Nicholas Roerich Museum

Raja Yoga & Exterior and Interior Mind-Etheric Brain Map Models

I. Raja Yoga & Exterior Etheric Head 3D Map Symbolic Energetic Model (An Introduction Only):

It is wise to remember that “space is an entity”—as H.P.B. expressed it. ….. The disciple then begins to study himself in relation to this “all-enveloping Entity,” to ascertain the “direction” from which the various energies (which empower his life and motivate his actions) come, and to familiarize himself gradually in “the location of these power stations and of those radiant centers of light which—founded by the divine Creator—are the sources of life and the origin of light and knowledge.” Thus is it expressed in the ancient archives which, at times, I attempt to translate for you:


Direction. Time. Space. With these concepts in mind, occult information begins to assume a new and deeply esoteric importance. They can be studied in two ways by the disciple (and it is for disciples I write):

As indicating the direction in time and space from whence motivating energy and illumining love can make an impact upon the receptive disciple.

As indicating (again in time and space) the direction in which the energies, manipulated by the disciple, must go as he learns to cooperate with, and work out, the hierarchical Plan. This is the positive and not the negative aspect of these words. (Bailey, 1955, p. 396)


This is an introduction to a model for discriminating an identity or a Source Entity of a subjective contact in meditation.  It represents a vibrational response developed inadvertently over time as sensitization occurred to the etheric brain’s system or organization of its “vital airs” phenomena which took place during contemplation or Samadhi and recorded.  The model’s existence is due to the workings of the Law of Synthesis and the Law of Attraction and upon the fact that the lower centers need be raised and their respective transmuted forces being organized and synthesized in the head center as given per the Science of the Path’s given theories.  This “map model” can act as a secondary tool for validation of a source of an entity or group of entities contacted subjectively and received in contemplation and meditation. I call it the Exterior Etheric Head Being 3-D Map Symbolic Energetic Model (E-MAP) for lack of a better term. It can be visualized as being shaped as a 3-D spiral-cyclical cone shaped sphere with 18 concentric circles beginning above the head and ending at the top of the ears. Please keep in mind that the Map has reference to only the etheric surface portion but the inside portion relates to another objective model or chart by which multi-dimensional dynamic mental-etheric brain (symbolic) visual causal events can be concretized and interpreted which I am calling the Interior Head Being Multi-dimensional Map  (I-MAP)and it is used to better discern the context, content and causative nature of a contact’s impression but given its great complexity it will only be introduced below.  The E-MAP model is used to discriminate all Source Entity based upon directional vibration related contacts/impacts subjectively received in meditation/contemplation.


The 18 concentric circles are not arbitrary but represent actual areas where directional Source impacts or vibrations register upon the surface radiation of the vital airs or vibrations. Per Law of Vibration Master D.K. states:

Each note has six subtones, which, with the first, make the seven; the Law of Vibration, therefore, comprises eighteen lesser vibrations and three major, making the twenty-one of our three systems.  Two multiplied by nine (2×9), makes the necessary eighteen, which is the key number of our love system.  Twenty-seven holds hid the mystery of the third system. (Bailey, 1925, p. 574)

In general, the different entry points upon the spiral-cyclical bands represent different entity Sources of embodied ideas composed of concrete concepts or contacts and assists in the discernment of a specific purpose.  Imagine looking down on a set of 18 concentric circles with a cross drawn through the center.  Now divide into 360 degrees.

