Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sophia—the-Wisdom-of-the-Almighty

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

I. Healing Methodology for Baby F….


II. A Energy Healing Form for Baby F….

[Follows after the Healing Methodology for Baby F…..]


An Introduction and Guidance 

I have received your inquiry as to what can be done to assist with the healing of your infant child.  I also received from R… a communication stating her basic concerns.  I respect R…’s sensitivities to meeting real needs in the world and am happy to try to be of some service here in meeting a real need.  I have not had the time to recommend doctors in your part of the country as of yet but will look into it.

The way that I work is different than most. I work by going in subjectively and getting useful information from various sources and putting it all together in what I believe is a useful way. I am not limited by distance but only by the karma of the subject concerned. This communication to you is a first contact to see if you are open to what I have to offer.  If you would like you to experiment with this approach for a while it might prove useful.  You can change your mind at any time.

I would like you to achieve a better understanding now of the reasonableness of the healing of this child: 8 priorities.

You have been given the idea that this child is the 4th symbolic child in this family and in a certain way represents an unnecessary burden upon the family. We have given you the idea that this child needs to have his wishes carried out as a soul and for this to happen requires everyone to come to the realization that its illness represents the illness for the entire family and in this way this child’s soul can have its purpose met.

We would like you to achieve a certain degree of understanding of what this means: (4)

We have given you the idea of registering for the family the idea that they are all responsible for his condition—in short we would like to say that the family has participated in the past (lives) in situations that reflect his condition—these are many and varied and is at this time too complex to relate herein.

To begin with it is important to know that this child suffers from liver congestion (was not necessary) and is a product of the “diet” of uncertainty, mistrust, dis-concern, pre-meditated abuse by doctors due mostly to fear. It is because of these unwitting events his condition is worse than he would have been. You need to know that each member of the family is also equally responsible for this and he needs instead of uncertainty that of affection and optimism instead of mistrust, and a general positiveness. We would like to relay that this baby’s soul is unlike the other members of the family in that it responds well to subjective guidance from other souls. We would like to tell you that this case is about a way to secure gratitude for life from those souls involved and in this way approach more closely the underlying real need being symbolized here.

It is too late now to change the above, but the future is wide open and in this way we want to move forward to discuss some other possible remedies in a holistic way that would be beneficial for all concern. You can see I am treating the whole family and in this way assured a more reasonable success. (3)

First of all it is reasonable to assume that each of you are responsible people and only want to do what is best at all times and in this way go forward in life with as much blessing from life as possible; and in this way also liberate yourself from compensating for poor choices. It is reasonable to assume also, that each one of you is prepared to make sacrifices on behalf of this child and in this way create a heart bonding into the future. We would like to say that the sacrifices you need to make are as follows: (4)

You need to be aware that each of you have for some time disassociated from your original roots (country of birth) and this is all well and good in terms of fitting in, but it was not what your souls wanted you to do with your lives. You see, each of us comes in to this world with a set of real needs to be addressed in terms of our personal and spiritual development and also a set of goals and commitments to those traveling with us on life’s journey in the world. As souls we are one with each other in terms of this but as people we are conflicted and the gap between the two represents our challenge and determines whether or not our lives are successful.

Next, you need to know that each of us are a product of our times and reflects the best the world could create given your experiences. It is these experiences that make us what we are. You would be wise to look back upon your experiences in such a way as to understand that you made choices to have these experiences, and this is what I am referring to. You have been wise to seek a better life, but this better life needed to include others not now with you that should have been. These people would have altered these experiences, and you would be in a different place now then where you are.


(Note: It has come to my attention that each of you need to relocate to be better assured of meeting your soul’s real needs for each of you.)  For each of us comes a time where we are content in the decisions we have made and at this time we need to wonder whether or not this contentment is real or not. For each of you this decision to move forward in determining how you can find contentment in your lives is at a critical juncture.  This is symbolized by your “dying” baby and in this way its presence is valuable indeed.  Do not be alarmed when I use the word “dying”; it is the soul’s choice to come in or not.  It all depends upon the decision you make with your future lives. We want you to know that we have a recommendation in this regard, and it is too relocate to western Australia. It is here you will find solace in terms of your soul’s intentions.  You have been given a very difficult solution to a seemingly simple problem, for this I am sorry, but spirit is moving me to say this—take it, as you will, maybe it will make sense to you.


You have been given the idea of reaching the promise land and this land is not what you might be thinking but a land where each of you finds a peace within them that is not disturbed by the conditions in the outer world, and it is this promise land that must guide you in your daily decisions. See to it that the world around you does not disturb your inner tranquility and all will be well.

