Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mohammed the Prophet

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

[Please note the information provided below is from an experiential perspective of the group mind and may or may not be arcuately represented depending on viewers point in evolution. ]

Subjective Group Life – Some Examples

Group life can be differentiated into streams of expression and function. Where function is the purpose for which they exist. 25 groups herein denoted plus some more occult groupings of esoteric beings.

  1. As of this writing there are basically 627 Specialized Ashramic Groupings: 627 (Note: These all cannot be given out to the public.)
  2. Groups that relate to the masters’ associated work being done on other planets: 42 essential groupings.
  3. NGWS
  4. Resource Group For NGWS
  5. Groups that pertain to the development of objectives per different nations and regions in the world.
  6. Groups who give specialized worldly life assistance related to each of the 18 subplanes.
  7. Groups responsible for the development of religious instruction coming from deity—projection of architype—eye of very old mind (all those religious beliefs appear to act as God but no real livingness beyond that.
  8. Groups and individuals responsible for the transmission of Plan energy/guidance from ashram to initiates in body.
  9. Groups responsible to adjust peoples’ perspectives on the rights of individuals in incarnation.
  10. Groups responsible for the caretaking of the planet on a variety of levels.
  11. Groups responsible for the development of man’s right to exist untroubled by agents of unnecessary destruction. (HZ belongs to)
  12. Groups responsible to the Lord of the World—Karmic Lords.
  13. Groups responsible to develop other people’s points of view about
  14. Groups responsible for the correction of various mistakes made while in incarnation.
  15. Groups responsible for the development of assistance to others requesting it.
  16. Groups of egos coming in to incarnation now to support the Plan objectives 5.

16.1 Each of these ray groups works alongside the masters in achieving the planned objectives in the moment and controls the outcome of the master’s services in the world.

16.2 Each of these ray related groups works alongside the masters to achieve a resistance to unwanted resources of any type.

16.3 Each group works alongside the masters to achieve a sort of revelation as to what is coming next and prepares for it ahead of time.

16.4 Each of these groups works along side the masters and sees to it they are taken care of in meeting their many needs base required to achieve their goals in life on the lower planes.

16.5 Each of these groups works along side the masters to perform certain functions requested by the masters in their outing to the world. They work also to achieve a certain grace for their membership along the way. They perform certain rites with the deva kingdom likewise to prevent misunderstandings between groupings on methods of work. They see to it the masters are taken care of in terms of them waiting or not for the go ahead in some area or department of work. Achieving grace is an important part of success in moving forward with humanity as grace is needed here to combat the excessive types of karma accumulated.

  1. Groups responsible for achieving grace for various members of the Lodge.
  2. Groups responsible for taking upon themselves the work of the Lord within the three worlds.
  3. Groups responsible to commit to memory certain aspects of the Plan to share with others.
  4. Groups responsible for determining the grace period for any advanced work in the world.
  5. Groups responsible for subjective training on inner planes—guides. 49-7
  6. Synthesizing groups responsible for transition and synthesis between levels.
  7. Group responsible for organizing etheric substance to help transition through birth and death processes.2
  8. Group responsible for assisting those in body in adjusting their karma.
  9. Groups responsible for care-taking accidental or premature deaths.


A series of classifications relating various groups of egos to relative points of evolution—capacities developed in expressing through subplane substance—organized and integrated. There are 28-subplane developmental conditions for the fourth initiation.

(Note to self: Important here to respect traditional names:)


Buddhic 1: Lotus of Everlasting Joyfulness

Buddhic 2: Lotus of Incumbent Outpouring that radiates the All.

Buddhic 3: Lotus of Controlled Heat & Fiery Determination.

Buddhic 4: Lotus of Pristine Ethers Producing Contemplation

Buddhic 5: Lotus of Recurrent Self

Buddhic 6: Lotus of Radiant Expression

Buddhic 7: Lotus of Expressed Hopefulness


Mental 1: Lotus of Pristine Elevation or Will

Mental 2: Lotus of Reasonable Assurance of the Plan

Mental 3: Lotus of Radiant Perfume

Mental 4: Lotus of Recalcitrant Karmic Enhancement

Mental 5: Lotus of Revelation of Soul

Mental 6: Lotus of Reasonable Exchange

Mental 7: Lotus of Correct Suggestion


Astral 1: Lotus of Truth Assurance

Astral 2: Lotus of Reified Vision

Astral 3: Lotus of Supreme Contentment


An introduction on the nature of impressions required to receive. There are 108 basic source types through the fourth initiation.


  1. Shamballa
  2. Nirmanakayas
  3. Presence—Monadic Ray Group
  4. Angel of the Presence—Monadic Personality Group
  5. Astral Awareness of Planetary Heavenly Men: Buddhic groups that make up the 6 fold energy of causal field of planetary Logos. Heart of Sun: Responsible for 72,000 Nadis or 6×12. Beings that ensoul groups of human egos. There are 12 Lords of the Petals. Beings total for Solar System—Human/Devic.
  6. Raincloud of Knowable things—World Soul
  7. Divine Soul (Triadal)
  8. Hierarchy as a Whole (Triadal)
  9. Ashrams as Groups and Sub-groups (Triadal)
  10. Creative Hierarchies (Triadal Level as a unit) training for the fourth initiation.
  11. Group of 49 Lunar Pitris—These evolved in moon chain—focus is three worlds in the solar system.
  12. 108 Entities in this group: 108 groupings related to the ‘organs’ of the bodies of 12 Heavenly Men. Nine groups relate to triadal polarization. They are representative of 108 ‘organs’ in cosmic Logos. Nine types of guidance equated to nine polarities of the Triad. Use of the divine Will reflects dharma of solar Logos. Used in training for the third initiation.
  13. 108 Regents of Humanity evolving through the chains which makeup of the 12 Heavenly Men 12×7=84; 6×3 = 18; 5×1=5 last has one =108 (84+18+5+1 = 108).

