Science of Triangles

(HZ: Please note that this is just a review of Alice A Bailey’s Esoteric Works in respect to the Science f Triangles theory review with a few additions plus some experiential heuristic observations and as a rule does not contain reified source impressions received during meditation.)


The Science of Triangles is a new introduced science of causation provided to us in Alice A. Bailey’s (A.A.B.) book on Esoteric Astrology summarizing the inner-operation and characteristics of the energies and forces circulated within triangles that underlie the basis of all evolutionary causation and potential.  It is based upon the reality that all forms of beingness are composed of three periodic vehicles where the first expresses through the second and the second through the third. Esoteric Astrology can be understood as the science that provides the outer symbolic explanation of these various dimensionality of this three-fold beingness and their inter, and inter-related triangulations or three-fold periodic expressions; and these relationships together is responsible for the laws, principles and rules underlying the science of causation for all events and phenomena subjectively and objective.  The objective is to relate, the Science of Triangles to the various cycle under consideration particularly in respect to the maturation, integration, and fusion processes to better explain and justify their inner mechanism of operations. This is a newly introduced science by Alice A. Bailey (A.A.B.), and given that it covers all levels of dimensional causation it is thus quite complex, and abstract given the multi-dimensional nature of beingness. All energies and forces circulate within the etheric structure of the cosmic physical sub-plane and therefore the circulation is between and through centers as reified aspects of the various beingness of the One Life operating on all dimensions.  The Science of Triangles will make more sense if you preserve and use grounded examples to try to explain and predict effects from causes. The Esoteric Astrology quote below is followed by a cycle of Jupiter example explaining the inner workings of its cycles under the Science of Triangles. The Science of Triangles appears to be responsible for the underlying causation basis for the effective nature of all esoteric cycles of influence. The other cycles will be explained under the Science of Triangles as they are discussed further.

In the study of this Science of Triangles, the student must bear in mind that there is always one point of the triangle which—in a particular crisis or “event in consciousness”—is the emanating, dynamic, conditioning energy. During the cycle (great or small, major or minor) in which it thus controls, the other two points express receptivity and are regarded esoterically as embodying forces. Every triangle is, therefore, the expression of one fundamental energy and of two secondary forces. This is a basic statement of importance and the formulation of a law under which all the triplicates of energy function in time and space. You have consequently:

  1. An emanating energy centre.

Dynamic expression of cyclic purpose.

Positive qualified out-going ray energy.

Planetary, systemic, zodiacal and cosmic energy.

The basis of hylozoistic (living) expression.


  1. A receptive force centre.

An evocative expression of the initial impelling energy.

A synthesis of two forces, the emanating and the receptive.

A qualified, conditioning secondary energy.

Motivating, blended energy, neither positive nor negative.


  1. A responsive point of negative energy.

A major centre, completing the grounding of the emanating energy.

Responsive mainly to the second point of the triangle.

Source of a violent interplay between the two points of the base line.


This distributing centre can be a solar system, regarded as a cosmic centre, a planet, which is a systemic centre, one of the planetary centres, above referred to, a nation or an individual or one of the centres in the human etheric body.

A close study of these energy streams will demonstrate two major movements:

  1. A downflow of energy from an emanating centre. This leads to
  2. Its merging with the energy of a centre of reception and its consequent qualification.
  3. Its transmission to and its evocative effect upon a second point or focal point of reception.

Note: This leaves one side of the triangle as yet uncompleted.

  1. The three types of energy (or rather one energy and two forces) proceed then with the following activities:
  2. Evocative energising of a secondary triangle.
  3. Pouring down one side of this reflected triangle into the evoked expression on the physical plane.
  4. Producing manifestation, quality and activity.
  5. Forming a reservoir of descending and balancing energies.

Some light on this most abstruse subject can be gained if the student will attempt to realise that the above diagram and subsequent statement describes his own involutionary and evolutionary history. It depicts the interplay of his monadic life, soul energy and personality force, as these three focus on the physical plane, producing manifestation and appearance.

A return flow of this qualified energy to its emanating source or the highest point of the major triangle. This produces:

The completion of the two triangles—the Real and the unreal. The building of the antahkarana is an aspect of this completion. This concerns the final building of the later stages of the antahkarana by the initiate.

The transmission of force from the reflected or secondary triangle in the three worlds of human endeavour (or in the five worlds in the case of the evolution of members of the Hierarchy) is into the same focal point on the base line of the higher triangle which received the original emanating energy.

There are consequently two points of major importance in the higher triangle:

  1. The emanating point of positive conditioning energy.
  2. The point which receives into itself both the higher energy and the lower forces. This point is called the soul aspect of the triangle and is always the registering agent of consciousness. It is, therefore, the producer of crises, because the point where several energies meet is the source of crisis in the outer life. These crises are crises of initiation and this is true of men as individuals, of nations and of humanity as a whole.

