The Cycles of Jupiter, The Twelve Tests, & The Decanates
The fact of the three tests each existing in their three stages may convey a hint to esoteric astrologers as to the purpose of the three decanates into which each sign is divided—a point upon which I shall hope to touch when we come to our study of the Science of Triangles. Each test (and therefore each decanate) concerns the three aspects which in this Treatise on the Seven Rays we have called: life, quality and appearance. EA, p.203
Jupiter, cycles through each of the thirty-six decanates, three per sign where each are representative of the focus of one of the three major aspects – Life, Quality, and Appearances. As earlier discussed, these three major cosmic, solar, and planetary aspects also condition each of the three periodic vehicles which unfolds to better express the major aspects, and each are in turn three-fold as the part always includes the Whole. Thus, given our point in evolution we can be focused either in the three-fold form livingness aspect of the personality, or the three-fold consciousness aspect of the soul, or the three-fold will-life aspect of the monad and as such will determine the present focus of our own Life wave overall in the cycle of evolution. The decanates will have different meanings and rulers depending on the human Units aspect focus point in evolution or Life wave status. On the osculating wheel where the focus is stabilizing in the human soul consciousness aspect than the decanates will represent more of the three mind aspects which the soul might be focussed in – the lower mind, the son of mind, or the higher mind. The decanates for the initiates will be inferred to represent more the abstract mind, the intuitive mind and the spiritual mind (all three together basically are representative of the universal mind) or the triadal sheaths potential content once developed by the fusing spirit-soul-personality. For the average person the physical, astral, and mental sheath expressions focus is inferred. The above sheath focusses capture most human Units evolving through the aid of or immersed within this planetary Earth field of experience or livingness except those of exceptionally low status or very high status. The correct rulers for these decanates at different periods under the cycle of evolution is still being worked out by esoteric astrologers. Later, a chart is provided of the given rulers on the normal wheel by the present fifth root race average person and also the rulers for the present average disciples on the reversed wheel are also inferred.
The important practical concept to hold in respect to the decanates is what sign related decanate/aspect does the sun and ascendant and the other the major planets and house cusps occupy in a natal chart. It is this decanate which will indicate the level of influence activity of the respectful planet or house affecting the unit under consideration. This is another reason the point in evolution must be established before a chart can be more correctly interpreted. It is of little value to give a physical plane interpretation to an influence affecting the lower or a higher mind life aspect. We have been given three sets of planetary rulers that generically captures the aspect related conditioning influences given humanity’s evolutionary status projection through the Aquarian Age. The decanate rulers will vary according to the human occult constitutional focus of the unit involved.
The exoteric planetary rulers influences are particularly responded to by those upon the mutable cross under the influence of the Great Illusion and as a rule are focused in their personality form expressions particularly on the physical, astral and/or the lower mental and are moving against the outgoing Life wave (and thus involutionary) individually on the normal wheel. In most charts the major significant house points or planetary influences will be collectively in one decanate more than the others indicating a level of focus and possible principle type of response to influences. The normal wheel direction indicates an involutionary descent undertaken by the soul involved and the first decanate’ focus and interest for the soul would be inferred to be the mental sheath on the normal wheel as they descend to manifest. The second decanate indicates an astral sheath developmental and expressive interest where the third an interest in physical development and expression. It is understood that the higher three vehicles reflect themselves in the lower three personality vehicles but on the normal wheel these are not yet identified with or developed for the soul-personalities’ use. This is indicative of the higher three chakras energies (ajna, heart, and throat) being transmitted to the lower three centers (solar plexus, sacral, base) depending on how one counts these. When one begins to reverse themselves on the path the forces acting through the lower chakras are transmuted back into energies channeled into the higher chakras until the process is complete and all seven head centres are developed and expressive and transformation leading to transfiguration of the lower sheaths by the higher sheaths can then be enhanced just as the higher centres transforms the creative hierarchical lives embodying the lower sheaths. The exoteric and esoteric effects are influenced by the planetary decanate rulers influences and are based upon point in evolution of the average western individual and/or disciple respectively.
As a matter of inference and supposition, it might be useful to suggest various generic rules for analyzing the significance of the decanates at certain generic points in evolution. The chart below infers that upon the reversed wheel Hercules must possess certain zodiacal related capacities and abilities to move forward in the develop the necessary spiritual and divine “gifts” to move forward into the unknown deity. A description of these zodiacal related capacity and ability characteristics are given below and taken from Esoteric Astrology by A.A.B. These are achieved through the absorption of varying lights or the blending influences coming through the exoteric, esoteric, and hierarchical planetary rulers. In particular there is a response to the esoteric rulers indicating the disciple is not identified with the planetary influences but the zodiacal qualifies energy patterns coming through them. The zodiacal related goal of Hercules as a soul-personality can be understood as the ability to demonstrate these capacities and abilities zodiacally imbued. The personality itself is likewise tested by their lack of response and identification to the exoteric planetary rulers’ influences.
Chart of Zodiacal absorbed Capacities Tested & Esoteric Decanate Rulers
Influences | Reversed Wheel | Reverse Wheel | ||
Constellations | Zodiacal Infused Focus or the Twelve Tests of Hercules (exoteric, esoteric, and hierarchical planetary rulers’ influences focused through the decanate rulers) | First Decanate Third Aspect | Second Decanate Second Aspect | Third Decanate First Aspect |
Aries | Recognition and working with the Plan (Will); (Example: Aries influences working through blending planetary rulers Mars, Mercury, and Uranus ray qualified energy-force fields and through combining decanates’ rulers aspect influences) | Venus | Saturn-Uranus | Mercury |
Taurus | Illuminated Living (Light of Life), (Venus, Vulcan, Vulcan) | Pluto | Jupiter-Neptune | Moon |
Gemini | Right Relation (I serve the One) (Mercury, Venus, Earth) | Jupiter | Mars | Sun |
Cancer | The Whole is Seen as One (Humanity); (Moon, Neptune, Neptune) | Saturn | Venus | Mercury |
Leo | The One Self (the relinquishing point) (Sun, Sun veiling Neptune and Uranus) | Saturn-Uranus | Mercury | Venus |
Virgo | The Christ Activity (The Light); (Mercury, Moon veiling Neptune & Vulcan, Jupiter) | Jupiter | Moon | Pluto |
Libra | Balanced Attained (Divine Love & Understanding); (Venus, Uranus, Saturn) | Mars | Sun | Jupiter |
Scorpio | Higher Unity (The Disciple); (Pluto, Mars, Mercury | Venus | Mercury | Saturn |
Sagittarius | The Director of Men (The controller of the Gate) (Jupiter, Earth, Mars) | Mercury | Venus | Saturn-Uranus |
Capricorn | The Conqueror of Death (The Initiate) (Exoteric & esoteric Saturn, Venus) | Moon | Pluto | Jupiter, Neptune (*Sun- hidden planet) |
Aquarius | The Server of all Men (The burden of the world) (combined Uranus, Jupiter, Moon veiling Uranus) | Sun | Jupiter | Mars |
Pisces | Spiritual Responsibility (The Savior) (Jupiter, Pluto, Pluto) | Mercury | Saturn | Venus |
The important point to keep in mind is that each of these twelve zodiacal signature types of quoted capabilities and/or abilities once successfully demonstrated by way of the transmitting influences of the blending decanate rulers reflecting the tests of Hercules and leads the disciple-initiate to further demonstrate certain zodiacal related “gifts”. Our form response to the influences of the planets prevent our higher response to the realities and qualities revealed and made possible by the impact of energy from the zodiacal sign being transmitted through them. Thus, our consciousness cannot qualitatively expand if the soul is not freed from its qualifying form identification. It could be surmised that the ultimate release of consciousness is thus symbolized by the falling of a planetary radiatory influence in a sign. The zodiacal or inner constellation influences transmitted through these decanate rulers are blended with the respective sign influences associated with its planetary decanate rulers. The relative word description forms given in Esoteric Astrology are used here to capture the nature of these twelve “gifts” is based upon observation as well as theory. These descriptions represent only one way of capturing these generic zodiacal “gifts.” These “gifts” or guideposts are necessary to progressive traverse the endless Way back to the unknown identity Source.
