Nicholas Roerich Museum - Burning of Darkness

Spiritual Guidance II – Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop – Lessons & Exercises

The Science of Subjective Spiritual Guidance Practicum  II – Some Proposed Training Proffered (15 Normal Pages):

(Please note that these lessons are presented in a very simplified and shorten style. These lessons and exercises are taken from an outline prepared for an in person set of workshops where concepts was further expanded on as needed.

If you want a more analytical, technical, and in-depth esoteric view please review the many esoteric publications available such as Alice A. Bailey’s works or Theosophical related Works and other more in depth posts on this website especially the “Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages” posts which are highly technical. These following lessons and exercises is intended to be more pragmatic and experiential as opposed to theoretical.)


This workshop presentation includes many Psycho-Synthesis guided Meditation exercises:

This was a historical two day workshop created to introduce students to receiving Self-guidance pertaining to Self-identity and Self purpose. It was determined experimentally through this workshop that anyone without any meditation experience could receive accurate and valuable Self-guidance.


Introduction and Some Related Suppositions:

This workshop is focused on developing of one’s own inner senses to discover their own unique pathway into the unknown.  The basic goal is to receive directly the necessary information concerning one’s ideal set of four forms that each of us are responsible to create in any one life. These basic four form types are as follows:

The form of our ideal aspiration, devotion, or ideology.

The form of our ideal persona we express this ideology through;

The form of our ideal inner and outer environment we require to express in and to mirror this new self-image to determine the needed direction in life;

The form of our ideal life path, karmic path and spiritual path required to balance out the development and expression of our causal body field which depicts our overall potential in terms of capacities, abilities, gifts, and skills we can contribute to this new environment.

The reflective or guided meditations provided herein are designed to evoke from one’s Self the necessary understanding required to ascertain this. The information received will symbolize the intent and the goal that needs to be pursued to fully develop and demonstrate these ideal forms.  Given that the information comes from one’s Self then it can be depended upon as indicating one’s own truth as a direction one can take for greater happiness, joy and bliss which is the goal for all individuals. It will represent the greatest good for the group likewise since the Self is group conscious.

This presented below set of practical guided meditations are based upon the basic fundamentals of psycho-synthesis and are designed to effect the process of consciously co-creating our lives to maximize our spiritual potential.

This workshop is about consciously co-creating our lives to maximize our spiritual potential.

This spiritual potential is experienced through that meaningfulness, that significance, and that purposefulness in our lives that we can actually perceive and identify with.

In this workshop we will derive symbols and images as hints on the way to derive the meaningfulness, significance, and purposefulness of our lives and this comes through revelation and recognition.  The world of symbols is that world the personal life dwells in; the world of meaning is that world the human soul dwells in; and the world of significance and purposefulness is the world the Divine or Spiritual Soul dwells in.

It is about recognition of who we are and what we may be. In these next Sections, we will build on this self-image both the present and the future.  We will develop a more realistic sense of our spiritual potential. This will come from within us; we will be our own guides and master so-to-speak.

There is a definition of the occult path that this workshop resonates with, “Before we can tread the Path we must first create the Path from within ourselves”—The Occult Path leads to or is the path of “Happiness, Joy, and Bliss.” We will attempt to demonstrate the truth of this.

What is this path? For some it is a karmic path, for others it is a life path, a career path, a destiny path, a path of hope and of promise, a path of knowledge and of wisdom, a path of love and understanding, path of self-awareness; for all, it is a path of unfoldment of creative potential (thus spiritual for us). Potential for what—for more life however qualified.

This creative path through revelation is a way to express the downward and forward pressure effects of the inner group pattern playing upon us producing expansion and a growing inclusive direction, which we call evolution.

The Way or Path (pattern), the Will (pattern), and Energy (pattern) are equivalent terms in this workshop.   Your will is that much of the One Will that you can identify with.  The Will is incentive to replace the lesser for the greater (happiness, joy, and bliss ultimately).

In this workshop we will isolate these Energy, Will, Path, or Incentive patterns as symbols, and their transition, upon these two we will reflect constantly.  Our effort will be to evolve a vital and active program, formulated by each and self-initiated by each.  The program developed and followed will help reveal your soul intended life pattern and this will be an expression of a life purpose.

The soul’s intention is implemented by circulation of some qualified energy and a steady revealing of the pattern of things to come.  This we will demonstrate through the use of formulas (or guided reflective meditations), to isolate hints, as symbols or images that can lead us to some form of revelation and thus, life direction.

We are all expressing various qualities and at the same time we are in process of developing or circulating certain other particular psycho-spiritual qualities related to the ones we are now contributing or circulating.  This reflects the soul’s intended individual development objective and also the soul’s idealized relationship to the larger group.

There are three particular psycho-spiritual qualities being developed by everyone that are inter-related and reflect the personality’s absorption of three-fold soul content.  These we will discover and thus attempt to formulate a sense of purpose for these in our lives.

We are a synthesis of life, consciousness, and intelligent activity these three constantly interrelating producing various patterns of being and potential we call our life. We also are a synthesis of will, quality, and form producing in a different sense a creative potential for Self-expression through our three-fold personality bodies or vehicles of expression or patters of beingness.  It is the creative potential for Self-expression that this workshop will address.  Not so much as who we are but what we may be.


The self—as a Concept:

This sense of self evolves over time through the unfoldment of substance sensitivity (unfoldment of the inner and outer senses) through consciousness expansion producing awareness of cause and effect within its environment–subjective and objective. It is this self that is constantly changing through experiences that appear to just come and go.  The self’s capacity to reason or cognize is according to the type and degree of active intelligence love it has developed experientially. Its working knowledge of life is as practical as it has been developed to date which is always determined by each individual. Its abilities are correlated with its degree of karmic potential developed over time, utilized through opportunities perceived and acted upon in some way.  Its willingness to succeed in developing itself (or forms of self) as increased potential for self-expression is limited by its involvement in the present group’s civilization and cultural processes inherent within the historical moment of possibilities.  Its relationships are formed by causative links formed by way of past actions or opportunities taken.  It is thus related to others through group processes inherent within the body of time, of space, and historical ideas “whose time has come”.  It organizes its environment according to ideological tenants and causes it can identify with based upon its present four form development.  It organizes its life according to developed dweller (sun-moon) instincts innate and determining—causally intact from the learning embodied in the past.  It is externally organized according to group and individual related dweller karma and thus chance, relative to their mission in life through conditioned events and circumstances willing by default to forgo all possible outcomes for the instinctual choice it has made now.  The self is at first unwilling to change according to variables impinging upon its happiness causing conflict due normally to it being in denial of one’s own part in the circumstance but over time the forces impinging upon the self eventually acquiesces once sufficient active intelligent love is generated.  It is also organized beyond our normal understandingly internally according to beliefs it has held or is holding according to its inherent ray, ethnic, cultural, national, ideological, and historical backgrounds.

Believing is not a factor of consciousness but of identification with a conditioning set of forms and this implies the concept of self or forms of self are organized according to factors inherent in the belief itself sensitized to likelihoods not relevant to other possible beliefs (act as if). Ordinarily, the nature of character is a contributing factor in belief systems and implies a resistance to reality as it is. It is upon this assumption of reality we venture forth to discover our reality through acting as if leaving behind all other possible beliefs to discover for ourselves the content of this life we have innately chosen through identification of self.

According to superstition or fact, depending on one’s point in evolution, all men are created alike or equal, and this is the case in terms of their god nature, but in reality all are quite different outside of their original occult constitution as a human unit with its three periodic vehicles – monad, soul, body. We are sort of equal in that we respect power, will and accomplishment and give our whole life to achieving it in some form or another.  It would be good to see this as an exercise in futility as all power is given by the group to those worthy of it. Exercising of the will is important in consideration of creating our own reality and it is this use of will I wish to explain here.  There are various forms of the will and establishing the correct form will permit adventures into the realm of the soul to establish a relationship there with the group work being undertaken now on this planet.  It will be an exercise of the group will at that point where contact is made and it is in this magical process that we will be recreated according to our own intent; and to this type of will we give a name of “sacrificial will”.

It will be this will that will establish us in the unknown and will be freeing. It prevents us from moving backward in life and frees us from circumstances once created to venture forth into the unknown to again to find ourselves working together as a group to satisfy our intended purpose.  It would be good to look at this as an achievement of correct goodwill and establishes a base for operating in the world of form creation and works towards creating that pathway into the heavens where god’s work is being done.  It also would be good to look to this as an angle of joint responsibility for creating the livingness of the planet and organizing our time and resources to establish upon this earth a reasonable place to live where we are wanted with our newer values and judging less we accomplish more.  It would be good to look at this as a measure of self control over our individual destinies and working individually towards our own salvation as a race of peoples working together to create a utopia of mutual concern organized to succeed in life to accomplish our goals of world domination as many find peace beyond any real understanding. It would be good to look at this as a means to escape from the harshness of the world and to create a place of worship each according to his deeds and ownership of human life.  It would be good to look upon this as a means to establish on the earth, once idea of escaping is left behind, a workable solution to all of humankind’s problems.  Solutions based in the wisdom of the day. This is what the Self is attempting to achieve, a willingness to go forth into the adventure of life carrying all with it upon its inward and outward journey home.

These forms are created from within our mental, emotional, and vital bodies, which make up our personality life. They are really four-fold. They have both life and quality and depict some particular awareness of self. For this practical set of exercises the self is that much of the soul (quality and awareness) it can identify with.

What is the soul? The soul is first of all that which is responsible for all sentiency, for quality, for self-consciousness; it is also group conscious and universal consciousness on a higher level; thus the saying—there is no such thing as your soul and our soul this is part of the great illusion of self and the I; it is also the principle of coherence for all forms, because forms are imbued with quality and thus sentient awareness.

In part, all souls are part of the One Soul. A human soul is that much of the One Divine Soul that the human unit can identify with in terms of mind or intelligent activity, expressed love, or sacrificial will. This connection is expressed through us as spiritual instinct (unconscious spiritual causation pattern recognition), as opposed to human instinct, or animal instinct. It permits us to recognize a flow of the highest good for the greatest number—as one example. It reflects a type of intuitive understanding as to the One Work or One Activity on the planet or a group thereof. It is a way of creating cultures and civilizations through the expanding history of ideas. It is through revelation over time that the world is created and sustained.  What is revelation?


Revelation of Self:

Revelation is one way of expressing the constantly recurring effects of forward or downward pressure of the inner group soul’s vision or part in the Plan.  Throughout the evolutionary process there is nothing but a growing revelation—evolution is the effect of descending revelation as it can be yet cognized, evolution and revelation go hand in hand to create consciousness expansion or greater form substance inclusiveness and sensitivity.  Revelation is formless and also takes place within form. The closer to divine Self-realization the more subtle and formless it will be. It becomes harder to find word forms to reveal it – the Self approaching the One Self.

In individual revelation there is always the mental concept of light and what it reveals. There is the light of Life, the light of the soul, the light of the mind, the reflected light of the personality through the soul light in the mind, and eventually the light in the brain or shadow itself. In that light we see light, as this set of exercises will demonstrate. The more light we fuse and blend the more intense our searchlight becomes into the inner and outer world.  This you know.

The vision through the use of the inner Eye is a symbolic way of experiencing revelation. The unfolding of the five senses has brought an emerging revelation of the Self (and life plan), which is revealed by the common sense of the mind. The mystery of alignment of the inner Eyes symbolizes this Path or Way of Revelation. The eye of mind aligns with Eye of Soul, which aligns with Eye of Spirit which aligns with Eye of God and the true promise land (not a territory but a location in the body of Deity where the symbolic Temple of Being is in process of construction is apperceived—the Glory of the individual and the Glory of the One is sensed as all Mystics have testified.  It is your vision, as a synthesis of the senses, that has brought you to where you are at now in your synthetic understanding.

