Nicholas Roerich Museum = From-Beyond

Spiritual Evaluation Provided for a Probationary Initiate & Friend – Part 1

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general plus the science of the soul. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]

[HZ Note: Please keep in mind the first two planetary initiations are preliminary to the first solar initiation just as the first two solar initiations are preliminary to the first cosmic initiation. Also, of significance is that each life these need to be re-unfolded through the processes of revelation and disciples innately respond to any initiatory energy pattern earlier undergone. Also, all initiations are being unfolded simultaneously within the field of the higher initiations according to one’s sensitivity thus confusion for those particularly preparing for any of the solar initiations. Furthermore, all initiations take place in two phases – ceremonial and reifing expression on the outer three planes.]


Source: HZ’s Soul & R’s Ray Group Soul:

(Topic is R)

A few related Technical Processes Required for the Second Planetary Initiation

50% atomic sub-matter built into etheric body.

Integration of heart and throat centers.

Initial Intuitive connection demonstrated.

Relationship with the soul created on the plane of this initiation—the astral.

Purification of the kama-manasic body.

Integration of the personality and initial integration with the soul.

Relative dependence upon higher self in meditation for direction.

Ruled by the abstract 6th ray of devotion to a cause.

Purification of animal nature.

Relative independence in judgment concerning whose who are in charge in respect to the group life expressed outwardly or  externally considered.

All relationship agenda resolutions are paramount in the life of the probationary disciple.

All manners of world interests are reviewed to determine the importance of them in respect to the Soul of Humanity.


Certain sections of the path revisited. (4)

Ordinary relationships previously formed during the process of leading up to and following the second initiation are outgrown with the emphasis on creating relationships for service reasons or purposes.

Sections of the path are further illuminated for the probationary disciple to uncover for his peers after this event. These being scheduled to help overcome associated group karma for those involved. Also, for coming lives to begin the type of service acquired to initiate eventual individual karma and ones share in group karmic as well as related group karma liberation. It is important to add here that this associate set of karmic connections is a potential path out of three-world incarnation and requires the aspirant to understand this and supposes a growing disinterest in removing himself from incarnation as well as a growing disinterest in the mechanics of consciousness expansion as this is the direct outcome of his service.

On the concerns of marrying his attitudes with that of the ashram the aspirant is forthright in doing this and requires him to develop a plan that correlates to the plan of the associated master of egoic ray. That is to say in concert with the ashram as their consciousness is growing closer together over time and realized as being at one in focus.  It is important to add here it is the soul as the Son of Mind and not the personality mind that realizes this.

Take a step backwards to discover what is in the awareness of the soul at this time and relate it to the mode of presentation and in this way discover what is in store for R as he unfolds his growing relationship with the Son of Mind: (4)

1. It is important to add here that the soul is not interested in the life of the personality mind but is so in just so much as it is responsive to the Ray Group Mind. 160

2. It might also be added that the Ray Group Soul is relatively stable in its outlook upon the abstract worlds of the Soul and in this case is sure of two things and I might add a third could be added here in respect to the life of the Ray Group Master responsible for the grouping and includes this grouping for R. He is willing to begin externalizing two of his spiritual gifts earlier developed. (2)

3. The soul itself is responsible for providing training to its reflection and this training is undergone in four ways each related to one of the sheaths and in R’s case it looks something like this: (1400)

4. The soul is also responsible for grounding within the personality mind (through concrete mind) its own organizational concepts used to discover the world as it is required to be discovered and in this way provide a vehicle for the larger group to use. (68)

And in this way achieve a working relationship with the personality of the group and in this way achieve a relationship based upon facts of resolving of group related personality karma and in this way achieve a purity of life and a control of destiny and in this regard the 46 real needs are addressed and satisfied as a means to this end.


Under the 2nd initiation paradigm there are technical qualifications needed or required to secure movement in the eyes of the soul and in this case we will explore six (6) of these and these will be but a beginning at this time as the rest to be explored at another time when we again meet and then also 40 more lessons to be explored before you leave and in this regard we need to plan this in:

(HZ: I suggest 2x every week meeting like tonight and in this way achieve a continuity.)

