Meditation Impressions (See also on the side menu below “Other Meditation Impressions”)

These various Meditation Impressions reified and shared herein is the attempt to depict elements of the Heart Doctrine versus those of the Eye Doctrine.

See “Studies/Reviews” menu for discussions related more to the Eye Doctrine.


Everything written on this website within the “Meditation Impressions” Menu, as a rule, is not from the personality or personality mind but from higher aspects of the self (Son of Mind) or from others (groups and individuals) subjectively. If the personality mind, as opposed to the concrete mind plus soul, on occasion did bring in some subjective point of view it was denoted as such. During Samadhi the personality and kama-manasic mind vehicle or personality mind is not present and is by-passed. Basically, it did not decide what to reify or how to reify but became only the observer of the concrete mind content afterwards and during the composing and recording.