The Laws of the universe are simply the modes of expression, the life impulses and the way of existence or activity of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. There is no avoiding these laws in the last analysis, and there is no denying them, for we are eternally swept into activity by them and they govern and control (from the angle of the Eternal Now) all that happens in time and space. Rays and Initiation, pp. 26
I know the Law and towards the goal I strive. Naught shall arrest my progress on the Way. Each tiny life within my form responds. My soul has sounded forth that call and clearer day by day it sounds. The glamour holds me not. The Path of Light streams clear ahead. My plea goes forth to reach the hearts of men. I seek, I cry, I serve your need. Give me your hand and tread the Path with me.
These following esoteric laws require understanding to better integrate into the One Life. They have not been defined herein (except for a few) as it is an ongoing project. They are listed here only to depict the a type and nature of subjective training undertaken by souls. Each set of laws represents an innate set of attribute expressions of the Entity which these laws and principles reflect.
Spiritual Laws & Principles of the Soul: 180 (18)
- Law of Reincarnation of a soul that requires a physical body to work off karma.
- The Law & Principle of Reincarnation which permits a soul to live several lives within one body.
- The Law & Principle of Reincarnation which permits a soul to work off individual karma in a way that benefits his group.
- Law & Principle of Fortitude (needed by a soul to perform tasks for the hierarchy).
- Law & Principle that allows other souls to interfere with the workings of this Law of Righteous Interference.
- Law & Principle of Deliverance (from the sins of the group).
- Law & Principle of Rectitude
- Law & Principle of Forbearance
- Law & Principle of Scarcity of Resources (needed by the group to carry out their intentions).
- Law of Resources
- Law & Principle of Mirroring
- Law & Principle of Altering Major Leadership in the World
- Law of Charismatic Souls
- Law of Exemptions
- Law of Exclusions
- Law of Supply
- Law of Merriment
- Law & Principle of Incitement
- ……………………….180
Buddhic Deva Responsible for the Choosing of Bodies: 14
- The Law of Measures
- The Law of Consumption
- The Law of Envy
- The Law of Adoration
- The Law of Concealment
- The Law of Everlasting Change
- The Law of Circulation
- The Law of Corrosion
- The Law of Endorsement
- The Law of Correction
- The Law & Principle of Fortitude
- The Law & Principle of Persuasion
- The Law & Principle of Deviation
- The Law & Principle of Refinement
This next Set of Laws comes from Monadic Group: 14
- The Law of Satisfaction
- The Law of Stabilization
- The Law of Service
- The Law of Exactitude in Work
- The Law of Momentous Occasions
- The Law of Fortuity
- The Law of Everlasting Spirit
- The Law of Grandeur
- The Law of Plentitude
- The Law of Peacemaking
- The Law of Crisis
- The Law of Change
- The Law of Free Will
- The Law of Anchoring
This next Set of Laws comes from Human Egos: 18
- The Law of Radiation
- The Law of Measures
- The Law of Movement
- The Law of Set Time & Place
- The Law that prevents movement into the Ether-downward
- The Law that corrects pressures of time.
- The Law of the Land
- The Law of Improvement
- The Law of Correct Vicissitudes
- The Law of Grace
- The Law of Evolution
- The Law of Will
- The Law of Correct Endorsement
- The Law of Search
- The Law of Correct Deliverance
- The Law of Creation
- The Law of Profundity
- The Law of Adornment of Wisdom
This next Set of Laws/Principles comes from Adi-Buddhi: 14
- The Principle of Freedom
- The Principle of Merit
- The Principle of Assertion
- The Principle of Correct Action
- The Principle of Controlling Forces
- The Principle of Illusion
- The Principle of Isolation
- The Principle of Revelation
- The Principle of Mandates
- The principle of Everlasting Glory
- The Principle of Termination
- The Principle of Enlightenment
- The Principle of Sacrifice
- The Principle of Resurrection
This next Set of Laws/Principles comes from Sanat Kumara: 4
- The Principle of Purpose
- The Principle of Salvation
- The Principle of the Burning Bush
- The Principle of Judgement
(See “Recent Post” for an expansion of these four laws. “Four Principles linked to Sanat Kumara – Purpose, Salvation, the Burning Bush, and Judgement”)
This next Set of Laws comes from Human Group Souls: 6
- The Law & Principle of Assistance
- The Law & Principle of Radiation
- The Law & Principle of the Antahkarana
- The Law & Principle of Group Evolution
- The Law & Principle of Messiahs
- The Law & Principle of Group Illusion
This next Set of Laws comes from Life Itself: 4
- The Law of Compassion
- The Law of Goodness
- The Law of Absolute Truth
- The Law of Divine Grace
This next Set of Laws comes from Holy Ones: 1200-4
- The Law & Principle of Form
- The Law & Principle of Creation
- The Law & Principle of Surface Tension
- The Law & Principle of the Army of the Voice
- …..1200
This next Set of Laws comes from the Seven Solar Systems: 8
- The Law of Vibration.