For the disciple-initiate the three esoteric related decanates might be understood as referring to the three triadal sheaths: manasic, buddhic, and atmic depending upon focus of major periodic vehicle sheath related consciousness thus the decanate rulers would assume to be different accordingly. These denoted rulers in the chart below are inferred to relate more to the conditioning influences coming through the planets as opposed to the planetary radiatory influences. If a human soul-personality focus than the first decanate influences more resonant. If a, spiritual soul-personality focus than the second decanate more resonant, and their combined integration process or spirit-soul-personality focus than the third (first aspect) decanate influences.
The position of the Sun in one of the three decanates is indicative of the personality’s aspect focus which can also be understood as the personality ray’s focus. The position of the ascendant in one of the decanates is indicative of the soul’s aspect focus which can also be understood as the soul ray’s focus. It has been suggested that the point opposite the Sun (Earth) is theoretically indicative of the monad’s present life aspect focus or monadic Ray focus. If this is so than a first decanate point (third aspect of the third aspect) for the personality would indicate a physical sheath ray livingness focus or expression but for the monad or monadic ray a manasic focus (third aspect of the major first aspect).
The sun sign.—This sign indicates the present problem of the man; it sets the pace or the established tempo of his personality life; it is related to quality, temperament and the life tendencies which are seeking expression during this particular incarnation, and it is suggestive of the rajasic or the activity aspect of the innate man. Fundamentally, the forces here found are indicative of the line of least resistance. EA, p. 18
The position of the Sun in one of the decanates in a probationary disciple’s chart on the reversed wheel would indicate more of a second major periodic vehicle aspect focus aligned with one of the threefold mental sheaths or respectfully the concrete mind, son of mind, and higher mind. In the disciple-initiate’s chart on the reversed wheel it would indicate more first major periodic vehicle aspect or a triadal sheath focus. The position of the Sun in an average person’s chart would indicate a third major periodic vehicle aspect focus in general. Overall, the Sun’s position is indicative of one’s present but unknown dweller issues that will needing to be resolved to achieve harmony. This Sun sign qualified dweller pattern focussed by the personality will is given as setting the pace or tempo of the incarnation.
The ascendant or rising sign indicates the intended life or immediate soul purpose for this incarnation. It holds the secret of the future and presents the force which, rightly used, will lead the man to success. It represents the sattvic or harmony aspect of life and can produce right relationship between soul and personality in any one incarnation. It thus points the way to the recognition of the force of the soul. EA, pp.18-19
The position of the ascendant is indicative of the soul’s intended focus represented by the soul ray and of the sign which is affecting it or its ascendant. It has been given that that the ascendant is indicative of the pathway where the Whole can flow in and fulfill the purpose of the soul in a particular incarnation and is the best pathway to unfolding one’s future spiritual or karmic life path. It is the key to harmony in all aspects of one’s livingness if consummated correctly or one’s personality will, and soul will are blended and balanced. It has also been given that each life there is some discipline level set that needs to be reached each life and this should be factored in as also necessary to achieve a consummated harmony.
The decanate position of the ascendant in a probationary disciple’s chart on the reversed wheel would indicate more of a major threefold second aspect focus (three mental aspects). Whereas, in a disciple-initiate’s chart on the reversed wheel would indicate more of a major three-fold first aspect focus (triadal sheaths). This would be the focus coming into incarnation and the rest of the chart should indicate an alignment with this intent. As an example, in a disciple’s chart, with Leo ascendant on the cusp of the second decanate and Sun on the cusp of the second decanate of Cancer would indicate the soul-personality’s intended focus was on linking the concrete mind/son of mind aspects and/or the linking of the manasic/buddhic aspects. In this exampled probationary disciple’s earlier life period this incarnation, the personality focus was more of a physical sheath focus on the normal wheel until the maturation period where the mind was re-appropriated by the soul moving the focus onto the reversed wheel with a new focus on the concrete mind. Thus, one does need to accurately know the relative point in evolution of the unit in question before the chart is analyzed. The problem for this disciple is the that the ray/sign influences that will being eventual harmony is the fifth and the first rays conditioned by energies qualified by Leo constellations (their sidereal ascendant). Whereas the ray/sign line of least resistance is third and seventh ray influenced pursuits qualified by Cancer related characteristic energy patterns.
It should be noted that the exoteric, esoteric, and hierarchical planetary rulers likewise relates to the expression unfoldment and focus of the three major periodic vehicle aspects in that the personality or activity aspect tends to express itself through the physical sheath; the soul or consciousness aspect through the astral sheath; and the monad or will aspect through the mental sheath thus the decanate rulers planetary ray colors the influences of these three major aspects Ray expressions. It was earlier noted that the rays of the respective three sets of (particularly those rulers of the moon sign) ruling planets are conditioning of the respective three personality sheaths and can be confused with the actual rays conditioning the personality sheaths as they also color these sheath ray expressions especially due to their close aspect to those planets indicating the actual sheath rays as earlier inferred. Decanate ruler influences need to be taken into consideration whenever there is a planet or house cusps located there as it is indicative of a sub- aspect and/or sub-principle qualifying focus.
The exoteric and esoteric effects are further broken out in the two separate charts below indicating the testing related influences on Hercules as either a personality (identification) on the normal or reversed wheel or a soul (identification) on the normal or the reversed wheel. They work together to produce the ultimate zodiacal and sheath related testing and labor.
Chart of Exoteric (Normal Wheel) & Esoteric Decanate (Reversed Wheel) Rulers.
The chart below denotes ordinary decanate rulers based upon the elements. The direction of the wheels is based upon point in evolution of the average western individual and/or disciple, respectively. The three-fold exoteric decanate rulers are only those taken mostly from mundane astrology and referenced in Esoteric Astrology by A.A.B. They depict the ruling effect of the exoteric planets over the ruling zodiacal influences. The reversed wheel representing the esoteric effect of decanate rulers are necessitated, inferred, and related to the lessening influence of the planets that are holding down consciousness of the soul.
