Nicholas Roerich Museum

Esoteric Astrology Chart Evaluation

This chart was received through Inspirational Telepathy in 2003 and due to various factors was not fully reified if that is ever really possible given the infinitude of knowledge. It was received as an impression from an Esoteric Astrologer of noted expertise. You decide if it has value or not in deepening your understanding.


Astrology Chart: (14) Most Significant Aspects

The time of the birth of the soul determines the nature of the influences conditioning it which can be depicted using a Nine (9) Dimensional Faceted Diamond (Spirit) evaluation model according to the star system one was born in.

This chart’s analysis herein is basically that of two disciples and has elements of both: HZs with HB’s secondary.

HB’s Personality chart has these elements you need to add to HZ’s 40:


Need you to understand that this chart reflects a spiritual path continuum based upon external cosmic considerations and these denoted below represent 16 out of 36 calculated ones.:

16 Stars:

  1. 3rd star Great Bear (GB): This star gives you direction in the sense of you being able to achieve greatness in one live and represents to those that shine brightly a way to proceed through life envisioning the glory of the Lord and in this way can achieve great things. we would like you to realize that this star is well placed in your chart above Aries and in this capacity gives you great initiative; would like to say great direction but this direction is given by Polaris.


  1. 5th Star GB: this star gives you a sense of destiny in regard to how the soul sees itself over time and in this way this star shows us that we are not alone out there, and, in this way, you can travel with others. for you it is about a way to travel that gives you direction in terms of you being able to see others you can travel with.


  1. 6th GB: this star gives one hope of adjusting karma adequately to make a difference in their lives; for you it is well placed in the 5th


  1. 7th Star GB: this star is about a way to travel that lets in the light in the head and all will be well it is about a way to achieve greatness in mastering the siddhis and in this way can take its place among the great ones. we would like you to have a better idea as to how this star works in your chart and to do this requires you to study more TCF.


  1. Regalus: This star gives you direction in terms of a way to harness control of your head center as this is Brahma par say: and in this way you can achieve alignment with your god; For you it is placed well in your chart and represents a given for you at this time.



  1. Betelgeuse: This star represents for you your certain birth timing as a soul and in this regard, you are on its cycle; you must endeavor to find that meaning that makes sense to you although it will be difficult unless you achieve a fully enlighten state.


  1. Orion’s Finger Star—arrow: This star represents a certain proposition as to the way you must travel to reach your destination and in this way your life will unfold correctly; you must endeavor to think of it in terms of being able to travel in a circuitous way and in this way the whole is included—group responsibilities.


  1. Alcyone: We have given you many idea upon which you can contemplate and in this regard you must find the pattern here to develop; you would be wise to consider this pattern reflected in the stellar configuration as those elements able to permit one to achieve a certain set of basic principle unto the way the planetary soul operates and in this regard approaches more closely to the cosmic mental plane. You would be wise to consider elevating your consciousness to perceive the likely outcome of the planetary soul’s objectives here in terms of the group live unfolding itself and in this regard you would be in a better position to move forward in your understanding. We have given you much to think about here but unless you unfold it sequentially in order of explanation it will lead to confusion in your mind: This star has a function of relating each soul to the idea of cosmic destiny for all and in this way we can participate each live in the desire of god and for you it is about a founding of a way to go to perceive your relationship to the cosmos in respect to the service you can render as a soul; and in this regard your present understanding is like a leaf in the wind and settles nowhere as of yet but experimenting as to your place in group life.


  1. Sirius: this star of sensitivity is in your chart as a reminder of your choices this life to approach this place as a soul and be settled in your quest for more knowledge about how to work more closely with its purpose and in this way achieve your desired goals as a soul for all knowledge and in this way, you can achieve a more blissful union with the divine within you.


  1. Polaris: This star in your chart gives you a growing sense of direction in terms of you being able to achieve a likeness to your master in that he too has a similar goal as you and in this regard you are suited to be in his presence while at the same time you must find what it is that gives you satisfaction as a soul in training at the same time reserve your right to go at your own pace; we have agreed to test the limits of your desire for knowledge and we have found it pretty insatiable and in this way we can more forward in exposing your weaknesses in pursuing such perfected state while at the same time can introduce you to the reality of your request—you see it all works well together to make the point—study.


  1. Pollex: this star gives you direction in the unfoldment of your desire to become a slave of humanity and in this regard your teaching career is perfect for this configuration. We would like to give you an important message at this time, and it is about you receiving information on how to move forward in studying. Do a few charts to have a better appreciation of the layout and with slow step by step insertion you can proceed to develop charts go back to earlier works and develop these slowly (Angel of the Presence).


  1. Pegasus—Astrodomus: This star gives you the insight for performing miracles; these miracles are about a way to move through life with the aid of others more evolved and in this way you can achieve much. We would like you to achieve a few miracles this life in healing and it would be well to juxtapose this star’s position upon certain planets to have a better idea of when this will happen it looks like in 4 years time and in this way, you will be better suited for this expansion:


  1. Peruses—bottom small star—Edge of the World; front of body sensuality/feeling. This star is about a way to control one’s believes in the way the world needs to go to be better equipped to handle the personality elemental lives and in this way you can achieve greatness—we would like you to achieve a certain state of grace this life and to do this requires you to achieve a certain sense of composure in the likeness of the Christ.


