(HZ: Please note that this ten-part series is just a review of Alice A Bailey’s Esoteric Works in respect to this ten cycles and stages review with a few additions plus some experiential heuristic observations and as a rule does not contain reified source impressions received during meditation.)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – An Ongoing Reflection of their Significance and Inter-Relationships
Three times the cry goes out to all the Pilgrims upon the Path of Life: “Know thyself” is the first great injunction and long is the process of attaining that knowledge. “Know the Self” comes next and when that is achieved, man knows not only himself but all selves; the soul of the universe is to him no longer the sealed book of life but one with the seven seals broken. Then when the man stands adept, the cry goes forth “Know the One” and the words ring in the adepts’ ears: “Search for that which is the responsible Cause, and having known the soul, and its expression, form, search for THAT which the soul reveals.”
Here is to be found the clue to the search which the adept or perfected man undertakes when He puts His foot upon one of the seven possible paths. TCF, pp. 1237-1240
The sequential unfoldment of our “Path of Life” leads to self-knowledge which forwards us upon a spiritual journey into the Unknown. This spiritual journey permits the eventual discovery of the nature of our individual Self, our group Self, and finally, the One Self within but requires a fiery quest for the Truth of All. Each eventually discovers the All, the Whole, the One Life or That within themselves. This discussion is intended to assist in the understanding of this spiritual journey. The process of discovery of the unknown nature of the Whole within the part needs to be a fiery yet at the same time a rational and sane process and requires a science of approach from the part to the Whole so not to get waylaid in the unfoldment and discovery of the truer nature of our selves. If the road signs are understandable then the journey or adventure is more secure and the pace into the Unknown is quickened as each know where they stand, the goal achieved, the next goal which lay ahead and likewise the direction of the next step along the Way to such, and all of these tasks require Self-mastery.[1]
In respect to this discussion, those who have not studied deeply the Ancient Wisdom Teachings should first familiarize themselves with such available fields of knowledge first. They will then be able to understand and correlate this presented experiential, inferred and implied heuristic analysis associated with the science of the path theory summarized herein. And then hopefully derive some real practical guidance from it other than a summary of contextual theory references or sign posts. Ideally, the aspirant should have some observational comprehension based upon their own experiences on the science of the path and some relevant similar experiential set of reference points (defined experiences and dates of such) to begin the correlation of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings per their own experiential set of reference points and the sign posts denoted herein. The actual concepts referenced herein are not new and can be found in one form or another in Alice Bailey’s collected works on esoteric philosophy and a large number of other sources for a portion of them. Although, there are very few other original experiential sources for the tenants and theory of Esoteric Astrology to my knowledge that were not derived from A.A.B.’s Esoteric Astrology work in the West. The objective herein is to explain how these cycles are in hindsight experientially unfolded to address their impacts and premeditative objectives for those who become aware of their practical value based upon their own experiences of the referenced theory. The task herein is the correct comprehending leading to the correct explaining the underlying natures and causes for our experiences upon our journey into the Unknown.
Since this work was written for those with probationary discipleship status experiences it is not the intention to define and explain many of the various esoteric terms used throughout this analysis as there are those who have already done so expertly based upon their own level of understanding and point in evolution. Thus, there will be will provided a many important direct quotes but in general the theory for the study of esoteric cycles is derived from the collected works of Alice A. Bailey (A.A.B.) This theory will be considered to be implied and/or to be inferred and will act as the initial basis of our comparative reasoning towards explaining the underlying causes for our own unfoldment of consciousness and experiential “fruits.” Furthermore, the intention is to link these esoteric theories, causative patterns or surmised causative models to our own personal and individual experiences in an effort to reify a greater comprehension of the fruits achieved and signposts noted during the various stages of the Path. Historical reflection increase experiential comprehension of the science of the path and improves one’s probability to take due advantage of cyclical astrological opportunities towards meeting those self-appointed and self-initiated goals; and this, by aligning one’s efforts with the periodic influences cyclically transmitted. It is easier to receive a force or energy transmission and absorb such influences if one’s alignment intent is to consciously do so during those cycles of opportunity such as those Sun (or Self) alignment opportunities at full moon periods; and likewise, those soul related plan and purposeful developmental opportunities linked to the cycles of Jupiter and other planetary natal cycles.