Influences | Ordinary Wheel (clockwise) Soul identified with the Personality -Involutionary | Reverse Wheel (Counter-clockwise) Personality identified with the Human or Spiritual Soul -Evolutionary | ||||
Average Western Citizen | Average Western Disciple | |||||
Physical Sheath 10-0 | Astral Sheath 19-10 | Mental Sheath 29-20 | Manasic PA, Concrete Mind, 0-10 | Buddhic PA, Son of Mind 10-19 | Atmic PA, Spiritual Mind 20-29 | |
>>>>>>>> | First | Second | Third | < First | < Second | < Third |
Aries | Mars | Sun | Jupiter* | Venus | Uranus | Mercury |
Taurus | Venus | Mercury | Saturn | Pluto | Jupiter | Moon |
Gemini | Mercury | Venus | Uranus | Jupiter | Mars | Sun |
Cancer | Moon-Venus | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Venus | Mercury |
Leo | Sun | Jupiter | Mars | Uranus | Mercury* | Venus |
Virgo | Mercury | Saturn | Venus | Jupiter | Moon | Pluto |
Libra | Venus | Uranus | Mercury | Mars* | Sun | Jupiter |
Scorpio | Mars | Jupiter | Moon | Venus | Mercury | Saturn |
Sagittarius | Jupiter | Mars | Sun | Mercury | Venus | Uranus |
Capricorn | Saturn | Venus | Mercury | Moon | Pluto | Neptune (Sun- hidden planet) |
Aquarius | Saturn-Uranus | Mercury | Venus | Sun | Jupiter | Mars |
Pisces | Jupiter | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Saturn | Venus |
The two charts below experimentally extend for discussion the above chart’ decanate rulers’ influences based upon the livingness of either that of the personality’s form related identification and/or that of the soul’s form related identification or not. The exoteric decanate rulers indicate a personality identified with its form sheaths on the normal wheel and not identified with them on the reversed wheel but identified with the soul and its ray qualified consciousness imbued aspect sheaths. The esoteric decanate rulers indicate a soul identified with its form sheaths on the normal wheel and not identified with them on the reversed wheel but identified with the monad’s sheaths. Basically, the decanate planetary rulers’ lower aspects are either identified with or their higher aspects.
Chart of Exoteric Decanate Rulers & Testing of the Personality
Influences | Ordinary Wheel (clockwise) Personality Involutionary Sheath Development or Lower Aspects Expression | Reverse Wheel (Counter-clockwise) Personality Evolutionary Sheath Development or Higher Aspects Expression through Personality/Tests | ||||
Average Western Personality Expressing through: | Average Western Probationary Disciple (Soul) Expressing through: | |||||
Physical 10-0 | Astral 20-11 | Mental 30-21 | Concrete Mind 0-10 | Son of Mind 11-20 | Abstract Mind 21-30 | |
First | Second | Third | First | Second | Third | |
Aries | Mars (Aries) | Sun veiling Pluto (Leo) | Jupiter* (Sagittarius) | Jupiter* (Aquarius) | Sun (Leo) | Mars (Scorpio) |
Taurus | Venus (Taurus) | Mercury (Virgo) | Saturn (Capricorn) | Saturn (Capricorn) | Mercury (Aries) | Venus (Gemini)) |
Gemini | Mercury (Gemini) | Venus (Libra) | Saturn (Uranus) (Aquarius) | Saturn (Uranus) (Libra) | Venus (Gemini) | Mercury (Aries) |
Cancer | Moon (Cancer) | Mars-(Scorpio) | Jupiter (Pisces) | Jupiter (Aquarius) | Pluto (Pisces)* | Moon (Virgo) |
Leo | Sun | Jupiter | Mars | Mars (Scorpio) | Jupiter (Aquarius) | Sun (Leo) |
Virgo | Mercury | Saturn | Venus | Venus (Gemini) | Saturn (Capricorn) | Mercury (Aries) |
Libra | Jupiter (Venus) | Saturn-(Uranus | Mercury | Mercury (Aries) | Uranus (Libra) | Jupiter (Venus ) (Gemini) |
Scorpio | Mars | Jupiter | Moon | Mars (Scorpio) | Jupiter (Pisces) | Moon (Cancer) |
Sagittarius | Jupiter | Mars | Sun | Sun (Leo) | Mars (Aries) | Jupiter (Sagittarius) |
Capricorn | Saturn | Venus | Mercury veils Sun & Hidden | Mercury veils Sun & Hidden | Venus (Taurus) | Saturn (Capricorn) |
Aquarius | Saturn (Uranus | Mercury | Venus | Venus (Libra) | Mercury (Gemini) | Uranus (Aquarius) |
Pisces | Jupiter | Moon | Mars-Pluto | Mars (Scorpio) | Moon Cancer) | Jupiter (Pisces) |
Chart of Esoteric Decanate Rulers & Testing (the Soul on its Own Plane)
Influences | Ordinary Wheel (clockwise) Soul Involutionary Sheath Development or Lower Soul Aspects Expression | Reverse Wheel (Counter-clockwise) Soul Evolutionary Sheath Development or Higher Spiritual Aspects Expression through Son of God/Tests | ||||
Average Western Human Soul Expressing on its own Plane (identified with the Personality | Disciple – Initiate, Spirit-Soul Expressing on its own Plane (and expressing through Human Soul & Personality) | |||||
Inner Petals 10-0 | Nine Petals
20-10 | Permanent Atoms 30-20 | Manasic PA, Abstract Mind, Illuminated Mind 0-10 | Buddhic PA, Intuitional Mind, Super Mind, Son of Mind/God 10-20 | Atmic PA, Spiritual Mind, Universal Mind 20-30 | |
First | Second | Third | First | Second | Third | |
Aries | Mercury | Uranus | Venus | Venus | Uranus | Mercury |
Taurus | Moon | Jupiter-Neptune | Pluto | Pluto | Jupiter-Neptune | Moon |
Gemini | Sun | Mars | Jupiter | Jupiter | Mars | Sun |
Cancer | Mercury | Venus | Saturn | Saturn | Venus | Mercury |
Leo | Venus | Mercury* | Uranus | Uranus | Mercury* | Venus |
Virgo | Pluto | Moon | Jupiter-Neptune | Jupiter-Neptune | Moon | Pluto* |
Libra | Jupiter | Sun | Mars | Mars | Sun | Jupiter |
Scorpio | Saturn | Mercury | Venus | Venus | Mercury | Saturn |
Sagittarius | Uranus | Venus | Mercury | Mercury | Venus | Uranus |
Capricorn | Neptune (Sun- hidden planet) | Pluto | Moon | Moon | Pluto | Neptune (Sun- hidden planet) |
Aquarius | Mars | Jupiter | Sun | Sun | Jupiter | Mars |
Pisces | Venus | Saturn | Mercury | Mercury | Saturn | Venus |
Aries decanate rulerships interpretation example for further reflection per the normal & reversed Wheel focus of the Soul-Personality.
Exoteric Interpretation Summary: Jupiter (desire expansion), Sun veiling Pluto (group form consciousness), Mars (struggle to overcome forms preventing desire expression).
