Nicholas Roerich Museum - Krishna

The Unfolding Heart of the One Life in Humanity – An Exercise towards Group Consciousness

You have been given the idea that humanity as a whole has yet to embrace their concept of a world where they can live as One Humanity. It is this idea of the One Humanity that will permit them to discover an even greater concept of being part of the One Life. It is this One Life that will dawn upon their consciousness as a whole when the Christ or the Maitreya returns in actuality. It is this that the whole world waits that groans in pain.

The life that we are now living is in no comparison to the life we could be living. In the fork of the road, we are. And when we finally make the correct turn the world will be turned upside down in all ways. The world is on the verge of a complete shift. This shift will come as humanity attempts to answer the question of what the purpose of the Soul of the Humanity might be. This question is now being formed in all departments of human living.  Furthermore, those sources which are all part of the plan is tasked to proffer an answer to this question satisfactory for humanity and there are many minds at work on it—over 14,000 consciously as of this recording in the early part of this 21st century.

The real problem that faces humanity at this time is whether or not they will rise above their bickering to challenge themselves to meet real needs for the greatest number and the greatest good. Each would wise to see themselves as one person but yet with the One Life behind them whenever they see the world through the eyes of the one Humanity.  They will be able to accomplish anything if the perspective they hold is that of being a member of the One Humanity and the One Life.  If one promotes this value consistently in their life then they will be able to quickly evolve their consciousness.

You need to know that all individuals who participate constructively in this transition are having their evolution quickened.  It is wise of you to take advantage of this temporary opportunity to make a difference in your life and the world. Each of you that participate fully will have many resources at your disposal as the Lord has given a reprieve of group karma to better carry out this transition and inner into the New Age. You also will be given gifts and abilities you can developed to enhance your field of service and indirectly your individual evolution.  We want you to know that the Lord is looking for many individuals to serve humanity in all fields—ask and it will be given in whatever capacity you have to serve.

Disciples will be given the preference of immediately returning into body at this time and for another 150 years. Also, probationary disciples are being asked to take initiation to better enhance their service potential.  You would be wise to see this as an opportunity of the greatest moment and make every effort to achieve your heartfelt desires for the good of your world.

Forever and a day we struggle to find solace in our lives and for good reason as each of us remembers those life events where solace was unavailable to us.  It will come to pass that each of these “cell memories” holds within it those necessary elements we are required to have to bridge the gap between having solace or peace of heart or mind and not.  It will also come to pass that we will not be able to remember these “cell memories once we have understood why we created them in terms of events. We will never know the outcome or meaning of any event in which our minds or hearts have lost memory of it for it never existed, or better yet, it only existed while we had memory of it.

Why have I stated a simple logic or truth, for two reasons. First to get your attention concerning memories and their power over us and secondly, to show you that memory has the ability to alter our realities. Memories of whatever type does three things: They provides us with a reference point in consciousness; they give us a way to perceive continuity of events and they provides for us the ability to learn.

Beauty is that organization of form that symbolizes the existing point of evolution of consciousness.   Beauty can also be appreciated through awareness that apperceives the Self.  Our beingness is a composite of many lives and whatever sense of self that we have evolved will determine our context of beauty. It is this sense of Self that attracts us into the unknown.

For each of us this attraction is unique, as each of us represents a fragment of the unknown within us. It is these fragments that are re-organized in many ways over time that produces the patterns of destiny.  It is also these fragments of Self that produces the patterns of History.  History is an effort to unite diversified fragments vying for reunion with itself. History is also God searching for Itself.

“Itself” is very apropos as it symbolizes self as both a thing and a being.   In many ways we as individual life units represent a group consciousness because within us are many types of lives occultly considered. If I had to count these I would be lost as I can only recognize by name and experience 32 lives at this moment but in my heart, I know they are infinite. I am a collection of ancient history or God searching for Itself. I am also a product of evolution. With every passing day I become someone else.

The moment that we set foot upon the earth we were prevented to know ourselves in these other forms as these solidified in a physically symbolic form we call a body.  In an effort to solidify consciousness each body is created to mandate some plan. Each plan is a fragment of the whole. As these fragments find each other the fragments change and become new fragments each with a new identity and I call this process one of beingness.

