Nicholas Roerich Museum - From Beyond

Subjective Guidance Sources –  Group & Individual – Some Examples – Part II

(HZ Note: I hope this information leads to a better understanding of egoic groupings and the process of forming relationships on subjective levels for everyone’s benefit; as well as, to better address in some useful way your service objectives and your individual evolutionary endeavors.)


Some Significant Spiritual Related Subjective Service Groups.

There are seemingly endless groups and groupings which can become a part of one’s group soul content which can be used for service purposes. Below are a few miscellaneous spiritual and occult related groups that have had significant information along lines of service related interest to disciples this life at times in meeting their service and training objectives assuming these groups were also willing to work with them. These are listed to give other Aspirants more insight as to subjective group life and ways of interaction in this new dispensation or upcoming Aquarian Age under the seventh Ray.

These groups are composed of constantly changing individuals over time, They also are responsible in their own ways for the constant expansion and well-being of those concerned; and therefore can be understood as being in their members highest good per their related service work. In general subjective groupings can be for the highest good of its members and others or not. The real battles take place on the inner planes, and this will expand over time. As Alice Bailey said, “good is the evil that should have been left behind”.  It would be good to begin with the following groups and work our way up to the some more difficult groups to contact and work with. (6)


Some of the Authors Guides and Helpers at various times – Groups and Individuals: (6)

I. The one who interprets messages coming in from the higher manasic planes.

These individuals work from the 4th sub-plane of the mental (counting up) and assists others in uniting with the groups on the abstract mental planes.


II. The one who assists in developing a relationship with many minds around the planet.

They synthesize these minds into one prioritized topic input in a logically format. It would be good to look at this particular guide as soon to retire into the abstract planes and be no longer be available for this work and therefore requires someone to replace him if mentally polarized daily and all day. It would be good to focus on this guide and understand what his (and those who follow him) agenda was/is for other disciples as well: (4)

They receive information for others about worldwide opportunities and to trains others’ minds in telepathic endeavors per these opportunities and believe it is important for certain others to contact these groups.

They also want to give information on how to move forward in developing one’s abilities to do healing work from the mental plane healing groups and these are many.

They want to give advice on how to achieve a greater alignment with the mind and this in two ways to achieve a fuller soul alignment.

They want to give knowledge of what groups are out their preparing for the 2nd initiation particularly and therefore is open to receiving others assistance. Third degree initiation training requires soul-mind-brain interaction and thus does not require these same type of services.


III. The ones who assist in overcoming health and well-being issues this life and these are composed of four healing related groupings.

The first group is composed of several members who are initiates and delve into problems from many points of view and are likely to resolve issues using advanced healing techniques and devas. They are a group composed of 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th ray souls (my lines of least resistance). And are pledged to the Christ in working out His designs or Plans and therefore prefer to work with those who are doing such. It would be good to comment further on this group and their methods.

They provide opportunities by working with others in both healing related work as well as gaining insight into healing related causative patterns. This group is composed of members of those ashrams responsible also for the carrying out of the plans of the ashram. It would be good to look at these as all tried and tested warriors of the light and recognize them as available to others in the battle for such dominance of light. As well as recognizing them as working with higher evolved Devic beings which they are aligned with and can work with. Also, they are tired of being treated as just a form of guidance and need to respect them as a major force on the planet and care take their relationship. It would be good to see these as being made up of various kinds of souls with many skills and various knowledge; and thus to hold them in such light and use them intelligently.


The second group is made up of lesser disciples and is composed of all those minds as well who do healing work on the outer planes and therefore in physical body and this group is composed of all rays. It would be good to see this group filled with aspirants as well as probationary disciples. This group’s mandate is to assist its members in any way possible and therefore are assured of receiving help from it when one asks. This group is composed also of tried-and-true disciples that have at their disposal higher disciples and devas who can be accessed as well. This group is also composed of individuals from all over the globe and available at different times for your assistance. It would be good to recognize that this group as composed as well of doctors of all types and therefore can be given advice applying any belief system as well as several at once. This group is growing and is now quite large – tens of thousands.


The third group is composed of healers along one’s ray line and is accessed through the soul and therefore is gained knowledge once brain is aligned with the soul. This group of beings are composed mostly of Devas working with souls and in this way achieve a greater alignment with the One Life. This group is composed in my case of the following Devas:

1. A gold-white Deva along certain ray lines that is knowledgeable in the arts of: (4)

  • Planetary alignments.
  • Star alignments.
  • Star and/or planet related kinesthetics for life-forms required by one.
  • Systemic inter-dimensional planetary access for healing purposes.


