Nicholas Roerich Museum - From Beyond

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

The Science of Subjective Spiritual Guidance – A Practicum – Some Proposed Training Proffered (17 Normal Pages)

(Please note that these lessons are presented in a very simplified and shortened style. These lessons and exercises are taken from an outline prepared for an in person set of workshops where concepts could be further expanded on as needed.

If you want a more analytical, technical, and in-depth esoteric view please review the many esoteric publications available such as Alice A. Bailey’s works or Theosophical related Works and other more in depth posts on this website especially the “Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages” posts which are highly technical. These following lessons and exercises is intended to be more pragmatic and experiential as opposed to theoretical.)


This proposed practicum to enhance Soul-Mind-Brain alignment is presented in very basic sets of theory and exercises which hopefully build upon each other.

I. “Subjective Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction”.  Is a general topic introduction to the nature of Soul-Mind-Brain alignment intents. It lists other similar Spiritual Guidance training posts available. (Posted)


II. “Spiritual Guidance II – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – The Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop – Lessons & Exercises”: This includes many Psycho-Synthesis Guided Meditation Exercises.” This workshop was given several times with successful results by participants as an introduction to receiving subjective information from themselves outside of cell memory. It has many exercises mostly consisting of guided meditation types. It introduces one of the most important techniques for moving into the unknown which is the Body Presence technique. The reason being is the psychical dimension is a direct reflection of the causal dimension and the etheric is a direct reflection of the mental dimension. (Posted)


III. “Subjective Guidance III – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Lessons & Exercises”: This posting covers several lessons with exercises as follows: Lesson 1: Four Fold Breath related; Session 2: Sources of Guidance; Session 3: Psychic Senses related; and Session 4: Self-Mastery. (Posted)


IV. “Subjective Guidance IV– Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Physical Body – Lessons & Exercises”: This posting covers several lessons on the esoteric and occult nature of the mental body not normally available. This discussion is slanted to the sciences of spiritual psychology and spiritual guidance. (Not Posted Yet)


V. “Subjective Guidance V– Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Mental Body – Lessons & Exercises”: This posting covers several lessons on the esoteric and occult nature of the mental body not normally available. This discussion is slanted to the sciences of spiritual psychology and spiritual guidance. (Not Posted Yet)


VI. “Subjective Guidance VI – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Organizing the Heart, Life & Mind – Lessons & Exercises”: This posting covers several lessons with exercises on the healing, opening and organizing of the heart; life and the mind. (Not Posted Yet)

The Organizing of the Heart is an earlier post with many exercises towards self-discovery. It uses the Body Presence and Heart Presence technique to explore one’s nature and means for organizing of the heart. Its sections are listed below:

The organizing of one’s heart is the first requirement for brain, mind, soul communication as the heart symbolizes the vehicle of the second major aspect or Self as Son of Mind.  Later it gives way to the Son of God or the first major aspect of Self as reflecting the Divine Soul from one point of view. To organize ones Heart is unique to each individual and consists of the following 40 processes as these carried out and demonstrated eventually purifies the vital, emotional, and mental sheaths.

  1. Addressing your integration priorities.
  2. Addressing your prioritized real needs in respect to soul, mind, brain communication.
  3. Understanding your past lives in respect to this one.
  4. Understanding of why people are in your life.
  5. Integrate with the fifth kingdom.
  6. Organize your values.
  7. Obey your guidance from the soul.
  8. Listen to spirit.
  9. Guide yourself through your personality.
  10. Discover life’s purpose.
  11. Discover your group contribution.
  12. Discovering your gifts
  13. Relinquish these karmic forms gained.
  14. Heal your emotional body.
  15. Dis-identify from your sub-personalities.
  16. Discover your dweller.
  17. Understand your karmic pattern.
  18. Re-create your environment.
  19. Acknowledge the One Life.
  20. Bear witness to the future of humanity.
  21. Disregard the past.
  22. Creating Your Future Service
  23. Re-Create yourself.
  24. Acknowledge your greatness.
  25. Organize your mind.
  26. Organize your life.
  27. Discipline Yourself.
  28. Evolve beliefs and concepts to be inclusive of the One Life.
  29. Discover the unknown within you.
  30. Open or heal your heart.
  31. Know your duties and responsibilities.
  32. Secure Grace.
  33. Love and Honor yourself.
  34. Know Your Individualistic characteristics and qualities.
  35. Discover your Service & Related Group(s). (6)
  36. Listen to Divine Mother (6)
  37. Enlighten Your three minds.
  38. Unfolding certain spiritual qualities needing to be developed.
  39. Complete first half of the bridge or Antahkarana.
  40. Create a plan in concert with the One Plan. (6)