We Listen (inner voice), we touch (sensitivity to form), we see (beauty underlying form), we apply (soul awareness to create form), we know (the Soul behind the form) is the way to soul-revelation and self-knowledge through the united appeal of concrete mind and causal mind or Son of Mind or human soul. And later we will-to-know our part in the plan for Group, the will-to- express that aspect of the group newness and cooperate with the Plan, the will-to-reveal that nature of universal inclusiveness or world of significance or reality, the will-to-destroy those qualities of human consciousness or ideologies that prevent purpose for manifesting our new selves, and the will-to-resurrect the radiant way back to the source of life. This reflects the way of higher revelation of spirit through the united appeal of the three minds – concrete, causal mind, abstract minds. This process is the essence of the Creative Way Home.

Life for all of us is everywhere full of revelation whether recognized or not. It can be said that there is little else.  Thus, this is because of the planned creative activity on soul levels of the larger whole outside of time which has a mandate  that descends over time.  We sense this as the future pressing upon us, hovering over us, realized at times as keeping up or not keeping up. This set of exercises is about creating a field of small revelations to better perceive our place in this larger whole—to better keep up.  The personality reflects that much of the soul that it can identify with.

The Way or Path (pattern), the Will (pattern), and energy (pattern) are equivalent terms in this set of exercises. Your will is that much of the One Will that you can identify with.  The will is related to the Law of Sacrifice, which means the taking over through identification to the greater. This defines the saying “as a man thinkest in his heart so he is”, such is his way.

As I said earlier we create the path out of ourselves. The will pattern impacts our personality substance and creates the form or pattern we identify with and this creates direction in our lives. When we spoke of revelation we never addressed what is revealed nor the nature of the revelation. We spoke of the will being a pattern of life energies), we also spoke of the personality being comprised of substance that is slowly being sensitized by quality over time. We speak here of this will playing on the substance – individual, group, or planet.  This we coin as “the playground of Deity”. The nature of these energy patterns contains that something which imbues us with newness, with new potential, with the magic of new beginnings.  If from the soul, it is experienced as the will-to-love along with some particular psycho-spiritual quality we recognize as part of ourselves and relates us to the flow of some larger group. When revelation is identified with Spirit it contains an aspect of that something we might call the will-to-life or a will-to-be along with an insight into the larger Plan and Purpose of Deity and relates us to the planet and beyond. There is something in this energy that transmutes our substance as the energy moves down and transforms our substance as the energy moves up. Again the words of the Christ—‘I make all things Anew”. For this Magic to occur we need to create this alignment of Eyes, of Wills, of Hearts, and of Minds. Serve and Obey are the two watchwords that create this alignment. Spontaneous Service from within opens the Heart and following one’s own inner guidance opens the Eye of the Heart in the Mind (head center). Think, what greater service can there be other than Being Oneself, keeping the Minds, Hearts, and Wills aligned and circulating the Energy of Newness from the Source of Revelation. This again determines the nature and speed of evolution.

To recap, in this set of exercises we will isolate patterns, as symbols, and their transition, upon these two we will reflect constantly.  Our effort as a group will be to evolve a vital and active program, formulated by each and self-initiated by each.  The program developed and followed will help reveal your soul-intended life pattern and this will be an expression of a life purpose.  The soul’s intention is implemented by circulation of some qualified energy and a steady revealing of the pattern of things to come. This we will demonstrate through the use of formulas (or reflective meditations), to isolate hints, as symbols or images that can lead to some form of revelation and life direction.


Integration of Self:

Every one of us has particular challenges that demonstrates particularly in moments of stress and how we respond to these gives us a clue as to our nature.  It is upon these “stress” evaluation we can determine who we are and are not.  It is magical in the correction of these underlying response patterns once we perceive them and they thus demonstrates to us an integrative protocol that can be used to eliminate these undesired response patterns.

Our normal way of making behavioral and attitudinal changes basically comes down to self-dialogue in one form or another. It is always better to look upon self-dialogue as an adventure in self discover and the more conscious than the more adventure in self-discovery; and every time we perceive our self in a “new light or new life” we are undergoing a transformation by having this knowingness.

An example of this was when, after having taught several classes, where it became apparent that it was only a matter of time for being to transfer a new pattern of beingness to those students who had successfully received and understood an impression; and this before the full awareness of this “new light and life” was grasped in its understanding and by way of this. I mean the individual already subjectively had made this full realization of implications and ramifications before it impacted fully in their brain awareness. It cannot be overlooked as to the importance of this having an impact on others around us also immediately having relationship to their karmic form. It would be wise to see this as a group experience involving all concerned in one’s immediate group subjectively. It would be good to look upon this as an example of reification of consciousness upon group levels by way of conscious impression by those concerned in this example.


The Basic Four Forms – Defined:

This section will introduce our working relationship between the following concepts: form, self, not-self, Self, path, and the four forms we are responsible to create and maintain.

This work will attempt to correct our sense of understanding of ourselves in terms of our human constitution as a set of forms.  Although these forms represent ourselves and our expression they are not ourselves and this relationship classically is portrayed usually as the Self versus the Not-Self and evolve over time together and can to be defined as the ongoing changing nature of the perceived self.

It is not our intent to go deeply into this causative paradigm between the Self and not-self producing the perceived self but to explain some of the intents and purposes of form life that is the perceived self or at least makes up its apparent characteristics in time and space. We will build over time the necessary understanding needed to portray our lives as the steady production of self-forms necessary to depict our desire-will or intent to create.

The effort here is to define the not-self as a set of definitional forms enlivened by the group Self producing our characteristic awareness or consciousness which we, as the individual Self, are responsible for creating and sustaining.  This reflects our own individual evolution of the not-self and self with its four-fold personality bodies of expression along with their inherent matter, substance, and consciousness. “In Him we live and move and have our being” is another way of expressing this basic truth of our Self-expressing through the self and not-self composed of the matter, substance and consciousness inherent within the constitution of God on one level or another. It is in this way we do achieve a relative enlightenment and spiritual identity over time and likewise reach an ever advancing plateau of understanding among our many aspects of selves and overtime sequence our evolution of forms according to a pattern we believe we apperceived in heaven (so-to-speak) that symbolizes our individual and mutual group destiny.

It would be good to realize that this journey is far along for most of us and many forms/selves (or paths) have created the present form (path) for each of us as this form/self now provides a perceived perspective by which we may proceed in our chosen destinies.  This chosen destiny or journey is likewise an avenue of planned escape from our present surroundings to move forward into our more desired future. This desired future requires us to assist others and be assisted by others in helping to delivery us to our chosen destinations and thus each together moving in a planned response with each other.

A generic way of understanding both our personal and group life, or the patterns of our life, is through the interaction of forms—qualified and quantified to explain and predict phenomena. We also recognize that all forms have some energy or force expression—kinetic or potential to affect us concretely or abstractly and in this way achieve a degree of potential power over us and others and in the end limit or expand our freedom of movement either consciously or unconsciously; and in this way we also achieve limited control over ourselves, our environment, and our spirituality through their manipulation or not. Again, it is this way we move through matter, substance, and consciousness to perfect ourselves. In Him (the One Self or Self) we live and move and have our being.

All form life, as we can recognize it, is vibration of matter/substance and the result of this vibration is eventual form building and destroying.  We perceive this in terms of the type and nature of form appearances and the quality of those appearances as these impacts us in some way in terms of function.  Under the evolutionary process forms develop. Through right direction in space of the form, its orientation, and its qualified vibration the purpose of the form or self is fulfilled. Each form correlates to the caretaking of the intent of the self while embodied in form and reflects its efforts at creating its life based upon the life plan held.

There are endless ways to classify forms but for our purposes we will focus on just four interrelated forms that all other forms will be considered as subsets of these in respect to our personality lives. These four forms can be perceived as containing all that we find dear concretely and abstractly and are responsible for understanding and responding to in the creation of our lives and nothing falls outside of them once you understand their truer meaning and usefulness. We will call this four-fold form the evolving form of the self that is itself a combination and outcome of the interrelationship of the Self and the not-self.

It is these four forms which constitute our daily focus consciously or unconsciously and we are either victimized or victimize others because of their particular degree of ‘perfection’ and characteristics. Our apparent task is the continuous ‘perfection’ of this four-fold form for the explicit desire for happiness (in some form or another).  It is this happiness that prevents us from taking life seriously until it runs out and provides motivation to create again thus perfecting our happiness form. At each stage of livingness we create this form in our own liking attempting to correct it.

It seems from life experience that the immediate task at hand is to unfold our life potential as human beings.  These tasks appear to be many from a worldly point of view but not so. Be assured there are but few compared to what we have accomplished to date. What are these tasks? In the simplest terms there are four particular ones we will explore and discuss throughout this set of exercises.  Although in appearance they appear to be simple but the test is in their correct life presentation.

The four tasks can be defined as the personal self’s correct embodiment of four particular creative forms:

The form of our ideal aspiration, devotion, or ideology:

The form of our ideal persona we express this ideology through;

The form of our ideal inner and outer environment we require express in to mirror this new self-image to determine the needed direction in life;

The form of our ideal life path, karmic path and spiritual path required to balance out the development of our causal body field which depicts our overall potential in terms of capacities, abilities, gifts, and skills.


Each of us are responsible for the development of only four types of form each life as these forms permit our individual life personification. They capture the purposeful qualitative intent and expression of our incarnated material existence. It is basically these four forms that are re-created, re-generated, re-orientated, and renounced cycle after cycle by the indwelling life unit. These four form types are as follows:

  • The form of our aspiration, devotion, or ideology;
  • The form of our persona we express this ideology through;
  • The form of our inner and outer environment we require express in to mirror this new self-image to determine the needed direction in life;
  • The form that embodies our life path, karmic path and spiritual path This path is required to both balance out the development of our causal body field which depicts our overall potential in terms of capacities, abilities, gifts, and skills; but also to meet the larger group karmic balance purpose reflecting a stage in the path to dharmic expression by the spirit or monad under the Law of Destiny.

There is a distinction between the existing forms or desired forms and the ideal forms. The deal forms are those needed to express the soul’s and later the spirit’s purpose in any one related incarnation. It is these four forms that express the likelihood of success in any one period of one’s life. The ideal form is not an absolute but a process of recreation, regeneration, reorientation, and renunciation along a logical sequential process leading to the ideal meeting of the intended purpose.


Form of Devotion:

As an example, the form of devotion or ideology represents an abstract idea identified and desired and aspired too in some way. Every person has that which they devote themselves to, what they live for, what they get out of bed for each day.  This form expresses that much insight, understanding, love, wisdom, or truth that that person can grasp and identify with and thus embody. It may be purely material, focused in the body, a desire for wealth, land, and possession of some kind. The person focuses all there will on achieving that which they desire. The form may be built on sentient feeling–a love for relationships, for friends, for family. To this they devote their energy and their lives—physically and psychically. More abstract still may be the quest of their passions—for philosophy, science, creative arts, or religion. To these he sacrifices all other pursuits, and thus, the form of the devotion expands. At each level or stage of abstraction, the vibration measures up to the task and the form then is destroyed from the inside as the person seeks more life, more happiness, or more purposefulness. Life after life, more forms are created more and more rapidly as progress is made. With each new form created, embodied, and destroyed, the abstraction becomes greater and more inclusive. intentional Ideal after ideal, relationship after relationship, dream after dream is left behind in the quest for more life, more purpose, and more awareness. All this time the soul body is being built through one’s created karmic, life, spiritual path seeking greater happiness, joy and/or bliss.


Form of the Persona:

The form of the persona can be defined as the set of personal and relationship variables which we call values, qualities, characteristics, expressions, instincts, natures, virtues, skills, talents, abilities and gifts a person identifies with,  pursues and/or embodies and thus desires or has desired through self-will or external conditioning.  Over time each person evolves by conditioned circumstances, free choice, knowledge and understanding some qualitative aspect of themselves that proffers them a way to survive in the world or environment where they find themselves and express their desired motivations.  It is important to notice that each individual develops over time these extensions of themselves in the three worlds of mental, emotional, and vital expression as they participate in events from various life situations (home, work, relationships, parenting, and later in the higher worlds.

