types and options for focusing respect is required for other people’s points of view to prevent a more grounded misunderstanding and it is misunderstanding we have also around the concept of the Ashram.

The Ashram is a multi-dimensional place in qualified consciousness or vibration centered upon a central figure and it is this figure that permits the ashram to exist as a qualified force. It is the understanding of this that will provide the greatest opportunity to more fully understand this reality.  Because of this central figure being more than what the word implies or characterizes it is important to move into this to have a realistic notion of what the truth is. This central figure is a product of perfection of the human experience along with the realization of a working relationship with the soul of all things along with a growing identification with the Mind of God and Heart of God along with the memory of all events past and future within the solar system along with the realization of the Plan of God and a growing knowledge of the Purpose of God. For this reason, this figure is the central focal point within an Ashram of the Lord.

It is the Ashram created each moment as the consciousness of the One Life is re-creating Itself anew that permits the ashram to be a place of a sattvic type peace producing rhythmic beingness. It is this peace that is the mainstay of its existence, and it is this peace that characterizes its working relationship with the solar system. From this vantage point of Peace that its members can go out into the world to create. It is from this vantage point that its members can perform miracles for the sake of the One, to communicate with all souls accurately and successfully.

It is also a place of power. The power to make all things new and to go to worlds untraveled by humanity as of yet. It protects us from evil as well as from outside forces disrupting our worlds or the solar system. It also protects our bodies as a whole from destruction caused by misuse of knowledge. Most of all it is a place of Love which is characterized by comprehension of all things and the creation of all for the highest good of the greatest number under various cosmic laws. Love is the outstanding quality of every member of the ashram, and it is to this end life strives. It is for this reason that the adepts are known as Masters of Wisdom and Love. It is wisdom that is their central possession as it is wisdom to know what is required by those they caretake that makes them what they are. It is wisdom and love that will safeguard them from the unknown forces and energies innate within the infinite body of god in which they dwell and contact each day the many energies coming into the planetary ring-pass-not. It is their responsibility to organize and use these energies to carry out their plans and purpose they identify and create with.

They are also characterized by an organized Mind so organized it would be impossible to describe. It is an organization that is constantly changing and also requiring a greater and greater content. It is to this end that their minds are manipulated to include systematically everything they contact in such a way as to represent the mind of god and in that way be of service to god. It is for this reason these entities are given the name of “organized and illumined minds”.

They are also characterized by their ability to read and understand every known symbol ever created in this solar system. They use this ability to communicate with devas and entities within the solar system as they are systemically aware. There is a point of knowledge that is little known in humanity and that is that these masters of wisdom have the ability to achieve any form they require to carry out their tasks, as well as human forms, they can take the forms of devas, or gods.  It is important to understand that this ability is only used if wisdom dictates.

It would be well to consider the gifts they possess as they are considerable. Try to image all possible gifts and abilities available in humanity’s past and future and you will understand them better. It is possible that certain masters do not have all of these gifts as most are not useful to them anymore, but they are in a position to possess any of them. It would be possible to explain some of the general gifts used by them day-to-day in the carrying out of their responsibilities they have chosen. (6)

The gifts of comprehension or of understanding from all points of view simultaneously.

The gift of ascension or the ability to have continuity of consciousness on their planes of existence.

The gift of Spiritual sight or the ability to comprehend and see the cause-and-effect pattern of any event or set of energies descending to manifest.

The gift of preserving their will means that they have the power given by deity to carry out their desire but keep this preserved for the Voice of the Silence.

The gift of accepting whatever is given to them to use in furthering the plan.

The gift of securing grace to move forward upon their path when asked to do so for the highest good.


It is important to realize that the masters of wisdom are leading two lives – that of the One Soul and that of the One Spirit, and these two lives are carried out without conflict. In the meeting of the next duty lies their Will direction and in the carrying out or furthering of the One Plan lies their desire. The difference is negligible.

The consciousness of these central figures can be characterized by absolute caring and also focused and aligned creative tension as well as various states of Samadhi or basically the realization of some degree of the whole within themselves. It is a consciousness that is not perfected but expanding into the Unknown. It is also a consciousness that reflects as a mirror the consciousness of the Lord. It is also a consciousness that includes everyone’s importance. It is a Being consciousness and chooses to become a beingness for service’s sake.

