St. Panteleimon the Healer
Nicholas Roerich Museum - St. Panteleimon the Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model (Revised 03/11/24)

This discussion was revised by adding two additional systems to the diagnostic model – Spiralle and Pranic Delivery Systems. It added additional information on several of the other systems. It also corrected many misspellings.

Introduction of a diagnostic model for the many levels of causative patterns related to health and well-being.  There has been much searching for the link between spiritual levels of being and the physical body. This paper will hopefully demonstrate this link. Many people have not been able to be diagnosed by traditional systems, and many times are mis-diagnosed, causing unnecessary pain and uncertainty.  Saying this, this model includes and respects all other therapy/diagnostic systems finding a valuable space within a more universal model.

We will demonstrate the insolvable link between consciousness and matter depicting the relationship between classical medical symptoms and our own psychological belief systems. The real hope for us, and humanity, lies in our ability to perceive the reasonableness of the one life inherent within each and each responsible for its wholistic manifestation in terms of our health and well-being.

The following 14 systems will be introduced, defined, and nascently correlated with each other over time. This is an ongoing unfoldment:

Will/Desire/Intention System                   Electrical Systems

Periodic Body Systems                                Chakra Systems

Polarity System                                            Elemental Substance Systems

Memory Systems                                         Nadi System

Instinctual System                                      Bio-feedback Systems

Expanded Meridian Systems                   Ancestral System

Spiralle System                                          Pranic Delivery System


Potential Diagnostic Format of 12 above body systems:

I. Will/Desire System 32

Sub-Systems of the Will System – I am that I am—All Self

    1. Sub-personality Will
    2. Personality Will
    3. Devic Will
    4. Causal mind (past accumulations of living various lives)
    5. Individualized Soul knowledge
    6. Individualized Soul awareness
    7. Individualized Soul Will
    8. Abstract mind
    9. Buddhic mind
    10. Atmic mind
    11. Hierarchy as a Unit
    12. Anima Mundi
    13. Karmic Group soul
    14. Specialized Egoic Groups
    15. Egoic Groups
    16. Ashramic Sources
    17. Planetary Etheric Content
    18. Planetary Kama-Manasic Content
    19. Planetary Mental Content
    20. Guiding Angels
    21. Humanity
    22. 5th kingdom
    23. 6th Kingdom
    24. Monadic System


Recognition of relationship between pattern and freewill – three exercises.

  • Go into your heart presence and hold intention of where your will is focused.
  • Lay down and bring in sacred experience and relive and write down experiences.
  • Partner—isolate a friend’s source of intention to their major health issue.

All people given their environment have equal freewill to move in a direction and over time creates a point of destiny. This point of destiny choice creates a point of health and well-being. And this choice enables one to learn (fate) from these decisions.  We now have the choice to create learning through setting up scenarios to test points of health and wellbeing.

What aspect of will do I need to identify with now for my highest well-being and those karmically around.

The relationship between mind and will needs to be understood. They manifest together as two polarities — will is equivalent to manifest and positive and mind is equivalent to manifest and negative simultaneously.  All mind content will reflect the originating element of self will. These two together produce self-awareness. We want you to continue your self analysis here and isolate your day-to-day points of self-awareness where you are with your will/desire mind context.  Make a list here.


II. Electrical System: 24 (5 planes) (65): (12 Planetary Logoi—positive/negative)


Molecular Proteins




Immune Related


This system is basically our communication system.

It is the system that regulates all bio-chemical activity and all molecular activity.

It is this system that requires us to meditate to remove the many disturbances in our fields as we sleep, work and play in these.

When we meditate or contact the soul it re-balances these energies.


With each will/mind context that we identify with there is a corresponding life flow through our fields; this we call electrical stimulation.  Let us now bring in a higher quantum field of will/mind by focusing on those subjective peak points of livingness to get a real sense of their electrical or fohatic nature.

Get a sense of how this creates changes in your field—physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. (even with food intake).

Electrical stimulation translates into points of motivation that should reify a direction in life corresponding to will/mind content based upon karmic path constraints.

III. Periodic Body System: See further below for this breakout. Moved to the bottom due to its length:

IV. Chakra Systems

This system is responsible for us becoming conscious beings. If it was not for this we would be just rocks. This system is responsible for us becoming able to achieve procreation

This system has its origin in the individualization process and its perfection will mean our liberation from the human kingdom.