  1. Next star is 5th into Scorpio—the star that shines the brightest (Antares) in the night sky above all of those able to reach the Phoenix rising: This star gives you the possibility of achieving a satisfied position in life based upon prestige within the group and for you to obtain this you must sacrifice all.


  1. Alcyone has a twin brother; this brother exists in a far away part of the galaxy not seen in the night sky but shines upon those able to penetrate into the deeps of the night sky—sister Logos: etheric: This star shines brightest in those charts that resonant to the mind principle and in your case it does; you have come to be called as the bright light over the desert.


  1. This star is bright in the sky at night and is reflected in the suns rays as it attempts to capture the essence of suns imagine in the night sky—Near Aries: etheric: this star gives one the sense of togetherness; this togetherness is an aspect of destiny in a chart and relates to those who are ready to achieve the prayers of the many and in this way can shine upon the night sky.

(Note: These configurations can be expanded upon and in this way, you can choose your destiny as one in the know; beware of false teachings coming through also as you are tired.)


III. Want her to know that this chart is made up to address human conditions; it is important here to represent these conditions in such a way as to be glad they exist and in this manner, you can proceed to interpret the chart: 44 conditions to look for:

It is important that you receive guidance now on HB’s chart:

This condition is about a way to make changes in her life: It is important that she look to her stars for this the first star indicates that she is ready for a major move in bringing the future into the present and in this way she will be able to achieve certain path priorities: 4 out of 44 in number:

First path priority is related to the idea of her needing to get her act together to produce some form of creative project that reflects her soul’s intent and, in this way, can achieve a greater alignment brain-mind soul. Because of the10th house of career aspects a book is a better project:

Second path priority is one that creates an opportunity to reflect upon a state of world affairs that puts in order your own house to represent that which you believe the world should imitate and, in this way, you achieve alignment with group soul – 2nd star cusp of Capricorn:

Third priority relates to the idea you are beginning to achieve a certain alignment with your Monad and in this regard your planet Neptune (conjunct 4th GB star) relates you to the idea of the mystical relation you crave.


Fourth priority relates to the idea that Mars 45 degrees aspected to the 5th GB star determines your ability or not to overcome your reluctance to enhance your mind in the ways of organizing your life towards some service goal and in this way achieve a certain sense of adequacy in integrating into the world. You would be wise here to also look at the 45 degree aspect to Jupiter in finding a solution to Mars: To take advantage of Jupiter’s expansion potential need to make more worldly contacts—Judaism is a right track.

This next condition relates to the idea of you receiving for self a certain sense of prosperity in the world and needing to look at Jupiter here for this. Your Jupiter has many interesting alignments in your chart to other planets: 6 out of 146 denoted:

Jupiter 3rd House: this gives you the ability to foster great inner plane connections due to your ability to see yourself as one with others on a planetary soul level (point in evolution) receives impressions.

Jupiter aligns with 4 other planets on astral level as their central force: and in this way they become aligned to the needs of Jupiter and for you this means you are able to achieve greatness in the field of communications with the world once you have soul consciousness in your brain awareness and for this reason you should not hesitate to speak in public. (This is determined at time of birth but needs to be able to chart the 6 planets orbiting Jupiter).

Jupiter aligns with the planet Phyth (etheric conjunct) and in this case you would be wise to consider yourself fortunate that this planet controls how you see the develop of the world in terms of being able or not to expand your views about the way the world needs to go to be effective in determining a stage (how to market ones self politically) to politically act upon; and in this way you are able to achieve a certain sense of direction in determining your future political influence.

Jupiter aligns with 6 planets on mental/abstract level and these give you as a soul a certain influence over others in terms of your ability to harness their energies for your needs and in this way you can more effectively work in a group format to better carry out your life objectives:

Jupiter aligns with 4 planets in chart (Mars, Phyth-etheric, Zytho-etheric, Planet 109 on Atmic level); this gives her the ability to see herself as a divine Soul able to make an impact upon the planetary grid responsible for determining a way the world needs to turn to be effective in manifesting the correct civilization contingents to move into the new age.

Jupiter aligns with or aspects Nadir: This position gives you the natural ability to succeed in demonstrating to the world your place that will better permit the world to find its place; we want you to know this is a prestigious position and anyone who has this will likely be successful in demonstrating their gifts effective.


Saturn: 14 out of 260 presented but not even these all reified.

Saturn aligns with several planets in your chart four on triadal level of which is significant here these four operate together to produce an alignment with your group soul that indicates your willingness to work as a group: and it is in this capacity you have great opportunity to quickly move forward upon your chosen path this life.

Saturn aligns with 6 planets on astral plane in your chart that represents a way for you to move forward in developing yourself along the lines of achieving greatness in the area of calculating how to achieve your desires.

Saturn aligns with 9th house and in this configuration, you would be wise to consider yourself fortunate in that you can receive into your soul body information from the various Lords of the sacred planets and in this way better determine the way the world needs to turn—through devic lives.

