Nicholas Roerich Museum

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)

Progressive Substance Sensitivities & Consciousness Unfoldment and Recapitulation Summarized

…Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfillment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. EA, p. 171

The progressive or transiting cycles of Jupiter through one’s natal chart will be summarized below in context to spiritual path achievements by the one-pointed aspirants and disciples. These transit cycles assume a degree of success, actually and factually demonstrated, per each of the sequential twelve-year cycles of Jupiter by dedicated western aspirants as they attempt to reify their past development and understanding in context to their present life decisions and thus self-invoked and chosen opportunities. For each of us, these Jupiter enhanced progressive spiritual path unfoldment decisions and opportunities are based ultimately upon experiential observation and records and correct periodic causative assessment in the light of the science of the path.  Recording is thus essential for ongoing analysis of the science of the path understanding.

During these Jupiter cycles the cycles integration stages are progressed. As these are progressed the aspirant progresses the demonstration of the seven laws of the soul. Co-incidentally for the aspirant one or more of the seven crises of the soul are likewise evoked and recapitulated. The cycle of aspiration and the cycle of initiation can be seen to be seen as co-cycles with the cycles of Jupiter or progressed due to the transits of Jupiter as in disciple’s cases.  The cycle of initiation unfoldment can likewise be seen to be co-incident with the laws of the soul and the stages of discipleship.  Initiation processes unfolds or are recapitulated, normally in western ardent disciples three times during the cycles of Jupiter and particularly can be seen to do so during the third, fourth and fifth cycles of Jupiter if they took advantage of opportunities presented by the attractive forces of Jupiter.  Jupiter also channels other second Ray influences or forces of Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius and Virgo into and through our entire planet and all its kingdoms in nature which works through the law of attraction or that which help qualify and expand consciousness.  Jupiter thus blends the exoteric influences of Sagittarius and Pisces, the esoteric influences of Aquarius and hierarchical influences of Virgo.

Virgo                               Pisces                    Sagittarius             Aquarius

Earth                               Water                         Fire                        Air

Hidden Christ        Hidden Saviour       Hidden Master      Hidden Server.

Jupiter—ruler and the conveyor of EXPANSION EA, p. 281

Each cycle of initiation unfoldment processes if successful in the expanding of the probationary initiate’s consciousness and sensitization of their form substance becomes a major conditioning factor for the soul’s consciousness and can be considered as the present ruling guidance point for the soul.

The fourteen rules for applicants and group initiation if demonstrated determine the progressive guidance point attainable through each cycle which also determines the subjective experience possibilities as these focus directions of energy and awareness and thus potential dimensional contacts. The ability to demonstrate a particular rule for initiation is further due to some set of astrological influences correctly responded to and these are later isolated and discussed in Part 9.

As earlier denoted, during the renunciation stage of the Jupiter return cycle, the cycle’s re-created four forms usefulness are assimilated. This assimilation produces the awareness that a new focus of awareness is required and this refocusing causes a gradual destruction of these earlier karmic related forms created in the recreation stage and matured in the regeneration stage and later re-tasked towards a more inclusive objective in the reorientation stage.  These forms co-created by the aspirant as a means to unfold some desired life, spiritual or karmic path (as these can be seen as equivalent) under the acquiescing and fusing influences of earlier transiting Jupiter.  It is towards the end of these twelve year cycles that we normally realize that a complete new set of forms [devotion, persona, and environment] are required to be progressed to directionally alter our fourth form or karmic life path or causal body form potentials. These new forms were shown to be impulsed under the four seasonal conditioning influences.

Each labor undertaken and passed, is due to the earlier progressive blending, fusion, and unifying work of Jupiter. This creates progressive new guidance points which permits the moving forward into the present and/or future labor tests of Hercules similar to the tests under the various laws of the soul and the rules for initiation.  Thus, it is inferred that each life might hold only one major Labor of Hercules; even if so, the earlier Labors of Hercules still need to be progressively recapitulated with each cycle of Jupiter and with each life in body.  These major Labors of Hercules successes are due to other types of esoteric and astrological co-incident successes.  Thus, each of these labor preparations and tests will have to be undertaken, again and again, to progressive forward. There does not seem to be an ultimate success until maybe after the causal body is destroyed and after the completing of the final major zodiacal labor and test.  This is not just conjecture given that the higher initiates begin to respond (after the third initiation) to the influence from the three major constellations and seven solar systems but these zodiacal related influences are inferred to have their own set of labors and tests providing released powers and the accumulating of divine attributes permitting progression upon the Way as we become more and more like our Teacher – Eurystheus or first born or Adi-Buddha or Ishvara. Basically, we are the Work and the Plan at some stage of demonstration all due to our capacity to absorb the various Ray and astrological influences or Lights.

It is difficult to distinguish experientially between the twelve labors processes on the dharmic cross and their fruits expression due to the fusion and diffusion of energies related the three sets exoteric, esoteric, and hierarchical  ruling planets unfolding of the dimensional sheaths producing further contact and relationship as they seem to go hand in hand. The twelve labors appear to require the earlier success of dimensional sheath (or higher Psychic Gift Wave) unfoldment as a means to undertake the labors. The zodiacal lights absorption and fusion are forerunners to the sheath unfoldment’s which are forerunners to the labors. The labors themselves relate to accomplishments of spirit working through the fusing soul-personality in the same since as the higher initiations, as labors, relate to Pure Spirit accomplishments working through spirit-soul-personality fusion and synthesis.

Each of us should understand the esoteric significance of the twelve zodiacal signs as it is these that have to be progressively demonstrated to some degree in each cumulative cycle of Jupiter. If we are successful in translating ourselves then there will be evidence that these sign influences will be cumulative in our life and all twelve will be demonstrated in one life as we enter the multi-wheel identification with Spirit.  Reviewing these later in life after a life time of zodiacal translations it appears that each and every one of them has had a major translating effect thus confirming that for a disciple the twelve zodiacal sign influences with their inherent constellations are the controlling forces as we stand in the centre of all three crosses simultaneously when on the path of initiation.