VII.Subjective Guidance VII – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Raja Yoga – Lessons & Exercises”. This is an introduction also of various Raja Yoga related lessons and exercises developed over the years beginning in 1991. It is built upon the above set of lessons, exercises, experimentations but requires formal meditation or contemplation as a soul where the above training does not. Some of these exercises are listed or to be below “Raja Yoga & Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain Alignment & Rule No. 20 – A Review” post.


VIII. “Subjective Guidance VIII– Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Art of Spiritual Kinesiology – Lessons & Exercises”: This posting covers several lessons with exercises as follows: The Art of Spiritual Kinesiology was used as a basis for investigating the potential development of Spiritual Evaluations as a basis for increasing one’s speed of sensitivity and microcosmic sense unfoldment among many other possible uses. I developed a special set of techniques to create a system for detailed feedback while experimenting with receiving invoked spiritual guidance related information in meditation from a variety of sources using both soul impacted and non-soul impacted sources.

This is the presentation of a form of Spiritual Kinesiology methods developed over the years in concert with various Raja Yoga techniques using also the research of others which I altered through experimentation and built upon. This series of methods and experimentations also included the development of a practicum, or a workshop presented to others which was focused on discovering one’s various types of karma.


A Spiritual Psychology Training Proffering.

As a rule, it is significant to never unfold your lower psychic senses or abilities before you unfold your  higher psychic senses or abilities. The reason being that this will hinder you in unfolding the higher one’s for various reasons. Plus, being pulled into the lower psychic vibrations is psychologically stressful and moves one away from discovering the truth of things. They can be useful as a form of service after one has integrated the personality and soul. 

This higher Psychic unfoldment takes place through the demonstrating of the Eight Means to Yoga and the Eight Limbs of Yoga through Raja Yoga.  It is basically the first major stage of integrating the major three periodic vehicles and unfolding of your spiritual path.  It is only a means and not a destination. 


The Eight Means to Yoga are indeed significant to master any soul related subjective guidance processes as well as safeguard you. And until all eight are demonstrated in some successful capacity (as well as the first five “limbs of yoga”) it is probably not useful to begin this subjective guidance training other than the healing of one’s heart.  Basically, this guidance process is a Raja Yoga process. The topics herein is intended to forward the demonstrating to some degree the means of yoga and thus a necessary undertaking to advance the development of one’s higher psychic microcosmic sense related abilities to be used for service of the One Plan.

In this herein discussion below it is mentioned that success in performing spiritual related evaluations is due mainly to the organizing of the heart followed by the organizing of one’s life and mind according to the soul’s intent. Basically, this organization perfection symbolizing soul purpose forwards further development of the higher microcosm senses but only as a first stage of further spirit-soul-personality integration.

This particular organization nature and content is mainly due to the nature of group karma needing to be addressed by each of us. This really is a salvation of substance process through the redemption of consciousness.

Eight Means of Yoga:

Right Understanding

Right Thought

Right Speech

Right Action

Right Livelihood

Right Effort

Right Mindfulness

Right Concentration


Furthermore, the eight limbs of yoga follow from these eight means of yoga and these should be studied and demonstrated equally by all of us that wish to achieve union of our major three sets of periodic vehicles (spirt, soul, and personality). 


