Nicholas Roerich Museum

Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part I

(Group of Organized Minds & Group of 14)

Rule No. I:

This rule states that every spiritual triadal life arranges itself and thus its reflection or human soul it is responsible for (particularly in respect to controlled apperception and perception).

The light of the spiritual triad enables the human soul to acknowledge the nature of spiritual triadal patterns related to the rain-cloud of knowable things. You would be wise to acknowledge the importance of contemplating this rule through the idea that each pattern is generated by the Mind of God. It is in this way god organizes all substance according to his design. In order that the pattern enters the cosmic physical plane the triadal lives must organize themselves to arrange the pattern. To do this requires that the Ashram align its will with God’s. This rule states that every triadal life arranges itself and thus its reflection or human soul it is responsible for. This rule is amazingly simple, but the complexity of the task takes the complete life of the soul to achieve. Let it be noted that the completion of the present energetic (Plan) pattern will take place at the end of the solar system.

The importance of this rule to us is that it embodies the idea of responsibility for the creation of our lives according to God’s Plan. How can we use this to our advantage? In three ways.

First, we can use it to establish relationship with the group soul through permitting the group to unfold our lives according to its perceived needs of Spirit. In this way we can let go of our ideals of the way the world needs to be. It is in this way we can achieve freedom to be whatever the group wants as we are part of the group anyway so our will becomes its will so-to-speak.  Would like you to have the idea of the will of the group as being more aligned to the Will of God and in this way our will and gods will are eventually the same.

Secondly, we can use it to establish relationship with Hierarchy, as Hierarchy is the evolutionary extension of the Divine Soul (DS).  We must remember that it is the DS that permits us as human soul/personalities entry into Hierarchy by way of the Angel of His Presence.  It nurtures us as souls and personalities through the arranging of our lives according to our needs—remember, form and (real) need are one.

Thirdly, we can use it to establish relationship with Shamballa, as the spiritual triad is the reflection of the monad’s three fold nature—the Spark from the One Flame.  It is this third use that we are going to focus on (six sub-concepts):

First of all, all of us in this life classroom are familiar with the idea of transformation.  It is the transformation of the soul body that permits eventual alignment of wills between Spirit and Personality.  The personality refers to the form created by Spirit indirectly to carry out its creative purpose intent behalves.  It is in this way we can approach the idea of creating our soul body towards carrying out Spirit’s purpose.  There is a process of correct apperception of the Plan of God.

Second, it is the transformation of the soul body that permits the Personality to take on the characteristics of the monadic sheath (ray quality implied here) in its image. You must remember that each of us is a product of many live times of building in characteristics in lieu of the purpose of the monad.  Four examples per a known disciple:

  1. The quality of mental memory retention. This quality is used as a form of service by personality to make available information coming from the group mind to enhance their understanding of their life.
  2. This quality of selection was originated by spirit for choosing certain types of group life experiences linked to certain places within the body of deity or dimensional space.
  3. The quality of coded thought forms. This quality was originated by spirit to enhance ability of personality to ground information needed to assist in the training of individuals for discipleship.
  4. The quality of self-assurance. This quality is needed to advance unusual theories at a later time, which will be opposed by the majority of the world’s intellectuals.

Third, it is the transformation of the soul body that requires our attention if we are to hope to achieve the transfiguration by the triad of the three-fold personality fields. This comes through deciding once and for all we are not the personality nor the soul but the monad an aspect of the Father Himself—the Spark of the One Flame.  It is dedication to one’s truer place in life that permits this to unfold.

Fourth, it is the transformation of the soul body that establishes relationship with the “Father in Heaven” or Monad through aligning the personality vehicles with the triadal vehicles.  It does this through a synchronizing process over three lives generally starting with the mental body and working down. Example:

You have been given the idea of receiving impressions from others throughout many life’s but this is only true in terms of mental body; it has only towards the end of one’s evolution that they are  received in one’s brain awareness. Before this they were received astrally.

Fifth. It is the transformation of the soul body that establishes relationship with Shamballa.  This happens as a consequence of permitting the slow destruction or rarefication of the soul body until eventually only matter of the first sub-plane is inherent in the body.  This produces an alignment potential because the first sub-plane is that plane where the planetary causal body is primarily focused in terms of the group Egoic will, or first aspect, which reflects the Will of the planetary Logos working through the devas.

Sixth, it is the transformation of the soul body that permits entry into the feeling body of the Heavenly Man one is aligned with.  This gives substance to the idea that the Solar Logos (SL) is the product of the evolution of all the lives within the solar system. It is through identifying with this substance that the awareness of the solar system becomes possible as one is now linked to the planetary and the Cosmic Christ. You might ask how the existing pattern of reality of the solar system improves our planetary evolution. It does so in three ways:

  1. First of all, it furthers the creation of a vacuum in the causal body of the planet producing gradual destruction by way of gradual ascension (or the vacuum is filled by an entering unit into the Earth Scheme depending on round number).
  2. Second, it produces within all other lives on the planet a greater ability to access buddhic plane through creating a greater magnetic field (center) through impulsed polarized units towards a greater vibration.
  3. Third, it acts as a conduit aligning individual causal cells in the body of the planetary causal body to the One Soul focused on the triadal level or the spiritual soul on its own level which embodies that much of it as is presently possible.

The reality is that your life as a soul is a product of many lives of suffering as an effect of pain experienced within the three-worlds.  This pain is a product of personality resistance to the activities desired by the group soul. You have acknowledged the necessity to alter your plans only after your resistance has ended and, in this way, improved the quality of your life in some way—the soul is quality.  The real task is the producing, through the agency of acceptance, your desired destiny with spiritual indifference as to the outcome.  It is in this way we cherish our lives and permits a life well lived.  We have committed to the real task at hand.  We have committed to the task of creating ourselves in our own image as spirit-soul; it is through this process we find salvation.  You have been given the idea of registering the necessary points of view that depict the life of those ready to integrate with spirit as this discussion references.

The corresponding sign that one is ready for the life of spirit is a product of (about symbolic 6200) tasks mastered as a personality.  It is these tasks that absorb our attention as we enter the one path and perfect our self in lieu of our environments through the second initiation.

The corresponding tasks that need to be mastered after this and before the 3rd initiation are exceedingly small in comparison and comprise only thirty-six (36).  And between the third and fourth initiation are smaller still and comprise only twenty-six (26).  It is only as one trains for the fifth initiation does the difficulty of the tasks increase.

You have been given the idea by the world view of reaching into your back pocket and paying with money the cost of training to prepare for initiations from various teachers.  It is this money that permits you to have a sense of progress on your path and rightly so, as money represents the exchange of services; it is a product of karmic opportunity earned.  It is this money concept that needs to be addressed beginning with the question- can initiation be bought with money; the answer is two-fold – yes and no. Initiation cannot be taken unless the required resources are available to meet real needs but money has no ability to attract the teacher you need for initiation to be successful.  This teacher is subjective and has no outer form and thus requires no money.

There are many in the world act as if there is a teacher/guru in the outer world that will give them the opportunity to prove themselves and lead them to the door of initiation. This used to be true 70-years ago but not true since then.

