Esoteric Healing – The Auric Field – General Created Form Impact Areas and Their Qualification

One can register information coming in the auric field particularly by using the Body Presence exercise (See Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop). The type of information determines the area of impact in respect to the physical form. In general, these auric forms are chakra driven. These forms relate to the desired personality dweller context (a form karma consideration context).

Each of us can be perceived as starting from above and moving towards the bottom in terms of priorities. We would like you to realize that the left side is causative for those not on the path and that for those that are it is the soul that is causative )in terms of happiness).


Head area: Forms registered in the head area above the neck reflect the gathered influences (consciously or unconsciously) pertaining to the thoughts/feelings of a person.

Neck area: Forms registered in the neck and top of shoulders area reflect those forms where self-identification originates. It is in this area that we look to see points of identification consciously.

Right side of torso. Here we find those forms that captivate the person’s will and direction in life (past and present).

Back of torso. Here we have those forms that recognize each person for what they are but yet cannot see. Once these forms are understood one can better know their present karmic selves (example: a form in the back which appears to grab your S.P. chakra tightly and refuses to let go. This reflects your unwillingness to see other people’s needs that are in conflict with your own. A second example is a throat chakra form which derives its strength from the idea that your world as a soul is impervious and this lets you see the world from just one point of view—your own and in this way adjust for yourself in life as opposed to letting others led you at times to see where it will go.)

Left side of torso. Here we find all of those forms that reflect your will’s desire past and present and in this way represent the context of one’s feelings about events and the direction of things. It is the feelings that motivate most people and one can look here to see this motivation.

Front of the torso. Here we find those forms that correlate to an individual’s right to focus their consciousness. It is at this position we find those forms that people are investigating in the now. They represent all of those positions that are being held now.

Buttocks. This area reflects all of those forms that relate the person to the physical world. These forms reflect their needs on physical level they cannot yet see. It also reflects those forms that will eventually find them creating in the near future.

Right side of hip area. This set of forms position reflects a workable set of solutions in the world to the individual. It also gives one the ability to see themselves in the world the way they want to be perceived. It also gives one an ability to react to those environmental situations that are opposed to this ideal.

Front hip area. This area gives one the ability to see themselves as making it in the world in a way that works for them in the now. Also, realize that this is the way people want to go now in any particular situation.

Left side of hip area. These forms relate to the idea of people receiving from the world physically what they want. It is based upon the idea of receiving information that will help people see what feelings motivate their day-to-day physical activity; would like to say that this area depicts whether or not a person will synchronize with another or not as it represents their ideals.

Back of the legs. This area represents all of those forms of sexual interaction inherited by the group life and that reflects the overall karma of the individual. It represents the possible creative ideals (thus unknown needs that reflect desires) held about relationships on an intimate level. It also represents all of those forms needing to be generated by an individual to better known themselves as a male or female.

Right side of legs. This position gives rise to those forms that express the willingness of an individual to proceed in the world to create physical relationships. It is about those forms of adjustment they look for from another to proceed to develop a relationship.

Front of legs. These forms reflect those immediate interests being played out in a relationship or relationships in their lives. It represents the importance the present has in the creation of immediate physical relationships.

Left of legs. This area reflects those forms that make the individual stand up and declare what makes them feel good or bad about what is happening in their relationships; it is about them finding happiness or not.

Below the legs. This area reflects all of those forms dangerous to their survival they are holding on to. It reflects all of those heavy karmic forms needing to be dealt with to move forward. It is important they know of these forms as they produce dangerous events.


How do these forms get dispersed by the chakra fields. They resonate to each chakra by their very resonate nature. They are controlled by the various levels of beingness that co-created their existence. Each of these beings produce certain types of forms that gravitate to different areas of the body and co-use charkas to feed their creative processes.  Useful to find for each person what forms or beingness resonate type reflects where they should be focused in terms of their evolution.  Useful to wonder about this to have a system for evaluation based upon mental sight. Each form will be shaded by the entity producing it.

Each substantial form will require a complete sub-evaluation as to its make-up and in this way achieve a better understanding of the interplay effecting different areas of a person’s life.  Each of these forms reflect an ability to love from that point of view of the beingness level involved.

Also, accept the fact that each person has the innate right to create what they desire and absorb the associated consequences. Hopefully their creations are at a minimum in the greatest good of those involved.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.


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