Nicholas Roerich Museum

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIe (4-Seasonal Stages, 4-Dharmic Wheels,12-Houses & 36-Decanates)

 The Decanates

The fact of the three tests each existing in their three stages may convey a hint to esoteric astrologers as to the purpose of the three decanates into which each sign is divided—a point upon which I shall hope to touch when we come to our study of the Science of Triangles. Each test (and therefore each decanate) concerns the three aspects which in this Treatise on the Seven Rays we have called: life, quality and appearance. EA, p.203

Jupiter, cycles through each of the thirty-six decanates, three per sign where each are representative of the focus of one of the three major aspects – Life, Quality, and Appearances. As earlier discussed, these three major cosmic, solar, and planetary aspects also condition each of the three periodic vehicles which unfolds to better express the major aspects, and each are in turn three-fold as the part always includes the Whole. Thus, given our point in evolution we can be focused either in the three-fold form livingness aspect of the personality, or the three-fold consciousness aspect of the soul, or the three-fold will-life aspect of the monad and as such will determine the present focus of our own Life wave overall in the cycle of evolution. The decanates will have different meanings and rulers depending on the human Units aspect focus point in evolution or Life wave status. On the osculating wheel where the focus is stabilizing in the human soul consciousness aspect than the decanates will represent more of the three mind aspects which the soul might be focussed in  – the lower mind, the son of mind, or the higher mind. The decanates for the initiates will be inferred to represent more the abstract mind, the intuitive mind and the spiritual mind (all three together basically are representative of the universal mind) or the triadal sheaths potential content once developed by the fusing spirit-soul-personality. For the average person the physical, astral, and mental sheath expressions focus is inferred. The above sheath focusses capture most human Units evolving through the aid of or immersed within this planetary Earth field of experience or livingness except those of exceptionally low status or very high status. The correct rulers for these decanates at different periods under the cycle of evolution is still being worked out by esoteric astrologers. Later, a chart is provided of the given rulers on the normal wheel by the present fifth root race average person and also the rulers for the present average disciples on the reversed wheel are also inferred.

The important practical concept to hold in respect to the decanates is what sign related decanate/aspect does the sun and ascendant and the other the major planets and house cusps occupy in a natal chart. It is this decanate which will indicate the level of influence activity of the respectful planet or house affecting the unit under consideration. This is another reason the point in evolution must be established before a chart can be more correctly interpreted. It is of little value to give a physical plane interpretation to an influence affecting the lower or a higher mind life aspect. We have been given three sets of planetary rulers that generically captures the aspect related conditioning influences given humanity’s evolutionary status projection through the Aquarian Age. The decanate rulers will vary according to the human occult constitutional focus of the unit involved.

The exoteric planetary rulers influences are particularly responded to by those upon the mutable cross under the influence of the Great Illusion and as a rule are focused in their personality form expressions particularly on the physical, astral and/or the lower mental and are moving against the outgoing Life wave (and thus involutionary) individually on the normal wheel. In most charts the major significant house points or planetary influences will be collectively in one decanate more than the others indicating a level of focus and possible principle type of response to influences. The normal wheel direction indicates an involutionary descent undertaken by the soul involved and the first decanate’ focus and interest for the soul would be inferred to be the mental sheath on the normal wheel as they descend to manifest. The second decanate indicates an astral sheath developmental and expressive interest where the third an interest in physical development and expression. It is understood that the higher three vehicles reflect themselves in the lower three personality vehicles but on the normal wheel these are not yet identified with or developed for the soul-personalities’ use. This is indicative of the higher three chakras energies (ajna, heart, and throat) being transmitted to the lower three centers (solar plexus, sacral, base) depending on how one counts these. When one begins to reverse themselves on the path the forces acting through the lower chakras are transmuted back into energies channeled into the higher chakras until the process is complete and all seven head centres are developed and expressive and transformation leading to transfiguration of the lower sheaths by the higher sheaths can then be enhanced just as the higher centres transforms the creative hierarchical lives embodying the lower sheaths. The exoteric and esoteric effects are influenced by the planetary decanate rulers influences and are based upon point in evolution of the average western individual and/or disciple respectively.