It is known that the masters of wisdom dwell in an organized state referred to as the planetary Heart Center and it is this Center that reflects the amount of Love or comprehension circulated by the planetary Logos. It is this organized Love that is available to us to be used to further the plan for humanity and the rest of the planetary lives. It is a Love organized by all of those who enter the One Ashram of the Lord and for the expressed purpose of being used to carry out the Purpose only fully known to the Lord.

Being a world-known member of a great order gives a master notoriety and it is this notoriety that prevents the masters from being successful in the world. It is not notoriety that is needed by the masters but service to the Plan. It is the Plan that motivates them and not their existence. It is the Plan that their identity is created for. It is the Plan that made them what they are, and it is the Plan that nourishes all. In a roundabout way it is them that the Plan serves and yet not, for the Plan requires those to create it and those to serve but it is the Plan that serves itself.

The undying love expressed by the masters is not cognizable by us and it lessens as they expand each day into the Will of God and leave behind the Love of God perspective. It is a proposed truism that their Divine Will colored by Divine Love is all that is left of them eventually and this is enough to carry out the Purpose they identify with. It is also a proposed truism that their being at one with the Being of the planetary Logos is all the Being necessary in this solar systemic cycle. In their turn they preside over the various functions of Council Chamber of Hierarchy, and they gain experience in the totality of this Order and in this way proceed onward into greater functionality. It would be good to give you an ideal picture of their Lives but to do this requires that I be such a beingness and therefore I cannot.

We would be wise to continuously cherish and challenge ourselves to exhibit the quality of divine sacrifice, as it is this quality  required to carry out the Will of God it is this quality that permits entry into the hierarchical Council and also into the Presence of the Christ. It is this quality that nurtures the Adepts to eventually enter into the awareness of the solar systemic Lives and obeying the slightest wish of Sanat Kumara. It is to this end we serve, and it is to this end we cherish. It has come upon us to rely upon the disciples of the world to sacrifice themselves to the Plan as it is our venue in the world of humanity for it is this sacrifice that will permit you to move among us and guide you to the feet of whom you quest as it represents the mercy and compassion of the Lord as well as His Desire. To whom so ever enters into our domain will he likewise enter into the domain of those whom we worship? It is upon us as keepers of the one Flame to submit to the reality that the Flame symbolizes, for it is this reality that protects us from unknown cosmic Lives. It is to this end we Work, Aspire, and Pray. It comes upon us to choose each moment the path we shall follow, and we choose the path the Christ is upon, and it is this path that binds us together as comrades, brothers, and sisters in each other’s arms and for this we pray. It is important to us that you choose rightly your path and let Christ guide you in this as it is difficult to find the correct way. Be assured that there is no wrong way, but the correct way will carry you safely to His Door. May ye be lifted up and be carried by the Heart of the Lord is my solemn wish for you as was I.

It has come to my attention that you will be requiring further guidance from me and in this way I can be of service to you as was given to me.  I will give it to you and those who need it and who among you do not. Seek the wisdom in learning of the Way and practice harmlessness in all things as well as speak only the truth of the heart that you might know me as I know you. The world is coming into a time when its doors will again be opened for us to enter and on this day you will see me.

The keeper of the Flame is a phrase to describe the relationships the masters have to the One spiritual Presence within them and integrates them into a band of brethren before the Lord. It is this Presence or Shepard that tends the Flock it is known also as the Divine Mother or 3rd Logos or Mind of God which gives rise to the cosmic Christ. It is unlikely that this Presence is the first aspect or Father as we dwell upon the Cosmic Physical Plane. Father has several meanings in the teachings. It symbolizes the highest aspect of the trinity as well as symbolizing our highest major aspect or identity possible which is the Monad or One Spirit.  It also symbolizes the equivalent of our personality being a reflection of the Will aspect of the Personality of God which embodies all spirits or sparks within the Flame.


Science versus Religion versus Philosophy versus God – Some Examples where truth prevailed as they are really just provide one truth ultimately given they have the same Source from different perspectives.


Legend of Master R – Undying Faith in God vs. the Church

This individual was known historically as Francis Bacon. It was in this life, and the two following lives that he was able to achieve true enlightenment. This was achieved through developing of an organization of his minds that translated him first into Count Racozey and later Count de St. Germain and/or Master R.

