Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

A Cosmological Discussion & Unfolding of Some Plan Related Impressions Received

The ancient quest to expand our ability to comprehend the truth of our existence has over the millenniums provided us with many schools of thought as to what this might be.  These many schools of thought include the philosophical, the psychological, the metaphysical, school of physics, the mathematical, the religious, astronomical, the vedic, the mythological, Each of these is represented in Spiritual Occultism along with many others whose names are lost in the night of time. Spiritual Occultism can be understood in terms of the Heart more so than the Mind, although the Heart includes many minds.  Spiritual Occultism advanced through self-inquiry, self-investigation, self-examination, and self-discovery. It also advanced through inner sense unfoldment or psychic development, personality development, spiritual development, and mystagogy or initiation.

The nature of Spiritual Occultism can only be known through the livingness of the One Soul and Spirit.  It cannot be known with the personality un-fused with the soul, nor can it be known through thoughts, although thoughts created will never-the-less veil it while at the same time reveal it but only if one “owns” the related experience.

Spiritual Occultism has evolved today where its essence is perceived by millions. The day is with us when Spiritual Occultism is again permitted externalization as a race, and it will either advance the race into the unknown or make it a living hell. It is a living hell because without character development that honors others more than oneself its powers will be used for self-glory.   It is also a hell for those that use it for such as their ability to evolve will be negated.  There has been much written on the essentials for character development preceding occult meditation and all this advice is assuredly necessary.

The Ocean of Bliss, the mystical symbol of all those who tread the Path of the Heart, whose shores they must walk throughout eternity on end seeking themselves. It is this Ocean of Bliss when isolated and realized that entry into the Higher Way is found. Spiritual Occultism is a training ground needed for this realization.

The path to this Ocean of Bliss is created through the realization of Life and the lives that makeup the Path of Spiritual Occultism. These lives must be subjectively discovered, and their substance identified and aligned with. Life guides the way. Spiritual Occultism, a treasure for those who are successful, a curse for those who are not ready.

The group of Spirits who traverse the Higher Way are ever in touch with Sanat Kumara.  For it is Sanat Kumara’s Purpose that they serve for they have identified with it. What are the shores traversed by these Spirits? I know only a little, instructed by those responsible for training those in readiness for such travels. They have told me a little and I will share it with you.

The road moves through the Cosmic Physical Plane by a certain route only known by those who guide.  These are Sanat Kumara, Three Esoteric Buddha’s of Activity, The Christ, and a fourth which we will call the Group of Lives who have passed on.

On this route one might pass several entities going the opposite direction. These entities are four in number symbolically and are called Sirian Graduates or Lipika Lords.

Many places they pass have no names we would recognize but they can be called planetary schemes and planets not within the planetary schemes.  These worlds are populated with opportunities for both training and service.

Once training and service is completed within the solar system opportunities to travel to local star systems subjectively for further service is provided.  All of which relate directly to the Purposes of both Sanat Kumara, Solar Logos, and the Cosmic Logos.

At some point in the far distant kalpa within the Councils of Solar Logoi there is an opportunity to work in more inclusive Plans arranged in respect to local cosmos and our solar system.

My purpose here is to give you an idea of the interconnectedness of the One Life and the One Activity in a most elementary way. If we take this analogy further, one can see the group of Spirits training and serving in even more inclusive space.

The idea is this, over vast periods of human related time there take place an abstracting and identifying process within the One Body or One Life.  This proceeds not in a linear or vertical perspective but in a multi-dimensional life within live perspective.  It is a matter of identification with more and more subtle and formless consciousness or substance.  It is an occult realization and application of energies discovered along the way.  What makes this path difficult is that each step must be mastered.  To be mastered indicates alignment and ascension. It also indicates Darkness and the unknown that must be isolated from unity. “Absolute Darkness is Absolute Light” says Master Morya.

The planet earth cannot exist or cannot stand alone but the whole galaxy in one way or another is involved in its causative and purposeful existence. There are other galaxies interrelating with the Milky Way. There are two smaller galaxies called M1 & M2 that are believed to be orbiting the Milky Way. There are other galaxies nearby with various names that appear to be interacting with the Milky Way according to Astro-physicians. According to impressions received from line of inter-dependent Devic Lords there are 7 of these galaxies that are one system of life. As one studies deeply cosmology of Beingness their intuitions are aroused, and many names and locations and other details become known as the information is needed for training purposes and integration purposes.

Each soul, if trained by Hierarchy, has much knowledge of these names (exoteric and esoteric) and are suggested to meditate upon them for eighty reasons I have been able to understand.  Four of which are as follows: To develop themselves; to organize their soul bodies; for training; and to build spiritual bodies.

There are many astrologers among the ashrams who investigate these Beings.  The amount of information available is unbelievable and vast. The Hierarchy keeps many records on these Beings or dimensional bodies; they also use this information on account of it being valuable for many reasons. Four of which are:

  • As a tool for further their understanding of causation and training in sensitivity.
  • As a tool for investigating the times and seasons for beginning and ending of certain alignments.
  • As a tool of developing their occult abilities.
  • As a tool for cooperating with the One Plan.


All manner of masters has studied these things over vast periods of time and the information now known is significantly greater than earlier. Some of the records kept are: 12

    1. Their orbiting periods in respect to their central sun.
    2. Their relative point in evolution.
    3. Their composition.
    4. Their names.
    5. Their purpose.
    6. Their relationship to the earth scheme.
    7. Their potential gifts of contribution.
    8. Their point of polarization egoically.
    9. Their particular karma.
    10. Their inner alignment.
    11. Their development priorities.
    12. Their unfoldment issues.
    13. Their logos or signature.


The Plan & Cosmos

It is useful to hold the idea that the galaxy of stars is a coherent whole and our local universe is made up primarily of seven galaxies. It is important you hold the idea that these galaxies are more psychologically related than physiologically and that they can be understood as representing energy centers and that they are inter-penetrating to each other.  Distance is not significant if this is held in respect to a causative model for events. The important point here is that this interpenetrating set of energies implicate also earth’s humanity over time. There are several charts I was hoping to reify certain primary relationships but have not yet done so.  I will have to rely on known theory to explain.  It is hoped that someone or myself in another life will eventually reify the following charts at some point. Each of the numbers after the chart is indicative of the number of primary concepts used to explain the interrelationship of a set of event potentials. Each primary concept is composed also of sub-concepts and so-on. Thus, it becomes a decade endeavor to unfold  or reify in any completeness.