As a matter of inference and supposition, it might be useful to suggest various generic rules for analyzing the significance of the decanates at certain generic points in evolution. The chart below infers that upon the reversed wheel Hercules must possess certain zodiacal related capacities and abilities to move forward in the develop the necessary spiritual and divine “gifts” to move forward into the unknown deity. A description of these zodiacal related capacity and ability characteristics are given below and taken from Esoteric Astrology by A.A.B.  These are achieved through the absorption of varying lights or the blending influences coming through the exoteric, esoteric, and hierarchical planetary rulers. In particular there is a response to the esoteric rulers indicating the disciple is not identified with the planetary influences but the zodiacal qualifies energy patterns coming through them.  The zodiacal related goal of Hercules as a soul-personality can be understood as the ability to demonstrate these capacities and abilities zodiacally imbued. The personality itself is likewise tested by their lack of response and identification to the exoteric planetary rulers’ influences.

Chart of Zodiacal absorbed Capacities Tested & Esoteric Decanate Rulers

Influences                  Reversed Wheel                                      Reverse Wheel
ConstellationsZodiacal Infused Focus or the Twelve Tests of Hercules (exoteric, esoteric, and hierarchical planetary rulers’ influences focused through the decanate rulers)First Decanate

Third Aspect

Second Decanate

Second Aspect

Third Decanate

First Aspect

AriesRecognition and working with the Plan (Will); (Example: Aries influences working through blending planetary rulers Mars, Mercury, and Uranus ray qualified energy-force fields and through combining decanates’ rulers aspect influences)VenusSaturn-UranusMercury
TaurusIlluminated Living (Light of Life), (Venus, Vulcan, Vulcan)PlutoJupiter-NeptuneMoon
GeminiRight Relation (I serve the One) (Mercury, Venus, Earth)JupiterMarsSun
CancerThe Whole is Seen as One (Humanity); (Moon, Neptune, Neptune)SaturnVenusMercury
LeoThe One Self (the relinquishing point) (Sun, Sun veiling Neptune and Uranus)Saturn-UranusMercuryVenus
VirgoThe Christ Activity (The Light); (Mercury, Moon veiling Neptune & Vulcan, Jupiter)JupiterMoonPluto
LibraBalanced Attained (Divine Love & Understanding); (Venus, Uranus, Saturn)MarsSunJupiter
ScorpioHigher Unity (The Disciple); (Pluto, Mars, MercuryVenusMercurySaturn
SagittariusThe Director of Men (The controller of the Gate) (Jupiter, Earth, Mars)MercuryVenusSaturn-Uranus
CapricornThe Conqueror of Death (The Initiate) (Exoteric & esoteric Saturn, Venus)MoonPlutoJupiter, Neptune (*Sun- hidden planet)
AquariusThe Server of all Men (The burden of the world) (combined Uranus, Jupiter, Moon veiling Uranus)SunJupiterMars
PiscesSpiritual Responsibility (The Savior) (Jupiter, Pluto, Pluto)MercurySaturnVenus

The important point to keep in mind is that each of these twelve zodiacal signature types of quoted capabilities and/or abilities once successfully demonstrated by way of the transmitting influences of the blending decanate rulers reflecting the tests of Hercules and leads the disciple-initiate to further demonstrate certain zodiacal related “gifts”. Our form response to the influences of the planets prevent our higher response to the realities and qualities revealed and made possible by the impact of energy from the zodiacal sign being transmitted through them. Thus, our consciousness cannot qualitatively expand if the soul is not freed from its qualifying form identification. It could be surmised that the ultimate release of consciousness is thus symbolized by the falling of a planetary radiatory influence in a sign. The zodiacal or inner constellation influences transmitted through these decanate rulers are blended with the respective sign influences associated with its planetary decanate rulers. The relative word description forms given in Esoteric Astrology are used here to capture the nature of these twelve “gifts” is based upon observation as well as theory. These descriptions represent only one way of capturing these generic zodiacal “gifts.” These “gifts” or guideposts are necessary to progressive traverse the endless Way back to the unknown identity Source.

For the disciple-initiate the three esoteric related decanates might be understood as referring to the three triadal sheaths: manasic, buddhic, and atmic depending upon focus of major periodic vehicle sheath related consciousness thus the decanate rulers would assume to be different accordingly. These denoted rulers in the chart below are inferred to relate more to the conditioning influences coming through the planets as opposed to the planetary radiatory influences.  If a human soul-personality focus than the first decanate influences more resonant. If a, spiritual soul-personality focus than the second decanate more resonant, and their combined integration process or spirit-soul-personality focus than the third (first aspect) decanate influences.