Eight Limbs of Yoga:

Five Yamas

Five Niyamas








The purpose of this basic theory introduction and these practical exercises is basically two-fold.  First it is to align the readers with a sense of doable be wonderment about accessing information from their own subjective life or nature focused upon psychological related subjective evaluations in service to others. Secondly, and more importantly, it is to assist in the betterment of their abilities to do this effectively and accurately depending upon their available evolutionary and karmic capacities. In other words, it is a sort of test to see how ready each of the readers are to presenting to themselves a challenge in this regard to move forward more effectively and successfully in their lives now subjectively to assist others and through this assist themselves. No one who reads this will understand the degree of difficulty in mastering this subjective information in a practical format without any question as to its source authority, its source accuracy, and ultimate purposeful usefulness. No one will ultimately understand until they sit upon the “Throne” (with crown, robe, winged sandals, and staff) or “Seat of the Soul” and know themselves in this manner. Also, regardless of what you may think no one will be able to master this successfully this lifetime unless they have spent previous lifetimes in its pursuit but they can become proficient in various ways. I therefore shrink in even summarizing the enormity of this” spiritual guidance” topic or sub-topic of Spiritual Psychology and therefore just present one practical working way for those that want to experiment to move forward in demonstrating to themselves their likeness to the task in hand. This was my way, but it is only one of an infinite number of small ways I imagine. Each will approach it according to their capacities and their karmic paths. Therefore, believe in yourself and go in peace always and be satisfied with your accomplishments, no matter what they may be, and let the future determine your past in the present.  Above all just persist and persevere!

Expert advice is sought by us all at times in every area of life and expectations of not receiving it are universal. There are few, very few, that can say with any authority anything that will guarantee one’s ultimate good and in this way the world moves forward into the light of day guided by an invisible hand (Cosmic Law of Synthesis, Law of Economy, the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Karma).  It is this invisible hand that this book will hope to make more visible so one can easily grasp it and walk in more light and thus “walk humbly with their god”.

I started on this journey like many others seeking the truth of my existence and the existence of us all and thus the cause for everything but found along the way a relative pathway towards Truth – the Truth is innate within our substance.  It is this substance that corresponds to our reality and potential and it is also only this substance that we have available to discover the Truth of All. Truth is not a philosophical ideal, but it is inherent within the body or substance of deity itself or thus our substance. Unfortunately, the Truth is veiled by qualified patterns and their abstract forms and veiled again in words used to describe such.


In every triplicity, there are three major qualities manifesting or three basic energies seeking expression and influence. As he manifests in time and space, man discovers this to be true and to constitute a law in nature, and it might be said that the task of the disciple is to become consciously aware—like a detached onlooking Observer—of these energies and their expressing qualities as they function within himself. This he does upon the Path of Probation, the Path of Discipleship and the Path of Initiation. He has to become aware of:

  1. The threefold energy which is the personality, and of which the vital body is the synthetic expression.
  2. The threefold soul of which the egoic lotus is the expression.
  3. The triple monad of which a great diffusion in time and space in three streams of creative energy is the expression.

This last definition is somewhat meaningless to the uninitiate but must suffice. There is a manifesting aspect in all these triplicities which is the result of, and conditioned by, the interplay of the three forces. It is their full expression and the result of their successful activity.

  1. In the personality, it is the physical body.
  2. In the soul, it is the unfolded central bud within the egoic lotus.
  3. In the monad, it is the “sound which geometrically forces itself into the vision of the beholder”—a deeply esoteric mode of symbolising that which cannot be expressed or reduced to the tangibility of form. EA, p. 414


This over all heuristic analysis and particularly this discussion is about this journey into universal causation and discovery of the unknown by way of working with substance of deity qualified (energy and forces).  First, I need to define substance as that entified and qualified force fields inherent within one’s three-fold periodic vehicles – monadic sheaths, egoic lotus sheaths, and personality sheaths, whether a human unit or of a higher evolved Life. This substance itself comes to light when we seek to discover the nature of ourselves and the world within and around us and what it will potentially be.  The Soul is basically the entity that progresses this substance unfoldment per its alignments life to life with various planetary, systemic, and cosmic forces.

