Nicholas Roerich Museum - Divine Mother

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Some Useful Questions to Ask Yourself:

Great are those members of the Hierarchy whose impressions contain elements of enlightenment. How can one discern those impressions from other great beings or for that matter from the Oversoul?

Is it probable that we are to receive these impressions given our soul status?

How is it that we are bombarded continuously from impressions of every conceivable type and yet are able to discern their many sources?

Is it possible to correctly discriminate those sources of impressions? How so?

Where is our certainty?


The spiritual guidance suggestions for you was designed to address these questions and others of equal significance.

There are many possible sources of impressions inwardly and outwardly how do we know from which? Those of you who have experimented with these problems will agree that it has no easy explanation outside of pure knowingness. Yet, probable explanations can be made on account of the basic constitution of a human being.

Due to having different vehicles qualified by different forces it becomes more and more apparent to the developing sensitivities of one that they can first of all determine the content of an impression without knowing its source and likewise receive qualified energies without receiving its content.  This is due to two reasons: first the type of inner senses one is using to register impressions and secondly to the degree of personality integration.

Each of these has additional factors which will explain a person’s process in this regard. In terms of the inner senses, it is proposed that certain types of senses are developed to receive certain types of impressions. Secondly, in terms of one’s point of integration determines their ability to unfold these related inner senses.



You receive impressions from your psychic environment, and you believe you are receiving an impression that an event is going to happen in the world. This event is supposed to happen at this time in this place. There are a variety of explanations possible for this impression: I will give you six out of many:

  • You apperceived this possibility while you were on the astral plane during sleep and witnessed it but was not aware of it when you awoke in your memory.
  • You apperceived this possibility while you were on the astral plane during sleep, and you were given this information by your soul in your brain awareness.
  • You apperceived this information in meditation while aligned with your mental body but was not aware of it at the time in your brain awareness.
  • You apperceived this information while you were in meditation aligned with your causal body but were not aware of it at the time in your brain awareness.
  • You apperceived this information while you were in meditation aligned with your oversoul but was not aware of it at the time in your brain awareness.
  • You just knew this somehow.


It is most significant to hold the belief that there are others around you, constantly trying to influence you.  These others are part of your group soul.  And they have many things they want to say to you. When you get abstract images in mediation it is really the group trying to speak through causal field.  There are also those around you who wish to influence you and these individuals are on the kama-manasic plane.  Their images are less abstract and represent exchanges through lower psychic means.  There are also beings that try to inform you of things that you need to bring through into brain awareness.  These individuals you are normally more familiar with in day-to-day life and have a personality mind and soul connection with.

Normally the group soul is always wanting to communicate something to you in your highest good or the group’s which is basically the same thing.  There are many things you could be doing throughout the day that could be in your highest good, and it is these things that they are trying to share. There are those times when you see yourself as floundering and in these times advantageous to go into your heart and look, not in your head.

As an example, today there were four times that the group through the Guiding Angels of the causal body tried to suggest a way of moving for you.

  • First it was getting out of bed earlier.
  • Another one was for you to start eating today as opposed to fasting.
  • Another one was to do the enema before the shower.
  • Another one was when you were helping X with his web problem, they suggested you go over the details over what he has written to clarify it.


Those simple things would have led you down a different pathway.  These all come through the heart.


Group Heart:

How do you keep your heart open to receive messages from the group self? For you, a good place to begin is to have a sense of reverence for life, an appreciation for the Lord, your soul, and everyone around you.  Find the reverence in your heart to make the necessary alignment.

Back of the throat and back of heart are important at a certain juncture on the path at the second initiation period they are unified. The back of the throat represents the first and third aspect of the heart.  The back of the heart represents the second aspect of the heart.   The second aspect represents self-awareness. The first aspect represents Self and group will, direction, purpose. The third aspect represents self-activity or form knowledge content.  The heart and throat centers need to be unfolded in dimensionality.  How will you feel when your heart center is open and clear.  How will you be different?   Between the 2nd and the 3rd initiation the heart and throat need to be both unfolded into a fourth dimensional state.  Thus, for this to happen you need to heal your heart of personality dweller related identities and general past life characteristics such as guilts, shames, fears, and many others.  All need to be healed before you can become 4-d.

Whenever your heart is open, you have a sense of expanded life and sensitivity.  Your awareness is decentralized, your causal field is expanded, you ar able to receive in a 360 radius, circumference about your auric field. Able to register thoughts and feeling of those around you and know where they are at as a soul.  You are able to see life from the point of view of God.  If someone passes you and they have a real need, you will know about it.  When heart center is opened you can read the real needs.  Opening your heart is about healing and knowing yourself for who you essentially are.