First is to orchestrate a livelihood to compensate for individual and group related karma types.

Second is that of exacting the relationship needs to be created between the human soul and the spiritual Soul and this in three ways and continues to be developed until the fifth initiation where atonement is complete. This needs to be studied from three angles of persisted triadal unfoldment and refers to buddhic consciousness and its control as a soul, monadic consciousness, and Shamballic Identification and in this way achieve everlasting relationships. It would be good to look at this from a triadal point of view as well as a Shamballic point of view and in this way achieve a necessary vibration and in this way achieve a relative rate of vibration required to comprehend this necessity.

Third: There are other conventions in which to approach the second initiation and in this way achieve an everlasting understanding of what is required and how it is carried out and in these ways we are provided some insight from the several Masters. (14)

Fourth. There are those treating this process as a means to explore several difficult understandings you are not qualified for informing others about but okay to discuss among ourselves or probationary disciples and these ways are numbered as 140.

Fifth. There are those that believe it is too late at this juncture to treat these and need to do this at a later time but there are 140 again that refers to ways of creating the path of initiation for oneself as well as ways to teach others and in this way achieve orientation towards the one initiation and in other words the continuity of revelation within the higher field of initiation.

Sixth. There are others that believe you are correct to perceive each other as a training ground for experimental testing methods to speed up evolution and in this way achieve an orientation to one initiation and to work out its usefulness to your types. And beware that you are being tested together. 18

1. Believe it or not you are together (HZ & R) being watched and share a common potential future along these lines and therefore need to watch yourselves. And beware to watch your involvement in the affairs of others—spiritual guidance and personality control and healing.

2. There are others that believe that you have received vital knowledge of great value for others to learn and need to teach this through all possible means and to share this with others required to learn these things as well as to participate in this test and therefore necessary to venture forth in the world to see if it is effective in meeting its objective: (2)

  • To organize one’s mind along soul lines.
  • To organize one’s livelihood along its intended path and this in the sense of the soul path.

3. It would be educational to look at this from the point of view of externalizing a part of the teaching requirements and thereby freeing others to do more advance work; and in this way achieve a grater relationship to the Christ; and in this way achieve the requirements for the two phases of the 2nd initiation.

4. It would be educational to also look at this from the perspective of the Christ extending His assistance through you to others and in this way achieve an externalization virtually in the physical world.

5. It would be educational to look at this from the angle of receiving instructions to be put in a book to be passed along to teachers and thereby balance some group karma.

6. ……………18


Source: R’s Soul – 2nd Aspect (6)

(Topic is R)

240-lessons to be learned this Wesak season before next Wesak. (4)

“All around the Mulberry bush….”, is a rhythm describing our relationship of our personality feeling sheath aspect to our personality mind sheath aspect and in this way achieve a lasting understanding of our concerns for each and in this way achieve a working knowledge of ourselves using these sheaths. (17)

It would be educational and eventually redeeming to isolate, on every occasion, the separate sub-personality parts or other part of ourselves taking control of these sheaths in all circumstances and in this way achieve a lasting knowledge and understanding of our karma in respect to the livingness topic or department of life involved. And in this way achieve a related interest/disinterest in either balancing of this karma or the necessary creation of any balancing karma required. And in this way achieve movement along our karmic or life paths. And in this way achieve useful relationships with others. And in this way achieve relationship to others morally bound with us to assist. And in this way achieve balancing of group karma. And in this way assist humanity. And in this way assist the plan. And in this way assist Sanat Kumara and the planetary Logos. (18)

It would be educational and eventually redeeming to investigate just what karmic categories are in most present situations being played out and in this way achieve a more enlighten glance at prevailing circumstances we have created. And for what purposes and in this way achieve a more enlighten viewpoint on our soul’s objective while in body. And in this way achieve a more enlighten assistance to the soul. And in this way achieve a more enlightened working with the souls of others as well as the one Soul. And in this way achieve a relatively short road to perfect freedom or liberation as we call it. And in this way achieve a perfect path way out of the lower planes into higher. And in this way achieve a more enlightened relationship within the Creative Hierarchies. And in this way achieve a more enlightened relationship to the Lives within the solar sphere and cosmic sphere. And in this way travel Home. (18)

It would be educational and eventually redeeming to look at this causative framework from several different inter-connected angles as well as karmic categories. (800)

But also, in terms of integration or healing priorities.

