We have given much thought to the needs of western disciples and have concluded that the Western world is successfully integrated enough to be aware of and to take advantage of this training while in their physical bodies as souls. (because aspirants are now able to integrate their minds and souls and be aware of what is happening on soul levels in their brain awareness).
We realize this is a new concept nevertheless the significance of it will develop over time as one becomes group or soul conscious. Disciples inevitably come to a time in their lives when they see the absolute necessity to become soul conscious and it is at this time they must re-organize themselves as the soul intends. This reorganizing will be more easily attained through understanding the training being undergone by their own soul.
All souls at some point must take this training, and gladly so, for it will assist them many ways. This training is entered after a series of lives when they have demonstrated an ability to integrate themselves in the three worlds in such a way as to demonstrate control of their personalities. It is during this time they are both permitted to and earned the privilege to move forward in developing themselves as souls. For each one of us in the world there is a time, determined by spirit, when we are given an opportunity to move forward in service.
It is during this time that teachers and guides are assigned to assist in their development. A lesson plan and a curriculum are created based upon the disciple’s real needs.
Within this curriculum are four categories:
- Basic procedures used by the spiritual Hierarchy.
- Creative Hierarchies and other esoteric beings.
- Systemic Laws, Principles, and Rules.
- Star chart training.
For every disciple there are many guides and teachers all specialized in their field. Guides are assigned first to assist in the process of aligning personality with soul. During this process, teachers are found to begin the training of the soul in control of its personality. After this training is complete and successful, further guiding disciples take over the training of both the soul and the personality.
The first objective in all cases is to develop brain, mind, soul alignment for clear communication with the soul straight into the disciple’s brain.
The second objective in all cases is the discovery and integration by both the disciples and their particular service group soul with each other.
The third and final objective in all cases is the discovery and integration of the group into the Hierarchy.
After initial training a further individualized plan is designed which consists of specialized procedures used by hierarchy alone with the basic curriculum mentioned above: of Creative Hierarchies and other esoteric beings, Systemic Laws, Principles, and rules; and Star chart training. These topics comprise Phase One of the Disciple’s training.
There is then given to the disciples a further opportunity to advance in their integration process. This can be defined as two concepts.
First, the disciple is beginning to be trained along some particular karmic path related to themselves.
Second, they are given the chance to undermine their personality control over their livingness through a process which we will define as “the descent of soul energies”.
A review and a determination is made as to the contribution the disciple can presently make. This review is performed in several ways: (3)
In the majority of cases, it is done while in Phase One training.
In other cases, it is done at initiation completion.
And in other cases, it is done once integrated completed with the service group.
In all cases this review determines the following: (6)
It determines whether or not in a particular incarnation the disciple will be able to successfully achieve their soul’s objectives.
It determines the likelihood of demonstrating their gifts.
It determines whether or not they will be able to demonstrate the group’s plan.
It determines how much they will be able to achieve in organizing their mind in respect to the son of mind.
It determines how much he will be able to achieve in organizing their life according to the soul’s intent.
It determines how much individual and group karma they will be able to work off.
For each disciple involved there will be a trial period where it will be determined if they are able to meet the new demands placed upon them. It is during this period that they are tested along the lines of their contribution needed. And if they fail they are placed back in training.
Next, experimental training techniques given by the Masters of a wide and diverse nature are used to develop future disciple training, if successful.
For each of the students a record is kept which is composed in general of these 6-things:
- Replica of their causal body development.
- Of karma relinquished.
- Of gifts received and demonstrated.
- Of spiritual energies used in service
- Soul status gained.
- Experimental results of training experiments.
To further enhance the disciple’s needs, there is taken into consideration their unique requirements in the following 6-areas:
- How they are to achieve their group integration.
- How they is to achieve their personality and soul integration.
- Whom is to be their guiding disciple
- What subjective groups are they to work with.
- How they need to integrate into their environment.
- How they are to achieve integration into the Hierarchy.
The purpose to be achieved is two-fold:
- To facilitate the necessary alignments needed in respect to the group objectives, which are in reality–his own.
- To carry out the One Plan.
For all that it is worth, it is not possible to organize a disciple’s life and mind without changing the application aspect of the Plan in some way, as each individual potentially alters the whole.
Nor is it possible to organize the disciple’s group to include him without altering the plan working out in different and unexpected ways.
In general, the presence of a new disciple as a working disciple implies two things:
- It implies that he or she is available to the Christ for real service.
- It implies that they have the realization of the following:
- The significance of receiving impressions from the soul and the group or groups.
- The significance of humanity.
These together are the basic awarenesses held by the working disciple in the world.