You  have been given the idea of journeying around the world in the search of some master or teacher that will see your potential and guide you back to yourself but even if you find a qualified teacher, they will not be able to sponsor you for initiation.  This is something that only the inner group can do regardless of what others say.  You have been given this information to adjust your believes that are yet outside of your knowingness or the way of approach to the door of initiation.

You have been given the idea of reaching a certain stage in life whereby you will be able to say without doubt—that you know.  This knowing is a product of soul consciousness perceived or received into brain awareness.  This awareness will come only once you achieve purification of your personality vehicles.  This purity is needed to receive accurately your impressions—this takes much experience and extends through several lives.  The example disciple’s present life providing this inner group’s telepathic discussion herein exemplifies some level of this.

Each life inevitably sees you more and more clear and responsive to the soul’s impressions; lower psychism is no sign of purity but normally the opposite.  It has been proven to the detriment of all those who force its development before asked to do so by the group soul. To know for sure the source of this request is easy—either it comes from the personality or the group soul.  When it comes from the group soul from or through Spirit —there is always a reluctance of the disciple to do so as he/she realizes with the added difficulty it adds to their lives but they would not be asked unless it increased their service potential and likewise significant to their dharmic development.

Many see, it is the group soul through Spirit that takes responsibility for all decisions on the path of initiations, in concert with the soul or yourself.  It is important to have this distinction and this distinction is obvious to those that know for they communicate continuously with it. You would be wise to reserve judgment of the methods and workings of the Spirit until it is present in your daily life.


Rule No. II:

This rule can be stated in such a way that awareness must extend onto the etheric-physical plane to achieve flow of god’s mindset for correct arrangement to be assured on cosmic etheric.

This next rule relates to the idea of the galaxy. This galaxy is unlike any other of the seven (7) galaxies related intimately to each other in that it has achieved a relationship of inter-dependency or relationship among the Mind Born Sons of Brahma. The Mind Born Sons of Brahma are those Kumaras who are the equivalent of cosmic centers (or sheaths) that make up the Active Intelligence aspect of our seven cosmic planes that our seven galaxies function within.

Many need to reflect and contemplate more on the concept of controlled perception. It is perception only that is important not the idea of manifestation.  The physical body matters not but reflects the pattern. The cosmic etheric body is that which is being organized.  The soul is an effect and has no real purpose thus released—spirit releases form (soul-personality) in the three worlds. We want you to know that this rule originated long ago when the earth was named the Tau. It was during this period when the rule came into effect. This rule was required because man could for the first time receive impressions from his newly acquired physical body. The use of this rule inaugurated the mankind of the third root race. This rule can be stated in such a way that awareness must extend onto the physical plane to achieve flow of god’s mindset for correct arrangement to be assured on cosmic etheric.

Many will note that each stage of the path there is a corresponding relationship created on the cosmic etheric plane.  This correspondence is the cause for the stage of path you find yourself.  It is the ability of spirit to secure its arrangement with others upon the plane of triad that produces a corresponding change on soul levels and then on the personality levels; this takes time and it is this time factor that produces the physical plane existence of effects.

Many will note that on a cosmic level this is likewise happening producing what we call the three worlds of human existence.  So how come we appear to have a choice in how our life unfolds—this is the great illusion.  We have already made our choices long before they have reached the physical plane; first we made them as spirit, next we made them as a soul and lastly, we have made them as a personality—the choices we make physically is no more than an effect of these earlier pattern recognition choices.  Each of us is a product of time being delayed by an incomplete alignment.  It is this alignment that determines our position upon the path. Our pathway itself is also an illusion we have created to note our relationship to our self. A relationship that is contingent upon our point of beingness now in all aspects of our being.  It is this simple.

One’s ability to understand the nature of this continuum (or being descending to manifest producing time-space beingness) gives us a great advantage; this advantage is the ability to quickly move towards the next stage upon this path of Self-identification. Where are you at on the Path? This question needs to be answered by each of us in practical ways. It is really all we need to know to progress.  I suggest the stages are infinite but yet knowable. It is this knowable part we invoke as the need arises. And it is this knowable part that really depends upon what our soul purpose is now—this life.  We all have come to this time in our lives where this is important to us—to move from illusion into reality just a little closer to god and in this way justify our belief in god through experiencing that expansion that comes based upon our success in finding god (the One Life) in our lives.

You have been given the idea that our physical plane life is important as a symbolic expression of a cosmic event. This event is knowable, and it is this wise-knowledge that we pursue in meditation. It is a growing knowledge based upon uncertain paradigms but also based upon recognition of the expanding consciousness experiences taking place in our lives. It is this recognition dialectically realized, and apperceived through our unfolding producing more inclusive experiences of Self, that a change has taken place but this realization also prevents us from acknowledging the truth of the comic event due to our lower identification with the knowledge and awareness of the change in our personality that this cosmic event initiated.  It is this recognition, either cosmic or worldly, that suggests a change.

The truer reasons for this change itself cannot fully be understood until we become more god identified and then it will not matter, as god is omnipresent anyway.  You might ask what importance does it really make to understand the cause for our causative recognitions? A short answer is to be able to know the nature and science of the One Path that we travel back to the One Self on.  This path is product of God’s Desire to Know Itself – what else could it be? We want you to realize that it is important here to have the idea that our path is created from our ability to register different levels of not-Self/Self. It is this not-Self/Self that gives us our identification with our lives in terms of or an extension of the group life. Want you to also know this not-Self/Self is a concept we test at each stage of the path in some form or another.  And it is this not-Self/Self that permits us to see our brothers and sisters as our relative Self.  This is the ABC of occultism so let us move on.

Many have been given the idea of registering the truth of your relationship to god; how can this be done? You see that it is god that prevails at all time in all forms according to the degree of capacity of the form side of being has unfolded or sensitized itself over time to embody this.  What does this mean to us? First of all, it means, we prevent god from prevailing or knowing Himself until we know ourselves as Him, but how can this be if god still appears to prevail?  To answer this successfully one must hold the idea that god has a relative existence in manifestation and as such so do we.  This suggests the complete doctrine of the Adi-Buddhists and is the basis of the secret doctrine.  We might find many ways of explaining this but throughout all earth time this is how it has been explained.  Secondly, it means to us, that we are an inherent part of god. This means that our form nature is a part of god’s form nature and our consciousness reflects this. Please also note that our will is likewise a part of the form nature of god as long as we identify with form (not-self).

We want you to know that god geometricizes continuously.  It is this process that permits us to know god, given our ability to geometricize, if we could not geometricize then god would be a mere abstraction not approachable—truly formless.

We have found it necessary to see ourselves as separate beings – god and us to carry out an important function.  This function is the salvation of substance; a substance inherent in the manifestation ritual of form production composed of spirit-matter plus form consciousness of some type.  It is important to know that substance here refers to the relationship spirit-matter has to awareness. It is this relationship that produces all form of whatever type.  It is this awareness that we define as soul or sentiency.