The nature of a human being can be defined as a construct of societal ideas, ideals, and idols.  As they come into the world at any one point in time historically, they are provided with a working persona in miniature and as some believe their personality sheath substance is related to earlier incarnations based upon some formula we will not discuss. The ideal persona is always being striven towards by each once that ideal is perceived consciously or unconsciously through choice or behavioral conditioning as it is believed such will provide a greater point of happiness in general.

In many ways the ideal persona is characterized by all those virtues, values, characteristics, etc. held in respect or desired by the individual involved and furthermore they are not able to see any other immediate combination that would work for them and daring life to try to change them. In a way it takes at least two “entities” to create a persona desire/will and a pre-existing formula of personality sheath expression.  With these two existences a new qualified conscious persona is created—again the trinity of will, consciousness, and active form intelligence.  There are many other ways of looking at this but the idea is the same—something is created that we use to express ourselves through in the environment we find ourselves in—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, vitally, and physically.


Form of the Environment:

The form of the environment is also an abstract concept as it implies all possible levels and variations of inter-related societal institutions, beliefs, places, people and things both subjective and objective.  It is only a matter of time where it will come to you the part you are playing in life and therefore the ideal environment where you can play.  It would be good to look at ways of seeing yourself doing this as there are many variations in meeting the ideal but only one at any one time given the imperfections of substance and our ability to apperceive its qualitative expression. Substance itself is mostly a qualitative expression where societal institutions, beliefs, people, places, and things are mere symbolic representations of this qualitative environment. Again, the inner and outer both symbolize the soul in expression.


Form of our Life Path, Karmic Path and Spiritual Path – Form of the Causal Body (Life Thesis):

The form responsible for the unfolding and expression of our spiritual potential is the egoic lotus or soul body. It represents the objective principle of the third aspect of the second aspect similar to the personality’s physical body being the objective expression of the third aspect of the third aspect.

Another word sometimes used instead of soul body or egoic lotus per a soul when referencing a life in a manifested physical body is the casual body. The physical body is given to be a direct reflection of th causal body. It is a descriptive point of view that there is an underlying cause for one’s present karmic opportunities to carry out their present life purpose through. It is reflective of the principle of limitation. The causal body is symbolic for the nature of one’s present pathway through life. It reflects the way we move into form and out of form according to our present soul and/or personality nature as choices made previously in context to the larger group. It is a patternistic path of preference and can be understood as our dweller pattern or preferred way of doing things life to life to accomplish happiness and joy plus the karmic necessity of it. In respect to matter and form, it is also a karmic path,  a life path, a career path, a destiny path, a path of hope and of promise, a path of knowledge and of wisdom, a path of love and understanding, path of self-awareness; for all, it is a path of unfoldment of creative potential, thus spiritual for us. Potential for what—for more life however qualified. In Chapter No. 11, there is given a set of exercise to assist in determining the ideal set of four fours that could be created now this life to maximize the purposes of the group soul and the monad.

In the context to the human creative Hierarchy all of these cycles and stages discussed herein is focused on one thing and that is the ultimate purpose-plan expression of the individual Christ consciousness by unfolding the potential innate within the three periodic vehicles of the personality, soul and monad which is basically achieved by the unfolding of the three-fold egoic lotus or its set of permanent atoms, petals, and jewel points in this second aspect solar system unfolding the divine Psyche or expressive Quality of Deity.  A.A.B. presented seven rules for inducing soul control and eventual Christ expression through form qualifications.

“The seven rules are of supreme importance, for they embody the key ideas which will reveal Deity in operation as the Soul of all things; They will reveal the nature and method of activity of the Cosmic Christ, and will indicate the governing qualitative tendencies which determine the psychical life of all forms. It must never be forgotten that the rays are the seven major expressions of the divine quality as it limits (and it does so limit) the purposes of Deity.  God Himself hews to a pattern, set for Him in a still more distant vision.  This purpose or defined will is conditioned by His instinctual quality or psyche, in just the same way as the life purpose of a human being is both limited and conditioned by the psychological equipment with which he enters into manifestation.”  The seven rules for inducing soul control are quoted from Esoteric Psychology II and are self-explanatory to probationary disciples so no discussion is required. It is significant I point out that if the fruits of these rules as stated are not self-demonstrating and thus self-evident than that particular rule is not being correctly evoked. The demonstration of the eight means of yoga will remedy that. Also, if one is  correctly re-creating their four forms then the fruit of these seven rules for inducing soul control will be demonstrated to the degree the four forms reflect the soul’s intent.


The Seven Rules (From Alice A. Bailey’s book on Esoteric Psychology)

The seven factors or “Rules for Inducing Soul Control” are:—

The tendency, innate and ineradicable, to blend and synthesize.

  • This is a law or rule of life itself. This tendency results, on the form side, in destruction and wreckage, with its accompaniments of pain and sorrow. On the life side, it results in release, liberation and subsequent expansion.
  • This tendency is the basic cause of all initiation—individual, racial, planetary and systemic.
  • It is the result of an act of the will, and is caused by the impulsion of the sensed and innate purpose of God. However (and this is a point oft forgotten) this tendency is motivated by the recognition of the planetary Logos, that His plan is conditioned in its turn, and is an integral part of a still larger plan—that of the solar Deity. God, the solar Logos, is likewise conditioned by a still higher life purpose.


The quality of the hidden vision.

  • This quality, on the form side, produces physical sight, astral illusion and concrete knowledge. On the life side it produces illumination. This includes the widespread illumination reflected by our planet in the heavens, as well as that which makes an individual man a light-bearer, and which will eventually enable humanity, (as a whole) to constitute a station of light upon earth.
  • This quality is the basic cause of all sensory perception and is the instinctive urge to consciousness itself, in all its many phases. With this quality the Hierarchy has to work, intensifying it and giving it magnetic power.
  • It is the high result of desire, which is itself intrinsically founded on the will to form a plan and a purpose.


The instinct to formulate a plan.

  • This instinct governs all activity which, in process of evolution, divides itself into instinctual activity, intelligent activity, intuitional or purposive activity, and illumined activity, as far as mankind is concerned. This includes that department of the Hierarchy which works with humanity.  The higher phases of planned activity are many and diverse, and are all synthesised under the third ray activity, at present focussed in the seventh ray.
  • Viewed from the form side, this faculty of planning leads to separative and selfish activity. Viewed from the life side, it leads to a blended cooperation which swings each unit of energy in every form, in all its subjective and unified aspects, into the task of unification. This is potently taking place in the world today.  It is the tendency to at-one-ment which leads the human being, first of all, to the development of an integrated personality, and then to the submergence of that personality in the good of the greater whole.
  • This constitutes the basic cause of evolution itself—individual, planetary and systemic.
  • This instinct is the result of the development of manas, or mind, and the emergence of the intelligence. It is the peculiar quality or instinctual nature through the means of which humanity empresses the first Ray of Willed Intent, fostered by desire, and transmuted into intelligent activity.


The urge to creative life, through the divine faculty of imagination.

  • This urge is, as can easily be seen, closely connected with the fourth Ray of Harmony, producing unity and beauty, won through conflict.
  • This, on the form side, leads to warfare, struggle and the building of forms which must later be destroyed. On the life side, it leads to quality, vibratory radiance and the revelation upon earth of the world of meaning.
  • It is therefore the basic cause of that subtle essence or revelation which is seeking expression through every form in each kingdom in nature. There seems to be no better term by which to express this hidden wonder which must be revealed than the revelation of meaning. This is beginning to happen today.
  • It is the result of the ability—sometimes adequate and sometimes inadequate—of the inner consciousness to reveal its measure of control by the Plan, and its response to the larger intent. It is upon this response that the Members of the Hierarchy are today counting, as They endeavor to bring the hidden meaning to the fore in the consciousness of man.


The factor of analysis.

  • This factor may surprise those who suffer from the misuse of the power to discriminate, to analyse and to criticise. It is, however, a basic, divine quality, producing wise participation in the Plan and skill in action.
  • On the form side, it manifests as the tendency to separate, divide and to place in contradictory positions. On the life side, it leads to that understanding which tends to identification, through the wider choice and comprehension.
  • It is the basic cause and impulse which will lead to the eventual appearance of the kingdom in nature, higher than the human, which is strictly that of the soul, and will produce the manifestation upon earth of the fifth kingdom in nature, that of the kingdom of gods. This phrase should be noted.
  • It is the result of the active work of the sons of God, the sons of mind, and is the part which they are contributing to the total planetary contribution, as part of the great systemic Plan. The Hierarchy itself is the outer and inner manifestation of the sacrifice of the divine Manasaputras (as They are called in The Secret Doctrine), and its members respond to Their sensed vision of the Plan for the whole. The Hierarchy is essentially the germ or nucleus of the fifth kingdom in nature.


The quality, innate in man, to idealise.

  • This is founded upon the success of the Plan itself. This Plan sought originally to awaken in man the following responses:—right desire, right vision and right creative activity, based upon right interpretation of ideals.  This triplicity of purpose merits thoughtful consideration.
  • On the form side, this has worked out as material desire, leading eventually to cruelty and frequently to an extreme sadistic expression. On the life side, it has led to sacrifice, one pointed purpose, progress on the path, and devotion.
  • It is the basic cause of all organisation and of cooperation. The ideal before the Hierarchy is the realised Plan. This is brought to humanity in the form of ideas, which become, in time, ideals—to be desired and fought for.  In order to materialise these ideals, the trend to organise comes into being.
  • It is the result—curiously enough—of the work of a peculiar group of world workers, who are recognised by humanity under the name of World Saviours. These are the Founders of those forms through which the divine ideas become the ideals of the masses, in all realms of human thought. Every great world leader is necessarily a “suffering Saviour.”


The seventh rule or controlling force with which the Hierarchy works is the interplay of the great dualities.

  • Through the activity engendered by this interplay, and through the results achieved (producing always a third factor), the whole manifested world is swept into line with the divine Purpose. This does not become apparent to the man who is immersed in the detail of life, but could we see the planetary life as it can be seen by the Masters Themselves, we would note the pattern emerging in all its beauty, and the structure of God’s thought for the universe appearing today in clearer outline and greater synthesis and beauty of detail than ever before.
  • On the form side, this produces the sense of being imprisoned by the time factor, the victim of speed, and the implacable forces of all life activity, as they play upon the imprisoned human being. On the life side, it results in rhythmic living and conscious adaptation of energy to the immediate purpose and goal.
  • It is necessarily the basic cause of the appearance and the disappearance of forms, human and humanly constructed.
  • It is the result of at-one-ments wrought out on the physical plane, thus producing the lower unifications, just as the at-one-ments wrought out hitherto in the human consciousness, have produced unification with the soul. The higher at-one-ments, hitherto effected on the plane of mind, have to be expressed eventually on the plane of physical life. EP II, pp. 220-225


Exercise One:

We want you to consider that the major focus of this workshop is towards assisting each participant to isolate and develop their four ideal forms they are responsible for.

We are asking each participant to develop first a sense of what their ideal form of devotion might look like. We want them to put some time in developing this ideal form based upon their life’s aspirations.  It is important this is developed in great detail.

We need each participant to present their ideal persona form responsible for self-expression at this time. Try to get a sense of what this would look like in relationship to the world.

We need each of you to evaluate your ideal form of the environment that would maximize your contribution in terms of your form of devotion and ideal persona form. It is important each person get a sense of direction here also as to stages of unfoldment it might be useful to put them into different manifestation cycles.

It is important to get a sense of ultimate direction here.

It is also important to find a way of holding these forms that will produce a sense of soul/personality integration.

It is important you receive a sense of importance in doing this in your lives at each moment to maximize opportunity for happiness, joy, and bliss.