- The Law of Cohesion.
- The Law of Disintegration.
- The Law of Magnetic Control.
- The Law of Fixation.
- The Law of Love.
- The Law of Sacrifice and Death.
This next Set of Laws comes from Seven Galaxies: 4
- The Cosmic Law of Synthesis
- The Cosmic Law of Repulsion
- The Cosmic Law of Diversity or Economy
- The Cosmic Law of Attraction
This next Set of Laws comes from Sirius: 16
- The Law of Mahatic Inducement
- The Law of Pristine Correction
- The Law of Cosmic Discernment
- The Law of the Lower Four
- The Law of Geometric Enhancement
- The Law of the Circle
- The Law of the Number One
- The Law of Advancement
- The Law of Glorification
- The Law of Geomancy
- The Law of Lodge
- The Law of the Creator
- The Law of Diplomacy
- The Law of Contentment
- The Law of Substantial Execution
- The Law of the Three
This next Set of Laws comes from a source in the Solar System (Solar Hierarchy): 18
- The Law of the Lotus
- The Law of the Son of Mind
- The Law Adjudication
- The Law of Subtraction
- The Law of Solar Relationship
- The Law of Polar Inevitability
- The Law of Direct Command
- The Law of Synchronistic Activity
- The Law of Polarities
- The Law of Newly Created Life Forms
- The Law Wrapping Time
- The Law of Equal Proportions
- The Law of the Fittest
- The Law of Diversity of Opinion
- The Law of Acclamation
- The Law of Succession
- The Law of Substitution
- The Law of the Tortured
This set of laws comes from Seven Cosmic Head Centers of the Cosmic Logos 4
- Law of Mass
- Law of Generation
- Law of Flows
- Principle of Absolutism
This Set of Laws comes from Seven Sacred Planets 8
- The Principle of the Seven Rays
- The Principle of Salvation
- The Principle of Ordination
- The Principle of Occultism
- The Principle of the Mystery of Life
- The Principle of the One
- The Principle of the Antahkarana
- The Principle of Devotion
This Set of Laws comes from Hierarchy 12
- The Law of Gratitude
- The Law of Universal Brotherhood
- The Law of Salvation
- The Law of Compassion
- The Law of Ashramic Sharing
- The Law of Discipleship
- The Law of Discernment
- The Law of Vice to Virtue
- The Law of Joy
- The Law of Destruction
- The Law of Succession
- The Law of Atonement
This Set of Laws comes from Galaxy: 3
- Principle of Order
- Principle of Rhythm
- Principle of Periodicity
This Set of Laws comes from Spiritual Soul on its Own Level—Buddhic: 8
- Law of Sacrifice or Those whose choose to die,
- Law of Magnetic Impulse or Polar Union,
- Law of Service or the Law of the water and the fishes,
- Law of Repulse or the Law of all destroying angels,
- Law of Group Progress or Law of Elevation,
- Law of Expansive Response or Law of the Unknown,
- Law of the Lower Four or Law of Etheric Union
- Law of Bliss
This next Set of Laws comes from Initiates of the Ninth Degree 5
- Law of Execution
- Law of Belittlement
- Law of the Tetractys
- Law of the Matter
- Law of Boundedness
This Set of Laws/Principles comes from Cosmic Mental Plane Cosmic Egoic Group 8
- Principle of Cosmic Bliss
- Principle of Ordained Creation
- Principle of the Trumpeting Word
- Principle of Codified Form
- Principle of Cosmic Ego-lessness
- Principle of 144
- Principle of Relative Creative Manifestation
- Principle of Securement
This Laws/Principles comes from Cosmic Devic Group :6
- Principle of Planetary Correction
- Principle of Planetary Harmlessness
- Principle of Planetary Circulation of Energy
- Principle of Planetary Enlighten Will
- Principle of Planetary Prisoners
- Principle of Planetary Activation
This Laws/Principles comes from Group related to idea of Nirmanakayas but on a Galactic Level: 12
- The Law of Reversed Gravity
- The Law of Reversed Moment
- The Law of Secondary Acceleration
- The Law of Reversed Polarity
- The Law of Accelerated Motion
- The Law of Perpetual Motion
- The Law of Invisible Causation
- The Law of Indivisible Union
- The Law of Sacred Union
- The Law of Sacred Four
- The Law of No Return
- The Law of Geometric Isolation
Note: Numbers in parenthesis refer to sub-concepts yet to unfold to delve deeper into a definitional analysis.