Saturn aligns with certain moons that give you certain lower psychic abilities which can be defined as your understanding of what others need from you to be happy but also register for them certain things they need to do with their lives in the moment.


HZ: Glolopai near Mars concrete mental 6th sub-race: This planet relates to charts in such a way as to give soul related character while in body to those who are under its influence: 16-4

Glolopai aligns with several planets on the mental plane in such a way as to give one a sense of control of themself in making decisions. It is in this way you will achieve a more enlightened perspective on yourself as a soul centered being and in this way your gifts now developed as a soul can be more readily manifested. 20 %–belief in self more to make this happen.

Glolopai aligns with 2 planets in your chart—Venus & Uranus; and this gives you the ability to see yourself as somebody able to change. You would be wise to consider this alignment in your chart as being indicative of your ability to again move quickly along your soul path in life once you have made up your mind.

Glolopai aligns with 9th house and in this configuration it allows you to conceive of a way to move through life that permits you to have many friends through the use of the higher mind and in this way, you can challenge yourself to grow mentally.

Glolopai aligns? (Concept I do not understand) with the idea that you will receive many thanks from others from being yourself in difficult situations with them once they know from hindsight your argument was sound and in this way, you will achieve notoriety—later in life—age 58.


HB: Ascendant: 14-2 SYM (Neptune alter ego) in scheme it is the Buddhic planet—2nd most important):

You realize that this aspect in your chart is not necessary correct for you at your stage of the path but It still never-the-less has an influence on you and in this way you achieve your goals once set; you have been given this information to know your true ascendant and this for (OY’s) sake as he demands to know the truth and the truth he shall have no matter how much it hurts him; we regard this truth as something each need have and in this way they can better learn what their life is about and for you it is about your ascendant being that of Mars rising in Pisces. The soul is here because you are at the end of a major cycle of lives and you will move later into a new ascendant energy Leo—Self Expression—group leadership as a soul.

You have been given information that your ascendant is Mars Jupiter Pisces rising and in this way you are being tested to conceive of yourself as a world savior and in this way you will become more suited to make your needs match the needs of your soul. You would be wise to consider yourself fortunate in this regard as your life dreams will manifest once this new ascendant begins.

HB: Frono: 16 (Jupiter is its alter-ego): This planet relates to ones ability to see in the life of ones own soul a way to proceed to develop themselves as a soul while in incarnation and thus gives them the advantage of being able to accept whatever challenges come to face.  It is this planet that gives them the altered ability to also receive information from the soul in this regard.

We would like you to accept that your chart position here is one of alignment with Nadir Jupiter and in this respect, it has demonstrated in your life as you are able to achieve a more certain ability to satisfy your longings for teachings others how to behave more as a soul and in this way have achieved notoriety in teaching—stood out.


Venus: 16-2

Venus aligns with Ascendant and in this position, it gives great luminosity as a soul body and in this regard, you would be wise to consider yourself fortunate in that you can attract many souls into your field of endeavor to accomplish your group work.

Venus aligns with 14 planets astrally and in this overall configuration it gives you a better sense of your self emotional than most and provides for you a way to move beyond your identification with your sub-personalities and this through your greater ability to know yourself emotionally; this requires you to activate this alignment and to do this requires you to accept yourself as being able to know the truth of each of your feelings once identified by your mind and in this way you can better organize your feelings appropriately.

Venus aligns with ? a concept I do not recognize as of yet: This alignment gives you a better sense of yourself in respect to your abilities to make others more comfortable while working with them in ways that contribute to there better well-being and in this way you can better get to know them as people as an extension of yourself.


Element that is the most important in your chart: Air—earth—fire—water: 16

Cross that is represented in chart that delineates your position upon the Path as a Divine Soul and in this regard, yours is the fixed cross:1-5

Major grouping of planets in chart: Top, bottom, right, left, equal, bunches.

Bunches: This indicates that you are preparing for a major breakthrough in the way you need one to be in order to achieve your soul’s vision in terms of the group; this creates a greater intensity of focus in particular areas of life and is indicative of ones ability to make sense of it all in those areas through concentration; and for you particular it is about you becoming more adept in making changes in the areas of: 4

Geometry of Bunching: 6 Oppositions, triads, conjuncts, 45/90, 30/60, none

Triads: These indicate a life filled with abundance of positive karma and places individual in such a way as to be able to achieve a life worth living.

Philosophy & religion

Social Ethics & Morality

Societal institutions

Social Well-Being

This section is about a way to move forward in determining ones karma and to do this you need to look at a lot of factors the first 4 out of 16,800. In respect to your chart, you need to look at those factors, which align your planet (Perelor—exoteric):14

First of all you need to know that your karma is one of adjusting from 4 past lives certain abilities you have in determining your fate in such a way as to correct others misconceptions about you in ways that do not suit them or you; and on your behalf these people punish you emotionally by not permitting you to have a say in their lives in those areas where you have proven not helpful.  It would be wise to reflect upon your ability to achieve greatness in this area—three rules of harmlessness.