In the case of Aries influences, the intent is to create or manifest some individual and group plan desire related intent. This is indicated by its three rulers Uranus, Mercury, and Mars. Uranus, in terms of “ideas” whose time has come to be recognized, Mercury in terms of translating these Uranus transited and qualified purpose laden energy patterns into “thought” patterns and relating these as concepts to the desire-mind and Mars in terms of their organized manifestation through symbolized “speech”. The three tests of Hercules are given as relating to the overcoming of wrong or illusioned ideas (Aries-Aries), wrong thought (Aries-Leo), and wrong speech (Aries-Sagittarius). It is apparent that these three tests deal directly with the manifestation of correct intent and also can be understood to be influenced by the three aspects of the fire element.
The three planetary rulers can be understood as also working through the decanate ruler influences through blending and further conditioning of the various aspects of the three major periodic vehicles. It is to this effect that these following revered wheel Aries related examples highlights theoretically. Per the Exoteric Chart of decanate rulers for Aries for the disciple on the reversed wheel we have Jupiter, Sun, and Mars.
First Decanate & Third Aspect – Aries-Sagittarius – Jupiter:
Each of these three Aries ruling planets through Aries influences can be seen to battle out their intent contribution to the Lord’s Plan in the respective sign in which they are also the esoteric ruler – Mars in Scorpio; Mercury in Aries, and Uranus in Libra. It is in these signs that the three major aspects of Self battle out their plan intent dominance. The focus here for a disciple on the reversed wheel will be on the first decanate and the third aspect influences and on ruling exoteric planet of Aries or Mars which is also Aries first decanate ruler.
The higher Ego expression, with a manasic focus, battles with the lower ego on the control of the personality vehicles of expression when Mars is the esoteric ruler of Scorpio. The personality ray working through the three permanent atoms gives eventually up control to the soul ray working through the three sets of petals. The intent expression of the soul ray over the personality ray is enhanced through the influence of the signs where Mars is in detriment which is when in Libra. Thus, Mars in Libra the esoteric influences of Scorpio are reacted to and blended. The soul ray intent finally succeeds with Mars in Sagittarius where Mars is the hierarchical ruler of the sixth creative hierarchy. The lunar lords are being controlled by personality ray and later the soul ray.
Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius and rules the third decanate (first aspect) of Aries on the common wheel. It is Jupiter in its lower aspects which lessens its influences in Gemini veiling also Aquarian esoteric ruler’s higher influences, as well as Gemini’s which assists to bring this control of the lunar lord forces about. Right speech or form manifestation is exhibited due to the increasing influences of the group mind and heart influences.
In the above case of Aries intent to (speech) create or manifest some intent in terms of the third major aspect (Aries-Sagittarius). Jupiter is given as the ruler of this decanate and in its lower aspect “gives the fulfillment of desire and satisfied demand” or the intent of the lower ego’s present plan. Jupiter in its higher aspect influence represents the outgoing expression of love, which “attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole” or the intent of God’s Plan and also for the disciple-initiate identified with the higher Ego. Again, Right speech is exhibited in Aries through the contributing higher influences of Scorpio, Aquarius, and Gemini overcoming the lower influences of Aries.
In summary:
Sign Related: Aries impulses works through its exoteric ruler Mars:
- Mars rules in its lower aspects – Aries lower aspects rule through Mars.
- Mars is in detriment in Libra and thus its lower aspects influences lessens – Libra’s lower aspects influences through Venus likewise lessen.
- Mars (esoteric ruler of Scorpio) rules in its higher aspects – Scorpio’s higher influences likewise condition.
- Venus (esoteric ruler of Gemini) rules in its higher aspects.
- Mars, as the hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius, now rules the lunar lives and condition the lives of the sixth creative Hierarchy.
Third Decanate Related – Mars, as exoteric ruler, works through Jupiter.
- Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius and the third decanate ruler of Aries.
- Jupiter’s is in detriment in Gemini where its lower aspects lessens, and Gemini’s lower aspects likewise lessens.
- This permits Jupiter’s (esoteric ruler of Aquarius) and Venus’s (esoteric ruler of Gemini) higher aspect influences to condition and also Aquarius’s and Gemini’s higher influences to condition.
- Right Speech increase and attracts to itself those subjective group soul “speech” activity impulses for the good of the whole. This is due to the triangle of higher aspect influences of Scorpio (Venus-Mars), Aquarius (Sun–Uranus), and Gemini (Jupiter-Mercury).
Higher & Lower Esoteric Aspects of Jupiter Sign Influences:
Mutable Cross > Normal Wheel > Jupiter Exalted (Cancer): Average Western Citizen
Jupiter’s lowest aspects considered exalted and its highest aspects fallen in Cancer. It is given that Jupiter in its highest aspect is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. Two planets are exalted in Cancer – Jupiter and Neptune. These two planets indicate the successful development and eventual use of the form aspect and the development of psychic sensitivity both in the higher and the lower senses. These are important developments for the soul who has chosen to incarnate. The building of adequate forms and the use and control of form are required for the eventual wise and right cooperation with the Plan of God. Jupiter makes possible the eventual expression of love as a means to a relationship with divinity or spirit and likewise makes possible an eventual wisdom as a means to relationship with form use and control. This is only possible once the form no longer hides the existence of the soul and this requires the building of a lighted house exhibiting a lower and higher psychic sensitivity which Jupiter progresses. The form aspect and the psychic nature eventually achieve a grounded practical perfection in Capricorn as a means of either self-service or selfless service in regards the masses in Cancer.
Jupiter, through its second ray potency, attempts to beneficially bring all aspects of arupa and rupa or form substance which includes consciousness of such together. Its purpose is descriptive of the purpose of the second ray and this solar system which is to indicate the easiest and correct way through the evolutionary process by the development of synthetic relationship qualified by love-wisdom or the “marriage” of all in Aquarius. This is initiated in Gemini and brought to a practical skill in Libra. It is further pragmatized in Sagittarius and demonstrated in Capricorn and perfected in Pisces (Sagittarius) where Jupiter it is the exoteric ruler. Harmony through conflict is the beginning of this process thus what is started by Moon and Mercury is enhanced by Jupiter and ultimately demonstrated by the Sun. Mercury is the line of least resistance for a successful marriage or beneficent relationship.
The harmony once achieved, making Mercury and the Sun one, at that juncture upon the evolutionary way is expressive of the buddhic sensitivities of the Christ consciousness. A marriage of substance aspects cannot take place unless it can be envisioned and as such Mercury sets the stage for a crisis to be created through bringing into viewpoints of difference creating a polarization where none previously existed. Jupiter follows Mercury and proffers a vision of how this polarization can be resolved through fusing of the different aspects for the greatest good of the unit. Love-wisdom is basically the blending and fusing of heart and mind, arupa and rupa substance, the ultimate subjective purpose of evolution in this solar system in respect to manifestation. Jupiter promotes the fusion that leads to this ultimate synthesis of heart and mind, organized, and conditioned by Venus, demonstrated esoterically in Aquarius as group consciousness or marriage. This process began with the Moon veiling sequentially Vulcan, Neptune and Uranus or the influence of the third and seventh rays focussing the influences of the third, fifth, seventh, and twelfth creative hierarchies ruled by Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, and Aquarius and ended with all three being unveiled as demonstrated ultimately in Aquarius as group service to and from the One. Aquarius influences esoterically, indicating the purpose of all material evolution and the objective of all incarnating processes.