Some Teaching Aids per Laws 180
- Laws of the Universe 4
- Laws of the Solar System 6
- Laws of the Cosmic Astral 12
- Laws of the Cosmic Physical 8200
- Laws of the Soul Body 16
- Laws of Nature 80
- Laws of Evolution 140
- Laws of Peace 14
- Laws of Evolution of the 7 Kingdoms 42
- Laws of Divine Soul 6
- Laws of Eternity 8
- Laws of Will-to-Good 18
- Laws of Karma 42
- Laws of Pieces 6
- Laws of the Water Bearer 46
- Laws of the New Millennium 33
- Laws of Physical Body 10
- Laws of the Astral Body 46
- Laws of the Mental Body 14
- Laws of the Soul 600
- Laws of Radiation 5
- Laws of Healing 17
- Laws of Spirit 144
- Laws of Divine Grace 7
- Laws of Spiritual Prosperity 7
- Laws of Death 4
- Laws of Birth 6
- Laws of the World 42
- Laws of Kings 60
- Laws of the Hierarchy 4
- Laws of Shamballa 6
- Laws of Mineral Kingdom 6
- Laws of Vegetable Kingdom 8
- Laws of the Animal Kingdom 14
- Laws of the Human Kingdom 36
- Laws of the Kingdom of Souls 82
- Laws of the Kingdom of Triads 8
- Laws of the Devas 4
- Laws of the Elementals 6
- Laws of the Heavenly Men 2
- Laws of Initiates 4
- Laws of Probationary Disciples 18
- Laws of Accepted Disciples 32
- Laws of World Disciples 68
- Laws of SK 6
- Laws of the Ashrams 1
- Laws of the Solar Hierarchy 4
- Laws of the Cosmic Hierarchy 6
- Laws foe giving out of the Mysteries 6
- Laws for Health 66
- Laws Regulating your Chakras 16
- Laws for 4-D Chakras 6
- Laws for 5-D & 6-D Chakras 8
- Laws for Integrating three Major Triangles (matter, mind, spirit) 6
- Laws……………180
Teaching Aids Rules 36
- Rules for getting out of despair & hopelessness.
- Rules for enlightening yourself.
- Rules for Following Authorities
- Rules for Following Guidance
- Rules for Educating yourself in the ways of the Soul.
- Rules for Controlling your behavior.
- Rules for Training others Spiritually
- Rules for Developing your Consciousness.
- Rules for Educating the Public in Esoteric Matters
- Rules for developing Occult Abilities
- Rules for Developing Inner Guidance
- Rules for training your mind.
- Rules for dealing with your physical body.
- Rules for Dealing with your astral body.
- Rules for dealing with your mental body.
- Rules for dealing with your Triadal body.
- Rules for developing the Antahkarana.
- Rules for educating yourself Soul, Mind, Brain Alignment
- Rules for Developing Material Prosperity
- Rules for Reading Another
- Rules for Harmlessness
- Rules for Creating Yourself
- Rules for Understanding Another
- Rules for studying your past lives.
- Rules for Students in the Ancient Wisdom Teachings
- Rules which help Preventing you from making spiritual progress
- Rules for divination
- Rules in Working with the Devas
- Rules for extending your life on earth.
- Rules required for dying.
- Rules Needed by those in Intimate relationships.
- Rules for workaholics—spiritual ambitious
- Rules for group training
- Rules for getting along with your peers.
- Rules for Sexual Relationships
- Rules for Working with the divine Mother.
