Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sacred-Himalayas

Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms

Six Healing Techniques received from a mental plane healing group and a Gold Deva per a Soul Impacted Meditation (144)

Please note that this group is composed of members of the NGWS coming in or going out of incarnation that have the necessary requirements and also want to serve in this capacity. They are located on the fourth subplane (of seven) of the mental plane.


First Healing Technique:

This form requires you to integrate your values with soul values and is done through reorganizing your substance by way of elemental proportions and proportionally build into certain areas of your auric field lower devic formulas to alter over time a vibrational structure.  This will provide two things:  First, it will provide you with paralleling resonance with the heavenly Man’s soul body Ray grouping and systematic restructuring of lunar fields, soul fields, triadal fields, spirit fields, planetary fields, and hierarchical fields within that Ray grouping.

More serendipity is required by you and this healing form will provide that.  We have registered a frozen/fixed resonant structure with your fields, and this will restructure it.  We have also noticed several crystallizations within the personality field that require destruction.

[Note: Each healee or client has their own priorities that need to be reified by the healer. The above is an example per this healee.]


To do this healing form, requires the healer and the healee to align their universal or systemic existence inherent in the first creative Hierarchy and that the way you do this is to imagine that you are within a golden body representing the cosmic personality aspect of the local universe.  Need to perceive yourselves as upon the life stream of His Being (life aspect of the sutratma and anchors into the physical heart.   Image:  golden molecules, or planet floating in an etheric golden mist (cosmic etheric plane), golden pipes/tubes of light –with light zipping quickly through.  (Words received: Bodies of God.)

The client next is required to assist the healer by beginning to circulate this life energy in from top of the head through the etheric body through visualizing the colors: bright yellowish-orange, textured bright gold, and glassy clear –white light.

The client next focuses his awareness on the center of the feet and visualizes this center of being composed entirely of glassy clear white light— like a crystal ball.

[Please note that any colors denoted might or might not be used or accurate as they normally are client or healee related and therefore healer needs to bring in colors for each session.]


The healer adjusts his position to be at the feet of the client, placing his perineum at the feet height, and begins to visualize the colors needed:  in this case, lime green, and others coming in as work progresses.  Visualize these colors coming into the perineum, to the crystal ball at the bottom of the client’s feet.     Note:  It would be useful if the client prepares for this by meditating for three hours before creating alignment with spirit.

This alignment process is threefold:

Each other’s souls—switch.


Golden deva


Both are required to align with your souls afterward.

Both are required to sensitize your mental bodies with causal bodies.

Both are required to commit to memory what you receive.

Both are going to be given separate guidance.

[Note: Image received of a large sphere of lights 18=Comets of light with different colored lights.]


Second Healing Technique:

The virtues of this technique are many.  To focus on a few:

The first virtue of this technique is that you will be responsible for creating and destroying certain forms created during infancy (6 months to 2-years).  Recreating your childhood.

Another virtue is that you are permitted to also recreate your whole life, and that the early childhood conditions your whole life, during this time frame.

The third virtue is that you will be able to take your life as it is now, regarding it as perfect in what it is and move it towards your next level of perfection.

The next virtue establishes a relationship between your early childhood and your future potential.  We want you to have in mind is that any potential you have for yourself needs to be reflected in your early years.  For each of you there are certain patterns that need to be altered for you to reach your life objectives.

The next virtue is that it establishes your mainstay or foundation for which all life events are evaluated, particularly in respect to your sense of self.

Each of us through definitional analysis defines ourselves uniquely each moment as we isolate or identify with one of our many pattern aspects.  It is this process that controls our adaptability in life and everything.



Mental plane Healing Group – 1st Mental Plane Healing Group

Karmic Group Soul / Lords of Karma

Golden Deva



The task of the healer requires the Loved One (LO) to lie down on their back and relax.  The object of the LO is to be open to any input coming in from their subjective guidance in terms of awareness.  All states of feeling and thought need to be observed for relative feedback of one’s processes.

The healer after alignment and containing the field after calling in the Golden Deva to do so, next aligns with the LO’s soul, and the healer’s head center, heart center, and astral body.

The watch dog is in reality, the LO’s soul and it determines the pace of the healing work.

The marriage that takes place between all involved produces a contact of the various substances involved to create a new pattern related to this early childhood.  This is done through a process called “integrating substitution” or creating new form.

The merits of this process are organized around a four fold process that encapsulates the new pattern and anchors it into the appropriate substance involved.  What is this fourfold process?

There are several factors that are inherent in the causal body itself that allow it to unfold.  One of these factors is how the causal body is situated in terms of the group causal body.  This is like the idea of a geometrical symbol whose purpose is apperceived by the relationship of the parts.  The same can be said if you bring this down to the personality, with its various parts all geometrically arranged to reflect the individual causal body within the group causal body.  We want you to know that this particular example is not true in many ways but is the simplest way that author can explain it.

A second area of importance is the relationship that a soul has to members of its karmic group soul.  It is this interrelationship that produced the pattern initially and its manifestation.

The third reason is that the pattern that was created in early childhood was contingent upon many variables.  All of which were overseen by the group soul.  It was in this way everyone got what they needed to unfold their relationships with each other.

The idea that the lunar lords are inherently gifted with their own unique abilities and gifts is an important consideration.  For these lunar lords are inherently a reflection of one’s past life process and unfoldment, and likewise the continuation of that.  They themselves symbolize all the above relationships in some odd fashion.

The healer has to establish within himself a continuity with all the above entities and has to bring them together in his own understanding as a guide for the Devas.


Background context: In this situation, what guidance needs to be known and understood is the following:

Past Lives: Related to three things:


  • Each of these lives permitted you entry into your soul.
  • Each of these lives also assisted you to achieve independence from personality.
  • Each of these lives permitted you to access guidance of some sort consciously.

First Past Life: This life was generated in the hope of you receiving assistance from others to better orientate you on your spiritual or religious path.  It was during this life you created or generated an understanding of the true nature of soul guidance. Your ability to see yourself, your life, your limitations, provided you with a way this incarnation or life.

Second Past Life: This next life resembled what we might call true acceptance or real comprehension of evolution. The personal satisfaction you received in this life carried you into the spiritual world.


Third Healing Technique (14)

This technique relates to the idea of you achieving a certain amount of grace in respect to your sexual related sub-personalities. It also relates to your willingness to exhibit certain qualities desirous of your soul. (4)

[Note: Each healee has their own priorities that need to be reified by the healer. This is an example per this healee.]

  • Quality Needed to bring in: 1st aspect of love of soul or the Will-to-Good (creative/sexual completion).
  • Quality needing to be Expressed to integrate with the soul – Indifference to Substance Identification (spiritual reverence).
  • Quality Needing to Organize in terms of your beingness:  Soul Magnetism (speaking the truth in appropriate timely ways—guided to do.)
  • Quality Needing to Contribute:  The Sacrificial Will of the Soul (will-to-good and connection to the unknown).


Need to relax (lying down).  Be present.

Breathe the universe deeply into your being.

Go to your body presence and ask yourself these four questions:

  • What areas of my life do I need to bring these qualities into? (four areas: home in solitude; public outings; relationships; healing situations)
  • What way am I going to do it? (by providing adequate time to develop these; attempt these each moment)
  • What will be the results? (I will meet my future objectives; I will love myself)
  • What kind of person will I become? (A master).


Settle back and relax.  Reflect on these four subjects:

  • What is my purpose? Here now. (To become Christ.)
  • What value do I need to hold? (Sections of the path I need to find now: is buddhic integration and atmic integration.)
  • What purpose am I to the world? (Savior).
  • What manner of person am I supposed to become? (researcher of spiritual occultism).


Now take some time to reflect on these life questions? (4)

  • What beingness does my soul need me to express? (perfection of “mind”; able to know the cause of anything; perfection in “speech”; likeness of the Christ; prolific “writer”; consciousness of the Lord.)
  • How organized does one have to be to make it in the world spiritually? (needs to be alone in the One Mind; making plans for others spiritually)
  • How significant is my life on earth? (One of the most significant lives I ever had; you have helped many people subjectively).
  • What is the truth of the world? (Everyone is present in the One.)