2. A working group of devas belonging to my ray line.

They assist those of a certain soul status in the developing of their soul’s intents. This group is composed of colored devas also and has access to many along several lines each according to their specialty and, in an example case, they would be assisting in bringing soul in alignment with abstract mental plane data inherit in the group soul bodies. Also, and in an example case, they would be assisting in the aligning with the star system in the GB with the 7th star—in this way can better get work accomplished this life without delay and this is an example of this at work—working. You would be wise to see this grouping as available to disciples due to the participation in the Festival of the Christ which disciples should aligned with and in other words working with the Christ. You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to move forward upon the path if you fully commit to this festival.


3. Two green devas, and as a soul, have worked with them for thousands of years and these devas have the names of H……..and A………..

It is these two wise and knowledgeable devas that instructed disciples in various energy healings and are available to the soul at all times to help achieve voiced goals of healing.


4. There are two other advanced Devas as they have been teaching present day disciples for a thousand years or so and these are  individualized Devas.

Under them work the green and rose devas as well as other colored devas. They are well placed (in the Ashram) in the scheme of things to give advice of an unusual kind and are particular interested in our understanding of the planetary Heart Center and its members and are therefore teach disciples on how to better integrate into this center. Each of them has also transversed the human kingdom at some juncture in time.


The Fourth Group. This group of spiritual beings has been given the name of “Organized Group of Minds.” This group is composed of all people on the planet who have organized their minds along their souls’ intent and purpose and in this way can achieve direct soul alignment of their minds and brains. And in the author’s case this has been successfully completed in other lives and rebuilt this life with assurances it will come in next incarnation early in life as now ready to proceed in unfolding of the spirit dharmic purpose per this next life if all in position and given permission.


The Fifth Group. This group of entities has the name of 5th ray ashramic grouping (somewhat of a misnomer) and is composed of all those people whose ego is along the 5th sub-ray line and also in whatever sheath it dominates. It is this group of fifth ray related people that assists the author in organizing information and various dweller and other characteristics. It is organized in a deductive priority way with definiteness and in this way one can better move forward in reifying it. This is an older and unique gift development of a second degree initiate along the fifth ray line (it is believed that this is due to having a fifth ray monadic sheath under the major third Ray of course.)

[HZ Note: It is assumed that such a grouping exists for a disciple along any of the ray lines. Thus, this is a good example of how confusing it can be in determining the source of even soul impacted guidance in that one might think the source is from the fifth ray ashram but yet only a grouping of all fifth ray related types in general on all levels.]


The Sixth Group. The sixth group, the Group of 14 (not really fourteen members as this is the number of the original roles the various members undertake within the grouping) basically work on the kama-manasic plane (although can work on any plane). It is this group that trains others in telepathically picking up on the organized thought-feelings of aspirants to communicate with them intelligently and therefore of assistance in requested and useful psychological ways and therefore able to assist them in becoming productively happy and in this way they can better serve others. This group is very skillful and thus successful in training aspirants and disciples to do this and are well established upon the inner planes as well as now on the earth. This group is comprised of all who first trained with them and proceed to teach this to others as well as use this is their work. It is an ideal set of training for becoming a Spiritual Psychologist and Esoteric Healer focusing on the integration of real needs.


The next set of groups represent more specialized groupings and is composed of 14 groups. The first four used the most by the author as well as dialogued with on a mental level constantly outside of brain level.

The first group is the group of working disciples in the world (all working disciples can be a part of this group although on the mental plane only) whose task was to provide certain information to each other as minds as they find the time to do so. This group is composed of all of those held responsible for the One Plan as it is apperceived by their minds and working to bring this plan into manifestation as well as to make it known to the world as needed. It would be good to look at this group as being composed of people of all walks of life that are responsible for the planet in some way and cherish this work as the most important thing they could do in their lives as well as in their souls.


The second group: It would be good to use this group to get in touch with the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) as this is the group acting-as-if-they-are-the NGWS group.  The NGWS’s use this group at times to carry out their work and it is also composed of NGWS members. It is this group that is perceived as the NGWS at times by others not correctly discriminating or discerning enough, but it is not so. As all members of this group are in training for this position and it is this NGWS’s position given to one by the Christ and therefore is highly prized by those in this group and they sometimes misunderstand their status. It would be useful for service-minded people to be trained by this group as they are always working in the light of the planetary mind. (Note: Disciples can, as needed, establish a relationship with this group to assist in the bringing in of information on the physical plane to be disseminated in certain ways as per information presented on this website.)