The intent was to map out 2882 contact points on 18 3D concentric circles per training exercise.  It would be useful some day for occult students to compare their findings. Some examples are listed below for clarification per the E-Map model of hypothetical Sources with hypothetical degrees and should be perceived as experimental variables. Although, the way E-Map model Sources were generally named does not lend itself to this model as it requires a more specific vibration from within this grouping as noted below. These contacts also can be understood as an externalization of service related subjective work related to forms of Spiritual Reading in its technical since as defined by Light of the Soul by A.A.B. Please keep in mind that the progressive occult constitutional naming of a Source contact is a developing art of those who progress in contemplation mastery. Please see examples below to assist in clarification:

Guardian Devas of Individuals (9th concentric circle, SE at 100 degrees per one example)

Individual & personality Group Sheath Lives (17th concentric circle with differing degrees per sheath)

1st sub-ashram of the 5th ashram (5th concentric circle, NW at 275 degrees)

Gold/White Deva (9th concentric circle, SW at 205 degrees)

An Egoic Group Soul (7th concentric circle, NW 334 degrees)

Sub-Personality (16th concentric circle, NW at 345 degrees per one example)


It is important that the disciple register a sense of completion in understanding a particular Source of guidance coming in from some particular set of Sources in this respect as a means for right perception.  It would be most valuable if one could map out the 2882 theoretical and suppositional points on the 18 concentric circles.  This has not been completed as it was not prioritized. Basically thought-forms formed within the concrete mind are either soul impacted (organized by soul) or not soul impacted (organized by personality). The difference is apparent due to underlying quality of energy.  Also, soul impacted thought-forms can also be spirit impacted and again can be discriminated due to quality of energy.

There was an initial 40 or so subjective Source Entities that were experimented with per the E-Map as to directional Source impacts evoked per  various service related soul impacted Spiritual Readings.  Please see examples of such below:

Example of subjective Source entities related more to Spirit or Spiritual Soul and/or Son of Mind directly or indirectly:

Ashram Divine Soul

Monadic Divine Soul

Hierarchy as a Unit


Angel of Presence

Divine Mother

Mind of God-Planetary


Individualized Devas

Green and Gold Color Devas

Group of Saints

Group of Enlighten Beings

Ray Soul Group

Triad Ensouling Entity


Examples of subjective Source entities related to the Son of Mind directly or indirectly:

NGWS Group Soul

Son of Mind

Planetary Causal Angels (field)

Soul of Humanity

Guardian Angels

ET Soul Group

Egoic Group 1

Egoic Group 2

Egoic Group 3

Egoic Group 4

Soul Group of Initiates

Soul Group related to Past Lives

World Soul

Divine Soul

Some Examples of subjective Source entities related to both the Personality Mind and Son of Mind Line:

Group of 14

Group of 9

Group of 4

Group of 12

Anima Mundi

Animal Soul

Vegetable Soul

Mineral Soul

Humanity as a Personality

Idea Group

Mentor Group

Pioneer Group

Group of Pretenders (kama-manasic thought-forms)

Large Diverse set of Specialized Knowledge Groupings of Personality Minds accessed for Guidance


II. Raja Yoga & The Interior Concrete Mind-Etheric Head Multi-Dimensional Map Model (An Introduction Only):

The student of the new era will approach much that he has to master through the medium of the eye, learning thereby to appreciate and solve that which is presented to him in the form of lines and diagrams.  All is symbol and these symbols must be mastered. Alice A. Bailey, Treatise of White Magic, p. 1231

It must also be borne in mind that students who approach the subject of SPIRIT need to grasp the following facts.

Whilst in manifestation and therefore during the period of an entire solar system, it is not possible for the highest Dhyan Chohan to think in terms of the negation of organised substance and of the non-existence of form.  The goal of realisation for man is consciousness of the nature of the Soul, the medium through which the Spirit aspect, ever works.  More it is not possible for him to do. Alice A. Bailey, Treatise Cosmic Fire, pp.1231-1232


All monadic dharmic or purpose knowledge and ashramic plan related knowledge has to be gained through various forms of vision such as inner spiritual vision and pure vision and at times combined with 4th and 5th dimensional vision where there is  an alignment of the various Eyes and reified as patterns or symbols and lines to the discerning mind-etheric brain. In the monad, it is the “sound which geometrically forces itself into the vision of the beholder” – “God Geometrizes.”

