Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Last Angel

Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part II

(Group of Organized Minds & Group of 14)

Rule No. VII:

This next rule states that each soul must endeavor to demonstrate, through his will, the necessity of establishing a relationship to the cosmic etheric plane that contributes to the function of the One Ashram in such a way that the Purpose of deity is met.

You have been given the idea that the world of humanity is but a chore to the soul and once this chore is complete it can return to its own agenda.  You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to bathe yourself in this Son of Righteousness that went through the human kingdom in an earlier solar system. You would also be wise in being alerted to the possibility that each of us the propensity to engender responsibility that is not really ours.  It is this un-necessary and misplaced responsibility that sidetracks us from the life we were meant to live.  It is difficult to know when this is happening; we only begin to get a glimpse of this once the soul realizes its agenda is not being met, as the soul pays no attention to the personality unless in a crisis. The soul then gets the attention of the personality by letting the personally know it needs to release this form it is mistakenly identifying with.

This takes place through one of four ways, five if you include direct communication. The first way is the establishing of limits within the group soul context of cooperation with any others involved; the second is the including of the personality in a nightly ritual attempting to impress upon the personality its concerns in a symbolic dream; the third is the creation of a karmic form projected into their auric field that will eventually act as a determent to their behavior by blinding them as to the unfolding of a set of events. The fourth through the ability of the soul to influence others around them and not to support their process. It is these four or five things that are constantly taking place in people’s lives to better inform them of possible choices they could be making. All in all, it is a process not unlike parents use with their children. We would like you to take some time to evaluate these four things in the example disciple’s life now:

This example disciple’s soul is trying to communicate to his personality its relationship to Sanat Kumara’s relationship to the monad. This relationship is unlike others in that his was created for his tenure in this life as a blessing for him but yet a chore for the inner group soul which bows to the necessity of the monad’s purpose. He would be wise to do everything he can to liberate himself this life in body for his time has come in respect to monadic destiny.

His soul is also trying to communicate the cause of his personality suffering which is due to his belief he is not loved—he is being told over and over that he is loved by all soul/personalities in their own way but not the one to his in advert making. He would be loved more if he took a personal interest in them at times.

For each of us the spiritual soul is trying to get us to believe in our self normally in one or more of these four ways:

First, in our divine destiny;

Second, in our holiness;

Third, in our unique service or place in the world;

and lastly, our need to hold the correct humility especially in context to our dweller patterns in context to the true pattern of Self held by the Angel of the Presence.  As disciples, our destiny has been co-arranged – just act and trust.

You, as a disciple, have been given notice of a way to proceed that delineates a refined tuning in and of your awareness to the soul’s real needs for you. It is in this way the world you live in will be altered over time to reflect your chosen life.  We want you to know that each of you come from a long background of fiddling with your life in an effort to make it work.  This is the type of thing the personality does to rationalize its existence; this is not how the soul works—it works directly with assurance of its goal. Think for a moment and get a sense of what areas of your life that you do work or “fiddle” with in this fashion.

You have been given an understanding of the soul’s process in organizing the life of the personality to carry out its objectives; this is a two-fold process—the type of personality forms created before birth and those after the physical birth.  The importance of the physical birth is that it is the soul’s way of creating freedom for itself under law. It is a law that the soul stays a prisoner of the planet for as long as it takes for self-liberation to occur; it is in this way that it is motivated for actual results. The soul too has its karma that is difficult for us to understand as it lies back in the mists of time; and this is why each monad chooses the soul that will better unfold its plans within some solar systemic epoch.

The monad itself regulates the types of duties through attaching and/or attracting to the soul situations requiring from it certain responses to other souls. It is in this way productive of results through each soul aligning to another. In other words, we require each other to progress. The ability of the soul to see itself is a product of long ages of registering its environment as it is in this way that it achieves corrective action on the environment and reflects its position in the group life.  It is this reflected group life position that eventually relates each soul to the One Soul in such a way that it serves the interest of the planet and thus God or the One Life. You would be wise to see this process as one by which the monad is able to achieve its objectives. You would also be wise to see this process as one in which Sanat Kumara is able to unfold his purpose.

You have been given the earlier idea that each of you have developed many gifts over many lives and this is so but you must first align with monadic purpose which is destined once the Law of Karma is replaced by the Law of Destiny through the energetic pattern of Grace.

A Cycle of Karma Creation, Initiation, and the Law of Destiny Introduced

A true concept of Karma is difficult to explain in any fullness due to it being causative related to cycles and the timing of group event. Consciousness can be understood as a set of forms and is intimately related to time and events thus karma, time, events, and consciousness are inseparable.

You have been given the understanding that all karmic forms are created indirectly by Ray related Lives cycling with creative or radiatory purpose into and out of incarnation creating group related forms composed of previously tinted karmic spirit-matter lower lives or 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th creative hierarchical lives responsible for the forms manifesting through the lower three planes. Thus, all karma has a ray component and is brought to awareness in group (and thus individual) consciousness once it is realized that the associated forms has outlived their usefulness in meeting present deity and thus group desire-purpose. In other words, they reflect present stage of evolution of consciousness.  Cycles of personality-soul-spirit integration imply a dis-identification from form or karmic embodiment due to progress of Ray expression or an idea whose time has come thus removing existing patterned forms to make way for the new patterns of divine Will or Desire.  Initiation is that which is responsible for the progress in Ray expression, divine Will or greater Life Intent. Ray karma can only be addressed when associated Ray is in process of expression or radiatory cycling through the planes creating forms and potential consciousness and event types. Thus, the incarnation of associated ray groups historically giving rise to civilizations and cultures. The same phenomenon applies to the life of the individual disciple in respect to their altering of their reality paradigm under the initiation processes over time caused by a series of revelation forms and events opening up a more inclusive set of lives on other dimensions and in effect the altering of their consciousness and identify.

Disciples experientially define initiations as embodying three recognitions:

  1. A recognition of the end of a cycle of happenings, i.e., retrospection. (Author: Form destruction)
  2. The recognition of the appearance of an eventual yet imminent cycle, i.e., prevision. (Author: Form creation)
  3. An acceptance of initiation or a recognition of its occurrence, i.e., the present attitude. (Author: Fitness Crisis being/or continued to be demonstrated)

Here you have, in relation to the initiate, a situation which includes past, present and future, and—in this presentation of the Eternal Now to the attentive eyes and heart of the initiate—you have what is, for him, at his particular point of initiatory unfoldment, the consummation of all vision or visions. This tends to definite progress; it obliterates what is usually understood by Karma; it initiates new and spiritual causes which—in their turn—magnetically project the initiate onward until (at the sixth initiation) he “no longer needs incentive, for vision is incentive and the pull of the spiritual magnetism upon our planetary life.” Thus it may be occultly expressed. Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, Volume II (DINA II), pp. 339-340

These recognitions with their circulating conditioning energies and subjective life contacts depicts the creative process of cyclical Ray expression or karma form creation thus destruction by default as the new descending to manifest pattern is embodied by the qualities of the seven Creative Hierarchies as they are evoked through the Ray Lives in their creative processes of descending to manifest. Thus, when we are identified with the fifth, sixth, or seventh creative hierarchies (the past and present) we are also identified with the karmic forms they embody, and these are the basis of identification and thus karmic related suffering or joy of the soul due to its release from the personality into the higher inner planes.

Consciousness expansion or initiation into newness can also be understood to be that which leads to the initiation of new more inclusive plane and ray contacts and thus service goals; and this leads to liberation from old contacts and goals. A Cycle of Initiation can be noted when one finds themselves coming out of a major burning ground scenario that has generated a “stillness vision”.  Various rules for initiation also apply but not herein discussed. Burning ground can likewise be understood as an awareness acquired for the necessity to destroy a karmic form from the inside out and action taken to accomplish this among other things. The number of “stillness visions” invoked in one life in body indicates the number of cycles of initiation invoked in general. It is not always easy to tell the difference without a knowledge of the science of the path between a “stillness vision” and a vision related to some stage of discipleship and/or the appropriation of a vehicle by the soul.  “Stillness visions” do have that seemingly unique “peace which surpasses understanding” from the buddhic plane. They also indicative of procedure, location and objective; plus they also symbolically indicate the end of a karmic cycle in some way per the vision content.

The following is a given description of a “stillness vision” or First Point of Revelation:

The First Point of Revelation: Energy follows thought and the eye directs the energy.

…We are to concern ourselves with that which lies behind the mental perception of the ordinary man and with the revelation which comes to the initiate disciple as he stands within the ashram and perceives—as a result of the initiatory process—the nature of the divine Plan, as it can be seen working out on various planes of our planetary existence. There are three things which the initiate notes as the new panorama unfolds in flashing light before him:

  1. The point of tension which precedes revelation. There is much to be considered in relation to tension as the forerunner of initiation and its subsequent revelation.
  2. The stillness by which the revealing vision is surrounded, if I may so inadequately express the idea. The revelation is given to the initiate as if there was nothing in all the world but himself (a point of tension) and a vortex of force which takes form before his eyes, revealing to him an inevitable but future activity.
  3. The level upon which the revelation (apprehended at the highest possible point of consciousness for the initiate) must eventually be materialised or brought into being.

Initiation is always taken on levels of consciousness higher than the mental, and the initiate must not only realise the significance of the revelation but must also know the sphere of activity of which it will be the inspiration. I would have you ponder on the wording of this last sentence.

Each of the five points of revelation indicates to the initiate: procedure, location and objective. DINA II, pp. 372-373

Thus, a Cycle of Aspiration is the creation and experience of the soul embodied within a set of created karmic forms (form of devotion, form of persona, form of , and causal body form or spiritual life path) after its last successful expansion into newness or new contacts initiating a transition into a greater life.

What about a Cycle of Aspiration, when does it begin?  One can easily argue that any need or renunciation of the present circumstances will lead to a new alignment to some inner or outer source which will produce a crisis of the existing pattern of relationship or an upsetting in the present balance and this can only be resolved by taking new action and initiating a plan for resolve. Thus, one aspires to make a real change in their environment inner or outer as one reflects the other and resolves itself in the creation of a new environment inner and outer. A Cycle of Aspiration can be noted once one has initiated the creation of their new forms to express a new pattern of embodied livingness with expanding new contacts, abilities, and objectives and is in process of expressing this new livingness which will eventually evoke a potential point of revelation once karmic forms has outlived its purpose.  The long run effect of aspiration is accepted discipleship which leads to eventually a cycle of destiny creation through Grace linking the disciple now to monadic purpose opportunities the goal of each of the initiations.  This goal only applies to the solar initiations as the first two planetary are completed at the third and the fourth planetary initiations.

Initiation or planetary integration provides an opportunity for  a new expansion into the unknown or new opportunities through new contacts. Expansion that leads to new contacts represents a new alignment and potential Self-identity.  All new alignments lead to new cycles of planetary integration. It is this new alignment to spirit in this case that permits the “stillness vision.”  Thus, the beginning of a new cycle of initiation can be understood to also coincide with a new cycle of planetary integration for the purposes of this heuristic analysis but in general true anyway. I do also acknowledge that a cycle of evolution or planetary integration or initiation are all reflective of the fact that they represent being descending to manifest (in stages) under the Law of those that chose to die whether a planetary Logos, a solar Logos, or a human Unit.

The first point of revelation symbolized by a stillness vision, symbolically denotes the process creating of a new form or in effect the embodying of a new idea whose time has come. This is why a disciple’s “stillness vision,” symbolizing the first point of revelation, always depicts the above three recognitions. Initiates, through revelation, are responsible for bringing in of these new patterns under the Law of Destiny or the bringing of the future into the present.  We each bring in the future at our own pace and if according to the monadic-purpose related Plan than through the Law of Destiny but if according to the soul-purpose related plan, so-to-speak, then through the Law of Karma. This is why some civilizations and cultures are 1000 years behind others. They are a product of group consciousness and those individuals who make up these groupings.

Revelation seldom breaks in all its completed beauty into the consciousness of the disciple; it is a gradual and steadily unfolding process. The three words I have given you as descriptive of the stages concern the individual disciple or initiate and express the stages of the impact of the revelation upon his mind. There are paralleling inner causes which are responsible for the outer stages of Penetration, Polarisation and Precipitation. These are:

  1. The stage of the “advancing point of light.”
  2. The stage of right direction or the focussing of the “advancing” potency.
  3. The stage of spiritual impact.

Again here (if you could but see it) you have an illustration of the processes and interaction of Invocation and Evocation and of the establishing of a triple relation between an inner reality and the outer man, the disciple on his own plane; you have an evocative activity of so potent a nature that it produces corresponding exoteric attitudes and expressions. In reality, you have here a phase of the working of the Law of Cause and Effect, demonstrated in a most illustrative manner. As the Law of Karma makes its presence felt upon the outer physical plane, you have the evidence before your eyes of the three stages of Penetration, Polarisation and Precipitation. At the same time, on the inner planes, and because of the existence of the inner reality, you have the three corresponding stages of Advancing Light, Right Direction, Impact. You have here also an indication of the close interrelation of the outer and the inner, producing a condition wherein the disciple creates a situation analogous to the phase—the long phase—of his creation of karma and its final precipitation in (so-called) “critical” disaster in his physical plane life. DINA II, pp. 321-322

There is really little difference between a Cycle of Aspiration towards a new creation embodiment and a cycle of karma creation as each set of form creations is created based upon some type of aspiration.  Love can be practical defined on the lower planes as the function and purpose for which some-thing is created that we choose to identify with.  Unfortunately, it is normally inspired by personality desire of some sorts and not by the monadic group which in this case would then come under the Law of Destiny.

Karma creation is never really just an individual creation, and neither can the correct form be created by an imperfect god or human in an imperfect world given substance availability tinted with the past.  The past matter and forms have to give place to the present, and the present to the future patterns of “love” expressed by both deity and humanity. What really is the source and nature of a karmic form can only be understood by those that can enter into the World of Causes and see the original intent or Purpose of the Divine Thought that generated the “idea” pattern within the Universal Mind that eventually manifests or is embodied through humanity, the group, and the individual over time in their various ray conditioned forms. It is the history of “ideas” unfolding through acts of creation and each according to the current vision held with their corresponding ability to love. Each act of creation has a set of consequences normally unforeseen yet is aspired to at the time as these are believed to bring some degree of happiness, joy or bliss to those that create them in some useful fashion. Such is the true nature of our spiritual paths which is also our karmic paths, life paths, as there is no difference.