Secondly, you must remember that each of you has come a long way down the road of success in making your life work and understand that the bumps are just as much a blessing as the smooth and in this way justice and harmony are compassionate served.  It would be alright here to assume that these apparent bumps are no more than life communicating a real need; a need that is being addressed by the distress of this baby.  This distress will end once a pattern is found to address the real need and this need is to realize that life wants each of you to settle in and find a way to be happy.


(Important note from another source: You will be relieved to know you have been given an extension of time for the life of your child. Take this time to better understand its purpose for being with you. You have also been privileged to have this added information to decide based upon the whole.)


You must realize that each of us respects life differently and we really do not have a clue what it is really about.  I respect your position of seeing life from an economic point of view, but this is only one small way of looking at life. I also regret to inform you that each of you is respectful of economic realities, but these are only effects of the decisions we make. You have been given the idea that you would not be able to achieve your worldly desires if you had not made the decisions you had made but this is not true, and you have no way of knowing the outcome of other possible decisions you did not make.

Third, you must remember that each of us finds solace in the world through babying our egos and in this way we can feel good or bad whatever the outcome of our decisions. We would like you to know that your babying of your egos has led you to believe you are not capable of being successful in life and as always–life supports whatever attitude we hold.


It is necessary to adjust your life to include these considerations: (4)

First, you need to realize that life, as you know it is made up of important elements (200):  Given all these important elements the three most important are love, freedom, and creation of a home.  It is these three elements that you need to be focused on at this time. Each of these three can be perceived or understood from various levels. The ones that would benefit you the most are as follows:


  • First of all, one’s ability to love is contingent upon one’s degree of light they have as a person.
  • Second, it is contingent upon their ability to see others as themselves in all ways.
  • Third, it is contingent upon them being able to make choices in everyone’s highest good that is involved.
  • Fourth, it is about you being able to create happiness in your life.



  • First of all, freedom is what we enjoy when we are in control of our environment.
  • Second, freedom is that that permits us to make choices we want to make.
  • Third, freedom is that which permits the future to unfold in ways that create greater hope.
  • Fourth, freedom is that which permits us to descend into a difficult situation to find ourselves.


Creation of a Home:

  • First, it is the ability to find a place that is out of the reach of all.
  • Second, it is about being able to achieve an independence, safe from the vicissitudes of life.
  • Third, it is about you being able to achieve a reckless independence to which nobody will object.
  • Fourth, it is about you being able to have a place for creative activity.


Each one of these three elements is subject to societal rule of law and in this way we have both the individual and the group interacting in ways that permit a mutual balance.  When any of these are violated balance is sacrificed. In your case there has been an imbalance. This imbalance is in the area of your life where all three elements above have been compromised in some way—again symbolized by this baby.  I want you to know that it is very important that you correct this imbalance and all will be well.


I want you to have the notion that each one of us is particularly blind in certain areas of life. Your blindness here now is threefold:

  • First, you are blind to the fact that life is not able to meet your demands you are placing upon it due to the reason it is not in your best interest nor the interest of those around you. You must consider the idea of registering for yourself how it is you are not able to find a solution to your baby’s distress.
  • Second, you are blind to the idea of where to secure assistance in finding a cause for your baby’s distress.
  • Third, you are blind to the outcome of your actions around this.

You must be prepared to let go of your blindness to allow more light to shine upon you and in this way find solace.


You need to know that each of us is concerned with the outcome of the future and in this way make progress towards that desired future.  Your desired future is not without personal challenges and in this lies opportunity for personal growth and a greater well-being.  We would like to tell you of a story of a wandering gypsy. This gypsy had crossed the sea four times to reach what he thought was the promised land and each time discovered that within himself a further restlessness and each time he moved on until a greater sense of peace found him. On the fifth crossing he stumbled upon a rock upon the shoreline and discovered under the rock a note that read: who-so-ever that finds this rock did so by the grace of god and for this reason you have been given the opportunity to replace this rock where you found it with the note returned to its location.  The gypsy realized for the first time that his steps had always been guided, and at each crossing a new opportunity to be guided was afforded him and in this way he had found his place in life.

This child believes in you and in this way he has chosen to educate you upon the ways of life and of death. It is for this purpose you must respect the opportunity afforded you and with reason discover the form of healing necessary to venture forth in life with renewed well-being. We have given you the idea of securing a new way of looking at the relationship between the material world of effects and the spiritual world of causes and in this world—spiritual, all is according to law. The law is based first upon Compassion, second upon Freedom, and third upon Love all three works together to produce those opportunities that confront us.  Never fear that the Law will stop working, all is according not to our belief but to the Will of God. It is upon this foundation we attempt to construct our lives.  Your will is either aligned or not with God’s and in this way the truth will be known.  We have given you this information in an effort to find a sense of justice in this experience.  It is not a justice that is understood by our society but a justice that is commonplace among us that we have not yet fully understood.  I would like you to know that god’s justice is equal to both Compassion, Freedom, and Love for it cannot exist without them and in this way we learn to accept the truth of our ways vs. God’s way.