The position of the Sun in one of the three decanates is indicative of the personality’s aspect focus which can also be understood as the personality ray’s focus. The position of the ascendant in one of the decanates is indicative of the soul’s aspect focus which can also be understood as the soul ray’s focus.  It has been suggested that the point opposite the Sun (Earth) is theoretically indicative of the monad’s present life aspect focus or monadic Ray focus. If this is so than a first decanate point (third aspect of the third aspect) for the personality would indicate a physical sheath ray livingness focus or expression but for the monad or monadic ray a manasic focus (third aspect of the major first aspect).

The sun sign.—This sign indicates the present problem of the man; it sets the pace or the established tempo of his personality life; it is related to quality, temperament and the life tendencies which are seeking expression during this particular incarnation, and it is suggestive of the rajasic or the activity aspect of the innate man. Fundamentally, the forces here found are indicative of the line of least resistance. EA, p. 18

The position of the Sun in one of the decanates in a probationary disciple’s chart on the reversed wheel would indicate more of a second major periodic vehicle aspect focus aligned with one of the threefold mental sheaths or respectfully the concrete mind, son of mind, and higher mind.  In the disciple-initiate’s chart on the reversed wheel it would indicate more first major periodic vehicle aspect or a triadal sheath focus.  The position of the Sun in an average person’s chart would indicate a third major periodic vehicle aspect focus in general. Overall, the Sun’s position is indicative of one’s present but unknown dweller issues that will needing to be resolved to achieve harmony. This Sun sign qualified dweller pattern focussed by the personality will is given as setting the pace or tempo of the incarnation.

The ascendant or rising sign indicates the intended life or immediate soul purpose for this incarnation. It holds the secret of the future and presents the force which, rightly used, will lead the man to success. It represents the sattvic or harmony aspect of life and can produce right relationship between soul and personality in any one incarnation. It thus points the way to the recognition of the force of the soul. EA, pp.18-19

The position of the ascendant is indicative of the soul’s intended focus represented by the soul ray and of the sign which is affecting it or its ascendant. It has been given that that the ascendant is indicative of the pathway where the Whole can flow in and fulfill the purpose of the soul in a particular incarnation and is the best pathway to unfolding one’s future spiritual or karmic life path. It is the key to harmony in all aspects of one’s livingness if consummated correctly or one’s personality will, and soul will are blended and balanced. It has also been given that each life there is some discipline level set that needs to be reached each life and this should be factored in as also necessary to achieve a consummated harmony.

The decanate position of the ascendant in a probationary disciple’s chart on the reversed wheel would indicate more of a major threefold second aspect focus (three mental aspects).  Whereas, in a disciple-initiate’s chart on the reversed wheel would indicate more of a major three-fold first aspect focus (triadal sheaths). This would be the focus coming into incarnation and the rest of the chart should indicate an alignment with this intent. As an example, in a disciple’s chart, with Leo ascendant on  the cusp of the second decanate and Sun on the cusp of the second decanate of Cancer would indicate the soul-personality’s intended focus was on linking the concrete mind/son of mind aspects and/or the linking of the manasic/buddhic aspects.  In this exampled probationary disciple’s earlier life period this incarnation, the personality focus was more of a physical sheath focus on the normal wheel until the maturation period where the mind was re-appropriated by the soul moving the focus onto the reversed wheel with a new focus on the concrete mind. Thus, one does need to accurately know the relative point in evolution of the unit in question before the chart is analyzed. The problem for this disciple is the that the ray/sign influences that will being eventual harmony is the fifth and the first rays conditioned by energies qualified by Leo constellations (their sidereal ascendant). Whereas the ray/sign line of least resistance is third and seventh ray influenced pursuits qualified by Cancer related characteristic energy patterns.

It should be noted that the exoteric, esoteric, and hierarchical planetary rulers likewise relates to the expression unfoldment and focus of the three major periodic vehicle aspects in that the personality or activity aspect tends to express itself through the physical sheath; the soul or consciousness aspect through the astral sheath; and the monad or will aspect through the mental sheath thus the decanate rulers planetary ray colors the influences of these three major aspects Ray expressions. It was earlier noted that the rays of the respective three sets of (particularly those rulers of the moon sign) ruling planets are conditioning of the respective three personality sheaths and can be confused with the actual rays conditioning the personality sheaths as they also color these sheath ray expressions especially due to their close aspect to those planets indicating the actual sheath rays as earlier inferred. Decanate ruler influences need to be taken into consideration whenever there is a planet or house cusps located there as it is indicative of a sub- aspect and/or sub-principle qualifying focus.