The presented information in this experiential analysis of cyclical astrological and other esoteric cyclical influences is only a summation of a way to organize and take advantage of these influences per our own individual ongoing Ray or qualified Life conditioning processes. The experiential reference points per theory is based upon individual experiential events, perceptions, and apperceptions with implied, inferred and/or surmised causality stages and cycles. The highlighting of these important esoteric integration stages and sub-stage processes and culminating feedback events are intended to be in analyzed in reference to the extant teachings. It is therefore of value if they themselves are aspirants or disciples in training with some basic experiences and understandings of the subjective workings of the various esoteric worlds such as the world of meaning, world of significances, world of higher values, world of causation and purpose which are always causatively linked to the One Plan of and for the Whole.
This analysis of esoteric cycles will introduce and define the following types of esoteric cycles or sets of progressive stages Humanity consciously or unconsciously reacts to:
Listing of Esoteric Cycles and/or Stages Introduced
- A Cycle of Evolution
- Cycles of Experience through Soul Directional Impulses: Creation, Regeneration, Reorientation, and Renunciation
- Cycles of Maturation, Cycles of Integration, Psycho-Synthesis Model
- Cycles of Jupiter through the Signs (Four Seasons & Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)
- Cycles of Response to the Seven Crises of the Soul – Cycle of Evolution, Cycle of Aspiration, Cycle of Initiation
- A Cycle of Sequential Response to the Seven Laws of the Soul
- A Cycle of Sequential Response to the Fourteen Rules for Applicants and Group Initiation (12 Gifts and Final Tests of Hercules & Other)
- A Cycle of Sequential Response to Significant Astrological Influences
- A Cycle of Demonstration of the Seven Stages of Discipleship & A Cycle through the Four Major Raja Yoga Stages
- A Cycle of Planetary Integration or Initiation
The ten prioritized and significant list of implied and inferred esoteric cycles will be shown to be in various ways responsible for the conditioning influences on the unfoldment of our threefold periodic vehicles. These three major vehicles are defined as being responsible for the unfoldment and expression of our spirit, soul, and personality selves which are themselves causatively linked to the functioning context of the One Plan for the Whole.
These esoteric cycles can be understood as inadvertently progressing the inherent goals, plans and purpose of the One Life manifesting at different levels of Beingness. These ten cycles can also be understood as being the effects of cosmic and systemic laws. Furthermore, these cycles will be progressively and more fully introduced and discussed in context to each other as the analysis unfolds. Each of these various cycles or set of stages them can be causatively arranged in a variety of ways such as from more inclusive to less inclusive. They are arranged herein more in the context of causative cyclical influences unfolding one’s three-fold Self-awareness’s (lower self, higher self, and divine self) thus producing an expanded sense of Self and Other over the course of one’s incarnation and series of incarnations. As one gains appreciation of their contributions and evolutionary opportunities that each of these esoteric cycles and/or stages have made and can make to their unfoldment this life they will be better able to comprehend the esoteric means and methods of these influences and thus take advantage of these influences more consciously. Thus, the listed order given above of the various types of esoteric cycles and stages is deductive in terms of the experiences of participants progressively grasping the comprehension of the Whole taking place within the part or themselves but in truth we only comprehend them after the fact as being major influences in our unfoldment in reverse order as we move from the part to the Whole.
Chapter 1: A Cycle of Evolution & The Three Major Periodic Vehicles
The Messengers, the Builders, the devas, are flaming fire, radiant electric matter, and only in time and space, only during manifestation and only through the cycles of objectivity, is such an entity as man possible, or can a Heavenly Man come into existence. Outside a solar ring-pass-not, for instance, and as far as our evolution is concerned, we have radiant electric substance, active, intelligent ether, ensouled by the deva evolution. These work blindly and under the laws of cosmic electricity. (We must differentiate with care between cosmic electricity, and the electrical akasha of the system, which is electrical substance confined and brought under another set of laws through the instrumentality of another factor, that of pure Spirit.) Outside the ring-pass-not, we have that abstraction which we call pure Spirit. This “pure Spirit,” or abstract, conscious Being, through conscious karma periodically seeks to manifest, and wills to work out a purpose under the laws of its own being, and is thus impelled by the attractive quality of its opposite pole, intelligent substance, to blend with it. The meeting of these two polarities, and their point of merging, causes that flash in the cosmic universe which we call a sun, and results in light or objectivity. Within the ring-pass-not, therefore, the electric fire of pure Spirit can only manifest through merging or union with electrical substance, and is, therefore, during evolution and for the major portion of the process, limited by it. In fact, little as it is realised, the deva evolution controls for the greater portion of manifestation up to the beginning of the transmutative process. They build incessantly the confining form. TCF, p. 405
All these ends are the result of the manasic development and perhaps the student might apprehend the underlying idea more clearly if it is realised that
- The Spirit employs manas in all that concerns matter, the electrical substance, or the active akasha.
