Nicholas Roerich Museum - Treasure of the Angels

Spiritual Guidance – Probationary Initiate – Individualized Deva

[HZ: Please note that each is responsible to determine by way of the soul in respect to any particular colors which are to be used in healing or used in developmental related work as well as whether or not any particular methods used.]


[Source – Individualized Deva to the soul-personality (14)]


It is apparent that your ability to visualize needs improving and in this regard we can be of assistance: (4)

Can assist by registering for you that which you require and amplify it and willing to do this on a moment’s notice if asked.

Can also assist you by demonstrating our powers to materialize image into your brain cavity if asked or into another’s if asked and appropriate.

Can assist you by developing your mind’s eye in certain ways but these will not be contingent upon your desire but your need: (3)

  • In the area of star charts.
  • In the area of Ashramic messages.
  • In the area of assuring, you of no danger.


Do the following four things:

Take some time to locate within your mind’s eye a certain location:

Allow this location to expand to include your whole head.

Once this complete allow an image to appear moving from back to front.

Now allow this to settle in on the vrittis.


Do as often as possible and ask for star chart needed to ground.


You need to be aware that each of us as devas are qualified in certain areas of expertise. Mine is in the areas of:

  • Star charts:
  • Ashramic messages:
  • Star positions in the Galaxy:
  • Ashramic necessities undefined for now:


You would be wise to consider yourself fortunate in requesting my services given I can be of great help in meeting your many goals and are willing to begin now.


You have been assigned to me for guidance in these areas and am pleased to do so once you follow these guide lines: (4)

Need you to remember we work together.

Need you to adapt to my methods.

Need you to appear balanced and interested.

Address me as Master X.


It is important you achieve a certain sense of direction here today—we will begin.

Need you to address the star charts first there are 40 which need to come in; try to get them on paper.

Need you to demonstrate exactness and these you will check later.


Need you to demonstrate a style of drawing that relates the point at center of page as it is the Solar Logos reference point.

Need you to demonstrate a certain relationship to each drawing as the solar system and not anything below that.

Need you to demonstrate a certain degree of definiteness with each drawing before moving on.

Need you to exhibit a sense of connection to the Lodge in this process as they relate to work of the Lodge.

Need you to exhibit a sense of connection to the M as he is interested in using these as teaching aids.

Need you to exhibit a certain degree of repose in this and not get over stimulated.

Need you to exhibit a certain sense of direction and be orderly.

Need you to exhibit a certain sense of composure in their use value—each different and needs to be understood.


Continued: Part 2:

You have been given the idea of receiving from me these charts you must decide to do this each day: 30 minutes.

You have been given a method of working but this needs calibration: first you need not to concentrate so hard but relax. Second, you need to remember it is I that receives for you and transmits to your brain be prepared to receive these at a SP focus there and ajna.

Next you need to remember that you are not able to receive these perfectly so must guess at times this is okay need to be relaxed around this.

You need to remember who you are a member of the Lodge working to perfect your abilities here for the benefit of all.

Your belief that I am in rapport with Angel of the Presence is correct and need you to remember that each of us requires much practice in whatever we do that is new.


Individualized Deva and Star Charts – A Color Exercise. You are being given a new technique here to assist:

Breathe in the color gold and register in your brain cavity.

See this cavity expand to include your mind’s eye.

Now see this gold light as a line shine out through and including your three periodical vehicles.

Now regulate your breath to see this gold light changing shape from line in the sutratma to a sphere.

On the in breath a sphere and on the out breath a line.


You have been given 40 charts to your soul and these all pertain to training that needs to be grounded.

You have been given these in an effort to train you also so they are not complex.

You must find with each chart three things: first, source of beingness; second, the purpose of chart; third, where are the forces and energies being received.

Now you must endeavor to see yourself registering these charts in the order given and not be dismayed if incorrect or you include too much

Must also see yourself as someone able to register these charts better and better over time with practice.

Need you to remember that each of these charts represents a complete teaching aid (out of 40 there are in reality just 6 for now).

You must dedicate yourself to completely unfolding their teaching points.

You must endeavor to see them being used in your school later (not 36 courses).

You must find the time each day to study these as to include them in your cosmological project.

You must endeavor to question yourself on these to better understand them and I will help you.

You must succeed with these 6-charts completely before anymore are given out.

You must find time to evaluate what has come through so far.


All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Subjective Guidance Sources –  Group & Individual – Some Examples – Part II

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

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The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate