Special Meditation Received (Full Moon Pieces)
Connect your being to the Being of the vast local cosmos.
Say this Prayer:
Returning from a long journey I now choose to go Home.
My Path is that of the Lord’s (6th Cosmic Path).
My eyes are upon Him.
Glory have I seen.
Register the fact that the Lord wishes you…
To retire from the world.
To Identify with Spirit
To take His Hand
Align with the…
Receive as a spirit-soul-mind-brain or as a soul-mind-brain what wants to come through consciously from the above Sources.
Next align with the masters and receive what wants to come though:
To assist in maximizing the above alignment and the receiving of purposeful information the following technique can be experimented with. It was provided by a group of Arhats and is associated with Raja Yoga. This technique is composed of various identifications..
Isolate and embody several variables in your field:
Inevitability (of the salvation of substance, the Purpose, Oneness, et.al.).
Empowered Spiritual Will.
My soul personality substance is the Truth.
I choose who lives and who dies.
After embodying the above:
- Connect with the Lords of Karma – Represented by a 3rd diagonal wheel interacting with the wheels of the Rays through the planes.
- Link with the Divine Mother – Represented by a veil over head with bands of lens or eyes. Veil is golden. “To see my face manifests all dreams”.
- Connect with Lord of World through the Devas from the Cosmic Mind – Represented by a jellybean textured container existing all around us; also represented by a lighted bowl with an opening to right and a light tube going out to left from center.
- I stand in the absolute.
- Connect to your alignment within the triadal body with your grouping’s alignment.
- Link to the Mind of Sanat Kumara – Represented by a white cloud with cone like light rays.
- My heart and God’s Heart are the same Heart. Relationship to time/timing.
- I am the planet.
- Next, you need to link with the Soul of the solar system (spherical awareness).
- Link to your Ray group – Represented by sensitive top of the head vibration quality.
- There are different ways of connecting with Spirit:
- Connect with the monadic body – Represented by energy spirals coming down clockwise into base chakra.
- Connect to the Angel of the Presence – Represented by a matrix composed of points of light grouped together in the third eye.
- Once this tube or alignment takes place its use is forwarded by the echoing of the One Voice of the One Soul.
Find within your heart presence your relationship to these twelve things or patterns and record:
- Compassion
- The hierarchical love/brotherhood of all lives.
- Testimony of your love for God.
- Pot of gold or your grouping of spiritual and divine gifts and accumulated wisdom..
- Righteous behavior or use of gifts and wisdom before the Lord.
- Source of compatibility with all life.
- Realized relationship with Sanat Kumara. Relationship to the One Life.
- A companion in Christ.
- Our association with the cosmic Christ Represented by a flowing multi-color pattern of light.
- The relinquishing of the pattern of the lower path, the path of soul vs. path of spirit or the higher Way.
- The Void – 2nd ray
- The Matrix
Examples below were for a probationary disciple in general but not all of them.
- Compassion
Need you to be aware that this procedure in the opening up to this center/qualified energy-force must take place outside of your conceptions of self; it is in this way you will be able to achieve a more righteous center. The focus is the salvaging of substance in gratitude to Life.
You must attempt to access the Lord of Compassion overseeing the evolution of the earth at this time. Agreement with the Lord’s of Karma. They asked you to consider two things here. First, to resonate within your being and secondly to simplify your life through this prayer:
I bestow upon those life forms, that come into my field of perception, the quality of compassion, so that they might see as god sees.
The Lord awaits upon you, and others with great patience and understanding with mercy and with certitude of the inevitability.
The Lord cherishes each one in his heart as being a necessary salvaging force for some aspect of the body of God.
- It’s a rosy hue – the hierarchical love/brotherhood of all lives.
Reflect on the hierarchical nature of all things. This particularly in light of the soul’s use of form in the three worlds. We want you to gather your resources and reflect upon the inevitability of hierarchical change necessary each moment to make both life and the world work.
You must endeavor to see yourself as bending the rules of the earth playground. This is in regard to salvaging substance outside of people’s awareness and knowledge. We want you to do two things. First: work more from the soul level with devic assistance. Presenting to yourself and altering the life pattern of individuals outside of their awareness.
- Maple syrup – testimony of your love for God
You must recognize the nature of your god, which seems to be twofold. First, your God is represented by Adam Kadmon (the archetype for the human race – male and female) and also the Dhyan Chohans for the earth’s scheme (the reflections of the 7-sacred planetary Logoi).
Second, as aspects represented in the Christian trinity. We want you to be aware of two things. Your god is now evolving into something a little different and represents a status quo. Of new possibilities in relationship to ways of seeing yourself. You have been given the idea that god manifests himself over and over again in lower forms. This has led you to believe in the idea that God is not really knowable. And this is the basic proposition of all spiritual occultists.
