Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment

Useful exercise for esoteric healers and occultists to access the worlds of meaning and significance.


Breath of Intention to Create According to the Will of God

Need to isolate yourself or the soul psychically and begin to breath in the soul field to the top of the lungs.  Count of eight (8) in and out no hold, slowly. Be aware that the air going in is tinted with the 12 (7 + 5) Shaktis of the Creative Hierarchies. Be wise to consider that the way you breath is not unlike the way the world the worlds are created from point of view of Sanat Kumara in terms of the creation of the group thought form. Be wise to consider your view on creation for a moment to get the point of integration with the Master who will be your point of Shamballic Will. Be Wise to consider your point of reference to the outside world on out-breath in respect to intention and meeting real need.

Be wise to consider your concepts around the soul aspect and perceive it as the Life aspect of substance inherent in the Heart of all things.  Union of Soul and Life at the Heart of every atom—awareness of Hearts.

Be useful to see yourself as anchored to the core of the earth with the earth as pulsating Heart of Life or Soul of the earth.  Breath into the auric field the 7 colors of the manifested creative Hierarchies. With each breath simultaneously breath them all in.see your aura expanding towards the center line. [Note: Unfortunately, I am not permitted to provide these colors to the public so each must receive them from the soul.]

Be wise to consider the idea that the One Soul—Sanat Kumara (its highest representative on this planet, permeates equally all creations with the ability to resurrect itself.  Be wise to harness your concerns around life-soul-matter and see it as (united as one in substance) not being separate. Be wise to consider thinking about the atom/matter in occult ways according to Leadbeater’s analysis. Be wise to consider matter as being occultly manipulative—such as scientist in terms of releasing—forming parts and the whole. Be wise to isolate those factors which control awareness of a form.

Be wise as to know the composition of any entity; thus, consider your ascension training paramount to your future success.

Be wise to consider life as having its own pro-generating propensities or unique purpose for existing. Thus support its purposes. If one identifies with its purpose than synchronicity rules, then one can co-create a harmonious understanding. Purpose dictates composition and quality.  All acts of the will are acts of purpose. Purpose of any entity takes precedence over form of its creation.

Be wise to consider the effects you have on people by identifying with their purpose or isolating their purpose in terms of release of energy and power. Their power is not acceptable to them it brings up their fears and relates to their composition in terms of wholeness.  Re identify with their larger purpose or you take their power.  Altering composition means altering function and purpose for which a thing is created.

Be useful to consider the way you perceive continuity of awareness in relationship to the alteration of substance into some pattern for recognition. Be wise to consider a way to enlighten others through rearranging thought substance when speaking.

Be wise to consider the effects you have during eating or in the assimilation of matter into your consciousness. Be wise to consider the effects you have around being kind or one’s motives in general – motive as purpose.  Kindness opens the heart and allows thoughts to be assimilated.

Seven-fold manifested Kingdoms and Hierarchies:

  1. Solar Lives
  2. Planetary Lives
  3. Hierarchical/Triadal Lives
  4. Human/Monadic Lives
  5. Animal/Egoic/Personality Lives
  6. Vegetable/Lunar Lives
  7. Atomic/Elemental Lives


Be wise to consider a way to enhance your belief in the way to control breathing aligned with the rhythm of the soul or blending into that of the soul that enhances the Presence of the One Soul in the vehicle.

Be wise to control and isolate the mechanism in head center which permitted your access to other dimensions (breathing in and out of head center being aware of it).

Be wise to consider a way to cheat death by learning to die daily by ascending constantly.

Be wise to alter your plans to do this until you can do this.

Be wise to consider a way to ascend without leaving the body.

Be wise to assert your will in disciplining the physical body to become an active instrument of service—increased vibration.

Be wise to consider a way to enhance physical body around being comfortable in sitting, etc.

Be wise to consider a way to heighten vibration of personality body simultaneously and in harmony.

Be wise to enjoy yourself ascending.

Be wise to isolate yourself to practice ascending until mastered.

Be wise to find projects to work in which require ascending.

Be wise to lighten your work load from my mind to ascend—ascending will lighten workload.

Be wise to find someone to support you if needed while you complete the process.

Be wise to surround myself in violet blue to isolate yourself from environment.

Be wise to ensure safety by having few people around.

Be wise to assert your interest in people’s divinity and potential

Be wise to address friends as brother /sister in mind and heart.

Promote usefulness of subjective type evaluations.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.