Now reflect on the world of the personality, the soul, and then the spirit.  Try to get a sense of its differences first and then interconnectedness. Extend your consciousness into the universe realize your oneness with all forms within these three ways of personality—soul—spirit and in their distinctiveness.

Move deeper into the unknown and sense the Presence of the great beings that make up your void.


Healing Technique or process. (12)

Move into alignment with:


Group Soul

Systemic One Soul

Ashram 3, sub-3

Guiding Disciple



Align with each other’s souls.

Align Hearts.


Allow Yourselves to become orchestrated.

Permit healer to imagine these eight colors simultaneously. These colors are not given herein as they are likewise contingent upon client and must be received by the healer.


Close with this mantram: (6)

The Hearts of our Souls are at One.

The Wisdoms of our Souls are at One.

The Spiritual Wills of our Souls are One.

May each of Us find that Peace at the center of the One.

May we be One with the Christ.

May we be One with the Lord.



Fourth Healing Technique:

Religion, which is a gift of god to humanity is composed of various aspects:

It is composed of virtues wanting to be expressed.

It is composed of principles requiring expression.

It is composed of methods of communicating with God.


Spirituality is that which includes the highest level of inclusiveness available for an individual or a society.

Spiritual Occultism is that missing piece of information that takes spirituality and proves its existence outside of faith.

For each of us there is a presence that accomplices us at all times. This presence is that in which we identify ourselves. Furthermore, it is this presence that is an extension of ourselves.


This technique is as follows: (14)

Take two hours to complete.

Alignment is six-fold:


Group souls

Each other’s personality

Mental Healing Group

Master SG



On stomach, comfortable, relaxed, warm.

Healer/healee both get relaxed and comfortable for a while.

Both Visualize the healee’s essence as to answers above.

Take some time to envision how this pattern would be.

Pray for assistance in helping you become this pattern.

Follow guidance.


Need to do magnetic healing at this juncture:  (6)

Chakras front with left hand and back with right hand. (4)

Alta Major-Ajna

Solar Plexus




Other parts of the body: (2)

Left foot top and bottom.

Right foot bottom and top (or left hand & right hand).


Minor chakras: (4)

Top of right and bottom of left knees

Bottom of right to top of left (or left hand & right hand)

Left angle—left hand outside & right hand inside)

Right angle—left hand inside & right hand outside on same foot.


Fifth Healing Technique

(Note from the Christ: Men are attired by the past but we disciples of the Lord are attired of the future and be assured of the future for it is with you now and always.  Believe in yourself and torment yourself not for I am with you always. Now pray with me and say the complete Great Invocation every day and I will be with you always.

Alignment: (4)

Your souls using the color yellow (4th Ray)

Align with your top of head.

Your oversoul

The Christ


(Healer) It is important that you receive energetic confirmation as you proceed.

You would be wise to see this technique as a technique designed to alter healee’s resistance to his sense of spiritual distance from the common person.

This technique is about you registering in the form of information and advice while at the same time channeling these colors that will come through: 3

It is not important that you receive either of these (the colors or advice). What is important is that you keep the alignment or connection.

It would be wise to see this as an opportunity to adjust your belief in your ability to bring in both energy and content.

This technique is designed to increase one’s relationship with Holy Ones based upon intent.

We have given you two ideas to forward your path into the future, but we wish to warn you of three events which pertain to your immediate future we would like you to be aware of:

You will be given an opportunity to take part in a healing event in Boston around the full moon of Aries. On this occasion you must be assured within yourself of your connection to yourself or otherwise you will cause problems for presenter and the group:

  • This problem concerns circulating energies from your past in the group.
  • The next problem is one of over stimulation of base center.
  • The third problem will be your assignment of characteristics to the presenter and member of group that will be harmful to objectives.
  • This problem will be your resignation from group.
  • This problem will cause a break in your training from soul.