The disciple, once the initial training is complete can enter into the ashram and contribute directly to the ashram work. This work is two-fold. It is comprised of matters in which the master has taken special interest in and secondly, it is comprised of work requested from the Mahachohan for third ray ashrams and likewise for other first and second Ray ashrams.
Once the disciple enters into the ashram work several things happen in respect to their unfoldment. (6)
- They are given ashramic responsibilities and this is to remove the workload from other members, so they can move on to other tasks.
- They are provided special tutoring in areas related to their initiation.
- They are ceremonially received by Hierarchy at large.
- They are asked to participate in providing working plans related to the One Plan (because they are more closely connected to the three worlds).
- They are given more responsibility in terms of the hierarchy as a whole, such as specialized interactive ray ashram work.
- They are asked to provide assistance by the Christ in certain plans related to the externalization.
After each disciple has somewhat integrated into their related sub-ashram they are further trained to recognize the larger ray ashram. This requires a greater sensitivity as a soul/personality and also an increased ability to receive impressions.
With each assignment mastered there is a growing sense of Brotherhood and oneness of hierarchy. Each assignment mastered symbolizes an integration into the whole. Everything that is mastered is done according to needs of all the members, and thus the synchronicity of the parts and the whole are observed.
All disciples of all “soul status” are obliged to symbolize the whole in all that they think and do and this by spiritual instinct. –note: Soul status is that condition whereas the soul has successfully demonstrated its ability to meet some aspect of the One Plan’s inherent service contingencies. It is in this capacity that the soul is able to serve the real needs of the planet in some manner regardless of his karmic status or individual development
All disciples receive training in the following areas once fully integrated into the One Ashram: 5
- Training on the true nature of their constitution.
- Training on developing a more integrative working relationship with Sanat Kumara.
- Training towards the further integration with the greater Lodge.
- Training on advanced methods of hierarchical invocation and evocation..
- Training on developing within themselves a hierarchical capacity to extend their vision.
All formally accepted members (devas and humans) of the greater Lodge receive special permission from the Solar Logos to take part in certain solar significant cosmic events.
The Greater Lodge consists of all those planetary related hierarchies within our solar system and others within the confines of the Cosmic Logos. (8)
- These events are held within the confines of the Greater or One Ashram of the seven solar systems.
- Each event is a product of servicing the greater whole in some fashion.
- For each event there is chosen a local representative of each ray ashram.
- These events coincide with directions given by personality aspect of solar logos determining particulars of invocations or processes.
- These events also coincide with elements of the Deva kingdom who provide the abilities needed for these events to occur.
- Each of these events takes place after due preparation by those participating.
- Each event is constructed to align with aspects of cosmic Logos needing to be contacted to further the Plan.
- Each event is supervised by the Christ and Sanat Kumara for our planet.
With each entering disciple there takes place an adjustment within the sub-ashram. There also takes place a further adjustment in the related ray ashrams for there are many other disciples needed to train the entering disciple. 3
- For each entering disciple there are on average 42-other disciples who participate in their training until the third initiation is culminated.
- There are also many members of the devic aspects of the ashram required likewise and these range in the hundreds.
- There are also certain more advanced disciples who participate at times in providing specialized training along their expected group related service karma.
All entering disciples in the Hierarchy also receive individual consideration in respect to the following: (6)
- In respect to preventing them from harming he ashram.
- In respect to adjusting their individual personality to conform to group life.
- In respect to preventing their individual soul purpose from taking precedence over group soul purpose.
- In respect to them being able to achieve with relative ease a gradual integration not only into Hierarchy but also the 5th Creative Hierarchy (the 4th Creative Hierarchy is made up of monads, whereas the 5th is made up of souls and personalities).
- All advanced members of one’s ashram receive the entering disciple with guardedness in respect to their soul desired contribution; this means that that are received as one of them but reserve their integration with entering aspirant until 4th
- Each advanced member has orchestrated some aspect of the Plan, and the aspirants hope is to regard the Plan as a vehicle that will permit him to achieve His own contribution. Furthermore, each aspirant has dedicated his life and gifts to its fulfillment.
All advanced members likewise are focused on creating a replacement for their particular duties and thus achieve a means to further their own service in a more inclusive way.
All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Discipleship Training – Some Further Adjunct Information
A Request by the Great Ones for Working Disciples
Creating a Working Disciple – A Summation
Organization of Mind Requirements of a Disciple – An Example
The Way the Disciple Moves
An Intent of a Disciple
Entering Disiciples – Some Basic Responsibilities
Probationary Initiates & Some Basic Understandings
Seven Questions for a Working Disciple
Entering the Ashram – Some Further Adjunct Information
One Ashram – Some Adjunct Information for Probationary Disciples (Revised 03/06/24)