- The Spirit employs buddhi in all that relates to the psyche, that relates to the soul of the world, to the soul of an individual, or to the soul of every form.
- The Spirit employs will or atma in all that relates to the essence of all, to itself, considering the essence and the Self as pure Spirit as distinguished from spirit-matter. TCF, p. 338
This narrative covers various esoteric cycles that can be demonstrated to support the development of Humanity’s unfolding sense of Self and its individual units’ sense of Self within their overall Cycle of Evolution from point of individualization (coming into human existence) until the achievement of adeptship. The Cycle of Evolution is inclusive of all the other nine esoteric cycles. These various esoteric cycles and their own inner-cycle and inter-cycle relations will be shown to be linked to the progressive development and interrelationship of those innate sheaths within the threefold major periodic vehicles used by the human unit to express through dimensionally. The discussion will be limited to the impact and importance of the of esoteric cycles as a potential means for unfoldment of vehicle or form sensitivity and types of consciousness awareness development which will be progressively defined and unfolded in this implied heuristic analysis. Thus, the unfoldment of the Self-consciousness and ultimately advanced Group-consciousness or Christ sensitivities and Christ awareness and consciousness through form is inferred to be the only correct the path into the Unknown. This planetary, individual and cosmic type inclusive Self-consciousness or Christ awareness appears to be the pathway also into the correct understanding of the plan and purpose for these expanding types of wholes and might be considered at the necessary stages towards this ultimate demonstration or intent of the Plan and Purpose of the Unknown Deity. Thus, the cycle of evolution of Self-consciousness in of itself can be considered as representing the only a stage into the Unknown’s Plan, Purpose, and/or Form Expression of Pure Spirit.
The most inclusive type of esoteric cycle impacting Humanity, covered herein, is the Cycle of Evolution which is defined by A.A.B. as the time from the individualization or Self-realization of a monad producing a human unit through the bringing together of Spirit and matter producing the field of substance-form until its liberation from substance-form at Adeptship or Buddhahood. A human unit is defined as being composed of a set of three-fold major periodic vehicles each composed of three major sheaths for the expression of Life, Quality, and Appearance. These three major periodic vehicles are created and unfolded within the Cycle of Evolution. They are respectively unfolded, qualified, and used over time by the human unit’s three major aspects of self or spirit, soul and personality selves. The evolution of the human unit is in effect a progressive Self-realization by way of these three major periodic vehicles as the vehicles themselves are progressively developed and interrelated. The three major periodic vehicles expressing their respective life, quality, and appearance aspects do so through their own set of three major aspects or principles making nine in total are clearly described in the quote below.
- The Monad, or pure Spirit, the Father in Heaven.
This aspect reflects the three aspects of the Godhead:
- Will or Power…………….. The Father.
- Love-wisdom…………….. The Son.
- Active Intelligence………..The Holy Spirit.
and is only contacted at the final initiations, when man is nearing the end of his journey and is perfected. The Monad reflects itself again in
- The Ego, Higher Self, or Individuality.
This aspect is potentially
- Spiritual Will………………………..Atma.
- Intuition………………………………Buddhi,
Love-wisdom, the Christ principle.
- Higher or abstract Mind……..Higher Manas.
The Ego begins to make its power felt in advanced men, and increasingly on the Probationary Path until by the third initiation the control of the lower self by the higher is perfected, and the highest aspect begins to make its energy felt.
The Ego reflects itself in
III. The Personality, or lower self, physical plane man.
This aspect is also threefold:—
- A mental body…………….lower manas.
- An emotional body………astral body.
- A physical body………….the dense physical and the etheric body.
The aim of evolution is therefore to bring man to the realisation of the Egoic aspect and to bring the lower nature under its control. HIS, p.1
The goal of their development within a Cycle of Evolution is inferred to be the Quality awareness identification with the Plan and Purposes of the cosmic Christ to mediate the Whole or Godhead. The words Life, Quality, and Appearances express a similar truth as the words Spirit, Soul and Personality or Form selves for that which utilizes the three periodic vehicles. The three periodic vehicles within the Ancient Wisdom Teachings are given as the monadic vehicle, the egoic vehicle, and the personality vehicle and over time they become more adequate to express the livingness of each of the three major aspect of Life, Quality and Appearances each composed of or reflecting three lessor aspects making a total of nine types of qualified self-existences we can and do become cognizant of. It is important to keep in mind that these three major aspects that utilizes the three major periodic vehicles can be understood are the three or nine-fold subjective life qualities and expressions of Agni or logoi personality whereas the three major periodic vehicles also are qualified by a sevenfold nature or sevenfold set of principles. Thus, there is a three-fold set of sevenfold principles related to the three major subjective aspects of the logoic personality or Agni.