It is important that you understand this system is the major system used in healing.  It is the one which will provide the esoteric healer with the following: 12

    • Access to all other components of yourselves (bodies).
    • Access to all internal forms (forms created in bodies).
    • Access to all components of forms.
    • It will also provide you a way to access all physical systems. It does this through a process which I can not discuss.
    • It also provides us with necessary knowledge as to what we are doing on all levels.
    • It also provides us with a way to achieve our dreams/objectives through its proper development.
    • It also provides us with a way to communicate with all life forms.
    • It also provides a way for us to extricate ourselves from:
      • Exterior harm.
      • Miscommunications from others.
      • Those that want to use us in some way.
    • It has the ability to create whatever we need in our lives in terms of personas, ideals, beliefs, thought-forms, healing energies.
    • It also has the ability to assist us create in our lives the ability for ascension.
    • It also has the ability to see that we are liberated in the blending and merging process.

Major and Minor Chakras:

A. Major Chakras:

  • Head
  • Heart in Head
  • Ajna
  • Alta Major
  • Heart
  • USP
  • LSP
  • Spleen
  • Sacral
  • Causal body reflected/Hara
  • Base


B. Chakra Harmonics & Viability Propensities 22

(Note: It was difficult to provide a vocabulary for this analysis as you will see.)

  • Form(s) Enlivenment Propensities: Needs to be a particular (voice/form) identification with different aspects of one’s levels of intentions which produce more or less enlivenment—relates to #1 above or “will/desire” category.


  • Inner Chakra Sub-plane Rhythm Propensities: Any one voice-identification is optimum with one voice or if there is inner conflict between different levels of your being-ness then rhythm suffers.


  • Chakra Directional Momentum Propensities: Back to front and front to back produces the appearance of right- or left-hand spin. Front to back—from backside: counterclockwise: overly identified with subject from ego centric point of view. Clockwise or right-hand spin – under identified equals shut down.


  • Chakra Speed/Acceleration Momentum Propensities: Chakra made up of front and back entry cones/circles, center plate, and two connecting cones. A, B, C:
  • A: Receptive to or not.
  • B: Accepting.
  • C: Holding or Integrating (light activates chakra and causes it to spin in same rhythm. Find an image to integrate well-being.)


  • Variation of Forms from Archetypical Pattern Propensities: Pertains to a person’s willingness to be themselves (in this case solar plexus (SP) analysis one’s true personality self).


  • Substance Compatibility Imposition Propensities: Archetypical pattern substance needing to be blended or fused into existing chakra mass (chakra’s distributed substance); (We just did that above and now checking). Need one to keep remembering who they are. Did an 18-keynote compatibility for Mary’s SP image. Each life needs the development of sequential thesis for soul’s purpose—health and well-being.


  • Imposition of Inner (back) and Outer (Front) Chakra Synchronicity Propensities:
  • Imposition of outer form/image Propensities:
  • Imposition of Inner Form/Image Propensities:


  • Transformational Propensities: Difficulties in moving towards ideal in terms of chakra transformation—taking on properties mentioned above. Hold ideal and see what difficulties encountered in nature of chakra when apply above qualities/characteristics.


  • Transformational Integration of Architype/Intention-Form/Pattern Propensities: find ways of holding image until it works; must keep rechecking until chakra meets ideal functioning (attachment to outcome prevent correct type of substance to enter into chakra).


  • Intention-Form Viability in Transposition Propensities: Pre-mature/resonant incompatibility/overly isolated/indistinct/over-compensated/direction of substance entering field:


  • Chakra Intention-Form Transformational Capacity Propensities: See if it does or not; 12- reasons it does not: 10 of 12 Isolated conceptually:
      • Chakra field needs more 1stth sub-plane matter.
      • Chakra mass needs more pliability.
      • Frequency of chakra mass too low—more personal aspiration.
      • Between front/back is inadequate to hold group intent.
      • Chakra inner walls are not delicate enough or too substantial thus refinement of one’s feelings.
      • Chakra mass/atoms insufficient.
      • More (1st subplane) related to sensitivity.
      • Imposition too substantial—fast which equals non-resonant allowing.
      • The matter of chakra substance has too many impurities—glamours, etc.
      • Synchronicity between plate and chakra opening is not conducive due to a belief system: 1. Example: I do not open myself up to you unless I had a reason too—”I let myself be dishonored now you must honor me”