It would be wise to see this new found expansion of awareness of being as indicative of soul growth and not as furthering of one’s progress into the Unknown as the purposes of registering new sources. New sources will come to you as you ponder upon the Unknown, and it is in this way, all will be well. We want you to gather your strength and your courage to venture farther into the unknown than you have gone before. And in this way you will have proceeded to develop more of your own self potential and beingness. And to congratulate you on two things. First on your steadfast pursuit for truth, and secondly on your wherewithal to challenge yourself and make life work for you from your soul’s perspective. We have dedicated ourselves to the idea of the plan for righteous sake, and for this we have sacrificed all for all is worthy of sacrifice for the Plan. Thus, you now seek.
Your love of god needs to expand to include not only yourself but everyone you touch as your sense of God must truly be apparent within you and this makes for an interesting companion upon your wayward journey home.
- Pot of gold: that degree and nature of wisdom and gifts that you have garnished for yourself and made available for your use by others.
Two significant understandings are required by probationary disciples to become working disciples. How are joy and bliss related to each other? And what purpose do they have in service? Second thing: how is it that mankind can adapt itself to the vicissitudes of life without a sense of ordered purpose? The everywhere aspect of life gives one a sense of companionship along the way, and given that companionship, we are really never alone. This is of itself a cause of purpose, and likewise, a cause for vicissitudes, as we all express through imperfect forms, and seek to be happy thereby. We have given you the idea that your life as it now stands resembles a juggler trying to position everything in an order without everything crashing and burning. Understand that your life at this time seems complicated, and yet it is so, for you have not yet simplified your faith in yourself to be in the moment with life and its inherent vicissitudes.
In terms of the nature of joy, we would like to say two things. A probationary disciple’s joy is yet a product of outside persuasion and resembles a toy which you play with. For the deepness of joy to touch your heart, you must open up to the idea that your life, and my life and their life are all a product of the creative imagination of God Itself. We have given you this thought, that joy is a product of following God’s will back to its Source. Seeing your face reflected in His face, so to speak. This is an idea that we wish you to ponder because it will give you an idea that all things will work out in life. All things reflect this principle. And for you to assist others in perceiving this simplicity in all actions, events, good and bad times, is an act of great service.
All unfoldments of spiritual and divine gifts and wisdom is through the correct use or embodiment of joy and bliss.
- Righteous behavior before the Lord
You have been given the idea that the Lord works in mysterious ways, to those that don’t understand how the Lord works. But to those who know, the Lord works with preciseness. We have given you the idea that the lord is working with preciseness and under law. The Lord is with you right now working in that way. We want you to know what this implies.
We want you to know that your status on the path is being evaluated each moment for the impact of grace to assist you in moving forward or not (quickness vs. evolutionary-ness)
That your life, as you have chosen to live it, is not now really needed to be done by you. All decisions for your life are in the hands of the group. Example, even when we make love to others, in terms of the positive-ness of it all, is contingent upon group need in relationship to your need.
We have given you the idea that the ray group is a product of your own soul evolution and is recognized by you as part of yourself. In other words, you have become that which you recognize yourself to be. And not only you have changed but it (the group) has changed as you have recognized it as being a part of yourself, which includes your ultimate values, your perception of reality, and your ways of being in relationship. This identity is altered by your perception of existence. We want you to realize that your part in the play is of equal value to all parts of the play. And all parts are required to reach the culmination of the objective for which the Plan was created.
You have been given the right and the privilege and the success of organizing your life around your own mandates in achievement of your own aspect for the Plan that individually relates to you in context of the group.
To proceed into the future requires certain diligent actions. These actions are in general 4-fold for all disciples.
- To represent yourself fully at all times.
- To buffer yourself from the past with the future.
- To externalize your beingness as a soul.
- To operate independently of the world.
These four represent a milestone in achievement once demonstrated, and represent another stage of entering the path, which we will gladly show you once demonstrated.
Working disciples have been given the right and the privilege to do the Lord’s work. Because on the right hand you now sit, for he is supporting you in terms of direction with His Will. And this way, all things will be achieved. Do not forget these two things:
Your will and His Will need to be aligned in all that you try to accomplish in the world.
That your love and His Love, are intertwined for an eternity.
Realized relationship with Sanat Kumara thus, the One Soul, each one according to their own path.
The effort you have put into stabilizing your relationship with the Ray group will pay off in respect to your ability to embody the necessary occult gifts which are required to meet your service contribution. To do this, you are required to hold the Lord in your heart moment to moment. And in this way, His Service will allow you to achieve your goals. You also must recognize two things in doing this. First, the Lord speaks to you constantly, but never lets this be known. Secondly, your love for the Lord must grow in proportion to the love you need to find for yourself.
Your achievement of buddhic consciousness will be arrived at accordingly to your dedication to personally know all those who have gone before you and assist you upon the way. Never let one moment go by and not try to align to them in a consciousness aspect.
The glory of the One. Source of compatibility for all life (units).
You must realize that the Lord S.K. is salvaging himself from the past and karmically responsible for these four things.
- For substantiating the secret desire of the Lord of Sirius in the development or positioning of Himself to create a lineage of adepts that coerce their way upon the cosmic paths through the developing of a systematic approach to the comic Logos that also substantiates their (adepts) potential.