The electricity of substance, the electricity of form, and the electricity of Life itself must blend and meet before the true Man (whether Logos, or human being) realises himself as creator. Man at this stage knows somewhat of the electricity of substance, and is coming to the belief as to the electricity of form (even though as yet he calls it magnetism) but as yet he knows nought of the electrical reality of life itself. Only when the “jewel in the Lotus” is about to be revealed, or the third circle of petals is about to open up, does the initiate begin to have a realisation of the true meaning of the word “life” or spirit. The consciousness has to be fully awakened before he can ever understand that great energising something of which the other types of energy are but expressions. TCF, p. 876
The periodic vehicles for spirit, soul, and personality defined and expressing first, second, and third major aspects of a human unit are inferred to be reflecting those of deity according to its developed or evolved capacity. The three major aspects of deity expressing through a human unit’s three major aspected vehicles are experienced and seen as being both transcendent and yet immanent. Thus, each of the three major aspects are transcendent to their own innate three sheaths but which they are also immanent when identified with their respective three sheaths.
The monad also reflects itself into the Ego, and the same applies to the Ego which reflects itself into the Personality and as such the Monad and Ego are transcendent to the third major periodic or Personality vehicle when identified with. Furthermore, the transcendent nature of the human soul in respect to the personality is also responsive to transient nature of the divine soul, which guides and nurtures it, as opposed to the spiritual soul as an immanent expression of the psychic nature of the monad. The monad expressing its psychic nature through the spiritual soul can be understood to be responsive to the transient nature of the systemic Soul which likewise guides and nurtures it. This expanded response to the divine Soul and the systemic Soul by the human soul and later the personality can likewise be seen to be reflected progressively by the unfoldment of the vehicle components of the soul and personality (the jewel, the petals, the permanent atoms of the egoic lotus and the centers within the three personality sheaths). Thus, the monad, when in incarnation, first identifies itself as the personality, and later the human soul and eventually the spiritual soul eventually becomes identified as the systemic Spirit-Soul. In other words, the Self-realization goal of Pure Spirit manifesting through the unfoldment of the three major periodic vehicles appears to be the progressive Self-realization of the expanding Whole’s three-fold major aspects individually, planetarily, systemically and eventually cosmically.
In respect to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings the individualized human unit’s overall purpose of the egoic lotus is the development of the personality to the point where it can reflect the life of the individual, divine, and systemic soul and later the monad or the one Pure Spirit-Soul or Life. This brings us to a significant understanding that Spirit utilizes the Soul as its vehicle of major immanent expression and the Soul utilizes the Personality, but the One Life expresses through all three and pervades all three thus again both transcendent and immanent. This is understood in esoteric studies as a Whole always recreating of Itself within its parts. The one manifests through three major aspects by way of each of their seven dual or subjective and objective minor aspects thus this complicates the esoteric cycle analyses moving forward.
The personality consciousness or life aspect is experienced as the expression of and unfolding of form activity of the human unit or the appearance aspect progressively expressing the unfolding nature of Humanity’s and the Heavenly Man’s or Planetary Personality signifying a larger more inclusive Appearance aspect in general. This can only be truly seen once one can view this process over the period of an entire esoteric cycle from individualization to adeptship and this in context of the group life. Thus, this is only possible for initiates advanced upon the way, although students of the history of the human races do get a glimpse of this development.
The egoic consciousness is that of the second aspect or quality aspect but likewise giving the quality aspect to form activity or reflective of the divine Soul determining subjective Quality aspect of its Appearances. The quality of an appearance varies, according to the nature of the soul immanent within any form determining the form’s unfolding innate qualities demonstrating through the outer form, vehicle or appearance aspect which over time expresses more and more the unfolding Quality aspect of the Divine Soul and later the Spiritual Soul as an element of the Whole.