The monadic Ray and the true group Ray of the soul qualifies all of the other ray related astrological influences who are acting as subrays to these rays. It appears that the particular natal ascendant has less and less influence as the disciple progresses in translation and enters the path of initiation. Although, it has become apparent that it, and from one point of view, might symbolize the labor that the initiate takes up again this life as it is where they left off the previous life.  It is the ascendant pattern which leads the aspirant to the stage each life towards probationary initiate status and on to the path of initiation. This appears to imply that in the present incarnation one of twelve incarnational test (ascendant) signs is either only a catalyst or the next labor.  Given that the author’s sidereal ascendant is Leo it makes it more difficult to ascertain whether ascendant is a catalyst or the first labor as Leo is (always) the doorway into the labors as these are self-initiated. The present understanding and experience are that the twelve tests progress as the ascendant progresses and the Sun follows the ascendant’s progressions as the soul demonstrates its successes through the personality. This brings in a new decanate ruler sequentially with the progression and the sequential response to the soul’s pragmatizing and testing focus. In other words, all of the decanate rulerships play their part in the pragmatizing of the zodiacal fruits and testing processes. The initiate responds to all decanates regardless of direction upon the wheel as their chakras are fourth dimensional or higher and as such have no one particular ascendant or Sun sign focus. Furthermore, they have experiences working with all seven rays as subrays and are becoming proficient in expressing their subray related Ray virtues.

The three decanates of Aquarius, from the angle of the disciple, are Saturn, Mercury and Venus. It is in this sequence that they affect him and carry him forward on his desired way, thus giving opportunity through conflict, the illumination of the mind and eventually the achievement of brotherly love which is wisdom. EA. p.283

Significant to point out, as an example, that each true thinking idealist and aspirant on the reverse wheel is being conditioned through humanity by Aquarius, Capricorn, and Libra influences coming through Saturn continuously.  These related zodiacal and ray (3rd, 5th, 1st and 7th) influences provide balance and opportunity and training leading to initiation potentials. On the reverse wheel for the accepted disciple one might hypothesize that the primary set of decanate rulers that will be responded to will also channel the influences of the exoteric ruler per the first decanate, the esoteric ruler per the second decanate, and the hierarchical ruler influences through the third decanate. This indicates an opportunity for the continuous practical expression of the “gifts” linked to that constellation’s internal influences in service through these planetary rulers through progressions and transits.  These “gifts” are discussed below.

Libra influences through, Saturn and Uranus, demonstrate acts as progressive points of polarity balance releasing the initiate’s identification with each dimensional sheath and thus planetary influences. This permits zodiacal influences to flow which are likewise required for the response to and absorption of any particular zodiacal sign’s fruits or gift unfoldment.  It is given that planetary forces or sheath conditioning forces hold down one’s consciousness aspect if one is identified with their sheaths. It was earlier discussed that the third decanate proffers hierarchical related gifts if a probationary initiate that is responding to the Law of Destiny. The sign opposite of Libra, or Aries (Agni or the Lord) works through Uranus as the doorway for the creative hierarchical influences and these influences are available due to Libra’s esoteric influences, through Uranus, provides a pathway to being identification as the mystical and occult path are united. These creative Hierarchies point of expression potentially depict the solar Logos’ capacity and ability to love. And as you can observe it is yet incomplete. Uranus and the seventh Ray make possible a revelation channel for these creative hierarchies providing a pathway for the circulation of renewing energies for evolutionary progress (or newness) through form attribute development more than consciousness expansion.

We are told that Libra—Guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma, this permits the disciple-initiate to respond to the Law of Destiny and superseding the Law of Karma as normally understood while released. The decanate rulers provided for those on the reversed wheel are secondary influences channeling those primary sign’s planetary ruler influences. Thus, all decanate influences act as lessor tests and doorways through which zodiacal influences can flow. Various planetary rulers provide these pathways through the decanates influencing the sheaths and also the opportunity to blend certain zodiacal influences over others due to evolutionary affinity.

The above process of recapitulation of earlier evolution successes (or tests) up to the present life tests takes longer or shorter depending on his earlier life incarnation cycles of success and the major tests normally do not start until under the influence of Leo where one consciously takes control of his own evolution and salvation. This also normally takes place around age 35-42 for the typical aspirant once their personality is fully integrated and fusing with the soul after the second initiation and fifth spirilla unfoldment, or after seventh year cycle of maturation, for those that have reversed themselves on the wheel and are self-will initiated and this through their ability to respond to spiritual will. The test leading up to Leo supremacy is accompanied by a initiation related symbolic teaching and/or first point of revelation or “stillness vision” if one’s soul related purpose is available to enter the path of initiation and take a further initiation. Leo also can be understood to rule the fifth egoic petal symbolizing entry onto the path related to this solar system’s given objectives.

The following cycles of Jupiter given age ranges are generalized as Jupiter’s transit from natal Jupiter to natal Jupiter is factually less than a full 12 years. For accuracy, the sidereal ranges would have to be completed for each individually.

1st Cycle of Jupiter: Age 0 to Age12: The Law of Sacrifice Response is the Goal (Lead us from darkness to Light.)

Each of the Laws of the Soul build upon one another and the earlier ones are exhibited continuously as the human soul is able to respond to them sequentially and these are reflectively demonstrated by the personality in body. For the average western disciple there is an inferred correspondence of each of the laws of the soul to each of the progressive life cycles of Jupiter. There is a recognized response to the corresponding law of the soul by the end of the cycle particularly.  There are also some correspondences for these discerning and aspiring disciples responding to these laws of the soul to the various stages of discipleship aligning with the life cycles of Jupiter.  This is particular so for the first five cycles. For those disciples that progress on the path of initiation the higher stages of discipleship are tentatively entered.

For the average western aspirant who were on the path in a previous life each of the cycles of Jupiter progress the influences of one of the laws of the soul which eventually produce or recapitulate a particular stage of discipleship or evolutionary status by the end of its respective cycle during the cycle’s renunciation stage.

Cycles of Jupiter promotes  a response to
an Integration Stage >
Integration Stages >
Laws of the Soul > Produces Stages of Discipleship
Age 0-12AlignmentLaw of SacrificeProbationary Aspirant
Age 13-24CrisisLaw of Magnetic ResponseLittle Chelaship
Age 25-36LightLaw of ServiceChela in the Light
Age 37-48RevelationLaw of RepulseAccepted Discipleship
Age 49-60IntegrationLaw of Group ProgressChela on the Threshold
Age 61-72Transition to a Greater LifeLaw of Expansive ResponseChela within the Aura
Age 73-84AssimulationLaw of the Lower FourChela within the Heart


…Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. EA, p. 171

These cycles of Jupiter focus astrological influences as qualifying energies and forces, constellation by constellation, and proceeds to potentially attract, relate, blend, fuse, and unify them into a functioning whole as the aspirant responds to them or not expanding their resonant invocative relationships and related qualified livingness overall form and consciousness. These points or fields of qualified light and livingness once responded to are being integrated into one’s existing qualified substance field over time. These integrating fields are produced by way of the cycles of maturation followed by the cycles of integration and further develops the aspirant’s evolutionary potential. This was highlighted in the earlier “Maturational Chart”. This is most easily seen manifesting on the physical plane in respect to disciples advancing upon the way taking advantage of presented opportunities.  The consciousness expansive response and form sensitization response to these influences appear to stop once the disciple reaches their high water mark or stops self-initiating.

The Will of Jupiter, as the transmitter of the Word (to Eurystheus), can be understood as historically ruling or influencing the unfoldment of the egoic body petals, reified in some causal body or karmic life path unfolding patterning process through incarnation, (recapitulated each life). It is in this regard the four forms are re-fashion after the necessitated pattern of Vulcan in particular. Jupiter presents the vision, and thus will direction and Vulcan confers, by default, the possible experience associated to the vision manifested after it has completed its refashioning to meet the intent of the vision. This is dramatically experienced by the striving disciple every twelve years once transiting Jupiter conjuncts with natal Jupiter.  This initiates a new conditioning cycle, related to the vision bestowed by Jupiter, under the next law of the soul influence. This causative sequence can easily be seen as being demonstrated in the life of the average western disciple in general.

It is given that the average western human unit during this first twelve year cycle responds to Vulcan’s re-fashioning influences by way of the 12-House influences with their zodiacal sign rulers, particularly the non-sacred planet related houses – first, fourth, fifth, and eighth and non-sacred planets influences plus the Moon sign and Sun sign influences.

The Moon sign depicts the major conditioning influences on the three personality sheaths elemental lives through that particular moon sign’s three planetary rulers – exoteric ruler or physical, esoteric ruler for astral sheath, and hierarchical ruler for mental sheath. As an example, if an aspirant had their natal Moon in Virgo then it would be Mercury conditioning the physical sheath; Moon veiling Vulcan and Neptune conditioning the astral sheath; and Jupiter conditioning the mental sheath. Thus, the ray influences one will notice conditioning their three respective sheaths if a natal Moon in Virgo sidereally is the 4th, 6th, and 2nd rays. It is not being inferred that these moon sign related three rulers are the major rays conditioning the personality sheaths but they appear to be experientially so until on the path of initiation and at that point it does not matter much as the soul is controlling the sheaths and any ray can be theoretically substituted as needed. At this juncture the chakras are than basically 4-D and turning upon themselves.

Interestingly, it was observed by a colleague that each of the Moon’s personality related sheath rulers’ closest aspects to another planet expressing some particular Ray has a high correlation to the actual Ray ruling of the subject’s sheath. In the example given above of the natal Moon in Virgo the hierarchical ruler of Virgo is Jupiter, and in this case, the closest aspected planet with its Ray related rulership aspecting Jupiter would correlate to the ray of the subject’s mental sheath. The same would apply to the other sheaths.  It should be pointed out that the determining of the physical body ray using this method is not straightforward as the higher sheath rays due to the physical body being disidentified with by the unit in a disciple’s case. Once the subject becomes soul-personality integrated then the physical body Ray appears to take on the ray characteristics of either the soul Ray or the monadic Ray. The same would seem to apply to the astral sheath ray, influenced by the esoteric planetary ruler’s closest aspects once the subject was identifying soul ray. The chart below provides an initial set of base relationships inferences to initiate a potentially meaningful analysis based upon observation.

Sheath Ray first determined and colored by the Moon’s Sign Planetary Rulers if Sheath IdentifiedRulership Planet’s closest Planetary aspect Ray determines Sheath Ray once Personality Integrating with Soul & IdentifiedHuman Unit Periodic Vehicle Ray colors Sheath Ray once Group Soul Ray IdentifiedPlanetary Life Unit Expressing through and colors Higher Ruling Ray once Monad Identified
Physical Ray (Exoteric Ruler)Exoteric Ruler’s closest aspected Planet’s RayPersonality Ray Expresses through Physical RayWorld Personality Ray Expresses through Personality Ray
Astral Ray (Esoteric Ruler)Esoteric Ruler’s closest aspected Planet’s RaySoul Ray Expresses through Astral RayWorld Soul Ray Expresses through Soul Ray
Mental Ray (Hierarchical Ruler)Hierarchical Ruler’s closest aspected Planet’s RayMonadic Ray Expresses through Mental RayPure Spirit Ray Expresses through Monadic Ray


It is inferred that during the first Jupiter return cycle the probationary aspirant is showing the outer appearances of themselves when coming under the Law of Sacrifice. Furthermore, the moon sign and its various related influences are also more noticeable towards the end of the first cycle of Jupiter. Around the age of five (5), if one was a disciple in their earlier life and thus upon the osculating or reoriented wheel, then they will experience a symbolic vision depicting their immediate life objective related to their point in evolution unresolved from previous life but identified with more in a physical energetic sense. In other words, it will appear to be a stillness vision depicting that which they need to accomplish to complete their cycle of initiation. At around age twelve (12) they will have another wheel direction reversal experience. The ego will hopefully acquiesce to the intent of this vision, and it will be experienced as being more related to their astral sense of identity and direction although not normally experienced as a vision as the experience at around age 5.  Again, this will takes place at around each of the basic seven-year maturational cycles associated with the various sheaths – etheric, astral, mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic and logoic. Although, the most crisis noteworthy and more memorable ones are definitely the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th sheath cycles at around ages 5, 21, 35, and 49 (per the author) as the soul appropriates these sheaths.