Group Throat

Group Love in terms of the group throat means several things:

  • It means one is capable of being able to define any phenomenon in terms of causation.
  • It means one is able to see the cosmic physical plane as being an open book as to what is happening, in terms of pattern of causation.
  • It means one can hear the voice of Spirit, or the voice of the Silence.


Heart Reverence Required:

Six priority patterns needed for your healing the heart:

Let it be known that your life as you are now living it, is riddled with points of glamour, delusions, sensitivities to subpersonalities, fourteen belief systems that don’t work for you, sixty-two forms of maya, elements of relationships to your past lives that you are living, seventeen sections of the path not present, thirty-two forms in your auric field that prevent you from registering accurately, sixteen ways of deluding yourself, nineteen forms of systematic control over others, six dweller patterns, eighteen forms of beingness outlived / out modeled, twenty-six reasons you hold for creating relationships that are not in your highest good, eighteen ways of preventing the unfolding of your spiritual path.

These prevent your heart from unfolding and its healing is necessary to take initiation. Once these are resolved, you will be able to receive as god receives.

There are elements within your personality makeup that can quickly be resolved to increase your ability to receive in meditation.

Let it be known, your past is gone, and your attempt to recreate it only prevents you from moving into the future: (6)

Elements of your past that have been with you since childhood, and you resort to these often.


These elements are 3-fold:

When you were a child, you had friends over one day. These friends perceived you as inadequate in these three areas.

They perceived you as being standoffish, irreverent, and incapable of playing with them in a way that worked for them.

There was another time in childhood, you resisted being punished through seducing your mother.  This produced a realization that this could be accomplished at any time.  That certain things were present: (6)

  • That you organized your life the way that person wanted.
  • That you deemed it possible for you to mow them down.
  • You had to emotionally honor them.
  • There were times when you creatively were able to suggest several variations to their logic.
  • If you could do this, then they could be persuaded or seduced through the uncertainty they were holding.
  • Your position in all this had to fortunately be one of using your voice in a certain way (linking your sacral and throat center together to create deception).


Often as a child, when you were alone, you mentally created exactly how you needed something to go.  You formed a strategy. This prevented you from being in the moment in the situation you were attached to the outcome with.  It provided for you the following:

  • A sense of pleasure in manipulation.
  • A sense of self-worship.
  • A sense of being in control of your environment.
  • A way of organizing your feelings.
  • A way of getting attention from your father.
  • A way of suppressing the expectations of others.
  • A way of enhancing your well-being.


Necessarily in order for you to achieve peace of mind, it was important that you be relatively capable of getting what you wanted in your home environment for several reasons.

Over time your sense of direction, coupled with these patterns, created several different sub personalities.  These sub personalities (8) are directly contributed to the above.  These sub personalities are:

Your mother’s sense of self – this helped your mother get your sense of self. Your ability to see yourself as your mother allowed you to control and manipulate your mother and move you in a direction in life.

The control freak – this Subpersonality was created to enhance your sense of superiority / self-worship, that you had developed earlier in childhood.  Your honoring of yourself gives you a sense of relative perfection and thus creates a judgmental frame of mind.  This creates the necessity to control others and situations to mirror your sense of perfection. It also provides you with an elevated sense of awareness in terms of what needs to take place according to your ideas. Thus, your orchestration of events, pursuant to these needs, recognizes that you are superior.

There are others around you that you attract and make them endear themselves to you.  This Subpersonality, which we could call, Endearing Princess.   This Subpersonality has the ability to get those around you to do what you need and require.  It also gives you a sense of relationship to the world that works for you.  Such is the pattern of your day-to-day life.

Forever and a day, your world turns around this subpersonality.  It is one which can reverently be called Need for Organized Happiness.  Its influence is to be in a state of organized happiness, because organized happiness that for better or worse defines the reasons you do anything.

This Subpersonality competes for relative perfection among your peers.  It gives you a false sense of being as well as a means or a way to improve yourself as your environment dictates.  Whoever they are, you challenge yourself to develop yourself along their particular state of perfection.


Relationships come and go.  Your ability to create and break relationships congruent upon meeting these above variables has prevented you from registering yourself.  If relationships are created and destroyed based upon real need, then one’s ability to find/perceive oneself is enhanced. This is because a real need is inherent in the soul body itself and symbolizes not only a way that the individual needs to unfold them, but also the direction their life needs to go to express their true nature.