The exoteric and esoteric effects are further broken out in the two separate charts below indicating the testing related influences on Hercules as either a personality (identification) on the normal or reversed wheel or a soul (identification) on the normal or the reversed wheel. They work together to produce the ultimate zodiacal and sheath related testing and labor.


Chart of Exoteric (Normal Wheel) & Esoteric Decanate (Reversed Wheel) Rulers.

The chart below denotes ordinary decanate rulers based upon the elements. The direction of the wheels is based upon point in evolution of the average western individual and/or disciple, respectively.  The three-fold exoteric decanate rulers are only those taken mostly from mundane astrology and referenced in Esoteric Astrology by A.A.B. They depict the ruling effect of the exoteric planets over the ruling zodiacal influences. The reversed wheel representing the esoteric effect of decanate rulers are necessitated, inferred, and related to the lessening influence of the planets that are holding down consciousness of the soul.

InfluencesOrdinary Wheel (clockwise) Soul identified with the Personality -InvolutionaryReverse Wheel (Counter-clockwise) Personality identified with the Human or Spiritual Soul -Evolutionary
Average Western CitizenAverage Western Disciple
Physical Sheath





Mental Sheath


Manasic  PA, Concrete Mind,


Buddhic PA, Son of Mind


Atmic PA, Spiritual Mind
>>>>>>>>FirstSecondThird< First< Second< Third
CapricornSaturnVenusMercuryMoonPlutoNeptune (Sun- hidden planet)

 The two charts below experimentally extend for discussion the above chart’ decanate rulers’ influences based upon the livingness of either that of the personality’s form related identification and/or that of the soul’s form related identification or not. The exoteric decanate rulers indicate a personality identified with its form sheaths on the normal wheel and not identified with them on the reversed wheel but identified with the soul and its ray qualified consciousness imbued aspect sheaths.  The esoteric decanate rulers indicate a soul identified with its form sheaths on the normal wheel and not identified with them on the reversed wheel but identified with the monad’s sheaths. Basically, the decanate planetary rulers’ lower aspects are either identified with or their higher aspects.

Chart of Exoteric Decanate Rulers & Testing of the Personality

InfluencesOrdinary Wheel (clockwise) Personality Involutionary Sheath Development or Lower Aspects Expression Reverse Wheel (Counter-clockwise) Personality Evolutionary Sheath Development or Higher Aspects Expression through Personality/Tests
Average Western Personality Expressing through:Average Western Probationary Disciple (Soul) Expressing through:






Concrete Mind 0-10Son of Mind 11-20Abstract Mind 21-30
AriesMars (Aries)Sun veiling Pluto (Leo)Jupiter* (Sagittarius)Jupiter* (Aquarius)Sun (Leo)Mars (Scorpio)
TaurusVenus (Taurus)Mercury (Virgo)Saturn (Capricorn)Saturn (Capricorn)Mercury (Aries)Venus (Gemini))
GeminiMercury (Gemini)Venus (Libra)Saturn (Uranus) (Aquarius)Saturn (Uranus) (Libra)Venus (Gemini)Mercury (Aries)
CancerMoon (Cancer)Mars-(Scorpio)Jupiter (Pisces)Jupiter (Aquarius)Pluto (Pisces)*Moon (Virgo)
LeoSunJupiterMarsMars (Scorpio)Jupiter (Aquarius)Sun (Leo)
VirgoMercurySaturnVenusVenus (Gemini)Saturn (Capricorn)Mercury (Aries)
LibraJupiter (Venus)Saturn-(UranusMercuryMercury (Aries)Uranus (Libra)Jupiter (Venus ) (Gemini)
ScorpioMarsJupiterMoonMars (Scorpio)Jupiter (Pisces)Moon (Cancer)
SagittariusJupiterMarsSunSun (Leo)Mars (Aries)Jupiter (Sagittarius)
CapricornSaturnVenusMercury veils Sun & HiddenMercury veils Sun & HiddenVenus (Taurus)Saturn (Capricorn)
AquariusSaturn (UranusMercuryVenusVenus (Libra)Mercury (Gemini)Uranus (Aquarius)
PiscesJupiterMoonMars-PlutoMars (Scorpio)Moon Cancer)Jupiter (Pisces)


Chart of Esoteric Decanate Rulers & Testing (the Soul on its Own Plane)

InfluencesOrdinary Wheel (clockwise) Soul Involutionary Sheath Development or Lower Soul Aspects ExpressionReverse Wheel (Counter-clockwise) Soul Evolutionary Sheath Development or Higher Spiritual Aspects Expression through Son of God/Tests
Average Western Human Soul Expressing on its own Plane (identified with the PersonalityDisciple – Initiate, Spirit-Soul Expressing on its own Plane (and expressing through Human Soul & Personality)
Inner Petals
Nine Petals  