Gemini’s influence is particularly pervasive throughout all of the cycles and its testing is for the aspirant, apparent in all five cycles as each provides a basis for each of the five Gemini tests as outlines by A.A.B.’s in her Labors of Hercules treatise. The first cycle of Jupiter ended in the passing of the first Gemini test or the acquiescing to (Nereus) one’s own inner guidance to complete the task or labor of receiving the golden apple(s) of wisdom from Hesperis. This can be validated in an aspirant life if there is an outer appearance of the Law of Sacrifice being followed by the Law of Re-Appropriation in the spiritual sense being demonstrated. This will take some obvious form of securing a more favorable environment to carry out the recreation of one’s four forms to better demonstrate the acquiesced to spiritual vision or direction, or basically the group soul support manifesting symbolically on the outer plane.

Law of Sacrifice is ever followed by the Law of Re-Appropriation in the spiritual sense. (Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, 1955, p. 260)

Thus, this law’s demonstration in life is a further indication of a unit being in process of recapitulating the probationary aspirant stage and later the discipleship stage of Little Chelaship. This law will apply to all acts of acquiescing to group soul intent. It is inviolable as is with all laws until left behind. It is a physical plane indication or act of grace under the Law of Compassion that assists each who disidentifies from the past and blends their personality will with the soul’s sacrificial will.


2nd Cycle of Jupiter: Age 13 to Age 24 Law of Magnetic Impulse Response of the Goal (Lead us from the unreal to the Real.)

The earlier Jupiter cycle astrological influences of the Moon, Sun, and Houses are being blended in this second cycle with the 12-exoteric planetary ruler influences and finally brings the ascendent into view if successful.  During the second Jupiter cycle the aspirant is still under the Law of Sacrifice, as these laws build on the response to the earlier ones and as such become more inclusive, but by the end of the cycle there will normally be evidence of the response to the Law of Magnetic Impulse. The outer symbolic observable evidence is the locating on the physical plane one’s spiritual soul (astral) grouping to some degree. Likewise, the ascendant sign influences on the group conscious soul are noticeable at the end of the second cycle of Jupiter.

At around age twenty-one the aspirant will experience a third wheel direction reversal or mental body appropriation by the soul related to their mental identity and life direction under the influence of the maturational cycle controlled by Saturn.  It is normally only aspirants that experience a zodiacal wheel related direction reversal as they identify with the soul’s aspirations. The soul-personality mental sheath integration begins as the soul descends to mental sheath. Near the end of Jupiter’s second cycle the average western aspirant’s first initiation cycle first phase basically comes to an end as the first initiation event is dramatically recapitulated. This will probably precipitate likewise around this period a symbolic teaching indicating more formally one’s discipleship status once there is a consistent response to the Law of Magnetic Impulse.

Little Chelaship discipleship status is normally reified in brain awareness at the end of this cycle by way of a symbolic teaching vision.  This cycle’s achievement is also symbolized by the process of passing the second Gemini test and initially demonstrates that they are not fooled by Antaeus, or ones lower psychism or psychic not-self, and becomes a burgeoning channel for the Self as soul. This success represents the path forward to harvest the fruits of this second stage of planetary integration or the crisis of light.

The second cycle of Jupiter conditioned by Taurus-Scorpio and the blending of the law of sacrifice with the law of magnetic response produces an eventual response and demonstration of the first three subjective ray conditioned rules of initiation for applicants. This sequence of subjective rays’ conditions the form destructive phase of initiation or form disidentification. This cycle of Jupiter eventually produces a corrected alignment. And an ability to adhere to the following three rules for applicants for initiation.

Rule 4: For Applicants:  Let the disciple tend the evocation of the fire, nourish the lesser lives and thus keep the wheel revolving.

Rule 2: For Applicants:  When application has been made in triple form, then let the disciple withdraw that application and forget it has been made.

Rule 6: For Applicants:  The purificatory fires burn dim and low when the third is sacrificed to the fourth.  Therefore let the disciple refrain from taking life and let him nourish that which is lowest with the produce of the second.


3rd Cycle of Jupiter: Age 25 to Age 36: Law of Service Response is the Goal (Lead us from death to Immortality.)

The earlier two Jupiter cycle’s natal chart’s related astrological influences, during this third cycle, are being blended with the twelve esoteric planetary rulers’ influences with the ascendant being more significant than the Sun and Moon sign influences. These esoteric planetary ruler influences are beginning to be recognized only mentally and not in one’s physical brain as a rule. The Sun and Moon are likewise integrating with the ascendant. For those aspirants recapitulating the planetary integration related initiation phases there is also the beginning integration with the hierarchical planetary rulers associated with the non-sacred planets (Leo-Aquarius).  These are particularly responded to during the cycles of initiation or their recapitulations after the aspirant’s responses to the influences on the fixed cross and blending of these influences with the mutable cross ones.

This Jupiter cycle represents the period wherein the aspirant relinquishes the influences of the wisdom of the world, his wise mentors (Busirius), as well as the lower path elements of mysticism and the completes this third Gemini test. He leaves behind permanently the earlier influences of family, friends, and mentors and replaces these with the newly discovered members of their spiritual grouping subjectively and later objectively.