Form creation is about consciously co-creating our lives to maximize our spiritual potential. This spiritual potential is experienced through that meaningfulness, that significance, and that purposefulness in our lives that we can actually perceive and identify with. It is about recognition of who we are and what we may be. We identify with these forms as they provide us the desired self-image both the in the present and the future.  This path to the group or the individual is the path of “Happiness, Joy, and Bliss.” It is also by default a karmic path, for others it is a life path, a career path, a destiny path, a path of hope and of promise, a path of knowledge and of wisdom, a path of love and understanding, path of self-awareness; for all, it is a path of unfoldment of creative potential (thus spiritual for us). It provides each with the Potential for what—for more life however qualified.  This creative path through our vision held is a way to express the downward and forward pressure effects of the inner group pattern playing upon us producing newness or expansion along some new direction. The Way or Path (pattern), the Will (pattern), and Energy (pattern) are equivalent terms.   Your will is that much of the One Will that you can identify with.  The Will is incentive to replace the lesser for the greater (happiness, joy, and bliss ultimately) from one’s own vision perspective.  These visional incentive patterns activates our will to create some vital and active program, formulated by each and self-initiated by each.  The life forms created and developed over most past lives veil the soul’s intended life pattern symbolizing expression of a life purpose and also of the larger group soul’s intent. Thus, each set of forms created by the individual is in some way inadequate to express this group intent and over time becomes their prison thus the forms are destroyed by the group will.

We are a synthesis of life, consciousness, and intelligent activity these three constantly interrelating producing various patterns of being and potential we call our life. We also are a synthesis of will, quality, and form producing in a different sense a creative potential for Self-expression through our three-fold personality bodies or vehicles of expression or patterns of beingness.  It is the creative potential for Self-expression that life eventually teaches us.  Not so much as who we are but what we may or will be once we come under the Law of Destiny. The Law of Destiny is closely related to time as the initiate understands it – or the now future.

Time has to be grasped by you in its cyclic nature and in the inevitable swing of the pendulum between past and future as they both affect the present; secondly, in the adjustment which you have to make in the present in relation to these two. Later, as you come to know yourself more wisely and to comprehend the working out in the present life of the established habits, qualities and tendencies brought into expression in past lives, you will find yourself increasingly being conditioned by emerging tendencies which are the effect of soul contact and soul impulse. These concern the future. You will then come to a fresh understanding of time and to a sense of the urgency and importance of each moment in the present. It is this process of interplay between that which has been, that which will be and that which is at any given moment which creates you, the personality, and this is for you the most needed concept. It serves to give importance to the present and also directs the future. DINA I, pp.208-209

The Law of Destiny comes into expression once we acquiesce to the now future contacted and identified with as the soul-personality. In this process the personality releases the past in the present through its identification with the apperceived pattern of the future coming in.  This release moves us into a new larger framework in relationship with the Whole or Life and thus the Plan with a corresponding new sense of group and individual purpose and thus a new creative potential.

What we are dealing with here, in connection with initiate training, is the impending realisation for which any opening cycle attests its waiting, and for the new truths and the expanded spiritual presentations which it is the destiny of the initiate to bring to the people. You will note that I choose the word “destiny” in preference to the word “karma” because in this type of work the initiate is working and practising and progressing under a Law of Destiny. This law affects the Ashram and the Hierarchy as a whole, and neither is under the Law of Karma, as usually understood. This Law of Destiny has been brought into being since the foundation of the Hierarchy on Earth; it is the result of the pledged and united dedication to service which is the outstanding note of the united Ashrams. It is therefore a sevenfold law, for it takes on the seven colours of the seven rays, the seven qualities, modes and methods, techniques and energy expressions of all the seven rays. It is therefore, as far as humanity is concerned, free from all evil, because it is selflessly motivated and is—in a measure—a difficult law for you to comprehend. Pure destiny, devoid of all evil intent, is an enigma to the average disciple. It appears to contravene other laws with which he is familiar. As the race of men achieves increasing purity in the three worlds, this pure destiny will become correspondingly effective. This is an important point upon which to reflect. DINA II, pp. 311-312.

Working under this Law of Destiny which permits the demonstration of many of the rules for initiation to be demonstrated over time or the working under the Law of Destiny permits various Rules to be demonstrated.   This became possible because the Will focus permitted the Cardinal Cross conditioning influences (through group invocation) to be responded to, fused and blended to affect both consciousness and form unfoldment.  One can only demonstrate the Rules if they had the capacity to do so and this capacity is developed through the many cyclical expression of astrological energies and forces conditioning the spirit-soul-personality consciousness and substance; thus, basically responsible for the activation of the Law of Destiny under the overarching adherence to the laws of the soul.  The Rules for initiation and the astrological conditioning forces are closely related.  You will notice that certain astrological influences (not to be discussed herein) become available after certain Laws of the Soul are reacted to and these assists in demonstrating the rules and vice versa.  The goal is also to better understand their causative the developing of interrelationships due to more inclusive contact exposure.

It is at the beginning of one’s last Cycle of Planetary Integration (or planetary initiation) that certain sensitivities to certain astrological energies can begin to become part of one’s new awareness’s initially due to full moon meditation experiences and these developing capacities to respond to certain Rules for Applicants and for Group Initiation Rules is evidence. The evidence for such itself was gathered over time due to occult meditation and decreasing the time it takes for inner experiences and comprehensions to descend to manifest in brain awareness. As an example, from one disciple’s experience, it was not until fifteen years had passed before there was any recognition of the 60 or so major astrological influences that were the causative basis for their expanded capacities and abilities demonstrated. Their brain awareness of these many esoteric astrological influences that were at work in conditioning of the monad and soul this life became more apparent as they reflected on the science of the path variables conditioning their subjective experiences. The contact and response to this series of astrological influences symbolically reflects the perfecting of humanity activity and evolution of substance and consciousness through contact and response to these symbolic 60 or so astrological related influences whose time had come in this disciple’s life due to their evocation through their livingness.

The Law of Destiny entered through cycles of planetary integration or initiation through the combining of various types of Will demonstrates the process of group created forms necessary to forward the manifestation of the larger Plan of the One Life and  depicts the intent of this rule –that each soul must endeavor to demonstrate, through his will, the necessity of establishing a relationship to the cosmic etheric plane that contributes to the function of the One Ashram in such a way that the Purpose of deity is met.

Rule No VIII:

This next rule relates to the idea that Souls focused in their triadal bodies building the Christ body are responsible to train all other souls who are focused within and on cosmic physical body (or lower three worlds) Note: Rules applying to the seven galaxies interpreted for our point in evolution.

This rule exhibits a fundamental relationship between individuals focused on cosmic physical plane and those focused on cosmic etheric planes. This relationship is one of which benefits each in their evolutionary objectives.

This rule also exhibits a constant flow of information being received from above to be applied below to achieve a satisfactory relationship to enhance the working out of the Plan.

This rule exhibits 13 lesser set of rules in time and space preventing an immature presentation of the teachings from reaching the masses.

The importance of this rule is that it tends to give the advantage to those on the outer side as it is difficult for those on the inner side to isolate themselves in unity with the One when they must stay orientated to the outer cosmic physical plane.

This rule also applies to masters on the first cosmic path. It is difficult for those of us on this outer side to see the tremendous amount of effort that goes into training probationary disciples. It is also difficult for us to see what sacrifices are made on our behalf.

You might ask yourself how one can achieve Mastership (or form freedoms) in my life; this is a question that your soul can answer for each of you. This is the goal for this second solar system and is an eventual inevitability.

Two (2) of the thirteen (13) lessor set of rules was given out by A.A.B in her books Initiation Human and Solar and The Rays and the Initiations and was called the Fourteen rules for (Applicants and) Group Initiation quoted below. The 15 Rules in Treatise on White Magic by A.A.B. was another of these sets. These two sets of lessor rules are quoted below:

Rule I.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple search within the heart’s deep cave.  If there the fire burns bright, warming his brother yet heating not himself, the hour has come for making application to stand before the door.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Within the fire of mind, focussed within the head’s clear light, let the group stand.  The burning ground has done its work.  The clear cold light shines forth and cold it is and yet the heat—evoked by the group love—permits the warmth of energetic moving out.  Behind the group there stands the Door.  Before them opens out the Way.  Together let the band of brothers onward move—out of the fire, into the cold, and toward a newer tension.

Rule II.

For Applicants:  When application has been made in triple form, then let the disciple withdraw that application and forget it has been made.

For Disciples and Initiates:  The Word has now gone forth from the great point of tension:  Accepted as a group.  Withdraw not now your application.  You could not, if you [Page 20] would; but add to it three great demands and forward move.  Let there be no recollection and yet let memory rule.  Work from the point of all that is within the content of the group’s united life.

Rule III.

For Applicants:  Triple the call must be and long it takes to sound it forth.  Let the disciple sound the call across the desert, over all the seas and through the fires which separate him from the veiled and hidden door.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Dual the moving forward.  The Door is left behind.  That is a happening of the past.  Let the cry of invocation issue forth from the deep centre of the group’s clear cold light.  Let it evoke response from the bright centre, lying far ahead.  When the demand and the response are lost in one great SOUND, move outward from the desert, leave the seas behind and know that God is Fire.

Rule IV.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple tend the evocation of the fire, nourish the lesser lives and thus keep the wheel revolving.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group see that all the eighteen fires die down and that the lesser lives return unto the reservoir of life.  This they must bring about through the evocation of the Will.  The lesser wheels must not for aye revolve in time and space.  Only the greater Wheel must onward move and turn.

Rule V.

For Applicants:  Let the applicant see to it that the Solar Angel dims the light of the lunar angels, remaining the sole luminary in the microcosmic sky.

For Disciples and Initiates:  In unison let the group perceive the Triad shining forth, dimming the light of the soul and blotting out the light of form.  The macrocosmic Whole is all there is.  Let the group perceive that Whole and then no longer use the thought “My soul and thine.”

Rule VI.

For Applicants:  The purificatory fires burn dim and low when the third is sacrificed to the fourth.  Therefore let the disciple refrain from taking life and let him nourish that which is lowest with the produce of the second.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group know that life is one and naught can ever take or touch that life.  Let the group know the vivid, flaming, drenching Life that floods the fourth when the fifth is known.  The fifth feeds on the fourth.  Let then the group—merged in the fifth—be nourished by the sixth and seventh and realise that all the lesser rules are rules in time and space and cannot hold the group.  It onward moves in life.

Rule VII.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple turn his attention to the enunciating of those sounds which echo in the hall where walks the Master.  Let him not sound the lesser notes which awaken vibration within the halls of Maya.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group life emit the Word of invocation and thus evoke response within those distant Ashrams where move the Chohans of the race of men.  They are no longer men as are the Masters but having passed beyond that lesser stage, have linked Themselves with the Great Council in the highest Secret Place.  Let the group sound a dual chord, reverberating in the halls where move the Masters but finding pause and prolongation within those radiant halls where move the Lights which carry out the Will of God.

Rule VIII.

For Applicants:  When the disciple nears the Portal, the greater seven must awaken and bring forth response from the lesser seven upon the double circle.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group find within itself response to the greater seven groups which carry out the hierarchical will with love and understanding.  The group contains all seven, the perfect group.  The lesser seven, the greater seven and the planetary seven form one great whole, and these the group must know.  When this is realised and the Law of the Supplementary Seven is understood let the group understand the Three and then the ONE.  This they can do with the united breath and the unified rhythm.

Rule IX.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple merge himself within the circle of the other selves.  Let but one colour blend them and their unity appear.  Only when the group is known and sensed can energy be wisely emanated.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group know there are no other selves.  Let the group know there is no colour, only light; and then let darkness take the place of light, hiding all difference, blotting out all form.  Then—at the place of tension, and at that darkest point—let the group see a point of clear cold fire, and in the fire (right at its very heart) let the One Initiator appear Whose star shone forth when the Door first was passed.

Rule X.

For Applicants:  The Army of the Voice, the devas in their serried ranks work ceaselessly.  Let the disciple apply himself to a consideration of their methods; let him learn the rules whereby the Army works within the veils of maya.

For Disciples and Initiates:  The rules for work within the veils of maya are known and have been used.  Let the group widen all the rents within those veils and thus let in the light.  Let the Army of the Voice be no more heard and let the brothers onward move within the Sound.  Then let them know the meaning of the O.M. and let them hear that O.M. as it is sounded forth by Him Who stands and waits at the very centre of the Council Chamber of the Lord.

Rule XI.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple transfer the fire from the lower triangle to the higher and preserve that which is created through the fire at the midway point.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group together move the fire within the Jewel in the Lotus into the Triad and [Page 23] let them find the Word which will carry out that task.  Let them destroy by their dynamic Will that which has been created at the midway point.  When the point of tension is reached by the brothers at the fourth great cycle of attainment, then will this work be done.

Rule XII.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple learn to use the hand in service; let him seek the mark of the Messenger in his feet and let him learn to see with the eye which looks out from between the two.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward Way and let Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour, as the group toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group.

Rule XIII.

For Applicants:  Four things the disciple must learn and comprehend before he can be shown the inmost mystery:  first, the laws of that which radiates; the five meanings of magnetisation make the second; the third is transmutation or the secret lost of alchemy; and lastly, the first letter of the Word which has been imparted, or the hidden name egoic.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery.  Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one.  Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation and may Transmutation disappear.  Let the O.M. be heard right at the centre of the group, proclaiming God is All.

Rule XIV.

For Applicants:  Listen, touch, see, apply, know.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Know, express, reveal, destroy and resurrect.

Rule No. IX:

This next rule states that all members of the Hierarchy under the leader of Hierarchy must establish a similar goal as the leader or Head of the Hierarchy.

You have been given the idea that the Christ is in charge of all activities taking place in the Lodge or Spiritual Hierarchy. This is true to a certain extent, but it is not true when it comes to allowing all members the benefit of any doubt to choose the form of service they believe will benefit the planet.  But if Ashramic resources are involved he must approve the use of them, and their uses normally are approved.

You have been given the idea that the Christ is one with the Father in all things this is not true in respect to how the One Ashram is run.  This is the function of the Christ to determine and in this way experience is gained. You would be wise to see this hierarchical process as one in which the greatest and the least are together making decisions together in synchronicity.  It is in this way the Lodge functions with one Voice because each are also one with the Father at some level as it is He that has accepted you within His Lodge.

You have been given the idea that the Lodge is a product of many energies, and each a product of greater Lives.  It is these greater lives that actually determine the extent in which the Lodge as a whole has the resources available to carry out the needs of the Plan. It is these greater Lives which permit the Lodge to go fast or slow in manifesting of their plans.

You have been given the idea that each Master of the Lodge meets with the Christ on an annual basis to go over any plans they have in lieu of the Christ’s to see if they can be put into operation.

You have been given the idea that the Christ, as leader of the Ashram, registers from Shamballa certain information others cannot register and it is for this purpose He is given deference by all.