14. 7-Greater Regents thus 49 Globes x 12 Heavenly Men = 588 Lessor Regents.

The fourth initiation completes one’s training in the One Humanity. Each Humanity has an effect on each other according to the polar opposites of the Heavenly Men or the third pole of the triad.

In a round the 5th Order Deva Regents represent chakras where chakra equals a round.

They are focused through the 9-centers equated to kingdoms (three lower kingdoms; 5-chakra root races of humanity plus the one beginning to form now on buddhic level of the 12 Heavenly Men).

The causal body is qualified differently according to the chakra aligned with. Guiding Angel of the globes are 9-fold. It is a round and a globe because humanity is formed one time for one center.  Master needs this for caretaking.


Six Orders of Devas that can be used for guidance.

1st Order Deva from Heart of Sun: Probationary initiate begins training for the fourth initiation contact with these at the second initiation: Ensouling Personality Fields according to rays. 7 Rays but 14 rays here.

2nd Order Deva from Heart of Sun-6: Permanent Atoms (PA) 50: It is important here to present to yourselves a systematic way of looking at these devas that will throw some light on the problem. This deva group relates to the PA and controls the centers until man takes over. It is important here to present a series of explanations for each center.

3rd Order Deva: Ensouls Abstract Mental Plane for Planets (abstract thought).

4th Order Deva: Ensouls triadal field – nine types:

5th Order deva: Ensouls patterns of force or forms of formless 7 x 49.

6th Order Deva: Ensouls first subplane matter 49 – 1st subplanes:


Individualized Devas: 12 Orders:

These devas respond to the embodied Lives of the Heavenly Men which cannot be given out.


To prevent confusion below are some few examples of additional groupings where subjective communications can take place.

  1. Group Soul (All those human units one has karmic affiliation with)
  2. Hierarchy of Evolved & Enlightened Souls
  3. Inner groups of various levels and mandates.
  4. People we have psychic connection with.
  5. Angels/Deva of conscious origin
  6. Causal Body—will aspect: egoic group—those souls who are at the same level of unfoldment that you hang with over many lives while out of body: depicts the 1st aspect of oneself.
  7. People who you have karmic affiliation with in body.
  8. Psycho-physiological Fragments
  9. Sub-Personalities
  10. Personality (2nd aspect)
  11. Health and well-being state of being (senses, instincts, belief systems, etc.)
  12. Environmental state of well-being (accidents, events, etc.)
  13. Causal Body development: guiding angels—more developed causal body the more truth and clarity of the guiding angels that can be reflected (3rd aspect).
  14. Enemies
  15. Inner Guides who act as teachers from emotional/sentient, mental or causal levels.
  16. Teachers in body who work on the inner planes.
  17. Other Sub Human Kingdoms of Beings.
  18. Cell Memory
  19. Outer Groups of various types of different areas of your interest.
  20. Planetary etheric body
  21. Media Concepts you believe in (Public Opinion)
  22. Cultural & Civilization Ideological Forms (Race, ethnic, technology, etc)
  23. Earth Based Geographical forms (whether, lay-lines, terrain, food bases, etc.)
  24. Etheric Brain communication from people & groups in body or out.
  25. Extra-planetary (astrological & astronomical)
  26. People in Authority
  27. Anima mundi (soul of lower kingdoms)
  28. Karmic conditioning of matter & substance itself
  29. Relatives & Friends in Body
  30. Dead Relatives & Friends Out of Body


Some Examples of Sub-Groups linked to above Groups. Remember that all entities are composed of three aspects and any of the three or a combination can be approached subjectively.

  1. NGWS Core group
  2. Nirmanakayas
  3. Devic groups
  4. Holy Ones
  5. Enlighten Beings.
  6. Chohans
  7. Masters
  8. Creative Hierarchies Lives
  9. 82 Saints
  10. Specialized 6th ray Grouping
  11. Specialized 3rd ray Grouping
  12. Specialized group working under the Christ in the World.
  13. Ashram Divine Soul
  14. Monadic Divine Soul
  15. Hierarchy as a Unit
  16. Sub Ashrams
  17. Angel of Presence(s)
  18. Divine Mother
  19. Mind of God-Planetary
  20. Individualized Devas
  21. Green and Gold Color Devas
  22. Group of Saints
  23. Group of Enlighten Beings
  24. Ray Soul Group
  25. Triad Ensouling Entity
  26. NGWS Group Soul
  27. NGWS Personalities
  28. NGWS Resource Group
  29. Son of Mind
  30. Divine Experiment Soul Group
  31. Planetary Causal Angels (field)
  32. Soul of Humanity
  33. Guardian Angels
  34. ET Soul Group
  35. Egoic Group 1
  36. Soul Group of Initiates
  37. Soul Group related to Past Lives
  38. Group of 14
  39. Group of 9
  40. Group of 4
  41. Group of 13
  42. Anima Mundi
  43. Animal Soul
  44. Vegetable Soul
  45. Mineral Soul
  46. Humanity as a Personality
  47. Idea Group
  48. Mentor Group
  49. Pioneer Group
  50. Group of Pretenders
  51. Large Diverse set of Specialized Groupings of Minds accessed for Guidance.
  52. Any Unit Going out or coming in of Incarnation.
  53. Any Unit in the Heaven Worlds


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Subjective Guidance Sources –  Group & Individual – Some Examples – Part II

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate

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Spiritual Journey – A Recommended Journal

Spiritual Psychology & The Real Need for Trained Spiritual Psychologists

Experimental Directional Antahkarana Training Meditation