Jupiter provides the satisfaction of all desires once these desires are envisioned and is itself an expression of magnetic love. Each of us need to determine our own forms of devotion, forms of persona to embody these, forms of our environment to express these in, and forms of our life path to experience these; and whatever these are Jupiter will promote and bless. Thus, for the aspirant the desire or aspiration to be united with the soul or spirit is likewise promoted by Jupiter and later the aspiration to be united with the Unknown or That is also promoted by Jupiter. Jupiter works as love expressed unconditionally and as such evil is the good that swill be progressively be left behind. This is first achieved by the influences of the mutable cross and demonstrated as an integrated personality. It is progressed through the fixed and cardinal cross influences later as a fused spirit-soul-personality later in Aquarius as the focus is now upon the Whole and not just Humanity as Jupiter in Virgo has linked the planetary life of the Christ to the cosmic life of the Christ all now aligned with the individual life of the Christ in expression. Jupiter and Uranus have brought this about through focusing of the influences of these constellations linking matter and spirit. What began in Aries is completed in Aquarius in respect to consciousness of spirit. What began in Virgo is completed in Pisces in respect to the consciousness of matter. These two types of consciousness for the initiate are linked through the beneficent organization of Uranus and Jupiter for the initiate.
Fixed-Mutable Cross > Wheel Direction Osculation > Jupiter Rules > (Sagittarius & Pisces): Advanced Man & Probationary Disciple
Jupiter’s attractive power rules in its lower aspects in both Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter rules in Sagittarius meaning that the form sensitivity is adequate to express the purposes and understanding of the soul. This is basically why Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius as its relating power is not required as the universal mind is now the source of understanding and Mercury in its task of relating or harmonizing is not needed to relate the higher mind to the lower mind. Jupiter gives expansion in Sagittarius, by way of the access to the universal mind content thus superseding Mercury, which is in detriment in this sign or its harmonizing relating powers lessen.
Fixed-Cardinal >Reverse Wheel > Jupiter Detriment (Virgo & Gemini): Disciple & Probationary Initiate
The attractive power of Jupiter is lessened in Virgo, due to the progressed success in the unfolding of form sensitivity and also due to the fusion of the light of form (matter) and the light of the soul consciousness (body in Cancer) plus the light of God in Virgo. The first signs of the Christ consciousness are felt and progressed in Virgo thus indicating that the lower form development has reached its intended development. This Christ consciousness is ultimately indicated when Jupiter is in Capricorn where Jupiter falls in is lower aspects or power to attract to fulfill some form desire or form development. In Capricorn, the Christ life and consciousness come into full expression.
Jupiter, as Virgo’s hierarchical ruler indicates the unfolding awareness of the purpose of the Cosmic Christ. Virgo and Jupiter rules the second Creative Hierarchy, that of the Divine Builders of our planetary manifestation. (See the tabulation re the Hierarchies.) This is the seventh Creative Hierarchy as well as the second. Thus, as the seventh creative Hierarchy it represents the organizing work for the expression of the desire-mind of the Logos. This takes place through the relating of the necessary Lives composing these thought contents. It is given that in the significance of two and seven much of the mystery underlying these Hierarchies will be revealed. This can be understood as also referring to the need for polarities in the creative process under the Law of Synthesis by which all creations are seven-fold and exhibiting the development of one particular principle. The quote below captures the organizing expressive intent of Jupiter (Logos) as hierarchical ruler of Virgo.
When the human Hierarchy is fully awakened to spiritual and not simply material possibilities, then the work of Jupiter (Author: expressive of the Logos) will immediately intensify, and this beneficent ruler will lead the human family into the ways of peace and progress.
The central idea of occultism that even the smallest atom of substance has in it the germ of that which can respond to spiritual energy is preserved for us in the teaching anent the influence of Jupiter, the second ray agent of the Christ spirit.
Thus, it is easily realized why Jupiter relates Virgo to Sagittarius and to Pisces. This is an exoteric impact that stimulates the indwelling Christ or intended life expression of the Logos. Sagittarius rules the activity of the lunar lords who build the kama-manasic body of man out of their own substance similar to the work of the divine Builders of the second creative Hierarchy. This Christ or logoic intent can only begin to be expressive on the lower planes once the soul can rule the personality kama-manasic expressions.
Jupiter rules four signs and each of them represents a different element out of the four which are expressing themselves in the three worlds of human evolution. The following tabulation will make this somewhat clearer:
Virgo Pisces Sagittarius Aquarius
Earth Water Fire Air
Hidden Christ Hidden Saviour Hidden Master Hidden Server.
Jupiter—ruler and the conveyor of EXPANSION E.A. pg. 291
Jupiter, in spite of its latent power, is also “lessened” in influence at this time because of the second principle or second aspect of divinity, the Son or the germ of the Christ Who will come, the Son of Mind, descends into the depths and is temporarily veiled or hidden. (Virgo)
In connection with the Mutable Cross, the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies of the threefold Sun) pour into and through the man, via Jupiter. Jupiter is the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically. Leo
Sun, Jupiter and Mars.
Jupiter’s soul-body will-desire driven attractive power is also lessen in Gemini. The true reason for this is considered to be one of the secrets of initiation. Basically, the higher aspects of Jupiter is exhibited when once there is a blending and fusion of the first and second aspects or spirit and soul. The higher dualism of soul-body gives way to that of spirit-soul identity.
When the Jupiter influence becomes strong and powerful in this sign, it indicates the initiate and the rapidly attained “dualism in synthesis” of soul and spirit. Through the activity of Mercury, the man whose Sun is in Gemini is aided to attain the synthesis of soul and form; through the activity of Jupiter, the man whose rising sign is Gemini is enabled to attain the conscious integration of soul and spirit
Cardinal Cross > Multi-Wheel > Jupiter Fall (Capricorn): World Disciple & Initiate
Jupiter’s lowest aspect is given as “the fulfillment of physical desire and satisfied demand.” Jupiter’s lowest aspects falls in Capricorn as Jupiter’s higher aspects ascend which is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts to itself that which is desired for the good of the whole. Jupiter and Uranus—planets of beneficent consummation for the initiate. The second ray of love and the seventh ray which fuses spirit and matter “to the ultimate glory” of the solar Logos are in the fullest eventual cooperation. 2. Aquarius—Esoterically, indicating the purpose of all [Page 189] material evolution and the objective of all incarnating processes.
In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect disappears. It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs. Neptune is often spoken of as falling in this sign and for the same reasons. Neptune is the God of the waters and is esoterically related to Pisces.
Jupiter and Uranus—planets of beneficent consummation. The second ray of love and the seventh ray which fuses spirit and matter “to the ultimate glory” of the solar Logos are in the fullest eventual cooperation.
Second Decanate & Second Aspect – Aries-Leo – Sun veiling Pluto:
Each of these three Aries ruling planets through Aries influences can be seen to battle out their intent contribution to the Lord’s Plan in the respective sign in which they are also the esoteric ruler – Mars in Scorpio; Mercury in Aries, and Uranus in Libra. It is in these signs that the three major aspects of Self battle out their plan intent dominance. The focus here for a disciple on the reversed wheel per the second decanate and the second aspect influences will be on esoteric ruling planet of Aries or Mercury and the Sun as second decanate ruler.