  • Will-Patterns (formless) Impositions Propensities: (HHM/HHF): Capacity needed to impose these patterns effectively into chakra mass: What enhancements do you need to make in your life now. 400.
    • There is an ability to bring water element into space 12 water ceremony 4x per week; bath in watercolors; circulate watercolors through body.
    • Formulate life plan.
    • Registering of impression from group soul—karmic group.
    • Isolate karma immediately you can relinquish.
    • 26 spiritual values to embody:
      • I am Thou art.
      • I am the One in whom you must trust to Be with you.
      • The journey is long, and I am tired, give me comrades I can find comfort in.
      • I have been able to find you, yet you avoid me.
      • An organized mind is present when the soul is home in fact—don’t trust what you get unless the soul is present.
      •  the movement of people is precise when the Word is heard.
      • The never-ending journey begins at Home and ends at Home—in a comfortable place—all journeys should begin & end in a comfortable place.
      • the way the truth lies beguiles us all—the art is in the presentation; the truth of the future begins today—you will not find the future until you find today.
  • Imposition on Inter Chakra Synchronicity Propensities: Change Effect of the archetype on all the other charkas—Major Priority is the left knee—total change in emotive direction. What chakra do we need to work next in order to effect a change in grounding the pattern at hand? Will/will petal is reflected in left knee (take this to the beginning).


  • Viability Response Imposition Propensities: This response is in terms of the effected changes observed in all the charkas #13 above on the chakra at hand i.e. SP; this is only dealt with once you take all others charkas changed through list above (we projected the model above into the future).


  • Chakra Purpose Imposition Propensities: Effect of the ideal soul life purpose pattern imposing itself on this chakra.


  • Comparative Imposition on personality mental/emotional/etheric/vehicles Propensities: Effects on different parts of being.


  • Physical Healing Probability for Imposition Propensities: Body System verification and then go to body systems.


  • Chakra Development Needs Propensities can relate to #11 if capacity not adequate.

C. Minor: Meaning determined by point in evolution or development: Right-extroverted; Left-introverted but after first initiation-subjective/objective.

  • Left Eye Chakra: (AP) perception; (s)elf knowledge (includes knowledge of others)
  • Right Eye Chakra:
  • Right Nostril Chakra: spiritual telepathy; kama-manasic telepathic; etheric telepathy; receptivity to spirit; receiving the essence of form discrimination between all things.
  • Left Nostril Chakra:
  • Right Ear Chakra: pathway to the unknown; pathway to interior; receptivity to self; receptivity to others; conscience; need to change plans.
  • Left Ear Chakra:
  • Left Shoulder Chakra: Responsibility; adaptability; resourcefulness; readiness.
  • Right Shoulder Chakra:
  • Right Hand Chakra: giving/receiving; interaction; healing; creativity; exchange centers.
  • Left Hand Chakra:
  • Front Pranic Chakra:
  • Back Pranic Chakra:
  • Left Foot Chakra: Quality of sacrifice/sacredness; quality of grounded-ness; position on the path of Life. Represents a way to travel that will see their desire form be grounded.
  • Right Foot Chakra:
  • Left Knee Chakra: introverted (direction, movement towards what is sacred)
  • Right Knee Chakra: extroverted; right knee represents the necessary ability one has to listen to life and follow its guidance.
  • Left Elbow Chakra: need recognition; degree of acceptance; protrusion into inner; strength of the inner heart.
  • Right Elbow Chakra: need recognition; degree of acceptance; protrusion into the outer; strength of the outer heart.
  • Left Kidney Chakra:
  • Right Kidney Chakra: degree of openness to self; ability to have integrity with Self; ability to be alright with self; degree of synchronicity with others.
  • The right Ankle represents the necessity to adopt a diverse stance in meeting life’s external challenges.
  • Left Ankle:


Compensatory (Catalyst) Variations in Substance (8):  All major charkas work through minor with consistent shapes in minor charkas. Chakras represents one dimension of our self/being and is an indicator of our sense area of self.

Substance Flow Compensator: Measures variations in related major chakra movements between inside and outside and compensates for idiosyncratic movements of major chakras. Each minor compensates in a consistent way (creates a different shape) over the field of the major chakra: The knee–dime shaped; Foot—penis shaped; shoulder is conical shape. The intent is to compensate for incoming substance’s inability to make a connection to plate which first creates a suction like effect on plate which makes plate be able to be touched by substance coming in after the Guiding Angels (GA’s) create an artificial stream of light-like substance where connection was not made.

Desiccate: desiccates substance coming in to better assimilate into vehicles (because substance cannot enter effectively related minor chakra desiccates stream into elemental essences and re-unites them in vehicle field in original pattern—like Star Trek transporter–Law of Compassion

Compensator for Intrusion: In vehicle but because not compatible has to be compensated for—law of rationalization. Once this intention substance is entered it is placed in vehicles in correct area (enwombed) to later create intended form for self-expression.

De-Generative: Must deactivate existing karmic forms, which are occupying space new archetype needs to occupy.  Energy withdrawal from old form over time and used more in alignment with soul intent in new form of self expression.

