Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Last of Atlantis

Atlantean Culture Revisited

Atlantis Spiritual Occult History

Several millennia ago, there were four Lhas that visited the earth (in its fourth round and at the time its fourth root race).  Each of these figures were responsible for creating four different types of vehicle prototypes for the human race. All vehicles extant today were derived by these Beings. It is important to note that these prototypes were responsible for creating causal bodies with their subsequent permanent atoms.

All manner of ways had been organized by the powers that be to prevent animal man, at that time of the third subrace of the third root race, from mating with other mammals with similar bodies. The dual sex race developed various primitive skills and talents and in the last two subraces the more advanced built cities and civilizations. In the next or 4th sub-race of 3rd root-race many developed the abilities to speak meaningful monosyllabic words and sentences and these more advanced developed their own type of intellectualism.

It was not until in the next root race, the fourth, during the beginning of second sub-race there began to be noticed a few individuals here and there that could actually think. And it was these individuals that formulated technologies for the rest of humanity. During the beginning of the fourth sub-race there were those more able to use their minds and who could be distinguished from the masses. It was during this time that schools were set up to formally train these thinking people.

In the middle part of the 4th root-race many men were able to create with their minds and formed relationships with devas to create definite forms in the outer worlds. There were other men who could also use their mental powers to derive satisfaction in the control of others and caused great harm in the lives of others. It was during this 4th sub-race a clash began between those who believed in the ways of Hierarchy at that time and those who desired to create resources for themselves through the use of devic cooperation.  This clash eventually ended the 4th root race through the notorious great flood.

On account of this much karma was created and set back the evolution of humanity.  It is only now that this karma has been released and humanity is free once again to pursue assistance in the devic realms.  This was a time where humanity escaped a greater punishment and also that of total destruction if Hierarchy had never withdrawn the knowledge of how to interact with the devas. Through the destruction of Atlantian continents and the humanity at that time very few escaped.


Atlantis and the Hierarchy

It is important to note that Hierarchy did withdraw its physical presence on the earth since the 6th sub-race of the 4th root-race. It is only at this time that Hierarchy is again thinking of externalizing again. For this to happen certain conditions need to be met and will probably be met or resolved this century.

Many millenniums ago the Hierarchy was founded.  Hierarchy was composed originally of only individuals from Venusian spiritual Hierarchy. Humanity had reached a point in their unfoldment where they could replace slowly those Venusian individuals once the astral body of Humanity in general was unfolded in the 4th sub-race of the 4th root race especially by those with mental unfoldment.

Initially there were only three ray ashrams initially organized as this was all that was possible. These were the 2nd, 7th, and the 4th.   By the end of the 4th sub-race of 4th root-race all 7-ashrams were initially organized. Nothing compared to their organization today.

The design or energy pattern of these 7-ashrams represents the inherent alignment our planetary heart center has to the one on Venus. It was these earlier members of the spiritual Hierarchy from Venus that initially organized the first three ray ashrams for us and these all left but one by the beginning of the third Aryan sub-race.

Ashramic organization, initially, consisted of only 9 sub-ashrams, 3 in 2nd ray ashram, three in 7th ray ashram and 3 in 4th ray ashram.  By the end of 4th root-race the remaining ray ashrams had been initially organized having three sub-ashrams functioning, even if minimal, and linked.

The One Ashram has been reorganized numerous (in the thousands) times since all ray ashrams was first achieved. Towards the end of World War II, the Hierarchy was again reorganized.  It was at this re-organization that the Christ made the decision to externalize His ashram in the next century—2000.  It was again reorganized in Pieces 2001 and planned again around the date of 2060 thus signifying great changes which have taken place on this planet. Each of these reorganizations produced great amount of extra work upon the masters which are responsible for plans in the lower four kingdoms.

Each of the masters are required to develop a contingency plan to be reviewed by Christ.  This plan contains the types of recourse’s required, the personnel needed for such, training required by members of his ashram, cooperation needed by devic orders, breakdown of timelines.

Each disciple is required to speed up his training to be in line for their next initiation. The Christ has also requested that all working disciples along certain sub-rays to reincarnate quickly to better meet Plan mandates.


Atlantis and Culture

There has been information given out by others about the termination of the world at that time in human history.  The following is another recount of the facts about the culminating victory of the forces of evil over good at that time. There was once in Atlantis a small group of people so radical, so mentally evolved, so insecure that they wished to destroy all those groups who opposed them, which were basically four national groupings.  This small self-centered group of people used astral-etheric created technologies to achieve not only fear and terror to achieve their ends but also achieved their ends through disseminating etherically that of destructive astral-etheric creations to harm and destroy others.