In the beginning of the third Jupiter cycle the aspirant responds to the Law of Magnetic Impulse but towards the end of the cycle there is a more consistent and correct response to the Law of Service. This permits the aspirant’s discipleship status to change during this cycle to Chela in the Light or probationary disciple status. This is reified as before through a symbolic vision and teaching for those disciples particularly on or entering the path of initiation. This soul law response and stage of discipleship is necessary to forward the training and the completing of the second initiation (or its recapitulation) and this cycle of Jupiter enhances this possibility.

During this third cycle the second phase of the first initiation cycle is totally completed and the first phase of the second initiation is likewise completed or recapitulated for the average western focussed and aspiring disciple. Thus, during this cycle the soul-personality astral sheath integration begins as the soul descends to the astral sheath and the personally ascends to touch the buddhic.

During this Jupiter cycle, the probationary disciple discovers and begins to consciously respond to the mutable cross influences and likewise seek to climb upon the fixed cross by way of the blending of the esoteric planetary rulers’ influences with the exoteric planetary influences. Although disciples appear not able to be tested until the mutable cross and the fixed cross influences are basically blended producing the soul aware and integrating personality. This normally takes place at around age 35-42 and after the second initiation recapitulation which follows a precipitation of the Chela in the Light into a different ashram for further training. During this maturation and integration processes the fourteen rules for applicants are being progressively demonstrated permitting nascent integration planetarily considered. At the end of the third cycle of Jupiter the aspirant will normally enter the second phase of the second initiation cycle and complete it during the fourth Jupiter cycle under the Law of Repulse. They will likewise enter into accepted discipleship and probationary initiate status once completed where the goal is to formally enter the path of intuition consciously experienced in brain awareness.

The third cycle of Jupiter conditioned by Gemini-Sagittarius and the blending of the law of magnetic impulse with the law of service produces an eventual response and demonstration of the first four construction phase related objective ray conditioned rules of initiation for applicants or rules one, three, five and seven. The first three subjective ray conditioned rules and this second series of rules demonstrated depict the soul integrating personality now ready to enter more consciously into the technique of fusion processes.

Rule 1: For Applicants:  Let the disciple search within the heart’s deep cave.  If there the fire burns bright, warming his brother yet heating not himself, the hour has come for making application to stand before the door.

Rule 7: For Applicants:  Let the disciple turn his attention to the enunciating of those sounds which echo in the hall where the Master walks.  Let him not sound the lesser notes which awaken vibration within the halls of Maya.

Rule 3: For Applicants:  Triple the call must be and long it takes to sound it forth.  Let the disciple sound the call across the desert, over all the seas and through the fires which separate him from the veiled and hidden door.

Rule 5: For Applicants:  Let the applicant see to it that the Solar Angel dims the light of the lunar angels, remaining the sole luminary in the microcosmic sky.


4th Cycle of Jupiter: Age 37 to Age 48: Law of Repulse Response is the Goal (Lead us from chaos to Beauty.)

The question is at what point or stage of the path when these twelve Herculean tests are initiated? Per the symbolic story line all of these tests were in effect portrayed as services provided by Hercules to his associated communities symbolically describing the nature of the tests, and as such, would naturally take place under the Law of Service but this is only the initiating motivation leading to the Law of Group Progress. Hercules had to next discover and unfold his own fruits or powers related to his particular contribution to the community of the One Humanity and the One Life under the Law of Repulse.  The tests themselves actually appear to take place under the Law of Group Progress after the effects under the Law of Repulse has basically done its purifying work or isolating of individual monadic group soul Ray purpose. The fourth cycle for the western aspirant eventual leads to the response of the soul to the Law of Repulse symbolically played out on the outer plane as isolating one’s true life purpose or monadic destiny. Thus, this fourth cycle could indicate a certain series of testing related to the first four signs from Aries through Cancer leading to Leo. This would indicate that an average western disciple would likewise potentially pass the first four Gemini tests through the fourth cycle of Jupiter. The Buddha and Jesus passed all the tests in the first three cycles of Jupiter as they were not average western aspirant-disciples.

During this cycle of the preliminary testing, or more accurately the continued fusion of influences of the mutable and the fixed crosses, the astrological influences continue from the earlier cycles. The testing includes, in this cycle, a particular potential response to eight of the twelve creative hierarchies through their hierarchical rulers. These cosmic creative hierarchies being related particularly to the mutable and the fixed crosses. Within this cycle of Jupiter, the Aries-Uranus transmitting related response experienced by the probationary disciple aspiring to become a probationary initiate to one or other of the twelve creative Hierarchies appears to first be monadically or a response within the monadic sheath at the beginning of a cycle of initiation. By the end of each planetary initiation cycle and corresponding Jupiter cycle the response is noted by the personality and related to Pisces influences as it descends to manifest. The alpha and the omega of a particular hierarchical influence. Symbolically, Jupiter progresses the influences of the creative Hierarchies or the seven types of the Love of God through each creative Hierarchy presented by Uranus and progressed by Jupiter: 7 x 12 = 84 years or one cycle of Uranus. Every creative Hierarchy is also three-fold and seven-fold. 84 can also be symbolically understood as the demonstration of Christ consciousness within the form-matter aspect or the world.

It is interesting here to note that as the human solar Angel is a unity, manifesting through three tiers of petals, the logoic correspondence is even more interesting, for that great cosmic Entity demonstrates on the cosmic mental plane as a triple flame working through seven tiers of petals, and it is the energy from these seven circles of energy which pulsates through the medium of any scheme. TCF, p.1161

Interestingly, each of us, as personalities, has the opportunity to relieve ourselves of the ongoing evoked tests at any one time and this prevents burnout and provides latitude to regather one’s strength to proceed later.  It has been indicated that under no circumstances should or would the soul prevent the personality from undue interest in pursuing the tests so be aware that one will not be able to proceed until the personality is ready.  Thus, the personality should continue to persevere in self-initiating of the tests this life to the very end regardless of physical or circumstantial contingencies for better advantage next incarnation.

In the beginning of the fourth Jupiter cycle the disciple is under the Law of Service but begins during this cycle to respond to the Law of Repulse and if one-pointed and dedicated the disciple moves during the cycle into accepted discipleship status as his training progresses.