Executive: Withdrawal of apparent resources and the development of better resources (from or for other aspects of self-expression that don’t work in resonant with new substance pattern; Process of fine tuning those resonant relationships

Arbitrator: Between different forms of self expression; it becomes the monitor for lines of communication

Limiter: Limits resonance of self-expression to desired intended substance (effect of not being in resonance is quirky, idiosyncratic behavior).

De-Maddener (Group Integrator): Social integration-refinement


V. Polarity System (3-fold personality) void/non void (22); points not areas

    • Trunk front back
    • Legs front back
    • head-inside/outside
    • head vs rest of body
    • body back & front
    • trunk—R&L
    • legs—R&L
    • right shoulder left hip
    • left shoulder right hip
    •  right knee right foot 10
    •  left knee left foot
    •  two feet to middle of collar bone
    •  two hands to dentein point
    •  two kidneys at adrenals to soul point
    •  two breasts to soul point
    •  shoulder blades to soul point (self manifestation emotionally/heartfelt)
    •  shoulders to dentein point
    •  medulla protrusion point at (grove above) to RL cheek bone
    •  top of head to soles of feet
    • sternum to inside ankle bone
    • tip of nose to two eye sockets (relationship between spirit, soul, body); relates to 3rd I;
    • back of knees to perineum (relationship between triad & three-fold personality that interfaces with karmic lord on monadic & cosmic mental: perineum point=salvation of substance; relates to requirements for 4th initiation
    • Others not for publishing.



VI. Elemental Substance Systems (24)


  • 1st subplane of Logoic (brain awareness of cosmic Logos ensouling first four subplanes)
  • 6 lower sub-planes of Logoic
  • Body of Ezekiel (7-fold differentiation); (solar Logos brain awareness first three subplanes of monadic)
  • Atmic Subplane #1 (brain awareness of planetary Logos on first three subplanes)
  • Atmic Subplane #2
  • Atmic Subplane #3 Virgin Mary/Eve/Isis Garden of Eden
  • Atmic/Atmic (substance built into triadal body—Christ body)
  • Atmic/Buddhic
  • Atmic/Manasic
  • Buddhic-Atmic
  • Buddhic-Buddhic
  • Buddhic-Manasic
  • Manasic-Atmic
  • Manasic-Buddhic
  • Manasic-Manasic
  • Substance of the Antahkarana (connection between forms/forces to originating sources)
  • Triadal Permanent atoms
  • Jewel
  • Substance of three mysterious inner petals (HM)
  • Substance of sacrificial will petals
  • Mental Permanent Atom
  • Substance of Love petals
  • Astral Permanent Atom
  • Substance of Knowledge Petals
  • Physical Permanent Atom

Form: 144 Grades of Elemental Substance

Grades can be defined as composed of various types and amounts light content, clarity, and receptivity.

Mental: 98 Grades




VII. Memory system 22

  1. Cell Memory (creation of genetic propensities).
  2. Bio-computer Memory System (many body systems; PEMPS, etc.)
  3. Personality/Soul Memory (Causal).
  4. Physio-ethic Brain Memory (normal brain memory).
  5. physiological body systems resonant memory (whole systems not in cells)
  6. Body Polarity Memory System: Way energies are held conditioned by life experiences such as Sex polarity has to be de-conditioned with changed partners or problems arise.
  7. Memories held by others about you.
  8. Sub-personality Memories.
  9. Resonant Event Memory: Resonant with prior similar events and stored in Expanded Meridian System.
  10. Group Soul Memory: Group Causal Body.
  11. Monadic Memory (Monadic Permanent Atom).
  12. Past life Memory.
  13. Racial Memory.
  14. National Memory.
  15. Ethnic Memory.
  16. Resonant Substance Memory: Personality vehicle substance used by others.
  17. Physical Animal Body Memory.
  18. Animal Kingdom Memory.
  19. Vegetable Kingdom Memory.
  20. Between Lives Memory.
  21. Substance of Planetary Lives Memory.
  22. Substance of Solar System Memory.


VIII. Nadi System: (22 or 12+10 dual minor chakras) Related charkas flows – congestion or stimulation: Life, prana, all higher bodies, circulate through the nadi system.

See the post “Esoteric Healing – Nadi System & Nadi Points.”

IX. Instinctual System: (24): Same as Electrical Categories

  • Atomic .
  • Intercellular
  • Tissue related.
  • Immune related.
  • Molecular proteins
  • Enzymatic


X. Bio-feedback system: (12) Animal, Human, and Spiritual instincts within each of the four personality vehicles.

    • Mental
    • Emotional
    • Etheric
    • Physical

This system controls the biological timing necessary to correct mistakes made in our life. Biological Clock System:

This system is activated each time our bodies become invaded by an exterior force. This force could be any number of things. For instance it could be anything making a dis-harmonic impact upon our awareness based upon our belief system. It is difficult to know for sure how an exterior force from us will effect another thus it is useful to be cautious when dealing with others and the karma you might create would not be necessarily understood. In other words if affected present or future behavior than affected the other’s various health systems and karma implied.