Earlier I pointed out that the sound of the A.U.M., the sound of the O.M. and the SOUND itself are all related to vibration and to its differing and varied effects.  The secret of the Law of Vibration is progressively revealed as people learn to sound forth the Word in its three aspects. Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and The Initiations, p. 54

The Interior Head Multi-Dimensional Map Model (I-MAP) represents a directional entry point of a vibrational source and is directed related to the ability of one to be magnetically sensitive to impression from that “direction in space” referenced by the E-Map discussed above.  The impression content can be seen to be localized within certain hypothetical (4500) particular fields consisting of multi-dimensions.  Theoretically these fields refer to areas within 4D/5D space that that can be discriminated and apperceived by the Son of Mind and registered in the concrete mind and recorded in the brain. Visually, one can perceive dynamic 3-D areas of impact and draw this in 2-D.  I have not tried to concretize all theoretical fields in 2-D but keep in mind the visual symbols are also in movement in some theoretical time-frame which have to be captured in 2-D for reproduction purposes which looks like a bunch of lines going different directions within an x, y, z axis with geometry, light and color with texture qualifications. Thus, all cosmic, solar, planetary, and stellar causative patterns of relationships can be represented using this method.

In my own case there is a preference not to draw out these relationships of the entities or groups concerned but discern them conceptually through touching them with the mind and interpreting per pure vision. Drawing them out assists in verification of interpretation using other microcosm senses and provides valuable practice in visualization or to reify a chart for teaching or recording purposes.

The I-Map relates to mental symbolic dynamic events as introduced below.  The dynamic energy and force directions and form symbols can be equated to purpose.  An entry point is directly related to the ability of unit to be sensitive to a particular qualified field which includes 4500 fields within 4D and 5D quadrants.  Length, breath, depth, and movement in time within multidimensional inner space itself that gives rise to apperception and eventual perception.

In working with several different people having symbolic vision and clairvoyant senses developed (but not pure or spiritual vision) which can see clearly these incoming impressions (but on a kama-manasic level) according to their development but the issue for all of them is the correct interpretation or correct perception.  Other senses and visions really need to be used if the meaning, significance, and purpose is to be apperceived correctly such as pure vision of the soul.  The Light of the Soul by A.A.B. gives a good definition of this form of vision and correctly states that is does produce wrong perception used by itself particularly but it is still necessary to develop it and have an understanding of its uses when it is unfolding.

Symbolic vision.  This is a faculty of the mental body and the factor which produces the seeing of colors, of geometrical symbols, fourth dimensional sight, and those dreams and visions which are the result of mental activity, and not of astral sight.  Frequently these visions have a quality of prevision. These four types of vision (HZ: physical, etheric, clairvoyance, symbolic) are the cause of wrong perception and will only produce illusion and error until that time when the higher forms of vision, enumerated below, supersede them.  These higher forms of sight (HZ: Pure Vision, Spiritual Vision, Cosmic Sight) include the lower.


I-MAP Model Symbolic Variables Introduced

Cosmic, solar, planetary, and stellar causative relationship charts (causative event models) imply continuity of consciousness from triadal planes along the Antahkarana. Master D.K.’s 7th Meditation (along with the earlier six meditation exercises in Discipleship in the New Age volume 1 and 2 assists the disciple to develop this type of vision.

It is my opinion that the I-MAP model depicts a model for devic communication and is only partially externalized into brain consciousness in my case due to its complexity and lack of real interest in reifying it. It is only introduced here referencing only a few variables. The disciple needs to develop it and retain it on mental body levels for soul impacted communication. One can interpret contacted causative energy patterns from devic lives using other microcosmic senses as well, such as comprehension and intuition other than inner sight.  One can pass these evoked communications into brain awareness using higher psychometry and spiritual telepathy as examples. In author’s case it is much more difficult and less accurate to use the concrete mind to interpret complex dynamic patterns based upon forms of symbolic vision. I witnessed this also in the case for others given the limitations of symbolic vision used by itself as a form of communication. The more microcosmic sense used to communicate and interpret the more inclusive and accurate it will be. Soul impacted thought-forms utilize the pure vision of the soul in combination with other microcosmic senses.