It is important you try to receive guidance from yourself in in respect to the four major forms we are responsible to create. This is the basic task herein offered:

  1. It is important that you try to perceive the importance of your idealized form of devotion held by the soul.
  2. It is important that you try to perceive the importance of your idealize persona form held by the soul.
  3. It is important that you try to perceive the importance of your idealized form of the environment held by the soul.
  4. It is important that you try to perceive the importance of your idealized form of your correct life path, karmic path and spiritual path (as these are the inter-related) required to balance out the development of and expressive of your causal body field which depicts your overall potential in terms of capacities, abilities, gifts, and skills. to contribute to the larger group endeavor in this period in world history.


Section II: Reflective Guided Meditation Process

Introduction to Reflective Meditation

Throughout this workshop we will be giving a set of formulas (so-to-speak)—which will require only a mental level of interpretation, it will help take us into the world of meaning or level of mind imbued by soul energy. This meaning potential will come through a little creative thinking, intuitive insight and the use of the will or that much we can identify with. This will-to-create which gives purpose and plan to each of us will have warmth, will have magnetic appeal, and will have the major attribute of healing—thus redemptive in nature. This comes through your own sentient feeling body by way of imagination because we will give it to ourselves. The true promise land, which is accessed through a major revelation into the Mind of God indicating that area of promise that depicts all hope and expectancy behind the evolutionary process in the ultimate revelation sequence that is the quest (for the Holy Grail in the Holy Land).

These symbols and images that arise in your awareness from the formula indicate a hint, which is a light seed of the intended revelation.  It has been given that revelation is hard to take but even harder to hold.  There are three stages or ecstasy and supreme recognition; then darkness again of the ordinary world; and then a service and integration related to particular revelation.

The Reflective Meditation Process (lunar reflects the solar) is herein a process of dialoging with your body presence.  The objective is not to use cell memory but to allow the body presence to conjure up an impression in the form of an image, a sound, words, sensation, smell, taste, etc.  The body has its own wisdom and is directly linked with the soul body so all impressions that come through this method represents your truth but still needs to be interpreted with your thoughts and feelings afterwards.  Being the observer is the position you must take once you identify with impression with your thoughts or feelings then the dialog stops. You can continue to dialog for as long as you can to get the needed clarity.

Take your time, do not rush. Prepare, up to 2 to 3 minutes. Breathe with eyes closed.

Go with what ever comes. The first impressions here are accurate even if you do not understand them. Don’t second-guess or use cell or historical memory.

Re-connect later to the fruits of each exercise to continue the reflection process to better allow a deeper meaning and purpose to unfold.

Work in Silence—premature sharing dissipates energy if not understood.

Record in Journal—transformations require psychic gestation in the unconscious?

Psychological pain, imbalance, and meaningful essences occur when inner elements not connected (soul is coherence).  If merged in successive greater wholes, we experience a release of energy, sense of well-being, greater depth of meaning in our lives (like a chemical formula-alchemy).

The effect is usually gradual but can be speeded up (need a catalyst which comes from a soul alignment focus).

Attitude is all-important—attention and patience, not parlor games.  Experiences need be grounded in everyday life.

We prefer the creativity of confusion to the deception of clarity of ready made answers—If you don’t know the meaning—hold and wait.

We prefer doubting and risking over safety and ecstasy—be cautious/experimental.  Confusion is a certain level of understanding—that is real.

Use as many senses as you can.

Personal and tran-personal Self is the same realities experienced at different levels.  Human soul and personality have the same experience but don’t experience it the same way.  We are attempting to equalize it. Awareness not only liberates it integrates.

Sacrificial will, or the taking over of the lower by the higher principles is the key to human freedom and personal power.  It is that which offers incentive. In other words, however your intentions impact your imagination will determine your potential for self-expression—if the will comes from the higher Self it will lead to higher freedoms and higher power.  Also, one will never be able to will oneself to do what he or she cannot imagine—because of the human constitution.  The will is applied from the inside not compulsive but is acquiesced.  The will is that much of the One Will we can identify with.

Joy is the signal that we are expressing our ideal purpose or self at any given moment.

Revelation is a gradual and unfolding process does not break in completed beauty.

The effects of penetration into an area of space produce two simultaneous results in a flash of time: polarization of consciousness and a condensation of a truth.  The difficult task is to apply it to real human need—understand context.

Secret of all true meditation work is the power to imagine and visualize; in it lays the ability to use the creative powers of the imagination, plus mental energy as a means to co-create and also make outside contacts.

Visualization is the intention to go to a space.  The soul allows the process of visualization to unfold our image is our soul initiating the process.  Once we have the intent to create we are invoking the one Will; we are also invoking a pattern.  The pattern draws the images upon our substance, which we choose to identify with.  It is only a pattern of energy from the level of Soul; from our point of view it is an idea from the intuitive level; from the abstract mind level it a concept; from the mind level it is a set of concepts; from the astral level it is a ideal (desire); from the physical level it is an idol or a manifestation.

  1. We can be our own guidance just by holding the right intention and asking the right questions at the right time.
  2. Visualization is the initial step in the demonstration of the law that energy follows thought. We need to achieve factual knowledge of this. Pictorial visualization is simply an exercise to bring about the power to visualize. This external act need give place to an interior process, which is the first step towards the direction of energy for creation of the environment and ourselves.
  3. This pictorial process takes place at a midway spot between the two centers; the directing process takes place near pineal and is then send to other centers (bodies).
  4. Visualization is the form-building aspect of the creative imagination—three parts:

–Qualified energy is gathered;

— The focusing of this energy with the power of intention;

— The dispatch of this energy by means of a pictorial process, not by will at beginning stage, to any desired center.

The creative imagination pictures a form through the ability to visualize and the thought energy of the mind gives it direction and purpose thus a rapport set up between the mind and astral body.

The visualizing process and this use of the imagination form the first two steps in the activity of thought-form construction.

The more advanced Self-guidance can be understood to require various more inclusive sense recognition’s developed to capture correctly the point of view of the spiritual soul and are as follows:

  1. A sense of planetary relationship in four directions up—towards the kingdom of souls and devas, down—towards the sub-human kingdoms, inner—towards the Deity, and outer—towards the world.
  2. A sense of intelligent supervision—focused control of daily circumstances leads to insight to purpose. We are supervising our own life. If we are conscious of daily thought, feeling, actions we move towards the soul level, which is pure awareness.  We need the willingness to be aware.
  3. A sense of orientation to humanity—decentralization. We become part of the group that we have a contribution to.
  4. A sense of registered impression. If you are always open to your guidance, more likely you will pay attention to it, because you are invoking it according to your will.  Invoking the will leads to soul guidance if you are holding objectivity, Not identifying with your thoughts and feelings.
  5. An evocation of the will, in terms of plan for your life in context to your planet, produces inevitability, rightness, immediate objective. Will is incentive to create according to your own karmic path, planetary karma ,  So hold the sense of always invoking the truth of yourself.
  6. A sense of that which is imminent in your life or one’s next step is that which is hovering over you and has karmic usefulness and can include some aspect of the rain-cloud of knowable things if soul conscious. Something new is trying to form so it is useful to hold this newness all the time as opposed to holding on to the past. Holding newness is a very hard thing to do. DINA II, A.A.B.

The creative process is but the working out into progressive demonstrations of the divine intention as it assumes form.  All life is a progressive series of awakenings, expansions, and growth.


Initial Reflective Meditation to Test YOUR Responses:

Sense yourself standing in a doorway.

Note the nature of the space in front of you.

Sense another doorway somewhere in this space.

Permit your awareness to move through this second doorway.

Note the nature of this second space.

Ask yourself: What do I need to get from this place?

Note the content and the form of the reply.

If you get no response per this test exercise above I suggest you repeat it until the technique is successful.


Guided Reflective Meditation for Magical Nature of the Soul.



  • Relax with a few deep breaths.
  • Focus awareness on body and sense, I am not my body.
  • Focus awareness on sentient or feeling body and sense I am not my   feelings or senses.
  • Focus awareness on mind and again sense I am not my mind or my thoughts.
  • Focus on inner nature

Mountain Top:

  1. Visualize a mountain in the distance; note distance, its shape, etc.
  2. Seek a way to travel to this mountain from where you are at; note the nature of the terrain around you, any objects along the way, note also the ambiance.
  3. Once you get to the foot of the mountain, locate a way to get to the top; make any note of the terrain you pass through on the way up.
  4. At the top sense a structure of some sort somewhere around you; next sense a light coming from the structure, note its color if any.

Soul Structure:

  1. Follow the light with your senses and imagination and note where you find yourself; look around and examine the space, note any objects especially in the center of the space.
  2. Examine again the space seeking a special doorway by following the light.  Look inside yourself to find a key that will allow you to move through the door to the light inside.

Sanctuary of Heart:

  1. This door leads to the sanctuary of the heart.
  2. The light leads you to the center of the sanctuary, which the light is emanating.
  3. Examine the nature of this object; examine it in term of its significance to you, to your life as an individual in relationship to your hearts quest.

Inner Sanctuary:

  1. Next, follow the essence of the heart light to where it takes you; sense the nature of the experience, of the space, the movement, and any direction.
  2. Find your own space, no talking, take pen and paper and write down any thoughts/insights.  Will focus on essential vision, mystery, and life purpose.
  3. Self-Initiated Guided Mediation: Create your own guided meditation method to experiment in receiving information.  Remember symbolizes is the key to correct type of information one is seeking.


Guided Reflective Meditation

  1. Image yourself on the shore of a vast sea or any open space with the Sun shining in front of you above the sea or space.
  2. Sense yourself relaxed and reflective on your life Process and Purpose.
  3. Go into yourself and ask for guidance to help unfold your life plan.
  4. Now look up to the right area of the sky to see forming in the clouds or sky an impression. Just sit with this impression and note its form and content. Sense this impression is somehow related to the sun.
  5. Now take this impression into your Heart and hold it there with your awareness.
  6. Sense any changes in your nature or understanding as you sit with it. Note these.
  7. Now move your awareness to the left area of the sky and sense another impression forming there. Again bring it into your heart and hold it there with your awareness. Note and changes or insights.
  8. Now look up to the center area of the sky and sense another impression forming there. Again take this into your Heart and hold it there and note any changes or insights.
  9. With these new impressions and energies come back into your body presence here.


Section III: Basis of this Workshop is the discovery of the four idealized forms needing to be created NOW. 

An Outline of the Exercises and Guided Reflexive Meditation Sections:

1.0 Qualification of Matter

2.0 Unfoldment of Substance in context to soul field

3.0 Manifestation of Destiny

4.0 Outcome of Karma

5.0 The way the worlds were made

6.0 How we create our own world

7.0 How and why we create our relationships

8.0 Manifested destiny of the race

9.0 Nature of evolution of solar Logos

10.0 Nature of salvation

11.0 Evolution in the future

Three important processes we need to do to progress in receiving inner self-guidance: Be harmless, attempt to meet real needs and hold all persons and events in unconditional Love.

Please note that within the following 11-sections the objective is to receive self-guidance on all topics under discussion as this guidance over time builds a more complete and accurate picture of your life purpose that moves you towards a greater personality happiness, soul joy and spirit bliss this life.  Adapting to your own more inclusive truth will maximize over time your potential in all areas of your life.  Feel free to expand on these topics in any area more of an interest to you or in other words follow your own guidance.


1.0 Qualification of Matter:


Matter in terms of our four-fold personality bodies or sheaths is defined as being composed of elemental life forms and what we call atoms on the physical plane. Elemental life forms are considered to be the lowest possible level of lives composing our human constitution occultly considered and these make up only our sheaths.  There are various grades of these lives but that is not for consideration here. The point is we need to be aware of these from a qualitative influence perspective and understand how they contribute to our sense of self and also our desires.  It would be good to look at this as an angle of satisfaction experienced whenever we are under their spell. Good and bad tastes, smells, sex, drink, sensations in general are there domain.  These sensations are an outgrowth of our animal, human and spiritual instincts.

Fohat is divine thought or energy (shakti) as it manifests on different planes. Either differentiated or undifferentiated. Have many names. For our purposes it is just matter. The Fire of Mind is the sum-total of existence (Universe is one aspect of a thought of Deity), just as the elementals of fire are the sum-total of the active expression of thought.