The spiritual soul inherently embodies, through its psychic nature and its unfoldment, that hidden purpose and will of one’s individual spirit aspect which likewise embodies the hidden Will of God as it expresses its conditioning influences through seven psychic aspects. To those initiates which have had some degree of monadic realization, the monad’s purpose expressing through the soul and personality appears to express the same basic purpose as it exists in its sevenfold Pure Spirit nature synthesized in and expressing through the Mind of God Itself. Thus, our individual and group purposes, qualities, and activities and thus destiny is tied to Pure Spirit’s, or the Logos’s and overtime, mirrors it more and more perfectly or appears to do so experientially.
The monad’s expanding and progressive identifications with the first aspect of divinity or will and purpose thus embodies its purpose and intent. It uses the spiritual soul-personality in order to qualify and demonstrate this purpose of the larger Whole, Presence, Logos, or That. This sequential demonstration of divine purpose related attributes is that which determines the unfolding nature of spiritual quality related attributes and these the unfolding nature of appearance presented attributes. These higher attributes are not touched or embodied until the vehicle for Spirit is developed and identified with just as the spiritual quality attributes are not touched or embodied until one is an initiate under the Law of Destiney. Useful to keep in mind these are progressively descending to manifest over time as the three major periodic vehicles for Humanity in general are unfolded so over time, they become more available to the evolving units. These can also be understood as higher Psychic Gift waves.
These three types of major aspect periodic vehicle expressions are animated and becoming expressive of the one Life are eventually realised by the human unit on the physical plane and brings knowledge of the unfolding purpose behind the realized Plan of deity. This realized Pure Spirit purpose within and animating the Mind of God is the energy pattern and directional intent encompassing the divine creative process working out into manifestation through the human Units as multi-dimensional cells in this Play. This comprehension can be apperceived by those units whose wills are blended with the divine Will. This creative process is working out over time into manifestation through ray and astrological conditioning and impelled esoteric cycles. These Mind of God creative processes are productive of these esoteric cycles of change or cycles of crisis underlying progressive unfoldment and become incentives towards group and individual re-creative activity along some new conditioned pattern or line better mirroring the intent within the Mind of God.
The list of ten esoteric cycles denoted earlier progress this Purpose through a sequential patternistic creative intent being reflected by the individual and Humanity as a unit itself over time as they successful respond and manifest correctly this pattern of intent or not. This patternistic purpose can be known and understood once the world of causation is discovered once one can consciously react to these cyclical influences as spirits, souls and personalities.
These esoteric astrological and ray cycles condition and thus progress one’s personality, soul and spirit sensitivities, awareness’s, and identities with various principles and laws over time once they are recognized and responded to correctly. If correctly responded to then they likewise incentivize their personality happiness, soul joy and monadic bliss. They progress first an awareness of the workings of the laws of nature and this awareness comes by default through suffering from choices contrary to these laws of nature. Experiential unfoldment leads to the comprehending of those more subjective laws and principles which lies beneath the laws of nature such as the laws of the soul and the laws of spirit. Under the laws of the soul the personality expands in awareness into the inner worlds of meaning and significance to grasp the laws of spirit. This awareness of the inner workings of the planetary and solar Lives and Life leads to That which lies back of the personality, the soul, and the monad’s existence which is Pure Spirit. This apperception takes place through successful responding to these conditioning ray and astrological influences, introduced herein, which permits the unfolding of the understanding of the laws of nature, the laws of the soul and the laws of spirit. Once this understanding is awakened a new journey is undertaken into the progressive awareness of the cosmic Whole. This progressive awareness is possible through the integration, fusion, and synthesis of the three major principles/aspects or vehicles permitting now an expression of some portion of the planetary, systemic and cosmic Whole.
One of the goals of evolution is thus the expression of divinity through the various levels of form lives composing the seven kingdoms which produces over time different progressive forms and states of consciousness mirroring ever more clearly its intents. This process unfolds through the process or technicalities of revelation itself. One of the effects of revelation, due to the circulation of unique qualified energies and forces, is the transmutation, transformation, transfiguration, and translation of form to correctly express those revelations and accompanied energies of divinity. In the science of the path this takes place in three major stages which are called Individualization, Initiation, and Identification. These are understood to be the progressive unfoldment (evolution) processes respectively for the three periodic vehicles – personality, soul, and spirit. The discovery and unfoldment by the unit of their individuality takes much life experience and development of the inner senses leading to the development of mental discrimination, discernment, and creative intelligence. The purpose of the monadic individuality is ultimately discovered by the aspirant to be that of its potential contribution to the purposes of deity where this individuality is gladly sacrificed towards addressing that larger identified with purpose goal now identified as their own. It is this conscious awareness and act by the aspirant disciple that permits them to move onto the path of accepted discipleship because they begin to realize that this purpose is also their purpose. The disciple has the task of expressing the spiritual love and will of the spiritual soul through that sacrificial creative loving intelligence of the fusing soul-personality; where the initiate has the task of expressing the divine love and will. Progressive Individuality leads to progressive Initiation into more inclusive and progressive Identifications with the expanding Whole. These three major stages produce progressive translation into progressive transcendence into the higher major aspect livingness of the One Life. We progress in our awareness from god immanent to god transcendent stage by stage through the seven and three aspects (both minor and major) in respect to identification.