The overshadowing triangle is the factor which produces by its flow into and out of the secondary triangle the “moments in time and the events in space which lead to those episodes in the life of the soul wherein force becomes energy and energy becomes life.”

Such a momentous event or crisis is now taking place in the life of humanity today.

More along this line I may not here dictate. The subject is too vast, abstruse and complicated. I have, however, indicated enough to throw some light upon this intricate science. Summarising what I have said:

  1. Emanating, evocative and magnetic energies are the three types of energy, flowing from the “superior triangle.”
  2. Receptive, distributing and critical force are the three types of energy distributed by the “inferior or reflected triangle.”
  3. Two points of energy are shared by both triangles along the base line. When the work is completed, the base line is formed by two blended streams of energy, which embody the energies of both triangles.
  4. One point of energy (the magnetic point) produces involution and outgoing during the process of forming the lower triangle. In a later stage it—as a blend of energies—induces return of all the energies to the emanating source.

At the same time, students must bear in mind that—owing to the Great Illusion—it may appear to them that the triangles are incomplete during the evolutionary process. The fact, however, is that in the Eternal Now all three sides of the triangles eternally exist and persist. The problem is found only in the consciousness of the subject but not in the Reality.

  1. It must be noted by the student that:
  2. The masses of men express down-pouring energy from the magnetic centre. Their rightful trend is at present downward into physical manifestation and experience.
  3. Aspirants and probationers express responsiveness to the pull of the evocative centre. Their urge is towards the path of return.
  4. Accepted disciples and initiates express the interplay along the base line between the evocative and magnetic points.
  5. Higher initiates and Masters utilise and express the energy blended in the magnetic centre. They are returning or responding to the emanating centre.

Thus the sixfold triangle—objective and subjective—is completed. EA, pp. 459-464


Cycles of Jupiter & Six-Fold Triangle

In respect to the cycles of Jupiter through the twelve zodiacal constellations or signs there have been given three planetary rulers which transmit the influences of a zodiacal constellation. These three planetary rulers correlate and have affinity to the three-fold nature of the constellation’s beingness influences which its planetary rulers transmit or radiates. As Jupiter cycles through each constellation, it potentially expands and/or transmits these influences coming through the constellation’s planetary rulers. In respect to a natal chart’s astrological influences the aspirant might or might not be influenced by Jupiter’s transiting focus depending upon the subjects own three-fold and nine-fold beingness sensitivities. As Jupiter moves through the decanates the decanate ruler, and also the sign’s planetary rulers, it transmits or expands the sign’s beingness influences associated or linked to these rulers by affinity.

As an example, in Aries the energy influence is released or impulsed through its hierarchical ruler of Uranus acting as the emanating point of the triangle. It is received, through its esoteric ruler of Mercury (relating life and consciousness), in the evoking center or the soul aspect which embodies and qualifies it.  This qualified evocative force is transmitted to the negative polarized receptive centre, through Mars (uniting opposites), or form aspect further qualifying it and magnetizing it under the law of attraction. Thus, the initial influence from Aries is qualified by Uranus, Mercury and Mars and this first ray energy has sub-aspects or rays of the seventh, fourth, and sixth qualities radiated or qualifying the original impulsed influence associate to some aspect of purpose.

Significant to remember here also that the rays are the builders of vehicles expressing three-fold and seven-fold principles and sub-principles; and that planets can likewise be considered as expressing the evolving principles of the solar Logos.  The constellation influences can be understood as unfolding of particular principles. Once this importance is grasped esoteric astrology will be greatly simplified. All zodiacal or principle unfolding influences come through the Sun, due to its present sensitivity, into various planets through affinity and are received in the Earth by way of the three major centres of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity and reach the disciple through one of these three major centres and later one or more of the five planetary centres related to Humanity or the five-sub-races of the fifth root race in general.

Jupiter, as it transits, becomes involved in this process in a significant sense, due to the fact that it is the centre that the Grand Man of the Heavens personification aspect which expresses through Jupiter. Jupiter represents the WORD of the Logos, and all impulses and influences are registered by Jupiter in respect to His third aspect (second ray) which also is involved in transmitting His second and first aspects. His first and second aspect second ray expressions are transmitted through hidden planets. All of these aspects are transmitted through His brain which is represented by Saturn. Saturn basically qualifies all form creation and expression potential and thus is why each receives from Jupiter according to their will-desire intents exemplified by their present form pattern qualities which are invocative by default (law of vibration).  Thus, the decanate rulers further qualify the effects of the constellation influences, qualified by its three planetary rulers, on one of the periodic vehicles and/or one of the respectful sheaths as it transits through the signs.  Furthermore, Jupiter can be understood as a correlation to Agni, the personification of the cosmic Logos, or Cosmic Man of the Heavens, expressing creative intent through Aries.