Many have been given the idea that awareness plus spirit-matter equates with form substance and that form substance is in a process of being sensitized and thus purified and thus redeemed.  It is this process we normally refer to as evolution, whether of form or of consciousness. Form evolution follows consciousness, for in this solar system it is not the other way around as the Son takes precedence over the Mother. And eventually, through their unification, produces all forms of awareness possible to us. It is only in the last Solar System (SS) that the father is blended.  In this solar system the Son becomes the Husband of the Mother as the “Secret Doctrine” so ably puts it.

Many need to be aware that each of us are a product of an earlier solar system where the active intelligent matter leading to all-knowledge part was unfolded just as the loving-wise son part is unfolding now. Together they make for our known universe. So, you see the end is near for us as humans. It is only a matter of perfecting this relationship, which has taken place already in the heavens. The point being made is that the world as created is a fraction of the world being created and its creator is at Its own stage of their unique path.

The next point being made is that the Creator unlike us has completed the creation of its human path many kalpas ago.  The important point to remember is that the Creator recognizes he is an extension of his creation—do WE?

You might ask, what is our creation? Look around and see your life as both a soul and a personality, they both have a created form of devotion or a form of service, a persona form which to express this form of devotion, and a form of the environment in which to express itself through.  All of this is self-evident but yet the importance of is not recognized.

Many have been given advice on how to create according to their will and this advice will accomplish little unless they see yourselves as being able to accomplish this.  It is these accomplishments that will either make our life appear successful or not.  We might ask if we know for sure that it will make our life successful and if so then why would we not be successful?  The question can be answered—do you believe in yourself enough. It is this question that haunts us at every turn and is our only real challenge.  It is this challenge that occupies our every thought and feeling and action.  It is this challenge that orientates us to our path and also produces our degree of movement along such.

Many have been given the idea of relating to others in such a way as for them to see who you are and what you are about.  Now we would like for you to see how the soul sees you and what (creative) capacity it sees you as having.

The Soul or Angel of the Presence itself is not responsible for your evolution once the third initiation is passed as it has become a conscious part of the group soul.  The group soul itself is part of the Planetary Heart center generally and represents that much of the love of god you can effectively demonstrate.  This group is likewise a part of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) as it is now called and is responsible for the guiding of the human race directly.

From one point of view, this group (NGWS) also has members who are also members of the planetary Heart center in it but not always the other way around; but never the less they are part of the group soul. It would be wise of you to see yourself as having some form of service to contribute to this planet.  It is this form of service introduced above. You would be wise to see yourselves as being able to consciously work with the inner groups of beings of whatever type.  All of you dedicated and earnest servers of the One Humanity and Life are part of several inner groups and give allegiance to them.


Rule No. III:

This rule says that all earthy existence is superseded after the unit of life acknowledges god as ruler.

The idea of this next rule is taken from the idea of real (three-world form) freedom required before spirit can reign  This next rule relates to the form of freedom required or experienced once the fourth initiation is completed. This rule says that all earthy existence is superseded after the unit of life acknowledges god as ruler.

Many have been given notice of the right to proceed to develop your inner relationship to your god in your own way.  It is this way that you will prove to yourself your own nature.  It is a nature full of promise and of ability. It is a nature extremely sensitive. It is a nature full of divine longing.  It is a nature full of spiritual experiences. It is nature seemingly devoid of darkness and despair. It is a nature mature and aged from long struggle with the form forces within. It is a nature full of expert advice and warnings along the road. It is a nature filled with praise for you and life. It is a nature difficult to upset. It is a nature resplendent with light. It is nature all-together at one with the planet. It is a nature ready and able to do battle with you. It is a nature full of pride in its accomplishments but yet has great humility.  It is a nature not unlike you.

You have been given the idea of wrestling with your demons, your fears, and your dwellers just to believe in yourselves. All of these aspects or forms of you are a product of a long career of lives where each form was developed or unfolded out of relative love and compassion (love is the function or purpose behind the creation of any form). It is these (dweller) forms that has saved you many times and continue to save you until the Angel of the Presence saves you. What do you do now?  Look around and write down what you see for it is your perceptions of life that need be known – what they are; these are the forms that you have to work with and through; they are either a part of you or you are a part of them—find out which one is the case and move on.  We have given you with each idea a way to perceive yourself and life each was only to challenge yourself to know yourself at some deeper level all of these exercises was to produces just one thing—self-knowledge; the only knowledge that you need at any time to know anything about everything.

What do we mean when we say, we are alone in the world of humankind? It means we are separated by a great wall of the physical body. It means that without this physical body we would not be alone. It means that each of us believe it is the physical body that prevents us from being atoned with the soul.  In many ways what we say is true, in other ways it is not. But regardless of which, it does not matter for our purposes here.

The physical body is a barrier to soul consciousness, and it is our job to overcome this barrier.  We would like you to know that this barrier is first of all an electrical barrier.  What do I mean? That physical electrical nature prevents the electrical nature of the soul from penetrating it.  This is for two reasons: first, it is this way because the physical body is composed of a different substance. Second, the physical body is composed of matter—the soul is formless.  This tells us that before the soul can merge with the physical body it must first orientate the substance of the physical to its electrical field. How does it do that? It must first create its own awareness in the personality substance producing a reorientation of the etheric field substance causing the physical atoms to re-arrange themselves accordingly. The physical atoms referred to are the atoms that make up the nervous system and the endocrine system. This is not a change in the molecular structure but a change in the internal spirialla of the atoms themselves.  The next physical change takes place in the brain whereby a similar process is undergone but in this case, there is also a polarization-taking place to the soul; this affects likewise the etheric brain and the two become eventually in sync.

You would be wise to see yourself as slowly altering atom by atom your relationship to the world so eventually your world changes and you forget what you used to be.  This process is called transmutation and is completed by the time the fourth initiation is taken.  Transformation comes next after the first and second stages of transmutation are basically completed and consists first in transforming the etheric body. This transformation is caused by the Soul on its own plane contacting through the Antahkarana with the matter of the personality vehicles.  It is a process that has little understanding among occultists. This process is like railroad engine slamming into a speck of dust causing it to appear as if nothing is happening but outside of our knowingness every atom of matter within your vehicles is slowly being transformed into triadal substance.  It is this substance that produces the eventual transfiguration of the personality once complete.  It is this substance that aligns your bodies to its bodies. It is this substance that permits you to ascend. It is this substance that permits you to know yourself as god as it is the reflection of the monad itself.

This above process is likened to the idea referred to by many as substitution of etheric substance for triadal substance. It is this process that produces the redemption of consciousness and salvation of god’s bodies. Redemption and salvation are not the same. Redemption requires a shift in consciousness (or substance) to that of the soul whereas salvation requires a shift in dimension. The two together produce the appearance of movement upon the path. These two together also permit one to see the world as a place that will eventually be according to Plan-it is only a matter of time or Being descending to manifest.

You have been given the idea that the world has free will and it is this freewill that comes from the choice in how and when it wants to move forward but the nature of the future is determined by those planners within the Planetary Heart center which determines its eventual destiny (Law of the Ashram).  All resistance can be seen to be a product of this difference.  You be wise to see your life the same way and have a since of those areas of your life you are resisting having more life.