- For devising a plan that incorporates within its bounds, a way to proceed to develop correct religiosity among His probationary disciples.
- You might be surprised to find out that your life probably has been similar to the solar Logos’ life in these two regards, in the misuse of psychic energy taught to your followers.
- You have been given the idea that your life now is somewhat redeemed, has been a test and trial to many. And for this privilege of having such lengthy experience you have been given the task of shortening it for others and such is your reward and promise of freedom. Be not dismayed, at the Lord’s reasonable request, that you extend your time upon this favored planet, to adjust your karma into the future. As all will be made well by his compassion and his love for you as a growing responsible being now in charge of systemic phenomenon upon this planet in the days to come and the hours ahead, your path will be certain and distinguished as those with you cherish their souls as you cherish them.
The lives of disciples who are upon the fixed cross or cross of the soul is about to quickly change. For this you can be certain. For the world as you know it is gone. Such is the breath of the cosmic Logos now moving through this system, changes all things according to his Will. His Breath will carry you to a new episode of being, capable of distinguishing yourself from others clarified by the very edifice that you build your life upon. This will be recognized as such by those whom you seek to expose yourself to. We have given you the idea that the life you are now living is full of problematic issues but will soon be resolved once you more fully mount the cross and sacrifice all that concerns you not.
We have given you several examples of those that concern you not, and useful to reiterate:
- A sense of choice for the path you take on a day-to-day basis. Align to the group and your path is known.
- An effervescent personality nature which finds itself everywhere, yet nowhere (personality interests versus soul interest).
- Serving oneself first- idea of prestigious existence in concert with God, but not of God.
- Relinquishing personality characteristics in lieu of soul personal characteristics.
- Registering of the word of God in my heart, as well as mind BUT not in solar plexus.
The companion in Christ (from Gold Deva)
Working Disciples have been given the idea of their growing intimate relationship to the Christ as he has spoken to you through your hands. We want you to know that this has to end, and a real communion takes place in your daily life.
You must realize or be realized in your relationship to the Christ as the guiding light under which you serve and pray for your position in world service. This should take place before the night’s end registered in the mind’s eye before the tabernacle of the Lord as it has been raised for your behalf as a working disciple, unlike all who serve around you.
You as working disciples have been given both the grace and the opportunity to proceed to unfold your developmental potential. And in such a way as to merit the notice of the Christ on your behalf; and in this way achieve a more likened resemblance of the very nature of yourself and thus reach redemption in a moment’s time. Seek sovereignty over your own domain (karmic forms/plan/or self in terms of ultimate values) as it is registered by the Lord (SK) on your behalf. The more you acknowledge your ultimate domain in relationship to the work then this will manifest.
Flowing multicolor pattern of light representing a possible association with the cosmic Christ.
You have been given the opportunity to perceive yourself, as an ultimate spiritual being, endowed with the gifts of god as all beings. These gifts come from the same Source, which is Spirit. But, little do men realize, that as Spirit grows in cognizance, the universe grows likewise, and all things will be known to those who grapple with the solar lord’s vision (solar Logos). We want you to know that your grappling will demonstrate likewise a purposeful endeavor of your spirit choice in relationship to your future.
Your endeavor to see in the light of the soul will give you the perspective of being able to align to a particular cosmic path that you must discover within your own consciousness in your own time frame. We have given you this information to let you know that the working disciple’s soul is hard at work discovering its way into the cosmos, apart from your awareness as a person. Don’t be surprised when this information comes in to give you a sense of a different destiny. You have been given the idea that the Lord works with each of us in our own ways as spirit. This is given to help better our understanding of the relation of the Lord to us. Given this information, you must realize that you and I (systemic Deva), have gathered together our resources to make a journey into the unknown for purposes beyond the personality’s comprehension. We want you to know that this trip is about establishing a more direct relationship within the confines of the ideal of the Cosmic Christ in lieu of His Temple being built in the heavens.
Each working disciple requires a heart and mind alight with the flame of Spirit to make the correct and timely choices for Humanity. Thus, the Lord promises you two things: (1) That His Heart and Mind are aflame with Spirit. (2) Be not afraid to grapple with this first cause. And all will be well. Do not be afraid to grapple with the second cause, and all will be known or that of Fohat manifesting within cosmic substance reflecting cosmic ideation as first cause.
The relinquishing of the pattern of the lower path, the path of soul vs. path of spirit or the higher way.
Once you have distinguished a possible journey into the higher way then this gives precedence over the lower way as it conditions such. Your likelihood of successfully finding it stems from the fact that the Lord holds your hand and guides your way, as all other members of the Hierarchy. His Hand is always the guiding force. You must endeavor to see yourself as bent upon no shame in discovering the truth for yourself, and thus honoring us. Your effort to honor us provides extenuating causes for the unfoldment of the Plan. Thus, your success in this prevents you from reaching your individual goal before all is ready.
The void – 2nd ray
The Matrix
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
The Silence of the Heart – Destination Sources
Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart
Know Your Heart – Physical, Etheric, Mental, & Buddhic Heart Characteristics