How many types of beingness have you experienced this life?  Ow many ways have you identified with yourself or Self over time? How have you become who you are? How have you been created?

These are all questions which require a solution and one easily arrived at within the halls of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.  What is a group of lives but that of individual units uniting in some way to form a whole? What is our next level of wholeness?

This is a question put before us each moment of our lives.  It is a question full of import in many ways.  What are some of these ways? The Order on the Path can be outlined by a 22 step integration process.  It is this process that can allowed us to advance into the greater life or Beingness. In another sense we have given rise to a whole set of questions about the purpose of life pursued by humanity.  All of these schools of Thought are seeking the same solution. In yet another sense the “import” is that of reasoning the causative patterns for places, things, and persons. In yet another sense this “import” has to do with the concept of consciousness and its constant expansion into greater inclusiveness. In yet another sense this “import” implies that the world is alive in its own fashion and what does this mean. These “imports” are ever with us and as thinking individuals and their import cannot be estimated. Yet, somehow, they continue to survive without really solving these questions or imports in an absolute sense or even a satisfactory sense. What we really want to know is why or for what purpose is all of this. For a thinking person, purpose is of vital moment as it determines motivation and reason for our beingness. For non-thinking persons this is instinctual. It is instincts that permit us to exist and develop physically. And it is these instincts that permit us to become whatever. Instincts are in reality another form of group expression. as instincts separate us or unite us with what we need. It is instinct which permit us to become the head of a tribe or make us a prisoner of ourselves.  Each according to karma. Where do these instincts come from? Why do they operate differently in different individuals? These questions are part of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings answers.

The humanizing of animal instincts and the spiritualization of human instincts is a product of evolution and in time, this produces the expanding grouping of fragments of Self. In effect it produces likewise cultures and civilizations. It is a complex process and is the basis of motivation and self-awareness and produces over time the expanding sense of individual identification with self and others, and groups with groups. Group consciousness is an inherent part of ourselves.  It is also more than this.  It is a way for us to find ourselves and others as a part of ourselves.  We have heard this many times but, in this edification, I want to offer a more comprehensive experience.


  1. Let us do an exercise.

Relax your body, get extremely comfortable.

Remove any thoughts or feelings from your inner space or self.

Breathe deeply and slowly for a while.

Go into your body presence—this means become aware of your body.  To do this effectively you need be totally aware and observing and objective.

Once you have reached this needed state, permit yourself to focus your awareness on your inner bodies.

Just image you are there.

Believe yourself to have a buddhic awareness.

To do this effectively requires you to take a moment to orientate yourself to the solar system as a whole and believe you are a part of it and it is a part of you.

Now do the same for the Milky Way galaxy.

And finally, do it for the Universe.

Now go back into your believed buddhic awareness.

With your creative imagination imagine yourself one among the many units of life.

Ask yourself this question while holding all the three awareness below:

–aware of your body presence,

–aware of your buddhic body,

–aware of universal space.


What am I feeling now? Two things—buddhic presence and the presence of Hierarchy?

For those of you who managed to hold these awareness’s you probably experienced one of three things in some degree:

–Buddhic Presence

–Soul Presence

–Hierarchical Presence


The makeup of group life is different for each person and in fact is different for each group. The important point to remember is group life is not necessary a place or area of space but a vibratory consciousness symbolically representing the body of space. Group life is not always accompanied by personalities nor is it not. The importance of group life is many-fold. The most important of all is its requirement for initiation, which was changed recently with a new requirement composed of four aspects.  There has been given opportunity for individuals to take initiation as a group as opposed to individually. This means there are others within his group to assist him with developing requirements. It also means it is difficult to take initiation without fully integrating with the group. Lastly, it means it is difficult to take initiation, as in the past, through your own efforts alone but those of the group.  Another importance of group life is that it permits you to have access to the many gifts and characteristics of other souls.   In terms of service potential this is enhanced by the sharing and developing of gifts and abilities between group members. A third importance of group life is that it enhances one’s ability to receive impressions as the group is more evocative than the combined number of individuals acting alone. A fourth importance of group life is that the service provided by the inner group relies upon each to successfully carryout their share as individuals, so all move forward together or simultaneously.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation