Esoteric Cosmology – Aquarius Constellation Alignments & The Future

Beingness groupings (or sub-stellar constellations) who are within the Aquarius Constellation that will interface with the Earth during the Age of Aquarius: (12)


These greater beings or Lives are producing changes in the monadic vehicle for those beings in the fourth kingdom who are members of the Lodge or third-degree initiates and higher. These changes concern the will or direction intent aspect. Furthermore, this change enhances these members’ ability to align with the solar Logos’s Personality aspect.

These Beings over time will heighten Sanat Kumara and Shamballa’s alignment and Purpose in respect to the Son of Mind of the solar Logos and the cosmic Logos.  There will be relief for initiates in identification with and waiting on the Earth Humanity will come due to humanity’s expanding soul focus. The section of the training done by the Hierarchy in training for the first three initiations will become externalized. Overall, these initiates will be focused on grounding new information from Shamballa in respect to the future purpose of the Plan.

As a part of this new Purpose the Eyes of Mind of these greater Beings will channel or transmit causative forms to be created in respect to Shamballic Purpose. These forms depict changes in consciousness needed by humanity; overall, this symbolizes the hosting of other humanities on this planet or their souls taking human forms.

Also, due to the above alignments by way of Aquarius certain mechanical inventions will be created to explore the universe which will discover other lives.  One of these life groups will pretend to give earth humanity knowledge but will hide their intents. These lives will discover that earth is rich in animal life and will try to buy animal life to grow on their home planet. It will do this illegally. This other planet will reproduce animal life and will expand its human understanding. Great changes will happen do to this discovery or understanding and will permit the two races to combine into one race eventually.

Religions will become history overnight when the world proves the existence of the human soul and therefore begins to identify with it. The Christ will be experienced consciously. The world religions will compete for programs to integrate the personality, soul and spirit and this will happen once this previous and now dead star system is discovered near our own that was once this star system and is found to agree with the Ancient Wisdom Teaching concepts.

Due to the above, a great event will happen in the future on this planet because on the moons of the earlier star system there will be discovered records of civilization that existed there.

Also, other worlds will be discovered that will assist present day humanity to survive.

In a long time from now the fifth kingdom or kingdom of souls will finally fully integrate with humanity, the fourth kingdom, and knowledge of the subjective worlds be discovered; including the ability to consciously go there and learn while out of body. This is possible now to only the few more advanced members of the race but during this future time this will become a common practice due to humanity’s evolutionary advancements in consciousness as souls.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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