The plans of the soul normally include various sets of lives as it plans outside of time as we understand it. Most plans of the soul are not cognizable in their fullness by most disciples but only those pertaining to the present live or present series of lives. For each of thus there is a cause for our beingness and a reason for our existence and this becomes apparent over time. With the arrival of each live we have the opportunity to fulfill these reasons in context to the larger group reasons and make our potential contribution to the larger whole.  The larger wholes represent aspects of the plans of the heavenly Man and His Plans are aspects of the planetary Logos whose are aspects of the solar Logos and so on.  Thus, the chain of Hierarchy is apparent and preserved in opportunity to advance along he Way Home to the initiating Cause.

There is a difference between a life plan and a life path but they are forever related and the success of one reflects upon and determines the other. One’s life path is their best known pathway they believe they are capable of manifesting given resource base.  One’s life path is also conditioned by their karmic path and it is one’s only spiritual path open to them in that moment. Thus, life path, karmic path, spiritual path is basically the same path.  This is always the case and it reflects our potential for happiness, joy and eventual bliss if mastered. In fact, every human being is upon this same path of seeking happiness of the personality, joy of the soul, and the bliss of spirit. Unfortunately, we do not realize that these periodic vehicle characteristics need to be used by us scientifically to unfold our potential as opposed to just expressing such. We do create them according our will and understanding. Every path we walk effects our consciousness and the group mirror us which gives us a sense of our happiness, joy, or bliss but until we learn how to use these we will not be mirrored as such. And as we identify with this mirroring or not, we alter our path or not. Our life on this planet is one of learning to master ourselves. It is a training ground for personalities and souls particularly; and sometimes I think it is really to train monads.

In short form, consciousness is unfolded according to our understanding of cause and effect and our ability to intelligently adhere to its dictates and apply intelligently this understanding for the spiritual benefit of ourselves and the greater group its greater good or in other words to meet the realer needs of oneself and the larger community of souls in bodies (and Hierarchy of Lives). Each of us develops their capacities and abilities to serve eventually our real needs and later the groups, contingent upon the ongoing successes in meeting of our own real needs.

One needs to reflect upon the nature of their lives as if looking down from above to register the larger form pattern of it all, in general.  Every aspect of one’s life or event is part of this pattern of beingness that defines each of us.  Once we apperceive this pattern of causation, we will understand why each event unfolded as it did and why each person who participate in such event or series of events likewise participated. Everything eventually makes sense as all form creation no matter how abstract it is controlled by the law of karma on the individual and on the group. It is only once we comes more fully under the influence of the spiritual Soul that the Law of Karma and thus the Law of Matter is superseded by the Law of Attraction in a higher since once the Law of Groups comes into play more consciously operating upon the planes of Soul, and these led us into the Law of Spirit.

Each human soul plans in concert with his egoic group and later once an accepted member of the One Ashram he plans in concert with the Plans of the Christ and Sanat Kumara. It is at this juncture on the path of the Heart that the monad steps in and alters the plans of the soul and puts them into the context of the one cosmic Life’s Plans. Monadic purpose related plans cannot really be understood correctly except by third degree initiates who have developed some small degree of monadic identity. This takes place under the conditioning influences of the higher initiations field once discovered and under the fifth, sixth and seventh laws of the soul and also the law of spirit where then monadic purpose and plan can be put into a more correct revelation format and thus context. Planning thus takes on more of a relationship to the growing awareness and identity with the larger systemic grouping of Lives.

This begins with the daily successes in the dual life of the disciple, and later progresses into the daily success in the dual life of the initiate that permits the inner-ing into relationship to the higher Way as the doorway into nirvana is discovered through the balancing of the mystic and the occults paths permitting entry into the path of the One Heart with its contacts and potential relationships. Monadic destiny is now an apperceptional possibility as one has entered the world of causation and the world of the presence.

Rule No. X:

This next rule states that any functioning ashram be prepared to receive guidance from the sacred planets in establishing relationship to the Solar Logos.

The way the soul retrieves information is referred to in the Lodge as “mining the desert for gold”. It is this process that represents to others the living process that stabilizes the rhythms of the soul in a particular form and allows it to ascend.  The purpose of discourse is to let in more light into those areas of the soul body that require balancing.  For each rhythm achieved there is a corresponding enhancement of casual body and in that way the chief components of the universal causal body are slowly built. Useful to keep in mind that the resultant purpose of the Spiritual Hierarchies of the various planetary systems is the unfolding of the systemic causal body through reflect actions.

The way the soul accesses information in terms of the above resultant ascension process is referred to as “panning for gold in the waters of life”.  It is this process that allows relevant information to be filtered (through the indirect evocation process by default) through causal field.  This is a process also referred to as anachronistic and prepares the soul for the now future.

You have been given the idea of receiving information in lieu of the idiosyncratic nature of life of the spiritual soul. It is this idiosyncratic nature that pertains to the path they sponsor to the initiate that concerns us. It is given that each spiritual soul has within itself certain idiosyncrasies that pertain to the uniqueness passed on to the human soul. It is this process that makes the universe what it is and allows for a journey into the unknown based upon absolute creativity and unpredictability.  It is for this reason each individual that surpasses the tests of the cosmic physical plane and enter therefore into a world totally void of real human soul readiness for such existence and is a product of a set of Laws that require anonymity to a large extend; thus the gains of the third are given up at the fourth.

You have been given a picture of a creative process working itself out over time to the tune of billions of years and during this time a framework organization has increased beyond comprehension. It is to this framework of organization that Life Itself tends and to this point our life must also tend.

To be exact in all things is a product of great learning and great skill applied to diverse situations and in this way we prove to ourselves we are a product of the times and in this way likewise prove to the powers that be we are capable of replacing them for other adventures and thus the Hierarchy is the cause of all that is possible in terms of manifesting (or the filtering of) good or evil.  You might add that the Hierarchy here is the reason for the existence of all things.

You have been given the idea of securing grace through the demands placed upon your consciousness which is an outcome of knowing your path into the now future and perceive those causative elements indicative of that type of Self required to meet the creative purpose of that which gave rise to your form existence.  It is in this way we achieve the inevitable under the Law of Destiny.  You have been given the idea of relating to the group life as both the cause of your existence and the solution to your existence and in this way approach the truth of the creative process through the eyes of the fourth Creative Hierarchy.  You have been given this knowledge based upon a paradigm that permits the creative process to be a multiple product of many gods working simultaneously to perfect the One Existence and in this way achieve the Glory of the One.

You have been given the idea of retreating into the future to find a common cause for your existence Now.  It is told in this way that the future holds the secrets of the past as history illustrates.  It also holds the idea that the Presence is more than a combination of time elements but the cause of time itself in its drive towards the One Glory.  You see, then you do not see and it is this road of cyclical or dialectical consciousness that drives us forward into the unknown.

You have been given the idea of recurring dreams from life to life, each life a product of a successful dream experienced on the earth.  The earth itself is a dream of Him that created it according to the experience He has chosen.  This experience requires all life forms herein to participate and in the end it is also our dream.

You have been given the idea that man and nature cannot be separated and still exist; it is to this reality we are faced every day and the laws of nature of themselves are meant to be that systematic set of laws that create opportunity to enhance ourselves and adjust our creative processes to what this planet will permit. It is a test of our strength to be enlivened or not by our ability to harmonize ourselves to their invariability and in this way chose to move on once mastered.

You have been given the idea that our future is both a condition of a human soul dream experienced and the idiosyncratic nature of the Soul or Spirit.  But what must be given is that neither of these is really responsible for our future.  For the future is a wild card in the possibilities of the galaxy as creative freedom rules supreme.  The existing Plan is nothing more than that much of the perceived Freedom the Lord Sanat Kamara can hold.

Some very general examples of the existing Plan priorities are listed below in context to Humanity only and which are based upon Humanity’s decisions overall over time.

Year 2025: Eight Priorities that Act as a Symbolic Acknowledgement of the One Humanity

  • The tacit acceptance of the soul in all departments of human livingness
  • The quiet externalization of the fifth and the seventh ray ashrams.
  • The creating of a worldwide body of representatives of first, second, third, fifth, and seventh ray ashrams depicting the brain consciousness of soul so-to-speak.
  • A tentative mental blueprint or outline of a representative world-wide acceptable governmental concept.
  • A serious mental discussion on the solving of the world’s food problems
  • A feasible program that oversees the rare resources of the earth (mineral and vegetable) that is to be used for the race such as uranium, gold,; and that this need be devalued economically.
  • A policy that addresses/ensures that the earth’s biosphere is not being corrupted.
  • The whereabouts of a way to ensure that the earth’s resource base is available to all nations— (clean air and water initially).

Year 2050: Eight Priorities that further symbolize the Acknowledgement of the One Humanity:

  • A workable world religion
  • Appearance of the Christ in some form.
  • Initial Externalization of the first, second, and third ray ashrams
  • World general acceptance of the existence of Hierarchy.
  • A way to address the world’s population problems.
  • Ways to ensure that the backward nations of the world are justly governed.
  • The overturning of the western worlds present education systems in respect to separation of spirituality and education
  • Invention of certain technologies from fifth ray ashrams:

Technologies: Always in the beginning of a new century there is given to humanity from Hierarchy a set of new teachings. These teachings are designed to implement my Plan for the lower kingdoms. After the year 2025 there will be given out by way of the souls of disciples’ new protocols for working with Shamballa. This will consist of cultural and/or scientific technologies and methods to be used by nations to serve each other.

  • They will also include also several new scientific ideas to better cope with ecological realities.
  • Another scientific one will be to enhance our communication with the astral plane.
  • Another one will be to advance the scientific community’s concepts of occult psychology.
  • Another one will be dedicated to insuring peace in the world by making telepathy a recognizable aspect of spiritual development.
  • Another one will awaken mankind to the concept of space being an entity.
  • Another one will give mankind an aversion to eating animals.
  • Another one will advance human thinking in the field of medicine whereas it will be understood that man has a soul.
  • Another one will be the advancement of human knowledge in the areas of art through technology.
  • Another one will be in the area of surgery that will automate many of the processes.
  • Another one will be in the area of growing vegetables & grains using devic knowledge.
  • Another one will be in the area of music technology.
  • Another one will be in the area of registering information from concrete mental plane.
  • There will be many more ideas being given out as humanity recognizes its unity with life and each other.

Additional positions of the Christ now and his expectations:

The Christ is here today to challenge each of us (in this room) to grasp the importance of what is taking place on this planet at this time.  His challenge is to get all of the planetary lives aligned with the Plan—not an easy challenge compared with ours.  He asks us whether we are ready yet to secure our heritage as a soul and make this planet a sacred planet. He also asks what contributions can your souls make to this?  You must decide this with your soul and task yourself to play your part. In other words, do not allow yourselves to miss the opportunity now for the advancement of evolution is at the quickest pace since world was created.  The Christ suggests to you four things:

The knowledge that you have now is adequate for the task for which you were created.

The Wisdom you have now is now adequate for the task for which you were created.

The Will you have now is adequate to the task.

The Love you have now is adequate to the task.

Go forth and serve with Joy.

The Christ wishes to tell you a story (paraphrased):

It an earlier time, upon this earth, I was chosen to lead a group of spiritual initiates on a journey onto the inner planes.  It was at this time I decided that I was not going to take them where I told them I was going to take them but decided on my own to take them to the place you call Shamballa, it is not the Shamballa where the Lord rules but the “Shamballa” on the Buddhic Dimension. I did not realize at that time what this would mean, in terms of breaking the rules, and to my surprise, when we arrived upon this dimension, I was told to return somebody was waiting for me there.  We returned to our physical bodies.  In the process of recovering our physical consciousness it was discovered that of the six initiates that went with me only five had returned to their bodies.  The sixth one was somewhere else.  This was unusual in that we always traveled in a group formation and this initiate had never strayed before.  I called out to his soul and the answer I received was: How is it you do not see me for I am here.  His soul-personality had decided not to return with us but stayed in the place where the cosmic etheric and the cosmic physical join and being in that place permitted him to be everywhere.  I did not know what to do so I asked my master for assistance.  My master at that time was not pleased with the decision I had made to go to “Shamballa” with this group of initiates.  It turns out that the initiate who stayed behind had witnessed an event of cosmic etheric energy being precipated upon the cosmic Physical Plane in the form of a pattern that was to precipate a more ordered purpose for the Hierarchy, who  at the time was on the abstract mental plane.  In the process of witnessing this he became drawn into the ideal pattern, in such a way, as his buddhic body was completely altered or rearranged in such a way as to prevent him from using it.  In other words, he could not get back.  The master quickly responded by calling in a group of Buddhic devas to assist the initiate.  His Buddhic body was rearranged and he was permitted to come back.  This is a story of the many dangers that face the traveling pilgrim on the inner planes.  Because of the seriousness of my actions I was not permitted to take the group off the astral plane for a period of time and to this day express my gratitude to my master for assisting me.  Why did I share this story with you; for two reasons:  The first is that I wish to warn you of the dangers of the inner planes to those just discovering them.  And secondly, it is my wish to inform you of the hierarchy’s plans to move the Hierarchy to the fourth subplane of the Buddhic plane where future travelers will not be able to reach unless the master gives then the secret.  The ashram was originally upon the seventh subplane until just recently and this has caused many problems similar to the one I expressed in my story.  Go in Peace Brothers.

The original given dates were probably incorrect as time on all levels is one of the most difficult aspects of existence to master so they are x’ed out.

The existing mandates of the Christ are many.  The three further important ones are:

Mandate or ideally to prove the existence of the soul—2025.

Mandate to finish the re-organization of the Ashram.

3rd Ray: 20xx

1st Ray: 20xx

2nd Ray: 20xx

Mandate to establish tentative relationship with Shamballa in respect to Hierarchy and Humanity as a unit: xxxx AD

Mandate to complete His present task: xxxx AD

Mandate to retrieve information from Hierarchy on sister solar system required to begin integration in a solar sense. xxxxx AD

Mandate to complete evolution of earth globes xxxxx AD

Mandate to complete transfer of humanity to another place: xxxxx AD

Year xxxx: Eight Priorities

  • The beginning of the externalization of the third initiation
  • There is a concern that the earth by this time will not be able to handle any more people in terms of number and it is accepted that an age limit is possible at this time. This is due to the growing mass belief in the continuity of life.
  • There has begun on the planet the sixth sub-race and at this time it is expected to have created a viable culture and colony.
  • Some disciples will have entered into humanity from other planetary spheres and this to bring mankind certain soul qualities.
  • There is believed that mankind will have developed many higher psychic gifts at this time.
  • There is also a belief that the Christ will have left the planetary ring-pass-not by this time and a new Christ will replace Him.
  • There is a belief that the present Chohans will follow after Him.
  • There is expected that the Christ before he departs completely from the planetary scheme will take the eight Initiation.