Undeniably, you have created your persona based upon several variables, innate within your own karmic pattern, and thus comprise your own destiny.  It is forthright and necessary to do so.  But this destiny needs to eventuate in the manifestation or demonstration of the following:  86

  • Of your eventual happiness.
  • Of your group destiny (oversoul and eventually group soul) in terms of dharma.
  • Unfolding of your evolutionary potential.  (8)


For this pattern, which we spoke of above, it must eventuate in greater self-awareness.  It also must eventuate with a greater sense of love and appreciation for the world around you.  Nevertheless, this pattern is basically complete.

This understanding that you presently have in respect to this pattern will further evolve your sense of self as you reflect upon it.  It will tell/suggest the following things:

  • Why your mother is in your life.
  • Why you have committed yourself to your present occupation/avocation – healing /self-healing.
  • What is your potential destiny, in terms of the group soul.


There are other things in your auric field that prevent you from registering accurately (182)


Four Vices in the Aura:

Reflects your inability to perceive yourself as a person capable of honoring your mental karmic debts.  This means that you are not capable of registering how it is that you have received what you have received mentally.  All knowledge has a price, and the price is responsibility. The correct use of knowledge in your case will balance your karmic debt.

Lesson one in Christianity is honor your mother and your father.  Your understanding of this phrase, gives you a sense of satisfaction, given that your parents under the Christian church creed are required to be there for you.  Thus, you have a propensity to use that knowledge against them.  You have on many occasions endeavored to see them, not your parents but at the same time, make them believe that you were honoring them as such.  I honor you only under these conditions.

Another example represents lesson number two. There is in religious doctrine a saying that to be with the Lord you must take care of His children.  Given that knowledge, you have a propensity to get other people to help you out.  You really didn’t need their help, but because of the endearing princess’ subpersonality identity (manipulation, control, self-worship) you used the knowledge to feed this pattern.  Note:  Whenever you identify with the pattern, you identify all those things that relate to it.  Think about how this prevents me from receiving clearly in meditation?

You would be surprised how simple it is for the soul to block reception to guidance forms (sources) coming into your personality space.  To do this all the soul has to do is to look the other way.  The reason the soul looks the other way is so that the knowledge coming into the world is not positioned due to your patterns of self-identity and moves you closer to the left-hand path due to karma of form as knowledge is form.  It will just create more karma.  This relates to the misuse of knowledge – knowledge is karmic debt.  It would also apply to guidance for other people, special techniques for someone else, or yourself.

It also prevents you from clearly registering the true source of the knowledge and you never think about it in terms of its original intent.

It can cause a problem in reception due to your propensity to put everything in a personality format – to use knowledge for personal self-gain.

Another way it can be used to prevent reception in meditation: You have already several abilities and gifts unfolded from past lives.  These gifts and abilities allow you to make your contribution to others.  These gifts if not properly used, or if you make people pay excessive amounts of money to receive these gift related benefits (which was free for you) or stipulate attachments and conditions.  This will prevent you from getting other knowledge that was to be used for the same or similar purpose.

A Vice can be defined as having a characteristic of being self-serving and not life contributing. There seems to be reflection in your kama-manasic aura depicting different forms of self-worship.  These forms of self-workshop relate to this pattern.


There is an understanding that you need from others and particularly that they provide you with a form of interaction where by you can perceive yourself as being totally correct in most things that you say.  If the other person does not create this form you feel judged as a child in this pattern.  As a child, it was necessary for you to seem or act like you were correct in order to survive.  You don’t need to make judgments when this need is fulfilled.  Thus, you will survive.

The second form that is reflected.  You have been given an artistic perception of life.  This gives you a high degree of sensitivity to visual proportions,  This came about through your willingness in past lives to go through a lot of pain and suffering.  This form is used in this pattern to prevent others from segregating out of the environment those elements which are significant to your sense of comfort.  When these things are not given to you, you produce a set of circumstances that conditions their beingness in relation to you in such a way that you will prevent them from honoring themselves.  You don’t feel that you are being honored, so you reflect that back on others.  You segregate out of their environment, things that are important to them.  You segregate out of their ethics or morality that produces a gap in their integrity and you hold that up to them.  You provide a way of seeing themselves that is not really true in respect to their overall beingness but just exacerbates very small characteristics.