Chart depicting relationship between Earth and Pleiades: 181

Chart depicting relationship between mankind and other humanities in solar system: 412

Chart depicting relationship between Earth and seven solar systems: 70

Chart depicting the relationship between Earth and various constellations. 86

Chart depicting relationship between Solar Logos and certain Planetary Logos’s. 41

Chart depicting the relationship between Galactic Cosmic Logos and seven local galaxies. 920

Chart showing the relationships between human soul on this planet and Hierarchy.140

Chart showing the relationships between human soul and cosmic entities. 144

Chart showing the relationships between human souls and millions of other life forms within the solar system. Large number or several books.

Chart showing the relationship between the subjective groups responsible for bringing in the New Age: 88

Chart showing the relationships between certain aspects of the Plan. 524


Wheel of the Universe is made up of all starry bodies. Our Sun and all suns appear to take approximately 230 million years to revolve around the galactic center.

Cosmic Wheel or group of seven constellations (galaxies) or 49 groups comprising of millions of sedentary constellations equating to a Comic Logos.

A Galactic Logos made up of 7-Constellations make up a greater galactic Logos (100,000 light years across versus our sun 8.3 light minutes away).

Interestingly within 17 light years from our sun are 60 stars. The nearest is 4.3 years away; called Alpha Centauri. Also within 17 light years are Procyon, Altair, Sirius, Barnard’s star, Wolf 359, BD 36 degrees 2147.

Galaxies known to be smaller than a million light years in diameter not so far away:










The Nature of the Galaxy – A Work in Progress

Outline of a Cosmological Study Unfolding: 60 Major Concepts

You have been given a chance to gleam what few gleam and this is the interrelationship between all things cosmologically given this particular astrological key. Assuming it is eventually reified in a useful way.

The first outline on the solar system which is comprised of three charts 16:

I. Chart relating solar Logos to other star systems: 26

  1. Polaris
  2. Sextans-star
  3. Pollux
  4. Betelgeuse
  5. Pleiades-star next to Alcyone
  6. Alcyone
  7. Mizar
  8. Alcore
  9. 4th star in GB
  10. 1st star in Gb
  11. Dubhe
  12. Merak
  13. 3rd star GB
  14. mental plane near Scorpio: This star has to do with the idea of receiving energy from Holy Ghost and relates our solar system humbly to the Divine Soul and in this way can achieve greatness of character.
  15. Sirius
  16. Star next to Alcyone
  17. Regulus
  18. Deneb
  19. 6th star in Corona Borealis
  20. Etheric Star towards Pisces
  21. Etheric star towards Andromeda
  22. Orion’s Finger Star
  23. Perseus-second star on right from top
  24. Towards Canes Venatici–Star on outer rim of galaxy and has to do with orientation of solar system; it reflects.
  25. Mental Star towards Scorpio
  26. This is a complex array of stars on several dimensions and can be seen as related to the cosmic Antahkarana: 60


II. This second chart of a complex array of 60 or so stars on several dimensions relates to the idea that the solar Logos directs its path through the heavens by interrelating to these stars or constellations. The important point here is that you need to address the causative elements of these stars to the solar Logos and in this way can better understand makeup of the local galaxy. Important to achieve a certain alignment here to outer physical plane as to the exoteric grouping of similar evolutionary impacts upon the solar Logos but not vice versa.

III. This third chart relates to the idea that the Greater Galactic Logos has relationship to all stars within his body and this chart refers to this: 140:

You need to have the idea that there are several major entities within this entity: 66

These entities are made up of entities that number in the thousands where our cosmic Logos is one of these.

You need to know that this entity is also made up of solar Logoi on different levels and comprise a total of 60 solar Logoi lives and, in this way, we can move forward here in this regard:

Each one of these entities is related to our Logos in a special (functional) way which we are going to determine or suggest.

These entities can be related according to function and position within the body of cosmic Logos in some useful way.

Each of these also can be perceived as a direct outcome of His Will or Desire to express Himself in some way now and create geometry of relationship.

Each of these Logoi expresses in a true sense His level of development or Being and in this way, we can know who we are at and where we are going.

Need to generate the idea of working towards this completion of thought to have a better understanding of the greater Plan our Plan is composed from and in this way all will be clearer.

This information helps to equip our mind to grapple with the abstruse nature of existence and in this way can evolve towards That.


Sixty Logoi in terms of Symbolic Function within the Cosmic Logos. Please keep in mind that 60 is a number utilized in Nature to express normality of function such as the body requires 60 trace elements for normal function and the DNA strands curve at 60 degree angles. 6 is the number of devas and devic substance. It is also understood to represent the number of substance in general.

  1. Heart in Head
  2. Head
  3. Ajna
  4. Throat
  5. Heart
  6. SP
  7. Sacral
  8. Base
  9. Spleen
  10. Four minor head centers
  11. Pineal: 1st star GB
  12. Pituitary
  13. Alta Major
  14. Etheric Brain
  15. Thyroid
  16. Thymus
  17. 1st sexual organ
  18. 2nd Sexual Organ
  19. Adrenals
  20. Liver
  21. Heart
  22. Immune/lymphatic/skin
  23. Stomach/pancreas
  24. Alimentary canal
  25. Minor Mouth (Speech)
  26. Minor nose
  27. Minor ears
  28. Minor eyes
  29. Minor shoulders
  30. Minor Elbows
  31. Minor Hands
  32. Minor Pranic Shoulder blades
  33. Minor Pranic Diaphragm
  34. Minor knees
  35. Minor feet
  36. Monad
  37. Triad
  38. Soul:
  39. Personality: Sirius
  40. Sub personalities
  41. Sub personality
  42. Sub personality
  43. Sub personality
  44. Sub personality
  45. First three orders of Devas
  46. Second three Orders of Devas
  47. Next six Orders of Devas
  48. First two orders of elementals
  49. Second two orders of elementals
  50. Third two orders of elementals
  51. 8 orders of lunar Lords
  52. 4 Orders of Lunar Lords
  53. 2 Orders of Lunar Lords
  54. 1 Order of lunar Lords
  55. First two orders of Solar Pitris
  56. Second two Orders of Solar Pitris
  57. Third two Orders of Solar Pitris
  58. Fourth Two Orders of Solar Pitris
  59. Fifth Two Orders of Solar Pitris
  60. Sixth Two Orders of the Solar Pitris


