Nicholas Roerich Museum

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

The real story of life only begins to get played out once cosmic etheric world is entered.  This real story begins when the line is crossed, and the impossibility of return begins.  In this world, this world of pure joy, shoulder to shoulder are lives but none you can see unless looking for them.

In this world are those of such great statue that the inner eye is blinded by their Beauty.

In this world are those of such great Wisdom that the mind cannot reflect its meaning no matter if enlightened or not.

In this world are those of such great Love, that to touch them just once with your consciousness entrenches you in their destiny for long periods of time.

In this world are those of such great Power, that to enter their aura will cause your destruction.

In this world are those with such great Treasures, their vastness will imprison you by their very nature.

In this world are songs and dances but none you would recognize them for they are songs and dances that never end and have no beginning.

In this world are also sorrows but not those sorrows of human past, the sorrows in this world are those are those of great lives falling spiraling down from great heights of achievement only to start again at another time.

In this world are those that contain great amounts of dimensional space of every description, these are the ones you need be warry of as your existence and their existence is one and the same but you are in their world and not vice-versa—you must follow their laws if you can recognize them.

In this world are unusual statues made from consciousness itself that come and go like sand in a windstorm for once was, is no more.

In this world towers are so high; the eye cannot contain them, nor the touch feel them.

In this world we stand, one and all, to the Voice that bellows from afar and rejoice in such standing.

In this world are found those of long ancient past hard at work upon God’s Plan.

In this world are found the many and the few where each group is arranged for goodness’ sake and yet rearranged again for goodness’ sake.

All in All in this world of Being stands One.


Composed by HZ. Received as a Soul impacted Impression in Meditation.

The Universe as we See It – Buddhic Devas
Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:
A Journey Provided by Buddhic Devas

Posted in Soul Impacted Apothegms.