These four national regions or groups all agreed to come together and provide a set of individual resources to be combined in an attempt to put an end to this opposing force set out to destroy them and basically at all costs.  This meant that all material, wealth, human lives, and knowledge was sacrificed to bring an end to this problem. There came a deciding battle where the four groups symbolizing good and supported by Hierarchy at that time were completely defeated.  It was a devastating defeat, the four nations regrouped and realized that none of the opposing forces’ positions were breached.

There were four resources the forces of good had that they had never been able to use. The first was a set of opposing devic forms; the second was a certain magical incantation for use by Hierarchy’s permission which never came; the third was a group of advanced members of Hierarchy who had available to them the knowledge capable of neutralizing the creations of the opposing group but could not do so without permission; and the last resource was the knowledge and power of the Christ at that time. Neither of these four resources were ever used as it was believed it would work against human morality; nor would members of Hierarchy take personal sides nor influence humanities decisions.  It was at this time it was decided by the then ruling Christ to call upon the Lord of the World for the destruction of Atlantis.

It is time now to recount the facts of the destruction of Atlantis that took place over several time periods. There were four separate periods of destruction. Each period removed one of the land masses. Each of these land masses sank below two different oceans. There were four or so different types of destruction tools used:

  • There were hierarchical methods used to move soul awareness out of individuals causing memory to be erased of devic methods.
  • There were evolved devic forces used to destroy created astral-etheric related thought-forms.
  • There were many volcanic eruptions created.
  • There were tidal waves created.

There were times during this process where no destructive activity was apparent.  There were other times when most of the earth was affected by volcanic ash. The last part of Atlantis to be affected was what is now left of Easter Island, the place where once the ruler of Shamballa presided (etherically considered).

The perfection of the culture and civilizations of earlier times was affected by several forces:

  • It was perfected through certain initiates who brought useful technologies to humanity.
  • It was perfected by an economic prosperity among population through artistic pursuits.
  • It was perfected by an educational system that provided extensive training to those that wanted it.
  • It was perfected by a planetary technology based on free energy.

It was perfected by a political system that was based upon ethical stature.

It was perfected by the ability of population to interact with devic evolution to provide them with technologies that improved their lives in diverse ways.

  • It gave them the ability to have lights at night.
  • It gave them the ability to travel through the air.
  • It gave them mineral related substances used to create unusual products such as
  • creating a substance which resisted all deterioration caused by water or air.
  • They evolved certain forms of ingested vegetable-minerals used to overcome death and aging to very advance ages. It is important to note here that these mineral related substances were used only by those who did not align themselves with Hierarchy.


It gave them the ability to harness forces of vegetable kingdom. 12

1. Through the devas They were able to achieve a very rapid rate of growth and thus increase production.

2. Through the assistance of devas, they were able to enhance elemental devic lives of vegetation they were able to alter genetic makeup of certain plants.

3. Through accessing the devas, they produced secretions or radiations establishing shiny like substances they used to harness to be used for different purposes. 5

4. Through the use of aligning with devas were able to predict weather, and temperature patterns thus determine crop production needs, etc.

5. Through relative perfection of their abilities to commonly produce needed vegetation they were able to relate consciously with inherent lives of plants thus enabling them to know what they needed.

6. By advising through prayer of their plans or needs mentally they were able to witness the compassion of life working on their behalf through devas and this included making sure all forms of physical needs were met.

7. By witnessing restraints within events related to vegetable kingdom they were able to better create an understanding of what needed to take place next.

8. By observing in the moment, the operations of vegetation they were able to know what the value of each plant had to them.

9. By registering in their feeling bodies, the exact feeling received from a plant they were able to choose when to harvest it.

10. By ordering their day according to the type and degree of livingness of the local vegetation they were able to know the correct moments for their own activities. 5

  • Such as when people sensed that the vegetation appeared relieved it meant the local people could be content with their immediate objectives and move on to something else.
  • When people sensed that the vegetation felt agitated it meant that what they were doing is incorrect.
  • When people sensed vegetation appeared depleted it meant they would do something different to feel better.
  • When people sensed vegetation appeared strengthened or vitalized it meant they would study or reflect, which was difficult for them.
  • When people sensed vegetation appeared desirous of something they would search for what else they might need in their environment.


Through aligning themselves with devas they were able to produce resonant vehicles which permitted them to achieve various understandings of circumstances.