We advised you to make lists these 140 lists are as follows:
Plan Related Lists: 140
- List of subjective groups responsible for hierarchy. 80
- List of schedules now in existence for the Plan: 180
- List of important data from the Christ: 220
- List of places on the earth where masters can be found working: 14
- List of executives now working in the world which are members of hierarchy: 180
- List of important players functioning in the world for hierarchy. 22
- List of decisions that have to be made by the world to release karma: 160
- List of necessary items needed by the hierarchy at this time: 140
- List of resources needed by hierarchy at this time: 140
- List of activities that need to be performed by somebody for hierarchy: 82
- List of new disciples needed to fulfill these functions: 82
- List of controlled experiments that need to take place in the world: 82
- List of Miracles that need to be unfolded: 14
- List of opportunities waiting to be fulfilled: 1800
- List of resources needed to demonstrate the success of existing programs now in operation. 420
- List of successes we have had recently: 1400
- List of soul groupings working with us subjectively: 22
- List of external groups we support: 180
- ……….140
Further Teaching Aids Outlines: 80
- Outline of Lessons Course 36
- Outline of Workshops 36
- Outline of Papers 14
- Outline of Requirements for each of first Three Initiations: 36 each
- Outline of Ashram Experiments on the Earth 820
- Outline of Disciples on the Planet Today and Tomorrow 360
- Outline of Problems of Humanity 572
- Sub-outline of Sections on Hierarchy
- How to Heal Yourself—Book 360
- Techniques for Esoteric Healing 420
- Occult Technologies 800
- Human Values that need to be Inculcated 820
- Rules for Initiates 32
- Rules for Disciples 32
- Education in the New Age 140
- First Initiation Rules 320
- Second Initiation Rules 160
- third Initiation Rules 320
- Higher Initiation Rules 190
- Qualities of the Divine Soul 180
- Qualities of the Monad 140
- Qualities of the Human Soul 320
- Rules & Regulations for Entering Apprentices in the Hierarchy 180
- Acceptance of Human Values as they Exist Today 1400
- Remembering Who You are 140
- Accessing Information form the Buddhic Plane 140
- Organizing your Thoughts 180
- Making Peace in the World 140
- Settling your Karmic Debts 160
- Setting the Pace for the Future 40
- Organizing your Time to make a Difference in the World 160
- Reprogramming your Body 40
- Releasing the Past 440
- Settling upon a Future 180
- Unloading your Burdens 220
- Taking Care of the Brain 140
- Becoming a Solder in the Field 620
- Care taking your Life 140
- Organizing your Time 160
- Letting go of the Future 40
- Participating in World Events 220
- Shouldering your Responsibilities 160
- Letting go of Unnecessary Beliefs 190
- How to Deal with Others 820
- How to make Time for Yourself 140
- How to Register the Unknown 820
- The Importance in Keeping a Diary 160
- The Qualities & Characteristics of the Astral Plane 140
- The Qualities & Characteristics of the Mental Plane 140
- The Qualities and Characteristics of the Egoic Plane 140
- The Qualities & Characteristics of the Buddhic Plane 140
- The Qualities & Characteristics of the Atmic Plane 140
- The Evolution of Matter 140
- The Evolution of Consciousness 1800
- The Gains of the Past of Humanity on the Earth 420
- The Waters of Life 1600
- The Serpent Wisdom 1400
- The Edge of the Galaxy 1900
- The Diary of the Christ 140
- Special Souls wanting to Come In 1800
- The Evolution of Greatness 1600
- The Plight of Humanity Now 1400
- The Reappearance of the Christ 320
- The Externalization of the Hierarchy 820
- The Reappearance of SK 16
- The Way of the Devas 440
- Foregone Conclusions of the Christ 140
- Evaporation of the Astral Plane 3200
- The Meeting of Minds in the Future 16
- The Foregone Conclusions of the Masters 14
- The Workings of Prophecy 180
- The Age of Reason 190
- The Beauty of Life 1600
- Conclusions Gained from the Past 1800
- The New World Religion 1600
- The Reason & Nature of Group Life 3200
- The Origin of the Species 420
- The Making of a God 1900
- The Honing of the Sword of Justice 16
- The Everlasting Life 18
Further Teaching Aid Tabulations (16)
- On the Development of the Will 16
- On the development of spiritual gifts 42
- On Securing Grace 62
- On Development of Nature Spirits 86
- On Getting through a Crisis 14
- On Soul Laws & Principles 22
- On Contacting the Ashrams 16
- On the Laws of Healing 18
- On the Cause of all Diseases 62
- On Creating a new Life 14
- On Destroying the Past 24
- On Liberation 18
- On Education of Spiritual Values 36
- On the Nature of Hell 12
- On Present Crisis in the World 18
- On Deciding on Who Lives & Who Dies 8
Law of Occultism: there is no rest or cessation of motion in Nature.
Law of energy follows thought: (Fohat) which creates on astral fluid a corresponding impression.