Permanent Atoms  


Manasic  PA,  Abstract Mind, Illuminated  Mind  


Buddhic PA, Intuitional Mind, Super Mind, Son of Mind/God


Atmic PA, Spiritual Mind, Universal Mind 


AriesMercury UranusVenusVenusUranusMercury
CapricornNeptune (Sun- hidden planet)PlutoMoonMoonPlutoNeptune (Sun- hidden planet)


Four Seasonal Stages, Twelve Houses, Four Dharmic Wheels & Thirty-Six Decanates

Every sign has a potential of nine tests, three per each of the decanates representing the three-fold aspects of the three major aspects. Per the perspective of the three major periodic vehicles the first decanate tests are related to the physical, astral, and mental sheaths, planes or form aspects; the second decanate to the concrete mind, Son of Mind, and higher mind sheaths, planes or consciousness aspects; and the third decanate relates to the manasic mind, intuitive mind, and atmic mind sheaths, or planes or spirit or will aspects.  The twelve tests in context to the three decanates is suggestive of thirty-six minimum tests and 108 maximum tests as suggested by the nine symbolic tests of Scorpio where these were related to the lower three-fold form aspects – physical, astral, and mental. These 108 steps have to be spiritualized to enter Nirvana as his is why Buddhists probably have 108 beads on their roseries and 108 steps to enter the temple. This also represents the overcoming of the 108 feelings determined by multiplying the five senses plus their combined effect on consciousness whether experienced as painful, neutral, or pleasant in experience. These are further multiplied by whether they were internally or externally generated and further multiplied by past, present, and future happenings – 6x3x2x3 = 108. Given this is only the second solar system and we are only just over halfway through it all these potential tests would not be fully developed or apply at this juncture in the group initiation process under the law of freedom.  This is probably why the third decanate is considered the combination of the third and second aspects and not the first in general at this stage in humanity’s evolution. The tests can be better appreciated if the focus is on just the second major periodic vehicle aspect or its nine related tests linked to the freedom of the soul from form identification. It appears the Decanate rulers’ influences are aligned with this goal and information as provided only with the lower initiations at this juncture in Humanity’s soul -personality point of integration and its availability for use by the monad or the One Life.

In respect to the four major wheel directional aspects and the movement of the human unit through the twelve signs and thirty-six decanates we can attempt to isolate three levels of sheath or plane life sensitivity development whose blended corrected use is tested in the renunciation stage. Thus, the three major aspect related sheath expression is first unfolded and then utilized towards the purpose and plan objectives.  Their progressive expression opportunities might be captured by the twelve houses if the appropriate plane or form related vehicle substance characteristics can be identified which is the intent of this section.

Some possible house related form characteristics are organized below according to the overall four seasonal evolutionary related stages and the four wheel directions. There are thus four sets of house related meanings inferred and proffered related to whether the human unit is responding to one or other of the three crosses and or their combination of influences. The lists are derived and extrapolated from the extant lists and general knowledge base and they are far from complete in any way.

Recreation: Personality

Personality – Mental, Astral, Physical Sheaths & Planes

Exoteric Planetary Ruler Influences.

Sun & Moon Sign Influences blending.


Normal Wheel – Mutable Cross.

Average Citizen to Probationary Aspirant


1st Decanate: Mental Sheath unfoldment/expression or plane focus.

2nd Decanate: Astral Sheath unfoldment/expression or plane focus.

3rd Decanate: Physical Sheath unfoldment/expression or plane focus.


House                          Major Sign Influence    Ruling Planet

First House.                  Aries.                            Mars.

The physical body
The physical appearance
Activities of the personality
Characteristics of the ego
Brain and head
Urge for “personal space”
The ego in action focus


Second House.              Taurus.             Venus.

Finances, personal resources, and values
Personal uses of material resources
Attitudes about money
Losses resulting from incorrect values
Gains resulting from the right use of resources
Spiritual resources and values; prana


Third House.                Gemini.            Mercury.

Rational mind and mental processes
Communication; spoken and written word
Search for knowledge
Short journeys
Gains resulting from the right use of resources
Brothers and sisters


Fourth House.               Cancer.                         Moon.

Biological inheritance
Mother and immediate family
Psychological foundations


Fifth House.                  Leo.                             Sun.