  • Through enabling their mental bodies with devas, they were able to move at night without seeing problems.
  • Through understanding the movement of birds, they were able to achieve a relative understanding of three things:

1. They were able to understand what events were coming.

2. They were able to understand what events they needed to create.

3. They were able to understand what level of causation events came about on.


Certain variation in terms of morality was permitted on account of people not being able to really care for themselves which produced eventually a set of truths that denied the people the right to devic assistance or relationship with in the end.  It is important to note that this process of devic assistance was experimental and that the outcome was not predicted.


It is time now to recall the facts about how Hierarchy operated during this period of turmoil—5th sub-race. It was during this time that the Hierarchy created many or essentially all technologies for humanity and also certain institutions:

The first institution resembles our worship context of today but then it was a combination of four things:

  • Witnessing astral related bhakti forms.
  • Interaction astrally with rose devas through chanting.
  • Ceremonious type of gatherings which permitted people to interface with members of royalty and all royalty were initially members of Hierarchy but not later—in the 2nd sub-race.
  • Gatherings designed by members of Hierarchy to celebrate astrological events on a regular basis.


The second institution was composed hierarchical training.

This suggests that hierarchical members of that time organized their member training along certain lines.  It was organized to provide aspirants with a special opportunity to receive what they needed from a diverse field of training type applications. (18)

One’s ability to provide for themselves and thus they organized their own training based upon their needs whereon they were given assistance by externalized members. There were many disciples training for the first initiation. This training began with mental concepts and these concepts became more and more complex over time. Each of the trainees also received individual assignments to assist them in developing their minds. The training posture at that time included the systematic training of hierarchical members by organizing their minds according to laws, principles, and rules.

Advanced members received the following training: (5)

Mental gift training which included the capacity to create simple thought-forms.

Mental gift training that included mental visualization.

Mental gift training that included mental psychometry

Mental gift training that included mental clairaudience

Mental gift training that included mental discernment and discrimination


Those in training for initiations higher than the third (rare indeed) received training directly from the master within.


For those being trained in the outer provincial schools, and there were many, they were obliged to take up to 21 years of training mostly mental. From this group certain students would stand out and they would be given individual hierarchical training. The costs of this was negligible or nothing for each student.

Members of the Hierarchy at that time were treated with great respect and all members could expect to receive honorary welcomes wherever they went. Members also received assurance from regions of the land that they would not be bothered politically. Also, members received from local governments special assistance on anything they asked for.

Hierarchical members provided many services to the local people: 4

  • Healing
  • Counseling
  • Information as to their spiritual life purpose.
  • Information as to their future.


Hierarchy, from time to time, would send in adepts to train lessor disciples and to create changes in the direction of training and hierarchical work on the planet’s surface. Hierarchy would also provide incarnation of its head periodically—four times in the 5th sub-race. It was during this time that many members of the Hierarchy advanced filling in the ranks needed to develop or organize the sub ashrams of the first four ashrams 2, 7, 4, 6. It was also during this time that the first four ashrams were completely staffed by initiates of the earth. It was during this time that members of Hierarchy were able to take certain initiations given by Sanat Kumara which took an etheric body in this time period.  It was during this time that a Christ became head of the Hierarchy.


The third institution was that of Finance.

Every province had its own currency type that distinguished it from other provinces. Each province would accept other provinces’ currency. Currency was in the form of metal coins of different shapes. Local governments produced these coins just as today the only real difference is that the value of these coins was constant because they had a system of determining how many to distribute each year to its inhabitants in the form of social services provided. Among the four major governments there were produced enough coins each year for the inhabitants to be guaranteed adequate provisions.

Each providence was different in the services they provided.


The fourth institution was that of Government.

Government bodies were compiled from mostly people from royalty. They were responsible for meeting both the real needs and perceived needs of the people. Each providence had its process for this.

They were also responsible for giving the people their periodic currency related services in the forms of:

  • Government jobs.
  • Welfare money.
  • Emergency or temporary funds.
  • Capital development funds.
  • Work-related assistance.
  • Community related assistance.


Services provided were done so on an individual basis except additionally for the community at large. Each province had a system of choosing government positions based upon an election process among royalty. Each province also had a way to correct problems if need be in government positions, but this never happened. Each province likewise had a way to achieve a gradual change in leadership but not all was decided at once. They also had a way to create assistance from other provinces if need arose.


Recorded and Composed by HZ from a Soul Impacted Meditation and Telepathically from the Group of 14.


The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

Seven Subraces of 6th Rootrace – An Outline of Basic Characteristics

Atlantean Culture Revisited

Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the Planet