XI. Meridian System (Expanded): 8 Subsystems.

  1. Heart/Small Intestines
  2. Gallbladder/Liver
  3. Kidney/Bladder
  4. Large Intestine/Lung
  5. Stomach/Brain
  6. Pancreas/Spleen
  7. Governing Vessel/Triple Heater
  8. Other Related Meridian systems 12
  • Assimilation (Alimentary) Pathways (Forehead)
  • Intention (Ductless Glands) Pathways (Knees/substance pulled forward)
  • Kundalini Pathways
  • Memory/data Pathways (right side of body—minor chakas)
  • Lower Dimensions Related Functions Pathways (below threshold of awareness from last solar system)
  • Karmic Pathways (fingertips)
  • Expanded Genetic Pathways (entry point above belly button at center)
  • Elemental lives Exchange Pathways (Alchemical Breasts)
  • (Do at a later time when the universe allows)
  • Holographic Pathways (GGL paradigm/Milky Way); (Perineum entry point)
  • Devic Access Pathways (4 entry points on both sides of neck—four levels)
  • Energy Reserve Pathways (governing vessel entry points)

This system protects us from not only our inner physical environment but also from outer environment.

It is this system which we turn to for balancing on a diurnal basis.

It is because the life stream flows through this system completely every 24-hours.

It is because of this we are able to keep alive for each meridian is subject to much abuse from inner and outer sources.

Example, suppose you woke up this morning with a headache; what is the cause?  it was because your liver-gallbladder meridian was stressing out. Headaches are almost always caused by this meridian imbalance. This has not yet been proven but might be at some point.

The cause for this imbalance could be related to many things in does not matter it is only important that this meridian be balanced.

How do we do this first of all we must find the points requiring either suppression or activation. Next we must determine how to suppress or activate them. There are four ways of doing each:

    • We can use either touch including needles, fingers, rubbing, or electrical.
    • If we need to rub it it would be good to do it in circles—clockwise for suppression; counter-clockwise for activation.
    • If we need to needle it it would be good to do it at the correct depth.
    • If we need to touch it it would be good to visualize energy circulating in clockwise or counter-clockwise.
    • If we were to use electrical then it would be good to know how long and correct voltage.


XII. Ancestral System: Family Streams: 12 family function types (Vocation/avocation)

  1. Power/Status
  2. Opulence/Wealth
  3. Knowledge/Genius
  4. Harmony & Peace
  5. Resourcefulness/Ingenuity: 7 Categories with Examples
  • 5.1 Public Servants; Politicians
  • 5.2 Teaching; Psychological Counseling; Societal Organization-social awareness; Restaurants
  • 5.3 Entrepreneurs; Financial; Athletic Organizations; Athletes; Salesman; Prostitution
  • 5.4 Artistic Organizations; Artists; Lawyers; Judicial Organizations; Show Business
  • 5.5 Scientific/Medical Research; Food Industry
  • 5.6 Shaman Healers; Religious Organizations, Social Welfare.
  • 5.7 Industrial; Agricultural; Military, Corporations; Construction Trades; Medical Organizations; Publishing; Body Workers; Recreational
  1. Loyalty/Affection
  2. Magic/Creativity
  3. Karmic Group Family
  4. Egoic Group Family
  5. Human Family
  6. Hierarchy Family
  7. Planetary Family

These represent levels of soul desired integration for one’s life purpose for unfoldment purposes; thus, producing societal health and well-being. When integrated they also depict a balanced function between individual and group (front/back chakras).

Want you to be aware that people will resonate with one or other of these types according to life karma they are responsible for addressing.  Like to add here, that each of these forms represents a possible curtailing or ending of a karmic pattern and thus one can move from group to group in any direction based upon their particular karmic path with some end objective.

Once one is able to understand the function each grouping has in relationship to the whole the better able one is to fulfill his duty and end karmic affiliation—this happens in circuitous stages.

It is apparent that many people appear not to be expressing the family function/qualities in respect to the greater whole; it is because they are not yet shouldering the duties and responsibilities it symbolizes.

To register now your family grouping:  Go into your heart and get a sense of belonging to a particular group.


XIII: Spiralle System:

This system protects us from self harm in that it prevents us form doing anything to move us from our life path too far.

What does this mean it means we are able to make decisions about those things that matter to us and are not bothered by those that do not.

It also means we are patterned through this system.