You would be wise to see yourselves as being in control also of ways of moving into the future that contains your happiness.    These forms of happiness are guarded by each as representing their reason for life and to their end all is sacrificed eventually.  These forms of happiness (joy in the soul’s case) are the reasons for the choices we make as souls to come into this planet.  It is for this reason we sacrifice our lives to make these happen as they depict the symbolic commitments we make to others before we incarnate. It is these commitments carried out perceptionally that determines whether we have a successful life or not. And it is also for this reason we prepare ourselves for initiation as it contends for the happiness we derive from our commitments to Active Service on a higher level of causation or being.

You have been right all along in that you choose this life to redeem yourselves karmically for every life is the opportunity to achieve this.  You are right in that your karma is a product of your past orientated to your future. You are right in that you correct old mistakes of perception through thinking about present streams of causation.  You are right in that you choose your path consciously as a soul but forever trying to figure out why as a personality. You are also right in that your actions provide relationships with the elements of life that provide potential experience for growth.  You are right that all men find within themselves those patterns that will liberate them from their self-imposed karma once integrated and demonstrated in their moment to moment behavior. You are right that karma is a balance between past and future where the present being the yardstick for momentum.  You are right that each of us finds justice in our own way and that the court of the lord adjudicates.  You are not correct in your judgments of others unless you have the soul as your guide. You are not correct in that others see us as we want to be seen for this choice is in the eyes of others and reflects our karmic necessity (and theirs).  You are not correct in that others perceive you as a candidate for initiation because you appear in their eyes as spiritual. It is not correct that you are able to evade your karma through doing good works in your eyes but only in the eyes of others.  It is not correct that your karma advances you in years of worry and dread as it is your reaction to karma that does this. It is not correct that your karma is a product of ages as it is the opportunity now to have a good life and meet you’re growing responsibilities to the group. Remember one’s karmic path is one’s life path and spiritual path as a form beingness. It is incorrect to judge your karma as either good or bad it makes no sense but is based upon your desires and expectations you place on life. It is incorrect to say my karma is such and such for your karma is our karma. It is incorrect to say your karma is a product of poor choices; it is a product of only the best of your action you were capable of.

You might believe that all karma is exchangeable but this is true only to a certain extend; the group decides in whose favor the exchange needs to take place.  All we can do as personalities is to accept gracefully whatever life brings and attempt to know why.  We have been given many tools to move through life effectively over the years but none as important as this: You have been given the idea of registering your soul to prevent the likelihood of unwise choices—this is so.  What choices do you need to make now?

You have been given the idea of retreating to better find your spiritual path—this is so in the beginning but in the end the world is with you always.  You must realize that each of us are on a path—self chosen and this path represents a set of choices covering every aspect of our lives; it is not for us to say that your brother’s path is inappropriate as he has created it with himself in mind.  You might want to look at your own paths to realize that his already includes yours and in this way achieve a certain enlightened understanding of his contributions to you.

It is important that you achieve an understanding of the importance to you of those people in your life that you have the most difficult with. You might also see them in the light of the One Soul to see the Divinity they represent.  You have been given the idea that each of us are unique in our histories and in our accomplishments, this gives each of us a certain edge in some area of life.  It is this edge that together as a group producing that diversity that better reflects the wholeness of creation and the creator.  This provides a field of service for us all and implies that all are needed to make the whole work as it was designed.

You have been given the idea of registering for yourself a certain preponderance of religious wisdom stored in your soul bodies from many lives this wisdom is uniquely yours and belongs to no other but this wisdom is not useful to your path now but is a product of yesterday.  It is a gain that needs to be relinquished.

You have been given the idea that the gains of yesterday are those, which keep us a prisoner of yesterday.  Their ability to pave the road to the past to prevent a bumpy ride is true but these gains of yesterday’s ability to pave the road into the future is like you trying to succeed in demonstrating your gifts before you know what they are.

You need to know that your future is filled with surprises totally unpredictable as your response to life is unpredictable. It is important to be prepared for the future is still inevitable, but the timing is not.  You might estimate day such and such time to accomplish your goals but tomorrow this will change as everyone’s future effects yours. You have been given the idea of cherishing your future in the hopes of attaining your desires and this is so. It is not important that your future comes eventually but it is important that you go to your future.

You have been given the idea of releasing yourself from your past. What is it that needs releasing? You can think about this in four ways:

  1. First you can think about it in terms of yesterday’s gains that are outside of your present need context.
  2. Second, you can look at it through the eyes of the soul and see those things (gains) preventing you from being free.
  3. Third, you can look at it from the eyes of spirit and apperceive these (gains) as those elements in your past lives that has been learned and need to be released as memories to develop a different sense of Self.
  4. Fourth, you can look at it from the perspective of the ashram and release those gifts and abilities that keep you from progressing as a disciple.

You might note that each of these categories implies a different evolutionary status. A status that is forever evolving and thus ever releasing.  You might say your evolutionary status is that place on the path you have reached and represents your point of Self-identified with always to be eventually released for a more inclusive one.

You might ask how it is we have arrived at where we are at without all of the knowledge that defines the science of the path.  We say you could not be where you are at without your understanding of the science of the path. You must know that you are qualified to be where you are at and this knowledge is yours. What is your soul status as the answer to this question and denotes your usefulness to the One Life?


Rule No. IV:

The rule states that each soul must successfully complete the 4th initiation in a short period of time to move forward.

The origin of this next rule comes from the period when the 5th root race of the 5th round passed through the separation in the last systemic system configuation. This rule originated the need to prevent egos from passing on the cosmic etheric plane until the cosmic physical held no purpose for god. This planetary experienced taught Shamballa a lesson. The lesson was that the egos that had not successfully released soul bodies would only slow down humanities progress. It was going to slow, so in this solar systemic period this separation was inaugurated to make the separation possible. The rule states that each soul must successfully complete the 4th initiation in a short period of time to move forward.

You have been given the need to register your soul’s purpose for this life to fully express yourself You need to master yourself to know this fully and to do this requires you to have finalized your identification with the human kingdom. Remember the mental plane is not the true home of the soul thus its purpose on that level is only partially correct.  You must see yourself as the group soul (Spirit) sees you and in this way challenge yourself to be that. There will come a time when this challenge will be all you can hope to accomplish and during the battle of this challenge you will know that all is lost of this world.

You have been given notice of the right to proceed in developing your many gifts; once this notice has been given then your right will change into a requirement for movement into integration with the group.  Once this requirement is given it will then become your duty to serve as the group serves with one mind and heart and body. And once this duty is accepted it will become your pledge to do so; and once this pledge is given it will become your entry into the ashram. And once this entry is given you are Home for now.

You have been given an understanding of how to create for yourself an entry into the ashram.  This entry is recognized by the world of souls through a very curious procedure, a procedure that dates way back into the annuals of time. Once the soul enters the ashram there is an imbalance created in the lives of the egos in your group soul; this balance is realized only by a wave of polarized energy being released by the ascension process. It is at this time there is a choice made by remaining egos to acknowledge the close of that member; they do this through preparing a thought-form engraving in it their thoughts and wishes and send this out to the ashram to be received by entering soul. This thought-form stays with the soul for eternity.