Matter or mind matter has latent heat—rotary motion (ability to respond to environment through proximity), active heat—and results in driving forth of material evolution.

Man: three-fold in essence: Internal vitalizing fire called kundalini demonstrates as latent heat and is the basis of life to the cell; and active heat or prana this animates all and is the driving force of the evolving form. And when the thought energy of the soul is removed death ensues. This fire of soul mind holds the personality forms in objective manifestation permitting the spiritual unit to contact the densest matter. It adapts in time.

Mental matter: the sum-total of the fire elementals a person is able to cohere into some form to express its desire and intent.

Goal of evolution is to blend the latent and active material fires of the personality (matter and pranic), with the fires of mind, and these with the  fires of spirit and the Divine Flame. When one fire blazes forth liberation is achieved and the sheath is only a channel for liberation. Man is the Divine Flame and fire of mind brought into contact through the medium of substance or form. At the end of evolution the fire of matter is not cognizable it does not exist apart from substance.

Remember we incarnate as a group, we are given gender, family, ethnic, national, and racial matter that has been conditioned; this contributes a wide variety of physical, emotional, and mental opportunities to develop qualities.

Substance is qualified by matter and consciousness.  Forms are qualified by substance..

Soul instincts evolve from human and human instincts evolve from animal instincts.

The One Soul is responsible for all types of sentiency. Overtime this awareness is embodied in the personality field through the development of the microcosmic senses or inner body senses.

This is a process of spiritualizing of the senses through spiritualizing of the instincts. The instincts of the soul replace the instincts of the personality. Instincts motivate’s one to create personal happiness (grounded guidance).


Exercise: The first reflective exercise questions to intently hold is “what are those things that make you happy?” How do these reflect the nature of my existing self? These forms are the pathway to understanding ourselves, that is, those things that make you happy particularly.

I am physically happy when?

I am emotional happy when?

I am mentally happy when?


Personality life focused on the world in terms of our perceived objectives or what we want to accomplish.

What are your day-to-day objectives that motivate you—negative and positive?

What activities motivate you the most or gives you the most energy?

Are they more physical, emotional or mental?

How do you decide which life objectives to focus on?

Matter and form consciousness are qualified because of our interactions with it and by the nature of our ability to perceive a relationship to it.  We can’t really touch it, only perceive it and through our perceptions we touch it indirectly or by way of identification or not.

What thoughts, feelings, or sensations do you seek to have on a regular basis?

Are there any areas of life or activities (people, places or things) that have attracted you but you have not yet spent much time investigating them?

Matter and form consciousness needs to be qualified, given content, so we can identify with it and have experience.

What areas of life are the most important to you now to qualify or experience?

What areas in life should you spend more time qualifying or creating objectives around – family, aspirations, career, avocations,

How we qualify matter is how we determine our reality and who we are. The key is alignment and thus qualitative psychic consciousness flow.

What experiences in life have given you the most energy?

Have these experiences helped you find out who you are?


2.0 Unfoldment of Substance in Context to Soul Field

The controlling factors for self-awareness are matter, substance, form, time and space (or dimensionality) from the point of view of soul (geometry, color, sound), and this connotes identification with form life.

Identification then dis-identification and the creation of a more adequate form to express through is our ongoing unfoldment process.

Important we define the process of qualifying matter through experiences or by having experiences we interact with substance and condition it by the quality of vibration we are expressing.  Every time we interact with another within our aura this creates a different type of awareness that qualifies our substance as long as we identify with this relationship. If we watch TV all day our perceptions of TV would alter our substance if we identify we them.  This would create a learning curve and a change of substance especially if reinforced energetically.

Spiritual qualities are manifested when the vehicles have been occultly saved, and matter has been transformed and transmuted and symbolically raised up or when they vibrate in unison with the soul.

It is easier to grasp the formlessness and nature of the soul through an understanding of those developmental tendencies or spiritual instincts recognized as becoming more integrated in ourselves over time as we spiritualize our lives.  These qualities or urges can be described as follows:

The Tendency to Synthesis (Results in release, liberation and expansion)(highest good for the greatest number)

The Quality of the Hidden Vision (produces illumination, cause of all sensory perception)

The Urge to Formulate a Plan (leads to blended cooperation, cause of evolution itself)

The Urge to Creative Life (leads to quality, radiance, and revelation of the world of meaning)

The Factor of Analysis (leads to understanding through wider choice and which brings into manifestation kingdom of souls)

The Quality Innate in Man to Idealize (lead to sacrifice, one pointed focus, progress on the path, devotion)

The Interplay of the Great Dualities (results in rhythmic living, and conscious adaptation of energy to immediate goal)


All cultures and civilizations reflect this growing spiritual instinct to betterment and to more life. This workshop will indirectly build on these soul instincts as a way to isolate meaningfulness and purposefulness in our lives through the development of a life program (as you might have noticed the workshop is focusing on all seven but in particular the Urge to creative life. It is through creation of forms for Self-expression that develops contentment that leads to temporary awareness and happiness).

Psycho-spiritual qualities are the amount of soul that the substance of the vehicles can reflect or absorb in each life. Soul objective to develop a 3-fold set of qualities relating to the 3-fold vehicles in some integrative way.

Light, receptivity, clarity indicate the nature or ability of substance to reflect soul’s instincts in personality field.  It is important to evolve these three characteristics.

Light and Substance are not the same. Light is a means to understand the quality of substance and nature of the personality bodies and their expressions.

Substance is matter qualified by different types of light. Light reflects awareness. It takes many forms or patterns of awareness we identify with. Clarity of substance is its ability to be receptive to the soul’s pattern. If we are not clear we do not embody accurately our light pattern and thus not express our truer self.

Receptivity reflects the ability of substance to be impressed by the inner and outer environment; and reflects the degree of sensitivity of the Soul.


Exercise: Ask your body for a point of needed clarity (Soul pattern). Relax, clear your mind. Put your awareness on your body. Ask your body what area of body needs clarity. Give them a process for self dialog: What does this part of your body need to become clear? Receive into this part of your body what you need—experience what happens. And follow it—it might to other body areas a couple of times?


Exercise: Ask your body for a point of needed receptivity (soul pattern—inner or outer) per the questions above and below.

The soul has a set of qualities that we need to express to be ourselves. What are they?  The qualities you now express reflect the degree of light, clarity and receptivity you have in relationship to your Soul Pattern or Purpose (that much of the pattern you identify with).

Are there any qualities you have now if expressed would better fulfill their original soul intention, in terms of mental, emotional or physical expression?

Choose three colors?

3.0 Manifestation of Destiny

Archetypes represent the most accurate consolidation of the soul’s purpose and intent; these archetypes will qualify the personality field in such a way as to bring forth the necessary qualities to manifest your destiny.

The One Will is actually the Unknown.  The personality will or soul will is only that part of that One Will the personality can identify with. The soul will is only that part of the One Will the soul can identify with. Living on the Soul level means that the personality will can identify with.

The way we hold ourselves in relationship to the world does in some way reflect the embodiment of our archetypes.


Exercise: Ask your body to evolve an image of self (object, set of qualities, etc.) This image will represent the potential of the self at that moment. What we are moving into.  The soul uses a variety of archetypes; example: the male and female archetypes relate to how we do things.  The image in the exercise relates to a potential for self-expression that we have because of the ways the male and female archetypes produces process.

We are a creative process based on a certain set of archetypes. These archetypes symbolize basic essential qualities innate in all we create (Rays focused through planets/stars).

Determine your set of male/female archetypes  through visualization.  Once these are determined by participants they need to be held to get a sense how the image of self would change by doing this.


Exercise: Meditation on the Archetypes: sense how this has created your destiny up to this point using the nature of the variables that describe your archetypes?

All forms are qualified, even will forms; archetypes, rays kingdoms, soul and spirit. Will gives rise to focus and motivation. Will is best described as direction that infers intention and purpose or motivation. The will is that that leads to where we want to go. If you have light, clarity and receptivity the path will be direct—back home; otherwise, it will indicate your karmic path—circuitous.



Guided Meditation: As a group, walk together along a golden path; sense yourselves moving up a long mountain road to a great height. As you arrive at the top sense a statue; approach the statue and note its nature. Ask yourself three questions: Why am I here; where am I going; where did I come from?

The alignment of the individual will with the will of the soul precipitates life purpose. Personal motivation becomes group motivation (expands into). Will is both Purpose and Intention. Will carries the totality of ones life purpose but we only interrupt what our substance (mental, emotional, physical) is capably of perceiving.  This depends on the light, clarity, and receptivity of the personality field.  Will follows intention and expresses purpose.****


Guided Meditation: Relax and go into your inner awareness; ask how you can align your individual will/intention with the will/intention of the soul and note anything that happens; either body changes, energy changes, or words, or images, or any other changes noticed; once this takes place imagine yourself in the playground of the Lord or Soul; this is whatever comes up—note the nature of playground if any.   Once in the playground, ask yourself three questions: What am I going to do here?  Where am I going to be (time and space)? What contribution does this have to my individual development?


4.0 Outcome of Karma

Karma equals thought-forms, beliefs we create which limit us or align us with a certain direction in life—all forms have karma. Categories—racial, national, ethnic, situational, illusion, glamour’s, maya, kingdom, planetary Logos, etc.

There are two types of karma:

1. Individual karma—creates your own unfoldment; forms to manifest through.

2. Group Karma–Apply individual karma to the whole produces a field of service.

It is only after you after you experience or are mirrored your karma that there is opportunity for further development or integration—this is the purpose for your Karma.

All forms created out of your own substance through the impact of will, creates direction and opportunity. (Meaningfulness of the Heart)

    • I am the One Who
    • Gives
    • Letting Go of
    • Expresses
    • Receives
    • Has Mastered
    • Will impacts substance giving karmic direction and thus self-awareness—integration—demonstrate.


Power of the soul can be expressed through qualities (In the exercise we are looking for how the power can better be expressed—indirectly through substance=karma).


Exercise: Image yourself in a crowded room of people, sense there is someone there you want to meet: Approach them and ask them: What are you doing here? Note the nature of their response. Hold that response in your awareness and note any changes.

The power of the Soul need be expressed through karmic forms. The karma of the group is expressed through individualize karma and vice versa, if a am this way the group is more this way and vice versa. Your type of karma reflects the type of group karma as a whole and more realistically depicts the soul’s truer purpose. Individual Karma is created through group interaction. (group karma creates individual karma).


Exercise: Go to a place on planet at any time in history. Stand at the place you find yourself.  Sense someone coming towards you.  Ask them if you can help them. Note their response.

Go to second place and do the same.

Humanity as a kingdom represents an organism also responsive to its Soul’s Purpose. Each individual reflects in some way the evolution of humanity as a whole through their qualified will content or set of archetypes.

Review of earlier concepts into an allegory based upon the personality form and form of your motivations or life focuses. (Form of the Devotee—soul Bag.


5.0 The Way the Worlds were Made (what lies behind the idea—It is a spiritual necessity.)

All ideas come from above down.  History is the unfoldment of a set of ideas whose time has come so-to-speak.

Patterns are divine ideas, as they emerge from the subjective group consciousness and take those mental forms that can be appropriated by the minds and brain of man. These patterns evoke and awaken response.  Conditioning concerns the response of matter, or substance to the pattern.  The conditioning of the resultant activity is determined by the quality of the vehicle. The interplay between the pattern and the conditioned substance produces the type of sheath an entity expresses through in order to experiment and gain experience.  Over time the conditioning of the form will more closely match the pattern.

The soul is the thinker it formulates the ideas as patterns of energy. Consciousness is the reaction of active intelligence to the patterns. These Patterns of energy are immutable from the form side only the substance is mutable.

These patterns of energy represent that much of the One will that can be expressed at any one time in human history.  Remember the nature of Soul is the one Soul. The design, the existing material and the future are all related.