This system is an evolutionary one and it determines whether we are a saint or a devil in potential.

It also determines whether or not we are able to be successful or not as it symbolizes our personality bodies’ potentiality.

It also determines our success in life in different areas as it provides all forms of group karmic potential.

It is this system that grace comes through or activated to change ones life potential.

It is this system that in effect is the essence of ourselves as human beings.

It is this system that corresponds to the third aspect of the soul.

It is this system that we evolve slowly over time as we unfold our awareness of causation.

This system cannot be approached energetically by the personality working alone and unaided by the soul.

But it can be approached in healing if one is connected to both the soul and spirit.


XIV: Pranic Delivery System:

This system is 7-fold. It is 7-fold because it relates to each of our seven dimensional bodies. It also relates to sub-bodies as well (etheric. astral, mental, manasic, buddhic, atmic, monadic).

It is important to have a sense of this body as pranic healers for you will need to if you work on the bodies other than the physical/etheric.

It is this system that is responsible for the continued existence of all the bodies and its sources are basically three:

  • The Spirit of the Earth
  • The Spirit of the Sun
  • The Spirit of the Local Logos

Each of these types of prana can be manipulated in healing work.

Each of them work on all the bodies.

Each of them when combined will produce perfect health and wellbeing.

Each of them is an aspect of either of personality, our soul, or our spirit.

Each of them are responsible for certain types of life.

All together we can call them Prana as they are not separately distinguishable except to those who can function as all three life forms consciously.


III. Periodic Body System (42 Related Systems – 12 Herein):

    1. Physical
    2. Etheric
    3. Etheric Astral
    4. Kamic-Manasic
    5. Mental
    6. Soul mind
    7. Abstract mind
    8. Personality/soul body
    9. Causal
    10. Buddhic
    11. Atmic
    12. Monadic

Physical Body 12

  • Cardio-Vascular
  • Nervous System
  • Instinctual Sensory System
  • Endocrine
  • Digestive
  • Reproductive
  • Eliminative
  • Muscular/Structural
  • Organ System
  • Tissue System
  • Core Energy System
  • Homeostasis

Personality/Soul Body (levels of being) 22

  • Egoic Lotus
  • Ego/ego: I am-that much of form expression that the self identifies with
  • Mental Sheath Lunar Life.
  • Kama-Manasic Sheath Lunar Life.
  • Astro-Etheric-Physical Sheath Lunar Life.
  • Integrated or Integrating Personality Life
  • Major Integrating Subpersonalities
  • Minor Integrated Sub-personalities (the way we develop & organize these are related to values held)
  • Psycho-physiological fragments or foundation of subpersonalities developing (the way we organize expedient presets)
  • Instinctual Life of substance of personality sheaths/lives (much unconscious represented here includes all historical ensoulments experience).
  • Elemental Lord of Mental sheath
  • Elemental Lord of Kama-Manasic Sheath
  • Elemental Lord of Astro-Etheric Sheath
  • Elemental Lord of Etheric-Physical Sheath
  • Elemental Life essence of Mental Field Form Content
  • Elemental Life Essence of Kama-Manasic Field Form Content
  • Elemental Life Essence of Astro-Etheric Field Form Content


Astral Body Form Destruction System 8

This process of demonstrating astral awareness is the central focus of this solar system in the earlier solar system it was the creation of lunar lives; in this one it is the expansion of their awareness. It is important to add here that we are objectifying a process that cannot be objectified.

Astral Body Elemental Lives Acquisition—used to build the astral body over time.

Each person is a product of the quality of elemental lives inherent within their sheath—in terms of feeling potential.

There are those among you who have spent their whole lives destroying forms only to create better ones to express through and it is this process of destruction we are covering here.

It is important that you retain a theoretical perspective as to this pseudo-science for it is in its infancy today. Much more will be known once the race develops its occult vision in the 7th Root Race.

There are masters that see this process as registering things which have no relevance or usefulness to one’s existing state of consciousness and this is true. We are exploring only in general to assist in our understanding of the true healing process and the interdependence of lives.

There are those processes that require only devic inter-facing and this is one of them our focus as healers is upon the consciousness and not the forms consciousness takes.

We are obliged by these live forms and their sacrifices permit us to evolve in consciousness without having to create the forms to do so.

We are also obliged by them in the respect that they respond to our will and thus our intentions as healers are significant.


Etheric Body Formation System 8

The etheric body is created from an astral prototype that was created in 7 forms for the whole of humanity during individualization of the third root race.

It was then that the 7 heavenly men took bodies and created man as he is now known. It was also then that humankind was modeled after Venusian Humanity. It was also during that time that the various lives that were used to create the etheric archetype were gathered up from earlier evolutions to be built into these bodies. It was during that time that the heavenly men’s archetype for humanity was also brought from Venus Chain.