You would be wise to see this process as an extraordinary feat on the part of the ego to train them to accomplish this ascension.  It is required by all egos that do such to train in preliminary groups specializing hierarchical protocols for vast periods of time preceding the lives where this actually takes place.  This training process involves the study of many star charts, manuscripts, testing, demonstrations, and twelve other categories of requirements. As we said before most of these tasks are completed by the second initiation.  For each of us here there are tasks waiting to be completed to move on.

You have been waiting for this part of life’s workshop. It is the part that aligns your soul with your personality to better equip you to proceed to receive impressions with more accuracy.  It is also the part of the workshop that requires devic assistance. This assistance comes from a particular group of devas who have already passed through the human kingdom at an earlier time. They have the title of Lord.

You have been given the idea of registering Spirit in the hope of establishing relationship to the ashram; before this can happen effectively, there needs to be a training process undergone by the Angel of the Presence.  This training incorporates the ideas above but is an extension of the training given by specialized groups.  This training is given to the soul and represents special training soul needs from spirit to carry out its Monadic group purpose.

You have been given the idea of registering Spirit in the hope of establishing relationship with Shamballa; before this can happen training within the ashram needs to take place under the auspices of the Master.  This training is about working effectively in four areas:

  1. Training received is in how to work effectively with Sirian Hierarchy.
  2. How to work effectively with those solar kingdoms your responsibility might lie.
  3. How to work effectively with the Hierarchies.
  4. How to work effectively with Solar Hierarchy

All of this training is preparatory to training received for the 6th initiation. It is this training that is the most demanding and still few are ready or permitted to undertake this training. You have been given this information to round out your believes that the Hierarchy is not a place of rest but a place of great organization and becoming even more so as time passes. It is for this reason requirements become more stringent and demanding as humanity makes progress over the ages.  You have been given this information in the hope of taking seriously the information received from this life workshop as it is to get you more prepared for this increased need for organization in your life.

You have been given the idea of receiving guidance from subjective sources; these sources are many and varied. It is important to keep in mind that all sources of guidance do not necessarily come through the soul but can enter below this vibration level.  The discrimination task is exceedingly difficult and requires much experimentation. Each of you have your existing set of sources you now work with. What do you think your sources are? There are potential sources on all levels of form creation. Those above the three worlds are significantly more important to the disciple than those from within the three planes of the personality existence but never-the-less they are all important in manifesting the mindset of the divine Thinker.  Each have their unique contribution they can make one way or another.  Our potential subjective sources is contingent upon where we are hanging upon the dharmic/karmic cross – vertically and thus horizontally.

Guidance coming from soul or higher has its problems and the most challenging is that of organizing your mind in the right way to interpret in some useful way.  Both a paradigm and a context or reason for receiving this is required for this interpretation. Without these it is not possible to decipher the energy. Some people are good at receiving contexts and some good at receiving energy but few good at both.

You have been given the idea of receiving impressions from monad; these are difficult to interpret in a human framework but they can be put into a universal format relating the individual to the whole and in this way prove useful in determining planetary events and relationships.  The monad is cosmic and extra-systemic.

You have been given the idea of receiving information from star systems outside of our solar system’s ring-pass-not. These are possible to interpret as they relate to different levels of being and devas are the lives available to channel this information to one’s (group) triad and from there to the (group conscious) soul. It is this type of information that is the most rewarding in understanding the interaction and inter-relationship of the whole and its effects on the Earth Scheme.  You would be wise to see this form of service is feasible once contact with the soul is established consciously.  You would be wise to use this to understand what is happening now in the local galaxy and its future effects on the Earth.


Rule No. V:

This rule states that each ego must successful perceive itself as part of the one planetary Soul.

The origin of this next rule is stated to have come from another planet. This planet was at the time related to the Earth. This planet on cosmic etheric levels had achieved what the Earth was working on. This was on an evolutionary path to develop a cosmic mental goal of arranging atmic and manasic integration. It was agreed that for this to happen, there first had to happen a planetary initiation corresponding to the first initiation or the Birth of the Christ.  This was established at this time and produced the alignment between these two planetary planes.  This rule states that each ego must successful perceive itself as part of the one planetary Soul.

This section is about the One Soul.  This is a concept that has been defined in many ways; the primary definition would be all of the accumulated wisdom generated by all of the lives passing through the planetary dimensions since this solar system was founded—involution and evolution wise.  This will be our working definition as it will give rise to a more pragmatic approach to the solving of problems faced by each of the planet and us.  You would be wise to see the One Soul as that accumulated knowledge available to assist the planet at any time.  It is this knowledge that we can draw upon to save difficult and complex issues in the light. We have given you the idea of receiving information from your soul and it is in this way we can then approach the One Soul as it is represented by the planetary causal body.  It is this body, which can be accessed by members of Hierarchy and passed on to the Egoic groups where individual souls can pass it into personalities. It is in this way difficult solutions can be found to world problems karmically and wisely considered.  It is also in this way that groups of egos representing different nations can approach the Hierarchy seeking guidance more and more of this will happen as the New Age unfolds. You would be wise to see this process as the only way for justice in the world to be consciously created and agreed to. You would be wise to see this as an opportunity for the world to find peace through understanding and acceptance of that wisdom that evokes the knowingness of the Heart.

You have been given the idea of registering from the soul certain information required to serve the Plan of the Christ this information comes through the planetary causal body as the Christ works through this body representing the Hierarchy for all kingdoms.

The work of the Christ through the One Soul can be contacted by any soul who dedicates himself to the Plan he is responsible for and approves.  It is this Plan that is available to the soul at each incarnation.  It is this Plan that controls his choice of endeavors if he is an advanced soul and integrates his choices with the planetary needs.  It is in this way the plans of individual souls are related to the One Plan through the One Soul.  You might ask how this gets intelligently implemented.  The implementation takes place in a hierarchical fashion. The soul creates a plan in lieu of the group soul and passes this before a special group of souls chosen for this task. This group passes the essence of this on to the larger ray grouping. This group, after assimilating it, passes this on to the Lords of Karma who review it, this if not okayed suggestions are made and if agreed upon are submitted to Divine Soul, if okayed, then archangels receive it.  If they okay it, it is passed on to Sanat Kumara, once he agrees to it then it is complete. You can see all plans are taken quite seriously in this process. It requires literally no time to do this from our point of view.

It is possible to believe this above process takes place millions of times a second and this is possible because it is not a conscious process as we understand it. It is a process that involves relationship of each unit to the whole in such a way as the whole is included in each unit and in this way the truth of highest good is known and received instantly without needed thought.

It is also possible to see that this process is inherent in the substance of space and any one area is known in all other areas at the same time such is the nature of the One Soul. All knowledge can be known because there is nothing that lies outside of this reality on this planet or Solar System.  In reality, the One Soul is a product of evolution, on the other side it is a product of the evolution of the Planetary Logos both as are the same and unequivocally interchangeable. You have been given this idea to realize that all things can be realized once soul consciousness is mastered. What would this take?