You have learned that healing does not take place from the ground up but from above down and with this in mind we can go forward in dealing with more practical methods for which reason you contacted me.

It is common knowledge among certain members of the healing profession that all good advice related to healing comes from the person themselves (the baby) through their “Guiding Angels” and it is that advice now I am going to relay to you as opposed to the earlier advice above which came from the group soul aspect making up your astral and genetic family space.  You must be patient here as there is a lot of information that wants to come through and this information cannot come through all at once but according to both need and whether-or-not once given to you it is received and applied.


The first section relates to the care of the physical body and for now this is all that wants to come through. If this is received and attempted then other information will follow (As you might have noticed there are 82 priorities, and we are on 3.6): (32)

First of all, it is important you bathe your baby as follows: put into warm water the follow four ingredients: Do this three times a week for six months.

–Apple Blossom essential oil (3 teaspoons) (will have to tell you how to make this)

–Oil of Milk Thistle (½ Cup) (will have to tell you how to make this)

–Epsom Salts (8 tablespoons)

–Powered Charcoal (4 teaspoons)

You have been given these ingredients, but you will have to make the first two yourselves unless you want me to make them but very difficult until apple trees blossoms unless I can find a product on the market once I do the research.  You need all four to be effective.


You have been given the idea that healing works from above and in this vein you must open to the idea of permitting me to work with each of you while you are sleeping.  This must be done consciously—on such and such night.  It will require 16 individual nights—think about it and let me know.


Next, you are being asked to feed your baby the following: (6)

–Activated Charcoal water (6 times per day add to whatever baby is drinking—3 each of 500 mg capsules worth without the capsules)

–Willard Water (3 tablespoons in morning first thing)

–12 Cell Salts tablets (1 tablet in water 3x times per day)

–Fresh Fruit Juice mix: (6)

–Boysenberry 1/6 (snacks)

–pear 1/6

–apricot 1/6

–strawberry 1/6

–orange 1/6

–tangerines 1/6


Fresh vegetable juice (8) (For Breakfast)

–ginger (3/4 inch of double finger width-ground)

–Blue-green algae (5 teaspoons)

–sprouted Flax seed (3 teaspoons ground)

–sprouted millet (2 teaspoons ground)

–Erynogo root (pinch of dried root)(Eryngium aquaticum or maritinum) sea holly, button snakeroot,

–different vegetable every day juiced (3 tablespoons)

–spring water (enough to make 12 oz)

–black strap molasses (1 ½ teaspoons)


Protein drink made up of three things: Mix until tastes good? 2 times per day

–Oyster Juice (from whole raw oysters) three oysters

–Dry whole milk

–Spring Water


Now we have come to consider making the baby more comfortable in terms of sleeping, want you to do two things:

  • First take some time to arrange the room where he sleeps, put him in a corner near a window; taped or hanging on the window a 12-pointed star made out of any material.
  • Next find some time to create a 2-D object fastened on the foot of his bed where he sleeps; this overall object is composed of six different geometric figures/drawings:

****Please note that I cannot give out to the public these drawings.


It would be good for you to wait awhile before applying this technique until baby is strong enough. I will send it to you at this time which consists of 30 particular Acupressure points needing activated.


I need to do energy healing directly on the baby at a distance once we agree to work together (see further below for this energy healing form)


Now I would like you to raise your awareness here and create a workable solution by registering for the family the importance of this baby’s life for them as a whole. (16)


  1. This baby was brought to you for your care in the world due to four more significant factors:
    1. First of all, you have the necessary spiritual beliefs required by this individual.
    2. Second, you have given birth to him in a previous life where grew up to cause you many problems as parents.
    3. Third, he has come to you in an effort to compensate for these earlier problems (payback).
    4. Fourth, he has generated with you before, in two lives, a certain predisposition for worldly success.


  1. This baby has been dealt initial problems and if he survives will produce for you a freeing from the past. This will allow you to move forward in a positive way.


  1. This baby will also produce a reason for living that is new and will take you into uncharted experiences.


  1. This baby will also give you the strength to take on more personal difficult challenges.


  1. This baby will demonstrate for you an opportunity to shave off years of hard labor in relationship to you making more useful decisions later in life.