The etheric body is reformed each life through a process of mantric formulas. These formulas are used by the heavenly men through each individual soul. They are determined by many factors, four of which are:

  • Monadic Ray
  • Quality expressed from previous life.
  • Genetic Streams
  • Expected Group Related Contribution


Mental Sheath Substance Replacement System 6

There are those among you for your whole lives who have been replacing your mental body substance with new substance every time you take a course of study. With each new understanding comes a gradual refining of this body. It is important that we continue to refine this body assist is the one that will eventually unite us with spirit, and it will do this through merging into the higher and higher minds. There are those on this planet that have developed their minds along unusual lines and there are those that have perverted the mind towards black magic also. The types of elemental substances that can be built into the mind are many and I have included an earlier chart as an example.


Personality Creation (In terms of the Group Soul) System 8

The incarnation process is much more complex than we are capable of thinking but never-the-less our attempts to understand it will be rewarding. To begin with incarnation is based upon cycles of Lives coming into manifestation and going out. The history of ideas is in reality the history of these great lives coming in on the rays and then leaving. One day, A.A.B. says, that history will be written from this point of view. I do not think it will be that long away.

As these Monadic Rays cycle it causes groups of lives upon those rays to cycle with it and those individual units likewise.

When we are called into manifestation as a soul, we believe it is because of some individual reason and we rationalize it according to our causative understanding.

Likewise on a group level. The particular group soul one has affiliation with as souls creates the stage for the group expression and all individual characteristics are integrated according to the group’s real needs, based of course on several thousand variables.


Causal Body Communication with Personality System 8

The personality and its bodies are in reality an extension of the causal body as the fingers of the hand. Each personality’s life has its roots in the causal body and is fed from it. Many past lives are on record within the causal body and all communication with the personality form the group is through it. You might look at this as being an extension of the group causal body and group as an extension of humanities.

Communication takes place through the permanent atoms. These are a collection of vibration patterns correlating with the chakra system. Each of these spirillae correlates with a group of chakras.

There are ways in which the conscious causal life communicates with the personality. I will mention eight of these in their relative order of causative interaction:

Through the chakra System

Through the Cell Memory System

The Hormonal System

The Instinctual System

The Personality Forms Creation System

Lunar Pitri System

The Energy System

The Nervous System


Personality Conscious Awareness Evolution System 8

Evolution of consciousness is the focus of this solar system from an Ancient Wisdom Teaching standpoint. It is this process that all lives are pursuing. What does this really mean? In terms of healing, it means that we are moving towards an ultimate state of beingness regarded by our higher self as Ideal. It also means we are moving away from a less Ideal and towards a greater sense of Well-being. In terms of health, it is disputed still the relationship between our beliefs and physical health. But for us in this room this is all we think about.

Evolutionary consciousness or causative awareness growth takes place in these fashions—representing various life forms within one: 8

Son of Mind awareness (solar Pitris)

Personality awareness (lunar Pitris)

Mental sheath awareness (includes kama and elementals)

Etheric-vital awareness (feedback system)

Chi awareness (energies and forces); (Planetary/solar/cosmic lives)

Instinct awareness (animal becomes slowly spiritualized) (feedback)

Physical Brain Awareness

Bio-logical Awareness (Devas)

Evolution of Causal Body System 6

Throughout the many lives we are building the causal body. It is through the process of creating unique qualities and characteristics that we give shape and color to this entity. Every series of lives produces a greater beauty and specific gravity. With each level or chakra unfoldment we likewise create a reflective action on the permanent atoms and spirillae. This also causes our soul body to unfold in terms of classical petals. This process can only take place at the level of manifestation in which we have created a sheath.

Enlivening Process of Causal Field 8

If you imagine that the causal field is an intricate part of the planetary casual field, you will have a better tool for understanding this process. A good visualization is a spherical mass surrounding the planet completely connected by golden triangles—geodesic sphere. This planetary causal field is a replica of our own. It has 12 petals and also three layers. It houses all causal bodies of both involutionary and evolutionary souls. It is ensouled by a great Solar Pitri.

Group Soul Interfacing Process with Planetary Logos 6

Each ray group soul has a particular part to play in the creation of the earth scheme. Each scheme is ensouled by the planetary Logos of that scheme. Each scheme also has a Monadic Ray focus. Each scheme has representatives of all Ray Lives within it.

Divine Soul Interfacing Process with Solar Logos 6

The divine Soul is that entity which we can allude to comprising ourselves as divine beings and is an expression of spirit. This aspect of ourselves can be better understood if we perceive it as being a part of a higher kingdom once fully identified with—Nirvanees.