As example an idea flows to different parts of the planet at different time intervals depicts the way energy circulates in the human body certain areas are more receptive to certain qualities then others. Just as certain personalities are more receptive to different types of ideas; whereas these different ideas reflect our unique path.

The world is continuously created through the evolution of ideas those time has come, which depicts our conception of the One Will descending to manifest, producing cultures, civilizations and nations, etc.

We create our world through our desire to identify with the form the will is taking. Example—group: Ballot box to make a choice between resolutions that effect your children’s education. #2 example: Going out to eat what restaurant do you desire to participate in. (Whether impacted from the outside or impacted from the inside a form of awareness or activity. Light, clarity, and receptivity determine your ability to respond accurately to the intention. Again, intention playing on our substance creates direction in our lives according to the awareness created. We create different forms of awareness with our intentions, when the forms become to limiting and thus painful; we destroy them and create anew. Evaluate your desire according to the energy released—Right Desire—expansion (Greatest rewards and Challenge—doors open.)

Example: Think of a strong desire you have, and notice its effect of your body and on your awareness.  See if it creates a sense of energy expansion or not as you feel it?

Example: Think of an event that caused you physical or emotional pain and now focus on the desire that came from that experience and note the energy of expansion or contraction in hind sight?


Reflective Meditation:  Standing up in the air, sense a place that attracts your attention. Move towards that location and once you arrive note it’s nature. Once your presence is there ask yourself if you like. What do I need to desire here? Or should I desire? (Pagoda—Jewels of fathers house deep in the earth—pencil/paper/golden lamp/staff).

How people choose to partake in their own evolution. Each of us represent a set of ideals or set of concepts that identifies us with the will of humanity along some chosen line or (idea whose time has come). This set of ideals depicts the general and specific nature of our innermost spiritual desires for?

What are your innermost self-motivating ideals?

How do these ideals reflect your state of self-identification?

What political, cultural, economical, societal, religious systems or institutions represent your ideals?

Given this list of voiced ideals, which three do you feel the most energy around?

The ideals that move you the most represent your identification to the will of humanity and your possible contribution to the world in general.  (These three ideals relate to the qualities unfolding.)


Exercise: Take the ideal that gives you the most energy and hold that in your awareness or your heart.  Imagine that you are embodying this ideal and then imagine you embodying this in your day-to-day life.  Is this a positive experience?

Our ideals are embodied in a set of thought-forms we have evolved through time (that represents “the way things should be”), that represent our expanding field of service or our co-creative contribution to our future. (e.g. Nationalism—level of identification).


Exercise: Create a life model and plan that would bring in “the way things should be”, for you, that better manifest these ideals.  Include the qualities and aspirations you are developing in yourself as a part of the “way things should be”. (15 min).


  1. Self-development variables
  2. Comprehension of the ideal (nature of the subject).
  3. Personal qualities you need to carry it out effectively.
  4. System of daily personal development—self-discipline.
  • Environmental development
  • Isolate all entities that make up the environment and understand their relationship to the ideal.
  • Understand how these entities need to relate to manifest ideal.
  • Understand, predict, and explain ramifications and implication of inter-relationship.
  • Inter-relation of self and the environment
  • How you interface step by step to create this qualitative and quantitative expression of your ideal (set of planned objectives—1st step, 2nd step…)
  • Contingency plan/ learning curve/feedback loop so things can be adjusted if do not go as planned.
  • People, places and things have unique importance because they indicate the vibrational group form you respond to—pull and/or push for life so-to-speak. This group form is created from the energy of the sacral center (vitalizes).


Make a list of places you have felt pulled to; types of people or people you have been pulled to; and things you have been pulled towards to investigate?

Make an ideal for the way you would interact in a social setting, include the types of activities that you idealize?

To find new potential outside of ourselves we first have to perceive it inside of ourselves. If we hold ourselves differently we hold the world differently. Our world is created step by step through self-perceptional adjustments, the more accurate our assessment of our selves the quicker we move into our self-potential. In reality, we do hold a sensing of ourselves at any one time and also we hold an image of where we want to go but these are usually amorphous.  By holding these two images or sensing(s) we permit a movement from the lesser to the greater according both degree of intention, precision of understanding of the gap between the two images and skill in action in integrating the two images.


Exercise: Holding the life model we earlier created and sense how it would feel now. Now, drop this and hold your existing sense of self and life model. Now assess the difference between the two. From holding these two images or such sense the gap between these two images: (examples from 5.0; what qualities I need to develop, what behaviors I need to incorporate in my daily life, sensitivities I need to better develop, alterations in character, knowledge pursued, etc.?

Bridging the gap from thesis to antithesis: Psychosynthesis takes place through both a conscious and unconscious adaptation to an archetype or symbol being held in the heart awareness. At each point in our unfoldment there is produced an integrative need that can forward the process of personality integration. This need can be perceived as a symbol or image that permits the behavior and qualities to unfold and removes the gap in time but not in reality. This gap represents an illusion because as souls we are already there but not yet demonstrated in the personality expression.

Reflective meditation: Create a heart awareness of the three distinctive sensing(s) or images and ask for an integrative symbol that will unite the two sensing(s) of present and future.

Given where you are at in your day-to-day activities one can use this symbol in context to any decision or problem you are facing. By holding the issue or question in your heart along with the inter-active image you can generate sensing of your next step forward. Take this new sensing into your awareness, at that point in your body or energy field where issue is related, and hold it there note any changes in your personality field.

If you act according to your inner guidance based upon your true self you will be creating your world in a way that works for you and for everyone else.


6.0 Creating the personality in the image of Soul.

The major qualities of the personality are adaptability and activity.

What is the expression of an integrated personality or an individual carried to its full consummation:?

–The free use of the mind to focus on any concerns of the personal self.

–The power to control the emotions and yet to sense conditions, to feel reactions, and to bring about contact with emotional aspects of others.

–The power to touch the plane of ideas and bring them through into consciousness even if selfishly used.

–The demonstrations of many talents and powers. Either the focusing of genus on one thing or the versatility to do many things well.

–Normally a sensitive instrument of the inner mental and emotional selves, gifted with magnetic power, often resilient, great charm and personal outer gifts.

To develop a more useful way of working with your creative process, development of sensitivity (which is the purpose of evolution), integrative point of I-ness—main personality integrative issue.

Three points of awareness the we as soul need to have as we develop our vehicles: Condition of their substance; their responsiveness to the pattern; their capacity or ability to follow the Plan we have outlined

To develop your mental, emotional, and physical vehicles.

It is only as we do something, do we have the possibility of expanding: experiment, expect, experience, examine, exaltation develops the learning curve. One knows because he works.

Theory of Integration (developing, coordinating, integrating). Crisis of Appropriation of vehicles by Spirit (physical 4-7, astral 13-16, mental 21-25, personality field 35-42, Soul field 48-56)

Evolution of the personality three-fold vehicle is a gradual process that takes place through the development of sensitivity to both the inner and outer world. At any one point there can be recognized a sense of self that has thought, sentient feeling, and vitality that is personified in some way.  Each life reflects a major persona or embodiment.  Also, the three periodic vehicles reflect likewise a more mutable persona we are moving through or using to express ourselves. (Archetype in meditation).


Classic Airplane Reflective Meditation: This is a classic psycho-synthesis exercise to determine present physical persona, emotional persona, mental persona, personality persona, and human soul persona.

Visualize an airplane coming into an airport and landing. Visualize the door of the airplane opening and watch the first c=four people that exit the airplane in order. Make a note of what the are wearing of their gender and basic natures.  The first person depicts your physical persona followed by the second person and your emotional body persona.  The third person represents your mental body persona and the fourth your human soul persona.

This gives you a representation of the sense development in terms of quality of the three vehicles we express the self through.

The senses unfold over time as the will creates life experience to manifest through. Each vehicle unfolds its correlating set of senses—5-fold.

Each life one finds focused at a particular point in their personality field unfolding a particular type of sense, which relates to ones overall life purpose in terms individual development.

As the will plays upon the personality field various qualities or forms unfold over time, which permits self-perception through experiment, expectation, experience, examination, exaltation and this is done through the developing of one major sense at a time. (Soul means sentiency) Personality field is one big sentient body. (For myself, I am learning to develop the senses of the abstract mind—telepathic rapport with the group mind for service; Mary is learning to respond to group (feeling) vibration for service.)

What part of the body reflects peoples’ major focus of awareness in the auric field (Cairo evaluations)? Also, focus in what vehicle?

Remember an experience where you had a great sense of self and see what sense you used for this apperception.

Sense how you move into the unknown.

We are moving our awareness into the next sub-plane of the personality field. Attempt to use this quality of sense by using it to get a sense of self.

Through the evolutionary cycle of personality development there has been a growing sense of self, each cycle producing a more integrated and self-sufficient and sensitive instrument for expressing the soul intentions. The continued development of human qualities and virtues eventually reach a plateau where they inhibit the free circulation and expression of the soul’s intention. This represents that time when the forces of the integrated personality need be set aside for the service of the many and become a clear channel for the Divine Soul.  These qualities and virtues of positive gain represent that personality force, commonly called the dweller on the threshold (to expansion, to revelation, to initiation) that sacrifices itself for the benefit of the larger group. Evil is the good that should have been left behind.  We prepare for this greater exchange of personality forces for soul energy at each state of the psycho-spiritual quality evolution.  It is normally in those areas of life that don’t work or create over identification that this need for sacrifice is reflected.

What are those particular qualities or virtues that you now use to strongly identify with in yourself?

Which socio-economical (relationships, career, family, friends, areas in life do you have the most difficulty with? Mirror of undeveloped qualities or needs.

What circumstances or behaviors push your buttons or you find fault with? Mirror of undeveloped needs or qualities?

Personality development evolves through various integrating sub-personalities. These begin forming during the birth process. These are formed to better enhance the survival of the person involved through their unique set of life circumstances. At this time the average integrating sub-personality is parental—mother or father sub-personality. These typically move into a mystical personality in the west as the major integrating Sub-personality. There is a science of integration forming in those schools of psychology that recognize the soul.


7.0 How and Why we create our Relationships

Example: relationships—out of the conditioned substance of our cultural, etc. environment we gather those relationship forms to express our idealize awareness through. We take those forms and meld them over time to reflect our desire.  And we all know what happens if they can’t be molded.

We have relationships to develop sensitivity, understanding and awareness of self and world and particularly of our path back to the source.

We form relationships to hold ourselves in a certain way so this can be mirrored back. This permits us to isolate the self from the non-self and isolate those forms that require integration. This life experience permits a growing recognition of the nature of our sub-personalities and those qualities and virtues we are expressing and the ones we are not. We create relationships in our quest for our form of happiness. Through the embodying these forms we realize their and our limitations for self-expression and thus create a confinement and eventual unhappiness. Relationships are formed to create experiences, or to initiate causes that produce effects in sensitizing substance and thus unfolds a growing perception of the self and not self.

The Self equals pure awareness; the not self equals any awareness with emotions or thoughts attached.


Exercise: Go into yourself, and locate your sense of Self or I-ness of awareness of Self, try not to qualify it, and hold this for a minute and sense what comes up; note any sense of quality or aspects to it that provides you with meaningfulness. Holding this Self now connect to everything outside of yourself in the environment. Now, sense how your environment mirrors back this same sense of Self. Try to isolate what this essence feels or looks or sounds like. Hold this essence of Self.

Individual relationships are created from a particular need that arises from a particular source within ourselves. We spoke of this earlier in terms of sub-personalities and their needs for mirroring so recognition can be created that they are not the self. The patterns these sub-personalities express represent one form the self is taking to express its objectives.

Relationships with the outer world are created from the sense of I(s) that are most important to us, we have a tendency to form relationships that mirror this identification with some form the self is taking. This awareness is matured over time through the mirroring process but particularly by the sense of growing confinement it implies to the individual. Once we see that these relationships create confinement (discomfort) we begin a process of dis-identification from that we perceive is the cause of this discomfort. This identification and dis-identification to a person, place, or thing represents that dialectic process or emotional learning—thesis to antithesis to synthesis.