As well as in terms of categories of planetary substance focused within yourself.

As well as categories relating you to others within your causal group.

As well as relating you to your close friends on the outer planes.

As well as relating you to different hierarchies of (lunar) lives within yourself.

As well as achieving an understanding of your values.

As well as understanding your soul status now.

As well as relating to you your particular pattern within the dharmic play of spirit.

As well as stating where your scheme related home is as a monad.

As well as stating your ray makeup.

As well as stating your likelihood of success this life based upon astrology of the soul.


It would also be valuable to self knowledge to look at the ways you can achieve greatness this life: (600)

As well as ways to achieve your spiritual gifts.

As well as ways to harness your precious microcosmic sense unfoldments.

As well as ways to achieve your daughter being born through you and another.

As well as ways to achieve you being married to another and for another.

It would be good to understand that you can achieve whatever you can dream of this life and to choose wisely you would choose these things: (400)

As well as choosing these to be around.

As well as choose these to be in touch with.

As well as these to stay connected to.

As well as these to harness for you your personality sheaths.

As well as these to be with you witnessing life together.

As well as these to harness your particular past lives where you developed these gifts and bring them forth in expression today if to serve with.

As well as to harness your past lives and bring into manifestation your awareness of these in a twofold manner:

  • First to achieve a recognition of your point in development.
  • Second to achieve a relative understanding of your karma and face this in this life.

As well as to harness for good your qualities you were born with whether they were good or bad qualities.

As well as to witness within yourself the souls of others and their pasts.

As well as to witness within yourself other natures akin to you.

As well as to register within yourself their soul’s evolution and their struggling to free themselves from matter of various types and free themselves from slavery to whatever.

As well as to harness one’s desires to be used for good and to use this desire to create what path.

As well as to adjust one’s karma with others around them and what type it is needing to adjust.

As well as whose karma who is interfering with their lives.

As well as whose karma is atop of you or them now.

As well as whose karma is being sustained by your company and circumstances.

As well as whose karma is being used against you to block your spiritual work.

As well as whose karma is fulfilling your coffers at this time.

As well as whose karma is surrounding you when successfully achieving your goals and objectives.

As well as whose task it is to adjust karma in your relationships.

As well as whose namesake will be given to your children when performing sex and get your partner pregnant.

As well as whose karma has satisfied others on your behalf and thereby made you obligated to them to be satisfied later.

As well as whose karma others have in relationship to you.

As well as whose karma have fulfilled a promise from a long time ago.

As well as whose karma has given you a right to ask for something on your behalf.

As well as whose karma has given you the ability to accomplish your chores for others and repay those debts you have with them and in this way save you time and resources as well as good wishes.



Opening up the Door of Initiation for you and your probationary discipleship friends (6)

In a way, you are prepared now, and it is just a matter of a few adjustments required of you and in this I am assisting you and in this matter the healing of the heart is all that is required at this time and therefore what this focus will be on. And therefore, of much interest once the importance of it is understood as well as pragmatized.  As usual, I must be long winded here to make my point and that is your heart is the open doorway into another dimension and this dimension is that of the astral plane and the buddhic plane and these two planes must join and become one and in this way achieve a union of personality and soul at this juncture. And in this way go forward to the next juncture. It would be good to look at this from several points of causative view as well as from several perspectives as well as from several required adjustments on the physical plane and in all of these perceive a new self. And in this way adjust your ascent.

It would be freeing to look at just what needs to be healed within your heart and in this way achieve virtues required for the ascent and in this way achieve acceptable guidance.