This above summarization of the basic esoteric tenants per the evolution of consciousness is discussed below in context particularly to esoteric astrology and the nature and evolution of substance and consciousness. All astrological related cycles are due to the various cosmic laws in play and these laws are the reason for the cycles discussed herein. A cosmic law is that default expression, sattvic or rhythmic force or livingness innate to some cosmic Being. Cosmic laws can be known once one can discover the field of the higher initiations conditioned by the influences of Capricorn. Initiation is a group process involving all stages of planetary, solar and cosmic initiations but beyond the seventh initiation it is inferred that the initiate must discover the doorway into the two other sister solar systems linked to this solar system associated to the eighth and ninth cosmic paths. We are told that the highest initiation available in this solar system is the seventh planetary or fifth solar initiation. In other words, the three-fold Sun or major aspects of the solar Logos apparently cannot yet respond to or Identify with those necessary cosmic influences to unfold the necessary types of attributes necessary for these higher initiations.
The threefold evolutionary nature of the solar Logos in respect to its three-fold periodic vehicles point of response and development is depicted as potentially unfolding through the influences of the following three sources or three major types of conditioning crosses and collectively is known also as the dharmic cross.
- The Mutable Cross is the Cross of the Holy Spirit, of the third Person of the Christian Trinity, as it organises substance and evokes sensitive response from substance itself. (The misuse of substance and the prostitution of matter and form to evil ends is the sin against the Holy Spirit.)
- The Fixed Cross is the Cross of the Son of God, of the second Person of the Trinity, driven through love to incarnate in matter and to be consciously crucified upon the Cross of matter. Matter is third aspect of substance
- The Cardinal Cross is the Cross of the Father, the first aspect of the sacred Trinity, Who sent forth the Holy Spirit (the Breath) because the Mind of God visioned a destiny for matter which had been long in coming. Now that the “time was at hand,” the Son fulfilled the law in cooperation with the Holy Spirit and this in response to the fiat of the Father. EA, pp. 558-559
The holozoic theory predicates the basis for the theorem that Man was made in the image of God and therefore has the same three aspects of life, quality, and appearance activity reified as a linked monad-soul-personality. Thus, the human microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm and as such receives energies and forces from three different levels of respective Sources. These innate types of Source energy and force flow through these reified and unfolding vehicles of deity focused by the three different levels of “Self” symbolized by a three-fold Sun – given as the central spiritual Sun, the heart of the Sun, and the physical Sun just as those received by our own individualized threefold sun or the divine Self within the higher Self within lower self, but on a much more evolved level. As the self’s consciousness unfolds there an increase response to the macrocosmic Self’s consciousness influences saturating the etheric fields. This paradigm is symbolically portrayed by each of these three suns having its own cross of potential influencing energies whether embodying the life aspect, or the quality aspect or the activity aspect. These crosses are given as the cardinal cross, the fixed cross, and the mutable cross. In our discussion of the inter-acting energies that condition a human unit the three crosses are indeed of major practical significance as they forward the path of ordinary evolution if on the mutable cross into the stage of discipleship and onto the fixed cross and later onto the cardinal cross after the third stage of planetary integration or initiation.