Year xxxx: Two Priorities

There is much debate as to humanity’s ability to travel to the stars. It is believed that by this time there will be this ability. It is important to add here that before this can happen certain inventions must be made: The ability to use worm hole like structures in space etherically seems to generally describe this. This would appear to require the ability to invent vehicles that are comprised of only etheric structures. The ability to dematerialize. The ability to align with spiritual triad to successfully intuit inventions required to survive these speeds necessary to make the journey and return. The ability to grow structures with electrical and magnetic awareness’s and the ability to navigate the body of god etherically and obviously many more technologies.

Year xxxxxx Enter Mars Globe of the Earth Chain (Not related to the Planet Mars)

Major Concerns from the first ray ashram.

Humanity needs to understand this as we together move into the future there will be many opportunities to advance our understandings of the teachings. There will be many developments that take place within humanity that will invoke new ideas and as we unfold these new ideas others will take their place. It is common practice now in the ashram to give out to humanity through disciples many new spiritual or occult forms to explain the universe. It is also common practice to prevision humanity into the future to see them being unsuccessful in solving their problems. There are many that believe humanity is not prepared for the future and predict that humanity will not be able to take advantage of the Christ’s Plan. It is uncertain what humanities direction will be as usual. It is known now that the time periods desired will not be met. It is also known that humanity will struggle soon with various ecological disasters. It is also certain that humanity will rise above its precipitated disaster at some juncture.

Hierarchical Mandates & the Coming of Age

Impressions have been coming into humanity since Leo new moon 2002 from Hierarchy as well as a few other sources through the NGWS.  The intent of these impressions is to train humanity in brain, mind, and soul related impressions. The types of information are endless and varied. They are composed of impressions from many types of subjective groupings. One of its purposes is to relate humanity to the whole. There are millions of concepts daily it appears according to the mind’s ability to isolate them and discriminate their sources.

In respect to this above hierarchical mandate, many decades ago while living dwelling etherically upon the planet’s surface I touched a group of saints. It was these same saints over time that organized their lives to create a discipleship group for the purposes of training other disciples upon the outer plane. It was these same disciples which founded what I call the Group of 14, a symbolic number of disciples or rules particularly related to the real training needs for the third initiation, this group has successfully trained its first group in 2003.

Plan of the Christ Continued:

Every year that goes by sees humanity moving further from Christ’s plan. For four years it has been decided by NGWS that humanity has not been open to receive by the world soul the necessary direction needed to further integrate its personality. On the mental plane there is a pre-occupation with selfish interests. On the astral plane there is a self-identity symbolized factually by a three or four-year old baby boy (sub-personality) whose priorities are that of wanting a set of friends it wants to be around but not knowing how to do this thus can be perceived as emotionally unpredictable/ and introverted.

Christ’s plan is simple. It is a plan that acknowledges the world soul. Humanity is at a certain stage in its personality development that is related to the individual who is characterized by goodwill.  Its next stage needs to be characterized by loving life. If this happens it will have the motivation to again demand more life (humanity is tired). This means it will be able to face challenges and create opportunities for self-development. The world soul requests that humanity to do the following:

    • Reorganize its political institutions.
      • Develop a way to include the concept of citizen participation.
      • Establish these suggested political alterations in policies to prevent big government from controlling its citizens lives:
        • High level investigation arm or committee to look into legislative proposals.
        • Governmental organizations one can go to be safely heard.
        • Laws enacted designed to protect citizens from their government
    • Organize its educational system to educate people on the science of the heart.
      • This type of education will increase the happiness of its citizens
      • As well as increase their contribution to society.
      • There is a growing movement today in America towards memorization of facts for graduation which is not in line with America’s soul.
    • Train those in the educational system to listen to the soul.
      • As the race has more fully developed their minds it is now possible to blend these with the Son of Mind and to receive impressions in everyone’s highest good as the soul is group aware.
      • We must desire to train ourselves to do this as this will usher in the new age.
    • Understand the purpose of every nation and ethnic group in terms of its potential contribution to the whole:
      • The western world’s contribution to the rest of the world is that of :
        • Mental technological development
        • Personality Integration among its citizens.
        • Controlling the Environment eventually
        • Overseeing Group non-aggression
        • Registering the Subjective Dimensions
        • Development of a World religion
      • China’s Present Contribution
        • Development of Esoteric or Occult Knowledge
        • Removing Fear from the Planet in terms of Bio-sphere Issues
        • Spreading of basic survival and developmental technologies to undeveloped countries
      • Russia:
        • Protection of Children’s Rights
        • Technological Advances in Psychology (Gift Training)
        • Has promised to promote correct political laws and policies
    • List of Humanities integration priorities.
      • Needs to integrate its personality through the development of its ideal persona that needs to have these top six characteristics: Characteristics are the beginnings of qualities)
        • Characteristic of humility
        • Characteristic of graciousness
        • Characteristic of friendliness
        • Characteristic of meekness or non-righteous
        • Characteristic of happiness with little or less materialistically
        • Characteristic of prevision
      • Needs to demonstrate these qualities:
        • Quality of love (it has goodwill)
        • Quality of Self Oneness
        • Quality of Questing
        • Quality of Forgiveness
        • Quality of Sensitivity
        • Quality of Brother-Sisterhood or Universality
      • Needs to destroy these kama-manasic forms (all nations) of:
        • Self-righteous (god given) or quest for its particular truth characteristic (Glamour)
        • Judgment day illusion (I will be saved and the world will end)
        • I am the best civilization or incarnation ever illusion
        • I am perfect or gifted in most ways delusion
        • I am not the planets caretaker illusion
        • The average citizen has no vote, no voice, no power. Characteristic
      • Real needs needing to be demonstrated
        • Needs to become an ordinary person
        • Needs to make proficient use of time
        • Needs to demonstrate saintly qualities
        • Needs to fight her demons
        • Needs to speak the truth
        • Needs to keep its commitments
    • Demonstrate these values and others
      • Demonstrate the value of Justice.
      • Demonstrate the value of using world resources equally for all concerned.
      • Demonstrate the value of protecting the world’s environment.
      • Demonstrate the value of promoting these political rights.
        • Right to be safe from governmental harm.
        • The right to be protected from abuse through civil disobedience.
        • The right to have a homeland.
        • The right to be honored for your individuality as an ethnic or racial group.
        • A political Entities right to establish within legal reason a life purpose based upon soul’s intent
        • The right to make and enforce laws as a political entity.
      • Demonstrate the value of promoting economic security.
      • Demonstrate the value of eliciting world opinion for those decisions which affect everyone.
  • The divine soul requests humanities souls to do the following:
    • Systematically register from Hierarchy the Systemic Soul:
      • Receive abstractly the Systemic Plan
        • This includes humanities interaction with other humanities
        • It also includes making future plans in line with SK s objectives
        • It also includes making plans in respect to plans of solar logos
      • Intuit or reason each member’s relationship to each other as spirits.
        • Although this requires various gifts to accomplish it is inevitable that it will be known.
        • The soul’s effort to do so will accomplish the following:
          • It will permit him entry into the mind (brain) of SK (or triad)
          • He will be able to comprehend the overall synthesis, beauty, and causes of his monadic ray.
          • He will comprehend the purpose for his existence in terms of Dharma.
          • It will give him an understanding of his many incarnations and their overall causes and nature.
      • Awake to the Angel of the Presence
        • This is a name that applies to the monadic sheath of a ray grouping.
        • Its accumulated awareness is that of a heavenly man awakening into existence.
        • It is known that the Angel of the Presence is unaccustomed to soul existence as its alignment is with spirit.
        • It becomes ones teacher between initiations.
        • The Angel symbolizes spirit purpose through its revelations received.
        • It is apperceived at the third initiation.
      • Unfold a unified Plan to move into the future.
        • However exact humanities plan is now for its future it is based upon its level knowledge of itself.
        • Long ages ago at the birth of humanity there came into incarnation Sanat Kumara’s astral body
        • Next he took an etheric body and finally a physical body and thus humanity was born.
        • His incarnation made it possible for humanities existence.
        • Ever since that time SK has been embodying humanity.
        • Sanat Kumara’s plan is dependent upon humanity.
      • Register from the Nirmanakayas the Purposes of Sanat Kumara:
        • Those who do not know the nature of this group it is the group of adepts who act as an intermediary to those energies of purpose received from planetary head center
        • It has a direct relationship and alignment with the NGWS as they are the intermediaries between Hierarchy and Humanity.
        • Fourth degree initiates can receive directly from this group and humanity can receive from them.
        • Each soul on the path is responsible to receive this information as it is this information by which he creates his individual group related plan.
      • Develop these Divine Gifts
        • Develop the gift of prevision
        • Develop the gift of astonishing others with your ability to see into the mind of god that which is waiting to be revealed.(predicate the rain cloud of knowable things)
        • Develop the gift of relying upon the Lord for meeting your planned objectives
    • Understand & Seek Grace
      • There are many lessons to be mastered in life and the major lesson is the proper demonstration and embodiment of grace.
      • Every soul and individual is where they are at because of Grace operating in their lives.
      • It is Grace that liberates us from our created forms
      • Grace is recognition of the One Self.
    • Demonstrate the Plan
      • What would this look like on soul levels? It is the energy of the plan we are concerned with—the pattern of things as they are.
      • It is this formless cosmic etheric energy arranged and descending that represents the manifestation of the planetary Logos.
      • What is the nature of this energy?
        • First of all it has the characteristics of all of the Rays
        • Second it has the content of those minds and feelings if I may we call planetary, solar and cosmic Logoi (symbolized by astrological impacts)
    • Those elements of the Plan now hovering on the border of revelation for humanity are basically six for our discussion.
      • A systemic and planetary alignment manasically proffering opportunity for human souls to expand their awareness of abstract understanding of the purpose for life.
      • A growing awareness of great avatars overshadowing our planetary Logos and Sanat Kumara proffering quicker ascension. (Implies the use of time in the initiation process.
      • An improved relationship between the planets strongly associated with the evolution of the earth. This provides many opportunities to those souls that has discovered these planets. One being the development of spiritual gifts as three of them is further along in their racial development (Brahman planets).
      • An impending relationship with a mental planet. The earth’s relationship to this planet will somehow provide many opportunities to those souls who align with it as it will provide increased causal body expansion. (2nd sub plane alignment)
      • An increased alignment is taking place between various solar Logoi. This alignment will enhance our planets relationship with Sirius.
      • Increased Energies coming in soon from the Heart of the Sun circulating through our astral plane will produce either more bewilderment or a purification of the earth’s astral field.
    • Acquiesce to the Plan of the planetary Christ
      • The full extent of the development of the planetary scheme Christ will not take place for an exceedingly long time (7th round).
      • As it unfolds it represents the accumulated wisdom generated by all life forms upon this scheme. In a true sense it is the temple being built on the triadal planes symbolizing the Cosmic Christ coming into expression.
      • Our planetary Christ is the outer expression of this growing inner reality.
      • The words of the Christ have been many and his teachings have been received by both angels and men upon all levels of the cosmic physical plane.
      • They are only meant to serve us.
    • Promote these values:
      • Value of complete spiritual obedience to the systemic Christ
      • Value of identifying with the Plan of the cosmic Logos as expressed by solar Logos and planetary Logos.
      • Value of reorganizing humanities Son of Mind to carry out the Plan.
      • Value of creating according to the recognized Purpose outlined in the structure of Shamballa.
      • Value of aligning with the deva kingdom to manifest both purpose and plan
      • Value of Integrating all spiritual or religious concepts and principles into a common set of truths.
    • Perceived blockages in the coming Age
      • separation of religions
      • Humanity’s and disciple’s faith in themselves and each other
      • Tendency towards over-systematizing of the governments of the world towards controlling its populous—misuse of the 7th ray.
      • Energy Crisis (disciples) This means that disciples which circulate the hierarchical energies and responsible for the plan content have not yet demonstrated their individual plans effectively this is do to many reasons and the first is to resources.
      • Promotion of virtues (qualities & characteristics spoken of above)
      • United Nations Itself (people not represented)
      • New Values needed
        • Value of Hierarchical decision making
        • Value of Speed in the evolutionary process
        • Value of will to good
        • Value of Shared resources
        • Value of intuition or pure reason—thus being in the flow
        • Value of Spiritual Presence

Humanity in the Future:

There is a Group of Beings related to star system Sirius but not (as usual) causally related to Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy.  These are a group of beings established in earths ring pass not to establish relationships with the Soul of Humanity for specific purposes not able to communicate except to establish right relationships among earth’s population and came here with the Avatara (see below).  This group is outside of the influence for most of humanity and only relates to those positing for initiation and only those chosen by the Lord to do so.

The goal is to consider a way to enhance our understanding of the way the cosmic Logos is unfolding its potential through this group of entities and its effect on Humanity.  The role of the Blue Lodge to assist the solar Logos is not yet permitted to be shared publicly.

The cosmic Logos is organizing its substance to move forward on its journey we would like to take a moment to extend this idea to receive information as to how it will affect our solar system: 8

First of all our solar system will experience a greater shift in energy that will propel all live forms into greater creative activity; this activity will produced eventually a greater integration of these lives into the One Life and this is how humanity will ultimately achieve its unification; we would like to add here that this will have also ramifications and implications of a greater concern upon those planetary beings not yet achieving their planned objectives.  These planets will more than likely be captured in a major crisis that propels them forward.

Next, want to capture the idea that you and all peoples on this planet will more than likely will be propelled forward on your evolutionary paths.  These paths will join with Hierarchy about the year 2300 and at this time a release of karma will be experienced by humanity in relationship to the lower kingdoms permitting a more general sharing in their lives.  Also, at this time will come a new beginning in the way that the Lord of the World interacts with humanity and will begin to have a direct influence over its affairs through the Hierarchy.

It will come to pass that you and others on this planet will be responsible for the greater well-being of humanity as it forges a new relationship with other humanities from sister planetary systems (other dimensions).  At this time, a new beginning will be made in the field of Education and the Arts as the fourth Ray will be in power.

You have been given the idea that this growing cosmic event will precipitate new opportunities for humanity to see itself as with one united breath.   This does not mean it will always agree with each other as to the best solution but that it will be okay with considering alternative ways of doing things between each other more and more.   We would like to show you an example of this in the way it will make decisions about the future.  The future will become a contented issue with more than one strong voice opposed to the vision, but decisions will be made through political consensus never the less with power struggles still happening according to the source of the vision.

We would like you to bring together certain thoughts on how the world will change over time to produce this growing harmony. First of all, humanity will be given the idea on a way to proceed to develop national contribution in those areas it excels. Secondly, this contribution will lighten the load of other nations not having to deal specifically with this aspect of life. Third, a growing sense of synthesis will take place prohibiting excessive free market variables from creating instability. Next, a growing voice will demand that the world be responsible for the welfare of its citizens and this will bring new legislative actions to ensure more worldwide participation in this objective.  Next, will come a believe that the world is over populated and a movement will come to decrease the responsibility of states to families choosing to have more than three children; after this will come a recognition that state aid to people with unusual abilities will assist everyone and these individuals will be sought out and assisted. After this, will come a belief that all peoples of the world are registered as having some unique contribution needing to be developed and shared and this will radically alter the education system producing a greater productivity and level of happiness among many. All of this will take place over time and be mostly demonstrated in 500 years.