The third group is the NGWS which is responsible for all new ideas coming into Humanity from or through its members and is composed of both members of Hierarchy as well as Humanity.  It is of some interest to know that the NGWS’s is now extremely organized and has members with all areas of expertise. It is dedicated to the founding of the fifth kingdom on Earth as well as precipitating the Plan. There are those members of the NGWS who have initiate status and together they make up the core (values) directing group as they are still members of Humanity. There is also a leader or executive group focusing the ideals of the group, as well as a resource group assisting in locating around the world those resources required for its members to carrying out its agreed to objectives.

[HZ Note: Per observations, impressions have been coming in to Humanity at least since Leo new moon 2002 from Hierarchy through the NGWS mostly through the Ideal Group and at times from the Core (values) Group.]


This fourth group is composed of the resource group for the NGWS and is located on the kama-manasic planes. It is composed of all of those wanting to assist those on the outer plane in bringing in to manifestation their group’s purpose alone the line of the Plan and in this way provide what resources they can locate for this purpose and doing this successful I might add. The whereabouts of this group at this time is all around the world.


The fifth group is the grouping called Group of 19 and is specialized in bringing in informational content distinguishing it from other groups as it relates to beings outside of our evolutionary paradigm and distinguishes itself from preventing this external grouping from participating in the earth’s activities.

(HZ Note: It is to this group service the I intend to go (if needed) once permanently out of body on the mental plane given practical experience in doing this in other lives.)


The sixth group is that of preparing to take initiation which I call the group of probationary initiates; and it is this group disciples work with to assist themselves and others in this preparation. It is composed of all those souls who have been put aside for testing and is composed of all levels of the first three planetary initiations. It is this group disciples can derive information from or through in working with probationary disciples and probationary initiates.


The seventh group is composed of all those personalities that a disciple might consider to be their colleagues and friends and is composed of those on all planes. It is these the disciple does communicate with whenever they need their assistance to get out of some trouble they might have gotten themselves into or additional input required per some issue and therefore are in their debt for their assistance and service and therefore karmically indebted in future lives.


The eighth group of lives is related to gifts and abilities in development, and these are around 400 general ones in development presently. It is this group of entities on all levels that are assisting in particular gift developments. They are dedicated to providing these for all those willing to use them along positive and useful and for good lines. It would be for everyone’s sake to develop these and commit to doing such for positive reasons.


The ninth group of lives assists in the development of various written aphorisms and this group has given the author these from many sources (HZ: such as those that have been published within this website) that can be used for different reasons on different occasions.


The tenth group of lives are those comprising several people as part of the author’s related “Qazu” group that have joined together in providing teachings to probationary disciples and this group is composed of all those who have provided teachings through the author to themselves on the outer plane.


The eleventh group has donated their resourcefulness in composing written works or teachings or workshops for disciples.  It would be good to have an idea of just who is responsible for this service as there are several personalities and souls that have provided concepts, and these are recognizable in their style or about 144 of them in the author’s case as an example. It is confusing to try to isolate who is who without the use of the third eye. It would be useful if time and ability permitted for aspirants to work with this group in composing service related works.

[HZ Note: These can come in during meditation or reflection from either soul impacted sources or non-soul impacted sources.]


The twelfth group is composed of all of those interested, including some of those in the above groups, in composing healing related inventions to be made public and these inventions are wide spread and complex as well as difficult for the non-scientific brain to comprehend correctly in respect as to their design.


This thirteenth group is a collection of groupings taken from all those lives inherent within the One Human Soul. It is this groupings that is responsible for all that aspirants receive normally during the full moons related to humanity as a ghost of itself.  In other words, humanity’s three-fold personality planes expression and in this way better achieve the Soul of Humanity’s intended expression. This is the 3rd aspect of the Soul of Humanity and Its 2nd aspect combined. The grouping types will vary with the aspirant.

At times aspirants pick up the 3rd aspect and sometimes the 2nd aspect but always with certain limitation given their ray line conditioning. It would be clarifying also to have the influence of the other ray lines to see what they pick up as well during these full moon periods.