You would be wise to know that the life of this Cosmic Logos operates efficiently once he reaches the 1st Cosmic Initiation. It is this initiation that he is undergoing now; and in this regard lies our hope for our future. You have been given this information to see what you can make of it in terms of your own understanding.  We hope it will help you achieve a greater insight.  We have also provided you with an excellent astrologer in lieu of the same task.

You have been given the idea of repeating on a larger scale what man has to repeat on a smaller one and in this way, it is true; take some time now to arrange your thoughts in respect to above list and different solar Logoi to see what you can make of it.

It is important that you proceed to develop your thoughts around this central idea: That the cosmic Logos sustains itself in the knowledge that the worlds it creates harkens to an unknown call from within the vast depth of space and all move forward together in the risk and advantage of this great mystery and to this end He dedicates each thought.

You would be wise to consider making plans to achieve a certain sense of connection here to certain profound truths:

  1. The truth that freedom of movement within the plane of matter gives one total control of their Beingness.
  2. The truth of movement with the plane of ray gives one a complete sense of relationship to the ring-pass-not of creation.
  3. The truth of freedom of movement within ones creative Hierarchy gives one relationship to the Heart of their Universe.
  4. The truth of the freedom of movement within the ring-pass-not of Sanat Kumara gives one an understanding of the Purpose of Life—6th degree Initiate.


The ability of a man to know his god comes from the idea of relating the cause with the effect and in this way, he can travel the razor edge path back to the Source of His existence and in this way travel Home.

The ability of an initiate to sense his connection with his larger group gives him the ability to find his purpose within life and to demonstrate to others the success of his life.

The ability of an initiate to fathom the depths of space as to location, procedure, and objective gives him the added ability to see within the light of that space to find the truth of his relationship to that space.

The ability of the Initiate to sense within himself an external source of his Being gives rise to his extension of himself to that source, and in this way travel abroad.

The ability of an initiate to see within the Mind of God that place which he stands gives him a sense of inevitability—spirit.

The ability of an initiate to see within himself that quality that likens him to the creator gives him the necessary extension capable of being that creator.

The ability of an initiate to rise above his companions in life comes from his contact with that source within him that resonates from those around him, and this gives him power to pursue that destiny for all (you would be wise here to consider this your source of destiny; for each has given you the means whereby to achieve—their essential quality I reap, and I serve.

It would be wise to look at this one as an extension of the above ideas and find a place for it in your heart as it will become the corner stone of your achievement. The ability of an initiate to achieve a sort of Samadhi within himself is an extension of the idea of all those above truths (10) and to this end your meditation on the cosmos should tend.


You would be wise to travel abroad dimensionally to delineate your source of expedition and in this way travel closer to the heart of all.

You would be wise to consider your plans for making haste in the establishing of a resource base to inherently draw from that gives you control of your functions in life—60 resource constellations available to you. You should ask yourself why these are potential resources?

  1. Aires:
  2. Taurus
  3. Gemini
  4. Cancer
  5. Leo
  6. Virgo
  7. Libra
  8. Scorpio
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Capricorn
  11. Aquarius
  12. Pisces
  13. Hercules
  14. Poseidon
  15. Great Bear
  16. Little Bear
  17. Draco
  18. Cassiopeia
  19. Lynx
  20. Cygnus
  21. Bootees
  22. Corona Borealis
  23. Aquila
  24. Cassiopeia
  25. Perseus
  26. Cetus
  27. Auriga
  28. Columbia
  29. Orion
  30. Canis
  31. Monoceros
  32. Crater
  33. Corvus
  34. Centaurus
  35. Acardi
  36. North Star group
  37. Abrac
  38. …………60


Still need to find the names of the constellations externally to have the more worldly version or names to reflect upon if time ever permits. Consider finding time to locate these stars within your horoscope. These star constellations have a very particular purpose for which the earth was created and your likeness to them will be your likeness to the earth’s purpose.

42 Categories which need unfolded per each planetary and stellar listing:

  1. Centers
  2. Vehicles
  3. Principles
  4. Time in Existence
  5. Initiation Goals
  6. Registry of Sources
  7. Creative Potential
  8. Plane goals
  9. Consciousness achieved.
  10. Permanent Atoms
  11. Time left to complete goals.
  12. Training required.
  13. Positive pole
  14. Creative Hierarchies
  15. Physical body
  16. Astral body
  17. Mental body
  18. Buddhic body
  19. Atmic body
  20. Monadic body
  21. Type of motion—three-fold
  22. Point in evolution.
  23. Existing karma
  24. Degree of freedom
  25. Their God
  26. Degree of personality integration
  27. Amount of space they take.
  28. Their control over their substance
  29. The laws they operate under
  30. The differences in their make-up
  31. Their group-subjective
  32. Their orientation to the mind
  33. Their place on the Antahkarana
  34. Their relationship to bodies external to themselves
  35. Their type of consciousness
  36. Their sub-personalities
  37. Their personality make-up
  38. Their seven-fold nature
  39. Their glory achieved.
  40. Their internal structure
  41. Their internal alignments
  42. The focus of their kundalini force


We want to give you some idea for registering the importance of ray characterization of the many different entities interfacing with the earth and in this way have a better understanding of the psychological key of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings: 380 entities:

Please note that I quoted an earlier posting from an esoteric astrology evaluation to add some psychological context while searching for these alleged 380 entities which these planetary bodies below are a part of. Furthermore, the names denoted might or might not be correct as physical plane proper nouns have no real existence or vibration thus difficult to name. The list below is comprised only of planets or planetoids in one dimension or another – or no stars listed.