In this second aspect case of Aries intent to create or manifest some intent and the second decanate (Aries-Leo) whether the astral sheath or the three egoic lotus petals as a group. The Sun, as ruler of this decanate, in its lowest aspect indicates the responsiveness to the form awareness’s of the personality ego (representative of its intents). In its higher aspect indicates its responsiveness to the awareness’s of the Soul or Ego’s form awareness’s (representative of its intents).
The group soul Ego with a buddhic- focus battles with the higher Ego on the control of the human soul’s vehicles of expression with Mercury as the esoteric ruler of Aries. The lower soul ray working through the three tiers of petals eventually gives up control to the higher group Soul Ray. The intent expression of the group Soul Ray over the soul ray is enhanced through the influence of the sign where Mercury falls which is Sagittarius. Thus, Mercury in Sagittarius the esoteric influences of Aries are enhanced. The personalities are controlled by the solar Lords. It is Mercury (veiling the Sun) in its lower aspects which falls in Sagittarius which assists to bring this about. The group Soul Ray intent finally succeeds with Mercury in Scorpio where Mercury (veiling Sun) is the hierarchical ruler of the fourth creative hierarchy. This produces right thought from the Messengers or humanity’s group mind.
Pluto is the exoteric rulers of Scorpio on the reversed wheel. Interestingly, Pluto is one of those planets which are veiled by the Sun (exoteric ruler of Leo) until the advanced or world disciple can respond to its group related influences and it is the sun (or Leo) which rules the second decanate of Aries exoterically veiling Pluto. Pluto governs the death of old culture and civilization related ideas expressed as thoughtforms and and linked emotions and its influence is basically mental. It is sun in its lower aspects which falls in Aquarius and (Pluto which falls in Taurus) which brings these influences about. Group consciousness by way of the fourth creative hierarchy is developed and the group mind is influenced by the patterns conditioning it from the Heavenly Man’s WORD (Sun exalted in its higher aspects) from tenth creative Hierarchy through the Sun to Pluto and Jupiter.
Please keep in mind that the monadic Ray relates the initiate “to forces active on the planet Pluto.” The group Soul Ray which expresses through the soul ray and it expresses through the personality ray and it through its vehicle rays. It is the Sun (veiling Pluto which falls in Taurus), ruling the second decanate, which falls in its lower aspects in Aquarius (veiling also Pluto related Pisces influences) which assists to bring this control of the personality forces about. This tenth creative Hierarchy ruled by Taurus expressing solar fire is given as expressing through the seven solar systems which expresses through Taurus and Scorpio through Mars (Pluto). Right thought is exhibited through the assisted influences of Leo ruling the first creative Hierarchy also.
It governs however the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental. Its effects are felt first in the mental body. TWM, P. 439
In summary:
Sign Related: Aries impulses works through Mercury (veiling Sun) as its esoteric ruler:
- Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini and rules in its lower aspects – Gemini lower aspects likewise rule.
- Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius and its lower aspect influences lessens. (Sagittarius lower aspects likewise lessens permitting its higher aspects to condition through its esoteric ruler or the Earth.)
- Thus, permitting Mercury’s, as esoteric ruler of Aries, higher aspects to condition and Aries influences in their higher aspects to likewise condition.
- Mercury, the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio, rules the fourth creative Hierarchy Lives and conditions the probationary initiate. Mercury, as the Son of Mind veiling the Sun and is becoming one with the Sun which rules all consciousness related forms.
Second Decanate Ruler is Sun – Aries, works through Mercury (veiling the Sun) and also works through the Sun (veiling Pluto) which works through Leo (veiling Pisces):
- Pluto is the exoteric ruler of Scorpio and the second decanate veiled by the Sun.
- Sun (veiling Pluto) is in detriment in Aries and its lower aspects lessens – Leo & Scorpio lower aspect influences likewise lessens. Ray 1 through Pluto brings about the death of Leo lower form consciousness influences.
- This permits the Sun veiling Pluto’s higher aspects influences to condition and Leo veiling Pisces’s higher influences likewise to condition.
- Right thought increases and attracts to itself the impulses of Group Feeling-Thought of the Whole. This is due to the higher influences of Aries-Scorpio-Pisces.
Higher & Lower Esoteric Aspects of Sun veiling Pluto Sign Influences:
Mutable Cross > Normal Wheel > Sun veiling Pluto Exalted (Aries): Average Western Citizen
- Idealism. Devotion | Sagittarius Jupiter The Earth | Pisces Jupiter Pluto
Esoterically speaking, Mars is the alter ego of Pluto; the activity of Pluto at this time and in this lesser world cycle is very important on account of its esoteric approach to the Earth, impelled thereto by the vivification of its life by a display of Martian energy. The Earth, Mars and Pluto [Page 508] form an interesting triangle with Venus behind the scene acting as the impelling soul acts towards a rapidly integrating personality. This triangle should not be forgotten when casting the horoscope, because it indicates a relation and a possibility which can be (though it often is not) a major determining factor, prior to passing on to the Probationary Path. The four houses, governed by the four non-sacred planets (not counting the Sun) are “houses of the personality, mundanely oriented” and the reason is not far to seek. The seven remaining houses, governed by the seven sacred planets are not so purely material nor are they so exoterically oriented, yet all the twelve indicate limitation or that which withholds the Dweller in the mansion from expanding his consciousness, if he permits himself to be imprisoned by them. On the other hand, they offer opportunity if he is oriented towards the higher life.
Pluto, transmitting first ray energy, rules Scorpio, the sign of discipleship, of the man ready for the fusion brought about through the influence of the sacred planets, and governs the house of major separations and of death. “The arrow of God pierces the heart and death takes place.” But in this connection it must be remembered that death is definitely brought about by the soul. It is the soul which shoots the arrow of death. (The upward pointing arrow is the astrological symbol of Pluto.)
The majority of the human family is not tuned to the reception of the rays from Vulcan, Uranus or Neptune whilst Pluto at present only evokes response from groups or from those disciples who are enough evolved rightly to respond.
- Head Centre first ray Pluto
- Ajna Centre fifth ray Venus
- Throat Centre third ray Earth
- Heart Centre second ray Sun
- Solar plexus Centre sixth ray Mars
- Sacral Centre seventh ray Uranus
- Base of Spine first ray Pluto
To bring about the full presentation of the choice and to indicate the mode whereby the spirit of man can triumph, the influence of Pisces was called in or rather evoked. It is conditions which evoke, aided at times by voiced Words of Power on the part of the Hierarchy. Pisces, through its ruler, Pluto (ruling both the mass and the disciples esoterically), necessitated the triumph of death—not necessarily physical death—leading to the dissolution of the form of man. It is frequently the death or ending of old forms of civilizations which cyclically come and go; of religious teaching when it does not serve the need of the spiritual nature of the people (as is today the case); of educational processes which fail to educate the developing nature of man and serve only to delude and imprison.
Pluto, therefore, comes into full force and expression in order to stage the testings of the world disciple and to this end brings in the potency of Scorpio, the sign of discipleship. Under these influences, the death of forms must eventuate leaving the disciple free; the dissolution of old group structures of thought, embodying worn-out ideas and ideals must necessarily supervene; crystallized old forms must dissolve and disappear, but in their place the undying spirit—impressed by revelation and sensitive to the emerging new concepts of truth—will create the needed new forms of appropriate expression.