Soul impacted telepathy processes requires soul-mind-brain alignment through the breath. In general, how do we know when we are aligned with the soul in this capacity? There are four ways and these ways manifest together in some way or another:

  • You become aware energetically in either the forehead, top of the head, or back of the heart of more energy but thoughtforms are created in the back of the throat.
  • You are at peace with yourself and others.
  • You are at a point of spiritual invocative tension which means your energy fields are pranically balanced (on all three bodies)—neither to the right or left, top or bottom, inside or out.
  • You will demonstrate these four qualities: objectivity; stillness; self-acceptance; and spiritual presence.

Image a sphere with a square drawn within it and a 3D cross drawn within it; this takes place within the inner head space.  This space represents the eye of vision’s symbolically reifying of a dynamic event or of set of events qualifying some livingness of some life form or entity using higher clairvoyance.

Each 3D entry point is in effect a multi-dimensional pattern that enters the interior of the 18 concentric circled conal shaped E-MAP and is causally related to the ability of unit to be sensitive to a particular cosmic, solar, or planetary causation field composed of a theoretical 4500 set of fields or 4D and 5D quadrants.  4D dimension or time is correlated to 3D angular direction from past to future as it moves from back to front of sphere. Length, breath, depth, movement in multi-dimensionality.  These variables of inner space itself gives rise to perception. To assist in visualizing what this interior symbolic causative model may look like one can correlate it with a 3D astrological chart symbolized normally as a 2D model composed of 12 pie sections. Even though this is a simplification it is useful for drawing out one’s multi-dimensional visions for later memory reference as necessary.

This symbolic head I-MAP model can be described by 420 general categories and/or concepts.  I will introduce a few of these concept categories herein for example:

  1. Periphery of sphere: Indicates subject matter input of some sort (source and context)
  2. Center area indicates Ideal
  3. Center Area Top to Bottom indicates time or Being descending to manifest (less or more descended)
  4. Center area side to side indicates form creation (more towards left more form embodiment.)
  5. Top Left Corner as above: signifies entry from the Will or Life side
  6. Top Right Corner as above: signifies entry from Creative intelligence–Form side
  7. Bottom Left Corner: signifies exit if to edge of corner; indicates relationship of subject to appearances of form
  8. Bottom Right Corner: indicates relationship of subject to impressions
  9. Order (6): First things see indicates central theme of subject
  10. Order: area first appears indicates qualification of subject
  11. Shading: Thicker line represent more intent
  12. Shading: Brighter area represent stronger resonance with subject
  13. Degrees: relative nature of command of subject (more towards zero the more command of subject in terms of purpose—could be reification.
  14. Whole upper section indicates more formless
  15. Whole bottom section parallels more formless in its duality
  16. Diagram indicates ascending order of causation
  17. Lines in the diagram indicate connection points between the subject’s variables
  18. Curves in the diagram indicate consciousness
  19. Wiggly lines indicate directional changes
  20. Real thin faint lines indicate uncertainty
  21. Opposition lines (90 degrees) indicate difficulty

Divide circle on outside of square into 12 equal zones.  11-12=#1: All beings coming in this space from circle are cosmic beings depicting intention=extra systemic.  All space within square represent conditioning causative space related to these beings.