This section involves the study of a way to see oneself expressive of Divine Soul Characteristics: 6

You would be wise to consider the triadal body as a kind of vehicle of itself that radiated 6 energies polarized as 3 human & 3 devic and in this way its development unfolds in a more balanced way and permits the intermingling of devic and human lives at this level and this is why soul body is made up of 6 forces: We would like you to know that each Force is representative in our solar system as coming from Egoic Lotus of Cosmic Logos and in this capacity the worlds are built: would like you to understand that each of the 7 sacred planets relate to one or other of these forces and in this regard are 7 play a part and this mystery can not be solved until the 9th I. It would not be possible to give out the planets, but you could intuit them on your own.

  1. Atmic Human
  2. Atmic Devic
  3. Buddhic Human
  4. Buddhic Devic
  5. Manasic Human
  6. Manasic Devic


This section deals with the ideal held in the mind of the divine soul at birth for each. This section tells you how to achieve a sense of this pattern.

This section deals with the idea you can find out for yourself how to achieve independence from personality forces and is made up of 6 sections dealing with three vehicles, personality as a whole, causal body, devic forces ensouling substance.

This section deals with the possibility of you becoming empowered in life by regulating your life breath in such a way as to create a plan for your life that works for you as a soul.

This section deals with the idea of bringing in energies from different star systems to develop ones ideal Self in terms of Dharma; we would like you to know that this section is secret:

This section is related to the idea that people in your life are there for a particular reason and this section helps you discover for each one why.

This section deals with the idea of you working alone in life to accomplish your own set of developmental goals and these are four which you have discovered: Soul Persona, Form of Devotion, Service Form; and Causal Body Form.


Dwellers: This section implies certain ability to work through dwellers or not for HB there are 4 out of 6 particular dwellers that can be released this life: This would require her to accept the fact you can not achieve soul consciousness unless these are released:

This first dweller is reflected in your chart by two planets conjunct in Pisces Mars/Venus these two planets rule respectfully Scorpio & Taurus which are on the houses of 6 & 12; it is these two houses that represents for you your immediate goal this life that of service and sensitivity and it is in this regard that your service to the world needs to be performed through understanding others through your sensitivity to their real needs and for you to do this requires you to accept them for who they are; and to do this requires you to accept yourself as someone able & willing to help anyone no matter what; for this represents your first dweller that you over identifying with these elements in life that bring you comfort; 4 levels security; values; controllability; epistemology. Insignificant one:


HZ: This section covers the basic idea that you will be receiving information on how to move forward in your working in the world—from soul point; this includes you being able to achieve a certain sense of direction in relationship to these 4 planets: Buddhic: Alcor; Mitsar; Ruq3, Thesphical-ex4, Quhpy-es4:

Alcor: this planet gives one a greater sense of connection to Plans made within the solar Hierarchy and in this regard you need to wonder how one can find it prominent in ones chart—conjunct Venus in 12th house and in this regard gives one a sense of command over those devas responsible for this communication (10th Order): be advised that this order comprises all those devas responsible for the generation of inter cosmic fluids interacting upon the planetary streams that come in during solar activity and in this regard bring a certain causal body sensitivity.

Mitsar: This planet gives one a sense of direction in discovering themselves as Divine Souls and in this regard you are achieved in this regard but by no means perfected as your rising sign indicates but never the less the potential is there for you to achieve a certain brilliance in understanding the makeup of cosmos; you would be well advised to consider yourself lucky in that you have established relationship consciously with these devic forms and in this way can work towards a greater comprehension in discovering the solar Plan contingents.

Ruq3: This planet gives you the idea that your task in life is to determine without viewpoint of personality how to achieve your goals as a soul in training for it and in this way your personality forces can be more effective in meeting its deadlines and tasks.

Quhpy4: we would like you to believe that this planet also gives you great insight into performing rituals associated to devic life upon that planet; as a soul you must be prepared to maximize your contribution to this planetary life and in this way you can achieve a greater link with these devas; these devas perform certain valuable functions in regards our planetary life 4: first they give us hope as to the necessary belief we need to have that our worlds are here for a very particular purpose associated with the solar system; second they provide us with a link to the internal plans of the great Lives within the solar system (6th order devas); next they provide for us a certain sense of direction in establishing relationship with the solar Hierarchy; lastly they provide us with insight as to how the worlds are informed on a daily basis and all of this through the resonance with this planet—why for?


HB: This section deals with the possibility of making decisions about how one’s life needs to unfold to develop themselves in terms of their gifts from Spirit: Planetary Egoic Lotus: skills, talents, abilities, gifts; almost completely recapitulated wisdom/understanding:

  • K1: 1600 Primitive skills
  • K2: 8000 Skills
  • K3: 22,000 Talents
  • L1: 38,000 STA
  • L2: 876 STA
  • S1: 432 TAG
  • K4th D: 62 G
  • Lotus Geometry 67 G Up for Training/Demonstration (Devic Substance of Planet in terms of their evolution—live streams)


Want you to look at the chart to find these correlations; we want you to achieve a certain sense of connection etheric in this way you can achieve connection with these planets and understand their role in the solar system and in this regard you can become more expanded:

Want you to adjust chart to include these planets to get this information: 4 (109-14-Loytasin

Loytasin Lathes planet gives one the ability to find within themselves a certain point of resonance that defines life in the three worlds as Being Registered. #3