It would be educational to invent a causative paradigm to approach this evaluation from as there is not one I am aware of in the west and I have tried several ways of addressing this in the past and they, as created, have not been well suited to this as a science but as an art and in this way have gone forward to test its suitability to others and myself and found it wanting. I have not pursued it recently as it is huge and impossible to complete for anyone and has gathered dust for a while but I will bring it back to life now and see what I can do to shorten it and in this way proved useful, And in this way give you an idea of how to move forward in discovering the nature of humanity’s soul. And in this way discover the truth of everyone.

It would be wise to just see this as a mindless act of analysis (using an evaluation format) but rather the letting of the soul determine the real needs and therefore of truth to it; and in this way adjust to its needs and in this way see yourself as you need to be seen.


It would be good to re-invent the process here in the form of an evaluation and in this way move forward in discussing what it is you need to know. There are 46 categories of things you need to understand and receive information on as well as that I already gave you in this communication once finished and in this way we can move forward.

1. There are four requirements for 2nd initiation you have not yet been informed of and these four are to be given to you by your soul and must come through you as you are meditating on them at the full moon and be aware that these four are not what you now believe but are based upon group souls purpose for your present life and therefore of group origin and not therefore of personal results.

2. There are 160 things you need to do now in this life to complete this life you are in to move forward, and these considerations are karmic and therefore within your ability to change. Therefore, they are within your providence to change whenever you want; and regardless of this, these things are of your own choosing as a soul this life to be dealt with.

3. There are 1460 ordinary wheels or cycles of activities you need to incorporate into our daily practice to change your life direction along soul lines as well as to change your attitude to your Self. It would be good to look at these from the angle of a disciple in training. All of these things require you to make a mental change along a certain direction for the truth.

4. There are 679 ideas you need to grasp at your stage on the path and to better assist others with which you need to teach. All of these you have previously understood over many lives but 212 of these you have long since forgotten but need to re-remember and these will be given to you if meditated on and some will be given to you here for your consideration and believe me they are not so easy to understand.

5. Substance Related Changes: There are:

six required substance changes you need to make in your mental sheath;

as well as 4 substance changes in your etheric sheath;

as well as 16 changes in your causal body sheath;

as well as 114 changes in your present kama-manasic sheath;

as well as 144 directions you need to face as a soul in the 3-worlds.

These directions are the outcome of your model life expression. It is these things that I will give you to precede with your occult training at this time and beware they are not easy to explain so be careful in your assimilation of these as well as not be impatient in coming to an answer.


6. There are 43 lives within your soul/personality sheath that need investigating and understanding as to who you are not and with these answers you will be adept at self-recognition.

7. There are 1450 recognition’s you need to decide upon, and these relate to your privileged nature as a soul upon its own plane and these recognition’s have nothing to do with your life here in the three worlds but everything to do with your studies as a Son of Mind. And therefore, difficult for you to conceive and more difficult for me to write about although I will try to do so for a few:   There are 1456 or so values require changing in one way or another and these values relate to systematizing your son of mind’s understanding of the universe around it at this time as well as its relationship to it. There are 1457 validations required by the son of mind to determine its relationship to the universe as it is known by 2nd degree probationary initiates as well as its value to such.

8. There are 14 or 12 ways to skin a cat, but these will not be given to you at this time as they all relate to previous lives you have lived in a monastery where cats were eaten and in this way they were given as food to prepare.. It would be good to look at these lives as they relate to your present life of living in the monastery you created among your friends you have chosen as they all were part of these lives and therefore apart of your destiny and therefore knowledge of these lives will give you understanding of these required ways you need to deal with these “friends.”

9. There are approximately 4500 choices demanded of you by others that need to be fulfilled in some practical manner and these related mostly to family members on the outer plains as well as to themselves on inner planes. These concern the future of your familial relationships and these need to be understood in terms of your choices around relating to them or not in various ways. (I fall into this category also and require six related choices and need to know these to pursue the future with you.)