Fixed-Mutable Cross > Wheel Direction Osculation > Sun veiling Pluto Rules (Leo): Advanced Man & Probationary Disciple
Within our solar system, Vulcan and Pluto are expressions or custodians of this first ray energy and are, as I have told you, esoteric planets. The first indication of the true spiritual will only begins to manifest upon the Path of Discipleship
of a reaction or a response to the spiritual will of deity as it comes to our planet and hence to us via Aries, Vulcan and Pluto. You have, therefore, the following direct line of will energy:
- The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star in the constellation of the Great Bear. This is, esoterically speaking, [Page 196] a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose. The Pointer nearest to the Pole Star is expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which—in speaking of humanity—we call self-will.
- Aries, in which the will to create or to manifest makes its appearance and the great divine experiment is initiated.
- Vulcan and Pluto are related to the two Pointers and are only now beginning, in any definite and clear manner, to affect human response. Their effect has been planetary in its nature up to date and has not hitherto been at all effective in either the fourth or the second kingdoms in nature.
- Shamballa, the Custodian of the Plan for our planet.
Death through the influences of Pluto and death through the influences of Mars are widely different. Death in Pisces through the energy of Pluto is transformation—a transformation so vital and so basic that the
Towards the end of the evolutionary process, the disciple begins to respond consciously to the fourth indirect influence—that of Pluto, producing the death of the hindering factors and of all that prevents synthesis. Pluto, as it affects Gemini, brings about the death or the finish of the separative, instinctual nature, for this is the factor which lies behind all dualism; it is inherent in what The Secret Doctrine calls the principle of ahankara or the awareness of the separative, isolated ego; it is inimical for aeons to the aspiration of the imprisoned soul, focussed within or identified with some aspect of the personality, and, in a later stage, with the personality itself. EA, pg. 366-367
Fixed-Cardinal Cross > Reverse Wheel > Sun veiling Pluto Detriment (Aquarius): Disciple & Probationary Initiate
The crystalizing processes of Vulcan was earlier responsible for the ongoing transmutation of personality desire into sacrifice forwarding the refashioning process to reflect that much of the divine Plan as was cognizable. It was exoteric influences of Pluto that revealed those outlived form identification patterns and likewise destroyed these desire forms that Vulcan (and exoteric Mars) crystalized over time which began consciously during the first initiation process. Aspiration is the key that unlocks the influences of Pluto. Pluto is the major transmuting influence that ultimately destroys the lower available matter or substance to build forms. It eventually destroys likewise the personality as a separate consciousness imprisoning the soul consciousness. Exoteric Pluto frees the soul from the personality identification.
The Twins in Gemini are symbols of the same basic duality, but the experience of the many changing incarnations has done its work, and the Band (uniting the two fishes) is in process of dissolution, for part of the work of Pluto is to “cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives together.” It is the task of Venus to “reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread.”
The destructive power of the first ray, focussed in Pluto, brings change, darkness and death. To this intensity and potency of Pluto must be added the forceful and dynamic energy of the planet Mars. This brings the entire human family, as well as the individual, under the law of strife, based this time upon sixth ray devotion to an ideal, high or low. All these play upon the individual born in the sign of [Page 188] Sagittarius, as well as upon the fourth Creative Hierarchy as a whole. This, you can see for yourself, brings in a terrific situation, and the forces playing upon the disciple are of a momentous nature—provided that the mechanism of awareness is adequate to respond. These forces in all the signs are ever present, but responsiveness and sensitivity to their impact is dependent upon the nature of the response apparatus. Ponder upon this thought, for it is this sensitivity which marks the difference between the disciple and the average man.
Cardinal Cross > Multi-Wheel > Sun veiling Pluto Falls (Libra): World Disciple & Initiate
Esoteric Pluto represents the uniting of the personality, sacrificial and spiritual will of the soul and personality with the divine Will and the consequent death of all lower human soul-personality will pursuits. AI the stage where the esoteric influences of Pisces affects the initiate the personality will pursuits have already basically been sacrificed for the soul will pursuits and as such esoteric Pluto affects the soul more than the personality. The same was shown to apply also to Uranus.
“Pluto is a deity with the attributes of the serpent. He is a healer, a giver of health, spiritual and physical and of enlightenment.” (S.D II. 30. Note.)
“Under the legend, Orpheus seeks in the kingdom of Pluto, his lost soul. Krishna rescues from Pluto his six principles, (II. 30) being the seventh himself … he is the perfect initiate, the whole of his six principles merging into the seventh.” (S.D. III. 142.)
Third Decanate & First Aspect – Aries-Aries – Mars:
Each of these three Aries ruling planets through Aries influences can be seen to battle out their intent contribution to the Lord’s Plan in the respective sign in which they are also the esoteric ruler – Mars in Scorpio; Mercury in Aries, and Uranus in Libra. It is in these signs that the three major aspects of Self battle out their plan intent dominance. The focus here for a disciple on the reversed wheel per the third decanate and the first aspect influences will be on the hierarchical ruling planet of Aries or Uranus and Jupiter as third decanate ruler.
In the case of Aries intent to create or manifest some identified with intent and the first major aspect (Aries-Aries) whether the mental sheath or the three egoic lotus inner petals veiling the Jewel as a group. Mars, as this decanate ruler, indicates in its lower aspect the focussed effort to express its own ambition plan intents but in its higher aspect indicates the effort to express a spiritual ambition set of plans or God’s Plan intent. This is captured in the “Chart of Zodiacal Soul Sheath Tests & Esoteric Decanate Rulers” capacity expressed needed to carry out the Aries related Labor of Hercules which is given as the – “Recognition and working with the Plan”.
In this first aspect case, the Divine Ego, with an atmic focus, battles with the monadic Ray related group Soul Ego on the control of its vehicles of expression with Uranus as the esoteric ruler of Libra. The group Soul Ray working through the three inner petals and the Jewel eventually gives up control to the monadic Ray, as an extension of the Divine Ego, working through the triadal vehicles as a blending group. The intent expression of the Divine Ego over the group Soul Ray is enhanced through the influence of the sign where lower influences of hierarchical Uranus falls which is Leo. Thus, Uranus (originally veiled by Leo) in Leo the esoteric influences of Libra are enhanced, and the one Life identified with. The monadic Ray intent succeeds with Uranus in Aries (veiled by the Sun) where Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of the eleventh creative Hierarchy or (AGNI LORDS) expressing through the Grand Heavenly Man or WORD (SUN). The monadic Ray now identified with the Divine Ego expresses through the group Soul Ray which expresses through the soul ray and it expresses through the personality ray and it through its vehicle rays. Mars is the exoteric ruler of Aries and rules the first decanate of Aries. It is Mars which falls in its lower aspects in Libra (veiling the third hierarchical influences) which assists to bring this control of the solar Lord forces about. Right ideas are exhibited through the assisted influences of Aries.
In summary:
Sign Related: Aries impulses works through hierarchical ruler Uranus
- Uranus rules in its lower aspects – Aquarius lower aspects likewise rule.