Xyeno C: This planet gives you a certain condition of resonance to elements of life that register within another their causative pattern of them being able to achieve their life goals or dreams or desires: #4

Tythomis S: This planet gives you the ability to see yourself as one capable of achieving great insight into the cause of things: #46

Qur T: This planet gives you the ability to see yourself as someone able to achieve a certain sense of direction in making their life happen in terms of register soul’s needs/desires for yourself & others: #1 36% there:


This section deals with your ability to see yourselves as capable of achieving great insight into the working of Hierarchy: This capacity comes from aligning to certain planetary Hierarchies within the solar system and in this way the Hierarchy grows more integrated: In your chart there are three Hierarchies you need to focus on for this life: These planets are located in your chart now:

Neptune: This planetary Hierarchy gives you a sense of connection to those beings which we call the 4th Devic Order and in respect to these we can say nothing at this point except that they can give you any information you need concerning the way the world would benefit from having new ideas in the way of education related to divine soul needs.

Jupiter: This planetary Hierarchy gives you a sense of direction in locating in time & space a new way of receiving information about the way the world needs to go to become a sacred planet. Monad

Sun (Veiling a planet): This planetary Hierarchy nurtures you in such a way as to establish a new way of looking at the causative factors in evolving a mindset that explains & predicts great world movements needed in respect to the Plan of the solar Logos. Monad


III.       You would be wise to consider this chart one of unfolding from the inside out first; and in this way you can address causative factors inherent in the chart on a timeline and to do this requires you to achieve a certain proficiency in aligning to will aspect of soul when reading it; away from sun: 60

It is important that you reframe from being too literal here for it is important that your grasp the essence of this for the time being: we want you to achieve ascertain satisfaction in understanding of your chart: you would be wise to consider your sun in its new perspective of the beginning of the 11th house of groups and in this capacity you have moved subjectively and objectively and is indicative of your future success: we would like to congratulate you on our behalf in the product of this interpretation of our teaching you have grounded everything perfectly(?).

Next you should look at the position of Taurscrro; Your sun shines strongly in the sign of Leo and this is reflected upon Taurscrro Monadically that you have relationship with as spirit and in this place you will return once your work on Glolopia is complete.

Next you would like me to reiterate the importance of your chart in terms of your service potential as a personality but in this regard you find yourself at a loss as how to proceed to understand this in a technical sense; you would be wise to consider how to achieve a certain state of mind that allows you to making changes in your life plans by observing your stars: we would like to add that you to learn this requires you to develop more your intuition: 6


Your moon position in the first house gives you the ability in Libra to make predictions about the way things are going to unfold and in this capacity you will be able to reach others more effectively: we are going to give you a scenario and this is about your future here as your natal sun crosses into Scorpio you will be able to achieve a certain height of notoriety (on the mental plane) 50 years.

You have been given the idea of registering for yourself certain planets that aspect your moon; these aspects are 4 and it is important to understand these from an occult point of view:

Moon in the first house: would give one the ability to be seen as somebody able to achieve a sense of connection to others based upon their physical appearance; you would be wise to consider this advantageous to you now and try to find ways of harmonizing your appearance for others:

Moon in Libra: this position gives you the ability to see yourself making prophecies. It would be wise to see this as an opportunity to revert somewhat to being outspoken in ways that suggest this ability.

Moon progresses: it is in a position now that you can develop a better outlook in the world of soul; you would be surprised if I told you that your moon energy is not in conflict with your soul energy and is balanced. You would be wise to consider making plans to take this opportunity to develop yourself and, in this way, achieve a more balanced outlook on life also.  You have been given this information to assure you that your world experience is timely.

Moon being transited by Glolopia: this position gives you the ability to see yourself as making process harnessing pour soul energies and in this way achieve a gradual control of your personality; we would like to tell you that this position will last until the end of the year.


Your position of Saturn gives you great hope in the balancing of your karma and in this way you can achieve greatness in determining your destiny as a group

Persius—this planet gives you the ability to control your destiny and is placed in your chart in Capricorn. It is important to align yourself to this planet in a way that guarantees your success in life in meeting your real goals of achieving satisfaction of salvaging others and in this way you will succeed as it is the planet of opportunity and in this way you can achieve a height of comprehension in what it is like in being yourself; We would like you to know that your response to this planet in your chart was activated recently when you left mary and in this way you achieved a statement of self that denied your personality everything it loved and wanted

Hyoran: You have been given the idea that your work in the world is about you retrieving some old documents for humanities preview but in fact it is about the amazing life saga being undergone before its eyes and in this case the planet Hyoran in your chart is placed in cancer to align with cusp of 11th house and in this configuration you have achieved a certain response to group life that animates you subjectively to achieve greatness.

Tyronig is placed in your 5th house and in this position conjuncts Cartecus; this gives you the ability in the 5th house of Aquarius to find a way to control your creative projects for the group use and in this way help others:

Mercury conjunct 12th house Virgo gives you the ability to see in the mind of god in ways that benefit the group subjectively.