The Mutable Cross is given as the Cross of changing and absorbed Experience. Experience that permits one to eventually control their karmic path or life path through developing of the ability to understand effects from causes. It develops understanding or expanded consciousness with its ability to make predictions and thus plan. The fixed cross is given as the Cross of Transmutation. The personal desire for event and circumstance satisfaction over time is translated into aspiration, and self-focussed or selfishness is transformed into other-focussed or selflessness brought about as a sequence, to these inner changes or transmutations various significant points of crisis which are karmically unavoidable and present definite opportunities for directional choices in developing one’s karmic or life path. The Cardinal Cross is given as the Cross of Transcendence. The personality, form, and planetary focussed lives no longer control, and one stands free from the activity of matter and form control; and the one in good standing is now able to evoke extraordinary points of synthesis with the expanding Wholes as a consequence of both acquiescing to changing karmic life circumstances and alternative direction of life crises. Astrologically, Mercury is the most instrumental in bringing about meaningful event and circumstantial changes; whereas Saturn provides those points of directional crises opportunities; and Jupiter collects and progresses all of these points of livingness into an expanded unifying causative awareness leading to synthesis of beingness.
It is the focused directed will response of the individual human personality that determines which cross his preferred influences are being received from or in other words his choice of which periodic vehicle to focus in and aspect to identify with. The influences from one cross does not replace the influences from the other crosses but blends and merges over time to produce new qualitative forms of self-capacities, self-abilities, and self-gifts. The goal is ever the same which is greater happiness, joy, and bliss of the individual with a corresponding cooperation with the One Plan of the One Life. The individual can be seen as symbolically climbing upon each cross in sequence evoking more life which comes by way of the ever combining influences producing changes in consciousness by way of substance transmutation, transformation, and transfiguration activities. These activities effectively translate or re-configures the nature of substance and consciousness permitting ascension and resurrection. Eventually after the third cycle of planetary integration and translations the individual will have aligned and effectively absorbed the influences of all three crosses more and more into one unifying set of influences gradually integrating the disciple into the will, consciousness, and body of deity.
The three major crosses represent those astrological influences which not only condition the personality sheaths and consciousness but also those affecting the soul and the monadic sheaths also underlying the causes for personality related demonstrations of various new capacities, abilities or gifts unfoldment. It is only late in the Cycle of Evolution that our personality brain has become aware of these astrological influences as they descend into our awareness’s. One of the goals of this analysis is to grasp the more occult causes for our own expansions of consciousness and subjective experiences over time. in context to the “Whole”. Try to bear with this analysis of a potential group of overarching influences upon our evolution as eventually it will begin to make more causative sense.
It is not easy for us to understand the influences responsible for our changing form activity potentials focusses through the mutable cross and until the personality is fully developed and sensitized to its internal and external environments. It is even more difficult to grasp those influences playing upon and focussed by the soul or the cause for our consciousness coming from the fixed cross; and these only once we develop group soul consciousness. It is also basically impossible to grasp those influences impacting and unfolding out developing Will aspect coming from the cardinal cross until there is some identification with the monad or divine Self and Spirit. This essential triangle of influences playing upon the essential triangle of Self has been shown to unfold the fourfold personality self and later the five-fold group conscious Self. This five-fold Self is eventually translated back into the esoteric square and the synthesized triangle becoming the dot within the circle of the expanding Whole. This making Whole process can be understood as the necessary basis for the progressive and purposeful activity of the Plan of the cosmic Christ in respect to the fourth kingdom; and all carried forth by the progressively responded to influences coming through these three symbolic crosses.
The astrological influences available from these symbolic three cross Sources can thus be understood to be the overarching cause for all of our evolutionary opportunities, gifts and potencies in expression in the three worlds of the monad, soul and the personality. When our will is focused subjectively and not outward towards the three worlds our subjective experiences do demonstrate the expanding synthetic influence of one particular cross but over time and on the path of initiation all three begin to be responded to and synthesized and demonstrated as wholes in our activity, consciousness, will patterns and all in context to the Plan. For those initiates who are or have lived the dual life (both a subjective and an objective focus held) they are very aware of the unique qualitative difference between the three crosses and as such their influences are very real indeed. This analysis is intended to clearly demonstrate a clear sequential progressive process of fusing the influences coming through the three crosses focused through the three-fold Self. Theoretically, and in a most masterful way, this process of moving (by way of recognition and response) from cross to cross is summed up in A.A.B.’s masterful works on esoteric philosophy in context to various other spiritual occult sciences such as esoteric astrology. Esoteric astrology is given as one of the only true occult sciences available to us to move into the world of causation.