Legend has it that 3rd Ray Master R (previous the head of the seventh ray ashram) became a master in the past related to his incarnation as Shakespeare. It is given by some that this person also went under the name of Sr Francis Bacon. Sir Francis Bacon was his real name, and he spent this life secretly training to be an occultist. It was during this life that he spent studying and mastering art and science of witchcraft, of astrology, existing sciences of the day, symbolic numbers and mathematics, and other things. The reason I am telling you this is that every person who comes into contact with others who is an advanced being cannot recognize them for what they are. They see them as an extension of what they do in body and not what they do in the subtle worlds.  This master accomplished many things while on the earth, but we know nothing of it for instance he was part of the reason for the quick development of the scientific community as his ability to create thought forms that exposed other minds to his theories of chemical properties of substance, theories of chemical gases. It is known that he worked with scientists in the area of witnessing changes in precipitation and weather patterns; and he was adept in science of star finding.  He was not a religious man although he pretended to be. Neither was he a member of any spiritual organization.


Master K.H.

Legend has it that this individual was known historically as Master K.H. (Koot Hoomi or Kuthum). He is now known as the Messenger of the Masters. He achieved adeptship during his most recent life in Tibet. It was during this life that he was able to achieve a planetary consciousness through the help of the hierarchical devas. It was these devas that trained him in the following abilities: (6)

  • Discerning and discriminating the nature of planetary substance in respect to cosmic etheric.
  • They also helped train him in being able to achieve alignment with planetary Logos.
  • They also helped train him to achieve alignment with solar Logos.
  • They helped him become able to discriminate the twelve (12) Creative Hierarchies.
  • They also gave him the capacity to receive impressions coming in from cosmic Logos.
  • They also gave him the capacity to register the thoughts of Greater Logos.


Master M

Legend has it that this individual was known historically as Master Morya. He also achieved adeptship while in an Indian body. He achieved this initiation through opening His Heart up to the planetary Logos and uniting likewise His Will to the same.


Aristotle & Future Lives

Legend has it that historically this individual who was known as Aristotle in a following life achieved notoriety through the use of his mental abilities to create a system of training that permitted himself to undergo the second initiation. It was during this time that the former Aristotle understood the true nature of his feelings and direct understanding through them through buddhic awareness. It was also during this time that Aristotle was able to achieve a relationship with the acting head of Hierarchy which assisted him in achieving this alignment.


Legend of St George the Dragon Slayer

Legend has it that the master St George, known as the Dragon slayer, did not exist but his name lives on for good reason. It was this master who was initiated three times in a single body the only person in hierarchical record to do so I was told up to that time. This was accomplished due to the scientific assistance of the Deva Kingdom. This was a later life of John the Baptist.


Excalibur Legend Explained

Based upon a legend Excalibur was a magical sword making those un-defeatable who possessed it as it was given by the Spirit of the Earth (physical elemental of the planet) to him that guided the race. This is the essence of the legend whereby Merlin was the guardian of the sword while alive and was a disciple of such Spirit. This came to pass in the time of the founding of the fifth sub race of the fifth root race which took place in Europe when England was being founded. It was during this time that a Master of Wisdom whose statue was not known by those around him, delivered this sword to him destined to be ruler of a united England with the expressed desire that it be used to ceremoniously crown followers into the burgeoning Knights of Templar. This ruler, although understanding the master’s wishes never used the sword as was desired, instead used it to instill power over others by his possession of it and thus became more of a symbol of power more than a magical instrument for initiation.  This sword had no power of itself but was a talisman if used as was intended.

During this time the sword ended up in the possession of a historical figure. As this figure organized the new government the sword was stolen from him and destroyed. To this day the master that gave the sword to the Knights of Templar is not recognized but the legend is.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

 Group Destiny – A Discussion

Order on the Path – A Further Discussion

A Discussion Dedicated to all of those Individuals, Throughout Time, who have been Persecuted for Truth Sake.


Theosophical Society's Emblem

16 Major Tenets of Theosophy – An Assisted Lecture Outline from A Group Soul Source

HZ: This outline was received as a soul impacted meditation impression.

There are those aspects of Theosophy that are endowed with certain fundamental characteristics expressed as tenets that make up the body or the major tenets of Theosophy (16).  Each one of these tenets suggests a way of perceiving the Ancient Wisdom Teachings (AWT) from a Theosophical point of view. The motto of the Theosophical Society is “There is no religion higher than truth.


Three Major Fundamentals of Theosophy:

  • An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable Principle on which all speculation is impossible.
  • The Eternity of the Universe in Toto is a boundless plane which provides a playground of eternal and incessant periodicity.
  • The fundamental identity of all Souls with the Universal Over-Soul.