[HZ Note: Furthermore, this thirteenth set of groupings are more occult in nature and are made up or composed of several brands of groups and are extraordinary in its collaboration and for good reason as the author understands the Ancient Wisdom Teaching as well as anyone. And given this, certain groupings were available to learn from the author as well as multiply or contribute to the author’s knowledge base. This is why certain members of this grouping wanted the author to learn Sanskrit and Persian as it is composed of this grouping also as well as all religions and philosophies but no time by the author was committed to doing this. This is an example of the need for at least a disciple’s and/or an initiate’s level of discrimination and discernment.  Subjective guidance suggestions for the unwary represent the millions of potential pitfalls of subjective guidance without soul-mind-brain continuity of awareness. The inner worlds are similar to the outer world in that there exists many concepts, people and places one would be better off avoiding.]

(HZ Note for Aspirants: It would be useful to use this grouping to compose works of fiction, among other creations, as well as complete their training in more spiritual occult areas as well as in areas they know nothing about as of yet. In doing so, contribute to the world’s knowledge base in these areas as well as provide useful notoriety to enhance its dissemination as this is their objective (given you can state the knowledge they provide as they need it stated.)


This fourteenth grouping is made up of fourteen (14) other related groupings all of which relate to the wisdom teachings. These groups here represent the more newer age related materials while the last group represents the more serious occult like groupings and in this way they can go forward together to better address and solve our planetary problems. It would be good to highlight some of these groups for you and thereby furnish you with some ideas to come by when you need them. There are four we wish to speak about now: These four given below are made of groupings mentioned by A.A.B. or the Tibetan and concern Discipleship:

  • They are those who are studying the Tibetans works as Disciples.
  • And those who are studying His works as Adepts.
  • And those who are studying His works as Senior Members of the Sub-Ashrams.
  • And those who are studying His works who are members of His particular training grouping, and these are not known.


(A previous GD Suggestion to Author: It is this grouping that provides a way to move forward in unfolding the your spiritual occult workshop assignments and in this way prove yourself in this way. It would be useful to not get caught up in other tasks as time is very short for you. Useful here to drop everything else and work on this and see what comes through and in doing so provide a future training ground for yourself.)


Guiding Disciple (GD) as the Source of Explanation:

There are other groups here and these groups are occult and less known as well as more interesting or intriguing and these number as forty (40) groups. (HZ Note: These are not all delineated herein but see other postings.)


The group of 49. There is a group up on the inner planes that calls itself the group of 49 and this group is composed of all of those studying the lives of great Devas. It is this group that is responsible for training others on the lives of devas while in incarnation.

(A previous GD Suggestion to Author: It is this group you should join and have previous been given information on and reference to study with, and it is this group you need to be a part of to do your extended healing work.)


The group of 45. This devic group is composed of all of those guardians of the secrets of the 5th kingdom of souls. It is these that are responsible for information you have received in the past on Evolution of Groups material.

(HZ Note: Some are given out on this web site.)


Devic Star Chart Group. This next Devic group provides star charts. This group partners with humans in discovering great Esoteric Lives around us and using this information for predicting events and in a way predicting the unfolding potential of your lives in general and in this way achieve gratitude for existence or not and in this way achieve a greater understanding of inter relationship among the stars.

(HZ Note: This group related also to the providing of charts used to predict the course of events for Humanity over the next 5000 years. A significant project I have not yet completed due to its level of visualization required.)


Occult Astrology Group: This next group is about one finding the time to locate and align with or not within their own and others’ astrological makeup and planetary connections chart to be used to make progress this life or not progress according to the stars and planets denoted in these charts.

(A previous GD Suggestion to Author: This group experience was given to you to better acquaint you with yourself and to teach you scientific or occult ways of other spiritual occultists and how they think and gather information. And for you it was an exercise in futility as you learned almost nothing by not studying this and therefore have yet a lot to learn and therefore useful to go over what we gave you to try again to bring through the completion of this reading or charts as well as for others if can be made useful and thus to bring your knowledge of Tibetan astrology up to date. Also, it is important to have some language terms to go by to help you bring in other related information as well as to understand the paradigm as well as to Intuit more. Useful also to have a review of various traditional forms of astrology.)

(HZ Note: Again, this is a useful example of what guidance suggestions one might follow or not and to what extent We all have freewill. A guiding disciple also has their own unique perspective and ray related perspective. The GD was correct in that I did not put alot of effort in this study given the difficulty in multi-dimensional visualization and prioritizing other projects.)