First Law of Nature: Matter forming itself into Elements; grouped into the Mystic Four within the Fifth element—Ether, the lining of Akasha, Anima Mundi, Mother of Cosmos—Dots, lines, triangles, cubes, circles and finally spheres—first law of nature. Nature geometrizes universality in all her manifestations. Law that Nature correlates her geometrical forms and later her compound elements. No rest but transformations thus the conservation of matter.
Laws Related to Matter:
- Law of Orthodox-Science 6
- Law of Occult-Science 6
- Law of Initiate-Science 6
- Law of Ashram-Science 6
Law of Orthodox Matter-Science
The importance of these sets of laws is reflected in the technology generated by our understanding and application of matter and substance. 21
Matter, as understood today is represented by Neil Bohr’s theory of the atom, which is basically a good theory.
But nevertheless, is exposed to ridicule through its inability to explain or understand occult phenomena happening around us every day. 61
Very little is really known about matter, we only have vague theories of why it does what it does, and a whole volume it would take me to explain this. In reality, we are still lost as to the heart of matter and as of yet have not generated a single theory as to why, how, or when it comes into existence except through observation of existing chemical processes. In reality, we are as yet lost to the cause of matter as we are to the origin of man. And I do not see either one being resolved soon given the material orientation in the scientific community. Furthermore, the pundits of the scientific community are not in a position yet to discover the cause of matter as their present theories are opposed to such findings—along with their methods. But all in all a great advancement has been made in every division of science regardless of this truth of matter’s origin and composition. 240
The important point to remember here is that mankind, as a rule, does not exhibit those characteristics required to solidify the answer to the origin or composition of matter. In other words, science will be and always has been an extension of its concept of Self. Furthermore, science as a body, regardless of time throughout history, is the symbolic “sole” recognizer of man’s beliefs. Furthermore, all science, or what we call science, is also an extension of man’s mental ability to apperceive the inter-connectedness of the universe and the lives therein. Furthermore, once mankind exhibits true soul recognition, then and only then will real science unfold its elaborate theories of causation including a real unified theory. 16
Furthermore, all science that we recognize today, in three hundred years will not exist. 8000
Law of Occult 6
The purpose of the Law of Occult Matter is that of demonstrating of truth in the statement that energy follows thought. This is the first law of occult matter being 140 or so in all. And it is for this reason this is written.
Another purpose for writing this is to explain and predict the outcome of man’s efforts to harness matter of the next 500 years. This will be more a story of the evolution of consciousness than a story of scientific discovery. A story nevertheless that needs to be told. 86
A story that takes place in the year 2094; it will be at that time that a disciple will arrive to exhibit to the world a form of technology that will revolutionize the way the world thinks about light. It will not be based on any existing theories of light and in itself, a completely new concept. It will be this concept that will make possible the colonization of Mars and eventually other planets. It will be this process which will upset existing theories of relativity and particle physics. 22
Nevertheless, all in the immediate future is going to change. What changes and how much change are up to humanity. My prediction is based upon an optimistic belief I have in humanity, but I have been wrong before, but the end is inevitable even if the time it takes to get there is based upon uncertain free will.4
Another important law of matter is based upon the present assumption that the earth was occultly created at the time during which the solar system was likewise created; this will prove to be inaccurate once the age of the earth and the age of certain other planets are known. Regardless of the truth of this, the relationship of the matter of the earth to the matter of the solar system is the basis of this next law. 800
This law states that the evolution of consciousness is the primary cause for the evolution of matter. This law is responsible for Heisenberg’s Principle, one of the many principles which can be derived from this law. this law This law states that for each conscious event there is an event in substance producing an event in matter. 22
Law of Initiate 6
The law of initiate matter is a takeoff of the occult position and states that for every occult law of matter defined a correlation exists in the world of the initiate. This means that each event in matter has a corresponding cause in the world of the initiate and that cause for the event in the world of matter is only an effect of its original cause in the world of the initiate. This also means that for every physiological event in the world of matter there is a higher cause in the world of the initiate. This also means that for every decision made by the divine soul there is an effect in matter. The next law of the initiate, related to matter, is the finding of the time necessary to produce initiating causes. This itself is the cause of evolution and cannot be properly understood without a lengthy treatise. But for now it will suffice to know that these initiating events are a result of karmic forms being created and destroyed involving the whole race and whole kingdoms. Each of these events are the result of understanding or non-understanding generated; and each of these events can be recalled in the histories recorded of the kingdom involved and the initiate responsible for the initiating cause. All events are according to an established law or set of laws recognized and reacted to. For each event in matter there is a law that circumscribes it.