It is the nature of this substance that lashes us or frees us from life events signifying a way of travel.  It is substance we use to monitor our consciousness, health, and wellbeing.  It is this substance that represents our life, karmic, spiritual, and occult path.  It is the truth behind the concept that we are the path itself.  Happiness, joy and bliss have everything to do with substance and it is the one path we all have in common.  Recognize this and you have recognized your oneness in the universe.  Pragmatize daily these three patterns of beingness and master yourself is my suggestion.

Let us of course begin to get acquainted with those that have gone before us and thus have made us what we are and there are many.  Deep joy is called upon for making this inward journey into the unknown and the avoidance of periodic pain and suffering for one whom does not correctly perceive the signposts along the way.  It is these signposts that I want to speak towards now.  There are four particular basic ones based upon a set of real needs as opposed to apparent needs. It is these signposts that guide us into self-knowledge, knowledge of others, and knowledge of the One.

The first type of signpost is one’s ability to manifest the nurturing of oneself as a being of consciousness or light and work towards understanding the reason for one’s existence.  It is this reason for existence that potentially explains all and nurtures one’s conscious light of presence in the world.

The second type of signpost is your ability to see yourself in the light of the soul and know yourself with your weaknesses and virtues and work in and with life towards a direction the soul indicates.  These weaknesses and virtues are many and we come across them constantly in moving through the day as they are mirrored back by the group life moment to moment if the senses are awake enough to captures them.

There is another type of signpost presented to us each day that describes the way we need to travel to exert our influence on the world and balance the karmic way wherever we are at.  This is indicated by those around you indicating the way into their hearts and minds and it is in this way the weary traveler needs to turn. It is an option to falter or linger upon the way for a while to generate the necessary resources to again venture forward but each will find only that which they left behind until they recognize it as a real need to move forward.

There is another type of signpost that explains or exhibits a way to travel to secure our sense of ultimate beingness and the sharing in the fullness of life.  This signpost is exhibited continuously and magically upon the Way as we travel (to whatever destination). It is upon the road that one finds these signposts as there is no other way.

Each of these signposts explains our position upon the path of substance in indicates the way to go.  It is for this reason we share this information which is to better explain the coming of the One through the Lord so-to-speak within us and around us.

Our present beingness eventually needs to be understood in terms of causation. It needs to be perceived in a continuum of individual and group causation and beingness. It also needs to be perceived in terms of the nature of our guidance. What does all of this mean?

First of all, we have gathered out of our many past lives those various qualities required initially for this life thesis.

Second, it means we are not able to know ourselves in respect to our essential Self.

Third it means we are not capable yet of perceiving the cause of our present beingness outside of those people that mirror us.

Fourth, it means we are not yet able to see ourselves as in a continuum of beingness but only in the now what we are.


Those of you who have traveled a little further in your self-understanding do realize what I am saying. It is not possible to really understand this unless one is aware of those occult forces that compose oneself. Ordinarily, we determine our fate through an unconscious process that can be described as adjusting to our reactionary instincts.  These instincts never-the-less are a part of both our point in evolution and our point in our maturation process whether animal, human or spiritual instincts as we are an expression of all three in some proportion or another. These, in reality do, in the moment, decide our direction and fate. Each receives also according to their status, purpose, and plan.

How can one truly discern the reasons for and the nature of the various sources we receive impressions from? The question implies that there is a simple answer but there is not. In all likelihood the ability to receive impressions from various sources is due to the following four reasons and these reasons are complicated in belief:

The first reason is that your status as a soul determines the ability or should I say capacity to receive from certain types of sources in general.