During the fourth cycle of Jupiter, after the second initiation fruits linked to The Word and the completion of basic soul-personality integration the disciple is stabilized on the dharmic cross now defined as the integrating mutable-fixed cross. The mutable cross influences were synthetically absorbed, responded to, and demonstrated at the end of this cycle. The fixed cross influences are not synthetically absorbed, responded to, and demonstrated until after the completion of the third initiation requirements.

The soul-personality etheric sheath integration begins as the soul descends to etheric brain at the beginning of this fourth cycle. The disciple is now stabilized on the reverse wheel and has developing some nascent proficiency in soul-mind-brain communication which permitted the alignment and guidance necessary for the completion of the second initiation and many of the requirements for the first phase of the third initiation. These are significant requirements to become a probationary initiate and to enter the path of initiation normally by the end of the fourth cycle and passing of the fifth Gemini test and take the twelve tests upon the cardinal cross.  This implies that all of the earlier tests were preliminary training related tests including the first five tests of Gemini.


During this cycle, the de-glamoured disciple is stabilized on the reversed wheel and the mutable and fixed cross influences exoteric and esoteric planetary rulers continue their blending’s and also their nascent blending’s with the hierarchical planetary rulers. Later, on the conscious and formal path of initiation normally in the fifth cycle, the hierarchical ruler influences need to be blended with the blending exoteric and esoteric rulers of all three crosses. At the end of this fourth cycle the true Path of Initiation normally is entered which is inferred to be required to begin the demonstration of the 12 Gifts by Hercules accessible now due to the passing of the 12 preliminary tests while a probationary initiate under one of the twelve zodiacal tutors.

Once a probationary initiate is given the opportunity to progress (which is self-initiated) on the true path of initiation he moves into the fourth stage of discipleship – Chela on the Thread to unfold the higher sheaths not-self aspects leading to advanced forms of higher psychism and enhanced occult attributes. The earlier two initiations are only preliminary to the third and fourth which the twelve tests complete as the tests are progressively demonstrated. The fourteen rules for applicants are being demonstrated and towards the end of this cycle the first of the fourteen rules for group initiation begins to be progressively demonstrated especially the first three.

The ascendant sign and the Sun sign opposites influences are noticeable at the end of this cycle and show signs of blending and balancing. The same blending of all of the sign opposites on all of the crosses becomes more and more noticeable in terms of their fruits demonstrated in the fifth cycle.

This Jupiter cycle represents the process of completing of the fourth Gemini test.  The fourth test is the development of one’s particular service attributes and abilities to spiritually assist and serve others or the group’s real needs. The mind must lead the passions of the form life. The probationary initiate must gain more mental control during each cycle and demonstrate fully by the end of this cycle their ability to create through a spirit-soul dominated illuminated mind.

The fourth cycle of Jupiter conditioned by Cancer-Capricorn, among other influences, and the blending of the law of service with the law of repulse produces an eventual response and demonstration of the final seven rules of initiation for applicants.   These seven rules demonstrated con-currently permits the taking of the second initiation or its recapitulation. This also permits the nascent training to become a group conscious probationary initiate.

Rule 9: For Applicants:  Let the disciple merge himself within the circle of the other selves.  Let but one colour blend them and their unity appear.  Only when the group is known and sensed can energy be wisely emanated. IH&S, p. 202

Rule 11: For Applicants Let the disciple transfer the fire from the lower triangle to the higher, and preserve that which is created through the fire of the midway point.

Rule 13: For Applicants:  Four things the disciple must learn and comprehend before he can be shown the inmost mystery:  first, the laws of that which radiates; the five meanings of magnetisation make the second; the third is transmutation or the secret lost of alchemy; and lastly, the first letter of the Word which has been imparted, or the hidden name egoic.

Rule 8: When the disciple nears the portal, the Greater Seven must awaken and bring forth response from the lesser seven upon the double circle.

Rule 10: For Applicants:  The Army of the Voice, the devas in their serried ranks work ceaselessly.  Let the disciple apply himself to a consideration of their methods; let him learn the rules whereby the Army works within the veils of maya.

Rule 12: Let the disciple learn the use of the hand in service; let him seek the mark of the messenger in his feet, and let him learn to see with the eye that looks out from between the two.

Rule 14: For Applicants:  Listen, touch, see, apply, know.


5th Cycle of Jupiter: Age 49 to Age 60: Law of Group Progress Response is the Goal (Lead us from the individual to the Universal.)

This cycle of Jupiter for the western disciple the path of initiation is normally entered formally, and the influences of the cardinal cross are responded to, blended, and further evoked. This represents the symbolic and literal process of passing of the fifth and final Gemini test, or that of removing the burden of the world off of the shoulders of Atlas symbolizing the Master, resulting in the gifting of the fruits, or Golden Apples of wisdom from the one Tree of Life or groups of Lives symbolized by the One Ashram. Gemini, as well as the other zodiacal related influences, has been pervasive throughout the Jupiter cycle related stages given the planetary influences were superseded by the zodiacal.

During this cycle of the twelve tests the astrological influences continue to be responded to in deeper and more inclusive ways. The remaining four creative Hierarchies associated to the cardinal cross through their hierarchical rulers are likewise responded to giving access to the field of the higher initiations among other accesses. Once one enters this field of the higher initiations, or a qualifying WillEnergy field, the initiates response to these influences is through the initiates group will-energy field where the initiate is in progressive conscious relationship with the one grouping telepathically.  This infers that there are cosmic path related influences transmitting cosmic related hierarchical ruler influence responses which appear also to be first monadically responded to respectively at the beginning of one of the Jupiter cycle (Aries) within a planetary integration cycle or cycle of initiation.  By the end of such Jupiter cycle and associated planetary initiation cycle the response to the earlier cosmic path influences is by the soul-personality signifying a relative degree of success in absorbing of the cosmic path hierarchical related influences. Please remember that these creative Hierarchies are cosmic Hierarchies representing the will-to-love of the solar Logos.  Thus, one might experientially understand the purpose of revelation and why these cycles of initiation (third through the ninth) are considered solar initiations as they affect the solar evolution and thus likewise the planet.