Personal creative will
Creative activities
Romance, love affairs
Hobbies, favorite activities


Sixth House.                  Virgo.                           Mercury.

Techniques and skills


Seventh House. Libra.                           Venus.

Open enemies
Relationships of all types


Eight House.                 Scorpio.                        Pluto.

Transformation and regeneration
Transmutation of values
Other people’s resources


Ninth House.                Sagittarius.                    Jupiter.

Long journeys
Religion and philosophy
Differing orthodoxies
Higher Education
Legal activities


Tenth House.                Capricorn.                    Saturn.

The father
Authority figures
Honor and status in the world
Social responsibility
Career and profession
MC: point of material culmination


Eleventh House.            Aquarius.                      Uranus.

Hopes and wishes
Organizations and clubs
Political activities


Twelfth House.             Pisces.                           Jupiter.

Hidden enemies
Prisons and institutions
Secret activities
Hidden resources
Crucifixion of the personality


Regeneration: Human Soul

Concrete Mind, Son of Mind, Abstract Mind

Exoteric Blending with Esoteric Planetary Ruler Influences.

Blended Sun Sign and Moon Sign Influences.


Probationary Aspirant to Probationary Disciple.

Osculating Wheel – Mutable to Fixed Cross


1st Decanate: Mental Sheath unfoldment/expression or plane focus

2nd Decanate: Astral Sheath unfoldment/expression or plane focus

3rd Decanate: Physical Sheath unfoldment/expression or plane focus


The above focusses Osculates between the following focusses and blends with them over time:


3rd Decanate: Mental Body Development, Sheath Purification & Sensitization permitting Higher Mind Influences.

2nd Decanate: Astral Body Development, Sheath Purification & Sensitization permitting Son of Mind Influences.

1st Decanate: Etheric Body Development, Sheath Purification & Sensitization permitting Concrete Mind Influences.


These osculating wheel house related meanings would be either those given above or those following or a blending combination of the two in general.


Reorientation: Spiritual-Soul

Manasic, Buddhic, Atmic Sheaths & Planes.


Blended Esoteric and Esoteric Planetary Ruler Influences.

Blended Moon-Sun-Ascendant Influences.


Probationary Initiate to Initiate.


Reversed Wheel – Fixed Cross/All three Crosses Osculation’s


3rd Decanate: Spiritual Mind Illumination Focus (Probationary Initiate or 2nd Degree)

2nd Decanate: Son of Mind Illumination Focus (Probationary Disciple or 1st Degree))

1st Decanate: Concrete Mind Illumination Focus (Aspirant)


Moving towards the following focuses:


3rd Decanate: Atmic Mind Illumination Focus (5th degree initiate training)

2nd Decanate: Buddhic Mind Illumination Focus (4th degree initiate training)

1st Decanate: Manasic Mind Illumination Focus (3rd degree initiate training)


First House.                  Aries.                            Exoteric

Mars & Esoteric Mercury blending.

The present causal body pattern of the Soul
The energetic Auric Ambiance
Emergence of the Soul purpose pattern
Qualities of the soul Ray type expressions
Head chakra expression qualities
Expression of the manifesting will
Activities of the Soul pattern Focus


Second House.              Taurus.             Venus & Vulcan.

Uses of material forms for Soul purposes
The shaping of matter resources as an expression of Soul purpose
Withdrawal from matter resources
Increase or decrease in the ability to manifest form resources

Spiritual powers potential

Gains resulting from the right use of resources


Third House.                Gemini.            Venus & Mercury

Mind substance energy expression potentials, concrete mind Illumination unfoldment potentials
Soul & Other types of telepathy
The pathways options to Wisdom
Developing the lower Rainbow Bridge
Steps along the Path and complete knowledge for journey on the fixed cross
Soul purpose & plan relating brothers and sisters; spiritual companions along the Way


Fourth House`              Cancer. Neptune & Neptune

Astral group karma of all types
The Mother of substance related support; the group Soul members (preferred nature of our soul brothers and sisters)
Foundation for the building of self-consciousness & foundation of the soul pattern anchoring in the present
Karmic conclusions to previous life circumstances
Ashram of the Master & Spiritual Home of the Disciple


Fifth House.                  Leo.      Sun & Sun (veiling Neptune & Uranus)

Expression of the spiritual Will
Actualization of the higher Self
Will expressing through creative forms to express purpose & love intent
The Soul as Parent

Higher Law Access

The will to serve

Will to serve the plan through creative expression based upon the will to know & love


Sixth House.                  Virgo.   Mercury & Moon (veiling Vulcan & Neptune).