Devic Groups and Planetary Nature Environments. This group is about one finding the opportunity to work with devic forces on the planet and in this in nature and is about one preparing for their next initiation and in that way achieve a great knowledge of the planetary forces. It is important that this group of nature spirits present to one their understandings and therefore make available to you their knowledge and in this way will be able to help them by writing their concerns and in this way make progress in human understanding and be alerted to do this with others and see what they receive as well. It would be educational to do this every time you enter the woods and be prepared to take notes on tape recorder and in this way achieve several things at the same time as well as investigate the various classes of devas. This will provide enough information this way to write about their concerns in human format as well in theirs. It would be good to see this as an exercise in devic communication.  Be prepared for some surprises in contacting these devas and in this way achieve a greater alignment to their souls.

(A previous Note to Author from Soul: It would be good if you did not do any more recording on these encounters until you finish working with the other groups’ intents herein.)

[HZ Note: These were the first group of devas contacted on the physical plane. It took some time to learn to communicate with them.]

(HZ One Example for Context:

  • Set 2 Devas: (8)
    • We have concerns are for the life forms in your area.
    • We have had millions of years of experience in promoting god’s plan.
    • We are available to assist your community in protecting all forms of life.
    • We have watched as you have entered this area.
    • We have gathered together these concerns/problems for your attention. (60)
      • We have a concern that your present methods for building houses require a larger lot size for many of the areas you are building (every lot is different).
      • We have a concern that your transportation system or road construction is not considered the highest good of all concerned in other words they go into areas that would be better if not.
      • We have a concern that your knowledge of us needs to be greatly improved and therefore would like to find ways of training you as a community.
      • We have a concern that your methods of using pesticides and herbicides is causing the death of many animal and plant species.
      • We have a concern that your techniques of controlling the animal populations have these problems. (6)
    • We would like you to know that we are interested in cooperating the best we can and believe in general you are sensitive enough to communicate as an interested group.
    • We have been commissioned to impart our knowledge to those of you who can be of use in these areas.
    • We are telling you this because we were directed to by the Christ.)


Devic Groups and Etheric-Physical Plane Form Embodiment. Devic Group Note to Author: We are a collection of devas or Holy Ones inherent within the etheric and physical planes and related forms. Therefore, we know everything there is to know about the forms we dwell and therefore can receive any information from us you need.

(HZ Note: per my personal experience these devas can tell you what someone had to eat the night before as an example. It is the experiencing of these types of interactions with these particular devas that raises one’s level of concern for interacting given their material natures and type of information received. The dark lodge will more readily work with this grouping. The example below provides a more reassuring interaction in respect to a disciple’s usefulness.)

[Example:Devic Note to Author concerning a past dwelling environment (remember this communication is given English interpretation language by the brain): Example: Therefore, you can alert others of dangers and there is danger all around you where you are living and in a way you do not see it, nor will it bother you outwardly. It is a danger you cannot avoid, and it is in the auras of those you live among in the apartment you rent in the same house. The house and four people in the house are giving the danger out. M not wanting to be here and you not wanting to be here; the girl from Switzerland not trusting people in the neighborhood; and me not wanting to interact with others in the neighborhood. These dangers are unavoidable. There is more closer auric related danger, and it comes from your son not letting you know what he is thinking when he is around you. He cares for you but does not show it or care to show it as you do not give him what he wants, and this is spending time with you and in a way this is not good for you or him. Basically, you need to tell him I am okay with his life decisions and think he is doing great, and I am proud of him and think he is wonderful.]


Deva Grouping and Seven Creative Hierarchies. There is another group of independent Lives organizing the planetary control mechanisms you have contacted on the various seven sub-planes of the Cosmic Physical and these sets of Lives operate within the control of the Body of Sanat Kumara and it is His wishes they follow and are concerned. They are held in an organized whole by His existence or the existence of the planetary Logos and in a way they control the very Lives that make up our existence and overall are recording everything we do not do or do and in a way control our very beingness as we are inherent in His existence. They are a set of Devic lives regulating on the whole the seven Creative Hierarchies and these Creative Hierarchies form the vehicle for the planetary Logos. It is in this way we achieve our relationship with all Lives and in this way we achieve an understanding of our ultimate functioning within His Body and in this way we achieve liberation towards a new function over time and in this way we achieve a relative enlightened state of being operating within a frame of reference closer to His Own and in this way we choose a path to carry out His Will and do His Bidding. It is in this way we achieve for Him everything He cannot do for himself (survive in a form of beingness) and in this way achieve Great Knowledge. It is for this reason we cannot go deeply into this and for this reason you have to trust us that we, as members of the seven Creative Hierarchies, are all looking out for your best interest.


