………………………………………..5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1st Initiations
Organized Substance
Buddhic Body Hierarchy
Soul Body Humanity
Mind Body Group Soul
Kama-Manasic Body Soul
Etheric Body Personality
Ideally, there is the related “organized substance” inherent within each of the organized entities represented above listed as “Hierarchy, Humanity, Group Soul, Soul, and Personality”.
Each of the first five initiations numbered above depicts the level of achieved integrations of the related organized entities. These initiations also can be understood as developed and focused types of consciousness dimensionally considered being reified within the physical plane consciousness.
There is relative relationship among the above organized substance, organized entities, and initiations that explains the evolution of a disciple’s unfoldment and awareness.
There is also relative existence based upon this progressive identification (within oneself subjectively) as such an organized entity over time as the unit of life unfolds itself.
The given relationship above depicts our expanding or more inclusive integration into the One Life.
It is possible to evidence over time our identity to the above organized substance in terms of organized control and integration.
It is also possible to evidence our identification with ourselves as the above organized entities.
There is reason to believe we can unfold even greater organized substance as we continue to discover ourselves.
Organized Substance Centers Organizing Entity
Buddhic Body Heart in Head Hierarchy
Soul Body Top of Head Humanity as a Soul Group
Concrete Mind Throat–back Ray Group Soul
Kama-Manasic Heart – back Soul
Etheric/physical +Base Personality
Each of the “centers” is eventually unfolded to express the aspects of the “organized substance” above. Each of these centers permits us an identity to an aspect of our own multi-dimensionality.
There are located within a human unit’s personality vehicles all the necessary centers to relate them to the Solar Logos and Planetary Logos.
Ideologically, each human unit is a microcosmic replica of all macrocosmic existences and is composed of all lesser lives.
Within each of us, necessarily, there can be discovered an identity to these cosmic Lives through these centers and “organized substance”.
The “organized substance” is the outcome of our unfoldment of the related “centers” so the “organized entity” can express itself through them.
Composed by HZ
Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function