Afgropheis: This planet gives you your sense of direction in terms of movement upon the inner planes and for you it is all about you being able to achieve relationship between those inner planes and those outer planes and in this capacity, you will achieve enlightenment.

Mental-109-Afgropheis: this planet is about you being more able to control your mind field in such a way as to exhibit a greater control of vitris and in this way can eventually reach Nirvana dimension more easily.


Alcor: this planet gives one a greater sense of connection to Plans made within the solar Hierarchy and in this regard, you need to wonder how one can find it prominent in ones chart—conjunct Venus in 12th house and in this regard gives one a sense of command over those devas responsible for this communication (10th Order). Be advised that this order comprises all those devas responsible for the generation of inter cosmic fluids interacting upon the planetary streams that come in during solar activity and in this regard bring a certain causal body sensitivity.In that you have established relationship consciously with these devic forms and in this way can work towards a greater comprehension in discovering the solar Plan contingents.









Frono: 16 (Jupiter is its alter-ego): This planet relates to one’s ability to see in the life of one’s own soul a way to proceed to develop themselves as a soul while in incarnation and thus gives them the advantage of being able to accept whatever challenges come to face.  It is this planet that gives them the altered ability to receive also information from the soul in this regard.




Glolopai (near Mars concrete mental 6th sub-race): This planet relates to charts in such a way as to give soul related character while in body to those who are under its influence: 16-4

Glolopai aligns with several planets on the mental plane in such a way as to give you a sense of control of yourself in making decisions. It is in this way you will achieve a more enlightened perspective on yourself as a soul centered being and in this way your gifts now developed as a soul can be more readily manifested. 20 %–believe in self-more to make this happen.

Glolopai aligns with two other planets in your chart—Venus and Uranus; and this gives you the ability to see yourself as somebody able to change. You would be wise to consider this alignment in your chart as being indicative of your ability to again move quickly along your soul path in life once you have made up your mind.

Glolopai aligns with 9th house and in this configuration it allows you to conceive of a way to move through life that permits you to have many friends through the use of the higher mind and in this way you can challenge yourself to grow mentally.

Glolopai aligns? (Concept I do not understand) with the idea that you will receive many thanks from others from being yourself in difficult situations with them once they know from hindsight your argument was sound and, in this way, you will achieve notoriety—later in life—age 58.

Glolopia-Mental: This planet is about you being able to achieve a greater alignment with spiritual gifts.















Hyoran: You have been given the idea that your work in the world is about you retrieving some old documents for humanities preview but in fact it is about the amazing life saga being undergone before its eyes and in this case the planet Hyoran in your chart is placed in Cancer to align with cusp of 11th house and in this configuration you have achieved a certain response to group life that animates you subjectively to achieve greatness.


Iaphemus: this planet gives you a sense of yourself as someone able to achieve a destiny based upon subjective relationship to the unknown and is represented in your astral body by certain elemental sources: would like to add here that your response to the subjective world has been controlled by natal placement until last year.


Jupiter P-6

Jupiter aligns with 4 planets in chart (Mars, Phyth-etheric, Zytho-etheric, a planet on Atmic level); this gives her the ability to see herself as a divine soul able to make an impact upon the planetary grid responsible for determining a way the world needs to turn to be effective in manifesting the correct civilization contingents to move into the new age in a more balanced way.

Kinc p-4

Loytasin Lathes planet gives one the ability to find within themselves a certain point of resonance that defines life in the three worlds as Being Registered. #3

Mars: Mental





Mitsar: This planet gives one a sense of relationships in discovering themselves as Divine Souls and in this regard you are achieved in this regard but by no means perfected as your rising sign indicates but never the less the potential is there for you to achieve a certain brilliance in understanding the makeup of cosmos; you would be well advised to consider yourself lucky inMoon veiling a planet.



Neptune: This planetary hierarchy gives you a sense of connection to those beings which we call the 4th Devic Order and in respect to these we can say nothing at this point except that they can give you any information you need concerning the way the world would benefit from having new ideas in the way of education related to divine soul needs.




Orgphygos 26: this planet has given you great heights of security in knowing your truth and in this way is there to help you find a way to travel to your destination.


Perelor (Karmic Planet)


Perius: This planet gives you the ability to control your destiny and is placed in your chart in Capricorn. It is important to align yourself to this planet in a way that guarantees your success in life in meeting your real goals of achieving satisfaction of salvaging others and in this way you will succeed as it is the planet of opportunity and in this way you can achieve a height of comprehension in what it is like in being yourself; We would like you to know that your response to this planet in your chart was activated recently when you left M and in this way you achieved a statement of self that denied your personality everything it loved and wanted


Perseus-Abstract: this planet is about you being able to achieve a certain focus in the on the egoic inner round (heaven worlds) responsible for your visions of such.

Phyth: Etheric Conjunct with Jupiter: and in this case you would be wise to consider yourself fortunate that this planet controls how you see the development of the world in terms of being able or not to expand your views about the way the world needs to go to be effective in determining a stage (how to market one’s self politically) to politically act upon; and in this way you are able to achieve a certain sense of direction in determining your future political influence.






Qur T: This planet gives you the ability to see yourself as someone able to achieve a certain sense of direction in making their life happen in terms of registering soul’s needs/will for yourself and others: #1 36% there. Qur, (sister SS? Comes through Jupiter.)



Quhpy: We would like you to believe that this planet also gives you great insight into performing rituals associated to devic life upon that planet; as a soul you must be prepared to maximize your contribution to this planetary life and in this way, you can achieve a greater link with these devas; these devas perform certain valuable functions in regards our planetary life.

First, they give us hope as to the necessary belief we need to have that our worlds are here for a very particular purpose associated with solar system.

Second, they provide us with a link to the internal plans of great lives within the solar system (6th order devas).

Next, they provide for us a certain sense of direction in establishing relationship with the solar Hierarchy.

