Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined

Study the Science of Triangles of the Human Bodies.

Adams apple or front of throat; back of throat: AM: 4

This triangle is about one becoming more educated in the use of channeled energy and content from the level of soul. To effective do this requires that one achieves a certain balanced state of mind and body. To do this requires that one achieves a balanced relationship within their astral body.

The organized use of one’s physical body energies requires that they are equipped and ready to work in this fashion. If so, then they can circulate energies from astral body through this triangle.


SP, Heart, Ajna: 3

The use of this triangle is three. The first use allows or permits one to register whatever content there is within another’s personality field. It also permits one to be able to locate subjectively one’s astral grouping. It also permits one to receive from the causal body its content.


Ears, Eyes, Mouth: 8 (5=pointed star)

This triangle allows you to gain perfection over the use of one’s healing abilities in such a way as they always know what is happening. To achieve this, one needs to develop an ability to circulate pranic energies through this triangle in this fashion:3

  • First of all, they need to think of a time in their lives when they were able to be one with God.
  • They need to go back and hold that experience in their memory.
  • While doing this they need to breathe in through their ears while at the same time imagine that the energy coming in is going to each eye and then out the mouth.  Do this as often as you remember and keep your thoughts on god.

Another use of this triangle permits one to systematically register what is being held in another’s soul waiting to come in.

Another use of this triangle is the educating of yourself on how to achieve samadhi. We might give you an example of this: 2

It was only yesterday that we worked on a fellow disciple requiring assistance in registering soul content and during this session we ran energy through this triangle in the fashion given and permitted this energy, once exited the mouth to be used to increase his stamina or his life force in his legs. This permitted him to quiet his body in such a way as to create a continuity of consciousness with the triad. (me to the testicular area)

In another case we generated energy in feet chakras of right foot permitting him to organize his body energies in such a way as to achieve a harmonized being in a personality sense.


Right shoulder, right hand, right foot: 120-4

The use of this triangle permits one to achieve a certain balanced state of mind and body.

How does this work: 3

First of all, it allows those who use this triangle to circulate energy coming in from the soul to either the right side or left side according to whether or not they need form creation or will development.

Secondly, it permits one to achieve a gradient change in energy build up on one side or another permitting a balancing of soul/personality energy to occur. We would like to say impressions coming in from soul body acts as a seed for these creations.

Third, it permits the registering of devic life in these areas of the field.

Another use of this triangle permits the soul to achieve a dialogue with the person—hold both of persons hands align with their soul’s holding the intent of energy circulating in both triangles.

In an effort to see life as a constant stream of events it is useful to perceive life as meaningful to one’s beingness. It I in this way that we achieve a registering from life what we need to make our life work and it is in this way the soul communicates with us.

We on the inner side perceive life as a series of co-created events designed not only to commit ourselves to life but also to arrange life as we need it to be.

Left shoulder, left hand, left foot:

Right knee, left foot, right ankle: 12

All of us on the inner side see life as stream of miracles designed by humanity as an invocative force producing from god what it needs to make this happen.  All of us also see your life in the same way.

In an effort to better understand this triangle we would like to say that it represents a method humanity can use to reach a destination; a destination that can be understood as reaching a plateau impressed by the workings of humanities mind.  All in all, this triangle registers what it is that is required to manifest one’s desires.

We would like to say that this triangle also represents a way to travel as an individual and in this way the energies must circulate before one can achieve one’s desires.

All in all, this chakra combination represents gods’ (life’s) way of determining why.

We have given you this information for the explicit reason that you need to circulate through these points to assist one in grounding their desires and to do this requires that you align with their personality holding right hand on left foot and left hand on your heart.  It is in this way the energy must flow.

All in all this triangle will assist individuals in manifesting their desires in such a way as to put them back into the driver’s seat.

Each of these centers represent different things:

  • Left foot represents a way to travel that will see their desire form be grounded.
  • The right ankle represents the necessity to adopt a diverse stance in meeting life’s challenges.
  • The right knee represents the necessary ability one has to listen to life and follow its guidance.

All of us on this planet as a way to go before we can say we are actually god in manifestation, but this chakra combination will assist us in getting there.

Left knee, right foot, left ankle 12

Left shoulder, right shoulder, heart: 11

  • This triangle is used to assist another in organizing their life to receive energy to be used for healing.
  • It also represents one’s ability to see themselves as being responsible.
  • It also conditions one’s energy field to imitate the souls.

We have been given the idea of being responsible but really do not understand what this really means. 3

  • It means we are capable of making or living our life in such a way as it works for us.
  • It means we are capable of making decisions in our highest good.
  • It means we are capable of receiving from life what we need.