Would like to take a minute to revise an old pattern now plugging away at humanity’s door; this pattern is one of reaching into pockets to promote their religious faith; this pattern is denounced by the Christ and monies spent on the promotion of religious values will more & more go into providing services to help the poor regain a realistic livelihood; this pattern will produce over time a growing community concern for the wellbeing of others to make a contribution to society that makes them feel valuable; it is this movement that is the Heart of Christ’s Message to the world.

It has come to our attention you will be receiving an understanding of this more as you delve into the real group purpose undertaken when a personality body is taken—as of now your understanding is incomplete in four areas: first, you need to realize that the groups purpose is to provide a training ground for each one within the karmic group. This training is on many fronts simultaneously and provides what you call working relations between parties involved—what they have to exchange.  Secondly, the group purpose is exposed even more radically once you understand that the people who are meant to affect their lives are those very same people who effected your life in the past; next the group purpose needs to be understood as a way to create for the benefit of the whole a creation of societal forms that will be progressively constructively.

You have been given the idea that the world will progressively be relieved of its superlative attitudes, but the case is many will not be able to see it this way but will be only confused as to where the world is going. Many will be blind to the possibilities and the solutions being worked out slowly around the globe and will resent the caretaking attitude.

You would be wise to consider a way to enlighten others on a way to enhance their understanding about the way the world needs to go in terms of businesses. The world will realize that business is a way to motivate people to contribute but it is also a way that they take advantage of god’s resources not being appropriately allocated for everyone’s best interest between businesses; certain businesses are responsible on the environment and in the best interest of their clients.

You should also be apprized that the world as you know it in terms of social values; social values are going to alter the way the world turns and one of the first indicators of this change will be the importance society places upon children and their rights as souls. These rights will become paramount in terms of education and needs around life direction, and once this is in place the world will consider creating special schools which will alter even more societal values. The values coming out of these new schools will be orientated to one of sharing on all levels, and once this is in place many will see the importance of soul in their lives in more innate ways and this will lead to a revolution on soul knowledge. Once this movement takes place there will be a complete turnaround of the way the world is run—leaders will be chosen according to their alignment and their ability to know the soul’s purpose for existing political, social, and economic groups of associated groupings.   This will happen once the world turns the next millennium—year 3000.

Humanity in the future will be composed of just one race, fully integrated in body and soul. This humanity will be composed of those members who have taken the third initiation primarily and will represent the final completion of the human race on the Physical Plane.

This humanity represents that which will pass on into another creation of the earth’s scheme and will not come in until the middle of the third root-race in the sixth round if for some reason they did not complete the final initiation expected—the fifth initiation.

This is after the judgment day in the middle of the of the fifth round where those egos still focused on egoic levels (cosmic physical plane), as opposed to those focused on cosmic etheric plane are taken out of the life stream to unfold on another round on the earth’s scheme—the leaders on the next or sixth round.

We have given you the picture of a humanity fully integrated and spiritually unfolded to complete the fifth round. It is this round that represents the completion of the plan for humanity, taking the fifth initiation as a final goal of the majority.

It is important to note that this picture, in its completion, represents the struggle of many lives outside of the human to make this happen. The reason for this needs to be understood to have a better understanding of the reason for it all. We can start by recognizing the role the creative hierarchies played in all of this. All of these creative hierarchies were involved to make this a possibility. The five creative hierarchies, from one point of view, most interested was the fifth, the sixth, eight, ninth, and twelfth.  From another point of view just two creative hierarchies.

Each of these five creative hierarchies were able to evolve. The twelfth was able to evolve through three creative hierarchies; while the fifth was able to move to the Cosmic Astral sixth sub-plane.

It is important to note that each globe of the earth scheme represents a different opportunity to create forms in concert with the needs of the Plan. On the next globe, the creative process will, the fifth, have better bodies to incarnate in. This globe will allow all human beings the opportunity to create in line with their monadic intents; this will permit the expression of a humanity in tune with the heavenly man related to that globe.

It important to note that the last two globes will permit humanity the ability to star travel.

In the next, sixth round, humanity will again come in during the third and half root race as before but this time they will be in a position to harness their personality bodies.

In the final round humanity will not come in until the sixth root race and be soul conscious.

In this root race humanity will find themselves at one with Hierarchy, mostly integrated.

In this root race humanity will for the first time be able to travel throughout the solar system using advanced technology.

In the final round humanity will move into the cosmos finding a new home out there in a sister solar system

It will be at this time humanity will for the first make a positive contribution to the galaxy at large.

Rule No. XI:

This next rule states that all ashrams organize themselves in such a way that their focus be adjusted to include the ashrams within the seven solar systems.

You have been asked to accept a set of academic rules derived by the Hierarchy to explain its reason for what it does and how it does it. How does it justify itself?  In two ways: first it justifies itself according to laws in the substance its life is embedded within—the substance of the cosmic etheric planes; secondly it justifies itself based upon the rule that life itself cannot be divided.

You have been given the idea that creative Works of the galaxy are innate to this galaxy but not necessarily other galaxies. This is held theoretically to be true; and the eventual integration of these unique forms will one day take place and it is to this adventure the galaxy moves. It is for this reason the creation of this solar system has come about—to produce those forms which will one day be integrated with other solar systems to play its part in the creative process for which it intends.  This itself is the reason for the inter-dependence of the various ashrams within the system; and you might surmise within the galaxy.  This itself gives rise to the idea that the ashram itself is not really systemic but is also cosmic as it functions upon the cosmic etheric planes for cosmic purposes—what are some of these purposes.

  1. The primary purpose of the One Ashram is the receiving from Sirius those functions it is permitted to carry out.
  2. The second cosmic purpose is its relationship being created with other solar systems related locally to ours. It is this process which permits the movement of members, with accompanying techniques and energy alignments, between solar systems to enhance the integration processes within the local galaxy.
  3. The third purpose relates to the idea that all life forms issue forth from the same source upon cosmic Monadic levels and to this Source they will eventually return and the rule of thumb is that the Will alone can accomplish this task.

The importance of Sanat Kumara’s set of purposes can be better perceived if perceived as an integral part of the One Soul that animates the Galaxy.  It is to this end the achievements of Sanat Kumara will be realized. And to this end all life is bent.  You might ask how we ascertain this?  You can only assume this based upon one’s inner experience that tends to continuously over time blend their evolving life direction with Spirit.  This is perceived as a continuous blending of consciousness of an expanding larger group or inclusive groups of lives.

You might ask how it is that Life and life direction are equivocated. You might also ask how is it that we can even be aware of life at all. Both of these questions are identical from one point of view.  Events and our time consciousness of these events depict both life, life direction, and our awareness.

You have been given the idea that circumstances permitted to exist are so because it favors life, or life direction, or awareness.

The purposes of life in this solar system can only be perceived by consciousness and the consciousness adequate to this task is only developed as the Solar Hierarchy is entered; it is for this reason that the Solar Hierarchy is entered only at the 6th initiation even though it is recognized by the Soul as existing at the third.  It is only at this time can the initiate armed with pure reasoning of buddhi and pure enlighten or unfettered Will together permit an initial choate understanding of the Purpose for the creation of the solar system.

You have been given the idea, that life itself is a rational process and is according to set of evolving laws that intertwine to produce a composite set of forms to embody life.  It is this word rational that needs to be redefined to include all of those seeming mistakes made at each moment by the composite of life forms involved in the creative process.  You might say that this creative process is rational if governed by a set of higher laws that are perceived but not yet able to perfectly be lived up to.

We might add here the idea that life as we can know it is a product of higher laws and intermediate laws and lower laws each applied at each stage of the path pertaining to that level of inclusiveness our consciousness is aware of or responds to.  It is in this way that rational life can and must be experienced. The short lists of laws below represent some examples of laws required to be understood by all souls depending upon four major variables: the soul status, their position in the Ashram, their level of demonstrated success in training and to demonstrate their capacity and ability to work with the purposes of the Christ and Sanat Kumara.

This example set of twelve laws comes from group related to the idea of the Nirmanakayas but on a cosmic (galactic) Level passed down through others:

The Law of Reversed Gravity

The Law of Reversed Moment

The Law of Secondary Acceleration

The Law of Reversed Polarity

The Law of Accelerated Motion

The Law of Perpetual Motion

The Law of Invisible Causation

The Law of Indivisible Union

The Law of Sacred Union

The Law of Sacred Four

The Law of No Return

The Law of Geometric Isolation

This set of laws establishes a frontier into the inner workings of the local Universe as we can know it.  It also establishes a base in which to work from to generate a knowledge of inner galactic forces and their relationship to the earth.  It is in this fashion we will unfold this discussion: First of all, this frontier requires that man’s minds being expanded to resonate with these truths. Secondly , it implies that man’s mind has the potential to contact these great life forms in some capacity; it also means that with this knowledge man can better understand his place in the scheme of things and this is the objective in writing this treatise regardless of its fantastic like possibility.

We as the inner group have hoped humankind will soon be able to develop their inner abilities and remove their focus from the outer and in this way discover more truth then in all the ages past in a moment s time. But that moment has not yet come and therefore this set of examples are provided to stimulate this interest in the western nations.

We congratulate the western nations on your accomplishment in creating a world based on fairness and justice but yet remains self-centered and unwise.

We congratulate you in creating a world where the mind is trained and the body healthy but yet the task remains for purity and heart centered-ness.

We congratulate you on creating a world where everyone may be safe and secure financially but many yet suffer from alienation and no vision.

We congratulate you in creating a world hoping for greatness but yet does not know what greatness really means.

We have given you the idea of needing to register even more than you now register to know your destiny and it is in this way we will begin.

First of all, you need to see yourselves as a peoples with a destiny; what does this mean?

First of all, it means you have been placed in a responsible position by god, and this could be perceived as to carry out a mission for Him.  It is in this way your purpose can be known. It is in this way you can rest assured of meeting your responsibilities once you accept this possibility in a commonsense way and not in any religious way.

Second of all, this means you are able and willing to see yourselves as one people poised on the precipice of the mind invoking god in all that you plan and do.  It is in this way you will reach the truth. It is in this way you will unite humanity’s mind with gods mind—there is no other way in the end to know your destiny.

  1. If this happens then a revelation so amazing and so unexpected will circulate through the mind of humanity each interpreting it in line with their destiny.
  2. It is a revelation so consuming and so inspiring that the humanity will for the first time ever will be directly aligned with Shamballa consciously.
  3. It is this revelation that will produce within human race a self-recognition of honor and gratitude for their very existence and all of this just represents the beginning.
  4. I say to you, imagine if my words speak for you any truth, that the day be with us that all great minds have worked towards and some for; a day in the annals of time that for the first time humanity stands together and unafraid, heart and mind linked, one and all standing before the Lord receiving recognition as a group (consummating the fourth initiation).
  5. I say to you, if my words for you speaks any truth, that on this day the “reckoning” will be completed and the hour arrived.
  6. You say to yourself; how will this be, humanity now can barely feed itself besides unite in a common cause. But the hour will come when such will be the case and the Voice recognized from afar will be heard by all.
  7. The hour will come, and is close at hand, where the beginning can now be made towards this distant possibility and destiny. The beginning needed now is the union of the hearts and minds of the peoples of the world towards solving its many problems that can only be solved by the participation of all.
  8. The purpose of the work of the Christ is now to establish this beginning and to unite humanity into a common voice. His work which began in Palestine is in the beginning of its final phase.  It is this phase that must see the lamb (symbolizing the personality) and the lion (symbolizing the human soul) lie down beside each other.  What does this mean? It means humanity must discover the soul and make it a central part of its day to day existence.  It means that once this is done there will be peace and justice on earth and fear will be gone.  It means that each of us must see ourselves as the other—for the soul is basically group consciousness.
  9. The hour will come when the work of the Christ, satisfied with His work, will one day leave us and another take His Place. It is at this time, the world will choose a leader among themselves, as Humanity and the Hierarchy then will be at-one.  It is at this time, this new leader, not who we now think, in union with the Lord will decide humanities fate.
  10. It is at this time, humanity will be tested and those determined to have the correct vision in line with humanity, the new Christ, and the Lord will move forward on that path and those with a different vision will move forward upon theirs it is a matter of free choice and destiny—all is good never forget this.
  11. It is also at this time humanity will be sensitive to much that they are not sensitive to now. One of the things they will be sensitive to is the One Soul, boundless and universal. It is this same Soul that now exists but then will be more as much will be added to its knowledge, love and wisdom.
  12. It is at that time the world will be aware of many other humanities within and without our solar system. It will be a time of great re-unions among the many worlds.  And in this process of re-union many technologies will be exposed to our humanity.  Technologies undreamed of and in this way the future of destiny of humanity will be decided.  It will not be based on obeying nor dis-obeying of the law-an anachronistic idea for this time as gods walks among humanity in many forms.  This is the literal interpretation of the judgement day if properly read. This is the story of the bible from beginning to end.  It is man’s groping interpretation of god’s Plan for humanity if read between the lines.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us and in this we share certain values that need to be promoted, each of these values link us to the future in some dramatic way.  We of us rely upon these values to carry out our dreams as souls and disciples.  these values reflect and respond to those real needs we perceive as adjusting our world to make it a place we want to live. these values also demonstrate to us with precision, the importance of the soul in establishing right human relations on the planet in these particular areas the value corresponds to and it is in this way we travel forward in committing ourselves to the planet.  All these values represent as a whole a certain number of choices that we need to make as a group which determines our ability to see correctly. The following 28 of 42 values are given as examples of the necessary values needing held by Humanity towards the making of more ideal choices for its future direction as a whole.