House of Servers & Service in General
Synthesis of the lower vehicles; wholeness
Those who real needs are served
Service to the lower kingdoms
Service to Humanity in general
The experience & knowledge to unfold the Antahkarana


Seventh House. Libra.                Uranus & Jupiter.

The Dweller on the Threshold (in relationship with Scorpio influences)
Soul mate and/or special spiritual co-workers
The path of union with creative hierarchical lives & soul/personalities relationships


Eight House.                 Scorpio.            Pluto & Mars.

The Pathway nature of Discipleship in general
Vehicle or nature of rebirth into the consciousness of the Soul
Transmutation of personal desires into the aspirational related needs required by the Group Soul & Process of perfection of the lower mind development.
Spiritual resources needed by the group
Spiritual transformation of form in general

Liberation into world service and the victory of the soul over the personality.

White Magic
Akashic Record access



Ninth House.                Sagittarius.         Jupiter & Earth.

The Path & higher Rainbow bridge development
The repository of Universal Truth
The synthesis of all beliefs
Higher mind & laws
Synthesis of all philosophies & religions

Repository of truths of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings


Tenth House.                Capricorn.         Saturn & Saturn.

Spiritual Will expressed as Culmination of spiritual Purpose
The Masters, Hierarchy, your Guiding Disciples & Teachers
Opportunities for spiritual advancement
Enforcing/supporting the will/influences of respected Teachers & Masters
Externalized field of spiritual service goal & those who can assist
MC: point of or focus of initiation


Eleventh House.            Aquarius.          Uranus & Jupiter.

Grouping of spiritual co-workers influences
Spiritual group visions and aspirations aligned with
The New Group of World Servers influences
Service to Humanity through group activity influences


Twelfth House.             Pisces.               Jupiter & Pluto.

Unredeemed past individual and group karma influences
Inversion of the Soul force
Bondage to the previously held ideals & lower creative hierarchical forms
Selfless service to others & Humanity opportunities
Awareness of sins and virtues of past lives
Service to the World Savior (Soul) opportunities

Access to collective experiences of past lives and esoteric groupings influences


Renunciation: Monad

One Life Synthesis.

Blending Esoteric-Esoteric Planetary Ruler Influences with Hierarchical Ruler Influences.

Blending of the six Zodiacal Sign Polarities Influences and the Three Cross Influences in General.


Initiate to Buddha.

Multi-Wheel – All three crosses.


3rd Decanate: Atmic Mind Illumination Focus (5th Degree Initiate)

2nd Decanate: Buddhic Mind Illumination Focus (4th Degree Initiate)

1st Decanate: Manasic Mind Illumination Focus (3rd Degree Initiate


Above focusses blending with the following focuses:


3rd Decanate: Logoic Identification – Buddha’s focus

2nd Decanate: Monadic Identification – Chohans focus

1st Decanate: Triadal Identification – Higher Initiate & Master’s focus


Add the Hierarchical Ruler Influences to the House Influences at this stage:

First House.                  Aries.                            Uranus.

Second House.              Taurus                          Vulcan.

Third House.                Gemini                         Earth

Fourth House.               Cancer                          Neptune

Fifth House.                  Leo                  Sun veiling Uranus

Sixth House.                  Virgo                            Jupiter

Seventh House.             Libra                            Saturn

Eight House.                 Scorpio                         Mercury

Ninth House.                Sagittarius                      Mars

Tenth House.                Capricorn                      Venus

Eleventh House.            Aquarius           Moon veiling Uranus

Twelfth House.             Pisces                            Pluto


First House.                  Aries.                            Exoteric

Mars & Esoteric Mercury blending with Uranus.

The Body of the Monad
Types of Divine Auric Ambiance Exhibited
Emergence Quality of the Monadic Dharmic Purpose
Qualities of the Monadic Ray type Expressions
Mind of God Intent Expression
Will Directional Expression of the One Life
Higher Will-Energy Pattern Expression of the Monad Focus


Second House.              Taurus.             Venus & Vulcan.

