Nicholas Roerich Museum - Castle

Some Thoughts on the Self

Some Earlier (1999) Thoughts on the Self.

The Self—as a Concept:

This sense of self evolves over time through substance sensitivity unfoldment or sensitization of the inner and outer senses producing expanding contacts and impacts on the not-self or sheaths or vehicles. These contacts and impacts increase owns potential for greater awareness leading to an expanded ability to determine cause and effect within one’s environment–subjective and objective. The sense of self is potentially changing through experiences that appear to just come and go as we are active in living our lives through the circumstances and decisions we make.  The self’s capacity to reason or cognize is according to the type and degree of active intelligence love it has developed experientially during this process. Its working knowledge of the patterns of life or livingness is as practical as their degree of active intelligent love developed to date. The Self’s innate and expressed abilities are correlated with its degree of karmic path potential developed over time, utilized through opportunities perceived and acted upon in some way.  Its willingness to succeed in developing itself (or forms of self) as increased potential for self-expression is limited by its involvement in the prevalent group’s civilization and cultural processes inherent within the historical moment of possibilities.  Its relationships are formed by causative links formed by way of past relationship laden actions or opportunities taken.  It is thus related to others through group processes inherent within the body of time, of space, and historical ideas “whose time has come” or not.

It organizes its environment according to ideological tenants and causes it can identify with based upon its present four form (devotion, persona, environment, life path) directional developments.  It organizes its life according to developed dweller (sun-moon) instincts innate and determining—causally intact from the learning embodied in methodology in the past.  It is externally organized according to group and individual related dweller karmic forms (and matter) and thus chance, relative to their mission in life through conditioned events and circumstances willing by default to forgo all possible outcomes for the method laden instinctual choices it has made now.  The self is at first unwilling to change regardless of the contingent forces impinging upon its happiness. Its internal and external conflicts are due normally to it being in denial of one’s own part in the circumstance but over time the inner and outer forces impinging upon the self eventually evoke acquiesces once sufficient active intelligent love is garnered.  It is also organized beyond our normal understandingly internally according to beliefs it has held or is holding according to its inherent ray, ethnic, cultural, national, ideological, and historical or dweller backgrounds.

Believing is not a factor of consciousness but of identification with a conditioning set of forms and this implies the concept of self or the forms of self are organized according to factors inherent within the belief pattern or personality self system and sensitized to outcome likelihoods not relevant to other possible beliefs (act as if). Ordinarily, the nature of character is a contributing factor in belief systems and implies a resistance to reality as it is. It is upon this assumption of reality or belief pattern we venture forth to ultimately discover a contrary  reality through trying to act as if leaving behind all other possible beliefs to discover for ourselves the content of this life we have innately chosen through the identification of the self with it.

According to superstition or fact, depending on one’s point in evolution, all men are created alike or equal, and this is the case in terms of their god nature, but in reality, all are quite different outside of their original occult constitution as a human unit with its three periodic vehicles – monad, soul, body. We are sort of equal in that we respect power, will and accomplishment and give our whole life to achieving it in some form or another and gauging our success in the degree of happiness, joy or bliss achieved.  It would be good to see this as an exercise in futility as all power is given by the group to those karmically worthy of it with the context of group goals. Exercising of the “will” is important in consideration of creating our own reality and it is this use of the “will” that optimizes the sense of sense over time.  There are various forms of the “will” and establishing the correct form will permit adventures into the realm of the soul to establish a relationship there with the group work being undertaken now on this planet.  It will be an exercise of the group will at that point where subjective contact is made and it is in this magical process that we will be recreated according to our own human soul’s understanding of the group will or planned intent; and to this type of will we give a name of “sacrificial will”.

Sacrificial will is required to discover the higher spiritual will leading us to the Unknown and ultimately, it’s discovery will be the cause of the self’s freeing it of lower creative hierarchical substance/form identification. It prevents us from moving backward in life and frees us from circumstances once created to venture forth into the unknown to again to find ourselves working together as a group to satisfy our intended purpose.  It would be good to look at this as an ongoing achievement of a more correct goodwill and establishes a base for operating in the world of form creation that  creates a pathway into the heavens where there is a recognition of god’s work being done.  It also would be good to look to this as an angle of joint responsibility for creating the livingness of the planet and organizing our time and resources to establish upon this earth a reasonable place to live where we are wanted with our newer values and in judging less we accomplish more.  It would be good to look at this as a measure of self-control over our individual destinies and working individually towards our own salvation as a race of peoples working together to create a utopia of mutual concern organized to succeed in life to accomplish our goals of world domination, ideologically considered, as many find peace beyond any real understanding. It would be good to look at this as a means to escape from the harshness of the world and to create a place of worship each according to his deeds and ownership of human life.  It would be good to look upon this as a means to establish on the earth, once the thought of escaping is left behind, a workable solution to all of humankind’s problems.  Solutions based in the wisdom of the day. This is what the Self is attempting to achieve, a willingness to go forth into the adventure of life carrying all with it upon its inward and outward journey home.

