Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

The soul is understood to be the source of all sentience of whatever type in whatever kingdom. It is also defined occultly as that which is composed of eighteen (18) energies:


The energy of loving presence.

The energy of intelligent activity.

The energy of sacrificial will.


These three are the central three energies but there are fifteen (15) more:

The egoic body is composed of solar Pitris of several classes.

The first class is responsible for the creation of the causal body per each personality life in body.

The second class is responsible for the monitoring of its creation or the personality.

The third class is responsible for the correction of mistakes or the precipitation of karma within the auric fields.

The fourth class is responsible for the creation of auric mental forms when the Soul wishes to communicate with its creation.

The fifth class is responsible for the creation of astral auric forms when the soul wishes to communicate with its creation.

The sixth class is responsible for the creation of those elemental and lessor devic qualities built into the kama-manasic personality sheaths by the Oversoul or group soul.

The seventh class is responsible for the building in of atmic related intents into the personality sheaths.

The eighth class is responsible for building in those forms related to Spirit.

The ninth, tenth, eleventh classes are responsible for the building in of those intents by the planetary Logos.

The remaining four energies are related to the central Jewel and each of these relate to the planetary Logos’s achievements throughout the chain related unfoldment.


As healers it is possible to use any of these energies in the healing process based upon the real needs of the individual involved. To be able to access these higher energies it is required that the healer be divine Soul conscious. It is also required that the healer be aware of its relationship to the Lord (the “Lord” refers to a combination of both the Christ and Sanat Kumara or the being which represents the personality expression of the planetary Logos). Within the body of the Lord are all planetary forms (representing the unconscious self’s and the conscious self’s set of lives and to alter a self-conscious form requires the Lord’s permission. Furthermore, it requires the permission of the Lords of Karma.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



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