Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Omen

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

(Subjective Source Impression received during Mediation.)


See yourselves as a people with a great destiny.

What does this mean?

1. First of all, it means you have been placed in a responsible position by a particular large soul grouping representing some deity, and this could be perceived as a Plan or Intent to carry out a mission for It. It is in this way your purpose as a group can be known. It is in this way you can rest assured of meeting your responsibilities once you accept this possibility in a commonsense way and not in any religious way.

2. Second of all, this means you are able and willing to see yourselves as one people poised on the precipice of the mind invoking god in all that you plan and do. It is in this way you will reach the truth. It is in this way you will unite humanity’s mind with god’s mind—there is no other way in the end to know your destiny.

3. If this happens then a revelation so amazing and so unexpected will circulate through the mind of humanity, each interpreting it in line with their destiny.

4. It is a revelation so consuming and so inspiring that humanity will for the first time ever be directly aligned with Shamballa consciously.

5. It is this revelation that will produce within the human race a self-recognition of honor and gratitude for their very existence, and all of this just represents the beginning.

6. I say to you, imagine if my words speak for you any truth, that the day be with us that all great minds have worked towards. And some will be a day in the annuals of time that for the first-time humanity will stand together and unafraid with heart and mind linked, one and all standing before the Lord receiving recognition as a group (consummating the fourth initiation).

7. I say to you, if my words for you speak any truth, that on this day the “reckoning” will be completed and the hour arrived.

8. You say to yourself, how will this be, humanity now can barely feed itself besides unite in a common cause. But the hour will come when such will be the case and the Voice reckoned from afar will be heard by all.

9. The hour will come, and is close at hand, where the beginning can now be made towards this distant possibility and destiny. The beginning needed now is the union of the hearts and minds of the peoples of the world towards solving its many problems that can only be solved by the participation of all.

10. The purpose of the work of the Maitreya is now to establish this beginning and to unite humanity into a common voice. His work which began in Palestine is in the beginning of its final phase.  It is this phase that must see the lamb (symbolizing the personality) and the lion (symbolizing the human soul) lie down beside each other.  What does this mean? It means humanity must discover the soul and make it a central part of its day to day existence.  It means that once this is done there will be peace and justice on earth and fear will be gone,  it means that each of us must see ourselves as the other—for the soul is basically group consciousness and at one with the Soul of Humanity.

11. The hour will come when the work of the Maitreya, satisfied with His work, will one day leave us and another take His Place. It is at this time, the world will choose a leader among themselves, as Humanity and Hierarchy then will be at-one.  It is at this time, this new leader, not who we now think, in union with the Lord will decide humanities fate.

12. It is at this time, humanity will be tested and those determined to have the correct vision in line with humanity, the new Christ, and the lord will move forward on that path and those with a different vision will move forward upon theirs it is a matter of free choice and destiny—all is good never forget this.

13. It is also at this time humanity will be sensitive to much that they are not sensitive to now. One of the things they will be sensitive to is the One Soul, boundless and universal. It is this same Soul that now exists but then will be more, as much will have been added to Its knowledge, Its love, and Its wisdom.  It is at that time the world will be aware of many other humanities within and without our solar system.  It will be a time of great re-unions among the many worlds.  And in this process of re-union many technologies will be exposed to humanity.  Technologies undreamed of and in this way the future of destiny of humanity will be decided.  It will not be based on obeying nor dis-obeying of the law, which is an anachronistic idea for this time as god’s walks among humanity in many forms.  This is the literal interpretation of the judgment day if properly read. This is the story of the bible from beginning to end.  It is humanity’s groping interpretation of God’s plan for humanity if read between the lines.


All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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