You would be wise to consider yourself lucky to have a good astrologer here (2nd Ray):

It is important that you perceive me as someone able to help you achieve a certain sense of enlightenment about the way the universe is created to help us reach our destinies and, in this way, better serve and in respect to what I have to tell you would be wise to consider these important points in your chart—without interpretation: 30:

You have been given difficult beginning circumstances in your chart and this for various reasons four of which are: you have been bad before and not taken advantage of opportunity: you have given us worry as to your destructive bent; you have been forewarned  of this difficulty as a soul and okayed it; you have been given a chance to find yourself the hard way without support and in this you have succeeded:


You have been given an opportunity to find yourself and all of your earlier developed abilities and gifts in this process and now rely on the group for your reasoning & decisions and in this you are saved; would like to add here your response astrologically was good to your oppositions and in this way paved your way out of duality; we have given you the idea that your chart was not a happy one but you proved us wrong and are now happy; we regard this as fundamentally successful in all ways and proves that the chart can not limit ones free will.

You have given us believe also in your ability to see us as an integrate part of your life and proves that your houses reflect only those limitations you choose to overcome and, in this way, control your destiny as you control your houses; like to add here that your fundamental approach to this was perseverance and a will to love and this is all that any need to overcome whatever. You would be right in this sense except for the grace of god.

You have given much time to isolating your charts requirements for ways of moving in the world that supported your calling and, in this way, you have 4 particular ones you can align to:


First you have a willing partner in Taurus—Jupiter approaching the cusp of 9th house but in the 8th and in this way, you can achieve the needed regeneration of your personality and in this way, you can achieve your purification effectively.


Now we would like to go into the 12th house of difficulty and in this house, you have 4 planets:

–Zar 12: This planet gives you the ability to see yourself as somebody who is in charge of their subjective life and in your case very aware of connections also; like to add your response to this influence has been outstanding due to your believe in the afterlife and open to it.

–Ragidawn 22: this planet gives you a better sense of direction on finding others subjectively for you to help on the outer planes and in this capacity, you will improve once you align to this.

–Orgphygos 26: this planet has given you great heights of security in knowing your truth and in this way is there to help you find a way to travel to your destination.

–Iaphemus 3: this planet gives you a sense of yourself as someone able to achieve a destiny based upon subjective relationship to the unknown and is represented in your astral body by certain elemental sources: would like to add here that your response to the subjective world has been controlled by natal placement until last year.


You have been given the idea you will be receiving information from several sources in interpreting this chart and that is the case: 24 (Four & 20 Elders); This section deals with your ability to see yourself in ways that complicate your life as a spiritual being; it is these ways that unfold when one achieves a certain degree of success upon their spiritual path and only then; It would be wise to say that these influences noted in your chart are unfolded by spirit to test you as to your fitness to receive more responsibility and in these ways you are thus permitted to enter into Life more abundantly; we have given you this category as to assist great souls in better establishing themselves in the world of spiritual occultism . 6

This first test represented in your chart as Jupiter crosses Sun point esoterically: this test relates to your ability as soul to gather & use information for the good of Hierarchy and in this first test you have failed many times in the past and this has prevented you from receiving help in this life until recently because you decided not to pursue occultism and instead pursued trying to love those who did not love you. And in this regard, you are now free.

This second test requires from you a certain degree of success yet in life you have not yet reached and this is in regard to the teachings we are asking you to give to others later in life: this test will be comprised of showing your compassion to those in your tutelage and in this regard you will fail unless you straighten out your believes that expect you to be all things to all people.

This test allows you to take precedent in providing for others a way to go in their lives in respect to their need to become initiated; they need to know two things and two things only: they are being watched for guidance and that they are responsibility for discovering their hints.

This next test will come once you have achieved enlightenment in your early 60’s: and it will be your decision or not to pursue the path we laid out for you; need to discover this.

This next test will come once you decide that your path into the future is complete and this will be your final test this life if you decide correctly.

This next test will be an outcome of your failure to choose correctly and will consist of you being able to complete your life task as you have now foreseen it.

HB Test: This first test for HB is about a way to choose her path in the future that takes into consideration her first step.


You have been given the idea that the houses represent mundane factors in the life of the personality and in this regard it is not true but reflects 3rd aspect of soul and in this regard there are 36 factors to be looked at: 14 in HB’s chart:


VII. Would be wise to consider a way to enhance your understanding of ruler ships per DK’s public representation; need you to update your perspective here: 140

VIII. It would be wise to consider looking at this chart from the point of view of soul needs and these can be classified in this way (HZ) 140: (HB) 12:

Need you to demonstrate a certain proficiency in determining or not a way to look at star locations and importance 14:

Would be wise to consider looking at ways to interpret chart evolution of sun sign:


Useful to determine these 4 factors:

Manasic Enlightenment: This first factor is that of potentially achieving mind/abstract mind/son of mind enlightenment: This factor is shown in the chart once you take into consideration esoteric ruler of Aires; Cancer; and Pisces together these (Mercury, Neptune, Pluto) must show relationship between each other in the following ways.