The second warning relates to your use of personality forces to create a veritable break in your relationship with your family—social/astral related; this break will come as a surprise for you as you will not be prepared for this as you are karmically linked by this group to your past.

The third warning is given in an advice form as you need to realize that you are yet in formulation or re-creation mode—gestation period. Do not hesitate to ask for advice before you place yourself on a pedestal. (note: presenter’s soul: you would be wise to see yourself as being unable to create a fathomable causative structure or stream to explain your relationship with the Christ at this juncture so to create one is unjustified).



Sixth Healing Technique: (13)

This technique is to help one recognize who they are as a soul:


To believe in yourself you must register yourself daily.

To do this requires you to achieve a brain-mind-soul-group soul alignment.

To do this requires you to achieve purification.

To do this requires you to achieve a dedication to truth.

To do this requires you to achieve a recognition of your truth.

To do this requires you to achieve an alignment with God or Spirit.

To do this requires you to invoke golden light of the Golden Deva and be blessed.

To do this requires you to accept Golden Deva’s suggestions.

To do this is as follows In terms of a healing technique.


Healing technique:

Alignments: (4)

Realize that healer’s and healee’s souls are one with me.

Align with Healee’s Group Soul

Align with Master R

Align with Healee’s heart and top of head chakra-out.


Do invocation at head same as before thumb and fingers over tip of nose.

Go to feet—place hands over feet chakras.


Follow guidance.

What wants to come through from Soul.

What wants to come through from Master.

Finish and discuss.


Example: Process the 5-minutes healing: 16

You would be wise to see this healing as a way to engender more appreciation for the energies wanting to come through us. (8)

Angel of Presence—in the Group sense


Focussed by 5th Ray Initiate Healing Group.

Deva of Importance

Golden Deva

Oversoul group

A Christian group (healee’s)

1-5 Group


It is important that you receive info on what we want you to know:

Soul: (6)

There is an important opportunity for you to receive guidance from these sources starting tomorrow morning in meditation. (3)

  • Planetary 4th subplane Deva of Shadows
  • Rose devas grouping of 6.
  • Violet devas


There is also an opportunity for you to exchange with the author the following healing onjectives-6 each:

There is an opportunity to exchange with many people this process for healing you could learn 820 symbolic formulas.

There is also a lesson to be learned here. (4)

There is a way by which men or women spiritually appease themselves and this is through deciding they are not yet available to be themselves because they are not ready to receive their power because they are not yet ready to use it without fear of mistakes, Furthermore they have arranged their lives in such a way to fathom life from their point of view.  And such, they are not open to other points of view.  This requires a drastic change or a wake-up call, such as what you received tonight on a personality level.  This requires you to work with what comes through on the preceding days.

There has been augmented within your psychological makeup six new qualities.  Each quality needs your awareness.  These will not be given to you but your apperception of them is necessary over the next 3 days.

Consider yourself as being challenged by us to make this transition out of this old pattern of causative perception of why you are not ready to receive your pattern, into this new pattern we have tentatively anchored within your structure.

In all likelihood, you will not notice anything for 8-days, but nevertheless, if you follow our advice and bring through from these sources, more changes will come at a quicker rate.


To satisfy your curiosity we want to tell you these six things. First of all, you have been given a right to know this because you have acquiesced to the process as a soul.

Secondly, we have educated you as a soul as to ways of working with your personality that will give it more control over its sensitivity or response to itself.

Thirdly, your soul has now several different available qualities that it needs to build into its personality expression.  This if successful will take place over the next year.  These six are:

The quality of apprehension of things to come.

The first quality has two characteristics:

The first characteristic is of making decisions which enable the soul to be better prepared in terms of the divine souls instantaneous rearranges of etheric matter.

The second characteristic is of commandeering assistance from the Planetary Mind to carry out these changes in terms of understanding.

The second quality has three characteristics:

  • Being sensitive to group plans.
  • Being able to read the buddhic akashic records.
  • Being able to read karmic patterns in the group light

The third quality has six characteristics.