  1. 12-1: All beings coming into this space from circle are cosmic beings depicting form ensoulment. All space within square represent conditioning causative space related to these beings.
  2. 10-11: systemic beings–Intention, etc.
  3. 1-2: Systemic beings—Form ensoulment
  4. 9-10: Positive impression/influences from environment; other forms of guidance.
  5. 2-3: Outer influences/impressions from inner life; creative forms
  6. 8-9: Relative perfection of vehicle of expression in manifestation.
  7. 3-4: Need to terminate some vehicle of expression
  8. 7-8: Development of vehicle of expression
  9. 4-5: Change/alter vehicle of expression
  10. 6-7: Pre-existing vehicle–to give birth to a vehicle of expression.
  11. 5-6: Existing vehicles—need to perfect or harmonizing the existing vehicle of expression
  12. 24 facets of a diamond (the way the point of light create line movement—towards right, left, front, back)
  13. Front: things are/need to act on now (top left represents future); (top right represents past)
  14. Right: things are/need developing (top past)
  15. Rear: things are/need to do later (top left corner formulated for later)
  16. Left: things relatively complete (top future)
  17. Could break these down into six-fold areas within other areas
  18. Colors: 8 Examples
  • Ice Blue: Devic ensouling form of… (realization of something needs to be created)
  • Rose: devotional openness/positive identification with form of…
  • Dark Blue: positive identification with (devotional, religious, mystical, inner life) intention for…
  • Grey white: not fully developed…
  • Grey black: fully developed…(manifest on whatever level)
  • Red Violet: identification with pain/suffering because one has positive reasons for being there…
  • Pale Turquoise: Realization of one’s Self in some way.
  • Apricot: love of humanity or identification with the group…


Various other sets of Symbols:

  1. Mapping the terrain:
  2. Geometrical Symbols: mental concepts/precepts/organization
  3. Birds: movement of intentions in some way
  4. Many legged animals—more than four: ego centric fulfilling aspects
  5. Four legged animals: emotional ways of relating to world
  6. Nature elements: qualities of substance; usually out of balance
  7. Bodies of waters: aspects of karma
  8. Topography: ways of being with yourself in the world
  9. Times: events suggestive of causation
  10. Elementals: characterization of a pattern strongly identified with.
  11. Archetypes: Ways of organizing ways which leads to ways of relating to inner & outer world.
  12. Built things: Ways of adding a quality to a situation
  13. Triadal forms (3D/Geo-solids with color/movement normally) way of showing relationship between causative elements (personality-effects) have to apperceive the source.
  14. Textures of colors: 36 (qualities)
  • flat: matter of fact
  • shiny/reflective: putting on a show
  • neon: ET
  • irradiant: freeing, evolving,
  • soft glow: nurturing, germinating
  • dense; full
  • ephemeral: bridge between
  • clear: clear intent
  • profound: deep/depth
  • watery: fluid
  • pastel: personal feelings/thoughts
  • bright: outgoing; expediency; expressive
  • satin/reflective: lascivious
  • metallic/reflective: reverberation; hardness
  • lumpy: undigested
  • patterned: differentiated/exacted
  • wooden: determined; creative
  • translucent: sensitive
  • fiery/blazing: consuming
  • matte: superficial
  • striated: un-integrated
  • muddy; i.e., karmic memory
  • fresh: new
  • rudimentary: 8 basic colors: gold, silver, red, orange, green, yellow, blue, violet: levels
  • ruff/pitted: aggressive
  • limpid: passive/relaxed/laid back
  • efflorescent: salvaged; redeemable
  • crinkled: absorbing/hiding
  • sordid: depressive; non-responsive
  • perfumed: uplifting
  • intense: self-validating
  1. Color on triadal plane (160)
  2. Numbers (99)
  3. Language/words/letters (26)
  4. Systematization of Chart 14
  5. Layout in certain areas 26
  6. –1. Ideal point: can be any place in sphere: the place of being that reflects the intent of subjective needs to be or is at within themselves.
  7. –2. Line of being represents the possibilities available for being. Floats in sphere along with ideal being point and horizontal line (relationship between subject’s subjective and objective environment).
  8. –3. Each line in sphere can be analyzed from at least four points of view:
  9. –beginning point; end point; angularity; special orientation (Master D.K.’s meditation #7).
  10. One’s development of the ability to see images will permit by degree of continuity of consciousness from monadic plane—rainbow bridge.

Composed by HZ. Soul Impacted Impressions received in Meditation.

Experimental Directional Antahkarana Training Meditation
Raja Yoga & Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain Alignment & Rule No. 20 – A Review