Lastly, they provide us with insight as to how the worlds are informed on a daily basis and all of this through the resonance with this planet—why for? 19


Ragidawn: this planet gives you a better sense of direction on finding others subjectively for you to help on the outer planes and in this capacity, you will improve once you align to this.



Regulus-Abstract: This planet is about your quarreling with your soul in how to achieve a certain sense of composure in making your world work for you as you have been given a difficult task this life with little lead way in working it out and it is due to your difficult aspects to this planet; you would be wise here to consider this planet as being your soul’s guide to overcoming its difficulties in adjusting to this planet and in this way you can work miracles as this is the virtue unfolded.  You might be wise to adjust your perspective here to include the idea of you working alongside others to create a better world as a soul and this is what it means.

Reup qrik



Ruq: This planet gives you the idea that your task in life is to determine without the viewpoint of personality how to achieve your goals as a soul in training and in this way your personality forces can be more effective in meeting its deadlines and tasks.


Saturn aligns with several planets in your chart four (on triadal level) of which is significant here these four operate together to produce an alignment with your group soul that indicates your willingness to work as a group: and it is in this capacity you have great opportunity to quickly move forward upon your chosen path this life.

Saturn aligns with 6 planets (astral plane) in your chart that represents a way for you to move forward in developing yourself along the lines of achieving greatness in the area of calculating how to achieve your desires.

Saturn aligns with 9th house and in this configuration, you would be wise to consider yourself fortunate in that you can receive into your soul body information from the various Lords of the sacred planets and in this way better determine the way the world needs to turn—through devic lives.

Saturn aligns with certain moons that give you certain lower psychic abilities which can be defined as your understanding of what others need from you to be happy but also register for them certain things they need to do with their lives in the moment.




Sun veiling a planet.

Sun (Veiling a planet): This planetary hierarchy nurtures you in such a way as to establish a new way of looking at the causative factors in evolving a mindset that explains & predicts great world movements needed in respect to the Plan of solar Logos. Monad





Ascendant: 14-2 SYM (Neptune alter ego) in scheme it is the Buddhic planet—2nd most important): You realize that this aspect in your chart is not necessary correct for you (HB) at your stage of the path but It still never-the-less has an influence on you and in this way you achieve your goals once set; you have been given this information to know your true ascendant and this for) sake as he demands to know the truth and the truth he shall have no matter how much it hurts him; we regard this truth as something each need have and in this way they can better learn what their life is about and for you it is about your ascendant being that of Mars rising in Pisces (Soul is here because you are at the end of a major cycle of lives and you (HB) will move age 58 into a new ascendant energy Leo—Self Expression—group leadership as a soul.


Next you should look at the position of Taurscrro; Your sun shines strongly in the sign of Leo and this is reflected upon Taurscrro Monadically that you have relationship with as Spirit and in this place you will return once your work on Glolopia is complete.





Tythomis S: This planet gives you the ability to see yourself as one capable of achieving great insight into the cause of things.













Xyeno C: This planet gives you a certain condition of resonance to elements of life that register within another their causative pattern of them being able to achieve their life goals or dreams or desires: #4



Zar 12: This planet gives you the ability to see yourself as somebody who is in charge of their subjective life and in your case very aware of connections also; like to add your response to this influence has been outstanding do to your belief in the afterlife and open to it.





Astrological Grouping (Represented from all levels):

We are a group of astrologers of many types and beingness but as we all pull our combined resources, we can better perceive the truth of what is to become. All of us register some aspect of the Plan. Those that are relevant to you are as follows: 4

The solar system is receiving from constellation Leo, the Lion, and from Sagittarius a pattern of forces depicting a recreation of the greater cosmic Logos. This cosmic Logos has decided to make progress in establishing greater control of itself or its physical body.

It has come to pass that those effects upon our small system is related to realigning of solar Logos’s (SL) physical body with cosmic Logos (CL) thus for our Earth scheme it means reestablishing polarity.

It also means that the earth particularly has a small part to play in establishing solar Logos’s demonstration of His alignment.  It also means that the solar Logos is gearing up to something. This something has many interesting points: 60

For those of us on this planet it looks something like this:  40

We have established the idea of the earth being a part of the solar Logos’s physical expression. We want you to have the idea that this process of expression is in terms of His karmic release. His karma can be established with the idea that in an earlier life he dedicated himself to a journey which can be symbolized as maturing ungracefully. All of us believe in the exact nature of karmic retribution and also in grace.


Other Relevant Topics to Unfold:

The Cosmic Antahkarana

The Age of the Solar System

The Solar Path Through the Heavens

The Glory of the One

The Rites of Passage

Ashramic Resources & Training

Ashramic Guides & Training

Ashrams in the World

Ashrams on other Planets

Hierarchy in the Solar System

The Plan for the Seven Solar Systems

The Purpose for which the Worlds were Created.

The Evolution & Salvation of Matter

The Evolution of Our Local Galaxy

The Evolution of the Milky Way: 4

The Perseus Cluster:

  1. Its Relationship to Humanity
  2. The Dawning of a New Age
  3. Its Relationship to Other Clusters
  4. It Effect in the World Now

The Andromeda Cluster:

  1. Its Relationship to Humanity
  2. The Dawning of a New Age
  3. Its Relationship to Other Clusters
  4. It Effect in the World Now

The Taurian Cluster:

  1. Its Relationship to Humanity
  2. The Dawning of a New Age
  3. Its Relationship to Other Clusters
  4. It Effect in the World Now


The Scorpio Cluster:

  1. Its Relationship to Humanity
  2. The Dawning of a New Age
  3. Its Relationship to Other Clusters
  4. It Effect in the World Now


Also useful to Unfold the systematized Teachings on the Nature of the following Entities in respect to the Plan.