The influence of hierarchical, esoteric and exoteric Saturn qualifies likewise the three-fold influences of Jupiter and will be discussed when the Cycle of Maturation is discussed in the next section as Saturn rules the form or third aspect maturation stages. Please keep in mind that the decanates represent vehicle unfoldment and expression opportunities on one level or another within the five lower planes.

In respect to Jupiter returns, the same above basic process applies except for two important points.  First, the rulers of the decanates will be based upon the point in evolution of the subject and the direction on the wheel they are moving and as such changes the particular sheath influences opportunities.  Secondly, that the influences within one’s natal chart further qualifies the above influences as transiting Jupiter makes angle aspects to natal Jupiter. Thus, Jupiter transits to a new constellation peak supporting or reinforcing influence basically once a year or every thirty degrees and transit to a more opportunistic or transformational influence every forty-five degrees with its natal Jupiter.  The supporting or transformational opportunity is qualified by the influences related and expanded as given in the natal chart.

Once the soul responds to the emanating energy released through Jupiter from the constellation it begins the circulation process which leads to a constellation related crisis in one vehicle or another and is resolved back into its related vehicle or sheath it originated from triadally speaking over time, or for most aspirants and probationary disciples by the time Jupiter transits through Pisces twelve years later. Every constellation builds on this original impulse from Aries received. In a real sense it takes all twelve constellations or six polarities (six-pointed star) to resolve an evolutionary crisis.  The following is a generic first look at the stages of integration related to an evoked crisis. There are many ways to describe the qualifying relationships to these seven stages of integration depending on the levels and sub-levels of beingness being evaluated and their point of distribution.

Thus, each cycle of integration is related to the science of triangles and the emanating energy is given as circulated also through a secondary triangle. These primary and secondary triangles can be composed of either the three-fold sheaths of the periodic vehicles or through the three periodic vehicles or a combination thereof. What begins in the monadic centre is reflected into its polar opposite and later re-assimilated or Life begetting life.


Alignment                                Emanating Energy Contacted (New Will aspect Source as a pattern)

Crisis                                       Evocative Force (Soul or consciousness aspect), absorbing, qualified, conditioning secondary energy

Light                                        Magnetic Force (Light or form activity attractive aspect), grounding and attracting


Revelation                               Receptive Force, evoked and manifesting

Integration                               Distributing Force, integrating the emanating impulse quality and distributing of it to return back to the point of inspiration under the law of vibration so-to-speak.


Transition to Greater Life       Critical Force (Some new form set of the embodied quality being expressed in form will, consciousness and activity through the environment. New inspired life direction.)


Assimilation                            New point of expanding synthesis or conscious identity with emanating qualifying Source, first through the soul-consciousness-quality aspect and later the spirit-will-life aspect of the entity source.


The six sided or six-pointed star can also be understood as representing six polarized points of alignment responsible for flows between two points upon a line as well as between the three major period vehicles representing Life, Quality and Appearance. The movement is both along the triangle lines but also between their three-fold vertical points. The dual points are responsible for the unfolding of ray related qualified consciousness linking the three major aspects on all levels of beingness.  There is always the dual nature of existence or beingness where the subjective life aspect is playing on the objective life aspect and its reversed influence of the objective playing on the subjective.

  1. Monadic Aspect: Emanating Energy Point and the Distributing Force Point
  2. Soul Aspect: Evocative Force Point and the Critical Force Point
  3. Personality Aspect: Magnetic force point and the Receptive Force Point

The six dual lines of relationship are resolved into three dual lines of relationships and three polarized points which are resolved into the lower one point during involution. The remaining three dual lines of relationships are resolved back into the three polarized points which are resolved back into the one emanating point during evolution.  Another summation can be made using only the six points of the dual triangles – subjective and objective.

From the initiates qualitative point of view in developing and expressing of the Christ consciousness, the six polarized dual points, or (dual) six, are resolved first into the (dual) four and later into the (dual) two and finally into the (dual) one and thus the crisis resolved upon the three-fold crosses [or the dual six – subjective (vertical) and objective (horizontals)]. Thus, it takes all twelve constellation influences to resolve a crisis of any sort it appears and particularly the birthing of the Individual Christ consciousness. The first three constellation’s polarized influences are resolved in the second three constellation’s polarized influences. Furthermore, many other correlations and associations can be made between the egoic lotus and groups of eight egoic lotus’s on the mental plane in respect to the role of the twelve zodiacal constellations as the central creation and unfoldment in the building of the vehicle of expression for the cosmic, planetary or the individual Christ aspect.

Interestingly, every successful program of integration leading to newness involve these twelve qualifying influences in one way or another such as the successful use of the twelve steps used by Alcohol Anomalous or AA. Furthermore, in Behaviorism as in Psychosynthesis there is identified six stages of change which can be linked to the six polarized zodiacal influences.


Composed by HZ.

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IV (Cycles of Jupiter, The Four Seasons, The Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIId (Cycles of Jupiter, Twelve Tests, & Decanates)