There are those among us (HZ: This is a subjective soul-personality grouping providing this discussion material) that have studied and registered the Theosophical teachings for a number of years. These teachings represent the mainstay of our work in the world and are religiously applied to our daily lives.  The AWT suggest that the world is created not by an unseen god, but by a group of deities known and expressed in the Secret Doctrine’s cosmogenesis section referencing the Book of Dyzan.

All these teachings together relate to an aspect of truth greater than both the Secret Doctrine and the Book of Dyzan. It is foreseen that in the future another aspect of the teachings will be given out from subjective sources. This is the astrological key. The psychological key was given out through Alice A. Bailey’s works. Once this is understood, it will not be long before the world turns its face towards deity as the source of all energy. It is not by happenstance that the planet is at a transitional point and reflects the world moving deeply into either chaos or spiritual occultism.  If the world denies the soul it will not be a pleasant place to be. Theosophy teaches that all men are an aspect of the one Soul It also teaches that this One Soul is unlimited, or boundless. This is one of the basic fundamentals of Theosophy, and all tenants are subservient to this.


The 1st Tenet:

In most ways Theosophical tenets holds the key to the kingdom of heaven, and if religiously followed, will lead one down a straight and narrow path. This needs to be understood as a basic tenet of the AWT which is a Path towards planetary liberation and ascension into Para-nirvana under the guidance of the One Soul (Ishvara and Vishnu) that Theosophy proffers.


The 2nd Tenet:

There are those among us that believe that it is the path itself that we create it from our own substance or livingness.  That is the distinguishing characteristic of Theosophy.  It is a path laden with the fruits of experience life after life in body which are qualified as soul gifts, wisdom and awareness. And it is this path that leads one to the identification with the One Soul.


The 3rd Tenet:

The third major tenant is that we are organized according to a Plan, which is symbolically a pattern unfolding over time in the heaven worlds and reflected on earth.  It is undeniably one of the greatest concepts presented to humanity. All who understand it are free from the trappings of time and space.  Each who associate with it, are also freed from the three worlds.   It is known to many who have walked further upon the path, that those beings who orchestrate the purposes/functions of the solar system are increasingly at dis-ease, because of patterns happening in the greater seven galaxies.  And it is important to hurry the process to prevent certain things from unfolding outside of the Plan.


The 4th Tenet:

There are those among you (HZ: Gazu group) that have instituted various teachings related to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.  Their proposals are that they can create in a short period of time a world disciple from an aspiring aspirant. It will/has come to pass, that this is possible and feasible. The Lord has spoken through the group and thus he is carrying it.  It is this idea that symbolizes the “4th Tenet” which states that every soul desires to be free from personality existence can do so by adhering to the plan laid out in the heavens.  And can do so, through the instrumentality of the Lord.


The 5th Tenet:

All major theosophical writers have established a continuum of thought that orders and organizes life by addressing the three major periodic vehicles of a human unit in its involutionary and evolutionary cycles.  It is this story that is the mainstay of all Theosophical writers in one form or another.  The three major periodic vehicles are composed of the threefold personality, the three-fold soul, and the three-fold spirit aspects.


The 6th Tenet:

There are those on the other side, that wish you all well. They are members of a larger consortium who have studied the AWT for a long time and have given you notice that you are on the right path.  There are those present-day writers, who have failed to grasp the simplicity of Theosophy and have carried it or perceived it as an intellectual creed. It was never meant to be so.  It is all times in human history that things are presented in one generation and not presented in the next. It is so with Theosophy.  It was for good reasons that the Masters stopped/failed to support it in the last century as Theosophy moved away from its basic tenets.  The story goes that Charles Webster Leadbeater, who wrote many unique books on Theosophical related topics, challenged the Masters position by default in his book on discipleship and presented a false understanding on this process.  At that time the Masters turned their attention away to other things.  It is also told that Annie Besant, who was a third degree initiate at the time of her writings yet was not permitted to make fundamental decisions for Theosophy.  So, these two coupled together produced the crystallization and the destruction of this organization in its usefulness to the Hierarchy as a body of doctrine to represent it.  It is a known fact that neither Master Morya or Archangel Michael ever believed that Theosophy would be an representative externalization of the Hierarchy. Charles Webster Leadbeater believed Theosophy was supported by the Masters and would participate in the externalization process.  The “6th Tenet” states that any organization or group that is fundamentally aligned with Hierarchy will be supported by Hierarchy.