  1. The first value is that of Hierarchy; this means that Hierarchy is that one value which will correctly organize and arrange our world for the greatest good for the greatest number. In effect it represents all possible outcomes to have the dreams of all people realized correctly.
  1. The second value relates to the concept of establishing right human relations among all peoples of the world in an effort to max their individual and group potential for sharing their realities as they see it and also max their particular contributions related to their realities.
  1. The next value is that of stating the importance of goodwill among men for this alone will permit right human relations from manifesting which is critical for the value of hierarchy to manifest. Goodwill is in effect the ability to see the potential positive contribution an individual or group could make if supported correctly.
  1. The next value is that of sharing of all resources based upon divine right of divine equality of need to carry out their life purposes. It is this value that will revolutionize the way we perceive the distribution of goods and services as all mankind reflect a present need not being appreciated by the present distribution system—as with all of these values it can only be carried off correctly if the soul is recognized and present in our daily lives to various degrees.
  1. This next value states that all men no matter of consequence have an inalienable right to be themselves and to accomplish their live purpose in accordance to their will and the will of their soul—thus guaranteeing its harmlessness.
  1. The next value is orientated around the thought that for each person on the planet there exists a set of reasons their live has for/on those around them.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet this is a set of reasons why they should be supported in their personality development alone certain lines indicated by their soul and this to maximize their contribution and individual happiness.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there exists a set of reasons they need to be understood in lieu of the karmic forms they are responsible for relinquishing. Each person therefore has commitments and obligations that need to be realized and demonstrated and in this way the group is served in its best interest.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there exists a set of reasons why each person has chosen the body they have chosen and it is their god given right to express themselves in this fashion for the eventual benefit of those around them.
  1. The next value states that for each of us there are certain established requirements that we have committed to as souls, that must be demonstrated for live to be lived as promised and determines whether or not we apperceive our life as being successful or not in the last days in our physical bodies. It is this value that if extended to the planet will mean the success or not of a racial incarnation or a sub-race incarnation.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there exists a set of rules they have agreed to live by and the purpose of these rules reflects for each person the importance of their paradigm for those around them and for the world in general.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there exists a true cause for their life and that this cause cannot be understood by anyone who is not aligned with Spirit and do this reason their existence needs to be vale safe by all.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there is one major ideal that animates and inspires them, and it is this one major ideal that represents their cause for existence as a soul in body.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there exists certain persons which needs to be included in their lives in some way and for this to happen they need to have the freedom to travel anywhere on the globe.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there exists a set of reasons why each of us need to be responsible for the other and it is for this reason responsibility is shared by all alike.
  1. The next value states that for each person on this planet there exists a set of reasons for the existence of any group that person belongs to and that it is their right to associate with or belong to such group for reasons between them and the group.
  1. The next value states that for each group on this planet there exists a god given right to expect all members of humanity to allow each other to assign group value to the mortality of an event. And furthermore, it is their right as a group to assign meaningfulness and significance to such event.
  1. The next value states that for each group on this planet there exists a god given right to expect all members of the human race to assign no value to the actions of a group carrying out their mandate within the confines of the group thus not producing harm nor good to those outside of the group and those associated to the group.  This within existing social understanding of causation and effects generated on the whole.
  1. The next value states that for each group on this planet there exists a god given right to expect that all members of the human race align themselves to the concept that every group, of any persuasion, must be permitted the freedom to choose its internal rules of decision making and rules of operation based upon existing laws of the land.
  1. The next value states that for each group on this planet there exists a common interest in seeing that this group be able to recruit members based upon their program of operation as always, within the existing laws of the land.
  1. The next value states that for each group on this planet there exists a certain need to be recognized as fulfilling a function benefiting society as a whole.
  1. The next value states that for each group on this planet there exists a group function permitting each of its members to fully contribute without interference from society.
  1. The next value states that for each group on this planet there exists a god given right to expect all members of the human race to allegation themselves to the idea that, before god, all groups represent the present outcome or possible arrangement of understanding available by such groups as of yet on the planet.
  1. The next value states that for each nation on this planet there exists a god given right to exist and to carry out the mandates thereof according to the will of the nation without concern of interference from other nations; given this, it is the duty of every nation to prevent harm to other nations by its actions.
  1. The next value states that for each nation on this planet there exists a god given right to exist provided the soul of such nation demonstrates or carries out its function and its mandates assigned by its Soul (there are nations not meeting their Soul mandates).
  1. The next value states that for each nation on this planet there exists a god given right to exist provided the peoples of such nation exhibit the regional resolve to carry out its regional mandates without other nations or regions interfering.
  1. The next value states that for each region on this planet there exists a god given right to exist provided that each region see itself as a region in charge of carrying out a larger regional mandate without interference.
  1. The next value states that for each continent on this planet there exists a god given right to exist provided that each continent exhibit a resolve to carry out its regional mandates without interference.

This example set taken from a list of 600 or so major category of laws are related to our planetary evolution within this solar systemic karmic mandate or in other words speaks to the processes undergone in the heaven worlds so to speak impacting the lower three worlds over time. The number besides each of the denoted laws represents the next sub-level of a respectful set of sub-category laws that could also be expanded upon. They also are composed of laws and/or principles. These will not be unfolded at this time herein except for the last two somewhat.

Laws of the Universe 4

Laws of the Solar System 6

Laws of the Cosmic Astral 12

Laws of the Cosmic Physical 8200

Laws of the Soul Body 16

Laws of Nature 80

Laws of Evolution 140

Laws of Peace 14

Laws of Evolution of the Seven Kingdoms 42

Laws of the Divine Soul 6

Laws of Eternity 8

Laws of Will-to-Good 18

Laws of Karma 42

Laws of Pieces 6

Laws of the Water Bearer 46

Laws of the New Millennium 33

Laws of Physical Body 10

Laws of the Astral Body 46

Laws of the Mental Body 14

Laws of the Soul 600

Laws of Radiation 5

Laws of Healing 17

Laws of Spirit 144

Laws of Divine Grace 7

Laws of Spiritual Prosperity 7

Laws of Death 4

Laws of Birth 6

Laws of the World 42

Laws of Kings 60

Laws of the Hierarchy 4

Laws of Shamballa 6

Laws of Mineral Kingdom 6

Laws of Vegetable Kingdom 8

Laws of the Animal Kingdom 14

Laws of the Human Kingdom 36

Laws of the Kingdom of Souls 82

Laws of the Kingdom of Triads 8

Laws of the Devas 4

Laws of the Elementals 6

Laws of the Heavenly Men 2

Laws of Initiates 4

Laws of Probationary Disciples 18

Laws of Accepted Disciples 32

Laws of World Disciples 68

Laws of Sanat Kumara 6

Laws of the Ashrams 1

Laws of the Solar Hierarchy 4

Laws of the Cosmic Hierarchy 6

Laws for giving out of the Mysteries 6

Laws for Health 66

Laws Regulating the Chakras 16

Laws for 4-D Chakras 6

Laws for 5-D & 6-D Chakras 8

Laws for Integrating three Major Triangles (matter, mind, spirit) 6

Laws of Reincarnation 18

  1. Law of Reincarnation of a soul that requires a physical body to work off karma. 18
  2. Law and Principle of reincarnation that permits a soul to live several lives within one body. 420
  3. Law & Principle of reincarnation that permits a soul to work off individual karma in a way that benefits his group. 300
  4. Law & Principle of fortitude needed by a soul to perform tasks for the hierarchy. 420
  5. Law & Principle that allows other souls to interfere with the workings of this Law of Righteous Interference. 16
  6. Law & Principle of Deliverance from the sins of the group. 140
  7. Law & Principle of Rectitude 16
  8. Law & Principle of Forbearance 420
  9. Law & Principle of Scarcity of Resources needed by the group to carry out their intentions.160
  10. Law of Resources
  11. Law & Principle of Mirroring
  12. Law & Principle of Altering Major Leadership in the World
  13. Law of Charismatic Souls
  14. Law of Exemptions
  15. Law of Exclusions
  16. Law of Supply
  17. Law of Merriment
  18. Law & Principle of Incitement

Law of Reincarnation (of a soul that requires a physical body to work off karma.) 18

One of the purposes of this discussion is to find out whether or not all of the teachings up to the present times gives merit to the idea at present on the nature of the path. Most of the writings available speak as if the path was a sojourn away from the earth and not towards it—this is a mistaken idea placed in the minds of those who are not at one with the purposes for the creation of this world by the mystics of the world.  It is the mystics that have dominated the book market entering the new age not the disciples who believe it not really possible to make the truth known to those who are not ready to hear and rightly so. It is these truer disciples that that can offer hope to the world in taking the opportunity to make known their position for the world is at a point where this understanding is most needed if the Plan is to unfold as intended.  I have spoken to many mystics around the planet and they, in general, perceive no reason to take individual responsibility for the world.  In their eyes the world is a product of the free will of the people.  I say this is true, but the people have no vision.  But the world is full of visionaries, how could this be? For the simple reason that these visionaries see only their personality vision not the Father’s vision.  But the truer disciples have the Father’s Vision but their ability to communicate this to be heard in any constructive way is a daunting task and the time spent in doing this, in all likelihood, is to be ineffectual at best and at worst sever the relationships with those around them preventing any future constructive interrelationships with these people. It is for this reason I write with anonymity for I too believe this is the case.

You have been given the idea that the sojourn of the soul through the lower worlds is based upon a common idea that the earth itself is a place where the individuals can unfold their evolutionary potentials and to do what with no one ever really says in general.  But I tell you this, the world is a place where this happens and to the point of perfection.  This means that each soul perfectly reproduces itself in the form of a human being or personality capable of doing everything the soul is capable of doing.  But this is only the first stage of the evolutionary process completed and a long one at that. What is not told is why.  This discussion is an attempt to address this question and this question alone.

The world is at a place where it has relatively little time left to seek its present plan related purpose through free-will or correct decision as a whole.  A purpose humanity has been exposed to throughout the countless centuries. There has been many an avatar or divine personage incarnate to envision for the people gods Plan and all of these avatars, to the one, has challenged the people to hold this vision.  Whether Moses, with the 10 Commandments; or Mohammad, with rules of ordered conduct or right divine relations between god and the people; or Abraham Lincoln of modern times, a messenger of god, whose task was to create unity and harmony in a destined nation as part of the larger Plan.  All of these and the countless others historically needed in that moment to give to the people the vision necessary for Humanity’s own enviable happiness and prosperity.  I say to you, awaken, the hour has come again, seek the vision. The vision of god, carried by his messengers, requires us to perceive just one thing, just one thing alone and that is to love.  This is the task he has set before us. What does it mean to love now, to where humanity is at present?  What is humanity’s real need? What will it take for humanity to have happiness and prosperity for all? These questions say the same thing and indicate a common solution.   It is this question, as the above three questions are one, if correctly answered, that will lead the people back to the vision held by deity represented by the Soul of Humanity.   You might ask, what is this Vision?   Look inside of your own heart and search its content, what does it tell you that is the one event in your life that you need to find true peace within you? I venture to say that if meditated upon all of you will arrive at a similar answer eventually after your reasoning is complete, and this answer will be that peace will come once you can know the truth.   The truth, if understood, makes all things perfect and acceptable in one’s eyes.

The truth is not just a word, defined by some dictionary; it is not a relative concept giving meaning to an event; it is not a fact held nor a perspective of an individual; it is neither a witnessing of bystanders of a causative event. The truth is an experience acknowledged by an individual of his relationship to the life of the universe itself—it is experienced in the heart empty of words but filled with comprehension.  We can only approach the truth with our words we can never contain it with them.

Yes, it is this truth, that humanity shares, above all other things that unites them into a common bond and a common destiny.  It is this truth that aids them throughout the day to keep going, that nurtures them that gives them hope when they believe their friends and loved ones has abandon them. It is truth, that they find upon their doorstep, when everything is lost through no fault of their own decisions, but the vicissitudes of life.  It is truth, courageous and undaunted by everything else that drives us forward into the unknown future. It is truth, alone and unaided, that captures the essence of our beingness. It is truth, it is truth. It is truth. It is most rewarding to dedicate one’s thoughts and works to those individuals, throughout time, who have been persecuted for Truth sake.

Again, I say to you, awaken yet again, for the hour has come to set truth, oneness, and divine love above all else.  Let the vision of their unity drive you into your future and see firsthand the bounty that they bring, at the  least you risk losing your worldly status a status offering little compared to that of the soul status you could potentially gain.  What do I mean by status? I mean just that, Just, as in the world, status is gained by successful events perceived through the eyes of the world.  The same is true in the world of soul.  Each gives their accolades and rewards.

You have been given the idea, by the mystics of the world, that the spiritual path is both a product of purification, obedience to god the Father within, and enlightenment gained from meditation, prayer, and study of god’s word.  This is only the beginning of the path of life; the path itself does not begin until the above is somewhat perfected.  It is then one is capable of even recognizing the path.  You might ask, how could this be so, what messengers of god provided us with any other alternative.

You have been given the idea, by the present mystics of the world, through following the above three rules one’s spirituality will unfold into perfection.  It has been this idea, held out before the masses, that has created our present theological institutions and many religious orders and new age movement.

The world for the first time, because of the mental development of the race, requires an up-to-date mental presentation on the nature of the path, one that could not be shared with humanity until the race was ready.   Humanity is still not ready but soon will be once the idea of the One Humanity penetrates down into day to day decision making processes.  Humanity cannot yet be trusted to do the right thing in respect to occult knowledge required to move forward upon the path.  It is occult knowledge, along with planetary service, that will demonstrate the path. It is occult knowledge and true service that will create upon this planet right human relations, will-to-good, understanding around peoples reason for existence, a true sharing of resources, a greater transparency of Geo-political boundaries, a greater peace and security, a world where everyone can be understood for their gifts that they share with the world, for a planet attuned and aligned in creating national and regional decisions for the planet as a whole, for demonstrating to the world the purpose of life, and of law, and of right justice.  One of the purposes of this treatise is to adjust the readers understanding in the area of the nature and value of spiritual occultism. It needs understanding to better adapt men’s minds to the idea that freedom above all things is required to really have god’s way among humankind.  And it is spiritual occultism that proffers this freedom if correct held and practiced thus the dangers if not.  We believe, we spiritual occultists, in the inevitability of freedom as the ruling concept upon this planet, and yet for the solar system itself once men’s minds are accustomed to such an idea.  We also believe it is men’s minds that above all need to be free.  It is a freedom that will permit the mirroring of the soul henceforth.  It will also permit the mirroring of men’s souls to others that the truth can be known correctly.  We have given you some idea of spiritual occultism but I never defined or described its practice and this for two reasons; first it would not be understood and second it would not be believed as yet for the many have not had the experience to justify what I might say.

In all the ages that have come and gone, the ability or should I say capacity of these great men who have walked among us were all spiritual occultists in different ways.  There powers were not derived from humanity but the spiritual Soul.  Their gifts were many and their human loneliness great also, what is it about these men (and all were men in our historical age as denoted by historians) that produced in them these powers—it was one thing the ability to serve, nothing more but also nothing less.  These were men and yet were gods not created from some feebly man’s mind but gods with the powers of god as they were one, not only in consciousness but in will. And it was god’s will that flowed through them into the race of men. All beheld the same likeness, the same qualities, and yet the same brotherhood; a brotherhood of gods that used to be men. What can be say more that will convince you of your inevitable fate as a human being. What likelihood of you choosing a different path then those that came before you. What fate would you like brother and sister of mine if you care to be.

What more can I say to convince of a destiny awaiting your embrace?  Is it love that you want? Is it power, is it wisdom? Is it divine gifts? Then they are waiting for you.  They only require one thing and one thing only—your belief in yourself.