  1. Mineral Soul
  2. Vegetable Soul
  3. Animal Soul
  4. Human Soul
  5. Divine Soul
  6. One Soul
  7. Nature of Spirit
  8. Nature of Rainbow Bridge
  9. Nature of the Guardian Angels of the Planet
  10. Nature of Angel of the Presence
  11. Nature of Spirit
  12. Nature of Planetary Logos
  13. Nature of Lords of Karma
  14. Nature of Seven Spirits Before the Throne
  15. Nature of 4 & 20 Elders

The plan manifests in response to the will of Personality aspect of the galactic Logos as well as His ability to contact the galactic Soul and bring it into Brain awareness.  We are concerned here with the composition of His personality. 5

Systematic overview of His Personality Sheaths 4

Physical (Note: Phonetic representation of impression always most difficult to discern given no brain knowledge of entities.)

  1. trapezoid; zar
  2. paws; vfume
  3. back paws; pentdalgrast
  4. green + dog; gradal




  1. Double star system Red; Cluctu
  2. White Sanat Kumara; fomoul
  3. Brown outline; eclipse; Namstrom
  4. Judwell; jewel shaped shadowed; purplis/pinkish
  5. Metallic; ½ handcuff shape; simschin
  6. 4 different shapes & textured colors; phaputar
  7. daingin; green manicured/parky


Overseeing karmic forms, He co-created. 6

Systematic understanding of solar Logos in all of this. 14

Revealing Humanity’s Relationship to the Galactic Logos.

Understanding Christ’s Part in His Plan 6


Also, the galactic Plan is concerned with the Universal Hierarchy and its members participated in by solar Logoi. There is nobody yet qualified to know for sure if any particular qualifications are understood for this entry. It appears that the physical bodies of solar systems in terms of planetary schemes would be in their 5th chain in control of their buddhic body and thus sacred. 8

Sirius’s relationship to the Cosmic Hierarchy.

The Little Children of the Galaxy

Understanding 4th order systems.

The nature of 3rd order systems.

Reaching Grace

Solar Logos’ unfoldment objectives.

Black Knights.

The Ordeal of Cosmic Buddhahood.

Race of Alligators

Race of Turtles & Hares

Race of Serpents

The Sixth Creative Hierarchy

The 4th creative Hierarchy and 4th Kingdom

The Greater & Lesser Builders

An unknown planet on mental level.

A star system near Taurus.


The Nature of the Solar Logos:

The solar Logos is that entity that ensouls all forms within the periphery of the solar ring pass not. Its consciousness is focused on the cosmic monadic plane and its personality focus is upon the cosmic astral plane.  This great entity is beyond the scope of our consciousness, yet we contact its consciousness when we contact the consciousness of the Soul as the Soul’s consciousness is aligned to its consciousness on the cosmic Astral Plane. This is the truer nature of Christ Consciousness.

The cosmic astral plane is available to everyone having possession of monadic consciousness; because the Monad itself is not a solar being but is a Spark of the one Flame on Cosmic Levels.  There is a reason why the soar Logos can be found through the monadic life, and this is because the monad itself is a part of the monadic life of the solar Logos on the Cosmic Monadic level. The monad is also a part of the monad of all beings of every conceivable evolution—thus the One Life. One way to understand this is similar to the idea that the soul itself is a part of the One Soul or that that much of the One Soul it can identify with.  The same logic applies to the individual monad. The monad is really an extension of the Grater Galactic Logos or that much of it the individual monad can identify with.

The solar Logos innately is a product of many types of lives and none for sure can say what types these are; a few can enumerate that we know exists: various orders of Devas, lunar lives, personality lives, triadal lives, elemental lives and in general the various esoteric lives of the twelve Creative Hierarchies.

The solar Logos has returned for the 4th time to incarnate in a solar system-our solar system. Each of these times has given rise to a new attribute being unfolded in the solar system. The first two solar systems were minor incarnations and normally are not counted.

The solar Logos is part of a group of solar Logoi which make up a greater being; this cosmic Entity is composed of many solar systems considered to have seven primary ones. It is also part of a greater entity we call the galaxy which comprises 49 lesser comic Logoi (from one point of view).

Other Topics to be Expanded:

Good & Evil Revisited

The Masters of Wisdom & the Lords of Compassion

The Plan and the Solar System

We have gathered here on this planet to accomplish two things: To organize our soul bodies according to its innate pattern or potentiality and to integrate our lives into life of solar Logos.

Each solar system is created with a purpose in mind and in this solar system there are three Purposes that can be apperceived:

To inaugurate and condition all lives with two qualities—wisdom and love.

To further the four expressed purposes of:

  1. Organized matter qualified by human awareness.
  2. Development of consciousness.
  3. A stated purpose, given by Lord Buddha and paraphrased, “Alive, desiring, virtuous, wise, and aware is the object of the Solar Logos’s Purpose for humanity.”
  4. Development of the Christ Body.

To adjust karmically the effects created in first solar system.

The Edifice

The edifice that the Hierarchy is creating reflects a greater cosmic edifice which is being built on the cosmic planes. It reflects all the accumulated ideals apperceived on the Earth scheme since its creation.  The extent of these ideals reaches deep into the past to before the first root race was created through the future to as far as we can perceive its inevitable unfoldment which is considerable.

The edifice is comprised of cosmic etheric substances but has its roots upon the cosmic Buddhic plane.  Its reflection into the cosmic etheric planes is what is responsible for the Planetary Plan even though Cosmic Buddhic Edifice is a product of all of those Great Lives that has created it.

His edifice is a reflection of that much of the Cosmic Christ that this planet has been able to reflect. It is also that much of the accumulated wisdom generated.


The Edifice: Planetary Causal Field (Soul Body) Guiding Angels Point of View

The edifice or covenant created by Humanity with their god (Sanat Kumara) relies heavily upon the idea that His imposition is to organize humanity’s livingness in such a way as to create a formless form that enhances the welfare of human souls in such a way that they see themselves becoming the very Ark of the Covenant historically recognized.

It is this covenant that symbolizes the joining of Him and Humanity as souls for the very purpose of humanity representing God’s creative force and self-expression, eventually upon all planes.

There is also this covenant that requires humanity to create along His intended lines and become satisfied with the forms created thereof.  For each soul honors this in its own way according to its livingness and perceived life purpose.

It is this covenant that is being erected in the heavens which we call the temple that is constructed in a four-square way and garnished by an arc of sorts or eight arches coming in from a star. This particular configuration symbolizes an 8-pointed star being ensouled on the cosmic physical plane.