10. There are 82 ways destiny has brought you to us/me (ray group) to discover yourself and in the next sequence of lives you will discover for what purpose this has been done and complete your training. And in this way precede to discover your usefulness to the group. And in this way discover who you are as a group and in this way discover who you might become and in this way choose your path. It would be good to look at this from a systematic view point and achieve illumination as a soul. And to carry this off successfully and undeniably achieve your illumination of mind. And in this way achieve your relationships to other group members which are and will prevent you from falling backwards in time as well as preventing you from episodes of karmic fate. And in this way illuminate your fate with ours and in this way register from us certain considerations required of you to pass your tests which are now four and from these tests passed achieve your longed-for initiate standing as a disciple.

11.  18 is the number of reposes or sets of livingness episodes required to complete life experiences on the earth and it is this number you need to be concerned with in discovering these life “episodes” required to fulfill group destinies related to past karmic conditions you discovered relying upon your human instincts. Given the quality of your present life in body as many as 14 of these episodes could be addressed this life-body (but very difficult) and the remaining 4 or so for two other lives and in this way go forward to understand these and in this way proceed to develop.

12. It would be good to discover just how many past lives you have had and knowing these obtain information on these in their order of real service to the whole or not. And in this way achieve a useful understanding of the intended soul purpose for these lives. And realize just what could have been learned or can now be learned and wonder how to engage these lives again for this learning intent and therefore create a package of information related to these in this way. (14)

13. It would be educational to prepare a statement about the purpose of this present life as well and determine how to understand it in relationship to both personality and causal consciousness as well as 14 ways to perceive your purpose under different gazes’.

14. Lesson you need to respect those who are in charge according to the following two criteria: degree and soul status. And in this way move forward to meet intents and schedule requirements to be performed in meeting your duties at home and abroad. And in this way achieve relationships among your brethren and in this way achieve right relationships among those around you and see yourself in this light of useful service. Schedule a time to interact with those you are guided to help or assist and in this way achieve right motive and right livelihood.

15. You are required to achieve sincerity of purpose with all of those you relate with and in this way achieve a working and purposeful relationship with them and not let time go by or scheduling to do otherwise. And in this way achieve liberation from frustration by doing those things of little importance as well as achieving right livelihood and right situational karma. It would be good to look at this from many points of view and achieve a related karmic satisfaction and enjoyment of living life.

16. It would be valuable to see yourself in good standing focused on values and creating life according to these values and recreating yourself in these directions. And in this way achieve related character enhancements and certainty of destiny. And in this way achieve related improvements in destiny and related achievements in inter-personal processes successfully created according to scheduled intent. And thereby necessitating a further right livelihood. And in this way improve further your standing in good; and in this way achieve right geometric order. (16)

17. Although you are successful in the delegation of occult intents, and you purposely manipulated yourself based upon these intents. You have relied upon a mechanism of occult derision of yourself, and this is not good as these parts of yourself (although satisfied with your process) has given you previous directions and in these were valuable and require getting rid of occult manipulation and control. Otherwise, they cannot carry out their purpose for which they were first created. What are these parts and how many of them are needed for your purpose (4 parts). Each of these requires further growth and considerations as a part of your structure of beingness. And they are 4 lunar lives needing rediscovered by you for purposeful reasons and are intended to make your life happier.

18. Successful or not is the way you need to look at your relationship to the world and in this way achieve a common ground among your group soul brethren in the world with you and for this reason need to state in what ways you are considered successful in their eyes and not successful in their eyes: (4 not)

19. Need to look at all ways of you successfully orchestrating your demands upon life and in these ways see how life is supporting you and yet in these ways see how they are not supporting your highest good (we get what we want, successful or not): 4

20. World related success for you is coming and this success has its ups and downs for you and in doing so contains the lessons for you which are required for continued happiness and in this way achievement is gained. There are four types of happiness for you at this time. Be willing to acknowledge them for what they are and not lessen them.

21. Letters are coming in for you about this one and there are many. In other words, we are requiring from you many understandings and thereby forcing you to move deeper in connection to register these.  These pertain to an understanding of a way to proceed in developing yourself along six lines each according to a karmic liability that now exists and recovering from this a way to move forward in the light of your triadal Self. Each of these six refers to a destiny within the group Eyes. Schedule a private time to go over this one separately at a later time as well as numbers 22, 23, 24, 25.