Spiritual and Occult Gifts Training Group. There is a relationship one can create with a set of entities in the future and this set of entities can teach you abilities such as those related to mental body gymnastics, as an example, which can be considered one of the many possible spiritual gifts and/or occult gifts available to use for service. And in this example one can store in their mental body vast amounts of knowledge and organized writings which you can drawn from to give to others. It is in this way one can studying the vast storehouse of universal knowledge and store it away for accessing as a mental library as a way to serve others on the mental plane and in this way achieve a great service to those coming into incarnation which they can draw from. Also, this sheath can be available later in another life to use again and also assist one to achieve liberation sooner.

[HZ Note to this mental gymnastics example: It would be useful to know why this is the case in that one would be able to use it again and not have to create another one. It would be correct to assume this as simply a test by the Hierarchy to see how this goes and therefore maybe incorporate this use again for others if it serves well. Probationary initiates are generally used to experiment with potential new methods. Useful to see this as an evolutionary oddity as well as possibilities to be tried again as well as a way to escape building another one. Useful also to see this as a way to proceed in the development of the next root race mental body for each to use again.]


Other Humanities in the Solar System Training Group. There is a group of beings on other planets in which you can receive training from, and this group of beings can give you various abilities and these abilities which are numerous which can elevate one’s abilities as a soul.  An example of this particular type of soul elevation from them relates to an ability to wrestle with stellar constellations and take from them their purpose for existence. This would particularly be in respect to their effect upon the Earth and the various kingdoms as opposed to the solar system in general and in this way one can foresee or assess their potential and relative effects on the Earth over time and in dimensional space.

[HZ Note: This example is related to writings on the Future of Humanity for the next 5000 years project still working on.]


Planetary Hierarchy Representatives Group. The last group is one you use to create an evaluation of the real needs of the planet and its groupings, and this group is the planetary Spiritual Hierarchy Representatives during the full moon periods normally but one could use it other times as well. It would be valuable to receive from their minds each full moon to see what they are saying for the benefit of the Soul of Humanity and its manifested sets of planetary citizens.


Hierarchical Training Grouping: This group in this series is related to one bringing in tutelage for others and relates disciples to them as souls and it is this group that relates one also to them as disciples in training and in a way makes them their temporary guiding disciple. It is this group of students that disciples belong to and have belonged to in general for over a thousand years that has provided them with training as a human soul. It is this group of graduates of the School of Hierarchical Training (which can also be called Hierarchical Protocol Training)  most disciples have lodged/called home for a while.


Group of Hierarchical Trainees responsible as Guiding Disciples to Probationary Disciples: This discipleship group relates disciples to the masters in a certain way. Their methods in all cases also reflects the trainee’s karmic limitations.


(HZ Note: In respect to our many lives, we demonstrated every possible form of self-interest at the expense of others.  Given this understanding, the parable in the bible concerning the importance of finding the one lost sheep and why it becomes more important than the flock in the moment depicts the story of the prodigal Son returning Home. This explains the reasoning behind Jesus as the Christ choosing His disciples the way that He did as all were really lost sheep in one way or another and he helped redeem them and provided them with opportunities to serve through their cooperation in completing His mission and thus demonstrated His and the Lord’s Compassion. Such applies to myself, my relationships, and my particular service opportunities. It is my opinion that this applies to each and every one of us. All of us in previous live have demonstrated all possible sins (with eventual associated guilt and shame) in our journey towards self discovery and all sinners hopefully seeking redemption. Our unresolved karma and potential dharma is reflected by the nature of our true service in the three-worlds and beyond and ultimately to the One Life.)

[HZ Note: Everything conceptually received and denoted on this website within the “Meditation Impressions” Menu, as a rule, is not from the personality or personality mind but from higher aspects of the self or from others subjectively. If the personality mind, as opposed to the concrete mind, on occasion did bring in some subjective point of view it was denoted as such. During Samadi the personality and kama-manasic mind vehicle or personality mind is not present and is by-passed. Basically, it did not decide what to reify or how to reify but became only the observer of the concrete mind content afterwards and during the recording and later editing. The soul is omnipresent on all five lower cosmic physical planes.]


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Group Destiny – A Discussion

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate