Etheric Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

These centers represents the height of your development and potential this life. Your success in the real world is determined by there ability to be unfolded. Below are a few uses denoted for these centers from the authors point of view.


Each center is made up of two parts—a front and a back.

The front is made up of four parts:

The petals.

The stem.

Point that connects to the back.

The rim.


The rear chakra is made up of four parts same as the front.

The rear chakra gathers together the elemental matter coming in and tinges it with soul (group) energy and in this way the group determines the essence of the form.


The stem is also made up of two parts—the inner and the outer.

The inner part is that part which allows beingness to prevail in gathering the needed elemental matter to be available to create substance.


Each center’s dimensional unfoldment on each dimension means various things when it comes to status on the path for the advancing disciple.  It indicates in some way they are ready to have soul and/or spirit fuse with personality consciousness by permitting the upper centers on etheric plane to be unfolded as astral/mental centers unfolded as the soul descends to manifest and as the personality ascends. Each thus each being aware on the five lower cosmic physical sub-planes.

It would be wise to consider each center the repository of certain needed abilities for integration.  On the astral plane it is about people taking control of their astral body; on the mental plane likewise but on the etheric plane it is an indication that the person is an aspirant to some degree.

This adjunct information on the chakras below which is not given out in the teachings per say and might be true or not depending on the perspective held.

Crown: this center relates to the ability to have monadic contact and is fully functioning at the 9th Initiation (source identification is a clue) It also has relationship to all the initiations on one level or another. It receives the will aspect of all entities within cosmos related to our existence. It releases universal field energy.

AM: This center is fully functioning by the 7th Initiation and has relationship to functioning in the atmic vehicle. It also relates the Initiate to the Devic kingdom.

  • This center will permit you to consciously perceive the triadal planes.
  • This center will permit you to see into the immediate future
  • This center will permit you to register the Voice of the One Soul.


Ajna: this center is fully functioning at the 5th Initiation and relates the master to the heavenly man he is a cell in the body of. It also relates at each initiation the aspirant to the Devic kingdom. It permits the registering of all subjective content received. It transmits/receives consciousness and forms of all types. It transmits and receives information from three worlds.

Throat: This center is fully functioning at the 3rd Initiation and relates the initiate to Shamballa and in this way the higher Path is begun. You would be wise to know that this center is also functioning for the average person but only 3D we are talking here of fully functioning meaning 6D.

  • Transmits/receives from the three worlds all types of forms registered by planetary mind.
  • transmits/receives from the soul, triad, spirit.
  • Permits the greatest amount of universal mind field energy to circulate in the etheric vehicle.
  • Permits telepathic communication with others.
  • Permits the personality to be mirrored to others.
  • Permits the registering of special gifts from subjective worlds.
  • This center will permit you to register those plans needed to unravel your life plan in terms of humanity.
  • This center will liken you to a sage knowing everything about another
  • This center will give you the belief that my world is completely controlled by the soul.


Temporary between Heart and Throat in Front:

  • This center will permit you to register the past, present and future of others.
  • This center will permit you to extend your consciousness into the unknown (egoic groups).
  • This center will permit you to receive from others all thoughts and feelings consciously.
  • This center will permit you to register for others there beliefs in themselves as souls.


Heart: this center is fully functioning by the time the 6th initiation is taken and responds to the energy fully from the Heart of the Sun, and in this way the initiate receives or becomes an entering apprentice to the solar Hierarchy.

  • It Receives impressions from Egoic groups.
  • It Connects to the heart content of others.
  • It isolates others in the subjective (or objective) ethers to be assisted.
  • It organizes lower center forces to raise them up.
  • It identifies with all things.
  • It controls the outcome of people’s lives in terms of group response.
  • It contains the mystery of existence in all ways.
  • This will permit you to achieve a certain conscious alignment with the group while in body.
  • This center will help you adjust your knowledge base of what is stored in the causal body for others.
  • This center will permit you to adjust your time schedule to register the future.
  • This center will align you with the Lodge.


Solar Plexus (SP): This center is fully functioning by the by of the 2nd initiation and relates the initiate to the lower Devic groups. It also relates to their ability to control their astral body for the good of the group. (Example: An Aspirant’s astral body on the higher levels is fully functional but on the lower levels are karmically closed due to their process this life to unfold mental development; it would be wise of them to consider opening these soon.)

Sacral: This center is fully functioning by the time of the first initiation and relates the initiate to the etheric plane; this center is balanced with the throat center in respect to creativity.

Base: This center is fully functioning 3D at birth of the material body but does not reach 4D until after the third initiation whereby at that time it relates the aspirant to the fifth kingdom.  It also extends the soul’s ability to control into the etheric body of the individual and permits the aspirant to release himself from being controlled by material forces. it permits also the extension of the monad to reach the etheric. This center is fully functioning 4D at the fourth initiation whereby it gives to the master control of the resources of the earth in any capacity and all soul siddhas are performed in this capacity. At the fifth initiation it becomes 5D and relates the aspirant to the Hierarchy in a very particular way that can be described as the forming of an ashram and in this capacity, it works through source identification until the 9th initiation where it can create its own planetary sphere which is then considered 6D. You would be wise to see this as a progressive entry into the control of the cosmic physical plane and learning to create in His Image.

Center at base of feet: This center will permit you to know the workings of the mind of god in body.

Temporary center between feet chakra and ankle chakras:

  • This center will allow you to walk on water.
  • This center will permit you to register the presence of members of ashram.
  • This center will permit you to register the presence of devas.
  • This center will permit you to communicate with extra systemic forces and energies.


Three Lower centers: These centers were fully developed in the last solar system and relates the aspirant to the elemental kingdoms.

The 21 or 22 Major Minor Chakras: these centers are fully functional 3D at birth of the material body but develop 4D rotation when their corresponding major chakra does so. (Example: An Aspirant’s hand chakras are 4D and correspond to their base chakra; they also have their knee chakras rotating at 4D and this corresponds likewise to base; they will be happy to know that their feet chakras are also becoming 4D and this will permit them to register telepathically any etheric phenomena; and they will likewise be able to register any major events etherically.

Other minor physical centers—14: These more etheric-physical body system centers are also unfolded as the major chakras unfold and permit the aspirant to have more control over their physical health and well-being.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Plane and Subplane Demonstrable Characteristics – Atmic through Etheric

Astral & Mental Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)