The 12-arms of the three cross influences and their ongoing synthesis to six potencies while standing at the center of the dharmic cross or the combined three crosses is one of the sets of polarity focuses being blended and fused during this cycle and are initially demonstrated during this cycle. Also, during this cycle, the 12-zodiacal polarities are being fused one by one into the six potencies or doorways for the three Suns and the three Cosmic Realities under the influence of Gemini. The six potencies and the associated six solar systems response and blending influences permits one to respond consciously in their brain awareness to the systemic form Life aspect more so as it is blended with the group consciousness.

In this cycle the probationary initiate discovers the path of initiation fully because they respond to the Law of Repulse fully.  They move forward onto the path of initiation only as they adequately respond to the Law of Group Progress. It is the strength, knowledge, and wisdom of the group that permits the individual and the group to progress in consciousness and inclusiveness – the symbolic strength of 10.

Soul LawsLevels of UnderstandingWorlds or Realities Entered
Law of Sacrifice

(Average Person)

Mental UnderstandingWorld of Phenomena
Law of Magnetic Impulse


Occult UnderstandingWorld of Effects
Law of Service

(Probationary Disciple)

Spiritual UnderstandingWorld of Meaning
Law of Repulse


Hierarchical UnderstandingWorld of Significances
Law of Group Progress


Triadal UnderstandingWorld of Causes
Law of Expansive Response


Monadic UnderstandingWorld of Being
Law of Etheric Union


Presence UnderstandingWorld of the Presence (Be-ness)


The progressive twelve zodiacal tests leading to the 12-gifts normally are self-initiated, in general, at the end of the atmic sheath maturation (seventh seven-year) cycle or age 49 for the average western self-initiating probationary initiate.

The twelve tests and gifts unfold as the fourteen rules for group initiation are demonstrated. The fourteen rules demonstrated indicate the underlying basis for the successful testing process.  Each of the initiations appear to require all fourteen rules for probationary initiate to be demonstrated consistently. In respect to the rules for group initiation their demonstrate also need to be demonstrated for initiates at some level or another.

The response to the higher Laws of the Soul and thus the demonstrations of the fifth and higher stages of discipleship are possible and probable during this cycle once the probationary initiate/initiate has been successful in demonstrating the requirements of the third initiation and the fourteen rules for initiation as some predetermined level but progressing level. Also, once the probationary initiate has been successful in participating in the Capricorn related tests, he has the necessary type of light to discover the higher initiatory field.  Passing of the related initiatory tests does not mean that particular initiation is culminated but it does mean it will be eventually at a later time given the individual and group related exposure to the training opportunities inherent within the higher Will energy initiation field of the One Ashram.

The fifth cycle of Jupiter conditioned by Leo-Aquarius which also conditions “the world Servers, i.e. Hercules,” and the blending of the Law of Repulse with the Law of Group Progress produces an eventual response and demonstration of the 14 rules for group initiation particularly the first seven preliminary rules (phase 1) producing the necessary exposure for the training by the ashram of a probationary initiate to eventually discover the field of higher initiations.   As noted, this discovery will permit the nascent and progressive self-initiated training for the higher initiations under the influences of the One Ashram.

The outline below is suggestive of some of the conditioning influences absorbed and demonstrated sequentially during the third planetary integration cycle by the accepting disciple and probationary initiate acting as if.

Alignment Stage:           Fourth Ray         Rules 4 & 11    Taurus-Scorpio-Sagittarius – Esoterically Vulcan, Mars, Earth & Hierarchically Vulcan, Mercury, Mars

Phase 1: Rule 4: For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group see that all the eighteen fires die down and that the lesser lives return unto the reservoir of life.  This they must bring about through the evocation of the Will.  The lesser wheels must not for aye revolve in time and space.  Only the greater Wheel must onward move and turn.

Phase 2: Rule 11 : For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group together move the fire within the Jewel in the Lotus into the Triad and let them find the Word which will carry out that task.  Let them destroy by their dynamic Will that which has been created at the midway point.  When the point of tension is reached by the brothers at the fourth great cycle of attainment, then will this work be done


Crisis   Second Ray        Rule 2 & 9       Gemini, Virgo, Pisces – Esoterically Venus, Moon veiling Neptune, Pluto & Hierarchical Earth, Jupiter, Pluto

Phase 1: Rule 2: For Disciples and Initiates:  The Word has now gone forth from the great point of tension:  Accepted as a group.  Withdraw not now your application.  You could not, if you would; but add to it three great demands and forward move.  Let there be no recollection and yet let memory rule.  Work from the point of all that is within the content of the group’s united life. R&I, pp.19-29

Phase 2: Rule 9: Let the group know there are no other selves.  Let the group know there is no colour, only light; and then let darkness take the place of light, hiding all difference, blotting out all form.  Then—at the place of tension, and at that darkest point—let the group see a point of clear cold fire, and in the fire (right at its very heart) let the One Initiator appear Whose star shone forth when first the Door was passed. R&I, pp.171-172


Light    Sixth Ray           Rule 6 &13                   Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces – Esoterically Moon veiling Neptune, Earth, Pluto & Hierarchically Jupiter, Mars, Pluto

Phase 1: Rule 6: For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group know that life is one and naught can ever take or touch that life.  Let the group know the vivid, flaming, drenching Life that floods the fourth when the fifth is known.  The fifth feeds on the fourth.  Let then the group—merged in the fifth—be nourished by the sixth and seventh and realise that all the lesser rules are rules in time and space and cannot hold the group.  It onward moves in life.

Phase 2: Rule 13: Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery.  Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one.  Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation, and may Transmutation disappear.  Let the O.M. be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is All. 