Your life as all other lives in the galaxy is composed of three parts; the first part is your personality existence, transient and moral; the second part is your Soul life absolute and immortal; your third part is monad, essentially unmanifested.  It is this third life that the One Soul reflects; it is a life incomprehensible to the mind no matter how hard we try to grasp it.  It is beyond dimensionality as we can experience it and still be human. It is the crux of the 4th Creative Hierarchy and reflects the transition point into the next creative Hierarchy.  What does this mean for us?  It means that no matter how hard we try to perceive the monad it will not be until after the fourth initiation will it begin to make sense, this is due to two factors. The first being the identification with the immortal soul must be first released and secondly the sense of time must be adjusted into the pattern of the NOW.

You have been given the idea of assuring the continuity of life through participating in your soul’s purpose.  This purpose assures your happiness as a personality and joy as a soul as it represents your ability to love as both.  You would be wise to consider joy and happiness as an indicator of success in some way but it is a personality and soul happiness and joy is based upon contentment in the creation and the organization of your life to contribute to the group life.  This contentment is based upon a knowingness that your life actions are at one with the groups and nothing can be gained outside of the group will be perceived as a soul.

Your awareness of the group will is a product of your success as a soul to register the composite group making up the body of a Heavenly Man along your Ray line.  This group of lives makes decisions based upon the general good of the composite unit which you are a part and also reflects the composite good of the other groups, which together reflect the totality of the seven rays.  These groups represented on this planet are likewise represented on all other planets in the solar system and in this way we play our part in the purpose for which the system was created.  You must remember it is not the planetary Logos’ we are talking about but their energetic pattern reflections upon the plane of cosmic etheric and cosmic physical. You have been given the idea that these group of lives existing mental matter and to a certain extent do as this represents an aspect of the seven head centers on the physical level.

You have been given the idea of registering for your brethren the possibility of being in control of their lives and in this way achieve group soul connection.  It is important to note that karmic factors play an important part in the determination of the group in making the decision to train someone. For one of us there were twenty karmic factors to consider. In each case there are contribution factors also.  You might find that the group will sponsor an individual for initiation training once they have proved themselves capable of soul consciousness but more importantly is the ability of the individual to align with Plan contingents, or not, given the difficulty of the times.

For each is it different, for the person we are using as an example, it is a matter of leaving behind the past that allowed the group to work with them or not and this decision was made by their soul.  You must remember that each soul has a past that they are working towards completing and in this way meet their karmic goals as well (we are well pleased with their decisions as a soul and hope for a rewarding future of working together).

Certain souls are given information that registers the group’s permission to train them and, in this way, more quickly achieve their life goals as a soul in the process.  The goal is to graduate and to receive working discipleship papers, so-to-speak, once their life plan is approved. We are given many opportunities to enhance our ability to serve and with these in mind we continuously try to address our own unique limitations.

As a disciple working with other souls, you have been given the idea of registering for those souls or aspirants you are responsible for certain exercises through their soul which will align their brain and individual will to the soul and in this way pave the road to well-being.  These exercises provided herein relate to the idea of eventually achieving a subjective orientation and better relax each into a more reflective framework for making decisions. Also, the goal is to enhance each of life’s co-participants understanding what is needed each moment to have a working relationship with the soul. You must endeavor to show them a way to proceed by your actions and demeanor and in this way they will understand. You must respect each person’s right to differ with you even under the most obvious mistaken belief and in this way will prove helpful at a later time. You must make every effort to derive a sense of cooperation with each participant to work out a program of understanding that will work for them where they are at. You must endeavor to see them in the light of their soul to access useful information in the moment to meet real needs. You must sense within them what it is that inspires them. You must endeavor to see them in the light they expect. You must endeavor to believe in them under all conditions. You must see to it they are understood and appreciated for their contributions. You must understand each person’s desire for spirituality. You must see them as part of the Plan. You must endeavor to use your talents to make them aware of their part in that Plan as timing permits. You must endeavor to see them as eventually joining the inner group life successfully. You must endeavor to see them accomplish their life goals as a soul and in that way cheat death of its prize. You must remember that each soul has reason for what they do and an experience to go along with it. You must remember also that each soul derives their wisdom from a different source. You must remember that each soul derives pleasure differently in life also. You must understand that each soul expects you will honor their perspectives and insure them of your presence by being there as a soul for them to assist them to attain the fruits of the initiation overshadowing them. .


Rule No. VI:

This next rule states that each soul must deliver its share of participation in the Plan to pass on the Cosmic Etheric Plane.  This rule also states that the importance of each soul’s contribution must exceed that which he derived from the One Life.

Each of you have been given the idea of registering for your next initiation an important revelation.  This particular revelation is that much of the One Plan you are able to cognize at your point on the Path. This revelation includes monadic perspective and not that of the soul. This revelation is registered by the soul but needs to be grounded in brain awareness of the initiate.   This revelation is not an inevitable thing but must be invoked and received so it is important to leave mind space open for this and not get too identified with the personality life.  Wise to add that many lose opportunity when revelation hovering over their space waiting to be received but it is not recognized due to cluttered inner space.

You would be wise to add the following story of Master Hilarion when he was training a group of disciples not long ago. Out of the forty disciples in his inner group, there were twenty-six (26) that did not register the revelation when given the opportunity and thus eliminated their chance for initiation until the next cycle.

Even if the revelation is received in brain awareness it still needs to be integrated into your day to day activities successfully.  You would be wise to see this process of revelation, as the soul’s willingness to make it available to serve the planet. It is in this way that integration proceeds between the three periodic vehicles and consciousness unfold.

You might find it interesting to view your life as nothing more than a series of ever expanding levels of revelations—personality, soul, or monadic; each level being of a different quality and concern; each level also being related to a higher and higher body within those aspects of yourself.  At the first initiation the source of the revelation is from the group soul on the first sub-plane of Soul plane; the second from the atmic plane; the third from the monadic plane; the fourth form the logoic plane; the fifth from Shamballa; the sixth from the cosmic astral plane. Each of these sources of revelations in some way delineates your alignment to yourself.  At the first initiation there is that alignment with the group soul or to that part of yourself which has been with you since the beginning of your existence, but this is the first time you have recognized it on the physical plane.  At the second initiation the alignment to the atmic plane is registered for the first time—this is your essential group Self on its own plane and not reflected.  At the third initiation your alignment takes place with the Monad as this is the cause of the essential Self and this is registered direct for the first time.  At the fourth initiation the origin of Self is first contacted as this is the plane where Akasha in its original form resides.  At the fifth initiation, it is Shamballa that for the first time becomes the Group Soul replacement for the initiate as he is not part of the human kingdom any longer.  At the sixth initiation, the initiates enter into alignment for the first time with Sanat Kamara and from this moment becomes his personal ambassador in the cosmos—so to speak.  It would be wise for each of you to comment here as to the revelation hovering over the borderline of your awareness.

You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to address what fears you might have on becoming more evolved.  It is a process not unlike being given great power and wealth in the world and thus responsible must be wisely approached or lives get ruined.  His purpose of testing is easily perceived.  You must be ready to receive your gifts.

What are the natures of your gifts? Where do they originate? How come they are what they are? What manner are they unfolded? How is it I have these gifts? What is the order of their unfoldment?  Each of these questions can be answered once spirit, soul, mind, brain is aligned together.  It is towards this end that all spiritual paths are derived, and it is to this end we must find our way Home.