All astrological influences can be understood as being (recognized and thus) focussed through the three-fold aspect of the Sun – physical sun, the subjective or the reflection of the Heart of the Sun, and the Central Spiritual Sun or the focal points for solar Logoic three-fold Self. It is the point in evolution of these three-fold Selves – Logoic Spirit, Soul, and Personality that determine the available influences attracted to and brought into this solar system. These in effect determine the ring-pass-not of available conditioning energies and forces of the three crosses – Mutable, Fixed, and Cardinal available to the three periodic vehicles for their development and expression. All zodiacal and other relevant constellation potential conditioning influences thus can be considered to enter through the three-fold systemic Selves or Suns. In other words, the three-fold crosses available influences are due to the point in evolution of the solar Logos or those types and influences the Logos can respond to. These available influences are thus made available to those lives innate and embodied within the ring-pass-not of the solar Logos according to our capacity to respond to them. Thus, each of us are or can be potentially conditioned by these three sets of periodic vehicle influences depending upon our own point of spirit, soul, and personality periodic vehicle development (spirit-consciousness-matter) or substance sensitivity and awareness. This is why it is said that even the highest Initiate cannot identify with that which lies outside of the consciousness and livingness of the solar Logos.
Evolution can be defined as subjective and objective environmental expansion of sensitivity and awareness which is the basis of all types of consciousness. Evolution is in effect the result of the changing the relationship balance or activity focus between the three major aspects or (Ray) Live expressions. That much of these (Ray) Lives that a human Units can respond to and demonstrate at any one time determines the degree of their life, quality and appearance aspects expressing through their respective monadic, egoic, and personality vehicles.
This demonstrated expansion of sensitivity and awareness lies behind the evolution of the three major aspect vehicles of matter of consciousness, and of spirit substance innate within that vehicle’s field. It is basically due to the influences of these esoteric cycles producing potentially new types of alignment and thus qualified activities. These cycles of astrologically conditioned activity act upon the periodic vehicles, involutionarily and evolutionarily, and it is through these esoteric cycles that we can consciously become more aware of and thus take advantage of subjective conditioning patterns of these (Ray) Lives beingness as they cycle into and out of influence through astrological agencies which impact our sensitizing substance and produce responses that causing changes in our awareness and thus alter consciousness.
Substance demonstrates innately various characteristics of matter-consciousness-spirit types of sensitivity awareness. Evolutionary sub-cycles evolve the higher aspects through evolving the lower aspects. There is both a top down set of incentive and a bottom up taking advantage of these incentives producing all change. Thus, involutionary forces produce evolutionary potential activities. Thus, the unfoldment process is first that of the personality (appearance) consciousness; followed by the soul (quality) type of consciousness; and lastly spirit (life) consciousness. The three-fold monadic life and vehicles is intending to express through the three-fold Egoic life and vehicles, and the three-fold Ego life and vehicles is intending to express through the three-fold personality life and vehicles. Before these lower vehicles can be used by their higher major principle or aspect, they first need to become adequate in their sensitive response to patterns of influences and these correctly. Initially, at Individualization both spirit and soul consciousness are identified with the personality sheath form lives and thus in a Self-sacrificing bondage. The evolutionary goal for the human unit is the development of these three major set of periodic vehicles and to demonstrate some predetermined planned level of sensitivity awareness of their respective substance types as this will sequentially lead the unit to free their identification with and therefore bondage to their respective three or nine-fold sheaths of expression. This will likewise sequentially free them from their identification with their three periodic vehicles in general. This logoic Self-sacrificing bondage of deity is what creates the symbolic concept of the universal Ocean of Substance or the Father (Spirit) and Mother (Matter) brought into contact producing the Son (Waters).
[1] It is perhaps wise to remember here that, as a general rule, no one believes what others may tell him—no matter how apparent the truth or how much the person may protest that he accepts that truth. Only those truths which are wrought out individually in the crucible of experience really penetrate into the living consciousness and bear fruit. DINA I, p.11
Written by HZ 2018 -2023
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part II (Recreation, Regeneration, Reorientation, and Renunciation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part III (Cycle of Maturation & Cycle of Integration)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IV (Cycles of Jupiter, The Four Seasons, The Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part V (Seven Crises of the Soul & Cycles of Evolution, Aspiration, and Initiation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VII (A Sequence of the 14 Rules for Initiation) Revised 6/25/23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIa (12 Final Tests & Summation of “Labors of Hercules”)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIc (Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIId (Cycles of Jupiter, Twelve Tests, & Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIe (4-Seasonal Stages, 4-Dharmic Wheels,12-Houses & 36-Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIf (Three Rules for Determining Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIII (60 Major Astrological/Cosmological Influences during the Tests of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IX (Seven Stages of Discipleship) Revised 06.24.23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part X (Introduction to Cycles or Stages of Planetary Integration)