Revelation        First Ray            Rule 1 & 8                    Aries, Leo, Capricorn – Esoterically Mercury, Sun veiling Neptune, Saturn & Hierarchically Uranus, Sun veiling Uranus, Venus

Phase 1: Rule 1: For Disciples and Initiates:  Within the fire of mind, focussed within the head’s clear light, let the group stand.  The burning ground has done its work.  The clear cold light shines forth and cold it is and yet the heat—evoked by the group love—permits the warmth of energetic moving out.  Behind the group there stands the Door.  Before them opens out the Way.  Together let the band of brothers onward move—out of the fire, into the cold, and toward a newer tension. R&I, p.19

Phase 2: Rule 8: For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group find within itself response to the greater seven groups which carry out the hierarchical will with love and understanding.  The group contains all seven, the perfect group.  The lesser seven, the greater seven and the planetary seven form one great whole, and these the group must know.  When this is realised and the Law of the Supplementary Seven is understood let the group understand the Three and then the ONE.  This they can do with the united breath and the unified rhythm. IH&S, pp.21-22


Integration       Seventh Ray       Rule 7 & 14                  Aries, Cancer, Capricorn – Esoterically Uranus, Neptune, Saturn & Hierarchically Uranus, Neptune, Venus

Phase 1: Rule 7: For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group life emit the Word of invocation and thus evoke response within those distant Ashrams where move the Chohans of the race of men.  They are no longer men as are the Masters but having passed beyond that lesser stage, have linked Themselves with the Great Council in the highest Secret Place.  Let the group sound a dual chord, reverberating in the halls where move the Masters but finding pause and prolongation within those radiant halls where move the Lights which carry out the Will of God. IH&S,

Phase 2: Rule 14: Know, Express, Reveal, Destroy, Resurrect

Transition to a Greater Life       Third Ray          Rule 3 & 10                  Cancer, Libra, Capricorn – Esoterically Neptune, Uranus, Saturn & Hierarchically Neptune, Saturn, Venus

Phase 1: Rule 3: For Disciples and Initiates:  Dual the moving forward.  The Door is left behind.  That is a happening of the past.  Let the cry of invocation issue forth from the deep centre of the group’s clear cold light.  Let it evoke response from the bright centre, lying far ahead.  When the demand and the response are lost in one great SOUND, move outward from the desert, leave the seas behind and know that God is Fire.

Phase 2: Rule 10: For Disciples and Initiates:  The rules for work within the veils of maya are known and have been used.  Let the group widen all the rents within those veils and thus let in the light.  Let the Army of the Voice be no more heard and let the brothers onward move within the Sound.  Then let them know the meaning of the O.M. and let them hear that O.M. as it is sounded forth by Him Who stands and waits at the very centre of the Council Chamber of the Lord.

Assimilation     Fifth Ray            Rule 5 & 12                  Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius – Esoterically Sun veiling Uranus, Jupiter, Earth & Hierarchically Sun veiling Uranus, Moon veiling Uranus, Mars

Phase 1: Rule 5: For Disciples and Initiates:  In unison let the group perceive the Triad shining forth, dimming the light of the soul and blotting out the light of form.  The macrocosmic Whole is all there is.  Let the group perceive that Whole and then no longer use the thought “My soul and thine.” R&I, p.20

Phase 2: Rule 12: Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward Way and let Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour, as the group toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group.


6th Cycle of Jupiter: Age 61 to Age 72: Law of Expansive Response & Law of the Lower Four

Note: These two laws can be and probably are adhered to to some degree or another in the fifth cycle of Jupiter.

This stage is conditioned by Virgo-Pisces and the blending of all seven laws of the soul. The Law of Expansive Response and the Law of the Lower Four can be responded to by the initiate as they take advantage of the available group Will-energy of the field of the higher initiations as a primary source for the initiate training leading to the capacity to demonstrate the second phase set of group rules for initiation. This is also regulated by the One Ashram and the Christ and depicts the reaching temporary (in brain consciousness while in body) of the two higher stages of discipleship – Chela within the Heart and the Chela of the blended Lights.  The goal for the average western one-pointed probationary initiate or third degree initiate after the fifth cycle of Jupiter at the symbolic age of 60 (or perfected sensitivity of form substance) is to retain the point of altitude reached and not to lose telepathic contact with the Ashram and thus continue to circulate the energies of revelations received from the various Life forms within the creative Hierarchies within the lower three sheath worlds.

It is the revelation of the Real which is the task all initiates undertake after the final experience of the twelve final tests in the twelve signs. EA, p.131

The twelve tests progressively completed permit the awareness and conscious response to and cooperation with various realities.

  • The seven planetary influences or centres.
  • The seven ashramic groupings
  • Awareness gained through the balancing of the various polarities of energies.
  • The interplay of the energies and Lives of the cosmic pathways.
  • The interaction and interplay of the twelve creative hierarchies
  • The twelve cosmic energies.
  • The interplay of the seven systemic energies.
  • The three cosmic realities.

It has been remarked by a profound astrological expert Who works with the Masters of the Great White Lodge that “when humanity comprehends the distinction between the signs and the constellations, understands the nature of the polarity of energies and responds to the three cosmic Realities, the twelve cosmic Energies and the seven planetary Impacts and the interplay of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, then and not till then, will a radiant light be seen and the destiny of our solar Logos be finally determined.” EA, pp.270-271

Composed by HZ 2018-2023.

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part II (Recreation, Regeneration, Reorientation, and Renunciation)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part III (Cycle of Maturation & Cycle of Integration)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IV (Cycles of Jupiter, The Four Seasons, The Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part V (Seven Crises of the Soul & Cycles of Evolution, Aspiration, and Initiation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VII (A Sequence of the 14 Rules for Initiation) Revised 6/25/23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIa (12 Final Tests & Summation of “Labors of Hercules”)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIc (Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIId (Cycles of Jupiter, Twelve Tests, & Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIe (4-Seasonal Stages, 4-Dharmic Wheels,12-Houses & 36-Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIf (Three Rules for Determining Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIII (60 Major Astrological/Cosmological Influences during the Tests of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IX (Seven Stages of Discipleship) Revised 06.24.23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part X (Introduction to Cycles or Stages of Planetary Integration)