You have been given the idea that each of you have developed many gifts over many lives and this is so but these must first find you aligned with one’s monadic purpose they are destined to bestowed with once the Law of Karma is replaced by the Law of Destiny through the energy of Grace.

Attributes – Spiritual and Divine Qualities as Gifts

With each contemplative episode, and normally with the energetic pattern of Grace, there comes spiritual gifts which require development and use to bridge between the Law of Groups and the Law of Spirit.  These gifts or kingdom, Deva and Creative Hierarchy related attributes sources appear to come first from the fifth kingdom as existing kingdom attributes. Later, during the ongoing initiatory processes (not an event) the soul impacted subjective presented attributes will drop into the working disciple’s consciousness related to major meditative themes in a highly deductive and organized manner. Gifts and their order are descriptive of one’s soul and monadic purposes.

Within the contemplative process, the Technique of Fusion is utilized by the soul and one of the fruits of this technique is the appearance of existing and presented attributes to the disciple which appears always to be initiated by the energetic pattern of Grace. It is if the Lords of Karma appropriated a unique type of purpose and thus plan to be now carried out by the working disciple to address the karma of a heavenly Man. Over time these attribute appropriations appear to increase and mostly come in as a grouping of attributes as opposed to just one attribute or spiritual gift.

These qualities and gifts concern divine attributes and capacities for which we have as yet no words as they lie beyond the scope of human consciousness, being utterly unknown even to advanced human beings.  They only begin to manifest as tendencies between the second and the third initiations, in the same way as the instincts in a small child are, in reality, the germs of later intellectual attitudes and activities.  R&I, pp. 118-119

Spiritual gifts cannot be understood by the words that try to capture them but only by their use in respect to the larger group Plan. These gifts appear to be generated by the various higher kingdoms.  The initial gifts were from various group units of the fifth kingdom associated to the ashrams and sub-ashram groupings.  Their purpose is not forthcoming initially and they need to be mastered over time to generate their truer purpose and function in respect to the larger group Plan. It can take many years to fully develop them as they intended to be used. Never assume they are for one’s personality or Son of Mind’s purposes as they never are.

The moment the initiate or the disciple sees, even dimly, the light of the Spiritual Triad which veils and hides the Central Spiritual Sun, he realises that all other lights—that of the atom of matter, that of the form and that of the soul itself—must inevitably fade out in the stupendous glory and brilliance which emanate from God Himself and which he senses as in process of revelation.  He becomes absorbed—intellectually, intuitively, spiritually and finally factually—in that Light.  Here I would remind you that just as the light of the soul revealed to the struggling aspirant a new vision, set for him new goals, enhanced all qualities present in his equipment, and revealed the past, the present and the future of the individual, so this still greater light reveals to the initiate a horizon so vast that it has hitherto escaped his capacity and is yet but possible to vision by an initiate of the third degree, endows him with an occult perception hitherto not realised as existing—a perception which permits him to penetrate increasingly and to cooperate understandingly in the purpose of the Lord of the World.  It enables him later to develop the equipment—qualities and gifts of a divine nature—which will eventually enable him to take his place in the Council Chamber at Shamballa and work in full unanimity with the Lords of Karma. R&I, p. 118

What is not hard to describe is the tremendous number of present real needs contacted coming to the disciple from the various kingdoms including the deva kingdom in which they have karma with.  Every kingdom below the sixth is invoking or requesting assistance in some form or another.  The number of gifts or abilities and capacities required to assist is significant and forces one to commit or shut their eyes and ears to the many lives imprisoned upon the lower three planes. In a real sense it requires a true balancing of perspective, courage, and perseverance but most importantly true occult obedience. Without this you will fail but you will not realize it for a while and then you will need to retrace your steps but will be more consciously informed and balanced.

It is easy to see that over time one realizes they do not have the necessary capacities to assist these multitude of life forms and see the virtue of expanding their capacity.  I say this with the realization that there is also an ever greater alignment to the spiritual will and divine will that overshadows this earlier understanding of capacity expansion in meeting Plan contingents.

We receive more assistance and gifts then we could imagine but it requires significant time to develop all the many gifts or spiritual attributes proffered for group service from the various new sources of contacts wishing to secure your assistance.  One is always amazed by all of the possible attributes of deity developed over time available to us for our use in service to the One Life.  Unless you been under the constant tutelage of Grace so-to-speak you will not understand as these are linked to the Law of Destiny discussed later.

We each have unique potentials unfolded during our evolutionary cycle we can contribute to the planetary purpose objectives.  Outlined below, and interestingly, are just a few of those unique attribute potentials brought in by an example disciple (from another scheme) as distinctive from those proffered in this planetary scheme.

  • Demonstrated the ability to register impressions outside of the solar system for the benefit of others.
  • Demonstrated the ability to bring the experiences of other solar systems into the planetary ring-pass-not.
  • Demonstrated the ability to assist others in the development of unique traits or capacities.
  • Demonstrated the ability to develop several technologies to be made available to the race.
  • Demonstrated the development of several areas of the mind not before heard of.
  • Demonstrated several abilities previously unknown to the human race.
  • Demonstrated the abilities to bring in energies from the seventh cosmic path not registered before.
  • Demonstrated certain abilities only demonstrated by sixth degree initiates.

Master D.K. appears to acknowledge even greater attributes of deity which I imagine are from the Creative Hierarchies that have been liberated from the Cosmic Physical Plane. Please remember our earlier discussion on the 6th, 7th, and 8th Creative Hierarchies within the Cosmic Physical plane ring-pass-not which appear to be available to the third, fourth and fifth degree initiates. I say this without any real knowingness of its truth value. I only have confirmation the ability of receiving gifts from the 6th Creative Hierarchy (Greater Builders) and the fifth and sixth kingdoms but there is a corresponding relationship to kingdoms and creative hierarchies; and in respect to the difference between existing attributes, presented attributes, and divine attributes.

The three aspects of the will, as focussed in the Spiritual Triad, are now in full expressions the initiate is animated by Purpose, but faces still greater evolutionary developments; of these I do not need to speak, as they concern divine aspects as yet unknown and unregistered by man.  The reason for this complete ignorance is that the vehicles of any man below the third initiation contain too much “impure matter” to record the impact of these divine qualities.  Only the “created body” (the mayavirupa) of an initiate of the fourth initiation can begin to register these divine impacts; it is therefore waste of our time to consider even the possibility of their existence.  Even I, a Master, and therefore an initiate of a relatively high degree, am only faintly sensing them, and that because I am learning to obey the fifth word which we will briefly, very briefly, now consider. (Bailey, The Rays and The Initiations, 1960, pp. 316-317)

The life of contemplation is truly a mystical, occult and magical life of the spiritual triad (Mind of God reflection) as it manifests within the three worlds on a daily basis. Each day if pursued as intended increases ones capacity for service and an occult perspective the disciple never thought possible. It also permits him to enter into relationship with more subtle esoteric groups of beings and eventually, it appears consciously with the Council Chamber at Shamballa. This all becomes possible through the adorning of divine attributes beginning after the second planetary initiation as one builds the Antahkarana.