Second reason is your ability to comprehend the nature of things constitutionally and this is normally understood to be occultly wise. One cannot correctly receive and understand from that they are unaware of within themselves.

Third reason is that you might not have demonstrated enough vision and grace as of yet to secure subjective assistance or training in gathering the teachings or guidance from the many through the One Life or from the One through the many and in this regard are not ready to receive from a great variety of Sources.

And lastly, life, is preparing you to do so. Each and every one of us are reaching for the stars continuously but finding ourselves still upon the land and in this way we must travel. In the end it is technically about substance resonance and chakra multi-dimensional development.


In fact, we are bombarded continuously by way of our major three-fold periodic set of vehicles (which defines the human unit) with impressions of every conceivable type and yet are not able to discern such or their content or the many sources in our brain awareness. Is it possible to discriminate correctly these invoked and un-invoked sources of impressions? How so? Where is our certainty?

Spiritual guidance training is designed to address these questions and others of equal significance and especially organize the mind to receive exactly what we need to meet some real need. There are many possible sources of impressions inwardly and outwardly so how do we know those from within or those from without?  These sources cover the complete gamut of all possible knowledge. Those of you who have experimented with these types of problems will agree that it has no easy explanation outside of pure knowingness or pure vision of the soul. Along with a good understanding of the occult constitution of a human unit and the planetary unit. Yet, only probable explanations can be made on account of the basic constitution of a human being and the planet is not yet an exact science.

Due to having different vehicles qualified by different forces it becomes more and more apparent to the developing sensitivities of one that they can first of all determine the content of an impression without knowing its source and likewise receive qualified energies without receiving content.  In other words, some can more easily discriminate qualified energies and some qualified content and these need to be discriminated through experience before one can determine the probable source of such. Evolution of substance and consciousness is the cause for our developing sensitivities, but we control the rate at which we evolve.

In respect to knowing whether the source was an inner or an outer impression, this is due to two objective reasons although there are more subjective causes.  First the type of inner senses one is using to register the impression and secondly to the degree of personality integration or personality vehicle of present identification. Each of these has additional factors which will explain a person’s process in this regard. In terms of the inner microcosmic senses, it is proposed that certain types of microcosmic senses are developed to receive certain types of dimensional sheath impressions.  Secondly, one’s point of periodic sheath integration determines their capacity and thus ability to unfold these related inner microcosmic senses used to register various sheath related  lower and higher psychic awareness’s.


Introduction to Soul-Mind-Brain Unfoldment – Some Basic Understandings and Exercises.

Session 0: Lesson 1:

There are many ways to teach this unfoldment process and I would like to discuss some of these here to introduce this process:

Ask yourself: Why am I here studying this topic? My opinion is that you are here because you were guided to be here by yourselves in some way. It is a rationalization to assume that the real reason is what you are holding as to why you are here, but I assert it is only a causative aspect of a larger unfolding pattern.


What you will learn if follow this experiential unfoldment intent. 6
Will learn why you are here.

Will learn why everyone else is here.

Will learn what you have in common with everyone else.

Will learn what it is to be a part of an esoteric grouping.

Will learn what it is you are being guided by every day.

Will learn to trust yourself more.


You will also need to be taught the basics in these areas:  6

In the area of invoking.

In the area of silence.

In the area of listening.

In the area of working with energies and forces subjectively.

In the area of learning to work with intention.

In the area of trusting impressions.


Examples in the different ways of using your psychic senses: 6

First of all, you need to establish an ability to recognize changes in your subjective environment.

Next you need to work with them in understanding your particular body sensing approach: 6

There are four ways of doing this:

First in terms of vibration.

Next in terms of vitality.

Next of awareness.

Next of quality.


Each of the four above must build upon the other to include them all.