These forms are created from the substance inherent within our mental, emotional, and vital bodies, which make up our personality life ring- pass-not of form activity awareness. They are really four-fold. They have both life and quality and depict some particular form awareness of self. The self is that much of the soul life, quality, and form awareness it can identify with.

What is the human soul? Is it a vessel for some aspect of a higher Self? The human soul is first of all that which is responsible for all sentiency, for quality, for self-consciousness of the personality.  It is also capable of group conscious and universal consciousness.  The saying—there is no such thing as your soul and our soul this is part of the great illusion of the individualized self and the “I”. It is also the principle of coherence for all life forms because life forms are imbued with life, quality, and active sentient awareness whether self-conscious or not.

In part, all souls are part of the One Soul either divine or spiritual.  A human soul is that much of the One Soul that the human unit can identify with in terms of mind or intelligent activity, intelligent love, and sacrificial will. The spiritual Soul is that much of the One Soul the spiritual Soul can identify with in terms of spiritual Will or universal Oneness; spiritual Love or intuitional knowingness; and spiritual Mind or abstract causative awareness. This soul within personality connection is apperceived, cognized, and expressed through us as spiritual instinct (unconscious spiritual pattern recognition), as opposed to human instinct, or animal instinct. It permits us to recognize a flow of the highest good for the greatest number—as one example. It reflects a type of intuitive understanding as to the One Work or One Activity on the planet or a group thereof. It is a way of creating cultures and civilizations through the expanding or unfolding history or sequence of ideas whose time has come. Cultures and civilizations are an accumulation and embattlement of and between concepts which embodies an idea . It is through revelation and realization over time that the world is created and sustained.  What is revelation?


Revelation of Self:

Revelation is one way of expressing the constantly recurring effects of forward or downward pressure of the inner group soul’s vision or reifying part in the Plan.  Throughout the evolutionary process there is nothing but a growing revelation—evolution is the effect of descending revelation as it can be absorbed and cognized. Revelation and evolution go hand in hand to create newness of consciousness due to expansion or greater form substance inclusiveness and sensitivity.  Revelations are new patterns of energy brought into circulation from the formless into existing form lives. The closer to divine Self-realization the more subtle and formless the patterns will be. It becomes harder to find word forms or symbols to reveal these energy patterns – the Self approaching the One Self.

In revelation, for the personality, there is always the mental concept of light and what it reveals. There is the light of Life, the light of the soul, the light of the mind, the reflected light of the personality through the soul light in the mind, and eventually the light in the brain or shadow itself. In that light we see light. The more light we fuse and blend the more intense our searchlight becomes into the inner and outer world.  The vision through the use of the inner Eye is a symbolic way of experiencing revelation. The unfolding of the five senses has brought an emerging revelation of the Self (and life Plan), which is revealed by the common sense of the mind (five pointed star embodied by the Son of Mind). The mystery of alignment of the Eyes symbolizes this Path or Way of Revelation. The eye of mind aligns with Eye of Soul, which aligns with Eye of Spirit which aligns with Eye of God and the true promise land, not a territory but a location in the body of Deity where the symbolic Temple of Being is in process of construction is apperceived—the Glory of the individual and the Glory of the One is sensed as all Mystics have testified. It is your vision, as a synthesis of the senses, that has brought you to where you are at now in your synthetic understanding.

We Listen to the inner Voice; we touch mentally form life; we see the degree of beauty underlying form; we apply the type of soul awareness to create form; we know  the soul behind the form is the way to soul-revelation and self-knowledge through the united appeal of concrete mind, Son of Mind, and abstract mind. And later we will-to-know our part in the plan for the group soul; we will-to-express that aspect of the group newness and cooperate with the Plan; we will-to-reveal that nature of universal inclusiveness or world of significance or the basis of our progressive reality; we will-to-destroy those qualities of human consciousness or ideologies that prevent purpose from manifesting our new selves; and we will-to-resurrect the radiant way back to the source of life. This reflects the way of higher revelation of spirit through the united appeal of the three minds (concrete, Son of Mind, abstract minds). This process is the essence of the creative way Home.

Life for all of us is everywhere full of revelation whether recognized or not. It has been said be said that there is little else.  Thus is because of the planned creative activity on soul levels of the larger whole outside of time has a mandate; we sense this as the future pressing on us, hovering over us, realized at times as keeping up or not keeping up. This set of exercises is about creating a field of small revelations to better perceive our place in this larger whole—to better keep up. Personality reflects that much of the soul that it can identify with.

The Way or Path (pattern), the Will (pattern), and energy (pattern) are equivalent terms in this narrative. Your will is that much of the One Will that you can identify with.  The will is related to the Law of Sacrifice, which means the taking over through identification with the goals of the greater more inclusive group Self. This defines the saying “as a man thinkest in his heart so he is”, such is his way.

We create the path out of ourselves. The will pattern impacts our personality substance and creates the form or pattern we identify with and this creates direction in our lives. When we spoke of revelation, we never addressed what is revealed nor the nature of the revelation. We spoke of the will being a pattern of life energies. We also spoke of the personality being comprised of substance that is slowly being sensitized by quality over time. We speak here of this will playing on the substance (individual, group, or planet).  This we coined as the playground of deity. The nature of these energy patterns contains that something which imbues us with newness, with new potential, with the magic of new beginnings.  If from the soul, it is experienced as the will-to-love along with some particular psycho-spiritual quality we recognize as part of ourselves and relates us to the flow of some larger group knowingness. When revelation is identified with spirit it contains an aspect of that something we might call the will-to-life or a will-to-be along with an insight into the larger cosmic Plan and Purpose of deity and relates us to the solar system and beyond. There is something in this energy that transmutes our substance as the energy moves down and transforms our substance as the energy moves up. Again the words of the Christ – I make all things Anew. For this magic to occur we need to create this alignment of eyes, of wills, of hearts, and of minds. Serve and obey are the two watchwords that create this alignment. Spontaneous service from within opens the heart and following one’s own inner guidance opens the eye of the heart in the mind (head center). Think, what greater service can there be other than being Oneself, keeping the Minds, Hearts, and Wills aligned and circulating the energy of magical newness from the source of revelation. This again determines the nature and speed of evolution.

Each of us must isolate incoming energy and will patterns as symbols and a means for our transition, into the Unknown. Upon these we will need to reflect constantly.  Our effort as an element of the group will be to evolve a vital and active program, formulated by each and self-initiated by each.  The program developed and followed will help reveal our soul-intended life pattern and this will be an expression of a life purpose.  The soul’s intention is implemented by circulation of some qualified energy and a steady revealing of the pattern of things to come. We can attempt to acquire this knowledge and demonstrate this pattern through the use isolated hints, symbols or images that can lead us to some form of revelation and life direction.


Integration of Self:

Every one of us has particular challenges that demonstrates particularly in moments of happiness and stress and how we respond to these gives us a significant clue as to our nature.  It is upon these happiness and stress evaluations we can determine who we are and are not.  This potential changing or adjusting of self-perspective due to contingent events feedback producing undue happiness or unhappiness reactions can be magical. In effect this mirroring can be understood as a central purpose for all relationships which is self- knowledge leading to knowledge of another and the One. If we look upon all excessive happiness and unhappy related events as potential roadways into self-knowledge we can make great progress in self-discovery and expansion of self-consciousness.  This process can be used as one’s basis for a workable integrative protocol that can be used to eliminate these undesired response patterns.  In other words, if we are excited or anxious about contingent event outcomes or potential outcomes, we should assume we are missing something in our reasoning. This provides us with a chance to reflect upon our natures and the mechanisms of these natures producing this excitement or anxiousness. The results of this reflection on cause and effect can lead to increased freedom through dis-identification from these forms causing these undue reasons good and bad.

Our normal way of making behavioral and attitudinal changes basically comes down to self-dialogue in one form or another. It is always better to look upon self-dialogue as an adventure in self discover and the more conscious than the more adventure in self-discovery; and every time we perceive our self in a “new light or new life” we are undergoing a transformation by having this knowingness. This process evokes a new pattern of understanding and there is transferred a new pattern of beingness to those students who had successfully perceived themselves in a “new light”.  Basically, each receives and understands mentally an impression before the full awareness of this “new light and life” is grasped in its understanding by the brain. In other words, an individual subjectively makes this full realization of implications and ramifications before it impacted fully in their brain awareness by the vary act of questioning.  Likewise, one should not overlook the importance of this insight having an immediate impact on others around them also.   This is  due to them having some relationship investment to the event related karmic form in question. It would be wise to see this as a group experience involving all concerned in one’s immediate group subjectively. It would be good to look upon this as an example of reification of consciousness upon group levels by way of conscious impression by those concerned using this technique. It is in this way we change the past, present and future.

Composed by HZ

Seeing Clearer the Soul and the Personality – An Essay

Controlling the Personality & Integrating the Three Periodic Vehicles Summarized

The Way of the Human Soul in the Three Worlds

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts
A Group Soul’s Aspiration
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Soul Centered Relationships (Guidance for a Friend)
Group Subjective Guidance (G14)
The Son of Mind’s Quest

Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop –Including Psycho-Synthesis Guided Meditation Exercises