The first tabulation represents centers:
9th-Center above the Head
8th-Heart in Head
7th-Head Center
6th-Ajna Center
5th-Alta Major Center
4th-Back of Throat
3rd-Back of Heart
2nd-Back of Astral-Sacral
1st-Back of Sacral-Base
The second tabulation is the cosmic paths (and energetically, the nine Initiations can be understood to be impacted energies resulting from these cosmic paths):
9th The Path of the Adi Buddha
8th Path of the Sister Logos
7th The Path of Absolute Sonship (the Cosmic Logos)
6th The Path of the Solar Logos
5th The Ray Path
4th The Path to Sirius
3rd Training for Planetary Logos
2nd The Path of Magnetic Work
1st The Path of Earth Service
The third tabulation is cosmic paths normally taken by Earth Graduates:
The Path of Magnetic Work
The Path of Earth Service
The Path to Sirius
Training for Planetary Logos
The Ray Path
For the vast majority of Earth Graduates these above four or five cosmic paths are the ones chosen.
Earth graduates at this time are choosing Path 3 for these six reasons:
- Along this path there are to be found certain tools needed by this scheme in achieving sacred planet status.
- Along this path are earth’s graduates confronted face to face with beings from another scheme whose planetary Logos’ being along the 9th Cosmic Path of Shiva or Father Aspect.
- Along this path can be found certain forces required by Sanat Kumara to demonstrate perfected control over His cosmic triadal field.
- Along this Path are isolated two energies used to harness Spirit in respect to the 7-galaxies and their interaction – astrally considered.
- Along this path are created by all those souls who have passed on a way for us to travel in Beingness.
- Along this path are created the necessary alignments needed by 6th kingdom to link with the “Body of God”.
Path II is traversed by Masters aligned and dedicated to Desires of the Solar Logos. (12)
Path IV is taken by Masters of Devotion, and it is this Path that the Christ and the Buddha appear to be on once their work is completed for Shamballa.
Path I is spent in service of Shamballa.
All graduates appear to be orientated by way of solar centers. These centers are in reality the manifested Life of the solar Logos whose function we are a part of.
For each of those who graduate there is specific service completed elsewhere other than this planet.
There are always changes taking place in our solar life and these changes are basically caused by these graduates—let me explain so you will have a more realistic notion of the inter-connectedness of life. (3)
- It is the graduates from various schemes which provide the ascension capabilities for those Beings that created the paths.
- It is the graduates whose Lives are the very essence of enlighten substance required to ascend.
- It is the graduates whose lives replete with understanding replace those who have gone before.
Each of these centers reflects a solar perspective and the one that graduates must learn how to use.
They also reflect available energies needed to construct forms and formless forms.
Each of these centers correlate to one or other of the paths which might appear obvious.
Graduates must learn to work with these energies in the completion of their services.
All of these centers are aligned to subjective centers.
Each of these subjective centers are doorways into Beingness of God.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.