It would be wise to understand this through the process of doing these exercises otherwise your experiences will be limited. It would be wise to experiment on a few simple examples to see where you are at in this ability: 3


Ask yourself and hold the silence for a sensing reply:

Am I at the correct level of vitality to do this exercise and listen.

Am I at the correct level of awareness and listen.

Am I at the correct level of quality and listen.


What are the rules for listening:  6

Need each of you to establish a relationship with your group soul (or soul) vibrationally when in meditation to better assist you in this process. This requires you to tune in to your heart center and mentally link with us as souls each time before you do an exercise.

Next you need to pay attention to your overall degree of relaxation as it is impossible to have the necessary invocative space if you get either excited or depressed.

Next you need to pay attention to your desires. The objective here is to have a neutral mind space with no expectations, but only belief and trust in the process.

Next you need to develop an understanding that whatever you receive needs to be received with complete and total spiritual indifference as well as emotional indifference – no judgements.

Next you need to develop the idea that whatever you receive cannot be understood at first glance and requires brooding upon.

Lastly, you need to decide now that whatever comes through is assumed to always be for your highest good as the universal laws of Economy, Attraction, and Synthesis, and Karma work in line with the Law of Compassion which also works under the Law of Freedom—something you cannot fully understand as of yet but hold it to be so theoretically.


The objective is to receive directly into the brain as the objective here. 6

First of all, whatever intent you are holding therefore will create evoke a response and this response will be through some created sense related form.

You need to know that it takes time for these to descend into the brain awareness and these form responses or awareness might not come in until later (such as in the shower which is the norm as showering creates auric space).

You need to know that you are always being watched for availability to bring in guidance from the group soul content.


You need to know that this knowledge that wants to come in is contingent upon several things: 6

Regarding whether or not you are karmically available or other reason to receive it from a particular source.

Upon whether or not it is karmically veiled (meaning not permitted to know).

Upon whether or not there is enough time.

Upon whether or not you will understand it yet.

Upon whether or not you will be opened to it in a balanced way and want to hear the truth.

Upon whether or not it is too personal


You need to know that you will be working as personalities as well as souls in this regard and that patience is required by you. You need to acquiesce to the following four principles to bring in subjective truth.

  • If you chose to stop wanting to accept what you are receiving.
  • If you unintentionally or intentionally psychically harm anyone.
  • If you ignore any warnings given by the soul consistently
  • If you intentionally or unintentionally shut down for any reason when presented the truth.


You need to establish a greater heart connection. 6

  • To do this requires that you hear others.
  • To do this requires that you hold others as spiritual beings.
  • To do this requires that you hold others as being in charge of their own lives.
  • To do this requires that you hold others as adequate to receive guidance.
  • To do this requires that you hold others as being your equal.
  • To do this requires that you hold others as eventually accomplishing this purpose or goals.


Session 0: Lesson 2:

You need to establish a goodwill relationship with those related to any subjective guidance topics and this requires you to do the following as it will assist in knowing others  as yourself.  Always align first with the heart and soul before holding a particular intent for information. Information retrieved through cell memory is not useful as a rule as opposed to information coming in outside of cell memory from soul related or soul impacted sources.  Thus, you need to know whether an impression is just a cell memory or one that is related to a cell memory.

Spend as much time as possible reflecting on yourself. Spend time getting following information. 6

What are your life goals?

What type of friends do you like to interact with?

What is the purpose of your life?

What makes you tick?

What type of relationships do you create in general?

What do you believe you contribute to those around you?


Do an evaluation on yourself to discover the following: 6

Discover your personality integration priorities.

Discover your sexual patterns.

Discover your relationship issues.

Discover your point of attainment evolutionarily.

Discover your ideal intimate relationship for you that would work.

Discover your abilities to do guidance work now.


Do an assessment, or have someone do one if available, of your potential, spiritually considered, per this soul’s life thesis: 12

Work on developing a way to organize this information to be useful.

Work on receiving guidance that will benefit you.

