Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Antahkarana – Some Rules for Triadal Alignment

The Antahkarana is required to register the results and sources of a triadal alignment which is accomplished according to the following example rules.


This rule states that those in training for initiation are required to exhibit a composure of the soul.

This rule requires all to commit allegiance to the Lord of All.

This rule requires all to submit to a review by all members of the Hierarchy.

This rule requires all applicants to register the Cohan of their Ray.

This rule requires all applicants to adjust their lives to the needs of the group.

This rule requires all applicants to register the rules of the road for the Hierarchy.

This rule requires each to carry a flaming sword.

This rule requires each to register the Word.

This rule requires each to register the Voice of the One Soul

This rule requires each to give up their life to the Glory of the One.

This rule formulates an approach in understanding the Purpose of Life.

This rule expresses the importance of having knowledge.

This rule expresses the importance of having love.

This rule expresses the importance of ruling yourself in all things.

This rule expresses the importance of registering for yourself cosmic patterns of causation/relationship.

This rule expresses the importance of generating a vehicle for registering the cosmic Mind content of the planetary Logos.

This rule expresses the importance of estimating your future time on this planet in terms of karma.

This rule expresses the importance of your reliability to others within the Hierarchy.

This rule expresses the importance of understanding your place in the world.

This rule expresses the importance of the time frames needed by you to carry out your work for planet.

This rule expresses the importance of knowing yourself as spirit.

This rule expresses the concerns the Hierarchy has for entering aspirants.

This rule expresses the importance given by the Lodge in the way of salutation for those that came before.

This rule expresses the concerns of the Hierarchy in the orchestration of the Plan effectively.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part I

An Amrat Yoga Exercise to assist in the integration of the Consciousness aspect of Atma with combined Buddhic and Manasic Mind.

An Adi Yoga Exercise to assist in the Integration of the Atmic Field into the Causal Field

An Invocation and Alignment Exercise for Standing in the Light of Triad

Experimental Directional Antahkarana Training Meditation