Let it be known that your world turns day in and day out according to a plan you have created unknowingly.  If you could see the emanations in your auric field and see the pattern that you have created or the color pattern of this form in your field you would realize that you are a victim of your own creative past.  What you create you can destroy.  This particular pattern created at an early age; has these particular color emanations we would like to point out as existing in different parts of your aura to give you a sense of what this would look like.  (6)

Underneath your feet – murky yellow, symbolizing that where you tread in life, must first of all be socially acceptable to you and give you a sense of personality bearing.  Thus, if you identify with your subpersonality patterns as to what is acceptable then at some point you don’t really understand how you get into these situations when you identify with a different subpersonality pattern.

This is your feet and where your feet should take you refers to how to be in a socially acceptable situation in terms of your soul or life purpose.  But, the pattern is instead based on wherever you can be in control of and feel the way you need to feel, then that is an acceptable place for you to be.

Light greenish yellow around your right knee in the front.  This relates to the pattern that you have received a relative degree of calmness from perceiving yourself as bowing down to what it is that you believe life has meant to be given to you.  Receiving things from life in a personal way.  I invoke from life what I need because I worship myself in some way.  Life needs to give me massages because of who I am.  I bow down to life only to receive what I need along these lines.  Will bow down to people to have certain things accomplished or to manifest is from this pattern. Manifests as:

  • Organized happiness- past.
  • Referencing other people – picking their brains (networking).
  • Receive information – Such as from this evaluation.


You are filling the needs of these subpersonalities and not the real needs of the environment. Meditate why these things are coming up in terms of meditating and seeing information correctly.


Two other major forms in your kama-manasic aura. 

Image of a mouth being open.  “I am the one who scored the highest.”  When you are projecting you are not listening.

Front, throat.  Needs to be perceived as number one.  From family and astrology (first house influences), and from competitiveness with siblings.  It is a hazy gray shadow that blocks the whole front of your body.  It is there to protect you.  But the protection prevents you from receiving whatever from other people.  Mostly it prevents you from perceiving their concerns.  As they don’t matter to this pattern. Looks just like a shield and held close to your body.  It produces depression.  Not able to receive from others their real concerns in a competitive space.

There are six smaller patterns that feed the major pattern.

There are those things within your future that you are picking up on that pull you off your center (12)

There are situations in your present life, unresolved that prevent you from aligning (8)


To effectuate a change in this status, do the following six things.

  • To redeem your past requires you to understand it.
  • To bring in the lesson every day that guides you into your correct pattern.
  • To eliminate these 16 past life interference’s. (cell memories)
  • Register everyday reverence.
  • Sanctify your aura or space. (12)
  • Do what is suggested when it comes through in meditation.


All along you have been given training and this training has led you down the path you are now on.  This path will be resolved once you can do the following (6)

  • Resonate to the 2nd aspect of the soul (consciousness/guidance).
  • See yourself as a gifted interpreter of images.
  • Resonate with the soul patterns of those around you.
  • Hold yourself in meditation – hold the vibration of yourself in meditation. Perceive yourself as yourself, identifying with yourself!
  • Keep your meditative attitude throughout the day.
  • Prevent yourself from sliding backwards.
  1. To the world we give thanks and gratitude for those beings who have assisted us along the way.  This needs to be your daily thought.


A Couple of Laws that it would be useful for you to keep:

This law pertains to the concept of securing grace through the letting of the idea that you will be able to meet your service objectives this life.

It is important to reconcile your belief in your present self adequately enough to carry out your objectives.

It is also important to perceive this goal as worthy of your attempt. But keeping in mind it is up to god or that which supports him.

It is an unknown as to whether spirit is with you or not and in your case it appears to be scheduled from time to time to keep you in direction of the winds.

Spirit is merciful also and will not let you be crucified unwillingly if karma permits.

Spirit per say is always with one but always not actively.

The best that we can do is not always good enough.

Neither is it any guarantee of success.

The law implies that so ever agrees to give up their life for god is given an opportunity to do so.

It also implies that who so ever leaves behind the world will also inherit the kingdom of god.

In your case it has been decided to let you try to make it happen and to support your process up to a point.

Neither is it written that a soul who attempts to serve the plan must be supported.


Law 2:

It is alright to perceive yourself as a member of hierarchy and also a member of some ray ashram.  It is important you re-frame yourself from telling others as it is not within the protocol at this time. Neither is it wise to see yourself as this.

You might know of a way to do it that requires indirect awareness, but your reply is always silence.

There is a secondary or implied law that states that for each entering member of the lodge it is decided to give them an opportunity to serve thereby.

This law further implies that only as a member is able to serve will he be given further opportunity to progress.

It is further implying that the laws of the land where the aspirant dwells he dwells must likewise be kept.

It is further decided that to obey the law of the land all other laws must be forfeited.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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