Atma-Buddhi represents a higher life form and in essence is a part of a different Creative Hierarchy evolving with us. Atma-Buddhi is also considered to be the Soul on its own plane as it is called.

Divine Soul Group Interfacing Process with Seven Solar Systems 4

Atma-Buddhi can be perceived as existing in groups according to divisions we are not going to cover. It is important to have an understanding of this as it implies those who are undergoing more advanced healing. It is also important to realize that this integration process happens or begins from the moment we step on the path.


Systematic review of worlds existing knowledge and understanding related to energy healing.26

The world is changing and in are changing with it do not be surprised when you wake up some day you will not recognize yourselves.  We are gathered here today to present top you several new ideas that have not seen the light of the world for some time.  These ideas are brought to your awareness for they are now needed by you for your very survival.

Each of you in the three worlds perceive yourselves as entities composed of various forms of substance or light qualified by consciousness but for us you are merely projections of yourselves animating space. Each of you also provide a way to achieve your desires as a soul and in this way interact among each other according to some group related plan. 4. The first idea we would like to give you is that your worlds have no substance at all as they are a collection of forces circulating within the body of god giving the appearance of reality and of existence for each of you are innate within this body of god in very particular ways. To begin with your souls are aspects of gods physical expression which can best be correlated to a human beings’ meridian systems although not exact.  Each system is composed of several thousand points and these points are individualized souls. The total number of meridian systems composing a human being, although believed to be 12, are in reality more (see above).

These basic 12 are the major ones and these can be subdivided in many ways. For each of the many points there is a corresponding soul grouping which we compose individually.  For each of us there is a symbolic corresponding point on the human body that represents our intended purpose in terms of the One Life of Divinity.

Many qualities are available to the ray group soul during the formulation and creation process.


These can be classified in these formats:

Sub-race of major root race and branch race of a sub-race. There are 32 major ones in use today. These provided below have the most evolutionary tendencies.

Example 1: classification according to Subrace and branches 8

  • 5-3
  • 5-5
  • 5-7
  • 6-3
  • 6-4
  • 6-5
  • 6-7
  • 7-2


Example 2: Classification according to Race-Subrace-Branch Race: 7

  • 5-3-7
  • 6-3-5
  • 6-5-3
  • 6-7-4
  • 6-7-1
  • 7-2-3
  • 7-2-1
  • This above example gives this person very futuristic ideas.

Example 3: Classification according to major Branch race substance in their personality sheaths: 6

  • 5-3-7 4%
  • 6-3-5 10%
  • 6-5-3 9%
  • 6-7-4 8%
  • 6-7-1 16%
  • 7-2-3 13%
  • 7-2-1 14% total 74%


This above is a general representation extant today but there are other mixtures (26%) of substance from other branch races along with blending and merging.

Sub-plane Matter: There are 18 general types which make astral plane matter sensitive to one or other sub-plane matter types within the range of personality existence.

Example 1: This person has these predominant types in his astral body sensitive to these sub-planes. P = physical sub-planes, A = Astral sub-planes, and M = Mental subplanes:

  • P-7 0
  • P-6 6%
  • P-5 8%
  • P-4 0
  • P-3 4%
  • P-2 7%
  • P-1 10%
  • A-7 4 %
  • A-6 8%
  • A-5 8 %
  • A-4 5%
  • A-3 8%
  • A-2 8%
  • A-1 1 %
  • M-4 5%
  • M-3 6%
  • M-2 4%
  • M-1 8%

This chart is not accurate and only represents one way to think about it as this is not yet a science and our ability to understand this is only in the initial stages—it is not based upon evolution status. We believe you can get a fuller understanding if you hold that for each of us there are types of elemental lives built in to address these following aspects:

  • Karmic necessities.
  • Avocation.
  • Contributions needing to make.
  • Life Purpose.

A general evaluation of this example above would give this person the ability to interact and understand most people and would also allow them to become responsive to both high and low ranges of vibration.

Color: (gives sensitivity to the environment)

Chakras of Humanity

Circles of Light


Sub-Ray & Ray (3 examples)

Example 1: Physical, Astral, and Mental Bodies’ Sub-rays of group Soul Ray which means the group Soul controls these bodies in some way.

  • P-7 3rd
  • P-6
  • P-5
  • P-4
  • P-3
  • P-2 1st
  • P-1
  • A-7
  • A-6
  • A-5
  • A-4
  • A-3 4th
  • A-2
  • A-1
  • M-4
  • M-3
  • M-2
  • M-1

Composed by HZ. Impressions received in Meditation.

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format
Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23
Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined
Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1)