The 7th Tenet: 

There are those among you who have wrestled with these ageless truths, trying to decipher the true meaning and purpose.  And it has come to pass that there are several among you who have succeeded in demonstrating these on a day-to-day basis.  It is important to recognize this as it fundamentally reflects the grand ability of humanity to do so.  There will come a time when the majority of the human race will fundamentally answer these basic questions.  (5)


What am I?

What am I here for?

Where are we going?

What is the purpose for all this?

How can I be liberated?


It is the answer to these basic questions and related ones that theosophy attempts to address.  This represents the “7th Tenet” of theosophy.


The 8th Tenet:

Religiosity and the focus of attention on the ideals of religion also represents one of the fundamental tenants of Theosophy. To be more exact, it is the basic tenet of Theosophy from one point of view which is to depict the fundamental interrelationships of all religions based on a few common principles. It is this process that revolutionized the way we think about our own religion and has provided a greater understanding of all religions, no matter what origin.  There are those among us, that perceive you (HZ: Qazu group) as an outstanding instrument for the tenets of Theosophy and represent in what you call the New Age, a hopeful gleaming.


The 9th Tenet: 

There is noticed amongst you a group of dedicated individuals desiring to uphold the world’s basic spiritual principles and ground it in such a way that all can benefit.  It is this promise, also that we make to you.  There is amongst you certain individuals who have organized the basic principles of Theosophy so that they can benefit another’s life.


The 10th Tenet: 

There are various secrets handed out in Theosophy (love of study of Gods wisdom) and these secrets are representative of the next tenet of Theosophy, which is that all the great mysteries can be revealed through educating and the pragmatizing oneself in basic Theosophical tenets.  The central mysteries of life can be revealed through the embodiment in practice of the central tenets of Theosophy.


The 11th Tenet:

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow is a continuum of the same moment. It is this teaching that has popularized the concept of the Now. And it is in that Now that all things are possible and exist. This has given rise to the tenets of the New Age and answered the relationship between time and space or being descending to manifest.  We have endeavored to show through our extant works that time is being descended to manifest and that space is an entity, and that this continuum explains and produces all phenomenon, culture, and civilizations.


The 12th Tenet:

In all manners of speaking, life as we know it cannot be divided or subdivided or distinguished as separate from Itself.  Life is One.  If you kill a bug, you don’t kill life, you kill the form.  You can’t add to it, take away from it, or alter it in any way.  For example, during an necessary abortion, accordingly the life that was being embodied goes on even though the form was destroyed.  The individualized life was never really there in terms of consciousness.


13th Tenet:

There is an awareness among present day theosophists that gives rise to an uncertainty about the way the world will move in the future (especially in terms of humanity as a unit). It can be perceived as moving in a direction that can symbolically be described and depicted as a working miracle.  It is by no means easy to describe this process, but what is happening from a planetary point of view? There is a transmutation process happening in affecting the world’s personality aspect.  Or on a planetary level – the Spirit of the Earth, involving all the kingdoms.  It is this subjective transition that is responsible for the speeding up of time or consciousness, and it is this transition that will eventually be responsible for the following:

  • Moving the world into a new age.
  • providing healing for the world’s various kingdoms including humans.
  • Causing a change in the way people perceive themselves.


14th Tenet:

There is a process which theosophists call downsizing the ego.  Or surrendering the ego.  It is this process, which allows spirit to use the personality for its own purposes.  And it is this process which produces all healing or integrating of the personality, soul, and spirit.  It is through this process that the world will transfigure and eventually become enlightened.


15th Tenet:

Unbeknownst to the world, there is a great Entity hovering over our planet’s destiny. This Avatar represents the success of Sanat Kumara in carrying out His Own Life Purpose and represents the “15th Tenet”, which is the Doctrine of Avatars.  That periodically, based upon the need of the world, great beings come and overshadow the planet’s process, and provide for humanity a more direct path to the one Soul and the cosmic Christ.  There are different categories of Avatars – Krishna, Maitreya, Buddha representing human and hierarchical avatars at different times. Abraham Lincoln represents a human related avatar which was needed at the time to unite America due to its intended destiny. There are also systemic and cosmic avatars, each having a different purpose and functioning on a different level.


16th Tenet:

There are those amongst you who have decided to train others for initiation.  And this process represents the “16th Tenet” or proffering of Theosophy.


