Plane and Subplane Devas – Group of 49 Holy Ones – Some Adjunct Information

A Subjective Devic Source Impression received during Meditation.

Each disciple is responsible for unfolding and understanding the way devas work and in this way they will be able to be released from their control over them.

You have been given the idea of them working to ensoul the various cosmic planes and subplanes and in this way they control all forms and formless forms inherent within their domain. We would like to suggest somewhat of a simplistic picture of how they achieve this.

Our ability to grasp this is limited but we may understand somewhat if we rely upon the idea that each plane has a regiment of devas under the command of each plane deva and in this way they control the instilling of the life waves through that plane.  This impacts all those lives that have a sheath composed of such substance.

Each plane is magnetically linked to all other planes and in this way they magnetically rotate through space producing in their turn some dominating link to all life forms dwelling such planes. It is in this capacity that each Deva Lord refers to Itself as the one responsible in time and space for the carrying out of the Lord’s (the Being dwelling on all planes simultaneously) wishes through its act by way of dominating each life there to carry out its mission and in this way life achieves its purpose. It is in this regard we all are prisoners of their intent and thus they are gods for us in the making.

You must understand that each deva is functioning and operating under a different set of laws that are correlated by the Entity making up the seven local galaxies.

Understand that each deva is also responsive to a set of cosmic Beings on a Monadic level that makes up the seven galaxies individually and in this way they work through two sets of vibrations or poles producing in time and space a relationship between each other – the greater seven and lessor seven or subplanes.

You have been given the idea that each plane is working under a law and each law is related in context to a Ray Life this Ray Life represents our effort to liken each subplane to one of seven great Beings and in this way each controls the destiny of all and in this way we achieve greatness through all.

You would be wise to consider that each plane is likewise rotating in space in a particular way and this way they produce a geometrical configuration over time conforming to the one held in the Mind of God of the seven separately. Even though we have been given the rotate horizontally but not at the same speeds or angles so to speak. It is important to note here that each of the seven is likewise considered to be independent of the other and in this way they can control the destiny of all who travel through their space. Each of them is likewise controlled by the other in that they are responsive to certain polarities in terms of their number or orientation and in this way a certain order is established.

It is given that the dates and times of these plane geometries produce the periodic shifting of dimensional stellar orbits. These produce the different currents entering the solar system on various planes through alignments being made affecting the evolutionary potential of the Earth.


How to make sense of all of this in relationship to the earth from the point of view of a subjective astrologer.

  1. The Earth is ready to make a gradual shift in its movements buddhically considered. This will produce a changing of the seasons on the earth in the sense of being more closely related to the cosmic buddhic plane and in this way the Temple will be more easily built.


  1. The Earth is also making a change in its orbital field mentally. You would be surprised as to the changes that will take place within 300 years in respect to a change in its orientation to the atmic plane and the cosmic Mental subplanes. This advancing configuration will bring in a change to the earth’s mental landscape producing a great creativity based upon the Soul’s capacity and ability to integrate reflectively into the greater cosmos—a Devic alignment.


  1. The next major change in the Earth’s orbital field will be in 300,000 years when the mental and cosmic Mental plane will orientate itself to the monadic and the cosmic Monadic plane respectfully and at this time the Earth will begin its very slow process to disappear, or the scheme will rise up vibrationally.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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