The essential nature of this covenant is in terms of structure depicts a residual matrix that substantiates the existing thought structure of Sanat Kumara. In a way it symbolizes foremost an aspect of His Intents. It is also in this way we can approach, as a group, our relationship to Sanat Kumara by locating our contribution to this ark. In other words, our soul content in terms of livingness, reflects over time a place in this ark.  The edifice itself is only symbolic but we judge ourselves according to this perfection.

The outcome of our lives, enhanced as they may be, and yet not understood as God understands them are seen by us in such a way as to demonstrate certain virtues.  It is in this way the covenant can be built as we enter into the Mind of God according to our Dharmic position. It is in this way we surrender to our spirit destinies.

The edifice or structure being created by the Lord has eight qualities, what are these?

Compassion for all.

Initiation for all

Understanding or Reason for all

Love for all

Evolution for all

Freedom for all

Synthesis for all

Glory for all


Plan & the Solar System – Some Adjunct Information

This chart has 14 elements. The importance of this chart is that it represents the New Age agenda with its goals and objectives:

First of all, it can be seen that the Earth is acting as a repository for the various energies entering the planet from:

  • Hierarchy
  • Venus scheme
  • Mercury Scheme
  • Golopia Scheme
  • Globe Mars
  • The three-fold Sun

It is this process that will eventually enlighten the earth’s humanity.  It is also this process that will control the world’s resources for everyone, and this can be seen by the planet mars which will be colonized by humanity and resources mined creating a great concept of sharing.

  1. The purpose of Glolopia for humanity is its responsibility to rescue humanity from its present banal livingness once it accepts its One Humanity status with gift training.
  2. The purpose of Mercury is the establishing of a link between the abstract mind and the concrete for Humanity as a whole.
  3. The purpose of the three suns is apparent: the physical sun to increase the universal energy field needed by humanity to integrate into the One Life; the heart of the sun to embody the concept of the One Soul; and the central spiritual Sun to fuse the will of Humanity with Hierarchy and Shamballa.
  4. The purpose of Venus is to insure the relationship of humanity to the purposes of the solar Logos and the seven scared planets.
  5. The purpose of Mars globe cannot be shared.


Register the Chief Players in relationship to Earth in respect to the Plan: 48

Head of Systemic Hierarchy

Group of six plus other solar systems.

16 Lords of Cosmic Throat

Battle taking place in outer space.

Systemic Knights of Armor

Timeless Spirits

Overseer of the cosmic Buddhic unfoldment.

Painters of the canvas

The Lost Souls Prison

Secrets of the Logos

Writers of the Plan

Fires of Mind

Cosmic Prisoners

Members of Initiates on 4th Cosmic Path


Bring in those great lives in the galaxy who have relationship to our planetary Logos or Sanat kumara:  8,000,000,000 Lives, such as:

Logos of Venus

Moon Chain Logos

Logos of Jupiter

Planetary round Manus of Mercury Scheme


Register those constellations in the galaxy whom in Aquarius well interface with the Earth:  12

These beings produce changes in the Monadic vehicle for those beings in the fourth kingdom who are members of the Lodge or third degree and up; these changes concern the will aspect. Furthermore, this change enhances members ability to align with Solar Logos’s Personality aspect.

These personages over time will heighten Sanat kumara and Shamballa’s Alignment and Purpose in respect to the Son of Mind of the solar Logos and cosmic Logos.  Relief of initiates to identify and wait on earth humanity will come due to humanity human soul focus. The section of the training done by hierarchy in training for the first three initiations will become externalized. Overall, these initiates will be focused on grounding new information from Shamballa in respect to the future purpose of the Plan.

The eyes are channeling or transmitting causative forms to be created in respect to Shamballic Purpose. These forms depict changes in consciousness needed of humanity; overall, this symbolizes hosting other humanities on this planet—souls taking human forms.

Mechanical gadgets will be created to explore the universe which will discover other lives. These lives will pretend to give earth humanity knowledge but will hide their intents. These lives will discover that earth is rich in animal life and will try to buy animal life to grow on their home planet. It will do this illegally. This other planet will reproduce animal life and will expand its human understanding. Great changes will happen due to this discovery or understanding and will permit the two races to combined into one race

Religions become history overnight when the world proves the existence of the human soul and therefore begins to identify with it. The Christ will be experienced consciously. The world religions will compete for programs to integrate personality & soul & spirit, and this will happen once star system is discovered near our own that was once this star system and is found to agree with the A.W.T. concepts.

A great event will happen in the future on the planet because on the moons of earlier star system there will be discovered records of civilization that existed there.

Other worlds will be discovered that will assist present day humanity to survive. 5

In a long time from now the 5th kingdom will integrate with humanity and knowledge of subjective worlds be discovered. With the ability to consciously go there and learn while out of body.


Chart Purposes of Hierarchy for the Next 120 years: 45 Major Concepts:

  1. The first circle depicts the relationship of the spiritual kingdoms to the next 120 years (central point).
  2. The second circle represents or depicts the relationship of the three worlds to humanity in the next 120 years.
  3. The third circle represents the becoming over time of an energy field (radiating out), generated throughout time. It is defined as a miniature hierarchy recognized subjectively by the anima mundi.
  4. The fourth circle depicts the declining influence of evil forces influencing the planetary astral plane.
  5. The fifth circle depicts the influence from extra-systemic beings.
  6. The first three long lines going to edge of paper depict the influences coming from 4th, 6th, 9th Cosmic Paths (going through the solar system).
  7. The seven lines coming in to the three worlds (going off to the space between spiritual kingdoms—Hierarchy and Shamballa) of drawing depict influences coming from 7 rays from seven solar systems.
  8. The three lines going off to the right depict influences coming from three galaxies other than our own affecting overall will direction of our solar system. (stopping in the Galaxy)
  9. The three lines coming into the three worlds towards the center depict influences coming from GB, Sirius, Pleiades.
  10. The importance of these three charts is they give you a more exacting idea of influences effecting the three worlds from great sources away.  Another purpose is reflected in the way the charts are drawn; they are drawn with the idea of either direct or indirect influence.  Each of these charts can be depicted as being able to explain a more expanded group of influences and in this way can get a better appreciation of the Purpose behind the Plan.  Each of these influences represents to the disciple a sort of causal interrelationship effecting their personal lives in some useful way and the direction they need to move their consciousness to grasp its implications and ramifications.