The Ancient Wisdom Teachings is the basis of a system explaining of causation behind all philosophies, sciences and religions, and basically attempts to explain all of our historical paradigms.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)

12 Relics of the Buddha – 12 Lessons

Purpose of this Website and its Content from the Perspective of the Author and the Author’s Inner Mentors and Companions along the Way


God, Religion, Philosophy, Science and The One Ashram – An Essay

Order on the Path – A Further Discussion

A Discussion Dedicated to all of those Individuals, Throughout Time, who have been Persecuted for Truth Sake.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mother of the World

Root Pychological Causes of Group Conflict – An Esoteric Survey

A subjective Survey was completed while in mediation with most of the Western World’s Personalities (not people who dwell on the physical plane where personalities dwell upon the mental sub-planes) who are in incarnation. This survey was completed outside of the normal 3-world time-space continuum (thus instantaneously completed) on what each of them thought was the best way to achieve peace in the world. Or in other words, what are the root causes of world conflicts, psychologically considered, between various groups and people. Their responses were placed in a prioritized list as follows in the eighteen (18) most significant categories.


Conflict arises when various of the following 18 needs are violated or curtailed between nations, groups and individuals.

  1. People of the world need to be allowed to find their own ways to hold hope or inner connectedness to the promised land – I am here – as I am. Another way they hold this is that they do not expect to be bothered or prevented from being their ideal self in their own home, which symbolizes this hope of a promised land.


  1. People of the world need to express their ideal of their vision for the world.


  1. People of the world need to believe that their caring for other people’s well-being can be perceived and that they can be called upon and can help.


  1. People of the world need to believe that basic psycho-physiological survival needs will be addressed in some significant way – they have a right to exist.


  1. People of the world need to express their issues of the heart in terms of how the world can be in a more idealistic way.


  1. People of the world need to believe that their concerns for those areas of life that do not work and that these will be addressed, and some clear action taken.


  1. People of the world need to believe that what they hold in the deepest part of their heart will be recognized and held in some agreeable way.


  1. People of the world need to express their personal lives in free ways to experience livingness in the outer world. They need to feel free to be themselves.


  1. People of the world need to express themselves in such a way that they can lead themselves to further happiness.


  1. People of the world need to create with others those events and/or social projects that lead to meaning and significance in their lives.


  1. People of the world need to express their particular racial or ethnic set of ideas that give them meaningfulness in life.


     12. People of the world need to be able to protect themselves from those entities that produce a sense of fear.


  1. People of the world need to have the freedom to pursue any area of knowledge they feel is important to them.


  1. People of the world need to feel they will not be persecuted by the larger whole.


  1. People of the world need to have a way of addressing grievances from those around them who do not perceive their best interests.


  1. People of the world need to feel they can express those values they believe are superior for greater self-expression and good.


  1. People of the world need to receive and give out those things that have value to them.


  1. People of the world need the freedom to be challenged by the vicissitudes of life and have the freedom for spontaneity.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective (Revised 03/05/24)

Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

The Future of Humanity – Some Adjunct Information – Part III

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

Visions of Potential Future Events Unfolding for Humanity

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

The 12 Major Causes for the Suffering of Humanity

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Viewpoint on Humanity

A Reflection on Humanity

Struggle to Direct Humanity

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

A Present Moment for Humanity

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Planetary Guiding Angels – A Covenant between Humanity and God (12)

Esoteric Cosmology – Aquarius Constellation Alignments & The Future

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Buddha, the Conquero

12 Relics of the Buddha – 12 Lessons

(HZ: This was received as a soul-impacted meditation impression.)


Before your inner sight are twelve relics from the past belonging to the Lord Buddha:

A singing bowl
His robe.

A gigantic image of a tree.

Beggars bowl

An empty ceramic glass.

A prayer scroll.

A calendar.

A sachet for carrying money.

A display of 40 glass beads.

An emblem made from metal or piece of symbolic jewelry.

His meditation shawl (The teachers wish you to know that this article is disposed of and
only a replica takes its place.)

A replica of his loin cloth.

Each of these articles were in the possession of the Buddha when He died. All of relics symbolize
an aspect the teachings used by the Lord Buddha to teach others some lesson. Each of them qualified Him as
a Master. Let us look at these:


A Singing Ceramic Bowl:

This symbolizes the care He took in establishing relationships with the
community. It symbolizes all the things he did for his community in terms of service. In effect it
became the Lord Buddha’s symbol for all karma required to be performed with gratitude and


His robe:

It was pinkishred or rose which symbolized to his follows that he was identified not as
one who had desires but as one who created affection for those around Him.