Buddhic enlightenment:

Atmic enlightenment:

Triadal Enlightenment: This factor shows itself in taking in consideration certain elements of hierarchical rulers of 7-planets and when these are combined in the chart to reflect a certain geometrical design; Nine Dimensional Diamond (Spirit in the chart) made up of 7 squares seen through the third eye then it can be aligned to this configuration once the 3rd I is behind them: You have a shot of this:


Nine dimensions of a diamond:

1st: Gives you Presence and in this Presence the Lord shines brightest when this house or facet is reflecting the sun’s heat and in this way you can travel the best and the fastest to your destination; you have Mitzar here and in this way you can achieve greatness in the design of the Cosmos; you also have Quhpy there and this gives you the ability to see in the light of the sun to know where the next Brethren will come and unaided to the help of all-solar avatars; this position also gives you insight into the working of the minds of gods in relationship to SLogos and in this way the Greater Plan can unfold in your Eye.

2nd: This placement gives one the ability to see beyond the solar rim into the night sky and better judge the purpose for which the worlds were created and in this way you would be better composed to strengthen your likeness to this end; and for you, my good man, it is about away to travel to other star systems in spirit to gather information as to the timing of things and in this way you can work at leveling the world’s need to prepare itself. You have no planets here but do have six stars of importance to you as a spirit:

3rd: this position is about a way to travel as spirit (as a personality); for you it is about a way to travel that links you to susceptible places in the local galaxy and in this way you can travel abroad to have a better perspective of Home and in this way you can gather together a basket of fruit to share with others from far off lands and in this way you will be loved for your exotic nature; we have given you this information to define (Ptole) in this position and for you it is about triadal being.

4th: this position is about a way to travel that permits you to see the stars from the advantage point of those who keep you safe as a soul—this is hierarchy; you would be wise to consider this position as one of great prestige amount the many who have found refuge in Hierarchy and this is why we need to go more into this: There are several stars here and once you complete the chart will unfold it.

5th: this position is about a way to travel that limits your abilities to see into the future or not and by way of this position you can more quickly travel upwards in evolution; for you as you see there is much space for travel and in your regards, we will consider each influence once completed:

6th: This position is about a way to travel that lets in the forces of the universe in a very particular way and it is in this regard that those who travel this path relate more quickly to the forces from the cosmos; We want you to know that the forces in your chart that you recognize are lined up in this position and represents certain alignments your spirit has to these forces; in your respect it is important to enhance your understanding here about what forces spirit can respond to and thus soul—need to study TCF first:

7th: This position is about a way to travel that represents certain elements in spirits disposition and these elements make a man what he is in terms of deciding forces arrayed against him and for you have several forces arrayed against you.

8th: this next position is about a way to travel that represents your particular purpose as spirit in light of present planetary purpose and in this way you can gather more knowledge about this by analyzing there for you there are 40 planets implicated:

9th: This way of traveling represents your potential destiny as a human soul in that you would be wise to control those elements in your makeup that gathered together in one life to give you potential.


XII.  Want you to succeed in developing a way to move through this chart that highlights HB personal point of view this life as opposed to past four lives and in this way, you can achieve a certain grounded perspective of its continuity:

XIII.  It would be wise to consider this chart adequate for time being want you to add only these 40 factors to the chart as you unfold it:

Heliocentric Chart: Used to decipher what influences are playing upon Monad Group:

XIV          It would be wise to consider making plans to adjust your perspective on the way the Local Universe is set out from the others and in this way you can have a perspective on the nature of ours (composed of 7 Galaxies) and in this regard you will have the necessary information as to DK’s perspective; It is in this regard that you will need to conceive of these 7 as being aligned in a particular way and regards to centers this is as yet unknown but the universes can be known: (have to research names laterJ: each one of these are positioned in the chart to reflect the nature of pull by the local Cosmic Logos, and in this regard are on a parallel evolution:

  1. Milky Way
  2. Andromena
  3. SoZO
  4. Hefmener
  5. Iotrate
  6. Milky Way Companion-Zartraze
  7. Milky Way third-Hefmener 2nd-Behind Betalguese-Afran

It would be wise to consider these seven as a part of the chart of the Great Bear and in this way you can better conceive of the relationship our cosmic Logos has to these seven—the quaternary of this great being; and in this regard is unlikely to have much meaning except for Solar Logos or beyond.

But in respect to one’s individual chart as a monadic group it appears as a destiny line and this destiny line seems to relate in some way to the origin of Spirit and in your case this origin relates to number 7 on the above list and in this regard, there are many other ones in this solar system with such alignment.


It is important you retrieve certain information we have gathered on this System: 6

You have supposed that this system relates to the idea of a seven fold existence of principles but in fact it is much more; it is not unlike the idea of the 7 Brothers returning home after the feast of the Passover and deciding to take control of the way God works to enhance the understanding of all life and in this regard has given birth to a new idea that god can be known directly by applying the fruits of ages worth of struggle and challenges and in this way fire of friction can burn away the dross. It is in this regard that this larger system works and in this way the fruits of the ages are collected in a central storehouse to build the templ

You have been given information on this to better enlighten your perspective; it will not be necessary to find this for anyone below the level of third I.