People, places and things that attract us represent those areas of life that permit one to connect to our soul purpose through creating a relationship with them. It is in creating a relationship with them that creates the necessary experience to unfold ones life path direction (way to understand the possible purpose if any to our life—in terms of a need for receiving or giving.)

Exercise: In your awareness locate in the air a soft pillow to sit on. In your mind’s eye hold a person, place or thing you are trying to get more awareness on.  As you hold this note any changes in the image or energy field.  Follow this change.

People, places, and things also have created difficult moments or events and reflect the greatest opportunities for growth into the truer self, for challenging one-self to be more of their truer self.

Repeat earlier (7.0) exercise to create a greater awareness of what you received or/and given.


8.0 Manifested Destiny of the Race

It is through though-forms that humanity manifests its destiny. Thought-forms that humanity creates are inspired by the Soul of humanity. What is prioritized in your life now by the Soul of Humanity?

Those karmic thought-forms that make one happy lead us down our life path home to our-self—Soul/Spirit and thus are our contribution to the manifesting of the race. What contribution are we intended to make to Humanity or the larger group?

In terms of family, career/work, spiritual ideals, friendship, any other that are important to you, make a list of thought-forms that qualify these in general broad terms?

The souls objective over the long course of evolution is to have the personality take it’s place so-to-speak in the creative process—to create as the soul creates and thus contribute in the three worlds what we contribute on the plane of the Soul. As a Soul, we are becoming aware of purpose more and more. Through this awareness we create life after life a thought-form of the personality that better reflects that potential expression. This thought-form is also being created by the Soul of Humanity, which we are a part. As this thought-form becomes more sensitive, clear and enlightened, it is better able to reflect a more subtle and inclusive set of influences or impressions. Thus, individually and as a group we filter at different historical times various influences, qualities or forms being transmitted from cosmic archetypes or sources. Our susceptibility is determined by our sensitivity to these influences and where we are at now.

Classical Influences: planets, zodiac, various sub-kingdoms, Hierarchy, kingdom of souls, and Humanity.

[These are influences on the soul not on the personality; and normally not perceived in a horoscope. Influences: Sign Aquarius 2000 years; 7th ray Law & Order; Sirius=Restoration of the Mysteries; the Why of life; Pleiades=(Substance archetypes) influences Human form by aligning individual desire with the Plan. Great Bear. (Male)Will Archetypes for unfoldment of the Human race. Arcturus unfoldment of new soul technologies and the earth logos. Vulcan=conditions head center to be receptive to new soul forms, Saturn=Solar System rep for cause and effect; Sirius replaces Saturn at third I, Venus=luminosity=more soul awareness, Neptune=creates sensitivity in astral field to Buddhic plane unfoldment (prep for 2nd I); heart of the sun=source of quality/sentiency/awareness of the soul, little bear; CSS; Orion; Antares; Signs of Zodiac.]

These influences condition the quality and nature of the thought-forms we create to embody the soul’s intent, which provides opportunity for expansion into next level of sense quality used for perception of self.


Exercise: Determine your major influence now by holding them in your heart and see what guidance comes through? Planetary and zodiacal influences most significance for most.

Life cycles in and out of manifestation pulling into form those ego’s whom respond to like resonance. Individuals are motivated by personal objectives while souls are motivated by group objectives.  Groups of ego’s come in around the world that are responsible for bringing in a new idea that moves civilization down a particular path. What are your larger group objectives?

There are many different types of groups with a wide variation in mandates at this time. Each of us here are a part of many different groups that we are consciously and unconsciously affiliated with. All of these inner relationships go into making up the totality of our thought-form of self and field of service?


Exercise: Sense yourself standing on the edge of cliff; sense a craft with people of some sort moving across your field of awareness. Move towards them and get aboard. Ask them where are they going? Or just see what happens.

Groups of egos have worked together over vast periods of time cycling in and out of form. Also, egos constantly shift from group to group-based on their particular contribution they can make to the whole. Almost the entire grouping of egos extant today was formed at the earliest 500 years ago.

Groups are formed through innate like resonance. This resonance is an instinctual soul attributes that pattern itself according to the Plan for humanity as it unfolds.


Exercise: Cloud Island: ask for guidance—follow it. Relate to what one needs for a grasp of the Plan for Humanity.

If we look at the soul’s objective in respect to the existing filters of the bodies we will see that the mind is the agent for the will or spiritual vision, the emotional is the means to reflect this blueprint through the creative imagination and to desire that vision which the mind holds, whereas the etheric attempts to vitalize this desire into actuality.

How is it that people can decide their own fate?  People’s fate is in the hands of their soul.  Soul communicates through the abstract symbology.

Describe nature of soul and relation sense of circulation of energy; sense of belonging, becoming, and being; sense of aliveness, alertness, impressionability?


Exercise: Go deep into my psychic connection—communicate to them a sense of revelation of the divine soul contrasted to soul revelation and revelation of spirit. Spirit geometricizes itself into the mind of the beholder and grounds that aspect of Dharma, which relates Spirit to the Plan and purpose in which the worlds were created—it is electrifying process—Spirit is electrical in nature.  There is a sense of identification what that aspect of purpose. Comment: As a rule we do not leave any mind space open to soul/spirit.

Exercise: Go into your body presence; now go into heart presence; ask yourself, what nature of revelation is hovering over my consciousness?

Exercise: Go into your body presence; ask yourself “what manner of soul am I”?


10.0     Nature of Salvation

The World as a Whole:

We need you to examine your values here as a group to get a sense of who we, as a group, can unfold as a part of our path into the future?

We want the participants to examine their individual contribution to the egoic group’s creative potential. This will require that each individual be assessed for this potential that we will share with them four different points of view. What are these four points of view?

We want you to examine them in the light of their soul to get a sense of what this potential is in terms of group karmic necessity. We would like to say here that each of you in the class has very definite responsibilities in this regard.  First, each of you are required to assist others to perform a series of life demonstrates along certain lines. Second, each of you will receive a greater sense of belonging in the world once you complete this assistance to others. Third, you will discover a way to move forward in your own processes while performing this demonstration.  Fourthly, you will receive a sense of direction from this?

Get a sense of direction in your life now in respect to this potential demonstration?

Get a sense of how your existing direction can be altered to move into this potential?

Get a sense when you know this potential will be completed?

We would like to add here that these people in this workshop are all alike in the following ways:?

They believe they can be of greater assistance to others in some way?

They know themselves to be on a path of some sort. Such is not the case in the world at large so the potential for demonstrating their life objectives is more consciously assured?

It is important that each of you demonstrate certain potentials in your life in relationship to your own souls?

It is important that each of you demonstrate certain potentials in your life in relationship to humanity:?

We want each of you to know that you are equivalent to a series of life demonstrations that reflect a certain type of loving expression-causally considered:?












Will-to-Be Home (In terms of Direction)

It is important that each of you demonstrate certain potentials in your life in relationship to soul’s form of devotion?

It is important that each of you demonstrate certain potentials in your life in relationship to the form of the environment?

We want each of you to express a certain sense of correctness in voicing your reality?

We want each of you to notice how you can perceive your environment to demonstrate a change?

It is important you perceive your environment as a place you can take the following actions individually considered?

We need you to demonstrate a sense of completeness in creating your environmental form in the following ways to better enhance your ability to integrate your life purpose for being here?

It is important for each of you to demonstrate a sense of connectedness to others along the following lines:?

We want each of you to express a greater sense of direction in returning Home to the Father’s House so-to-speak. 12 points of love-view:?

We want each of you to demonstrate a sense of completion in respect to how you are going to move forward in this life now?

We want each of you to get a sense of where you are at now in your life process. From six points of guiding deva-view. Want us to demonstrate six forms that would enhance their ability to ground their soul into their life processes:

–Correct movement?

–Correct interests?

–Correct enjoyment?

–Correct values?

–Correct expression?

–Correct Fortitude?


We want each of you to have a sense of your gifts, abilities; talents that you have chosen to contribute to this life process.




The World Now, the Way we Made It?

It is important we get a sense of direction in respect to how our life has unfolded up to now?

How is it that your life turned out as it did in respect to your parents?

How is it possible for you to get a sense of relationship to the following six stages of progressive unfoldment:?

  • 0-7:
  • 7-14:
  • 14-21:
  • 21-28:
  • 28-35:
  • 35-42:


How is it that you, as a person have not yet perceived your existing four fold contribution to life:?






Try to answer also through guided body presence the following:

We want each of you to consider the following advice from the group soul in respect to your life up to this point.

We want each of you to consider the following advice from your soul in respect to now.

We want each of you to consider the advice of your Guiding Angels in terms of your well-being.

How do we filter soul impulses or impressions or the route they take into the various vehicles?  What would be the perfected expression of our vehicles for this life? How do we unfold our vehicles and their potential in order to get to the soul’s objectives—i.e. the creation of the qualities or qualitative forms?10

Integration cycle: Alignment, crisis, light, revelation, integration.

  • Relationship of the earth to the sun. All qualities come through the sun, gives us life from all dimensions. Soul is qualified through energies coming from the sun.
  • People can access these streams via human soul.
  • Revelation flows from the heart of the sun focusing qualities of love.
  • Delineate Cosmos in terms of the charka model expressing qualities. Our planet is part of a larger being.
  • Soul is influenced by solar system; personality by earth; spirit by seven star systems.


11.0     Evolution into Our Future (600-700) (Time permitting)

Long run happiness is the keynote indicating the path we eventually will take and appears to each as being one of a greater challenge for us. We must keep adjusting the form we are seeking happiness through.  We are attempting at each moment to creating the things we love but endlessly not providing the happiness we seek.  This is the underlying potential cause of our guilt and shame we sometimes feel and hold onto when we become either stuck in a co-created form or perceive its negative effects upon those we love.

Evolution into the immediate Future

What is the potential for the one soul of humanity? Remember as we apperceive it through our “glass darkly” it is one correct for us.


Guided Meditation: Grounding through Group Meditation (Visual Symbol is the Soul Bag)

10-15 minute presentation on Law of Integral Intercession and meditation technique. (Grace after Love—Group Karma for Individual).

Meditation Section: Soul Bag Meditation (Holding the Higher Vision; the Beingness of who they are}

Purpose is to isolate soul content field; live in it; penetrate, polarize, participate new form.

Once contacted, and if karmically available. Intercession by devic life to ground form; Response is twofold: Energetic and Healing, to the extent of that which is offered up comes down.

Unless it is heart felt, personality field will reject what comes in, so there must be a letting go.

Personality field cannot organize its energy field to receive it, this needs to be done by intercessory deva..

The focus is a combination of mind, feelings, and sensation simultaneously.

Principles of Soul/Personality Relationship:

Laws of the Soul: Sacrifice—the including of the group soul perspective. Taking control of the greater perspective—opens heart chakra.

Polar union: create polarized relationships with other group souls whom have other plans or agenda.—opens heart chakra: Service—how to radiate purposefulness in Being

Honoring people with gifts help us move more into expanded potential.

I Create All Things Anew. 20 minute meditation to magnetically ground vision in the aura.


  1. Creative Process is one of establishing constructive relations between positive and negative energies and the subsequent production of magnetic force (positive/dynamic vs negative/receptive vs magnetic attractive).
  2. The personality as a force need be receptive to the energy of the soul to attract to it those forms to create its path from itself—field of service. This leads to the creation of the higher way or larger field of service. Unity through relationship.
  3. In the task of building the future, the aspirant has to work on mental levels fusing the three types of mental substance (concrete mind, soul mind, and abstract mind) and because of his orientation towards the future of humanity that which he builds will move upwards towards the center of life. He must work in the dark with the light he has to evoke that which will be. The mind is used as a means of aligning soul and form; and then as a searchlight of the soul, and as a controller of personality.
  4. Intention relates to the focusing of energy upon the mental plane at the point of greatest possible tension to carry out ones purpose in manifesting. Need to achieve right orientation towards the soul and then the presence. Next, need to use creative imagination and yet be responsive to intuitive impression. Third, is a process of energy gathering or force absorption into mental ring-pass-not prior to visualization. Fourthly, a period of clear thinking about idealized image of future. Finally, a steady preservation of tension without undue strain on brain cells.
  5. Visualization relates to the constructing of the blueprint of the work to be done. The creative imagination needs to organize pool of energy. Visualization is the process whereby the creative imagination is rendered active and becomes responsive to and attracted by the point of tension on the mental plane. At this point one is occupied by two energies—one quiescent and held and one active-picture forming and outgoing and responsive to to mind. One needs to work slowly at this point, picturing what he wants to do, why he has to do it, what are the stages of his work, what will be the resultant effects of his planned activity, what materials with which he has to work. At this point a third energy is added intuitive impression.  As a current is set up between poles it produces an interior activity and an organization of the substance present.

–projection falls into three main activities: after careful, sequential and systematic picturing of bridge to future.  One calls in the will aspect of is nature.

–Need to preserve a triple consciousness: Aware of his own self; he is conscious of a fixed point of tension; He is aware of his soul or major psycho spiritual quality.

–he begins to use that soul quality correctly.

–he then uses word of power which is the agent of his will.


Projection relates to the moving the organized substance forward, so that from the center of force a line appears of light-substance that is sent upwards to the center of life, the Presence. Projection of Idealized Self is perfected through knowledge transmuted into wisdom, love for the whole is growing, and the power to renounce is being expressed (the not-self) or the will-to-good that created life. Attempt to follow guidance and use intellect on behalf of humanity, then love is beginning to control; and the significant of divine sacrifice is understood as a natural spontaneous expression then it becomes possible to project the self, as a path, a bridge into the future.

After four stages of projection

1st—positivism of spirit; 2nd quality; 3rd mental silence—divorced from form and realization of spirit/matter as one-Purpose itself am I.


At the point of highest tension–Send forth quality to quality. In the silence that sounds, send forth the Word of Power—I assert the fact: Spirit is a fact, soul/personality is a fact; bridge future is a fact; the work is done.  Knowledge and conviction not faith—divine assertion. I see the greatest light: see in the light the relationship to the whole.

Invocation and evocation: The tension of the lower evokes the attention of the higher.  There is a moment where contact between the two projections is made in meditation—nature of a flame of light, a realization of liberation, and one is the way.


Final Guided Reflective Meditation: Building our future involves much scientific experience in the art of living.

  • Guides needs now to take time to organize participants thoughts around creating their idealized self-image in relationship to their wholeness, resonating as high as possible and as formless as possible-abstract the quality of Self.
  • Individual Alignment: Relax, deep breathing.
  • I am not my body sensations, my feelings, my thoughts.
  • I am pure awareness.
  • Holding essence of idealized thought-form of self and field of service (sense/image) begin to feel into this, aspire towards it. Feel the truth and goodness of it and the reality of it—own it.
  • Next, take this idealized thought-form and create points of meaningfulness for you. It’s potential for self-expression in terms of its quality, its implications, it’s ramifications on your world. Focus as much imagination, mental clarity, aspiration, and vitality as you can muster on it.
  • Intention: (to Create this Now in your life)
  • Now, hold this vital, feeling, and mental essence of idealized form in your mind as a field or point of tension while always holding a sense of self-awareness.
  • Now, sense the energy, quality, or feeling of the soul being added to it.
  • Build and hold this vital, feeling, and mental energy in your mind’s eye.
  • Sense a growing point of essential liquid qualified light becoming more and more solidified, more and more intense.
  • Sense everything you have been and are up to now including the idealized self-image, the essential knowledge, understanding, wisdom and power within you and sense this going into the self-image through the process of the imagination.
  • Know that this is the substance that makes all things anew.


  • Visualization: We image, point by point, what we are and what we will be and relate this to our environment or world view to create a greater and greater point of tension. Thus, create an essence of quality and an essence of purposefulness.
  • Projection: Now project this sensed essence (sphere or point of solidified light) and awareness into the unknown on a Word of Power. Sense this vibrating essence of self going out to the One Self or One Presence. Know that Life attracts life. Being attracts being. Quality attracts quality. Love attracts love. Sense the inevitability of this. From this light we will see a new light.
  • Now hold a point of deep silence for 8 minutes being receptive to the Presence.
  • Now, note any energetic changes in your field; their quality and nature. Follow any changes.  Take three minutes to do this. Take a moment to acknowledge the inevitability of the true self.
  • Now, with eyes still closed and taking the hand of those on each side, acknowledge our relationship with each. Hold that presence of each in silence for as long as is appropriate.
  • Now, as a group, send out three silent OM’s through-out the planet.  Sense this going through all the kingdoms creating a sense of identity with all and the planet.


Notes: Four Forms Revisited

Let us look upon the world we create and gather together the necessary energies required to be success in life; what would these look like.  Let us present some examples.

  1. First we need to decide just how to control ourselves to find our special happiness, joy and spiritual bliss and this requires all symbolically 777 incarnations which can be explained as 700 up until the birth of the Chris in the heart experience; another 70 incarnations to curtail earlier karma forms and 7 incarnations to perfect your 4 forms.
  2. It would be good to look upon this as an avenue to justify your release from this kingdom into the next and works towards your own salvation’s as the words of the Buddha instructed to his disciples upon his leaving of this physical earth.
  3. It would be good to look at justifying your rewards in heaven now as all good earth citizens are trying to accomplish although for reasons they do not fully understand. Good to look at this as an evolutionary angle of ascension as many are prone to do and look well into the past to perfect the future.
  4. On and on we travel to accomplish our goals hoping one day for fulfillment in the right mount and worshiping all that gather together for us these demands and thus are our so called gods we travel with. Onward we look from afar seeing all swept up before us in satisfaction that our destiny is one with all concerned yet not knowing anything about it.
  5. It would be good to look upon those in a far country as not like us and yet upon the same path in the heavens and worshiping too as we do yet beside themselves with uncertainty as to their eventual fate. Along side of these are even greater beings wishing they too were satisfied with knowing the reasons for the past and the ageless freedoms demanded as all are on a road or cycle of perfection.
  6. It would be good to know, would it not, of despairs left behind to shelter us form the cold and depart from there in virtue gratitude for our salvation from these would it not. Look beyond your self absorption to see the virtues left behind by others more advanced than yourselves and be willing to see these as unknowable yet attainable if perseverance attributed you. Look beyond your borders of self doubt and reach for correctness of spirit enhanced by your virtues unattainable yet doubt your preparedness to ascend to these without the aid of future travelers.



Appendix 1: A Working Glossary of Terms (These terms can have a vast array of definitions.  We have chosen a particular connotation for this workshop—thus working definitions.)

  1. Self: that much of sentiency or soul awareness that one is able to identify with.
  2. Soul: the middle or consciousness aspect of the human constitution; that which is responsible for sentiency and self-awareness.
  3. Substance: matter of any dimension or plane that has been qualified by some life form embodying it or used to make up the vehicles, sheaths, or bodies of some life form.
  4. Personality: normally perceived as a way to express the self through and is composed of a mental, emotional, & vital body to express through; also considered to be the activity or form aspect of the human constitution.
  5. Presence: that awareness which represents the totality of planetary awareness and expresses through the One Will, the One Soul, and the One Activity.
  6. Matter: atomic like elemental forces that are used to construct any form that houses or embodies life; considered to be the receptive vehicle for life.
  7. Elemental Forces: an involutionary life that is built into forms.
  8. Evolution: an unfoldment of expressed sentiency.
  9. Sub-personality: an organized and qualified form that the self expresses through and has mental, emotional, and vital content.
  10. One Will: That aspect of the One Life that carries qualified purpose (will-to-Love) and intention, which gives direction in life. The personality will is that much of the One Will that we can yet identify with.  Soul Will is that much of the One Will the Soul can identify will.  Our will is that much of the personality, soul, or spiritual will we can identify with and indicates our direction in life.
  11. Human Soul: that aspect of the One Soul that is individualized and qualified by the aspect of abstraction.  Also, called Son-of-Mind, and expresses through the “Causal Body”, the body of immortality; the human soul is developing and expressing the three aspects of active intelligence, responsible love, and sacrificial will.
  12. Divine Soul: that aspect of the One Soul that expresses Spiritual Mind or Group Abstract Purpose, Spiritual Love or Group Spiritual Intuition, and Spiritual Will or Group-Realization. Here there is no thing as your soul and my soul.
  13. Form: any animate or inanimate person, place or thing that expresses quality and thus has life. All nouns are forms of awareness (Love, House, father concept if embodied, etc.).
  14. Grace: that recognition by the self of that aspect of the One Will or One Pattern which is more inclusive than what the self is now holding. Grace follows a growing love of the whole and sees the inevitability of each in it’s place doing it’s thing and the self thus adjusts it’s holding of itself to reflect that larger pattern perceived. Grace, thus can be equated with psycho-spiritual healing.
  15. Revelation: Soul revelation is some truth precipitated in the mind and then brain that relates the individual to the group.  Spirit Revelation is some universal Truth that is precipitated into the mind and then brain of beholder that relates the group to the whole.
  16. Karma: that form awareness that is being held or embodied by the self or some entity.
  17. Light: symbolic, yet expressive of quantity and quality of awareness; it is that which is released as the will plays upon substance and represents that much of the One Soul that one is able to identify with in the evolutionary process. Light is released, as matter is re-qualified.
  18. Archetypes: those will forms that are created by an entity as its will plays upon the existing substance it is expressing through. (Zodiacal will playing upon the substance of humanity). They represent a qualifying pattern that conditions substance.
  19. Pattern: Patterns are in the last analysis only those types of energies struggling to emerge into material expression and which eventually subordinate the more superficial and obvious energies to their newer imposed rhythm; Patterns are literally the divine ideas, as they emerge from the subjective group consciousness and take those mental forms that can be appropriated by the mind and brain of person also, a set of dimensional or multi-dimensional forms (forces) or energies that make up the expressive domain of some entity.
  20. Quality: that particular essence or set of variables that differentiate one species from another (Elm tree and an Oak tree). Quality arises from the purpose inherent within that aspect of the One Will playing on a particular substance already qualified by karma.
  21. Thought-forms: that entity or set of interrelated forces created by a human being which represents both it’s intention to create and the nature of it’s intended creation.
  22. Logos: a generic name for an ensouling entity.
  23. Conditioning: Is that response, innate and inherent, of matter and substance to the pattern.  Patterns evoke and awaken response.



  • How to evolve into your own Soul Likeness. People have a choice. There are times in life when life becomes more magical—these are opportunities to reinvest in yourselves. These times represent the revelations of the soul. These times are when great progress can be made in unfolding yourself. Now is one of these times.
    • Relax & Breath: Go into your inner third eye area and sense your soul there waiting for you. Note anything that comes. Now go into your heart presence and take whatever came to you before and hold it here. Follow it & note it.
    • Go into your body presence: Relax & breathe: Ask yourself a question “What importance am I” note what follows.
    • Go into your body presence; sense a relationship to the planet, sense yourself looking down at planet; ask yourself three questions

–Why am I here?

–What manner of Person am I

–How can I best serve the Planet?


Composed by HZ. Workshop given in 2000-2001.


Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Spiritual Guidance II – Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop – Lessons & Exercises

Spiritual Guidance III – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Lessons & Exercises

Spiritual Guidance IV – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Physical Body – Some Lessons

Spiritual Guidance V – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Mental Body – Some Lessons & Exercises

Five Exercises to Better Develop Spiritual Guidance

A Karmic Evaluation for an Aspirant as Part of a Healing Session – An Example

Spiritual Psychology & The Real Need for Trained Spiritual Psychologists

Spiritual Guidance – Some Types of Balance Required to Receive and Interpret Subjective Guidance Correctly

Five Exercises to Better Develop Spiritual Guidance