Gigantic Image of a Bodhi Tree:

This symbolized his statue on earth and was reflected in the ability to
take from the earth what he needed to reach heaven. A Bodhi (knowledge/wisdom) Tree was
considered to be a symbol of the Lord Buddha who was said to have prevented any who was
with Him under this tree from being otherwise occupied with mundane life. In effect those
people who were trained by the Lord Buddha was said to be saved and their fruits were no longer
of the mundane but of heaven.


A beggar’s Bowl:

This symbolized the Buddha’s presence in his community and related to each
passerby as a stalwart being whom was able to go within the hearts of all who passed by Him.


An Empty Ceramic Glass:

This symbolized the thirst of man for all things; this also symbolized his
ability to hold the desires of humanity and not be affected by them but use them to evolve and to


A Prayer Scroll:

This symbolized the greatness that the Lord Buddha had for his inner disciples
for on this scroll laid all His prayers for his Arhats. This meaning he taught from this scroll.


A Calendar:

This symbolized his indebtedness he felt towards the heavens and all within as he
closely watched the seasons for all things.


A Sachet for Carrying Money:

This symbolized his willingness to recede into the background to
arrange his affairs in community life and used his donations for supporting the community.


A Display of 40 Glass Beads:

This symbolized his willingness to see himself as a follower of the
Lord. These glass beads were used in a variety of ways to teach others by drawing with them
geometric designs and planting these in his disciples’ minds during meditations and prayers. He
also used them to count and to perform divination.

An Emblem made from Metal or Piece of Symbolic Jewelry:

This symbolized the Word of God.


A Meditation Shawl:

This was pinned to his meditation shawl which symbolized the very nature of
the Lords protection for whoever touched this shawl and likewise had a vision of the Lord. The
teachers wish you to know that this article is disposed of and only a replica takes its place.


A Replica of his Loin Cloth:

This symbolized the purity of life lived.

All impressions here in denoted and summarized were soul impacted and organized from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

We Devas would like to tell you a story.  This story is based upon an idea that the world was created in 7 days:  This is a story relating to a time before men existed and before the earth was created. This story is about our challenge to carry out the behests of God.  It is a story not yet told in the annuals of human history but a story replete with greatness.  This story takes place before time as you know it existed.  This story is an enactment of the creation of the local universe.

The place where it started was beyond Scorpio in that part of the heavens where the great temple in the heavens is being continually constructed even now.  The design was on the table, and the order given to begin the construction.  It was at that time that many of us, still young as Devas go, embarked upon a grand mission.  This mission was placed in our hands by a young Prince of sorts, this Prince can be perceived as that which gave rise to the eventual necessity of Sanat Kumara and all of his associate planetary Logoi.  It was this Prince, who began this local universe of seven (7) galaxies.  And according to our story this Prince even now stands over the table viewing the many charts or plans yet uncreated.  We have been engaged in this construction for many a millennium and to this day we see a possible completion.

We appreciate the Prince’s confidence in us as we have grown old in abeyance with His wishes, and we have also grown wise in ways of our kind.  We would like you to know that each of us now so engaged were only lieutenants before when this creative endeavor started but today, we compose embody the totality of the cosmic Logoi’s substance.  It is in this way we move on, tattered and worn by the many battles fought and waged to instill our design upon the amorphous being of dimensional space.  We have succumbed many times and sought assistance in the perfecting of these Plans.  And for many mahakalpa have battled that which tries to destroy us and prevent us from accomplishing our design.

We have given you this information in the hope of establishing a better appreciation for our labors—that which has come before you and that which lead you on into the unknown—unknown by you but for us is all there is.  See to it you rise to the challenge we have prepared for you.  The journey goes forward into the light of day, a light we have brought you, a light we carry upon our brow, a light that is confused with darkness, a light nevertheless where none existed before.  See to it that your arms are filled with scared gifts and your mouth with praise as you inner our lighted world.  Each of us cherish you as the Great Temple is cherished rising up in the heavens to where we do not know.  But before you bow down and touch our feet bow down and touch your own feet as we walk together within the Great Temple of the Lord—the Prince of All.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Universe as we See It – Buddhic Devas

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins
Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:
A Journey Provided by Buddhic Devas

Excalibur Legend Explained

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Atlantean Culture Revisited