The hour has arrived, when all men great or small among your worldly brother, must rise up and take hold of that very thing that animates your heart and your path, and this one thing is your belief in yourself.  Those around you will not give it to you.  Your loved ones will not give it to you.  Your friends will not give it to you.  Only you can give it to you, but it is a you that must be discovered within the heart of your being and this heart is waiting for you.   It has waited for you for aeons and it waits for you still that which has adored you throughout time.  Adore the Self, you must, to see the Self truly as you are.

The hour has come, to awaken to the call from the Voice within the Silence. A silence so deep that men’s minds need be organized to here its call.  Thus, the path, thus the three rules of purity, meditation and study.  The path that begins once these three are perfected is that path of spiritual occultism.  A path so devoid of self-recognition that who wish to travel upon it must first lose their way and find The Way.  It is a path full of obstacles at every turn, obstacles placed there by oneself in distant past.  It is a path where worn the thorny crown, the battered robe, the staff of life for others, and the winged sandals as a messenger from god.  It is a path strung upon golden steps garnished from time from those who have passed by.  It is a path with pitfalls many but all who travel the narrow path experience them not.  It is a path from here to there adorned by all but privileged by few.  It is a path where many stumble and fall and fail but return again with joy for there is no other path.   I say to you, who have followed me to this page, your path is this path, or you would not be here with me.

You have been given the construct of rescuing from the past, your golden past, those many treasures now at your feet. Treasures of the heart, treasures of your mind, and those treasures not yet perceived from Spirit to be received.  Take these treasures back Home and lay these at the feet of them who sent you.  And in that moment, when you can look upon His Face, realize it is you.

We have given you, yes we, for we are you and I, what we need to journey forward upon our way Home.

It is our concern, that you and I, will not be able to fully appreciate what we are trying to accomplish here.   What do I mean? I mean it is a beginning into the knowledge of how the universe really works.  It is a knowledge of greatness and demands rigor study to understand.  It also demands virtue to properly interpret. It also requires that you and I find a way to better organize our thoughts to make the truth known.  It is just as much a challenge for me as for you for none has written upon these subjects before, none has tried because the world was not ready nor able to understand.  The mercy of the lord is great and bothers not to burden anyone unnecessarily with responsibility before they are ready.

You have been given, over the years many laws of god in respect to the universe, but these laws are not what we are going to discuss.  We are going to discuss 18 new sub-laws of the Law of Reincarnation, some related to those that have come before, and one concluding law which you are familiar.  We are going to show that these 18 laws relate to what is necessary once the three rules of purity, meditation, and study are perfected.  Each of these 18 laws relates to the idea of the recurring dream of the initiate; the dream where his form of service meets its intended task.  It is this dream or goal or plan that animates every thought and action of the initiate or he is not an initiate.  It is this dream, goal, or plan that is responsible for the history of humanity playing itself out over time.  It is this dream, goal, or plan that captures the essence or glory of the One Life as a picture catches an event.

The dream, goal, or plan of the initiate is in itself unremarkable but its power over time creates great changes.  It is these changes forwards the progress of evolution—an idea whose time has come.  All ideas now known and held by humanity arose in this fashion and in this fashion the world is created.  All ideas come from above down and enter men’s minds according to their purpose—this is the way of life.  All ideas enter gradually over the course of time into all people’s minds and civilization and culture unfold—this is the way of humanity.  All ideas spread out across the globe according to the those minds responsible to receive them—this is the way of service.  For each of us there are a set of concepts that define who we are and what we are about.  It is these concepts, which was once an idea, that originated in the mind of god and slowly descended as men’s minds could receive them over the course of time.  All of these concepts that we hold as a race originated with god.  We interpret them according to our destiny.  Our destiny is created by our interpretation of these ideas and concepts in respect to our mental understanding.  Our destiny is also created according to our character development and thus the direction of our lives.  In a nutshell, for this is all this is, our destiny and god’s destiny are one.

The essence of why I am trying to say is that our destiny is planned, not by us as people, but by us as god and for “goodness’ sake”.   All human beings act out of goodness even though later it appeared otherwise.  Also, all human beings act out of the conviction of their right to be and to behave according to their highest good even though it is not the highest good for everyone else. The law we are presenting now states that each person must know their highest good and the highest good of others their behaviors will affect in accordance with the law of karma.  This means that each person must know the ramifications of their every action upon the planet as a whole.  This requires that each of us comprehend the karma created by every action.  This is possible for those who have soul consciousness.  Our ability to reach this ability comes by integrating our personality with our soul. Our ability to do this will determine whether or not we can progress upon the path of spiritual occultism or not and rightly so.

The essence of the initiates dream is three fold. It is a product of gods dream, it is also a cause of his existence, and it is the reason he perceives himself as a divine being. All of these are the same. Each initiates dream reflects the totality of possible dreams for the world.  This is why each individual is so important to gods dream; it will not be fulfilled unless all individuals eventually fulfill their dreams.

The importance of this law is obvious, it permits the part to be responsible itself and to the whole at the same time.  It is a consequence correct causation.  Correct causation is a product of many minds at work manifesting the one mind, it is not more than this. It is correct to say that all is under law and order and this is true to a point, but the universe is not perfected, and the laws are not known, nor can they be correctly adhered to when they are known.  Laws are a product of evolution and reflect the results of great beings accomplishing their dreams, goals, plans.

You have been given important information above.  It took the form of correct causation, for it is correct causation that determines the likely success of one’s actions in life.  It is correct causation that makes us happy or sad.  It is correct causation that for no apparent reason we can decipher turns our life upside down or right side up.  It is correct causation that permits us karmic freedom to act according to our will or denies this freedom.  It is correct causation that permits us to have both health, wellbeing, peace and prosperity.  It is correct causation which requires us to backtrack and create that life not earlier fully realized but faintly perceived.  It is correct action that requires us to monitor our every though, word, and deed for everyone’s well-being.  Correct causation is that one thing that is required before we can create our unique path of life.

You have been given the idea the initiates life is a life of correct causation. It is a life where the initiate has apperceived his relationship to both humanity and to the Soul.  It is a life where others are permitted there to carry out their destiny according to the Soul’s wishes.   The worldly life of an initiate is unmarked and unscathed by failure, disappointment, hopelessness, and disillusionment, because the world to him is only an effect of incorrect causation waiting to be rearranged as it will inevitably be.  So, you see, for each of us, there is a correct causation, pattern of energy, or an idea, these three being equal, waiting for us to embody.  Unless we see that we are already engaged in trying to correctly embody an idea or energy pattern symbolizing the cause of our present existence or beingness this argument will have no meaning.  It is important to note that each of you who read this carefully will make the connection between your life and the history of ideas now acted out as ideals.  It is these ideals that define your controlling thought-form of self with all of your motivations, desires, and even characteristics—think about it for a while and you will see the truth of what I am trying to say to you.  The Law states that every person must know his highest good and the effects of himself acting out this on the planet.   To do this requires one not to see himself as the actor but as the group he is affiliated with as a soul.  His will is an extension of this group and this makes permits him to know everything that is required.  Without this affiliation no man/women can hope to have the information required to meet the requirements of this law.  Likewise, no man/women, is expected to adhere to this law unless their will is being integrated with the will of the subjective soul group.  For once their wills are unified individual karma is replaced by group karma and falls under the Law of Destiny as opposed to the Law of Karma.  This as a trademark for those traveling upon the path of life as opposed to the karmic path.  Your ability to successful proceed upon this path of life is a testimony to your understanding of your Self as having group consciousness.  You see others; therefore, you travel not blindly, therefore your blindness has been removed by your Soul. What do we mean by blindness here?

Occult blindness is an applied condition that is placed upon the aspirant by the Soul to prevent the aspirant from adhering to the rules superficially but must know beyond any doubt the truth of himself while immersed in matter.  This prevents many failures later as the aspirant frees himself from matter to walk freely in the light.  It is the light he is blinded by and as his eyes adjust, he recognizes himself everywhere. This only happens at the latter stages of the path of life.  It is at this time his hood is removed and for the first time he becomes consciously aware of what he perceived as existing.   This is two totally different experiences.  The difference is that perception is a state of mind whereas consciousness is a state of being both exist together as the personality/soul exists together with the Divine Soul. What does this have to do with the Law? First of all, the law states that each must be aware of the effects of his actions upon the planet and he must do this blindly.  First of all, this requires much skill inaction; and secondly much ability to meditate; and much experimentation over time along with ability to trust the group soul, and a developed wisdom in junction with much knowledge and purity.  Each of these must be developed before the aspirant can succeed in creating his dream. Much of this happens outside of the aspirant’s conscious brain awareness but much more must happen consciously to succeed.  You have been given this synopsis so you will have in mind the amount of work required by each to enter the path of life and successfully carry out their dream

Laws Related to Matter: 6

  1. Law of the Orthodox Sciences 6
  2. Law of the Occult Sciences 6
  3. Law of the Initiate Sciences 6
  4. Law of the Ashram Sciences 6
  5. Law of Non-Sacred Planets Sciences 6
  6. Law of Sacred Planets Sciences 6

Law of the Orthodox – Sciences 6

  1. The importance of these sets of laws is reflected in the technology generated by our understanding and application of matter and substance.21
  1. Matter, as understood today is represented by Neil’s Bohr’s theory of the atom, which is basically a good theory.
  1. But nevertheless, is exposed to ridicule through its inability to explain or understand occult phenomena happening around us every day.61
  1. Extraordinarily little is really known about matter, we only have vague theories of why it does what it does, and a whole volume it would take me to explain this. In reality, we are still lost as to the heart of matter and as of yet have not generated a single theory as to why, how, or when it comes into existence except through observation of existing chemical processes.  In reality, we are as yet lost to the cause of matter as we are to the origin of man.  And I do not see either one being resolved soon given the material orientation in the scientific community.  Furthermore, the pundits of the scientific community are not is a position yet to discover the cause of matter as their present theories are opposed to such findings—along with their methods.  But all in all, a great advancement has been made in every division of science regardless of this truth of matter’s origin and composition. 240
  1. The important point to remember here is that mankind, as a rule, does not exhibit those characteristics required to solidify the answer to the origin or composition of matter. In other words, science will be and always has been an extension of it’s concept of Self. Furthermore, science as a body, regardless of time throughout history, is the symbolic “sole” recognizer of man’s beliefs. Furthermore, all science, or what we call science is also an extension of man’s mental ability to apperceive the inter-connectedness of the universe and the lives therein. Furthermore, once mankind exhibits true soul recognition, then and only then, will real science unfold its elaborate theories of causation including a real unified theory.16
  1. Furthermore, all science that we recognize today, in three hundred years will not exist. 8000

Law of Occult – Sciences 6

  1. The purpose of the Law of Occult Matter is that of demonstrating of truth in the statement that energy follows thought. This is the first law of occult matter being 140 or so in all. And it is for this reason this discussion is written.
  1.    Another purpose for writing this  is to explain and predict the outcome of man’s efforts to harness matter of the next 500 years. This will be more a story of evolution of consciousness then a story of scientific discovery. A story nevertheless that needs to be told. 86
  1. A story that takes place in the year 2094; it will be at that time that a disciple will arrive to exhibit to the world, a form of technology that will revolutionize the way the world thinks about light. It will not be based on any existing theories of light and in itself, a completely new concept.  It will be this concept that will make possible the colonization of Mars and eventually other planets.  It will be this process which will upset existing theories of relativity and particle physics.  22
  1. Nevertheless, all in the immediate future is going to change. What changes and how much change is up to humanity. My prediction is based upon an optimistic belief I have in humanity, but I have been wrong before, but the end is inevitable even if the time it takes to get there is based upon uncertain free will. 4
  1. Another important law of matter is based upon the present assumption that the earth was occultly created at the time during which the solar system was likewise created; this will prove to be inaccurate once the age of the earth and the age of certain other planets are known. Regardless of the truth of this, the relationship of the matter of the earth to the matter of the solar system is the basis of this next law. 800
  1. This law states that the evolution of consciousness is the primary cause for the evolution of matter. This law is responsible for Heisenberg’s Principle one of the many principles which can be derived from this law. this law This law states that for each conscious event there is an event in substance producing an event in matter. 22

Law of Initiate – Sciences 6

1. The law of initiate matter is a takeoff of the occult position and states that for every occult law of matter defined a correlation exists in the world of the initiate. This means that each event in matter has a corresponding cause in the world of the initiate and that cause for the event in the world of matter is only an effect of its original cause in the world of the initiate. This also means that for every physiological event in the world of matter there is a higher cause in the world of the initiate. This also means that for every decision made by the divine soul there is an effect in matter.  The next law of the initiate, related to matter, is the finding of the time necessary to produce initiating causes.  This itself is the cause of evolution and cannot be properly understood without a lengthy treatise. But for now it will suffice to know that these initiating events are a result of karmic forms being created and destroyed involving the whole race and whole kingdoms.  Each of these events are the result of understanding or non-understanding generated; and each of these events can be recalled in the histories recorded of the kingdom involved and the initiate responsible for the initiating cause.  All events are according to an established law or set of laws recognized and reacted to.  For each event in matter there is a law that circumscribes it.

2. For each event on substance there a corresponding event in matter again circumscribed by some law or set of laws acted upon by initiates. One might ask themselves, how is my life and circumstances explained by this law? The answer to this question of causation, if traced back to its source, will take you into the initiates world of Being and in this world Being itself is the cause. One might also ask if Being itself is the cause how does this relate to matter on the physical plane?

3. The plane itself has significant relationship to Being for all planes are perceived as being created from consciousness and thus are alive and represent being itself. Being itself, a product of existence and not creation is of itself the cause of all matter and not vice-versa as our world suggests.