For each event on substance there a corresponding event in matter again circumscribed by some law or set of laws acted upon by initiates. One might ask themselves, how are my life and circumstances explained by this law? The answer to this question of causation, if traced back to its source, will take you into the initiate’s world of being and in this world being itself is the cause. One might also ask if being itself is the cause, how does this relate to matter on the physical plane?
The plane itself has a significant relationship to being for all planes are perceived as being created from consciousness and thus are alive and represent being itself. Being itself, a product of existence and not creation, is by itself the cause of all matter and not vice versa as our world suggests.
Being is both an outgrowth of evolution of matter and also initiating cause of evolution of matter. The one thing that unites these two causes is the phenomena of substance which contains both matter and being. It will be this discovery that will revolutionize science and integrate the scientific community with spiritual occultism and validate the origin of all religions. It will be this realization that will effectively initiate the golden new age. We would like to take you on a sort of journey into the future for a minute establishing in your minds some of the ramifications and implications of this: 8
The most notable event will be taking place after the discovery that the e physical plane is alive; this will produce a decisive change in research methods resulting in totally new research technologies; it will also stop the need to do animal research testing even on a micro-organism level. This discovery will propel scientists to use instruments designed to determine subtle consciousness changes of the subject based upon elementary changes in their own energy fields and also changes in their own consciousness. 12
Another notable event after the discovery of new research methods and will revolutionize the scientific community in respect to medicine is the discovery of the soul of matter. And from that point forward, medicine will become preventative. 4
Another notable event after the discovery of the soul of matter will revolutionize the scientific community in respect to the vegetable kingdom and its discovery of a soul. This will produce a revelation in the way food is grown and prepared and consumed and it will be on this basis that all humanity will become more and more healthy.16
Another notable event is the discovery of animal soul…This will change the way we perceive our relationship to this kingdom in terms of consuming, evolving. We will also provide them training in self-awareness. 12
The evolution of this law, that pertains to matter, is registered by the initiate in such a way as to produce within him a comprehension of such a nature that the use of his divine will embarks or leaves him along with this revelatory comprehension and precipitates in matter the “idea” or energy pattern causing reorientation of substance and thus matter. 81
Holding on to the past is what matter’s purpose is. It is this idea that gives meaning to both how matter is used to forward evolution of consciousness and also how it is used to forward evolution of substance. First of all, matter retaining its shape and nature permits being to embody it in a stable way; if it was always changing shape or protean, we would not be able for us either to produce self-identification nor could we use it to learn about the nature of ourselves. 864
Human soul: 22
Group related soul: 62
Law of Ashram
The importance of this law of the ashram is yet a higher take off of occult laws of matter, the importance of this first law, in respect to events in matter, states that for every matter association to an event there is series of Ashramic purposes producing this matter association to a physical event; it is for this reason all possible events have their beginning in this way. This says two things: first it says that the ashram is the initiating cause of all earth events that affect matter in some organized way. And secondly, it states that matter is arranged to carry out some Ashramic purpose. As a matter of fact, it is the cause of every conceivable set of circumstances in which the world makes decisions. This can be explained through the evolution of an idea which comes from above down. 62
Matter and evolution have the same basic cause reflected in the arrangement of substance and it is this arrangement of substance that produces all phenomena. It also this arrangement of substance that is the cause for civilizations & cultures: 22
Ashramic cause over time fill space with the substance of idea that produce ideals that produce idols; it produces the sensitization of matter adapting it to many uses and shapes. It is also this process that instills in matter consciousness; 32
Ashramic purpose of itself is an extension of god purpose and to this level of causation I have no experience but am reminded of it on a daily basis. It is god, however we choice to define it or not, that arranges not only the e matter to be used but also the purpose in which we use it. It is god that instigates the creative process for some reason we are all trying to discover and has taken us this far in terms of causation. It is god that has brought us to this place in the heavens with its set of possibilities. It is god that has provided us with this planet to express through and develop. It is god, It is god, it is god.
Of all the purposes one can conceive of the ashram there is one purpose that seems to dominate the others and that is the purpose represents the link between mankind and god; This purpose can be stated thus: the development of wisdom, will, love, and active intelligence necessary to understand god. 360
The age-old quest to find meaning and significance to life only begins once we understand the concept of god in terms of the One Life. It is for this reason the Ashramic law of matter supersedes all other laws and this by divine right and by law. 360
Laws Related to Evolution: 600
The various summarized soul impacted subjective Source impressions were mentally registered, recorded and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.
Four Principles linked to Sanat Kumara – Purpose, Salvation, the Burning Bush, and Judgement