Experiments on Accessing Unusual Impression Sources related to the Plan: What I am seeing: 6

Seeing a ball suspended in midair and around with other balls of same size circling around center ball. These balls represent the egoic lotus of solar system.

Seeing a circle being drawn in the heavens that touches constellation of Pleiades.

Seeing a relatively short man appears at this point touching Pleiades.

Seeing the short man touch the center ball with energy field.

Seeing the short man (cosmic Logos of Pleiades) adjust the rotation of the smaller globes in some way.

Seeing the short man register the importance of connecting these globes in such a way as to enhance the energy coming through.

You have been given the idea of entities that are accompanying the solar Logos in His Journey. This picture needs to be understood in terms of witnessing a cosmic event that is being initiated from the galactic Logos.

We have given you a clear picture of the process that is happening even now. We want you to be able to achieve a sense of connectedness to this in terms of how it will affect the Earth.  How would earth be affected? 6

The earth’s abstract mental fields will be affected because of Pleiades association to our cosmic abstract mental field for our solar system. Important here to generate the idea that this mental field is where human souls’ dwell. And this will affect those members of humanity that have developed their own abstract mental field.

These egos affected will have a greater relationship to the Divine Soul. And this will bring the New Age into manifestation.

This relationship to Divine Soul will work out for those egos to make rapid advance in evolving.

This evolving will help create a greater understanding of the place of humanity in terms of the lower kingdoms. This understanding will again assist in creating the new millennium. This new millennium will last for around 850 more years where the energy will shift again.


Humanity in the Future: 14

Humanity in the future will be composed of just one race, fully integrated in body and soul. This humanity will be composed of those members who have taken the third initiation primarily and will represent the final completion of the human race on the physical plane.

This humanity represents that which will pass on into another creation of the earth’s scheme and will not come in until the middle of the third root-race in the sixth-round if for some reason they did not complete the final initiation expected—the 5th.

This is after the judgment day in the middle of the of the 5th round where those egos still focused on egoic levels and cosmic physical plane, as opposed to those focused on cosmic etheric plane are taken out of the life stream to unfold on another round on the earth’s scheme—the leaders on the next or 6th round.

We have given you the picture of a humanity fully integrated and spiritually unfolded to complete the 5th round. It is this round that represents the completion of the plan for humanity, taking the 5th initiation as a final goal of the majority.

This picture, in its completion, represents the struggle of many lives outside of the human to make this happen. The reason for this needs to be understood to have a better understanding of the reason for it all. We can start by recognizing the role the Creative Hierarchies played in all of this. All of these Creative Hierarchies were involved to make this a possibility. The five creative hierarchies, from one point of view, which are the most interesting are the 5th, the 6th ,8th, 9th, and 12th.  From another point of view just two Creative Hierarchies.

Each of these five Creative Hierarchies were able to evolve. The 12th was able to evolve through its lower three Creative Hierarchies; while the 5th is able to move to the Cosmic Astral 6th sub-plane.

Each globe of the earth scheme represents a different opportunity to create forms in concert with the needs of the Plan. On the next globe, the creative process will focus on the 5th to have better bodies to incarnate in. This globe will allow all human beings the opportunity to create in line with their monadic intents; this will permit the expression of a humanity in tune with the heavenly Man related to that globe.

The last two globes will permit humanity the ability to star travel.

In the next, 6th round, humanity will again come in during the third root race as before but this time they will be in a position to harness their personality bodies.

In the final round humanity will not come in until the sixth root race and be soul conscious. In this root race humanity will find itself at one with Hierarchy, mostly integrated. In this root race humanity will for the first time be able to travel throughout the solar system using advanced technology.

In the final round humanity will move into the cosmos, finding a new home out there in a sister solar system. It will be at this time humanity will for the first make a positive contribution to the galaxy at large.


The Heart of the One Life 120-22

You have been given the idea that humanity has released their concepts of a world where they can live as One Humanity. It is this idea of the One Humanity that will permit them to discover an even greater idea of being part of the One Life. It is this One Life that will dawn upon their consciousness as a whole when the Christ returns in actuality. It is this that the whole world should be waiting for.

The life that we are now living is in no comparison to the life we could be living. In the fork of the road, we are. And when we finally make the correct turn, the world will be turned upside down in all ways.

The world is on the verge of a complete shift. This shift will come as an answer to the question of what the purpose of the soul is. This question is now being asked in all departments of human living.

These sources are all part of the plan to answer this question satisfactory for the human race and there are many minds at work on it—over 14,000 consciously as of this writing.

The real problem that faces humanity at this time is whether or not they will rise above their bickering to challenge themselves to meet real needs for the greatest number and the greatest good.

You would be wise to see yourself as one person but yet with the One Life behind you whenever you see the world through the eyes of the one Humanity.  You will be able to accomplish anything if the perspective you hold is that of the One Life.  If you will hold the concept of the one Life and promote this value, then you will be able to quickly evolve.

You need to know that all individuals who participate constructively in this transition are having their evolution’s quickened.  It is wise of you to take advantage of this temporary opportunity to make a difference in your life and the world. Each of you that participate fully will have many resources at your disposal as the Lord has given a reprieve of group karma to better carry out this transition and inner into the New Age.

You also will be given gifts and abilities you have developed to enhance your field of service and your individual evolution.  We want you to know that the Lord is looking for many individuals to serve humanity in all fields—ask and it will be given in whatever capacity you have to serve.

Disciples will be given the preference of immediately returning to the body at this time and for another 150 years. Also, probationary disciples are being asked to take initiation to better enhance their service potential.  You would be wise to see this as an opportunity of the greatest moment and make every effort to achieve your heartfelt desires for the good of your world.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct InformationEsoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School