The second group of energies are those coming to the disciple from the Spiritual Triad.  These are relatively new to him and embody divine qualities of which he has hitherto known nothing; even theoretically he knows little, and his attitude towards them has hitherto been largely speculative.  Since he first put his foot upon the Path, he has been trying to build the antahkarana.  Even that has meant for him an act of faith, and he proceeds in the early stages with the work of building, yet scarcely knowing what he does. Alice A. Bailey, Rays & Initiation, pp. 709-710

Below is a list of Spiritual Gifts that dropped into the  consciousness during meditation associated with the energetic pattern of Grace as examples from one disciple’s experiences:

The Gift of Strategy

The Gift of Spirit

The Gift of Willful Endeavor

The Gift of Continuity of Mind Focus

The Gift of Achieving Information from the Heaven Worlds

The Gift of Advance Light Formulas

The Gift of Coded Thought Thought-Forms

The Gift of Tapping the Rain-cloud of Knowable things

The Gift of Soul Communication

The Gift of Being One with World Affairs

The Gift to See in the Future in Terms of the Animal Body

The Gift of Fore-ever more—of that which you apperceive as the Source of your being

The Gift of Speaking in Riddles that can be understood

The Gift of Natural Being—allowing me to become one with Environment

The Gift of Prescience of Concrete Mind Direction

The Gift of Karmic Prescience—ability to adjust karma into the future in terms of the senses

The Gift of Prescience in terms of World Personality

The Gift of Tolerance that allows me to accept anything

The Gift of Loving Presence with Others leads to—

The Gift of Compassionate Understanding (in the Future)

The Gift of Telling Others the Truth in ways they can accept it.

The Gift of Christ Presence 7th Ray

The Gift of Prescience 7th Ray

The Gift of Transcendence 7th Ray

The Gift of Healing 5th Ray

The Gift of Resonance 5th Ray

The Gift of Grace 5th Ray

The Gift of Karmic Necessity in terms of Hierarchical Mandates

The Gift of Emotional Necessity in terms of making a personal connection with others

The Gift of Seeing into the Hearts of Others to know what they are about as personalities

The Gift of Isolating Impressions

The Gift of Comprehending the Condition of the Environment

The Gift of Persuasion for us

The Gift of Touch of Acquiescence of Soul

The Gift of Miracles for us.

The Gift of Being in Control of Own Destiny

The Gift of Moving the Planetary Life into the Unknown

The Gift of Equal Contribution to the task at hand—consciously

The Gift of Being in Charge of all Activities

The Gift of Spirit Knowledge that leads to Power

The Gift of Fortuitous Work

The Gift of Exorcisms

The Gift of Assured Self Presence

The Gift of Mental concentration

The Gift of “Automatic Writing”

The Gift of Automatic Speaking

The Gift of Memorization.

The Gift of Christ Presence

The Gift of Loving Expression

The Gift of Certitude in the teaching of Ancient Wisdom Teachings

The Gift of Sacrifice


Gifts from spirit of this disciple which appear to be different than other souls.

Gift of Assurance by Spirit (When spirit taking action.)

Gift to obtain the unknown ways of God

Gift to see into unknown regions of gods mind.

Gift to identify with other Solar Systems knowing ness Space.

Gift to contact Lord of the World.

Gift to identify with purpose of personality content of all beings in Galaxy.

Gift to work with Devic Groups reifying Cosmic Para-Brahmans:

— Cosmic Triadal Fields

— Cosmic Soul Fields

— Cosmic Personality Fields

Gift to work with Devas ensouling all globes in Solar System.

Gift to work with all Solar Avatars coming into System.

Gift to ensoul any kingdom below 6th.

Gift to comprehend the nature of the Plan for Galaxy. Gift to know the Purpose for which the worlds were created.

Gift to organize primal matter into forms


Gifts from 3rd ray ashram:

Gift of love for others; this will share with others when the torch of aspiration is created in the love:

Gift of Assurance upon the path: Needs to be shared with others in helping them find their path.

Gift of Reassurance of the Way: shared with others in the search for truth.

Gift of Reassurance for the Multitudes of the presence:

Gift of Foresight/Insight into the Inner Round of Deity: heaven worlds: Share the idea of the justice and rightness of life; also, compassion.

Gift of Knowledge of the plan: assist others to align and play their part.

Gift of Resolute Knowledge of the Journey—knowledge thru experience that has been resolved by self. Help others find this resolute knowledge in their journey.

Gift of Reasonable Assurance of Spirit; you have been given the right to enter into spirit & know spirits needs in a situation. As you align your will exactly with the will of spirit those gifts appear (your livingness is in your love; your dharma is as you align your will with spiritual will more exactingly).


Other Gifts from various sources:

Gift of faith healing

Gift of assured presence of the unknown

Gift of being able to relate to all peoples

Gift to know the sources of your being

Gift of seeing into the hearts of others to know what they are about

Gift of reasonable assurance as to their life plan

Gift of Prescience on the physical plane

Gift of registering for others the importance of their karmic path

Gift of registering the hearts & minds of loved ones related to you

Gift of prescience of  concrete mind direction

Gift of registering health related problems

Gift of assuring others as to their place in the world

Gift of assuring others as to the reason for a thing

Gift of registering the brain thought of another

Gift of finding unknown places physically

Gift of spiritual healing

Gift of distant healing

Gift of knowing the truth of a situation

Gift of natural selection—who will live & who will die.



Buddhic Vision—to know what is wrong in an instant

Gift to resonate with buddhic /Spiritual Soul to know what they will become & teh purpose for which they exist.

Gift to see cosmic patterns

–gift to see in the dark sky

–gift to see through devas

–gift to see in the mists of the rainclouds

–gift to see in the etheric shadows

Gift of assuring others that their life is important to me.

Gift of being kind to others whatever they do or have done

Gift of re-assuring others as to their place in the world

Gift of registering for others the importance of their work in the world

Gift of escorting others into the inner mysteries

Gift of resurrecting their spiritual lives

Gift of assuring others of the gathering of the Lord’s workers

Gift of assuring others as to the life model they need to create

Gift of assuring others as to the way they can make a difference in the world

Gift of assuring others as to how to behave

Gift of assuring others on a successful life lived

Gift of assuring others on improving their well-being

Gift of re-assuring others on a way to relate to the world to be happy

Gift of re-assuring others on a way to believe in themselves


It appears that the truer embodiment of divine attributes is the evolutionary devas composing the body of the Heavenly Man which man unifies with upon the buddhic plane and thus has affectedly embodied.

In the planes of the Triad they are known as a unity, producing the Divine Hermaphrodite, or the Heavenly Man,—the self-conscious human units embodying the three aspects of divinity, while the conscious deva units embody the divine attributes.  The two, blended together, form the body of manifestation, the centres and substance of the Heavenly Man.  Alice A. Bailey, Treatise Cosmic Fire (TCF), p.663

This subjective Source impressions were mentally registered, recorded and brain conceptualized and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impressions herein are the responsibility of the Author – H.Z.

Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part II
Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part III, Evaluation Model & Exercises