Embodiment & Uses of Group energy and force pattern forms for Monadic Purposes
The shaping of spirit-matter/substance as an expression of Monadic Purpose
Withdrawal or not from Group Form Life
Increase or decrease in the ability to manifest Cultural & Civilization Forms

Divine Powers

Shamballa or Cosmic Gains resulting from the right use of Planetary & Group Resources


Third House.                Gemini.            Venus & Mercury

Super Mind Expressions
Triadal Telepathy Forms
The Pathways to the Serving the Cosmic Christ
Developing an approach to the Cosmic Paths & Creative Hierarchies
Unfolding the signposts of the Higher Way and knowledge types for journey on the Cardinal Cross
Monadic Ray and Purpose Grouping of Companions discovered along the Way


Fourth House`              Cancer. Neptune & Neptune

Monadic types of planetary & group karma of all types associated with the Earth Scheme System
The World Mother, the Planetary Soul (organizing substance source for Group Soul Ray Purpose)
Foundation for the building of Spirit-consciousness & the foundation of the Spiritual-Soul anchoring in the present Idea whose time has come
Planetary Karmic conclusions & support to present life circumstances
Ashram of Sanat Kumara & the Home of the Initiate


Fifth House.                  Leo.      Sun & Sun (veiling Neptune & Uranus)

Expression of the Divine Will
Actualization of the Divine Self
Will expressing as Love-Wisdom; Server of the Lord as Creator
The Monad as Father aligned with the Creator

Systemic and Cosmic Sirian Laws Access

The Will & Knowledge to Serve the One Life

Will to serve the Purpose-Plan through Creative expression based upon the Will to Power


Sixth House.                  Virgo.   Mercury & Moon (veiling Vulcan & Neptune).

Servers of the Lord as Preserver
Synthesis of the lower five cosmic planes; ways for various types wholeness achievements
Those groupings who real needs are served
Service to the seven kingdoms
Service to the fourth creative Hierarchy & the Earth Scheme
The purpose & knowledge achieved necessary for the higher Transfiguration


Seventh House. Libra.                Uranus & Jupiter.

The Monadic-Soul group Ray relationships with the others who have synthesized their Angels of the Presence-Dweller on the Threshold
Relations with other Spirit Identified Units in the One Work
The Path of Union with creative hierarchical & higher kingdom Lives


Eight House.                 Scorpio.            Pluto & Mars.

The Path of the Higher Initiates
Vehicle of rebirth into the consciousness of the Monad as the One Life
Transmutation of Spiritual Will into the needs of the Father or Divine Will
Resources needed by the Hierarchy
Transformation of group forms

Liberation into Planetary and Systemic service and the victory or not of the Monad over substance.

Spiritual & Divine Magic by way of the One Self
Higher Akashic Records



Ninth House.                Sagittarius.         Jupiter & Earth.

The Way Home & Inner Scheme Travel
The repository of Systemic & Cosmic Truths
The synthesis of all ways
Higher Trinity of God Integration unfoldment
Synthesis of all Ways

Repository of All Knowledge


Tenth House.                Capricorn.         Saturn & Saturn.

Divine Will expressed as Culmination of Monadic Purpose
The five planetary schemes & Sanat Kumara and cosmic path Teachers
Opportunities for divine advancement
Enforcing the Will of the Buddhas
Externalized field of Scheme and Systemic Service
MC: point of or focus of initiation


Eleventh House.            Aquarius.          Uranus & Jupiter.

Grouping of planetary and cosmic path co-workers
Divine Group cosmic visions and identifications
The Nirmanykas
Service to the Earth Scheme through association with the greater Lodge participants.


Twelfth House.             Pisces.               Jupiter & Pluto.

Unredeemed Ray karma
Inversion of the Monadic force
Bondage to the Planetary Forms
Service to the fourth creative Hierarchy of Lives
Awareness of Energy Misappropriations and Use of previous Ray grouping of Lives
Service to the Planetary and Cosmic Christ

Access to collective experience of past schemes and solar systems

And Triadal Groupings


Composed by HZ 2018-2023.

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part II (Recreation, Regeneration, Reorientation, and Renunciation)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part III (Cycle of Maturation & Cycle of Integration)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IV (Cycles of Jupiter, The Four Seasons, The Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part V (Seven Crises of the Soul & Cycles of Evolution, Aspiration, and Initiation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VII (A Sequence of the 14 Rules for Initiation) Revised 6/25/23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIa (12 Final Tests & Summation of “Labors of Hercules”)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIc (Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIId (Cycles of Jupiter, Twelve Tests, & Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIe (4-Seasonal Stages, 4-Dharmic Wheels,12-Houses & 36-Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIf (Three Rules for Determining Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIII (60 Major Astrological/Cosmological Influences during the Tests of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IX (Seven Stages of Discipleship) Revised 06.24.23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part X (Introduction to Cycles or Stages of Planetary Integration)