For all people there is a way to travel that permits us to share our gifts with others and this triangle permits us to do this.

This triangle also permits us to receive god’s blessing for others.

There is a moment in time that permits each of us to say with disbelief that we have created a life that is not in tune with our highest good—in hindsight. It is at this time we realize that our decisions were based on half-truths and uncertainties.  We believe ourselves are incapable of making correct choices all the time and this is mostly true for those who are not soul conscious but for those that are their choices are received through this triangulation.


Bridge of nose, front of both eyes, soul: 12

We have endeavored to show you a method whereby you can approach the truth and receive the truth; and it is through this triangulation.

  • This triangle also helps one into the unknown.
  • It also helps one to believe in themselves.
  • It also provides those who master it in terms of circulations of personality energy a way to travel that does not require symbols—visual—vibration.
  • This triangle allows one to register clearly one’s soul’s intent.
  • This triangle also permits one to know without doubt a way to travel in the moment in a given situation.


Left foot, left knee, left thigh: 12

This triangle permits one to register at a distance what is happening in another’s physical plane life.  It does this through the use of registered impressions coming in through astral touch.

  • To become good at this you are required to achieve a certain balance of SP energy with throat energy.
  • To achieve this, you are requiring to achieve first a neutral kama body
  • To achieve this, you must be both receptive and expressive here. ( I am expressive but ot receptive here)
  • To better acquaint yourself to a process that will work for you and others in the healing process you might like to think about this from this angle: 3
  • Allow yourself as healer to align with soul.
  • Next allow yourself to go into other’s astral body and try to feel the other person’s feelings; nest allow yourself to sense what it is that needs to be expressed by them in this way.
  • Imagine yourself feeling as they feel.


Right foot, right knee, right thigh 6

  • This triangle represents one’s ability to sense another’s train of intents and whether or not they are in alignment with the soul. It also represents a way they travel in life at present.
  • This triangle can be used to help others get on the right foot so to speak.
  • This triangle


Above right & left shoulder blades, occipital bone 5

  • This triangle allows a person orientated to the heart to become able to secure within themselves an ability to harness another’s physical body to embody which is in line to their combined soul’s intent.
  • It also permits one to manage how it is that they achieve a sort of integration into the mind and soul of another.  Let me explain: 3
  • Each of these points: 3
  1. The left shoulder blade above is a point that is used lift another up in such a way as they are able to become a puppet of sorts.
  2. Right is a point that is used to enhance areas of the brain that can be used to receive into it is these two points that I dare say are used by others to work through you.
  3. Above neck area below occipital bone is a point that is used to create soul personality relationship.


Three inches above nipples and bottom of mouth at indent 4

These points need to be explained: 3

  • The left nipple area reflects one’s state of mind—kama.
  • The right nipple area reflects one’s direction they are taking in relationship to this state of mind.
  • Mouth bottom reflects the idea that each of us, although orientated towards the soul, have found a way to disregard this knowledge.

This triangle juxtaposes itself to a second triangle that can be described as a means to

2 kidneys, and sacrum area

Middle of right & left soas and bottom of trunk 8

In an effort to see your way through this triangle meaningfulness you should reexamine each of these points separately: 3

  • Right Soas: this point reflects one’s ability to say to themselves I am not yet able to see how it is I am capable of running my own show.
  • Left Soas: this point reflects one’s ability to say with certainty I am capable of running my own show.
  • Perineum: this point reflects one’s ability to receive outside subjective sources that will help achieve whatever one wants to receive.

Each of these triangles are used in healing and you need to understand these spend some time registering them.


Study the art and science of Tantric yoga: 4

What do we mean by this: 4

  • First, we mean we are able to see through the eyes of the soul ourselves.
  • Next, we mean we are able to see through the eyes of any soul its creations.
  • Next, we mean we are able as a oversoul group to see its complete creations.
  • Next, we mean we are able to see the creations of any soul group its creations.

How do we do this: 3

  • First by contacting the soul consciously.
  • Next by integrating our personality with it.
  • Next, by eliminating all thoughts of ego or self.

How do we do this: 6

  • Through registering exactly what the soul wants you to do over time and do it.
  • Through the use of color and sound.
  • Through aligning your centers according to the soul’s guidance.
  • Through educating yourselves in the ways of devas.
  • Through mastering your gifts.
  • Through educating yourself on the art of spiritual occultism.
  • In other words, unfold yourselves.

Soul Impacted Impression Received by HZ in Meditation.

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