  1. This baby will generate an income for you by being able to create a way to make money quickly.


  1. This baby will generate a large following from his community.


  1. This baby will survive where others will fail.


  1. This baby will dedicate himself in a positive way to his community.


  1. This baby will generate a way to save others much hardship also.


  1. This baby will provide for his family well in many other ways.


  1. This baby will generate a way to see through problems towards useful solutions.


  1. This baby will generate for you and your family a useful way to move forward at a later time.


14. This baby will also generate a set of life conditions that will provide for others useful self-challenges.


  1. This baby will make your dreams come true.


  1. This baby is your turning point in the world.


It is difficult for me here, on this end, with no knowledge of you (A…..) or your life; and what I have to say is in no way meant to be taken as an absolute but only a reminder that for each of us we can be better and do better than we do. It does not mean that you do not have the characteristics I am mentioning but only that they, as all things are relative. It is important you improve upon the following four things soon:

  • First, you need to address your “bad” habits: there are six of them.
  • Second, you need to address the way you generate an income and see if you can better arrange your life to help more with the needs of the family.
  • Third, you need to address the way you readily address others—be even kinder and more loving.
  • Fourth, you need to address the way you perceive others as different than yourself.


Want you to know we (subjective group & myself) will be working to achieve a greater degree of positive assistance upon the inner planes.  To assist in this process, it will be necessary to adjust somewhat our relationship to each other. This can be done in the following six ways:

  • First of all, it is important we adjust somewhat to the “language” barrier. We come from different backgrounds with different paradigms—we must be understanding here.
  • Second, it would be useful if I had a picture of your family.
  • Third, it would be useful if we included each in our prayers.
  • Fourth, it would be useful if you and I agreed never to talk about this healing process to others who are not immediate members of your family and close friends as the energy gets scattered.
  • Fifth, it would be useful if you agreed that I am doing this out of the belief that it will do some good and I require no fee for this.
  • Sixth, that it would be useful if you and I sat down together on the commuter to address any questions or concerns you or I might have in the way we are holding this.


It would be useful if you evaluated my suggestions without an initial judgement. It is in this way we can move forward in generating an initial point of trust, which will allow us to move forward in goodwill.

Next it would be useful to open your heart to the universe and allow whatever needs to come to come.

Next, it would be useful to accept yourself as part of the problem, which needs to be addressed.

Next, it would be useful to see into the mind of god to have a better sense of His will here.

Next, it would be better if you do not talk about things you do not understand until it makes sense.

Next, it is important you judge this process over the longer run and hold no expectations.

Next, it is important you try to see eye to eye with my intention and not my words.

Next, it is important you try to bear the weight of this healing process courageously.

Next, it is important you see to it you are taken care of.

Next, it is relevant you try to find some time to further what I am saying and suggesting in the light of common sense.

Next, it is important you try to relieve all doubt from yourself that this is in god’s hands, and we are servants.

Next, it is important you see to it that your life is always good for you.

Next, it is relevant that you and family are always cheerful.

Next, it is significant that you release the thoughts that prevent you from making a difference in the lives of others.

Next it is important you register daily the gratitude you have for your life.

Next, it is important you try to believe in the power of yourself.

Next, it is important you see to it you are willing to go the distance in making life a better place for all.

This is all I have to share now.  If you have any concerns or questions please contact me.

In the Grace & Compassion of the One Life



II. A Energy Healing Form for Baby F…:

It is important you try to believe in yourself when doing this healing form.  You would be wise to consider this form one in which the green deva supports your objectives and in this way achieves secure results. We want you to know that each person has a different set of needs and for this particular person/baby you need to be aware that they need to have their clothes removed and also be asleep.  It thus requires its parent to wrap it up afterwards in something warm.  We give you this information in the hope of them carrying out your experiment. Nver-the-less, it is useful here to present the basics of this form.

You need to be aware that the alignment for this healing form is different than the earlier forms we gave you previously. (6)

  • Align with baby’s soul.
  • Align with your causal body.
  • Align with Master.
  • Align with Lords of Karma.
  • Align with Green Deva.
  • Align aura with baby’s solar plexus chakra. This requires you to have a sense of feeling where the baby is here.

Next bring in the energy from the alignment above and circulate it in your auric field while at the same time holding the baby in your mind’s eye being lifted up into heaven.

See the baby becoming well and holding this wellness into the future.  See to it you are neutral and poised.

Now once you have attained this vision, sense that his problems are being resolved and he is able to have a normal life.

Take some time now to register from Green Deva what healer should do next.

Now relax and send the baby thoughts of love and affection and write down whatever comes.

We want you to have the idea that your work begins once the alignment is made.

You need to keep in contact with the baby through the solar plexus chakra and in this way preserve the grounded aspect to the healing directing the Deva to continue to perform its function. The deva will know when its work is completed as it responds to the soul.


Please note there were three other healing forms provided by these same sources but not reified as the family choose not to proceed with this above methodology.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – Four Energy Healing Techniques for Disciples

Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example

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