  • Being able to secure within its own divine soul realm the necessary triadal light needed to assist in building the antahkarana.
  • Educating others on soul values.
  • Shining the presence upon the unknown.
  • Registering the angel responsible for record keeping buddhically.
  • Controlling one’s soul desires to better estimate how the world needs to turn.
  • Registering what you need to know about the plan for humanity.

The fourth quality has three characteristics.

  • Registering from deep space through devic life.
  • Mental vision.
  • Mental vibration or psychometry.

The fifth quality has three characteristics.

  • Simplifying your life through aligning to a new set of laws.
  • Coordinating your life as a soul by registering the 4th Ray Ashram’s contribution it wants to make to life.
  • Better reception of insight from the One Soul.


About you being able to achieve a greater life in terms of you perceiving yourself and process within the flow of the One Life in more accurate ways.

The Angel of the Presence: 3

Be advised of three things sections of the path that need to be understood by you. (14)

The path the Lord SK travels. 12

The path that Master R travels.

The path the Christ travels.

The path the Group of 6th degree initiates have chosen to overcome this dilemma now on the planet.

The path trodden by the sons of men at the end of the Aquarian Age.

The path trodden by each of you when the time comes (6th Cosmic Path).

The path of Sirius that is now being trodden by these Spirits.

Those whose path is unfolding the 2nd Cosmic Path.


[Note:  Your ability or capacity to formulate correctly these points will give you the necessary abstraction needed, and elevation needed to build the bridge. Your ability to understand these relationships will provide the transfiguration needed.]

Alone and unafraid we extend our cosmic vision relying upon the great devas within us to fathom our way.  We extend our consciousness into the round we call Anupadaka around the point where we receive guidance from those upon the first cosmic path along with the 4 and 20 Elders.

Within our spirit Hearts we are given a certain number of formulas necessary to build the bridge from here to the cosmic astral.  Upon this enumeration there is found the correct combination required to open the Eye of Dangma and find the doorway towards eternal bliss.  Upon this Eye we travel


Sections of the path yet to be trodden by you are four in number.

The path that leads to the Heart of the Sun requires your careful attention.  It has been shown to you many times, but the lessons are not yet fully learned.

The Path to the Ancient of Days needs be trodden in this way.  (6)

The path to the Lord’s Will (Planetary Logos) was created in this way. (8)

The path taken by the Sirian Lords needs to be understood in these ways.


A Christian Grouping: (18)

Letters needing to be received from many groups of lives have found their way to your (Client’s) box receive them and be one in our joy and bliss.

Each of these letters are from a messenger of Sanat Kumara.

All together they comprise a token of appreciation for reveling the truth upon the physical plane to all of those who will benefit from your grounding of their livingness upon the etheric plane.

First letter is from group of devas responsible to the Lord for carrying out His Feelings: 3

To all those sons of men who have received the Lord’s calling salutations. We have come to give you a message of hope and of encouragement, we wish to tell you three things utmost in our hearts.

We wish to tell you of your time left here upon this globe is drawing near as time goes and this is due to many factors, but one is that you and you alone have mustered the courage to do the Lords will.

We also wish to tell you that the time has drawn near when you must receive the Lord in your hearts or souls more directly as He is waiting to receive such.

We also wish to tell you that we wish you would ask of the Lord what you will so as He can assist you with your burdens and go well upon the earth.

It is important upon this earth that you receive the grace so adamantly sought by all who have traveled far and wide and know its succor. We wish to tell you three things about your lives you need to know.

You need to know that you are being watched every day for six reasons:

  • You are being watched to receive our blessings as you move closer to your soul’s way or truth.
  • You are being watched on account of your real needs that need be meant to better overcome your unhappiness.
  • You are being watched every day to better pursue your path unto the Lord.
  • You are being watched every day to better give of your gifts to others and to receive from others their gifts.
  • You are watched every day to better receive guidance for others and yourselves.
  • You are watched to better appreciate yourselves in our liking.


 A Soul Impacted Impression from a Mental Plane Healing Group and Golden Deva.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


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