- Uranus is in detriment in Leo and its lower aspects lessens – Leo’s lower aspect influences likewise lessens.
- This permits Uranus’s, as the esoteric ruler of Libra, higher aspects to condition – Libra’s higher influences likewise condition.
- Uranus, as the hierarchical ruler of Aries, controls monadic Lives.
Third Decanate Related – Hierarchical Ruler Uranus also works through Mars:
- Mars is the exoteric ruler of Aries and the ruler of the third decanate.
- Mars is in detriment in Libra and its lower aspects falls – Libra’s lower aspect influences likewise falls.
- Thus, Mars’s, as esoteric ruler of Scorpio, higher aspect influences condition – Scorpio’s higher aspects likewise condition. The higher influences of Scorpio are those of the seven solar systems through the tenth and fourth creative Hierarchies.
- Right Ideas increase and attracts to itself those impulsed ideas to express the intent of the whole. This is due to the higher influences of Libra-Aries-Scorpio.
All three of these Aries (fire element will/desire intent aspect) related sub-aspect or sheath tests refer ONLY to personality related tests (wrong or illusioned ideas, thought, and speech) and not Soul tests taking place upon its own plane. These Soul tests have different or esoteric tests depicted by the esoteric decanate rulers in the “Chart of Esoteric Decanate Rulers & Testing the Soul” below the following esoteric decanate ruler chart. These tests passed permit the adherence to the first rule of initiation. This is discussed further below in the section” Twelve Gifts of Hercules on the Path of Discipleship and on the Path of Initiation.”
Higher & Lower Esoteric Aspects of Mars Sign Influences:
Mutable Cross > Normal Wheel > Mars Exalted (Capricorn): Average Western Citizen
Idealism which is the power to see the vision and to direct one’s course towards it. This is the work of Mars, the expression of the sixth ray. The Planetary Ruler of a Hierarchy.—In this particular case, this planet is Mars, ruling the sixth Creative Hierarchy, the lunar Lords (the elementals of the threefold personality) who have to be brought under the control of the solar Lord.
Fixed-Mutable Cross > Wheel Direction Osculation > Mars Rules (Aries): Advanced Man & Probationary Disciple
Fixed-Cardinal Cross > Reverse Wheel > Mars Detriment (Libra): Disciple & Probationary Initiate
Esoteric Mars rules the inner life of the three-fold personality as well as the physical body. It does this by relating and blending of opposites giving each side an aspect of its opposite. Mars makes available magnetic attraction energy from Taurus-Scorpio to relate opposites. Healing or integration through Mars is a process of undoing the past to make way for the future. Vulcan and Mars together are significant in securing the transfiguration of the personality after the death of personality desires and ambitions. In Scorpio, the death of personality desires and ambitions releases the mind into full governing activity in stages and produces a revelation of liberation and service.
This personality death takes place through the influences of Mars and Pluto. They permit the escape from the lower three worlds to effect mental illumination by the soul. The eventual Pisces death to eternal resurrection is initiated in Scorpio through the merging of dualities through the Marian influence.
“… Ancient One dies by drowning. Such is the test. The waters envelop him and there is no escape. He drowns. The fires of passion are then quenched. The life of desire ceases its appeal and to the bottom of the lake he now descends. Later, he re-ascends to Earth where the white horse waits his coming. And this he mounts, proceeding towards the second death” (that is, towards Pisces).
The disciple has now to demonstrate the strength, character and quality which he has unfolded and developed within himself during his long pilgrimage. He started in Aries with Mars ruling, and the great the lunar lords of the form nature who must eventually be sacrificed to the higher spiritual aspect and brought under the control of the solar Angel. The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation. It must consequently never be forgotten that Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent and not a malefic factor, as is so often supposed. When we come to study the Hierarchies and their relation to the signs, certain points which are at present obscure will be clarified. This we shall do when dealing with our final point in this section upon astrology and the rays. We shall then find that Scorpio rules and governs the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human from the angle of the soul and not from the angle of the lower nature. The final struggle in Scorpio only takes place when the point of balance between soul and body has been reached in Libra and it is in Scorpio that the preponderance of the spiritual energy is imposed upon the lower personal forces. Scorpio governs “the initiates,” which is the true esoteric name of man, and through its hierarchical planetary ruler, the Sons of Mind, the Messengers of Deity are revealed, but it is through Mars and the Martian activity that the revelation comes about.
The conflict which produces these stages in consciousness is fostered by the indirect influence of the planet Mars. Mars carries the war into the very depth of circumstance, environment and being, and confers at the same time such devotion to the visioned objective—as seen at any particular point upon the path—that final failure is rendered impossible. Towards the end of the evolutionary process, the disciple begins to respond consciously to the fourth indirect influence—that of Pluto, producing the death of the hindering factors and of all that prevents synthesis.
Mars embodies sixth ray force to cause a change which leads to idealism, destructive fanaticism frequently, struggle, strife, war, effort and evolution. God’s idea in Aries becomes the concrete plan in Capricorn whether that objective is the full flower of the planetary life in all its forms, the ambition of a personality working out its own ideas and ambitious worldly projects or the spiritual aspiration (worldly ambition transmuted into its higher aspect) of the initiate, who seeks to work out God’s plans and make them his own. In every case, Mars leads to the battle ground of Scorpio. EA, pg. 100-101
Cardinal Cross > Multi-Wheel > Mars Falls (Cancer): World Disciple & Initiate
Esoteric Interpretation Summary – Venus, Uranus, Mercury
The following rule captures the success of the Labor of Hercules in Aries after the influences of the three exoteric decanate planetary rulers influences (clockwise) of Jupiter, Sun, Mars working through the three esoteric decanate planetary rulers’ influences (counter-clockwise) Venus, Uranus, and Mercury and are blending their normal and reversed wheel conditioning influences. Thus, Venus thru Jupiter 0-10, Sun veiling Pluto thru Sun 10-20 and Mercury thru Mars 20-30.
Rule I: For Disciples and Initiates: Within the fire of mind, focussed within the head’s clear light, let the group stand. The burning ground has done its work. The clear cold light shines forth and cold it is and yet the heat—evoked by the group love—permits the warmth of energetic moving out. Behind the group there stands the Door. Before them opens out the Way. Together let the band of brothers onward move—out of the fire, into the cold, and toward a newer tension. R&I, p.19
Composed by HZ 2018-2023.
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part II (Recreation, Regeneration, Reorientation, and Renunciation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part III (Cycle of Maturation & Cycle of Integration)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IV (Cycles of Jupiter, The Four Seasons, The Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part V (Seven Crises of the Soul & Cycles of Evolution, Aspiration, and Initiation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VII (A Sequence of the 14 Rules for Initiation) Revised 6/25/23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIa (12 Final Tests & Summation of “Labors of Hercules”)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIc (Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIId (Cycles of Jupiter, Twelve Tests, & Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIe (4-Seasonal Stages, 4-Dharmic Wheels,12-Houses & 36-Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIf (Three Rules for Determining Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIII (60 Major Astrological/Cosmological Influences during the Tests of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IX (Seven Stages of Discipleship) Revised 06.24.23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part X (Introduction to Cycles or Stages of Planetary Integration)