Try to bring in guidance that will assist you in case you cannot yet receive this type of guidance.

Bring in guidance that will benefit you in term s of developing yourselves such integration or healing needs.

Bring in guidance that will open your hearts.

Bring in guidance that will benefit your psyche.

Bring in guidance that will benefit your ability to see yourselves as a spiritual person.

Bring in guidance that will better adjust and/or eliminate future karma.

Bring in guidance that will adjust present karma.

Bring in guidance that will assist you in developing  your mental capacities.

Bring in guidance that will assist you in developing your personality integration with the soul.

Bring in guidance that will respond to your real needs.

Do an evaluation based upon what your really want to know.

Do an evaluation based on what you need to know (about you).


Practice and master the “Body Presence” technique to practice receiving non cell memory for gathering data through whatever senses you use to communicate with your body in terms of images, feelings, thoughts or words, energies in certain areas of the body. See “Spiritual Guidance I – Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop” under “Studies/Reviews” menu and do these exercises.

Next, spend some time to try to isolate the members of the group soul vibration. Can begin by just making a list of those entities which seem to be a part of your day to day life and/or thought and feeling content.

Next, spend some time to isolate your mind and feeling vibration as opposed to another. The simple goal here is to eventual know where a vibration is coming from especially either from you, your group soul content, or from outside of these two sources such as from the local environment.

As a rule it is impossible for one to receive guidance unless you are well hydrated and muscles stretched or flexible. Chakra related exercises are very useful to prepare for receiving guidance or one can just Hatha Yoga stretching postures without any pranayama. There is no one physical posture better than another thus use whatever is the most non-distracting.

The Eight Means to Yoga are indeed significant to master subjective guidance processes. And until the first five are well demonstrated probably not useful to begin this subjective guidance training.  Basically, this guidance process is a Raja Yoga process.


When sitting in meditation or for guidance you need to relax or disidentify from your emotional and mental bodies, and this requires you to do the following: 6

Need to put aside whatever happened before and to do this requires you to breath out the day and breath in the Soul.

Prevent yourselves from generating any new emotional or mental content through polarizing in their heart center and for this class or play some music when doing chakra and stretching exercises.

Can also visualize yourself as spiritual beings totally in charge of your thoughts and feelings.

Say the great invocation or any mantra or prayer that creates an aspiration focus or intent.

Intentions is the keynote for guidance as it effects alignment direction.

Let every experience or meditation be considered just an experiment in entering the unknown. Be the objective scientist.


It is impossible to receive guidance unless you are able to develop a universal paradigm base to interpret impressions within. Also, required is a well stocked mind of topics and concepts as well as a very good vocabulary.


Reflect on what it would be like to be responsible for the healing or the training of people who are in your auric field. This means that you can take opportunity to heal each moment those around you.  6

To do this requires you to address their soul and link your soul with theirs when asked to do so.  It is important that you ask each time others are around you.  It is equally important that you retain knowledge of the following:

Open up your heart to them and breath in to their auric field pure gold light.

Organize your heart to receive form their soul exactly what is wanted for you to do in relationship to them and also what they need to hear.  You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to imitate the Christ when He was last here.

Do not link subjectively to another’s personality in any way unless they request such or expect thus due to having some type of intimate relationship with them.

Subjectively, never let in another’s sub-personalities or personality feelings or thoughts and neither subjectively communicate with them in this way. No subjective dialoguing kama-manasically or with lives of the sixth and seventh creative hierarchies within. 


Always protect yourself by holding these rules: (4)

Judge not and I will not be judged.

Hold only harmlessness and I will not be harmed.

Hold only their virtue and I will not lose my Self.

Hold only love and I will not be loveless to any.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


 Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Spiritual Guidance II – Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop – Lessons & Exercises

Spiritual Guidance III – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Lessons & Exercises

Five Exercises to Better Develop Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Psychology & The Real Need for Trained Spiritual Psychologists