Next, we would like you to look at the possibility of receiving information on the whereabouts of registering information on the controlling planets within your chart and for you there are four:

  1. Mental-109-Afgropheis: this planet is about you being more able to control your mind field in such a way as to exhibit a greater control of vitris and in this way can reach Nirvana more easily.
  2. Mental-Glolopia: This planet is about you being able to achieve a greater alignment with spiritual gifts.
  3. Abstract-109-Persius: this planet is about you being able to achieve a certain focus in the on the egoic inner round (heaven worlds) responsible for your visions of such.
  4. Abstract-109-Regulus: This planet is about your quarreling with your soul in how to achieve a certain sense of composure in making your world work for you as you have been given a difficult task this life with little lead way in working it our and it is due to your difficult aspects to this planet; you would be wise here to consider this planet as being your soul’s guide to overcoming its difficulties in adjusting to this planet and in this way you can work miracles as this is the virtue unfolded. You might be wise to adjust your perspective here to include the idea of you working alongside others to create a better world as a soul and this is what it means.


This section deals with the idea that you need to receive guidance from these sources in relationship to this life in body as a personality: 4


Angel of the Presence: This will give you all the needed training to carry out your life purpose and in this regard, you have received as a soul all of it.

Monadic Group: next you will have to keep in mind a certain sense of destiny here related to concepts we can not share at this juncture as you have-not the knowledge anyway but be wise to consider that this destiny is aligned with stars in your chart and these are 40 in number that has this influence—would be wise to consider making a list of these stars soon as they are an important part of cosmology of solar Logos.

Star of Direction: this star gives you latitude to draw upon the resources of the Holy Ghost and in this respect, there are many for you yet to draw in this life: 4000 or so; you would be wise here to reflect awhile on this configuration in your chart that represents your birth chart now: 14 elements to this chart:


Ascended 22 degrees Libra (keeps moving forward if successful)

You would be wise to draw out your chart and place these planets now—40:

    • Mitzar
    • Alcor
    • Quhpy
    • Ptole
    • Afgropheis
    • Mars/mental 5th
    • Vulcan
    • Pluto
    • Ghrumba
    • Trookhd
    • Glolopia
    • Regulus
    • Rug3
    • Mempis
    • Sym
    • Venus
    • Mercury
    • Jupiter
    • Perius
    • Fo
    • Gyo
    • Taurscrro
    • Hyoran
    • Tyonig
    • Zar
    • Ragidawn
    • Orgphygos
    • Iaphemus

Afgropheis: This planet gives you your sense of direction in terms of movement upon the inner planes and for you it is all about you are able to achieve relationship between those inner planes and those outer planes and in this capacity you will achieve enlightenment.

This next section deals with helping yourself as a soul; and in regards to you it is about you reaching up to the stars to find direction; it is this direction in lieu of momentous changes on the earth that gives you your stability as a soul and your fixed will; we regard this as an unusual configuration for you give your recent history and thus makes us more intrigued as to your astrological alignments that might also contribute to this—so far we have found none.

This section deals with (difficulties)the possibilities of you finding yourself in any particular life as a soul and in your regards you have achieved alignment with the four planets above mentally and all of these conjunct in some way   your response to world need at this time; we regret to inform you that your curse here is not being able to come through in life with your plans and in this instance you are to worry as to whether or not you will be able to pull off your strategy; we would advise you that you pretend to know many things to hedge off problems but this will eventually backfire so need to be prepared to save this strategy for a later life to be effective. 8


You have been given the idea above that adjustment is needed to max free will here and,

in this regard, there is truth here. Would like you to receive information from these other.

three astrologers on this topic to have a rounded-out perspective?


First: You have been given this configuration in the hope of finding yourself up against the wall in looking for a way to better serve the planet and in this way you will have to achieve a certain perfection in your understanding to move forward and in this way you will be trained to see in the light of spirit its particular objective in terms of the Lord and for you it is all about the choice between two paths; One upwards in the face of danger (take by storm & trail & error) and the other upwards in the face of love it is these two paths that separate you from yourself and need to be understood in terms of a form of service; you would be wise here to adjust your perspective here and see life as Being sees it and this is the protection of all life.


Second: You would be wise to consider yourself fortunate in that you have received

Grace so often and has found favor in the eyes of the great ones for such and in this.

case, they are preventing you from achieving the easy path as your ability is to achieve a

more difficult one and, in this way, can be of service in unusual ways.


Third: this configuration gives you the ability to see yourself as someone able & willing

to face a challenge and, in this way, can grow in subtle perception.


This next section deals with the possibility of registering these four higher forms of lives:



Planetary Hierarchy

6th Creative Hierarchy


In regard to yourself you need to keep in mind that your trait of knowing that the source(s) you are working with comes from your alignment to these three stars: In Orion 3:

Peddlers Cove: This star gives you a sense of direction in meeting Plan contingencies and relates you to the direction Hierarchy is focused at any one time and in this regard you are being watched for guidance now in respect to this direction you need to go.

St Orion: This star warrants careful consideration in that it is composed of two separate elements first being it is responsible for bearing 6th Creative Hierarchy gifts and secondly for analyzing a way for the Devas to go in response to Greater Galactic Logos and in this respect you have witnessed; You would be wise here to adjust your perspective on the way these devas work in the solar system in response to this and your time would be well spent in understanding this.

Arrow-Star of Direction (finger):


Received through Inspirational Telepathically and composed by HZ 2003.


Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School