Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Greatest and Holiest of Tangla

Spiritual Journey – Recommended Journal Topics (Revised 02/29/24)

It would prove wise to keep a spiritual journal and enter into following:


Report any Voice of the inner Master or Soul heard.

Report any new source registered and the nature of its qualified energy and/or content (avoid recording kama-manasic unless related to some known soul purpose).

Report any unusual etheric center activity, such as the:

  • Energy of Buddhic
  • Energy of Mahatma
  • Energy of the Word
  • Energy of the Voice
  • Energy of Energy of Vital Stillness
  • Energy of Organization
  • Energy of the One Vision
  • Energy of Lord of the World
  • Energy of Peace which Surpasses Understanding


Report any triadal microcosmic senses experienced.

Report any devic contacts.

Report any prevision.

Report any other subjective planetary dimensional communications.

Report any full moon receptions.

Report any fourth or fifth dimensional /images/drawings.

Report any Plan contingencies.

Report any revelations related to Mysteries.

Report any spiritual experience.


Observations on the use of a Spiritual Diary:

Looking back on the years of daily meditative experiments I regret not applying a more rigid scientific model and hypothesis approach but the spiritual fervor in the moment that animated me and resulted in some wasteful action. Given my present reflections on my recording model I did use a more complete model that was more detailed then the one suggested below and above for several reasons based upon my experience.  Never-the-less I did keep extensive daily journal of conceptual notations reified through-out the extended meditations or contemplations and is both adequate and inadequate in determining certain relationships between certain causative variables.


My previous records were adequate in that I did record or denote the following:

I did denote the date (but not the time) almost always. Significantly useful for observing astrological and numerological patterns of various types of guidance.

I did denote the direction of dimensional movement of an impression source although this was subjective but over time I developed an objective comparison model or 4-D Head Map when describing the microcosmic vision correlations.

I did denote the apperceived sources or a qualitative pattern approach. The apperceived source identity of impressions appeared to be aligned with the inspiration level or the quantity and degree of energy circulating.  This appears to be associated to the will, purpose and intent of the contact. This is also associated with the discriminative level and type and quality of wise knowledge content. These gave rise to a source name to identify the possible source for recording purposes. It basically it pops into the brain awareness once the nature , purpose and quality of the content realized.

I did denote a percentage the extensive conceptual knowledge in great detail from each source.  Conceptual knowledge appears to be infinite with a soul impacted source as the soul is, by degrees, aligned with the Oversoul composing all lives but bounded by theme in contemplation and existing knowledge and vocabulary base of recipient.  Theme, through created thought-form appears to be qualified, discerned, discriminated, organized, prioritized deductively by the mind’s eye instantaneously and it is concept by concept deductively thrown into the brain  as it is unfolded according to ones invocative/evocative power of the mind to create a thought-form type of great complexity or not.


The recording was inadequate in that I did not record or denote the following. Although I did have some knowledge and awareness of such at the time.

I did not denote the details of the alignment process for each meditation.

I did not denote the centers aligned too.

I did not denote the energetic or qualitative patterns in sufficient detail at each point in the alignment process. I was more attuned to the inspiration, source, and knowledge content per my intent or subjective others intent.

I did not denote its effect on the sheaths.

I did not denote the time which might have been useful for astrological related analysis.


Suggested Spiritual Diary by Alice A. Bailey

“You would find it useful to keep what might be called a spiritual diary. This does not involve the daily entering of the day’s events and has no relation to the happenings which may concern the personality. Note this. In this diary you should record the following:

  1. Any spiritual experience which may come to you, such as contact with some Presence, either that of your own soul, the angel of the Presence, contact with some disciple and eventually—when your life and work and discipline warrant it—contact with one of the Masters. Record this in an impartial way, preserving the scientific attitude and seeking ever a practical explanation before accepting a mystical one. A spirit of agnosticism (not of atheism) is of real value to the beginner and preserves him from the snares of the world illusion and of lower psychism.
  1. Any illumination which may come to you, throwing a flood of light upon a problem and revealing the way that you or the group should go. Any intuition which—corroborated by the reason—carries one forward into knowledge and evokes the wisdom of the soul and its registration by the brain, via the mind.
  1. Any telepathic happenings between you and your fellow disciples. This telepathic interplay should be cultivated but it must be most carefully checked and counterchecked and the strictest accuracy preserved. Thus we shall have the fostering of the spirit of Truth, which is the governing principle of all true telepathic communication. An Ashram functions telepathically when fully and rightly organized.
  1. Any phenomena of a mystical and spiritual kind should also be noted. The seeing of the light in the head comes under this category. Its brilliance should be noted, its growth and dimming; the hearing of the Voice of the Silence which is the voice of the soul but not of the subconscious; the registering of messages from the soul or from other disciples and world Servers; expansions of consciousness which initiate you into the conscious life of God, as it manifests through any forms and the hearing of the note of all beings. A close study of the third part of The Light of the Soul (the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) will indicate the type of phenomena which should find its place in this diary.
  1. Any experiences of a psychic kind which do not come under any of the above headings. Those mentioned above come under the heading of the higher psychism and concern the higher psychic faculties, spiritual perception, intuitive knowledge, mental telepathy (and not the telepathy which is based upon the solar plexus activity). The lower psychic experiences can also be noted—whether pleasant or unpleasant. Once noted, however, they should be forgotten for they are of no moment.” (DINA 1: pgs. 14-15)


Composed by – H.Z.

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