26. This lesson concerns relationships needing developed with 13 others as a part of your inner group whom you have something to share with and receive from in terms of gifts, abilities, talents, skills.  In this way achieve domination of the group mind within you as well as them outside of you and in this way approve the status of the group soul and in this way approve the use of the group in performing service on the outer planes. Also, service in the three worlds of humanity’s endeavor.  As well as cheat on the tests or trials required for the next initiation. Thus, seem ready and capable for the next level of group integration required. As well as provide a training ground for the group soul members, remembering who we have become and for what purpose.

27. Note: The lessons R’s Soul has for him outside of this outline:

It would be good to look at this from the perspective of R bringing in his initiation related guidance himself and therefore (HZ is not required to do so) and in R’s case it would be good to begin with healing the heart first. (3)

1. To begin with R needs to rely upon his mind sense or 6th sense to accomplish the necessary categories and not rely upon what I gave him. It would also be good if he realized that your (HZ soul) process is a ray related process not related to R per say but based upon a 5th ray perspective and not upon any other ray influence. It would be good to perceive this or HZ’s process as related more to a 3rd initiation preparation process (fifth ray rules the third planetary initiation) and not the second initiation. Although for R,  he is not sure of yours or his related initiation that is being prepared for and likewise not sure of his own soul status or yours for that matter; and this in terms of initiation as it is related to the Divine Soul. Furthermore, he is not in a position to verify this.

2. It would be good to look at this from the perspective that HZ is preparing all those he meets one on one for the first through the third initiations according to their real needs and indicating all the requirements related to these ……………..he is being trained for to indicate to others as needed its nature and therefore has much knowledge.

(HZ Note: And in this case it would be good to look at this from several points of view and review what I received before in R’s case and align with Him and bring this in. It would be better if I generated it from the old list as well as organized it better pretending it will be unfolded by R. It is timely to look at this now as well as complete it before you meet with him.)

3. R – a self-evaluation: What would it look like and how would you do it and what format would it take or be in and how good at it can you be and what qualifies you to do it. (6)

a. To start with you need to look at each of the things I gave you for Opening the Heart and come to a resolution as them pertaining to you if at all; and therefore, be able to instruct others on how to do this. This requires you own this for yourself and prepare to be tested on this soon as your Heart is in process of Descending. It would be good to introduce to you some more concepts related to the discussion of these topics and therefore find the time to go over them with you as well as assist you in bringing in information on these. And over time, develop a book full of techniques related to these as well as finding an alternative to discussing them with other words – more mainstream.

b. There are other resources that need to be developed and understood in the same light and these are 40 for now. These relate to the unfoldment of the intuition, and these are given to you on the list I gave you as well as in other places. I will recall/locate these for you as well as better define and complete them. I want to give you this list to complete before you leave as it is important we spend some time understanding it and I believe you are ready to explore it; as well as develop techniques to further train yourself and others.

c. It would be good to investigate just what is the lower bridge and integrate your understanding of this into the mainstream as well as change vocabulary to make it more familiar to others as well as see them practicing your techniques for its development as well as seeing people advance.

d. It would be good to investigate just how well trained they are in meditation and this at the expense of their lower egos and report to them what they need to integrate their personalities and souls. It would be good to do this for yourself and investigate what is needed in your case as well as develop a format for evaluating others.

e. It would be good to see others as minds and in that way move forward in conducting an experiment to develop their mental sheath according to their soul’s organizational intent. This could be accomplished once you are able to see the organizational pattern of their soul’s intents.

f. It would be good to investigate just how often we need to get together to finish pulling in information to get you to believe you have established integration with my mind and therefore can bring in information easier that way. It would be good to try to do this as soon as possible and in that way achieve a relative harmony for this life as well as others and in this way move forward to develop your style of evaluations; it would be good to use your own mind to forward your personal work with others though use mine to bring in information to use in this process and somehow integrate it.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance – Probationary Initiate – Individualized Deva

Organization of the Mind – A Probationary Initiate’s – An Example

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments