Nicholas Roerich Museum - Drops of Life

Telepathy Development – A Method

  1. How to Develop Telepathy Abilities.

Develop the ability to perceive when others want to send you telepathic information.

You should know that your life once you get to this stage will be so different that what you read here now will not matter much. (Useful to review what was given in Alice A. Bailey’s book on Telepathy & The Etheric Vehicle in this regard.)

It is important to develop the capacity of receiving a visual image of the person sending information.

Useful to achieve a certain resonant sympathy with those people you would like to receive from—heart wise.

Useful to doubt everything you receive until you master this process.


There are different ways of receiving information telepathically:

  • Can receive knowingness.
  • Can receive images.
  • Can receive audio.
  • Can see them talking to you.
  • Can be inside of their head.
  • Can register their thoughts as they are thinking them yet they are unaware of you.

You would be wise to love others as yourself and in this way know all they want you to know.


You would be wise to consider making plans to practice the following four exercises:

First Exercise: 6

  1. Study the three Rules on Harmlessness:

Rule I.  Enter thy brother’s heart and see his woe.  Then speak.  Let the words spoken convey to him the potent force he needs to loose his chains.  Yet loose them not thyself.  Thine is the work to speak with understanding.  The force received by him will aid him in his work.

Rule II.  Enter thy brother’s mind and read his thoughts, but only when thy thoughts are pure.  Then think.  Let the thoughts thus created enter thy brother’s mind and blend with his.  Yet keep detached thyself, for none have the right to sway a brother’s mind.  The only right there is, will make him say:  “He loves.  He standeth by.  He knows.  He thinks with me and I am strong to do the right.”  Learn thus to speak.  Learn thus to think.

Rule III.  Blend with thy brother’s soul and know him as he is.  Only upon the plane of soul can this be done.  Elsewhere the blending feeds the fuel of his lower life.  Then focus on the plan.  Thus will he see the part that he and you and all men play.  Thus will he enter into life and know the work accomplished.

A note, appended to these three rules says:

“These three energies—of speech, of thought, and of purpose—when wielded with understanding by the chela and blended with the awakening forces of his brother whom he seeks to aid, are the three energies with which all adepts work.” Treatise on While Magic, pg. 320


  1. See yourself practicing the rules of harmlessness with another.
  2. Set up a time schedule where each can send and receive.
  3. Write down what comes and compare notes.
  4. Develop a rhythm until perfected.
  5. Breath vivid silver while doing it.


Second Exercise: 

  1. Take some time to relax your entire body.
  2. See yourself swimming in an ocean of silver light.
  3. Take some time to see yourself as totally becoming silver and blending into the ocean.
  4. Take some time to investigate the following 4 laws of telepathy:

Law 1: All telepathic events require each party to become as one heart.

Law 2: All telepathic events require each party to love each other as themselves.

Law 3: All telepathic events require each party to be totally detached from the outcome.

Law 4: all telepathic events require each party to discover the note of their brother’s soul. (or in essence what makes them tick.)


Third Exercise: 

  1. Imagine the other person is in the room in front of you.
  2. Visualize them as talking to you.
  3. Imagine they are correctly aligned with their soul and centered.
  4. Imagine they are sending you love.


Fourth Exercise: 

  1. Imagine you and the other person are walking hand in hand talking.
  2. sense the love and connection you have for each other.
  3. Believe you are talking with each other.
  4. Witness what they are saying.
  5. Visualize them in an aura of gold light.
  6. Sense your two hearts connecting.

We would like to take you on a journey into the mind of god for a moment to sense what is taking place at this very moment to do this require you to achieve a certain connection with your soul and also a connection with the ashram. It might be useful if you did this exercise every day for a while to have a better sense of how this relates to any particular qualified grouping contacted. You might ask, is it this simple and we would say yes and that is all there is to it.


  1. How to transmit ideas telepathically to individuals.

Have to believe in yourself at all times to do this.

Important you relinquish several beliefs to do this:

  • Belief not able to do this due to point in evolution.
  • Belief that you will succeed in damaging them with your thought-forms.
  • Belief that they will accuse you of interfering with their processes.
  • Belief that you will inherent any karma if misunderstood.
  • Belief that you will be admonished by the powers that be.


Important you address the greater welfare of each involved before doing this.

Need you to believe it is happening when you send it out.

You are being asked to qualify your thoughts according to the amount of information the receiver is capable of receiving.

It is important you address the individual by name and send them love before projection.

It is important you qualify your thoughts in four ways.

  • Reason for communication.
  • Nature of communication.
  • Significance for me.
  • Appropriateness.


It is important you begin by determining the mindset of individual. This is because he or she needs to receive it unclouded by anything personal.

It is important you try to achieve reliability through testing of the waters with people through asking them.

It is important you achieve a sense of connectedness to the people you send thoughts to for them to be open.

It is important you rehearse your thoughtform.

It is important you prevent yourself from being concerned for reception although important to believe it will happen.

You must remain calm and relaxed during this process unattached.

You must also achieve a certain sense of mental poise when doing this.

Disciples are being trained to do this for four reasons.

  • The need to contact other disciples to give them information periodically.
  • This is the standard form of communication in the lodge.
  • To assist others when asked.
  • To affect the world in appropriate ways.


Some examples of the many ways one can limit their telepathic connections:

One’s ability to love as a soul is lacking in respect to the inability to see people as friends.

One’s ability to love as a person is lacking in that one only receives from others what interests them.

One’s abilities to love as a person are lacking if they cannot find any time to help those around them in ways that contribute to their physical well-being.

One’s abilities to love as a person are compromised through their not finding the time to relate to others in mundane and or ways important to another.

One’s abilities to love as a person are compromised through their propensity to see other people as needing their help.

One’s abilities to love to love as a person is compromised by their inability to see them as souls.

One’s abilities to love as a person are compromised by their inability to register what is in another’s heart.

One’s abilities to love as a person are compromised by their inability to see others as being able to achieve their own level of understanding.

One’s abilities to love as a person are compromised by their inability to see others as being equal to themselves in terms of evolution.

One’s abilities to love as a person are compromised by their inability to see others as playing a major role in their life in any way.

One’s ability to love as a person is compromised by their inability to see others as registering for themselves their own truth in such a way as you would agree with.

One’s abilities to love as a person is compromised by their inability to see others as being able to register who you are.

One’s abilities to love as a person is compromised by their seeing others as a means to an end.

One’s abilities to love as a person is compromised by their inability to see others as a way to achieve greatness.


You might wonder how it is that the masters can know everything about anything and such it is due to their ability to love. It is this ability that needs to be developed in each person and each human soul as it is this that permits the One Life to communicate with Itself. It is useful to do an evaluation of those areas where this is preventing you from succeeding in this endeavor.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Two Causal Body Telepathy Principles (Third Aspect)