Following the Cosmic Sound

  1. The Trumpet Sounds from afar.
  2. The Sound Current swirls.
  3. The Voices proclaim the Ancient Vision held within the Eye Sacred.
  4. Hearken One and All the White Benevolent One seekest the Presence within Man.
  5. The Chariot of Man travels towards the Stars.
  6. Towards the Milky Way it travels heading to the center, a bright Star leadest him on.
  7. The Chariot turns first towards Pegasus, then towards Pleiades seeking the Voice that travels from afar.
  8. Upwards he travels, next towards Sirius.
  9. The Way forward is Lost in the brilliant Light of Regulus.
  10. Next, he travels towards the crown of that great being, shining from afar on the Isle or Gate of Arcturus.
  11. Next, he travels to that far off place where roam the winds of time—Body of Pegasus – the place is haunted by the 7-Winds that breathed Spirit into Man.
  12. Next, he travels upwards to the Star that shinest between Aquilla and Curpens Cauda; here he finds the source of his essential Being.
  13. Next, he travels that Path that leads to the to the Heart of God, this Path is trodden by many returning home–Great Bear (Archetypes).
  14. Next, he travels to that place hidden at the very Heart of the Galaxy, a place resonant with the Hopes of the Many, a place where the Temple is being built upon the Cosmic Mental Plane – through the Isle of Scorpio one can find it.
  15. Next he travels to that place in the bosom of the Cosmic Christ far above the throngs of the many seeking union with themselves – hidden by the endless clouds that act as the Guardian of the Threshold.
  16. This place he seeks for many a Kalpa before again the Voice is heard beaconing him through the Eye.
  17. The Lord again lifts His Triumph and the Sound swirls around him bringing him through the clouds to the Heart of His Being.
  18. Here he rests for a Maha Manvantara before he again enters into Creations Desire.
  19. Here again he travels from afar to be a Messenger for the Great One.
  20. Here again he finds the lessons needed to carry Him to the One Spirit Animating All.
  21. Here again he learns that the Seven are the three and the Tree the One.
  22. And the One…

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

Posted in Soul Impacted Apothegms.