4. Being is both an outgrowth of evolution of matter and also initiating cause of evolution of matter. The one thing that unites these two causes is the phenomena of substance which contains both matter and being. It will be this discovery that will revolutionize science and integrate the scientific community with spiritual occultism and validate the origin of all religions. It will be this realization that will initiate effectively the golden new age.  We would like to take you on a sort of journey into the future for a minute establishing in your minds some of the ramifications and implications of this:  8

The most notable event will be take place after the discovery that the physical plane is alive; this will produce a decisive change in research methods resulting in totally new research technologies; it will also stop the need to do animal research testing even on a micro-organism level. This discovery will propel scientists to use instruments designed to determine subtle consciousness changes of the subject based upon elementary changes in their own energy fields and also changes in their own consciousness. 12

Another notable event after the discovery of new research methods and will revolutionize the scientific community in respect to medicine is the discovery of the soul of matter. And from that point forward, medicine will become preventative.4

Another notable event after the discovery of the soul of matter and will revolutionize the scientific community in respect to the vegetable kingdom and its discovery of a soul. This will produce a revelation in the way food is grown and prepared and consumed and it will be on this basis that all humanity will become more and more healthy.16

Another notable event is the discovery of animal soul…This will change the way we perceive our relationship to this kingdom in terms of consuming, evolving. We will also provide for them training in self awarensss.12

Human soul: 22

Group related soul: 62

6. The evolution of this law, that pertains to matter, is registered by the initiate in such a way as to produce within him a comprehension of such a nature that the use of his divine will embarks or leaves him along with this revelatory comprehension and precipitates in matter the “idea” or energy pattern causing reorientation of substance and thus matter. 81

6. Holding on to the past is what matter’s purpose is. It is this idea that gives meaning to both on how matter is used to forward evolution of consciousness and also how it is used to forward evolution of substance.  First of all matter retaining its shape and nature permits being to embody it  in a stable way; if it was always changing shape or protean, we would not be able to use it to produce self-identification nor could we use it to learn about the nature of ourselves.  864

Law of Ashram – Sciences 6

1. The importance of this law of the ashram is yet a higher take off of occult laws of matter, the importance of this first law, in respect to events in matter, states that for every matter association to an event there is series of Ashramic purposes producing this matter association to a physical event; it is for this reason all possible events have their beginning in this way.  This says two things: first it says that the ashram is the initiating cause of all earth events that affect matter in some organized way. And secondly, it states that matter is arranged to carry out some Ashramic purpose.  As a matter of fact, it is the cause of every conceivable set of circumstances in which the world makes decisions. This can be explained through the evolution of an idea which come from above down. 62

2. Matter and evolution have the same basic cause reflected in the arrangement of substance and it is this arrangement of substance that produces all phenomena. It is also this arrangement of substance that is the cause for civilizations and cultures. 22

3. Ashramic cause over time fill space with the substance of idea that produce ideals that produce idols; it produces the sensitization of matter adapting it to many uses and shapes. It is also this process that instills in matter consciousness. 32

4. Ashramic purpose of itself is an extension of god purpose and to this level of causation I have no experience but am reminded of it on a daily basis. It is god or the mind of god, however we choice to define it or not, that arranges not only the matter to be used but also the purpose in which we use it. It is god that instigates the creative process for some reason we are all trying to discover and has taken us this far in terms of causation.  It is god that has brought us to this place in the heavens with its set of possibilities. It is god that has provided us with this planet to express through and develop. It is god, It is god it is god.

5. Of all the purposes one can conceive of the ashram there is one purpose that seems to dominate the others and that is the purpose represents the link between mankind and god; This purpose can be stated thus: the development of wisdom, will, love, and active intelligence necessary to understand god. 360

6. The age old quest to find meaning and significance to life only begins once we understand the concept of god in terms of the One Life. It is for this reason the Ashramic law of matter supersedes all other laws and this by divine right and by law 360

Rule No. XII:

This rule also states that it is imperative that each candidate initiates himself into the Lodge at Sirius.

This next rule relates to the idea of receiving form Sirius necessary guidance to permit initiates the ability to exit the planetary evolution. Want you to know that this rule endorses the idea of generating initiates able to enter the Cosmic Antahkarana as one avenue into theUnknown. This rule states that all initiates who are not needed by planetary head center be allowed to enter a cosmic path. This rule also states that it is imperative that each candidate initiates himself into the Lodge at Sirius.

You have been given the idea of relating in time and space a certain process of initiation that deals strictly with the confines of the cosmic etheric planes.  It is this plane alone where the rules of initiation apply. The third initiation being the first where this plane is tentatively contacted consciously (a known terrain) and this through a process of creating a bridge between the two cosmic planes.  You have also been given the idea that each of your centers have been involved in this process likewise and these two ideas if blended together will also allow you to perceive the idea of the One Cosmic Pathway available to us.

It is this process of creating the One Cosmic Path consciously over the one evolutionary life of a monad that represents a truer picture and a simpler picture of life.  It is this process that gives rise to all religions, philosophies, and science.  It is this process that liberates all forms and is the cause for their creation.  It is this process that has its root in the first subplane of the cosmic etheric plane for that is the plane where Universal Soul and substance first found each other.  It is this place where Shamballa rules from and is the place of first contact for entering forces within planet and the first place for exiting forces out of the planetary ring-pass-not.  This is a place like no other and its substance is responsive to the vibratory essence of all cosmic lives.  You can see that this is a place where all Magic is wrought where Vibration is turned into Form and all forms are resolved back into their Essential Life and Lives.  You can see that whatever enters into the planetary ring-pass-not is a needed example of That for which Life Is.

It is this process of entering and exiting forces that make up the day to day world of Shamballa and represent the ring-pass-not of its function; it is for this reason that members of the Great Council do not stay in Shamballa but rule at a distance so-to-speak.  It is only when meetings are held periodically do they materialize in that function or location but it is a location only in the sense of dimensionality.

You might ask, how is it they are responsible for the evolution of this planet? In six basic ways:

First as a filter for all possible forms that are entering the cosmic etheric plane.

Secondly, as a resonator of Law, for all of those lives within the planetary ring-pass-not.

Third, as a genetic set of prototypes, for the various kingdoms.

Fourth, as means to control exiting Lives.

Fifth, as a keeper of Lipika or Karmic Law.

Sixth, as a doorway into the Solar Systems.

You have noted a process whereby the world was created from entering forces, just as with a human being, the world is created on inner levels also with the exiting of those same forces but it is a world totally being transformed though such exiting as the One Cosmic Pathway is being created back to its originating Source.  This holds the theory of involution and evolution and also the reason for the work of the Christ – a work that requires the next 3,000 years to complete.

This Work represents the founding idea behind the New Age as the Waters of Life circulating into the cosmic etheric plane in a planetary sense.  It is this circulation that symbolizes the real communion. A communion based on the blending of cosmic substance or the body of the Christ, the cosmic etheric planes and the Love of God originating on the cosmic astral plane symbolizing the blood of the Christ.  Christ brought these two together for the first time and their circulation into the cosmic physical plane onto its lowest plane the physical is the goal of the Christ.

It is this goal that the whole Hierarchy is striving to accomplish; it is this goal that motivates the solar system (as the Head of the Ashram).  It is this goal that will make this planet a sacred planet.  It is this reason that Lord of Venus enlisted the service of the solar system and it is for this reason that the solar system has become a prisoner of the planet until this is accomplished and certain other purposes demonstrated.

These further purposes are 60 in number and represent the overall Purpose of solar system. Each of these 60 purposes are intertwined and together represent the purpose for which this world was created in its many globes.  Together they represent the construct of the One Great Planetary Plan that organizes all live on this planet to meet these purposes.  It is the organization of life and lives that is the responsibility of the Divine Soul and to this end it dedicates All.

You have been given the idea of reaching a plateau of initiation this life. To accomplish this your life has to be organized according to your divine soul’s designs; to accomplish this you must first create a bridge from here to there; to begin this process you must have the conscious agreement of the human soul; to know this you must organize your mind according to its purpose.

You have examined the above concepts and together make an impressive picture of the work needing to be accomplished yet on this planet.  Your assistance is more than needed but demanded for you to transcend this planetary life.  What more can we accomplish with our lives than what we have accomplished, this is the question only we can answer within ourselves?  But it is a question I put to you nevertheless.

We have given you information about how to achieve a better understanding on galactic laws affecting our planetary evolution.  We would like now certain cosmic laws affecting the planetary evolution. These cosmic laws pertain to the idea of men achieving spiritual integration with the planet in general. These laws refer to the idea that humanity itself needs to be the integrating force upon this planet; it is for this reason Hierarchy and Shamballa are in a process of integrating with humanity as one existence.  Do you see the beauty of this?  This has been ever the goal set before humanity.   A goal envisioned all along and the cause of all spiritual ideas and ideals—I and the Father are one with the Plan.  It is for this reason the world was created.  And it was for this reason that humanity most someday accept.  This will end the karmic malady that we are now in and provide correct direction for our lives as a unit.  It is this task set before the Christ.  A task so bewildering that one wonders how or when it will be done.

The work of the Christ initiated in Palestine and ending in two thousand years represents the present goal and Plan of the Hierarchy.  It is this Plan that, which has been created, once complete will end an era, represented by the Age of Aquarius.  It is for this reason, that the present opportunities for the more advanced souls among us, are depicted as being extra-ordinary. It is for this reason that the Hierarchy has trained initiates at a quicken rate and has invoked from the aspirants of the world, those who contain both the ability and capacity to take initiation to come forward.  It is in this way the Plan can go forward to meet this deadline, at the end of the age. One of the goals set before humanity is the establishment of a world that has as its cornerstone a foundation built upon the value of justice.  Another value is that of the acceptance of the natural order of Hierarchy innate in the creative universe. Anther value is that of the idea of brother/sisterhood.

Each of these values represent the basis of the new age all three must exist for any one of them to have any value.  Want to introduce the next set of fourteen laws. This set of laws originated at different periods in earths evolution as above and correlate with the idea of the present value Hierarchy assigns to these events. Only four of the fourteen are presented herein:

Law 1:

The importance of this first law is now commonplace among advance peoples in the world, in that each person has a right to extend their knowledge into any area of life not withstanding its harmlessness.  The ideal of this right has its origin in the last chain—moon chain, at which time when undercurrents of distrust developed between ruling groups and political groups opposed to the ruling groups representing the majority of citizens. At one point these political groups took it upon themselves to change direction of the planetary objective currently held by the majority of its citizens. During this period, the existing knowledge base of the majority of its citizens was very different to the knowledge base held by the political group.  The existing knowledge was based upon the service that each could contribute which was based upon the individual’s idea of what they thought the group needed.  Thus, created a world where each person strove to make themselves useful in ways that honored their lives and contributions.

The newer political groups knowledge base held the central idea that the world could benefit more by allowing that knowledge be organized to better human need as a whole and not so much for individual honor and gain. This difference produced a battle among the two groups causing groups of individuals to take control of the ruling groups territories. It was decided by Hierarchy, at that time, which was supporting knowledge based on the ideal that each person has a supporting role in society or basically honoring both groups. It was from this time forward that Hierarchy accepted the idea that knowledge itself is inherently relating the personality form and its potential contribution, to whatever the idea and ideal accepted at the time. Basically, each soul ray group demonstrate its ray purpose.  As you can see these two groups had a basically different ray affiliation being only a set of two conditioning rays making up the one ashram at the time.  One group had a ray purpose ideal represented by the individual and the second one by the group.  Together both held the real need of humanity in any one period.  Hierarchy supported neither of these groups but promoted the idea of freedom to pursue knowledge for its own sake and did not necessarily have to be perceived as being beneficial to anyone.

Law 2:

The importance of this next law is that it pertains to the ideal that any group of beings, so dedicated, can achieved wisdom as a group.  It is this law that originated in Lemuria during the war that eventuated in its destruction by fire.  It is this law if pursed to its correct end gives status to a soul and service to the Hierarchy.  It was during this time that a group of beings choose to rise to power based upon the ideal that “wisdom” of itself need be promoted and accepted to be okay.  Those who did not accept the “wisdom” as laid out violated the group’s morality and were punished.  It was this punishment that led to the need for war.  It was decided by Hierarchy that because each group was not able to see reason, or the “wisdom” involved for everyone’s highest good it was decided to intervene.

Law 3:

The importance of this next law originates in Atlantean times and was responsible for the flood.  This law states that any group of individual has the right to choose, not only its reason for existence, but also how they want to create it. At the time there was a group in power that was highly educated and were considered the priestly class.  It was this group of beings that over time lost favor along with their ideals and was replaced by the ideal that it was each person’s right to be honored by what they choose.  Over the course of time, this latter group, became more and more focused on using the devic groups to assist them in making a living and this grew into the use of devas to do harm against others.  It was at this time the Hierarchy decided to intervene for everyone’s highest good and thus the flood and the prevention from the interaction between the two groups until recently where certain groups are now permitted to interface with humanity—if aspirants.

Law 4:

This next law originated also in Atlantean times and related to the idea that the masters, dedicated to the idea of spiritual friendship with humanity, requires that each group related to the Hierarchy be permitted its choice in how to serve.  It is in this fashion that each group through its relationship with the Hierarchy be open to certain teachings so to be better integrated into the Hierarchy. Hierarchy is of itself an organized group and requires all affiliated groups to organize itself in its fashion and for this to happen each group need be responsible to accomplish this. Hierarchy itself does not determine the type of groups it works with but allows the groups to make free choice.  In Atlantean times there were groups that wanted to achieve integration with the Hierarchy but were not qualified nor were these groups trainable, but they nevertheless professed to be part of Hierarchy (this happens today also). It was in this way that groups promoted themselves and recruited.  It was also during that time in the fifth subrace, of the fourth root race, that these groups decided they were the hierarchical rulers in truth.  Hierarchy decided that, to prevent harm to these groups that it was necessary to permanently remove itself from off the astral plane to mental. It was in this way humanity had to become mentally polarized and to go through the human soul to contact the Hierarchy.

The same type of conflict happened last century in relation to the human soul or egoic planes in context to Hierarchy thus moved from the manasic planes to the buddhic plane. It was in this way also that the Hierarchy moved from the seventh to the fourth subplane of the buddhic plane due to individuals and groups which identified themselves as part of the spiritual Hierarchy that could not organize effectively and thus could not be integrated.

Many groups now existing are affiliated with the Hierarchy and are being trained to integrate. All of these extant groupings, except one, that has disciples or initiates as leaders of these groups. The one that does not is made up of several ray groups with aspirants at their leader.  It is in this way the Hierarchy works to integrate humanity and raise consciousness at the same time.

You would be wise to see this process as contributing to the idea of creating a greater degree of integration and affiliation simultaneously with Shamballa since this is the focus of the Hierarchy.

You would also be wise also to see the relationship forming now with the NGWS and Hierarchy as the group representing the ajna head center for humanity and not the disciples of the world as these are elements not of much of humanity but of Hierarchy.

You would be wise to appear ignorant as to the services of the left-hand path for it is these entities that will inevitably be redeemed through salvaging of substance. You would be surprised to find out that these forces of evil are still located in pockets on the earth in various locations due to curtailed freedoms.

Evil influences are due to a lack of concern for individual freedoms in some Geo-political location, and also due to the present disregard for humanity’s sojourn with destiny.  This represents an opportunity to announce to the world the existence of the soul as the soul is the only salvaging force capable of effectively dealing with evil. The soul, in relationship with Hierarchy will be instrumental in bringing evil to a just end but this end is up to Humanity.

Composed by H.Z.: Soul Impacted Impressions received in Meditation

Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part III, Evaluation Model & Exercises

The Silence of the Heart – Destination Sources

The Father’s House – Signposts of Home

The Antahkarana – Some Rules for Triadal Alignment

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

Esoteric Cosmology – Solar Antahkarana

Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information – Part 1

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information – Part II