Nicholas Roerich Museum - Path to Tibet

Obstacles Prepare the Way – A Short Reflection

A Subjective Source Impression received in Meditation.

With assured steps I strive to follow the soul’s guidance but there was a time when this was not the case and in those times I was truly lost. The miracles or magical happenings of Spirit, even though they happen continuously, are not perceived in the light of the world but readily apperceived in the light of the Soul. It has come to my attention that I need to speak of a past life when I was just a babe in the ways of the truth. It was during this life that others perceived me as having “spiritual knowledge” and permitted me to be their leader. It was during this ancient (Atlantian) life that I made some of my greatest mistakes. The mistakes I made I am still working out and lo and behold, maybe, just maybe, I will be able to work them out before another body transition. The mistake consisted of speaking the “word of god” to others in such a way that the many were turned towards elemental magic and in this way their lives were changed for many lives. I am sorry for this, and I do everything I can to prevent this in this life and all lives.

The focus on the overcoming of obstacles, such as the above, prevents us from living the life of the Spirit or the Soul as it is these obstacles that occupy our attention and not the silence. It is at these moments when our mind is filled with overcoming of obstacles that it is not available for the Voice of the Silence. It is because of this that we fail to know the truth of our being and fail to hear the words that will nurture us into the correct future. Thus, be warned, that your mind needs to be empty to hear the Voice of the Silence and that the revelations that come and go unnoticed until opportunity comes around again prevent the joy of Spirit from finding you or witnessing your real needs.

Your life if lived as a soul, will prevent you from straying too far from peace and happiness, and witness for you the magic of the soul as the soul is one with the One Soul. It is this knowledge that will prevail over time and will demonstrate in your lives if the soul guidance is followed accurately and consistently. It would be wise to assure yourself of this through experimentation, experience, explanation, examination, and result evaluation.

Cycles come and go, and opportunity comes and goes with them as all things follow the Law of Periodicity each having their ebb and flow and to realize this puts you at an advantage. This coming and going needs to be realized in your observations of cyclical awareness or consciousness changes. Thus, the past can and must be relinquished to prepare the present for the future.

Each of us perceives life differently and all of us are becoming more individualized over time and in this state of unique beingness we expect things to be as they are for us and not as others perceive them and in this way we repudiate ourselves in their eyes. It is this state we are always coming from and in this state we must move forward to our next state.  There is a logical progression for each of us and this purpose defines our continuity of lives as the karmic flows stems from who we are as units of life moving through the many kingdoms and states of beingness. It is to this point I would like to add a suggestion or two and the first is if you believe that your life reflects your general beliefs and dweller character; and that this nature defines who you are to become then who you become reflects your general beliefs and character. It is the realization that whosoever sees themselves in a certain way carries with them this inevitable beingness. It is precisely this concept that we need to question precisely because it is this dweller related beingness that limits us. If one was to give us a choice to be something different we would be incapable of being this and therefore incapable of really perceiving this new beingness in required detail. Furthermore, this new beingness would not be sequential experientially and therefore not true. It is our recognition of the cause and effect of our decisions over the long run that ultimately produces awareness changes. And this cause and effect understanding only happens once we accept its lessons or impacts on our happiness and joy. I am cutting hairs here to forward a realization that your change is due to cause and effect, perceived, and accepted in light of our present chosen beingness in the moment through witnessing events.  Can we be truly objective with ourselves when we are not looking at ourselves from another’s reality position?

Prepare yourself, take pride in yourself, and knowing who is in control is the watchwords of the aspirant. From the beginning of your lives as aspirants, you have attempted to set examples for others, and it is these examples that have defined you as well as given you your birth right. It was in the beginning of the time spent on this earth that you succeeded in developing your gifts, abilities, talents, and skills. It was this beginning where you have always been as well as always just beginning. Overall, you have succeeded in developing yourself to where you are presently as well as to the nature of your karma. It would be wise to burden yourself with gifts and abilities you have not yet developed and develop them as opportunity is always short while in body and the difficulty of being here on earth promotes this argument. Overall, you have succeeded in creating yourself as you now are and besides what else is there to do here.  You are conditioned by your past, demonstrated in the present, and predictive of the future.

The Makers of Joy rebound with the development of perfect reasoning as it justifies their eternal life objective. The Makers of Joy express themselves reaching for the reason for the stars and likewise the seasons for all. It is the Makers that contribute to our development as soul and personality. It is from these Makers that our many gifts are derived from as well as spiritual qualities. They are responsible for deciding our fates. Overall, it is these Makers of Joy that caress and nurture us. These Sources are a fragment of the larger Christ vehicle that dwellest within all of us. These Makers worship the sacred Body of God as it everything for the lives that indwell it. It is this body that makes up its reality, its orientation, and its home.

It is a statement of fact when it is said that God manifests a fragment of itself in all things and yet remains. This is proven when the brahmic head center opens and the kundalini fire flows like a stream of electrical fire from base center to head center through all dimensions of our beingness.  It is this head center that rests back on its creators and represents the qualified energy of those Beings that gave rise to its existence as indicated by the number of petals contained within it.

Even though it appears to be finite it is a synthesis of these many lives making up our identity. This identity is not understood unless we, over time, can isolate these individual Beingness’s within our Self. It is understood that the great Science of Esoteric Astrology is the symbol of this for us and our relationship to all of these unknown gods that dwell within us hide a greater being that synthesizes them all.

Our daily lives are replete with many potential experiences that verify this reality although there are few who have developed either the sensitivity or discrimination or unfoldment to verify this. It is upon the shoulders of these giants that we stand to testify for ourselves to the veracity of this truth. It is upon these that have gone before us and has led the way that we can speak with authority of our subjective experiences and to this I verify and am grateful for as reality is the heart of all existence and the goal of all endeavor. It is this reality that guides us daily into the unknown future as well as making sense of the past and proffers us an amazing journey in life.

Without this pathway we would be lost and confounded. In anguish, our minds tortured by no reason for our existence would fail to live or reproduce our experiences without any significant meaning. It is in uncertainty that we can explain and predict the causes for all lives; but over time with each truth the unknown future will be verified and all things will be known.

The very truth that sways us this morning will give way to a greater truth more inclusive and more convincing the following morning if we are awakening in the light. When we arise each day questing for the cause of our existence in all of its forms then our hearts are aligned with god’s. And it is having this ageless intent that will lead us to the very Heart of it All.

In the morning when I awake my heart directs me to silence myself to its truth and every morning I awaken to the sounds of the One Heart pointing the way sacrificing the noise of the day to its knowingness and in this way the path is more visible and lighted so not to lose my way. At times I let the noise of the world drown out this silence and thus the way is lost for only the Voices in the Silence knows the way.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

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